The Signal, 1914-12-3, Page 6'f'noahaav, Dieting,* >. 1 1It Good Morning We Are Introducing American Bilk American Cashmere American Gr•uotr Chir HOSIERY '1'l,cy bave stood the test. (i've reel ttw+t comfort. N✓ mania to rap Ne'-er become loose or b,tyegy. The shape is kelt in- not pressed in. GUARANTEED for Oneness, .tyle, superiority of material and workrnansbtp. Aleiolutely .btiakss. Will wear six months wii flout hole., oe new obeli free. OUR SPECIAL OFFER 10 every one sending us $1.00 ion cutr.ucy or postal note, to cover advertising and ahippine charge,. we will send post-paid, with written guarantee. backed t,y a five million dollar company, ether. 3 Pails of our '7'Sc valise Arnie item Silt lto,ir ry or 4 Pairs of our SOC value American ('a-hmerr Htwiery or 4 Pairs of our Soc value American Cotton -Lisle Lioeiery or 6 Pairs of Children's Hosiery O i ve the Dolor. size. and wheth- e, ladies' or gent's hosiery is de- OONT DKLAY - Offer es- p;r•0 when a dealer in your to- e..t.tv is selected. TDE INTERNATIONAL SOS1E T CO. P.O. Box 211 DAYTON. OHiO, U.P.A. ••+++H THE uhsr MARKETS Pr,wara Market Following are the latest geal0000011 tor farms produce at St. Lauren°, Y'irket Toronto. wheat. lutsbel $1.16 to $1 18 Goose wheat 1.16 0.00 Oats. mew . 4 .66 Barley ,K .70 Buckwheat .76 .11 Rye .96. .06 Peas 1-60 1.10 Hay, timothy. Na 111.00 21.00 allied and clover 16.00 16.04 Cattle hay 10.00 11.00 Straw, bundled 16.00 16.00 do. loose 9.00 11.10 Rye straw 17.00. 11.00 Oat Straw 16.0) 17.00 Butter. choice dairy.30 .11 kgs, sew 'aid. dos.10 .66 Fowl. dressed. Ib. .10 .11 Spring chicken. ib.11 .17 Ducks. spring. Ib. .14 .18 Turkeys. lb .111 .10 Creme, lb. .14 .16 Live hens, Ib.111�1 .16 do. ducks. spring, Ib. :14 .00 do. geese. Ik .14 66 .16 i Apple.. basket .$S do. barrel 1.76 3.60 Potatoes, bag .76 .00 Onions. basket .36 .46 do. Sllversklns. bkt.40 .00 Port, per pound .16 .10 Dressed hogs 10.00 11.00 Beef, hindquarters 13.00 0.00 do. forequarters 10 .00 0.00 axe Cornejo Out of the Wet It is easier To KEEP DRV under \Vet Conditions, than '1'O KEEP WET under Dry Conditions' With our large stock of Light and Heavy Rub:- hers, ub=hers, Cloth Overshoes and Arctics, • w e ere pr'etsared to supply you with just what you may need to keep your feetdry, warm and comfort*We. Toronto Cattle Market Representative prices are:- dhipplag steers MI. ,Oto$1.26 Handy choke steers 7.76 3.00 Butcher steers. good 1.00 7. do. medium 7.26 7. do. common 6.76 7. Heifers, good to choice7.00 7. do. medium to good6.00 7. Butcher cows. choice6.60 7. do. good 6.00 6. do. medium 6.75 6. do common G.ae 6. Butcher bulls. choice u.74 7. do. good balls 6.35 6. do. medium 6.60 6. do. rough bologna 4.00 6. Feeders, 954 to 1.100 lbs. 6.60 4. do. ,build 6.00 6. Stockers. 750 to 900 lbs. 4.25 6. d o. med., 656 to 760 5.60 6. de. light, 500 to 650 4.60 6. Canners 3.76 4. Cutters 4.10 6 Milkers. choice, each80.00 100. do. com. and med40.00 s0. Springers 60.00 100 ealves. veal, shotes9.00 10 do. medium 7.00 2 do. common 0.00 Iambs, light .. ,. 6.26 do. heavy 7.00 do. cults 6.50 Ewes. light . 6.25 Sheep, heavy and bucks 4.00 Culls 3.00 Hogs, weighed off cane. 7.76 do. fed and watered. 7.10, do. f.o.b. 1.15 SHARMAN THE PHOS MAN 76 60 31 THE BTGN Al. PERHAPS IT'S 'THE KIDNEYS Set are making you Iasi so badly. If sq you can easily MIL If your head feels dull wail your beck hurts marfy all the tisae--il yowl appetite is poorly sod your toague is coated -if the prime Sums, to hlghlcolored and area - sirs is o»' -ll you motive a brkk dust deposit er morns in flea urine atter steadies over night -then you artsi.ly have something the matter with your Kidneys. (wet /1 srs k aarelM. Ci11 ,.p�r� isms lima 11ie1 taw. �tma. the atarye milP . is my aaa Limb& I bare tried areyred mourolles screw. AM sunt UM rOie I watt anon re4irv.d dam pies awn siwati a"prtatly cured, wad ire esteeli tieOim rf1Y Mt, ., J. cbv. Gin tills are "Made In Canada" and sold by all dealers &talk. a box, 6 for 10.30. Sold in U.S. under the name "OINO" Pills. Write us for free trial ttrDveattment. {gat . • W- Limem miwd. C Tae,.. ria • • .• • v r e c IN Wog eat MVO.. r • 76 What 1s a Heifer? 00 00 The question Is sometimes ukri 60 s• to the enact age or condition neves 00 nary to transform a heifer into a cow . 76 This is really rather a hard quests . 15 to answer with finality. but in a prlu' Mt from the agricultural society n' ti ',Johannesburg, South Africa. we 041 26' a leOnition. The prise list says: 10,"Ilse society'■ definition of a heifer 76 far its show purposes Is as fo'low,' 76 l'An animal (female bovine) shall r:' 10 mauls • better until she ' attatas t5' 26 age of three years or has a van, which 61 ever event first happens.'" 60 -- .001 Ground Fence Wir:e GOD RIO r PREPARING TO TAKE OFFENSIVE Y WINTER SESSION . terse. Jatrtm a ala so ell departments of t(.e fENTaAL el'gtN$ IS C04 I.P_(: E. Yams mrulJiieree1d 0(z err. T .r ads fhr C'e'slawue sequin "eierisrity is Equipment. Staff, girth "sr. arid Its-ul'. Yoe are *.'*ted to w rite for it if t,rtereettd to the trod of et -hon' moo k ahs h Ming• beet sneer«. Add,ea. W. H PH.t W. Pre -Meek For Hair Health W Rall wild' flair Teak MM IBA Im•Pre.e the bsdtb ed year acdp and hair. we will peg ties what you use tlltrtag the trial. We eo.id sot so steamily adores Retail "93" Haar Toole sed matinee to 041 it to the mama people if It did era de el mos deka. Should it art prove n=e eatietartory oars . - touters leen filth Ir u} we would baa their pstro.age. sad one internes would au/ar. If yougnr hair is Wise out oryw 1seolde, we n:il "OM"Mohaaph Moir d n to er`dieate the dasdrea. give to tire reale. abineralate ,.ew b•k growth and prevent perm/aura�/. e'•w• than any other human agMRy. W .• went you to metre w prem a Mk you In risk n0 m0w� whet'- r, Huy s betas of 'sa ' Hair Tee* era it meemedi.g dinrttoas fora thirty days then 11 age e...1 tollwad moaair /aglj4. thud Lmessy the essy you =lie to fell IL We won't mak you to sign sq - thin*. nor even to bring the bottle bark. We won't obligate yes ••y way. We will take your mare word. Codd anything he more fake (',11.1 we de earthing more to ptsw� n belief in Reea11 ' 03" Hair Tock, an.t our hosaati of purples ie ru e - wwllna it to you? R -■su -IIS" Hair Toads la an pier ant 46 se as awls mow and baap be.t a faint. *odes eler. it ee le tiredness d Wefts. 110s sad N.M. You eau hey Kesel "Se" Hair Tofu le this esamady 5.47 at mer SIMM I/. 1' I►1.1.1 .i. 1'. w 11 , lrr•..,(alet. Ilei.,.. 1 I$'w•t . ,t .,,.-1 001 Groundtng fence wires afford■ 00 Womble protection from llghtn'nt .00 and le a worth -whit,, invicetme It for .00 farmers. AA ; Hundreds of vasuable animals rrf 7.01 stntck by lightning every semme7 8 70 many of 1h.casualties being titres' 7.6) due to currents carried along pes•i_r 6.0) fences. 6.041 To secure the best results Froom. 5.00 wires ought to be placed abct.t 104 4:09 feet apart ao J closely staplO3 to f:' 0.410 post. so as to form a contact with 0.00 every ore of the fence wires. Th; au) ,ground wires should also extend sight Iy above the fence post, and Ike a Vitale, rod. should penetrate tete Toronto Grain Pekoe ,011 tar enough to reach moat earth. The following wholesale prices are Number eight or nine wire 1s most quoted at the Toronto Board of Trade: satisfactory for this purpose. Manitoba Wheat --Lake ports., new crop. No. 1 northern. {1.224,: No 31 northern, 41.20. Manitoba Oat. -New crop. No. 3 C.W.. Mc; No. 3 C.W.. 65c. track. bay torts. Ontario Oats -New. outside. 6Jc to 61c. -Ontario Wheat -No. 2 car lots. 11.10 to 31.12, outside, according to freights. American Corn --New. Na. 2 yellow. all rail shipments. Toronto freight 70c to 71c. Peas -No. 2. 11.60 to 41.70. car lots; outride. Rye --Na 2, 92c to 95e. outside. Barley -Good malting barley. out- side. 66c to 67c; Manitoba feed bar - My. 116c to 67c. lake ports. Rolled Oat. -Per bag of 90 pounds. 43 to $3.20; In smaller hos. 2326 to $3.36. Wledeor to Montreal. Buckwheat -71c to 73c. car lots, etetside. Mltlfe d-rarlots. per ton. bran. pi to 326; .Aorta. 236 to 437; NUS Wags, 431 to $21; good feed Sour. German Attack 1n Fr La -as Energy and all Await OLtcome of Battle In Deland The Gerp au effort in the wt theatre of 'sox has relasad. It is oMclally $,:uousced that their forces In Belgium are entirely on the de genitive. las France their attacks have been desultory and have lacked power 'There le an Impression that the allies aro about to talo rho offensiv: On Belgium and Northern Fr,nce. •u'_ that • great attack by the Frolic and British may b • loe•ked for in t'i • event of • great Ruastuu triumph in Poland. Military Owen era incline to the belies that the Germaus are sus- pending operations In the west until in Isaac la obtained :'( the east. and are preparing to withdraw to a second line of defences in Belgium 1f the issue is again t them: The rtRtc.al report Monday nig:rt stated that there was calm every- where except near Arras, where some attacks by the Germans were made and repulsed. The expected drive of 700,000 men against the allied line 'n the region of Arras has not developed. although tip- Germans have shown more energy in that region than 1n any other part of the battle line. The Germans are believed to bare massed fourteen army corps in the region jest east of Arras, with the intention of concentrating In that re - eon. it is practically certain that they have :.handoned their main CL- deavor from Ypres to Armentieres. and will attempt to hew through aures tber south !t appears that they telt out the allies ' strength with about 3,000 men. It Is expected that they. will pe news within a day or two of a more general and violent attack. Then were turd-foughten8agementa 1n five areas of tattle on Sunday near Ypres, to Belgium, near Arra. the key of the allied left wing, between the Somme and the Cbaulnes, nortt of the Aisne. and far to the east of the line to the Vosges. where heavy .nowtaU has added to the difficulties of operations - The official report says that the allies made advances near Ypres. further safeguarding Inc position which has blocked • German advancS toward the French coast The principal Aglaia( .vas near Arras Vie Are .Scranton WhiteMh HardCoa Ancient Automobiles Shown together In an automobl'e 1NNues In London are • steam cxr MILL In 1860. a steam tricycle dating tram 1881 and a gasoline car htrented fa Lk*. Canada has 42.100 men and bol, employed os .easels. Deafness Cannot Be Cured • Moes! spplk•atlnrw. a. (her cannot meth the diseased port, netthe ear. there 1• only .er wag et ease dealleem. ant that 1. by ooao 14 n - Y rsmdtas. neuro!.. 1. "Anted by a.. 1n. Fa {don of tie moron. tin'., '•r't.. 'tete. When tide tube 1..1rre'mei yea Mv, • tamb!(ag .wad we importer% hoot- ing. the meant, sed sale..,' . Inawaal Wal 6can ie. takes ma sad tae tate metered to 1 • .normal onsdition, heartier .rtn b• derreyed fore'- t : g ime ram.. Gut of rem aro "inroad by a uarrIi 1 whlrb I. nethlav bet an Innamei es.dltwn. f ' the mu owe ,srtaa a. We to 111 elm On. Ruedred Dsllare for an' ra• of Defoe.. (rowed by ea'.rrbl trot Fano.' be owed by Hairs .starch fun. Send 1 for etrcub... free. Y. J. cliCNF:r ft (Y'., Tsle.lo, rt. gold hr firegettert. Me. T.k. II 'IN Fenny Mb ter oes•Ktpetfon. 43a to 334 - - Cattle at Meetreal B utcher& cattle. chola.17 76 to 33.00 domedium. do. commove Canners B utcher's cattle. cows. _ do medium do. bulls 6.00 Milkers. choice, each 70.041 do cos sal snot^0000 S pringers 10.00 Sheep. ewes .... 4.60 Hocks and culls 4.06 LtnM 6.16 Hogs. f.o.b. 7.11 (salves . 3.00 tleemen ', Biggest Clue Details of the German lqk-h 4.60 7.14 allege gas. which is operated Daly by 1.00 6.ee Krtspp's ewe oagineers. show that 1t 3.66 4.75 Lir harme- t e god electrically trots a .- 0.60 6.76 igeas64. dlateace, its action being 9.76 6.211 web that the operator ascot remain .aur. its projectile weighs spproxi 74.00 , laatsly 1,100 meads, sod on leaving 4fi.S0 the Ps emer4bes a parabola' ewer K'00 • lag a dlataace at ew'aly, miles tad 4.76 ridsg to an sltitede of 1.900 yards 4.26 Et ls s4de4 tial the shell 1■ expte4ing 7 . N , 55.48. dead ty gs5,a 9.00 A Setd1erty Speeeh 10.00 1. Ms ode os the death of the Duke East S4lffile Cattle et Wefllagton. Tenayeee .poke of hi (lsttle-sbkpplog. was to 31.14; bore as .se "who sevwr spoke against betekers. µ.7B to 46.10. bottsre, N to a fee." lord Roberta is evldeatly a 3*; flews. 43.76 to 47; boas. 36 to aeldler et tie same type. 'M. says $7.10; stockers and feeders, 46 ,t.1 "Way 1 etre a weed et mutts t- 5710 sect heifers. 45 le 46.71. Im1 vo.stry>,en against the en.ports te .ah--letive; f6 l0 911 tee. 1 a.t1i practice of atomise ore'. V• Hoa• --Meavy. mise .6 yorkers wad .neat«. Int tta avert what hip lbs. dories the btn.r War. d.scrib'l! pop 41 16 l0 49.10; rough. 37 be 47.10; as 'tlt)tag Kruger with mor month.' stmts. a t. SRN. ' Lal u5 rather devote all our energ!e+ 11heopand l.sbs-Aetive; Iambs. M to lotvetiag our temm.a b the sup.. to 00.71: 1Me digs. 37 to 41; w.tbera. lar fighting .t adgwate amber. o' 44.21 to 44.79: ewes. $ l9 Is 44. British soggier, la the eve, 0.0.1" sheep. atliad. 49.71 to 1416. Chicago Lew Sleek Cattle-Bemves. 4619 to 41029: wee. tern green. 46.40 to 1)1.00; tows and better. 31 M to 61.10; olives, 31 to 311 16 Hefts --tight. 46.01 le 41.00; 431x.4. 471e to 3711; heavy. 41.11 to 47.10: p(1• 14 to 3410: belle 01 ea/es. VA ! to $741 Nheep-Native. UM to 40.11=i year Uses 4410 t, 21.11 IOW"Isdaw + v.......14.34r„..„ WIewA r to 411'. Z.Chitidj QUIrK NAPTHA •r•1 r WOMANS SOAP MURDERED THE TURNKEY Two Midterm Escaped From Pembroke Jail After Killing Official Robert ('oxford. turnkey of th'• Renfrew county jell at Pembroke was murdered, and William Browu. the jailor, fatally wounded as the result of a successful attempt at jail -break- ing by two Indians, Peter Whiteduci and Anthony Jocko. Sunday afternoon. The Redskins were being held pend - Ing trial on a charge of theft from Grand Trunk freight cars at Golden Lake. Roth got clean away. The Indians were in he corridor when ['oxford entered with some supplies. The turnkey had oecaslon to enter a cupboard in the corridor. and as soon ea he had his back turn- ed out- of the Indians came up with a chair and dealt him a smashing blow on tie head, fracturing ht: skull. Death ensued in a few minutes. Jailor Brown heard the noise and arming himself with a poker rushed Into the corridor. The Indians wrest- ed the poker from h;m and beat him Into unconsciousness. then made thel: 'escape by the main entrance. On Monday the two Indians were ,surrounded near Golden Lake. the fsdlan Reserve_the desperadoes hee- ls( taken refuge In a piece of bush. IO=RMANY FLAPS I IVASION • • rakinp Steps to Guard Against Ta Movement by the Allies An Invasion by the Allies is feared ib Germany. according to The Copan- Ibagen Evening News. which reports that extensive pr'epar'ations are be. lug made to guard against such an teventualtty. The News nays It has learned frogs (eye -witnesses that the Germans are strengthening old fortresses In the former Oudot territory of Sehleswtg- lHelsteln, as well as a itue of entrench - rants called the Dannew.rk along Itthe northern side of the Kiel (kcal. 1t is thus hoped to protect the canal 'against attacks from the north, for ft 1s nn the shorn of Schleswig. as El.erdtaf tr' -the a,poefa..tbat fa la- castrm to feared, - A11 the Genial *hinds 1e the North Sea are now closely guarded. and strongly fortified ,positions are losing erected en the shores of Holstein and along the wee - 'men aide at the River gibe. Retainlwg tete Cat Wan la reply to representations that have helm made to 'the Domhloa ()overs- ewed rs111rdlag elm "wet antes ." established is the Canadian eamp on 'Salisbury Plain. an °filed statement 'nays that, while way suggestions from .the Canadian Oe:ernmeat would no doubt be carefully eeasldered. even !fungi• the camp le wader the direct warm .e the war Acethe present arva0getert R''eme the setas one un- der tis tlRam.talr. Dr. Boland W,ueded Letters arriving In Canada Vast ,week reetalned the aenesecemeot that Hon. Dr. Seised. M.P. for W toes, was s.rle.SLy wsa0de4 bF a rhrap*.l atilt dads the baabardmeat of Aatwe'f)!s' Pik lit sew las a Betyh1 •11eeeltal. H A P P Y T H O U Q H R A N G E s We handle the celebrated White Ash Scranton Coal, This is a coal free from clinkers and burns to a clean white ash. Cannel Coal and Blacksmith Coal We always carry a large stock of the above coal EGG COAL $7.75 STOVE & CHESTNUT x.00 HARD WOOD $2.50 a Cord SOFT WOOD $2.25 a Cord The Happy Thought Ranges and Radiant Home Heaters have no equal in appearance and working qualities. They will do more work on less coal than any other Range or Heater on the market. This is a strong assertion but it is true. k is backed by. thot&ands of satisfied users 1 V11�1 ' We have a number of second hand Heaters and Ranges in At repair *40 Our stock of heavy and shelf Hardware was never more complete WW For Plumbing, Heating, Troughing, Electric Wiring, Etc.,. let us figure �n your job. All work fully guaranteed. STORE PHONE 22 ,d HAS. C. LEE MENTAL THERMOMETER SHOULD REGISTER HIGH Don't be goverened by your mental thermometer. it may be the plaything of mood and an uncertain liver. Never mind. Get rid of tie moods and fix the liver. 1t may be used to greeting you In the morning and dictating to you the dav's work. how much shall be done and how well It shall be dose. 1f so. forget the habit. Learn to rise above your mental thermometer. Learn to be router of It. Learn how to change it to normal. If 1t has dropped by reason of some failure of the day before, or some disappointment, look It squarely In the face the neat morning and laugh at It. Blow It full of sunny, happy. op- timistic thoughts and make It get so busy that there will be no other pos- sible thing for It to do but rise. When your mental thermometer is tight. the chances are that your body will be in a normal. healthy condition. And when both are right. health and hajptness are pretty apt to get together under the same roof. The seta of 31.100,111 ball bees alp Ipreprkbl by the Dost lee Gomm latest to ,nest Um aNestiee Seated ,by the eeep IaUe111S 1S UN Wont. MUTES ABOUT OZONE Undiluted Article Would be as Fatal to Patient as to Dimas What about ozone. anyway? The °sone' that 1s strong enough to do any good through the killing a barn Is strong to k111 folks. too. Anyhow this is what a ptreminent medical journal says on the question of "Ozone myths": "Faith 1a the subtle and far-reachIng sleets and the health -giving vir toes which have at one time or an- other been attributed to °sone has somehow been instilled into the popu- lar mind." says the article. "Seaside and mountain resorts alike have benefitted by the reputation o1 'mons la the air In the neighborhood Involved. The excusable longing of •a aver -lung ,population for a stlmu- lat1ng .tatessba4e sad for 'an 14.01 antiseptic has led maty to look hope- fully toward that substance which up. pears to represent the acme of the valuable properties of oxygen. "The honest manufacturer and the medletpe faker hs?.% bath lima alert to swat, themselves of tee opportunity for public service. so that 'osoetsers' and 'oaoeolited' products are dlsptayei 1. ahndaae., 'The oaooe C=cet8e presents Its facts ea well as Ile fl"tion. (Sou? 'undoebtegly has anter-• ptic power. bet tor seek elects a 4a.rgeroas con to.trattos ampere to be necessary. Lately it bas become possible to pre pare pure oso8e aa4 t: investigate Its physiologic propene es. Prof. Leonard Hill and Dr. : "srtle neck of London find that 'a onoentratlon as little as one per mill ',.t is irritating to the respiratory true;. Kepeeure for two hour, to a concert altos of Clam to twenty per Wilke: le am without risk to lit..' Tie coneto.trtatlo- of oao.e neces- sary to k114 bacilli would also till times in which Play oceur. 'then M .o harm la brsathjlita weak een- eentrstlame of saes. Oasse fa e.ele- wbat higber c,.Iestrines teed per WtII1 s) Say haves ra a tales. bet peewee et ile vale, fay •e11 be d eieede4. especially se Meg s. there aro ether w better 01108'. Nes faun" HOUSE•. PHoN4. 112 A D 1 A K 0 M A T E. R Si Si ru Si e S. Si $1 Si Si sl e S c S eS eS eS s 1 • JUST TWO MORE ADVERTISING WEEKS BEFORE CHRISTMAS MR. MERCHANT : Have you commenced to advertise your Chri,t mus& Goods ? People are getting more and more into the wa • of doing their Christmas shopping early. Von should see the wisdom of making au earl, start with your advertising if you ;rant t, participate to an'. extent in the Christina, trade... Christmas gifts will be given and received tin, year. in spite of the war. Do your part by letting the publi,- know what you have to offer them. The best advertising medium you can have i� ThijuL e`. e� e ( he e he! he! he he he e TI Is bl 0 -tI' l l us I Can S pos Tri The Spirit et Self-sacrlfiee 71.at British soldiers are ant/sated by the old spirit which has made the ample* what K Is 1. Illustrated by the story of a couple of men of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders who hod been eat eft from their real - meat daring a battle. One was badly waded, but his eoespsaloa had stuck ti dim all the Use to a country ewerelag with. (i1.rlsa.s, wad. thossgb Mgr lad any a few blaeetts-betwie. Heti, they Sassed to pall through .at11 Meted up. "I proved the ua- woe.4.d sac" ears lance•Corporai Nseedse , et tie taoyal Irish lac cors, who talk tie wry, ".• tell s hew they amassed to get tarosgb tete tour days a cls blecslts. bet he al - war got wary and told ase to .hot up. I tang he west without aaythtag and gave the b eeelts to btu wrestled d MU" Pey For Prima's' Keep As seeosat le beteg kept of the 01 the atalatanance of the primmer. at war in !Salami. very naoessary, for when It a q.estloa or geape the v seam w111 he called upon to this account, which, as the war v.aoe., will become more and enulderable. Beak Clerks tt Wsr "Tsktng the two largest of oar stock beats." the London 11 Times resorts. "tie London city 31Iti..4 wad Loy s. wa and• Chet already betimes 700 and 400 Russ sob Ia.tdtstloe have e tbews.ives for active wen +''• wait All eosdderatios te h.ing it to thea by the refloat Boards theta Same are being kept coon tM Relieve Your Mind of the wor- ries inci- dental me i - dental to appointing as ladivide.l as tra3toe of your estate, as-- Wlll he live to fulfil I6. trust? W111 he tall 111 or be sera= most ost wanted? Will he negbeet his trust for his town affairs. Will he prove unfaithful? 'note aro all poaslbf ltl.r. Bot you may leave tis° (1411 0' gqopntIsMsraUon is entrusting the administration .f year seek 10 this strong, eonstorvathe Company. 0.11 or write for all htfore .tion &sired. 111E I.INDSI & WESTERN TRUSTS CO. LIN I f ED S ii MS. IIs II IMOND rrsser. LONDON. OW ta.11.ilatl WWI R 110000 M"" im U .6