HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-3, Page 5Go 'ngaeBAY, Dor satsMa e, 11111 • 1)OFS Youi FRIEND OWN AN AUTO.? you aren't pretest yoUT acquaintances with a more acceptable C,j notch mss Gift thall-. of the many car. We have abich count fullstock sor of w utttch to a wen! -eq gped all Automobile' AcCeaao.ies, and do supply all your requirements for the Christmas Season in that line. -:- -: We do every class of repair work and have the goods to mike a first-rate job ; one that will uphold onr reputation. cit 11; AST STREET GARAGE NEST TOtTOWN HALL, BAST STREIT! The Hartt Shoe Canada's 'Best Shoe Sw..• lest SOLD eY - J. H. McCLINTON REPAIRS « 4TLY'WADE PROMPTNESS of SPECIALTY Workmanship Guaranteed Only Tkree Weeks TO - CHRISTMAS JAS. F. THOMSON Musk & Stationary Storrs CHURCH CHIMES. LOCAL TOPICS. Good l TLe toed Mid committee has re - calved a ooalrlhsNos of �D from the NU. Sabbath mbool Med ole of M from Mr. B. O. Manahaps, of town. i The Welted°, emit asked IM ri 1falw+M sur M Tweeds whew h• N Vas "!� >� to Wend • rant e' Its -eamsnd al the 1Rtlh batsmen .t Is apparel which r Vase t to vsy w es deeed w� to I the seem/ otep•M width .,use f *, twrideat' *Maid rthe , and "A •tl•� M the thee bels t1d�e.t>wsh.tot aaMil.:t� .srlflet6o w s.eDm. critical M wee seta - tied 1 appp� hada, and arrived oslL • lath Ilse. Imagine a starer g.st1t- ei hoots before bee deal •,1d mw well oil to two p.sdted eras a most lovable ethlld. Heek.p. a •�C><Gwi w a pair of trotteers wN ib the � 1 �� ♦ 'melds* d the ist...sos of u••lq' ...11 he Isv tie irtsoae le 0dericb will be bsM at the town MU om Monday eveMit� seat, 71h Inst.. mat width Steed to aert.stioo scan tat o 8 defeat club a to b M wt* be lisped lie t+eake M 140 town boob club ace to be elected 1 ..tlsmaa, very and other lrYmeted. aid Pm�ada fwelleetimed, arrivedp wear- gaallme a are Wetntemetedted d a great puke �� pati pi O Ines to iamdl game are bvit.d to attend• •ylsg the ty 'la 1 um- brella" boldin with • pities of white sloth careila ed. Ladles reared wbo bad resurrected which evident y were • •t ¢ b, et the fes who were tesit> - eesentm 1s a ( shocked to Mara of her death. She wait a Member of St. Paul Sunday *shod, wSep she wY M very WWI ler with a fide oracle of yosngl>llsaa*. oasis whom her death cast • deep em from the tome of the win team ber- d*ue awl/Idea at SA) ?u.day after - soon to Hamilton cemetery. Too Mush Mesabi. lbilowist s visit to too" :Me day b! • ITe vis t to t o" health macer, mon are takes to oest'ssl the opt - duels masks is tains. A proc- lamation iee.sd by the load health board m. The t�Ys M Is the flost and .fool be carefully read by those ongo.ened. G. T. R. Timetable. A new O. T. R. tim.tab1 mese lata effect November Nth. A few obaMss are made affecting Ooderrh. Th•• tete train arrives now at 11646 bootee& of 11:56, leaving Toronto at 6:bO in- stead of 7 o'clock. The 4:60 t�pp.. t*. Whin from tiodericb arrives et Toron- to at 9:40, hatred of 10:15, the wait at Stratford being out out. Thus, in- stead of a poorer service, es some Ilse. ars getting, there b •nifmproved service for (Jodie lob. Victoria street Methodist cburch is having special sec vices even y evening this week. Sacrament tat the Lord'a Supper next Sunday moaning. The 11 niterial Association will meet in Knox church at 2 p.m. on Monday, December 7tb. It is import- ant that every Moister in town ebottld be present. In Knox el:uceb lbs sacrament of the Lied's Supper wi'I be di mended at 11 o'clock nest Sudsy morn - Mg. A full •tteadagce it expected. In the evening Rev. Geo. R. Rase will discourse on "The Uoity of the Christian Oberth." "German and the Bible" -this will be the sub t of a sermon by Rev. Wm. H.'lighten on Roeder night 1n the Baptist church. Mr. Wrighton will dolt• with be ministerial breth- ren In the moraine, by preaching on "06ekne. Unly, atter which the Cold's Supper will be held. -Tbf-- Canadian Clothiers LEVITZ A URRA Propionate hristtnas IS COWING "' Prepared with a .pedal line of Ladies' bad Oasts' Overcoats These see high-grade git meta of good work- manship and we guar- antee M. Prices richt. Also a full tree of Reefs' iuites te ert a.. worth Ismaetles. Our Friday and Saturday Sale includes a gond Ude of tedium' Mitbt*ry. tri masa shapes Is rtes8 and v.vcN- Regular ♦1.e0. t2o>,9:MDaItM.M. ht* day ani bibiday, 1N Levitz $i: U 4111 Caner Mestled tuai weddt1 goose of yea► t 'man present, the defect. of a few rents and tsarslei d determfoed effort* JOHN t{RRNIUHAN. m. late se Jobs Kern base who death oosurrtss on the suedd of Nov- ember was retarded le last week's , to mums, into tbem, befog remedied adnal, was born o* the eorheaet by the generous use 01 bootlaces sad meat t t Irel•ad, !larch 16th. 1884, twin.. The early pert of too eve eta. and was thus at the Lias of bis death w was emit Ie the es t of verbs. well on le his eighty -mooed year. ��mss, for whisk pea peiw le Owing to the Undo* then ratting In tea wit b the of toe sesados Ireland. w Krraieban tangly in 1808 were given. Me.. Ewes woe the emigrated to Canada. wtUisg In the lady's p iso, consistlnof a basket a township of Heinel.y. In IVectworth For the Sailors' Memorial. Councillor Frank EUlott has been corresponding with a Doted New York sculptor who has forwarded cuts of two tablets especially deelimed for tbe proposed sakes' memorial. Rash tablet is entirely original in design, executed in Moose and mounted upon a granite base. Mr. Elliott has a prop. citation to lay before the town cosn- cil at its next meeting whereby he hopes to have one of the designs sel- ected and the monument completed at an early date. Christmas Seals on Back Only. Th. Canadian postal authorities bays asked that.peciel intimation be given throughout the Province that Christmas reals must be used or. the back only of all mail matter. 1111s is specially stipulated by the Postmaster -General •t Ottawa. No mail haying seal on the face can be forwakded to de.tinatioa. All such mall will br beld back as contras to regulations. Thousands of peopl throughout the Province are already using Christmas seal. To any one of these the above may be a vital matter, as important mail roaster may not reach its destination it the Posttaaat1er-tieneral'e order is not ad- hered to. A Splendid Cuomo The far-famed Hambourgs, the Rus- sian musical artists, pee • magnifi- cent cocoon in Victoria Opera .House on Monday evening. Tbe lovers of good music who were present declare the performance was full up to their high ezpectatfoaa. The cumbers given were d • ciess which mold per. haps be.ppreciafed to the tali only by those whose earf have been trained to recognise the liner elements in musi- cal composition, but suclea variety of selections was prevented, to . violin, 'cello and voced music, that everyone preset must.bave been well pleased. The attendees Was not so large as the merits of the performance dampened, owing probably to the many attrac- tions that have been before the public recent Ie. Rev. W. K. Heuer will conduct both services nest Sunday in North street Methodist church. Morning subject : lobo 17. Communion service in com- mon with all the churches in town. Evening subject : "Christ's First Gnat Battle : Man must be the Son of God." A very uncommon event will take place os Sunday morning in Goderieb wben all the Protestant churches wild bold a simultaneous oosomunion aer- vioe. T6is has been erraaged in order to give a spirits•l etlinakse to the Christiane of all daBsssidaHois. Itis hoped ,bat every mamba of the var- ious churches will be present at time services, and thus make the Sabbath a time of uplifting and blessing to onr town. O*e beautiful feature of them services will be the reading of the same Scripture lemon from the 17th chapter of John, and a sermon on the Ise subject "Christian Unity." Services begin as usual at iI a.m. The launch of The New Ere, We have received a copy of the first isms of The New Era, published Victoria Harbor, Oat., by Mr. Athol McQuarrieformerly o< Th. **gaol. It is a bright, neat. newsy eight -page paper, reflecting credit not only upon the editor and 61s staff but upon the bueloeas community represented in its advertising columns. A newspaper is to • large extent • reflection on the nrnnm»nity in wbkh it is published. and it The New Era maintains the standard set in its initial issue those wbo see it will receive an Impression of a live. progressive business matte .videaelag itself in the columns of a live. pr.gnsive newspaper. So far as the sessespeleeot of the Dew paper is co ed, Te. Siegal, with sev- eral yews' acgoalntatsee with Mr. Mc - Quante. looks to The New Res to steer a •traigbt, honest course, to deal ably. as well as honestly, wit\ stay reeks that •zona to its bands. and to be a leader in every movement for 16e good of Lb. community. We wW the youthful pubUostiog g lite and its editor sncosse and joy in his work. A Success. _ The Britannia «behead t K the a Ones Society p "�1feP�1rM1Wa of 1914e to a crowded hoose on y evening feat. The evening's program a sslatid Df • number of temente songs in whisk the cosiness were the par dominant feature. Tbe stage of the opet• house was prettily dmotttret.d with festoons of fours.. whish bar- moeised well with the te'et s d t e sesefeemev ��Maet mesdiee, and Mr. W. . Mornay took the gestleawan's prise, • box of canned goods At tbe OOSdusioo of the mantes the gentietuen were Invited to 'sleet their partners and • couple of, ebafn and proceed to the kitebse for sapper. After an evening of eurpria.s Ibis was anew one to the guests, who wondered how forty were to be seated in the kitchen, but the end was not yet, for of arriving at t be kirobes they were directed to the cellar. The cellar, thirty-two feet ,beg, had been decorated to such per/setion with red, white and blue bunting, candies, Japanese lanterns and large flags that nota particle of the wails could be sees. Here in this suht.rranean g�tr�oot�,tt,00 supper was served, paper nap- kitM,paper lunch clothe, and all the old cracked china and dishes being brought into use. Mks Ailx Ekon- dere and Miss Mabel Doti' with little Meeks Bet delle assisted at the tables. Mrs. Frank Sauodere was awarded the pe isr for the best ebar•eter dress by a lady, the pries *Desisting of • pound of Lea r. Obariie Bleat got the geitleman's pNv, a.sack of flour, wbieb be easefully took home witb bim. The party broke up at 1.80 a. m. atter the *imaging of 'Tipperary" and other popular patriotic songs, all the guests bud in tbeir praise of the bort and bootees, and unanimous In the opinion that ,bey had had a "good meal" Mr. Arthur J. Chambers, wbo ooze - Med the puirit in the Baptist church cast Sunday, gave an interesting ad- dress In the evening on "Cbioa: It. People and Their heed." Mr. Chair hers was in China during the Boxer ri iag stf 1900. He said the Boxers were a igimtny or i;asiad as • soef.ty foe 'Werra] per posse sad whit times the e "Fist of Harmony." de- veloped 11110 lbs bloedtihirety sorb they bream because of tbe slaughter h!! the Germans of •any defebedsum Ifebeea le their aocupstios of Tues Til-: the lortte.d position innitair taken by the Jet) ,nese. Mr. hers bid • nsmber of Abaft coeur. Imelndleg a Sgwre of • Chinese sad a awe of Ike greet w•M whisk is over Mug seen ole. Ver Rash Up. bsa�h uP se far N TAU OM, lad sof '41 resublime ah the Net .t the sh Jnlu Vhear. fe wished. i7as d♦ 'e• dor is Owls. Ildbosib. teeny Bleeltateess have fresh orders Flew Q MRSSA*R FROM STA. SMITH. A ft.mwer of the Great Sews of Last Year.O N What spasm Marie, e ase a�� sow Mpassive• stesease *bleb has bees Pelted up tress 16. Weenier ersltb, ,he big f tar that was lost on lake Su- on November 9. 1919, dories meat meow slate ',Mob gm mos iM rho., wee fossil *few day. et*! ear Pada hematite cad we. sthe S. f MJebaMI • steakiddies.- See S. iresje mewtg« bits bees peeked d It Nhem � Mth W pew 005 MOM la s leak. Ie maks "lited- batik beM1ll.t.11ne • fie. It OBITUARY. JAMIRS.THOM, MONTREAL The death of James Thom, of Mon- treal, former) Crnadl•a manager .f the White Star -Dominion Line of ocean steamers, occurred on Thursday, November 20t b, after a Tong fltee. . Mr. Thom wee a native of Montreal and. had been committed witb the ocean shipping busitseys for many years. His widow is lister of tbe Mims Hutchison of Mgerlob. Mr. Wm. Proodtoot, M. P. P.. attended the funeral, which took place at Mon- ttsal on Saturday. ars SAMUEL SNAZEL. Stratford Beacon : Following a brief 111050, Samuel Seasel passed away et his residence, 109 Erie street, on Satur- day. The deceased was bon in Strat- ford nearly forty-two yeas ago and, with the reception of Oruro years in Detrdlt, had resided beret all hie lite. He was a barber by trade and was widely known tbroughoss the city. He was the son of the late Samuel Sesssl. Besides his wife. tinea broth- ers and these sisters seervive. They are: -Stratford: AalleeTorostok Arthur, dierith ' Mrs. Atkin, Stratford ; Mrs. ?ambling. London, and Mrs. Stahl. Ifaileybury. MRS. .1. A. SUTHERL*ND. The people of Goderieb were sboeked by the sews of the death of Marini P1.rgsooe Coate. wife of Mr. J. A. Sutbvr'aid of Toronto which eeeurred on Friday last at the Cottage Hospital, Throat*. Mn. Butberiand was the ugly child of Mr. William Coats, registrar of deeds for Huron count sod Mr..Owte, and was a revid- est of Ooderieh before bee raw -lame io September, 1911. She wse rely in her twesty-sixth year, and bee death le tiease of fresh young wtestonbood i. &ply deplored by her any friends. Besides her sorely bereaved hothead, she leaves tem batty boys, ase .sly a mouth old. The remains were brought to Godes doh shad the funeral took place on Tingley after - soon from t6s sassily reeldesoa on North street to Ma1Uma& cemetery. Rev. Geo. R. Rose conducted the fun- eral services and the pallbearers were Geo. D. M t, Dr. Shaw and H. T. Ranee et Melon asd Andrew Porter, Ohm. Osrtow and F. R. Hod- ges of Gdmioh. Among Ibose pres- sen, reyeat at the fumed were Mrs Arrhl- bald. of Ottawa ; Mrs. Itasmrtaoe, of ge.ilteet stew son. a.trw, of Or.' Neve; Mr. Rohe* t Odle. of the Department of Labor Ottawa t Mr. Randall R Watson. of Leedom ; Mr. Mil red AteMbald, of Most red; Mr. Rd Macpherson. of indianapolis; Mr. J. K. M sepber.os. of Wisdom, Out ' Yr. Wiliam lracpher.00, of the 01.11 8.s vice, Ottawa. A s.mber et friesd" rt the tea ity f.o t Clinton. their foresee .place of reSl...e, aIle were pi *sent. NORMA CHRISTIE MCLAREN. TM hollowing wkteb we take from TM dset Veed- wntsu.IoIhethter of • . r.eld.nt el MM.1. 1. tee of =11f.Cli., d Mrs. hire kttt tee R3smfltos a the re -.I eeire of the news et Ler grandlaugb- A belle smp.a.re d eye reetly wUl be emended to Lieut.-Oo'. les. I. and Mrs. McLaren, In the tether t*44.. 4.•ab yaitssd. worming their four- iwswrta-yre r -old sligbter,Raria& Obfr1. Ho Moat ldymmsdsrta.iliumusailfe= .oMtrek of kepi bee ftp..s4.tnl for t M lied fern of the ems At *dds.s - ui she to retool, lbs, liar w.skessd failed to Ms b. Maid the wady issid she be. ease mow *wee mast tbe .tae T. lusee.-Oer w f..Ymmerini fairy ee_Mmnti alias were 6so.a61 Into Pour Mee, b tb. wW a Split of a ster.eptissa batons, �iesde time 16116 they were . a astetb.r world. die .4 a1g�1ig taulobss. was a skit adroit- sit? satee •y Messrs. Parsons and S s, - Ili, IN wide\ the asks. tbe town name. IS emulous fester .1 1.6 \tris spas war wars pre.mn , M arsopsopa*.Stewart • oeskeal ra eras a splendid aditlei to the piogr.m awl it sel.ettese wars greatly appredaW. as eta sa.esally 1th thee . allowed Mtws.ashe \ad b Mrhad Mrs. JosBatimas. else ge of tbe pie fellatloo of the paw Mgram. eras pretested web a targe bougwt of white sbrysawMam % Miss Dorothy Dav1,t* 16. cooties of a hi .7. makl}g the prose tam km. A lit- tle( names cet h.i eveuleg's treater was a tableau In w►le► Miss Hesil Pelee represented "Oaseda" asd Geo. M. Klag "firitassie," the M.1f e.fri tmawgof peAo aseee.aR by the A "Poverty Pang." 1,../asslisibeekeLiseili plea Mese of M�..atreae.wMr. s.e+Ntw Me.- tabbd Meas � at Aar a this sketch height the ,tans subject1* Oot- bors* 10000 ip ma whittle he died, mewing tq by steer to what was then kettlTbe farm . orskIfetts es a Aka farm was pmietsad frees foe IM pseud. awed was then all bush •saptlag tea The bole of Mr. isIMO ed.� le Olt Bak Tea Gm by le �f1p You know how everything _ OP CANADA Will 90�e Y� ■ btpw on cndN- In (mon Donk of wCanada, sod„ with the money 1a hand. buy at Cash prices ? ..The dlaoounts nal kelp to sure./ your bat balance. sod you velli haw mads p good start boards flaanclel lndepandenCe. Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager. F. W. Robison, A.R.C.O. Tim -Una 01 Plaseferte, Grim sad Nag* Mein ever T. isee's Mak Hare 00DER1CH -.- ONTARIO RED CROSS NOTES. Abmeek Chapter, I.O. D. b;., acknow- ledges with tb•oks & dosatioe of Eno likliagif. was spot upon thus Mab for ,Jae Belgian relief fund Iron { the tons (iodtieicb. . 18ti5 Mr. Masora. J. P. Hunte and A. M. Robert- o( •°13.married The following contributions to the Anne Sturdy, to y lied Crowe front Ooderieb township are gratefully acknowledged: Percy klaftsl, 11 bags apples ; Walter Wallis.4 bush. oats. 3 bags potatoes ; W. Macdonald, 50c ; Mrs. P. Cectelon, ef 50c ; Herb. Cox, 5 bush. oats ; Mel- ville Sturdy, 91. The mita and pota- tocontributed to the Society tioclud- fog those previoudy acknowledged) wen sold, the proceeds amounting to $46.91. Any others who intend matt- ing temtributions are requested to two la�t rhos, ese m geprot Mum" a[ Iq p of Hugh Sturdy of Uod.rieb toosehip, who predeceased hien sever yeah. Their fatally were : Riles. wife of Dr. Armtroeg of lain:bell, wbo died thirty years ago : Mag.. wife of Major Beek of Toronto :Min- nie, wife of Harry Montgomery of Ooderich township, and Norman, ex - Reeve of Colborne township, on the homestead. Mr. Kerniaben was prob- aHy the oldest justice of the peace in the county, having been appointed in chem in at the earliest possible 1800, and in the old days he did con- n6 siderable work in this connection. to date. religion be was a Presbyterian, and for many years was one of the elders of Koos church. Auburn, es well as pioneer and Bible class towbar, in *ll of these activities taking a deep in- terest and walking to cbucel' for sev- eral years before horses were • neces- sity. While • resident of Goderich, Mr. K.r*Igbas taught • Bible class in tialtfad, the members of which showed their appreciation of his ser- vices by rapier attendance as well as by many tokens of esteem. He took a great interest in singing and for many years gave singing lessons at different places in the neighborhood. He was a great reader end was always well infonssed, and was • contributor to the press on many controversial topics, especially religious subjects. He was the fits, president of the West Huron barmen' Institute. In politics be supported the Liberal pp•arrtty7 though be was by no means • plartisan. Perhaps the greatest influ- soce he wielded, however, was simply that of his serene, gentle, kindly char._ eater. which shoos through all hie words and act, and gave bim • place in tbe esteem and affection of els fellow -citizens whish few ,neo reach. The funeral servicer on Wednesday of last week. were conducted by Rev. A. Laing and Rev. James Hamilton, the interment Ming in the Oolboro. cemetery. The pallbearers were John Breen and Jobn Mooning', of Col- borne; Peter McBwan and Andrew HelUday, of Goderich ; John Fine - land and William Patterson, of Rul- lett, whose fathers were boy chums of thedece•sed. PERSONAL MENTION. TO MEN MHO ARE SALO. Do not fail to see Prof. Do.eowend of Toronto, who will be at the Hotel Bedford on Wednesday. December 9th, with a large sample stock of heir tou- pees and wig*, ther'eatest construc- tions in the world. They secure) ad- here to the head, and oaaoot be detec- ted tram a person's own hair, are a marvelous protection to the bead and • neoeesity to enable every bald man to appear as be ehonld. Over 219.09 now worn by business, professional aid laboringmen. The free demoo.tra- llon, oered in private show-roomm at the hotel, should at least induce you to call and bays ens tried oo. Reesem- 6er the Hotel Bedford, Godericb, Wed- nesday, December 9th. -Mr. Carman Stoddart is home from Detroit for holidays. -Mn. T. H. Rothwell, of Toronto, was in town for a few day+ last week. - Mr. Alen. Young. of Porter's Hill, is visiting his sister. Mrs. Ditsel, of Buffalo. N. Y. -Mn. James Miller. of Peterboro, is on an extended visit to her daugbter, Mrs. B. A. Warner, Keay. street. Why do statesmen read The Weekly rias of Toronto? Became it is a paper with • reputation that le uoque.tiened. It is tM farmers' bad- ness paper, and is watching farmers' interests All the time. Asir, .vas, from des market reports, which are acknowledged to be the best in the Do'ntaks, it is • paper of weigbt. You should have it come to your bone every week. All through the bog winter nights it will furnish a wealth of interesting reading materiel of a thoroughly reliable character. This paper has special clubbing ar- rangements with The Sun. Let us have your renewal and add The Sun to your list of papers for 1915. GVEN K vitae' If.RPtaitls0• PATENTS st. - Miss Cbristahel Anderson left on Tuesday on her return to her home at Ottawa after a visit with friends here. - Mrs. Breckenridge, of the Bay - lick: road, bas ben niece, Mrs. Clifton, of Newdale, Man., with her for a visit. -Mr. W. H. Robertson attended the annual meeting of the Provincial Liberal Association at Toronto last week. -Mrs. John Martin, of Klegsbt idge, who 1s eighty two years of site and looks well and hearty, is visiting friend. in Godericb this weak. - Mrs. Jas. Farr and Miss Mabel Farr, of Stratford, were Ostlers in teen on Tuesday and Wednesday of tale week. -Miss Pearl Goode, who bas gained populist ity in Ooderiob es a muskies it now teaching piano. barmany counterpoint at her beim psi Vletoria sslse.N. .. - Mks M. Mallough has returned home after a three sgontb: visit at Macklin, Rank.. with bar mister, Mee. (Rev.1 A. Thompson, who baa gees to California to spend the whiter. •-Mr. T. H. Race, of leiteb il, a femme welt -known .eweppsr man. was is tows on Moseley, In bis capac- ity as business manager for the Ham - homing cotapasy 0f .usioal &nets. 11. Arthur&kern, of Totowa, son of Mrs. Oarrie, (limbo is road. r i• the general hospital at Toronto. He has .udeegos• as operation foe ap- pttBtlliltta Duel at West seeoseb was bitprogram progreHis ie 1e •ftead see opo* bits LOST VITALITY Cad by bide est*- -' ad Mol M. Jobs. N.H.,Septembet 19th, 1911. -lay banker was • post n1/.ow from hlisey, stem•.k and bowel trial -MI sod was Avco op by two dos - las. Se was sdellaarrdd 1e tri yaw rig hers.. M Mi. ale! mtt•e. 1_ _,_d to �aa �kss1445f 1aMhas irem yeas. Yes reesmmead rig fes big 3. W. Mumma. AI all daises. ebb a eaMeoar The liO Pa Oslo Ord. OW aunt+ fes a l gi�II► �sr i .�.�► • frank eme•sa ar erieessaesr r� • You'll e000 be thinking of a way to please father and mother and friends at Christrnee time. Tnink of photo - Your portrait as you are to - dal isl l plow them. M soneistaseut today. THS SALLOWS wrorDIO. in buying your rubber foot- wear for the fall and winter be sure and get the famous LIFE-BOUY brand. They are without ex- ception the beet rubber footwear made. All the light rubbers have a patented leather inner heel that insures double the wear of any other. The heavy OuneRubbers for the farm have tbe beet reputa- tion and will give s•tisfactloo. Prime are right. Sole agent for Dederick. Geo. MacVicar • GRAND TRUNK :',' E TORONTO AND RETURN FARE AND ONE-THIRD From Station. in Canada. Kiogeloe, Renfrew and West tbereci Good going p.m trains Dec- ember 10, sad aU traits' December 0 sad 12 Account 'Toronto Fat Stock Meow" A11 Tickets valid to return up to and including December 14, 11714 Fun pertkulare sed t Ick eta at t:.T.R. doter Moe co.. F LA W ANC B s. ►DOMTown 11mid TWEAK. NC 5utlse Tisk,' Agent P8.. 161. H. L ♦ D i✓ JUST TWO MORE - ADVERTISII`G WEEKS BEFORE CHRISTMAS atomises, - N>r' )brit=ctfArrr : -• Have you commences) to adverti*e your Christ- mas Goode People ars getting more and mote into the way of n their Christmas sh4ping early. You should we the wisdom of =akin an early start with your advertising if you want to participate to any extent in the Christmas trade. Christmas gifts will be given and received tht� year. in spite of the war. Do your part by letting ale public know what you have Midler them. Tse beet adiertieiog medium you can have 14 the ffiignal