HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-12-3, Page 4TstneaoAv, DacaMuun s► let4 BIGNAL 01TABIu SIGNAL READERS WILL HELP This is a time for special effort in extending relief to the unfortunate and distressed. During the coming winter there will be many demands upon public and private generosity, and though there will be many channels through which relief will flow we fear they will be none too many, nor too well charged, to meet the calls that will come from our own country and from abroad. We believe the subscribers to The Signal, though they have already contributed generously, would like to help still further, and to enable them to do so with slight effort we make the following proposition : For every yearly subscription to The Signal paid in advance between this date and the first of February, 1915, we will place ten cents to the credit of.ThetSignal Relief Fund, and from time to time payments from this fund will be made to the Belgian Relief Fund, the National Patriotic Fund, or some similar relief project. Thus without paying anything extra for their favorite weekly paper, Signal ' subscribers will be giving another boost to THE GOOD CAUSE. SIGNAL CALENDARS FOR 915. We do not mean that because of this special effort we shall give subscribers any less value t t# brio 11. their mommy. In addition to fifty-two issues of the best and brightest paper issued in Huron County, every subscriber who pays his sub- scription to The Signal for the year 1915' between this date and the tst of February next will be entitled to a handsome Calendar for 1915. Bring along your dollar the first time you are near the Signal office, and you will make one of the most satisfactory investments of your life. Let us all pull together for 1915. THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED OODERICiI, ONTARIO PORT ALBERT. ' W[DNEADAT, Dec. god. can sad se. the big bargains in dry- soodo now on sale at the tort Albert . torr, abs the splendid stork of Christ- mas goods, consisting of china. ala. ware, novelties, toys, etc., that has just been opened and is well worthy of your inspection. The premiums to be gives away this month are worth trying for. Nrwi N47no.-Mn. H. Hayden ar- rived rrived home the first of the week after • Ave week"' visit with Naar sister at St. Thomas Mir Ethel 1#11. of Kincardine, is the sliest of Mr. and Mho. J. Cousins. ..The Ladies' Guild of Christ church met at tbm bone of Mrs. W. R. Hawkinson 'Wed- ttn.da afternoon and were busilyen- in making romfortabk tings lbs soldiers to wear. Several other ladle, to this vicinityare also e =skim vert seeptaN. Flits for the o olJl.rs.. '...Mr. Jane Drs san Is visiting holism and other ftisods at tiodench .....Mir Rutb Murray boa beset out from Ooderleb for it, few days' visit at Walker Murray's. The !bet Albert orchestra will be one of the best attractions at the patriotic sod Chrisynas concert le the For- esters' oresters' Hall no Dvevmbrr 1Rtb. An extra Korot program of drilla. dialog- ues, cboru.es, rte.. will be e'en. AUBURN. WODNa0DA113. Des. led. ■e.. Ails. Osbaldsstos and family Tidied her pareate over timd•y. Osbert *iron semen to from the Moet arrive •ere two wheals d mane do Saturday Oh week. sir O Mak 4p from es los Imo Mardi let. Young Estate property and expects to move In soon. Having sold hie farm be will now enjoy • wall -earned rest. The Auburn evaporator has closed for the season. It will operate bow - ever, on Thursday for ;be Belgian relief fund. the farmars furnisbtog apple*, the bands giving their time free and Me.ers. A. Asquith & mon giving the hee tie* of the feetory. This contribution to thetrod mom doeis credit to all como.rn The Auburn brass band held Ina in- itial ball in the Foresters Hall Friday sight and all report • good time aid • Mrg� atterrdaeee. e Red ('roes Society meet 1111s afternoon at the public lit -wore to form plans to assist in this patriotic work. Joseph Irwin made hie initial trip on rural route No. 2 on Tuesday. He moors a dietaaos of twenty-two mit... leaving Auburn atter the arrival of the westbound train at noon. and pro- ceeding via Donn ybrook and Bt. Aogu.tim to Dusgaesoweed return- ing home by way of the fourth and fifth coeowioos. LOYAL W.mrosotiT, Doc. 1. P ttorg1T t limo -We uode stood that Alin. Voems, of Uoderleb hoe the home of Mr.. Jamie the 8th eoseMselom, sod M- a.sd. gawk bore 1s tee epilog. We well wMbrsss Mr. sad Mt.. Tegs� oe they am good Obese. Mw elle i[ts. Mark baro set mads definite pleas .s reddest. elf LotyaL they Inn anomie ♦ Ones ow guts•-Qaitm as es. ottoman wr In our villae re- medy owed by 1fd ng loop ITtof • SwopeOlWegs. or Design. lee ve gem it.maw Wer as eied wee 1111.11P1114.13. Mowaat. Mev. la Sense Wwt.-..rhe esetabms d the Palsied. shy have bis busily .slanged i. week for the ..Meow tee tbs poet lao.tkand a hale rale at 6011 wan .son w November Mb. At tbe same time. fear beim vaned at SIM were pat ter the Belgian relief. judging from its actions, concluded It we mad. However, before it we dose away with it bit Frank Young. also Ernest Young, in the face. The head of the dog was seat to Toronto for rzaminatioo and word same back that the doe bad bees soferi trout rabies. Frank Yousrloftimme�let 4y for Toronto to mower) the Ps.teer treatment, but Wont Tomo. whom would was diplon, diel not cameleer It oee...ary to go. We leant es aduthat 14.l.ft 1[osdy tawmisg far Toronto. A Goverment .MMI milled at Lb. .diesesot phew whinnied bees visited b, t11n11aalad left the meesseary in- strseti nos and prosendlos. BBU.t$ s apple ��aa bout Oederit b bay. boa IIupUm mason'. worlt-st poekts( is Ole vlslslty. HAVE PRETTY HAiR Thick, Soft. Fluffy. and No Dandruff -Use Parrisian Sage. it year ,bele is beamg Ib sesteeral solar. esssh4 out ale galltaler. or looks that aviabls sateen, felon sad tummy. do mot d.speir-area leek is loony a matter of rare. it 41 i. loo Mia make it grow. if it le harsh and Wife antes it up-luhrIease it. It you have dmodrs( It is bemuse the snip is timer, and Wes oil. Freshen o tbe *ode With Parisian Rego -*Q falling heir end armee. your hair is doskfy said by B. R. Witte Teeo d ltd leessesserre. impost oboes'Tsow sic yy motes Me Ink las. trees and seem lees as sbs0ant. Tea Samein be dMTppol.ed i. Pari- 1NpPEN. TVwDAT, Dee. 1.1. The gassy Moods of Ma Thea 11.01ymo.t. et London, were grieved to boar that he W • .treks teat week. Who hest yard Nom he was doing steely awl bops,. ore .. Ms d for at cyan ceded to Lineal by his father'. Ths Susdsy .shout oo.ve.tloo for the towmahiips of ';uck.r.mitb, 8taa- here�Hey wee J in the lastt Thursday aod • use Moralise wccew. LAURIER. TIM/OAT, Dar tatSES lead. Laxities Lomita. -Kr. and Mea Wm. Maedi., .1 Kincardine, spat Sunday with friends bets • Mrs. Chas. Boyd was the .111... N. 0. MoKossie l..1 week........ Mow Donald Mohs. spent Bewley at ties borne of b.r son, D A. McLane Quite a smultet tethered le the,eeteoul boos. herr oe Beeley evens, to or - skating Ranine • rib foe the winter. Mr. Jim fj►.ethwell hiss foo. to North Dakota for the winter. .e Wiley t Jub0tae threoh- his Thoutfit bas fblisbad t rash:no in this vicinity for aka memos Don- ley McKeosie, of Granum, arrived on Monday with the.emai0. of hu Douses Dumas OaepbsM, which were interred in L ebaimh eemMerN. Tuesday after- n oon ....... Mr. J. 1. MBBses* lobo was away fur a few da%s. has returned honk... Mies Margaret Jobsetos visited Mrs. 8. McD.toald Sunday kat. .Mr. Fred Williams has hired , with Mr. Ralph Bueglass for the winter mouths. ST. AUGUSTINE. W.DN.IID.\T, Dec. 2od. New' tion.. -Quite a number from this vicinity have received their mail bozos and Mr. Irwin started on the i ural route on December tat Miss May Redmond, who he bee es ; the .ick list, is improving Miss A. Brcpbey, of the O. C. I.. visited at, her dome here last week.......Miee J. Thompson entertained a number or her friends at a birthday party oe Saturday bast......Wo . Bray Is work- ing with Cris► Thompson ... • Mies E len Thompson is visiting Lsekeow friends at present .......Mr. and =n. Win. Phillips entertained a number of friends on Wednesday evades....... A number of young people Iron here attended the ball in Auburn bast Fri- day evening .Mr. D. facilitator . visited Bethel and Jamestown trioses last week. ANNUAL Mzert..no op dertilfa:.- The annual mesa* of the rifle as- sociation was held on Tuesday even- ing in the Bali. The following officers were elected : Captain. A. IIuab.a ▪ pry, A. hey ; treaasrer. Hugh Thompson; committee, K. Bropbey'aad M.Osfrlssittrn DUNGANNON. Trasna'r. Deo lat. Woxu:e. Ixerrrvrn.--Tbe Dungan- non broach of 114. Woemes's £salt.&s met in the had on Thursday. Novem- ber 80th. There was a large atten- dance and • very interesting pogr.a was provided. Each meeting is marked by an increase In the member- ship. Mrs. J. H. Prnti mrd and Mrs. R. McKenzie gave reports of tier In- stitut. convention held at Loodoa recent/. The reports were so good the members tell felt they bad made no mistake is sending Mem two ladies as delegates. Mrs. Oen McIntyre gave a'plrsdii paper cm ' lbs Vass of Beets mod Mwic In the Hove." Several .deettoss of mask were gives. ancog tbem being a duct by Mimes Lulu Blethers and tsdit1 Augustine. whine .was listened to with mock Mrs. John Graham. of toe, gave o rending a to Do gun How to Work 1.. the M.lgio. Belief- Fusel." Soes..1 the eeerp...tiess will be sited epos in the neer future. A eal.mlttes wan appointed to pack the 61y. jam end dried apples d.sated for use 1n the hospitals at the battle -tills. DUPILOk W s.NnsoiY, Dec. lad. Woox AT T'111 CHUacB.-Tb. work at the basement of limbers chore! is going steadily an. Mr. W. Brow. in putting in the e.esent neer aloe musk. during the mild weathew J. D. F t- ri.h is building the blast cblasey, whirl .there of the yup.( lose w drawleg,Rrsvel. At the �resest ran ta o[ ea the basement w01 ks as ac- hed sfeet vet t1Mas winter ru.Uy .sM is shed we .ball bops to ere the "old Guard" buck le their pipe.. by Obrlessa b.o ibsaprlt of rived - will and paw could be with os la a "meld es.asntre. PAaswnu, POEM. --[Art Thnesi•y .vas Mr. and al Mrs. de. Hames gave* k k• party se tarshr ;head t daughter, Laura, Were-hur-ie'a sr I . far tes Toronto, whmerlhe hoe meg. to take up the vocation .1at Genes bn.pltmi. Guiltlessness, bur yams Meads were peon& mid the psad caber All eves mase .post Is earl rrip rt • food thee. Mom se - so sW dMgr • 4� �s tyT cote Mrj..A- H. QMatos .04 booty are �Mlginset 1411/ modern utu.a tH�e1k lltebuJ` 1 to ty WtU .wait, orbs sprat the seesaw month. at Oa. Thomas. Dakota, n termed es Saturday to kis family le L,.olep. 31. Fie COLBORNN Christmas Offerings Are Complete ! We are showing lots of thing to delight tLe little tolls and the tiingatoottbat *she the elders happy, all here In profusion and at prises that will bring them within the reach emelt of the slen- der purse. It is wise to begin Christmas shoppia� early and piths lint pick of goods. Dont forget that it is only three wholes till Calf. Se mare had read the fc w 1 I . CHRISTMAS HARWRCHI3FS Thom boll- •, r is tee .uiilw sore sa+eptaki. d ('b4*1 . tib tea. T ds. and Iles folio day uea•ee+er aims* le foil e1 Jost times d lines at /ehse Mem real ,seen. (1Weem'• picture Hmedkerehists. aoitoeab and moils piste,.., ford she and a ramps d pattern•, at /torts �uy.� colored Handkerchiefs is i!• hoot Odell andgood petter.s. Ivory 14 y maid ap/re;� mem Rode . les Boys' largs.aias Moulds Hasdketehieb.. It has fes appa•rsoes ed a tatter Hand eorc1bf esti the mime can be relied upon We have • large ragas In difrn.t color. Rath 10e Ms's Remold& Haodk.rebists. This is • Head - keratoid that has bias a the amongst for a lama time and eusot be beat for quaky and fast dye. The patine. are ad naw but, the price M the same. It for !ie Ms's plain 11.s RaodkenbMIs in l-Iseb and i-ineb bees. These HasedterehMb range In pries t roes 10e to See and Meb oar awe. lime. Mage loses Nokia) oaodk.rob4fe made from a v�8dam am aid a pretty Initial in tenv Um rne. See Lulls.' Oahe r HandkeeekW.. Valves that as real, l leak hem and palet. From N to SOe Gide' misted Mandlearteids M e pled 1/s. nese are ggrr.•ia ler th. sena 01 and wbe sp. pisoiat� .dy6 everyone. Inetb Se On 1 fie Plain Hees or laws Rsadkwil.A et ie. ♦ linen Hm.dkere.Mt list in en Mees and • Imre Heed- b,.eldef with embroidered mesa. Break..... tie Owes, gWee1es.i lows .eineko +M4 law the g irls. This lino is essepriesel el sow Mei Handke.Ohef 1 porton Bash.... Os Indies' Oorsse embeddwsd laws HaadYefekieb. i Ineb yon. with a Anew pattern he the smear. �aA ...... 11e. ♦ beenty M Ms and a range nada op el tits sew, e st iodate. Togs win 1.d a H•.dk e..Mt 1s /his lot to suit the Asset taste. Barb.. ... !Oe We bar. a *oakelsl rants et H sfkerebiste •t d000tpritioal e ignns. s embroidered ed end edsorwar ge, i eb Ole designs. ♦ large reap of 8e. Wei sad lines Haadk.r- abMt-es Ms newest patterns, sailer With Mee or battesburs .dile or sower embroidered. These Hawdkerabiefs ramp from. Mob.. SO* to *1.00 Neckwear, Smart and New for Christmas diving The fashionable f,IU Collar, with a large variety of dainty differences in make-up. This smart Neckwear Is looked epos with delight by the well dresrd woman. Thew Dollars make lovely gifts. Plats terra Collar -with pleated back one Immo points. Race. .. _ .... :Ales and Bike. High frilled Dollar with block neck strap and lapel hoot. Each . .. 1110, Flee lawn Cellar and Cuffs with pleated Collar and wide Coe., also pleated. Bach ....... tips Thee, are ju.t a vet y few of too many really won- der ful ore••iosse that we have to show every customer. The Ever Popular Silk Scarff A good silk Seed made In a variety of colors sod ata rearm of priors. At 111.1Q in white. bleak,tea aid grey. A gift thee will be appreciated. At *1.86 a beautiful Bok silk Semi lo all wanted shades and edged with silk triage. Bash...*1.11 Why Not a Parasol? sews! of Christmas Parasols f< k,mplete sod an this to 8d ad wants. rilfeallb-leess 11.00 to N100 witb Iss dainty anon mil liven that eau be relied apes. Let asahtfiw yaw tb.m lisps. LET US FILL YOUR WANTS IN CHRISTMAS GIFTS J. H. COLBORNE Big Reductions Coal Wood Ranges ♦ great variety of Best Chocolates and Home-made Candy awaits your -elsellon lone+. Give w a trial and you woo', b. disapoiste& Yoe may sot wast them all. bot you ..rteisly wast some. �`11.1"'� T. J. SaMeld flame id Oysters ars/ Ice Grasp 4T. MRLEN& Tesso*T. Dee. 1. >rasmeetaf Awe GswsaA>..--Mr. ;oyes was M Toronto lest week....... Rev. Wes. M.dlatosll was at too rams. Lt.yleh, on Mo�o�rr. Mr. Mem Pott. oWltseuh. yam .t M. J. H MM Maser. b toMTas.day. M unwed! a wet &xis? laklmo . MM eNtek......Mr. J. It. a.therfoed aid Miss M. 0. Rutherford wetd in the .00sty tower on bated eye...... Mho Ansa Stuart has merged from Luras atter rpsdiis a utcat enjoyable time .mess Wends thew Mr. P. Plena. d 1�1Altsekk I;mto., M siMre obs. is a pt M Mr Ilrnees*r. and Mee. Woodley, of Winfield. bars nerfsd Lite Woo Rith.rbwd'. Misr We woken* them re our s.manne- Ib... ...Mr. mmk logia mmi, >tt.Reyed eow0od. adieilnm�ryer�kr, � �r lase das¢ar. Hrs. ge s. en& ow woo res bt.sas. - The Weems's Isstitws held • eery swearer tel ...teem •s Mea AN.Mw'e Ir T►weday. Over tht11 was yladies ware presesLto do seen s.wi.g asp keit- by the tins it. esslm�or the soldiers at too from Aay perm webs le willies to help N the god work w bays yen supplied es apsiyMg to the e.eeutas y, Mr. R. coLaolts8. Aar. Des. l.1. Florae.hews or sits W - Skew Rose Dent .ed Fleren%yin.pest Ses- day at their resp..Mw bomu .. Mrs. H. ism M rww sg old anions - teases es Oho Melll.s•l MO week ..... . Mr. IrwM, of QL.ee. took the sov- eir. Bohol .bard Sunday =11 had es. Dere, and . , deeds er.. tare* M le ora.s4 againto MO east Mrs. M $mese. d *lb nth .pus les, maw elle. tisk new *Mie so Sat des le tb. dor _b hie.; es haw* Inset ohne, 4.dd p hed wksi< Ripest the yet tea else No. 9 "Champion Summit" coal or wood ,range with thermometer and reservoir. $42.00 reduced to $34.50 N o. 9 "Ideal," coal or wood with reservoir, high -shelf and thermometer. $35:00 to $29.00 _ All our stoves are guaranteed and these two lines are exceptional value. EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE 16 Howell Hardware Co. SHELF ped HR♦VY H♦RDWARB - - - PHONE b7. 11 w. while ssotoeing down the Maltl•md mossesiosi on Sunday afternoon drove Me "seed" Seto the creek to sive it • drink I He says be will dries a boree in future -it's safer. We ere sorry to Maas that Mr. H. ?arrant is shoat a eeneslkom our midst. Mr. Far- =Mieele hes merle gnome .ge1My• 4..knee! circles. when be by always been an vainest sad .serged° worker. Th. Mat wishes of the eerie, ems - enmity go with him ter leis future su.e.es is wbeetao.ver lime of endeavor be nay dasidk to engage Is. 11014O0L iMPORTS. S. N. No. 6. COLSORI%R ,.les rnMtb of Mesrmber, R on weekly ezaml.u1we ash t for gesustl profkle.ey. .Mrk oboist for ism or mese V. - Terme. Hetes .,. 1 -isked,; O WN. Beatrice Ai 011r. Me - Casa, Phiup Md�tle 71.A.w, S r. i 1.-Lns.ila . L+Wa Morro. Jr.IU.- ' W.Mesr . ! neer lees,. s,. 1Lim - 7r. 11r *Aare Wesky � Tburiow. 'kodgtek ilk: l- ines y3.Morin swi1--- Jess borne. NNW Morels. ♦- Dike Hooton. Lacier,. It, Zia'., Triehrr. t,a.Mo. 11.STARLIT. 110 fleaawllyt le the Nevemle,r meutthy riper, iia t. S. Fin14, tea ljrzewirbartes.erglerr d& t Er. tir.-Anisa KW, It 1 $. Qmw.r. Sr. lit -V. M1. Morn. Hood. $Ra Tiebs,. fr. 11. W. A. Hoo., W. .1. Harvey. Luella Feeler. IL Pt. -W. W erksies. 1) /liter. L Meer. I. Pt. -L 0. Work ill.. lilar.ey, R. 1. ales. . tbty ,pse)rBme8iwerr: V.-;- .Il lopes. .tea. flh 1Y.-WmarC.eper: Jr. iV. Harold Ratbwet Jr. IiL-V.rssr Mc Oymeet. Jr. U. - Wilfred Roe, 11. Pt, -Walter We .tame. O. S. t. 1M.' 1, SLt tor 011. It. tles 4,47 tele I�t�po� A1. As1eMg. *1.tiuM iSMA I'�-°yt1' Wpm Y.pher��'°es Mc 8r. heel; iROirm.ytnm•ar.l N. .1,. UL-lr.n. I"ori rAbl1e44Os`May r.Hle1a.h fo. -*l dg. Mk els MIL St 1* 1 e alt