HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-3, Page 7D 1 A T H 0 M A T R 1▪ 110 ✓ to tnr ►od oar THE t IG 'Al.: UODERICH ONTARIO FIE SIGNAL'S CLUBBING LIST 1914.15 Signal and Toronto ailyoGlobe with 75 Signal and stat boxes persons 3.5`i rural Mail and Empire3.75 Signa and Dilly Signa and Daily Mail and Empire to persons with rural postal boxes 3.50 Signa and Montreal Family Herald 1 85 and Weekly Star and Saturday Illustrated Globe1.85 and Weekly Sun (Toronto) 1.85 and Toronto Daily Star ^.8o and Toronto Daily World 3.25 and Toronto Daily News ail and 2.8o and Toronto Weekly 1 .60 2.35 1.85 Signa Signa Signa Signa e Signa e Signa Empire e Signa e Signa Signa and Far'mer's Advocate., and Canadian Farm and Farm and Dairy • New Renewal. Signal and The Country Gentleman ... 3.25 Signal and Canadian Poultry News.... 1.35 Signal and Grain Growers'Guideek1.50 Signal ,and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press .60 'he Signal and London Daily Advertiser2.90 e Signal and London Weekly Advertiser I.6o Signal and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition 3.5o Evening Edition 2.90 e Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness. 1.85 e Signal and World Wide 2.25 e Signal and Presbyterian 2.25 e Signal and Westminster 2.25 e Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 e Signal and Catholic Register New 1.70 Renewal .. • 1.85 he Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto).. 3.4o e Signal and McLean 8 Magazine 2.25 he Signal and Home Journal (Toronto). 1.75 e Signal and Canada Monthly (Winnipeg) 1.50 These prides are for addressee in Canada or (Treat Britain he Signal and Woman's Home Companion he Signal and The Saturda y Evening Post 2.50 e Signal and The Youth' C panion (Boston) 1.60 1.85 (New York) 2.75 -' he Signal and The Ladies'Home Journal. 3.00 a om 3.10 e Signal and The Scottish American (New York) 3.25 Including postage to CuradiIn eubscribert. The above publications may be obtained by Sig - I subscribers in any combination, the price for any blication being the figure given above less $t.00 nting the price of The Signal. , For instance : The Siigal end Tbe Family Herald and Weekly 1r.a5 Star - .. The Fankees Advscate (1s.35 leas $1.00).......... 1.35 :3.m -making the price of the three papers $3.2o. Tb. Signal and The Weekly Sun „$i85 The Toronto Daily Star ($2.8o lees 09 . 11.0 13.65 -the three papers for $3.65. If the publication you want is not in above list, let us know. We can supply almost any well-known Canadian publication. Send subscriptions through local agent or by postofliice or express order (not by bank cheque) to THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED Goderich Ontario T111 ••S1LdYMN' ARRIVE aerladl th !res very ►appy here." I1 M. S. Iroise.. r Ms 'Vended Measelss.- ay et ether le martyred lielgiam, tosses l the redsBe d hope that, tale wultldy- la the village . M 4f It is the of atoeing u roma Fur days excitement bad prevallsd Istt llsisa . to those of r.ebl reu w.ee k slot ter the w geed themeaises V asourity among bnskgrowed of golden stalbbie, mad the o, we may coma*, sod lo a moans fora troetad of berry -lades badget o•• snake up to bee for them the has loot. nag t bare Imagleed 1t was mtprim,l, ea dist nates so seamy kindly folk. thorough and etEcient le the Weaning el old mot snow Sognah swops. bad which is being given to the already moth wanes hearts," says one a Lb. well -kept hours. refugees. Furniture le b.i11g bloaters.* ' 'They know It now. and surely for all and curtail" Ramer*. nide and add- I time Belgium and Britain will he imams beaten. white askew= Raked together to a comtnou bond of and even pspeMotherhood Perrin* l• bring osertM and gestitude. as► out in 0013341 �..��eg Au excited little girl, wbo le 1•a� wiurh over • large family in the 1•ae during the indoor activities d her another, will tell you tete reason d it 1411-''1 he Helgiums are coming r Wbat Coo We D. ? Now that tie"R.igiuns" w coating. activity takeetbe placard distress and horrified sympathy: the ualveceml Dear Mr. Mime: - quest.lon is, what can every one do? Tbauka for the privilege el appeal - "Here is • oke airy bdroom--a tag through your 0Ntttana se behalf d oouple ouuld make tbeireelves very f he Hospital tor flick Ckildrew. TM comfortable there," the owtaer of the Hospital takes care of rick clad de - home otiose. its she points out the , furrow] children. not only Ia Toronto. newly whitewashed ceiling, and turns out to the previa". °ststd, d the city. hack the bed with it, spotless harem- '111s coming year. of all the yours dae.oested sheers. "they'd be gloat to , la the Hospital's Ithitory, ba. • mere rest Mrs poor tbiogs. and to (eel as ' series outlook as regards thesis tier they're safe -end isn't there • nice view from the window Y' The generosity of tbia working eoui- munity is quite woederfuL Toiling fathers are ready to sacrifice a tithe of their bard -earned wages ; harassed 'mothers, who nod the problem of fill - nig many little mouths already • WS - (gently dti fait, ate still eager to take in one or two *mall "Belgium. "They'll share and ',hare alike wi' our children. Irony one goes Whirs it will certainly not Ise a eta -anger 'little 'un.' " In one bowie a guest is provided for . atter a very simple t•sblou. ••We've just talked it over among ourselves, sad settled we'd all go with- out our reeler dinners one Jay in the Will You Noll 110 Hospital for Sick CMINroo, eke Groot ProrInIal Ckorlty ? -+- malnt•aaaee. Ikea any year that bee passed Ito calendar. So many calla are b.MM made is the poises of the 'amorous people et To- ronto and Ontario, to kelp the soldiers of the aspire, that as 1 make my dally rounds through the wards el tae Hospital. and see the ttaaertag NOM - Area la ear cote and beds. the thought strikes ase as to whether the people .111 aa of old, with all the demamds made upon them, answer oar appeal and help to walotata fie Inetltaltss that Is agbtlag l the aever.mdlag tattle with disease mad *balk la the endeavor to save Lk* stricken Md. ooes la the child-itte of Outside. Last year then were 7134 f• from 210 places outside of tS. week -we 11 just save enough that way „ and la the post twenty years theirs to keep a child." have been 7,000 treat ptao.s la die A whole family are to be billeted its ' Neurine other than Tomato. one large farmhouse, and here sod 1t costa to 82.14 per patient per dap there about the irregular street other for maintenance. The aa..bipaltties families are to be received, care tieing pay for patients 51 ler patient per taken to provide for the children a day; the Government ammo 00 mess close proximity to their psrentt. per patient per day; ea isiaotlmg 51.20 fres M.34. It leaves the Hogltad They Dost Usderataod English. with 51.14 to pay out of subscriptions The onl drawback to the minter- , it receives from the people of Toronto tion of their boats is the incredible and the Province. The shortage least fact hat the refugees are unable 1.1 year ram to 518,001. understand English Since IMO about 1.000 eases of club "They don't even understood when �• bow legs and smock knees 4v you write it out plain and put the bee° treated. and 01 thaw 000 bad Pert." correction. NeaN all Maw Pre - paper were from reRerent para of the paper In their hands," one good UU nes uli y relate r. wince outside of e cony of Toronto. nder other circumstances such • Remember that every year b •war w 1 lamentable display of ignorance would ,mem be considered rep a day of battle, every minute the warm sympathy and admiration Hospital needs money, not for its own a which is felt lBelgium and ell t bat sake, Det for the children's sake. The e,beoeiolr, but for year with the Hospital; every day 1s f.ua DAY. D cmorstes 13, 1914 1 Get him face to face -by Telephone YOUR .CUSTOMER, your salesman or other business associate may be allowing things to slow down just for the want of a reassuring word from you. Get him on the long distance telephone and have a short talk. Point him to the abundant harvests and the unmis- takable signs of a general brightening up in business. He has confidence in you and your assurance will help mightily. There is nothing like the sound of the human voice to reassure and stimulate to action. A systematic study of the possibilities of the long distance telephone as applied to your business in all its branches will repay the time it takes. As a real economy it has no equal. Everg Berl Telephone (s a Fong Distance Station.. The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. ammimmappersemepimpgrwanimmommmi THE BELGIAN MOTHER. Hear me. a God. that relsmest upon b*b. From blood bespattered field. hear tbou my, appertains to it causes the village t u Hospital 1thebattle-ground where the tas ag be tolerant now, if a trifle superior.Hear thou • Bsislamot-heel Berm appssl village school, Armies of Life have grappled with the whore borates torn beneath the Preeslan keel. The children go to the v and though the tre.rhers' French is of floats of heath. and the lite or death Crim„un brawl... rhalNortee Thy sky, a limited order, and Flemish it of tkouaands of little oklidres is the in Christ the Merciful demanding why - o►turally non-existent. they nowise',issuethatthat is mottled In that mer. Will .Wherefore the murder of my vaUuut yowl to understood each other. '1l-, hlaet you let the Hospital b. Arleen hem oraWherefore the ravage of my little ones► board proves to be a useful institution, the field of la tattle to save the Ifo Hear me, a Father; Jesus, hear ane pray! : d the little visitors' knowledge of of tittle ebtldren for the lack d molly ' Shall there be reckoning. shell Prowls Day 1 arithmetic is quite surprising. Romp. you can give and never dee? I tr. in the eebooly•rd and giggling dashes Every dollar may prove Melt a at each other are procedures which a» dreadnought In tie battle agseaet Fathom, to whom Lush these mann yeses, universally understood among ehil- dren. the death, a tlaguklp h the fleet did tlgbne Thou wilt give an••wer to a mother's tow: and e little "Belgium11w w s' are dub- fur th. of nal* e►Ha. dr•Give aaewer to the cry of her despair. *Nou*rentl conducted hoe by some Remm eber Ibat the door d iia 1111.'„ If Hearbe not o'etthrown. 1f Thou art rc of j house house which cumtaid M ns sisal's mercy Is the door pg. and there!! their temporary touters, ntarchiott your dolole r. kind rear, may M M over the cobble -stones hand-in-hand key that opens the dear for maw in perfect silence. but with beaming ' body's child faceWill you sem* a dollar, es assn Y The Cry for Work ou can. to Douglas Davidson. Maas• tarv-Trearerer. w , The fillies' one cry is for work, work J. ROSS ROfa1lseTftON, of any kind which may serve to die Chairman oe the Hoar4 d lr 1rss iso trae% their thoughts. The Ranco 1 TswsM make themselves useful in every way they can, helping with household I Weak on Geography. auttee, and nursing and washing the I The Filar a Wife (Inquiring atter babies,wb seem to oaks kiodl) to A d y n nam (ran or them Y v o k sheep)- n how is our so these new free y) Macdoing since he went to New o k . murettrer,fimploy tlemselies in Redi Hodge (whose son has written to Crass work, and shirt -making for our ; at him from the famous New York prl- soldiers at their own sager request• son) -alts gone on to Chita. eppar- 1he men belong chiefly u, the coni mum. 'S writes to me atom nod suitable occupation for them, butte g .. of latill+ diElculty, too, bas toe•n Pat Mac(3uire was engaged to reap a overcome. A cabinet-maker and a field of hay, and the farmer on giving tailor may be see" working affably I him the scythe told him it was such a sideby side in field or garden ' a good a that he had only to put the re Ing 5 , s rim (VD. wor- ,11 such swat sire • et ei t. a A SMALL ASHER OR SO M ail that M needed to set plumbing to rights. 1f that ' ak we'll putthemi. where 117 ewethe moss geed. and depart WON'T SAY UR PLUMBING •°rn net.. and He your whole apart just to make work. tree trot that kind of plumb's*. ws sbow you? ED ROBINS Extra Specials is Ma's Islhd Boys' Fall sed ..Wir.$st W ss .. 15 Me°'s Overcoats priced ar 1111,1111,7111to clew pairs rs lien's Tweed Para to clear. $1.40 :11 flair. of Boys' Pints .n clear at. lolls We are able to supply your needs is Boyi add Nee', Rubbers. Overshoe". Long Rubber Boots and good Iloes of solid Leather Mines. Mitts sad Gloves I We have large einertaate la Ree d Mom's Wear. HUNT' M. ROBINS LTO !STRUT GOODRICH P/1ow$ 111111 massa gvosweo+ %AeTla. 111.00 P Pe artisan class, ami It bee nom hard tot eft 7.• n -London Sketch. plumber has learned to milk cows sed point of the blade in the hay and it to "serve pigs." though he cherishes would go round the field itself. the dream of being introduced dao When the farmen went to the field distant date ur ioesetbtug interesting" about dinner -time to sae bow he was in him own particular Ito. A 1000',WON on. Pat was sitting at the maotrr of by bomely and necaewr7 iykeslde with the point of the anytime craft bas promised to conduct him oa int hahay, and just as the farmer be - a special tour of inspection one ref e to swear at him for having cut no them days.hal , Pat yelled out, "Rape tack 1 But. wean the ssataw or masse liars tack 1 ye dont know the minute Domes under e tosiderstioe • w e going to start " le In store for tbeia,esp arve,y ..13 O ow,fslbwgis. Yo. n momoto os,esti py .lre fin Tills wOMAN RAs pose .bead given us all we seed nit it go to your soidiers. so that we ay feel we are working for tans. as well •s our women." This sample of georrosit7 from folk who are not alcove Iskiog an ,sten glees d tor, mann occasional °r. typicalsurely typtl generosity oosatry to wbieh they bdosg-w° �y Worn .ample, deer., contested Uttie etesstry I Meda• Le . Helpless. I stand amid the storm of hate, My oWldnD .Iain, my telas nuncio desolate; I will not cease from urging t111 Thou give Some sign, some token. that Thy Justice Ure. By day Uwe and by night time 1 ebali pray. For thew foul crimes on mine. shall Prussia Pay! 111. For +ask of clues, .acrllege of chigoes, Fur trampled tombs, a 1 houeand nameless dimes. Thatcry for vengeance unto Heaven's Memo. Shall he Dot pay. shall Provide not *tons The dying bands of children grip my heart. From vale and aplaod, sed the thrones( mart. Tbwe 1e no laughter where thel need to play ; They cry unmotbered. .carved. with tams gray. If thin be not a hell 'Death devil's sway, For all my 11111. me. shall Praada pay ! IEOT ONIIAPI'T w b°° given its an for the °memos The ~dors' [serest it M sot only oar owe rustle ers- gssaity wb11a r oestrous to mammas ewe asigian glasses : the W t�kk Ibb�osd his milted sound Mem. Prom distant part. of the ertoatsy. ,von 1e nsl ttsngOhre, ag o,un- tis k rouse lettere with °fleas of help sad brtsp1tsliI y H.....• and /male, deseletu clot galrw• are l.. to had Ger the asking. And moat terrorist of ' all are tea applications `or Halgi.n ' rbildr eo "to beingwit/tour own," It le some oases adopted' y ale= h •w�pHssadOs. e» always s.svepgi by Ismer. y erea- tmera teams, away MM.. aand oven mom beg dlsiwasse twain is the here et takiag boob • baby. We have tem 11*2. gun* yea MP." says one good IMatebwamss, 'hat we Medd w.'d like a little boy. Jeanie weal like a little 'wither, wouldn't yet ionww r 1st then are to .tray Besglen • bales goiegr and the timid pto.p.euve trs�gmw away sgaan. with . taanher to tea mea ranger ht. le nn.. %Tins\ r e .tre.a. some to be b•P/y.- she says NK and neer. '�e7 .mond to b. T- Alt How Nervous ©ryi ii Spas Were Ended by Incl. Meemea*.. DI:- "I was weak, worm - eat emu tssrvea► I hod Msad "eels* Res ',Mug. end one IW m thlost broke Were and wheel a reload came b and sated me what was the 'matter. I told td WI madition u how aoWag I hook at to do tae my good Viol was esggeeab 1 get a bottle eats Indere it was Wf gem 1 amid .04 a4 mow well I sentIneed its s.s ow my friends we1 leek Ms years youngera well.r, healthy and string elm* I a w 1 nervous women M (lek ." PL amid Whim Mumma Gats. tiesm.mth. IU. There e ere unsay ev.rwerkoo. Wed- atmt arrtrwt4 Wives wanes IN This ethe :t.t Vinod. we and „twos . ed Iver sad hen took. rand se sore ere we that it will build them up sad silt. diem Wing that we oder to reams their meg It It fells to bendt. Viae) Is a &Ads= ed the eatraatd end Nag old mid papratls Imo ami eraastss as et dr N. O. Damien Pewit.. draaggl.t. Bedgwr Meek. Ibuderieh. Daniel*. LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC 1 SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION, LIMITED UNPRECEDENTED OFFER OP SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZES. Write for Particular's LOTTIE ARMSTRONG. F. LIN FORTH WiLLGQOSIa. Registrar. Mas. Bac. (Deaelm) Prrsetpal• Address: -354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont. IV. ll Clod of mins. Thy harvest room AM beams. Nor hides in horror from such ghastly mesas; And Thy great Sao 1 thought Thy heed Wight .bade. And dial the light that gays such corsage aid. Red news rides across Me plt•o•• Plain : Behold Namur. beheld beloved Lo.wat,l Temples of Wisdom, prostrate la tae Mae, Trampled and starred to ghat a demeet's test Haat Thou no rod tits crowned 1110.1 to flay 1 For ruin of beauty, Lord, .hall t'rassl► pay I Out from the land that loved thea., h.ggared. nuts. Sons Iron. the 1olne of olden heroes sprung! They whom great Caesar chronicled In praise, Ilbalt thou leave outcast, doom'd te evil days I Shall Belglom's sheds shall this belayed soil Whose very mould 1. martial, be smile spoil Lord of the dalhs us older b.u..e. hear TW all I leve. UU all i bold son Mar - TUI lay young hero.klag shall and W throne, 1111 Beigtae. shall .gain .tag Mean .f home. I from lie rules, sight mail day. ekes:. 454.. ,Q(iw..yaps PUpw11 Days -"fledges. L Diewa. 1s Cathode gmelat«, Th. War Does Not ARett the Nursery Business. in spite of the war we are selling more nursery stock than ever Wore. We have 'n..nt toe another agent in this county, however, and applie atiooe should he sent in et once. A good • woo should earn from $lit to IOW per week tlgnt through the winter. No delivering or collecting. Outfit free. Time. W. BowsAw A BON Co , LTD.. Ridgeellle, Ont. THE LATEST NEWS THE TWO BEST OURCES AT A BARGAIN RATE THE WEEKLY MAIL AND EMPIRE AND THE SIGNAL THE TWO TOOFT1MER NOW TILL JAN. ist, 19I5, 35 Cants NOW TILL JAN. Ist, 1916, $1.60 THE MAIL AND EMPIRE By Reason of Its Superior Cable Service, Has Earned the Title of "THE WAR PAPER" The Merits of Our Own Paper Are Too Well Known and Valued to Require Comment Order Early for the Bargain Rate Send -ill Stibscrtptiotts to office of The Sigasl, Goderich, Ont. - A widow, who was the owner of al small shop was usually .+c0'0horse by an admirer, w red tub- n beg that ooetained the day's takings.' 1t was generally am1. nub- beg Ye. musts he doln' weer amid the arm fre- quenUy. -Oh, ay," the lady would reply. it's a guid hit bosis°ee!.. Dot m1e old not otecbes the feet 01st besides the atoder+ath takings.the bag cow allow the eomatrr weettlie. The coney Inver only dissevered that in atter ms Mees. Nuoeretitiew spaaue�teM are alwey. di. - appotated it 1t Weevil happee. 81NCsU5. Ass WNW sib is Voss° el pia and Mass anostil ton Os Norm is tl� houblds~non T i hssrtj down hs� M tatty Is stip, 'WM be resod nil WM las amnia �t� mad lam swineSok iso of Favorite rescription Tarr is InBudd MrMett run and M woitdA�l G Ii Gla 1LY.mstA b'sbs�i 'JprssamA Eit.=E dal+ 001