The Signal, 1914-12-3, Page 1w
ret ti Y &TM T>Yi-Ma. M
SAVE, because— No. 135
Money saved now will soften to -morrow's
Seed 00.., Cerner Lag and Hay Streets, TMaata
Genal lllbo sgm -
Gederich Ikon& -
A. N. Wallow
A. Porter, Manager
'Jhe `dhristinas
lift f/roblem
When la doubt. make it a Mutual Life Policy !
No article of ornament or of utility oast possibly
giver solid satielisetion all through the year as a
policy la the Mersa of Canada A !luteol poWy
does cot wear oat or deteriorate. It itemises in
vales day to day and year by year. Our life and
limited life policies sr preferable for protection :
our esido ramat policies for protection and invest-
Mouth t Oregon TB 1 Hove UM. P.O. Box Mil
will art pa .eatgte•airsr a• an
ssTURDAT.1111150011111R I. int
sat osteo
.�ai(ssttr, Mea *f eta P
Tt1eM wig M Alma in
hrnl.hies season fel la�.erui smebasestr-
t.omanttat IMill iStds' p es. pw seem: ler A
siePAIN ,sem i![tlOt sti
fir air r.ssrve.
teem gMI lermins.
It 1. aPRUte0. f1110S. S. K R
M s.�a
Its. .nit. r
pW1coo,arraeessttyyg�p. �at Q,
,trA,t'ttDNBSD�Y. D
at 1..w� *sign.
1ninon sectio Orad do
January. tee
three In A some
roar. .: e,sml
will nate (Ivis vel eager react re -
ata Yars
:C fa: AeMl •
salt nod id pt ice. tees
'tuts of ea% -Tame: illiW bttvat
� sae nt. per •etc fie e
W.H.W.RA/R ass► le °VOMIT.
reoprieter. • Awaleamer.
eta, eau
M be d
eat MOW ,
Ble baton's homemade taffy a
peals to everybody. ,
' says:
Th. O.Msgwsd i
There m
has been a rearksble tallies
off in the
grain traffic to tele and other
Georgian Bay porta this fail. Indeed,
it is a somber of years since the Mid -
lead elevators have handled such •
small clammily of grain. During
Ow mouth of October there were just
two aerie's received at the A •so
elevator, while the others got equally
small quantities in oomperiswith
their handling capacity. The tt°ostb
of November may show better results,
but after the terrible experiment d
Intear, doubtless. extreme modes
will be exercised this year by both
=rsad vessel owner, with the
ib* tbat tbe•re meed be little hope of
any groat rush at this late date. The
trade season is preet bully
Or. Struthers Is the thaw President -
Annual gneursWM M the Home
County May $s Orsppod ,awleg to
Unaaddiasory Railway Arrange-
The fifteenth annual meeting of lbs
Huron 014 Boy. Aseooatton of Tor-
ononto was held oa Friday evening last
in Mt. Georgie. Hall, lbrosto. The
prsoident for the past year. Mr. R.
Rotates, wee le the chair. Al show-
ing the large member of Haroslauo
mow reetdlag in the city. it may be
stated that over five hundred notices
were melMd for the meeting.
The president stated that while the
year W bassi • enumedId she In tome
*septets It bed 4w heappliadag ha
others, due to eireumethathe over
which the Association had so enntiol.
The annual -at. home" had bass the
most successful ever held. A panic,
arranged for In the early summer. had
to be eanorlled. Referwnos was made
to the death of Lad) Otter, wife of
General Bir William Otter, one of the
otdsat member. of ibe Association :
also to that of the late John Keret-
ghee, of tboroe, fathenin-1•w of
Ma jd
r Beck : also to lb* of Mrs.
8ut, of Toronto, daughter of
Mr. Wm. Coate. Ooderieb.
The report of the secretary. W. R.
Moody, alluded to the susemsful '•at
home," the annus! ezeosleo, the
efforts meds to Ioeresat the nesfulness
and activit of iM Ansesistios, and
suggested the preprisly of discontinu-
ing the annual eICVIMnm, maim bet-
tor rates cam to obtained le feature.
Mr. Moody has been a most efficient
.od painstaking secretary during the
satire life of the Association. and ap-
preciation of this was shown by his
unanimous and heart y re-election.
The report of the trs•°orer. Mr. J.
Robertson, &bowed that over SLOW
bad Mao raised duris( the year, bit
the Aror:dation oevoetbslses hod a
mall deficit of 06 cents, owls( to the
fact that the would °ze.rsios did not
realise as mach es in former yeas,
doss to several miser. Tito first data
for the ezeardom. sd.pted earl in
March, was July Mb, but the railway
declined tow became they
wee Deeded dere foe Amides*
esrs.sioaa tesffis- July iltb met the
same fate. Whig to its proximity to
the nib, sod ib. rsilway fixed on
Joao 27th. and ws.M give no other.
This waste aseepted, only to
'the Provincial election*
bad been fined for the Mtb. The rail-
way, instead of allowing Ib. custom-
ary low las, raised the rata almost
to the limit of the ordi.ary week -end
ooe. Coder all times circumstance*
the Association was fortunate In bay-
ing as small a deficit as it did.
Sir Jobs 8. Million. the first p esi-
Is yes Somme Omar to Overarm
Maismw Pinson...
se s
tmtrr, ag
ties of a. L
(:Art at
aroma of fir. at tins
TT�swno� aelwtM, et t
vt, Ti.
Ina In tan
n r a s ono Orders M- mow.
�."Intr,ss.,�so��s cm• d sal mess
.Na ~ v°
Mr* dew Tom.eaM
Nie int.
.e►In to
'M, tie
Ili* 0,
.1M Anal
1 1
I. +
"Within The Law"
$y Marvin Dana, from the
play of Bayard Verner :-:-:
Commenced in this issue of The
Sr sere to reed tar tere,wng c a pfsri
'Don't let
the Obeid/was Made
gib aw.y tram you
If you any
Llbeiiotmie want
a lto omat the
people know it through
the oolsmes of
The Signal
TIM e1UMAL P'RINTIN(i CO.. LneiTLD. mamma.
•aa to te the laseear A°� THE HO
he Whoa days. Ho
biographies! 1 Ilei* a Henn e•0..ty, CoototIZATION arrears°
• alleldistiew th/tttlay O• Mit open. TUESDAY NIGHT.
De. J. I. Fl prattled ed the
Dtv,acn UM Wye.- Assosie ler. and
loss esatetd with the Tostmto
whorls, IleadM ea rxeelleat end lithely
address - Weserous, bislerieel• war-
like and deoldeally limpleteg.
The similes* et officers for the mew
I year results& ae follows :
n�oasen �ee�Nen!s-ifs d. 8. Wit-
h ui� p� Otter. W. K. Mc-
Prod/est- Dr. E. Struthers.
ad IL
Vlo..presMesl-Jobn Robertson.
8see+Nary E. Moody.
Secretary-N. D. Cobble -
Treaeseer-R S. Crooke,.
Executive -Major Beck, H. Clews.
K. Mel.mdL b.. , W. B.
se the tows wadi he
. et caber mast or
w :ale.
=7 ..a. O. Reser, R. A. Rastall. T.
D. Sone, W: W. Sloan, 8. L. Scott
gelato, nW .ira� Prldbsom EidenW.
D. M. Bemeo .
J. F. Thermic, Dr. Belden, T. Racer,
A. Stewart, A. Dyer, J. Beide, F. H.
On taking office as preeideot Dr.
Struthers lloeesetly of Baylleld and
Ooderteb, now nedtcal Inopsrtor of
Toronto schodh), while tbaath) the
members for tbs honor eon on
him, asked for their cooperation in
maklog the Ansel t1os live, earful
and iasrgetic, els filhag a admit*
purpose, and beteg more than merely
friendly In its operations.
The mailing list of The 8lgsal has
bees corrected and we should litre sub-
serfbees to take a look at the label on
thele paper and see if the date is right.
A number of complaints label
dates have readied this office dote
the new management tout *barge, &ad
we are anxious that all these matters
should be rectified at once so far es we
are concerned. Will subtcribere
pleas, examine the label us their
paper this week, and if it dose aot
&bow the date to which they think
their sobeaiption le paid will they let
us know at' one* ?
Mayor Reid Elected President of Busi-
ness E*mC%$ive.-Citizens Rush to
WW1 the Roll -pa Connection with
Militia Department.
The town ball was ppa. road to the
damson Tuesday ironlo& the ooce-
sioo befog the formation d a Home
(guard for Ooderieb. Mayor Reid in-
troduced the obioet of the meetiug,
sayingbo bad written to th. Minister
of MIHU., the Hon. Bum Hughey,
some west* with regard to secur-
ing equipment for • bow guard on
the Oros Lakes. The Minister had
replied that be was so bur with e
work in connection with the the
contingent that be could soot bowiegivetot•
tention to boguard
at that time, but would do so later. la
Om meantime the Mayor bad written
Attention is called to the miaow on
page 2 of this fess of The 8igs•!,
bombe( '"The OtBteogg1se wo
are bore giving ohs readers some
gleanings from leading British god
Americas papers which are not wide-
ly circulated in thin country and are
therefor* sot readily available. We
hope to be able to publish from time
to time extract* of this nature, os sub-
jects relating to the war, believing
that our lades will And them timely
interesting and informing.
BIM ,[ tM Aesociatioo, always takes THE SIGNAL WANT► OORRE8-
tiro. hams his welI-knewn journalistic PONDENTB AT Potters IN THB
iag. ami la hie weal ►apppp manner het DISTRICT NOT ALREADY REPRE-
*zpremed fele appe.ei.iMs of being t SENTED.
.stiddes to attend the annual meet
as kalss�sieswi M
esadeliens ` r
tire s.�
air W ser. or hed henw
a1:s •.d a dean les • 't' fir
IOol Messes se reiwsrl
tr a *sag#s T,c&if
M Mtla
M w
teem a-tt
•JA><se MIt�M.ta mrweorf•
BAltr."reg tk• f ma
In view of the fact that the psmeat epidemic of Measles is rapidly
mrs.daid ing, athan ss unlemore effective measures of combatting 'its
are resorted to the disease will be prevalent bare for some
'soothe, w iib oonsegoot gears danger to life sad inteefmasoe witb
loopiest* the Board of Health. with the advice of Dr. McNgjfy, the
District Officer of Health, wish to ask the co-operation of the Cities..
In establishingan effective quarantine so u not to render i eoeseary
the bringing nto action the power vested in the Board under the Pub-
lic Health Act, of establishing • rigid qo*raotl.e and so prevention
anyooe from leaving a house where the disease s:lets.
Measles. under the regabsiiose ref the Proihelal Board, are clamed
with Scarlet Fever, Diphtheria aid Smallpox, and the wase mare is
necessary se is all oomMattleable diseases evader this beadbsg. Unfor-
tunately the opinion le preeebrat that Naiades 1a a mild disease and there-
fore is not to is dreaded. That fhb view is ntgeiy wrong le proven
by Matbtiem of ep"esel' 1 which have bre . seasidmaWe proportion of
death. and nee from So hat tam la Lid bs a ret like
cosi nay be laaoofied
the /tat t wo weeks is .
in after lits bre mole saltiest to
'dare. At any dm the mtMty of .i
and deaths malt. as feu bass the ear
swerby mwielpnity.
if it can be shows that those °dlbtianfrove **disease tee NM4
ually isolated, those pasties of the household who have eo�ew1pte.
Hon with the patient maatteod to their osdlaary Nil)iISABT
daily duties. No children from as Infected boors may be Hewed to
leave the premises for a period of sixteen days atter expose/It to Mho -
Partite having the disease most be isolated fee a peeled of three
weeks. it is believed that the hearty cooperative of the Aber will
soon eradicate 1t, but if these privileges are &band, the mime violat-
ing them will be stabled to a See and &ballots gement in. of all is t.ha
household will be adored.
lo order townie' la 1*0 stamping out proems Um Hoard have or-
dered the stools, of Primary some Is Rehods. the closing of Sunday
['abode, and the prohibition of Children at Movieg Picture Shows.
By order of the Board.
Regulations for Controi tiltaslea.
No meson ether Mas the PA Health
1. lt{ Ofile.r,
Otnwyma• ce S.sit.ry ittpetor. Is ttoil to go Into w leave any
ham ender quarantine.
II. The Bodkin OM Mer of Health may, *1 he le satisfied of the rd -
yew.. iodation of the patted, permit these who de sot base the dir-
est sere el the potisnt to leave the premises la grim to .trend to their
asersducase t thewhose estelil. a.-
�wry them with thepnhp� of food or dealing.
dealtlp or wee are w
sseiated with ebpdeeo awaf s
q •rastiwed Mess.
i11. The period at gpier mtls. stage hat reposer* to IsIeetHm to
darts. The see0..t date of stere to whist &flaw mamba is
iV. Snow/ the quesesatios toed sum be esmmwed tie
WIN May Jt end elmemmr
d IR a ersier
be Ste
A Desuiplive Letter to Dr. Streag tinea
a Ferner U. C. I. Muds* -
Dr. Strang bee received the follow -
lag leiter from Mr. Siwyn A. Long,
one el his former pupils now with the
Canadian fighting force i. Ragland :
mu.tard C.a,4 rev. W. WItNalbburr .Plain, fag..
Dear Dr. ptraag.-The other day 1
was reading a couple of your letters
that you mote to Philip Carey, and I
thougbtperhaps you might like t o bear
from another of your old .1.45.1* lo
the Comedies Expeditionary Force.
This is a relay day, a common event
on Salisbury Plato, and we are all en-
joying a little rent. We verseldom
get a teat except on rainy days, and
these, although disagreeable, are
usually welcomed by the boys.
This is a fine camp and a finer place
for training soldiers could not be
found. in this country at any rate. At
Valcarti°r the camp acoommodatiow
wets better, but the ground for man-
oeuvring was rather limited. Hes.
Were are miles of open plain aultable
for military tactics. Bustard camp
just a000sodates the first brigade of
the Canadian forces and the other brl-
to officials to other towns where home grades are located at West Down
Ltd* hod been formed cod upon the South. West Down North and Poud
�nlormatioo gained had called this
Mayor Reid was thew sleeted chair-
man for the evenings meeting. and it
was decided to proosed st mice with tiogets. We are stilt under costae,
organixat ion. Atelier from the mayor but General Alderson has teased the
Farm camps. Away off to the east
about twelve miles, there are several
camp* of Eugliab Territorials sad also
the Australian and New Zeeland con -
of Fletoo, who is also an officer o
the home guard there, was read,
which described the organisation in
that town. It was decided to elect
a business executive and after consid-
erable persuaitm May.. Reid coo -
emoted to act as president. The others tereatiwg nature. Reveille sonwds &t
elected to office were as follows : Vice-
president, Rev. J. B. Fotberingbam : mot for so early morning p�r�d. $1
secretary, L. L. Knox : tteaeurer, a f0, we go out fora 6alf•ieue ran
Peter MacBwan. An executive of five amuse the Plain sed return tor bre•k-
wee .Iso elected, coosieting hi the moi- fast y 7.'X' o'clock. After breakfast
lowing: J. W. Venal ter, Oh*. Sea- we bathe to shave, shine our shoes and
grr, orace Mabel John Galt, Judge buttons, and clean our riltes before-the
0.0U o'clock pond*. The penalty for
At the e000loioo of the election of Rots, on this parade with a dirty rifle
oMaen the Payor Invited all pie+ent or for sot being nest in appearance is
1e Dome forward sed sign the roll. asytblug from five to fourteen days
Tbo. who atgmea weneribed tW O B. (confinement to hart acts). Alter
names W the fotlowdi l•ah tw tmoy° have put io a few Jaye 0
16* underdgssd. alibi In tie thle dw fele punlehment, it Is
Hume Gu.rd of the fn Sof Go msw1 4eb wonderful bow the appearance of a
and sgr.e to abife by aY IM stater toompaoy brightens up. We bare slit
eegulatdoma to be "'yeas& ti IM mom" or seven bouts' drill • day and this
mitten appointed W tM rtir... et conduits of route marches, skirmishing
°herd1ba town w lake aha of tis oegb- drill, advance and ter guard*, out-
fs.tioD, thea ..ria Rimerte pet . duties .ed to I practice. Two
orders that all the Csadlia forme
must be la huts by the end of this
The wot k we have bad to do sines
coming to this country, although
rather °treouour, has been of vary in -
b• committal' with the
is no eon or throe
Militia Devastated." 1
These was sS* $ reek to gullet that ddeek
we go out on a
camp at 8.00
about midnight.
December • sion of the Couniy Coun-
cil Now 1n Progress -Reeve Ellett
of Godorich Has • Orisv.nee -
Manbsrs Entertained by Clerk and
The Deoambar session of the Huron
county wooed loomed 1n the Dour,
house on Tuesday a tor0000. County
Clerk Lane promoted the sport of the
June meeting, alter which Warden
laoteloo gave a review of the work
ince done, dwelling especially upon
the gift to tae Empire made by 'the
county recently. He seated that is all
twenty -aloe carloads of produce bad
been glees by the county. Upon the
r celpt of & telegram from Hoe.Gro. B
Foster be had called the Warden's
committee together. and it was
decided to make a grant not to *seed
$6,1100 for the purpose of collecting.
packing and shipping the gifts of the
Reeve Elliott of Ooderich asked bow
much had been paid the men em-
ployed at the work. 7'he reply was
$2 per day sad expenses. Reeve
Elliott thought some of the men were
not worth that much.
The clerk then presented the wn-
ppsaid accounts in coomeciloo with the
Wagon' gift. From Ude it was stows
th it in some municipalities the
farmer had given produce. urge and
labor entirely gratis, while to other
plaes� all expenses had been paid.
'Phar aroused ottssiderable comment.
but it was decided that all accounts
would have to be paid and those who
had given the wore gratis deserved
the thooke of the county for the
public spirit they bad shown. The
Dost of the batrei° provided varied
from 43 coots to 50 conte each.
Reeve Brown of Grey wanted to
know who supplied a county paper
with the infdrmation regarding the
various shipments. Be felt tbat it
was unfair to his district, as ems and
one-half cat o bad gone from Ethel and
mention was made of it. The
Warden assured him that the inform-
ation was not official and that other
errors were in the newspaper report.
Reeve Elliott of Godsricb created a
diversion by statists that he had re-
ceived co nodes of the Warden's
meeting recently called and be oo.aid-
ared It a personal night The War-
den .soured Mr. EIMoi that no slight
was intended. At the time. the min-
utes were not available, &sod the Doti-
Ilestioa had bes.rawa Wits. W. 11.
Elliott of Step, Metal of to lie.
R.. Elliott of tlodeaicb. Mr. Elliott.
still feeling somewhat wrathy and
declaring be wanted British fair play.
said he bad not done with the matter
A motion of thanks was peered to
the Warden and the Werdee's eta -
amines for the prompt settee they w
takes with reseed to the esinaibutiom
tothe Illagin sad for tibe splendid ea -
c sot whisk followed that antics. The
e carried by hearty bei -
c t Tausday evening the me others of
the council were solarising * at &
smoker at the British Exchange howl.
Count Clerk Lane and County Treas-
urer Ht
olme° being the hosts.
The following days were taken up
with committee meetings and the
council is still in session .. we go to
only a �� o1 thaw ties -
nit could get avow to the book and at asamtw .ice a ung iu attack is net
man left the hall declaringthey'el, except ender very favor
so 1 thlmk onr work
would call at the town clerk m office aloelg t line will coon b. completed.
the next day to sign. Upwards of
hundred signed their names the --
evening, including many of the fore-
most badness and profee-tonal men of
the town.
It is iotsoded to call a meeting at
an early data to select drill instructors
and the other officers necessary for sa
=isation of this character. Many
no who have had military exper-
ience have offered their services, either
le set advisory cap elty or as active
wormers In the tiraitdsg of tbe,guard.
"Bullas&. as &seal" is the motto at Prilbos
We Maw's. Jest sow la a goal goat to cyder
a sow 'Astor mak, gr overcoat Ptlitiwas W
Imo (land/ aeslo rtes whisk to salami row
Tb. I: IL C. A. teat re tbe sop4il
centre of the camp. Every night the
boys gather in and write their letters.
and bare comfier., and other amuse-
ments. I wish you could drop in some
night and bear u. sing "Rule Britan-
nia" or 'The Maple Leaf." One of the
Y. M. C. A. rrpewwtatives from Can-
ada. Mr. Pquegnat from Stratford,
Wads the singing and we sometimes
neatly raise the roof. The Y. Di. C. A.
oleo sells refreshment* and provides
writing paper for the use of the
t roope.
There will he a meeting of the Chil-
dren's Aid Society at the court boom
next Tuesday afternoon at 4.15 o'clock.
The County Court will sit next
weak. oommendog oro Toseday. Theis
are a large namber of cues os the
Tb. regular meeting of the Cana-
dian Order of Chosen Friends will be
heed to the Temperance Halt on Fri-
day evening.
A handsome 1915 calendar will be
given to ever Si subscriber who
pays us for The Signal in advance for
the coming year.
A body of men ars employed cower -
lag In the cable of the new foghorn
along tib* breakwater and making
things secure for 10. whiter storms.
If yw like a good .aria! story. you
eheW read "Wilbio the Lw." the
tWeatios of which is commenced in.
the mghThe r.goal. Don't antra
Se Mistake the rat-
isear de at 'I Signal. on whack
g. you
may ham your own Dame and vest -
last printed. They as noosing loco
tar more and mos each year.
Another liquor ease was tried before
Magi*. rate Kelly on Wedaeeda
Grown Attorney Sanger condoned the
osaminailea .aa L E. Dewey e♦♦
the e defence. 'The magi►
=drown Me daisies for a week.
es there wee doubt whether It wee •
Sot oRtenm or a seemed one.
TM water and light rommisekin
held its regular meeting la* Thom -
day evening. Most of the business sae.
was of aa wlahportaet nature. The The cargoes of the Turret Crown,
•egfteer rrport°d that the standpippee Kmprese of F..rt William and the
hod bees d.n
eed out little sedt. Winos& have b ea unloaded at the
most benne found In it wiry T'be commit Big M U dorisg the week•
slam deetd.d to parte tt. Itaetal a- „b - s A1i�otan, Nephi
Wm of light• w hs K swill' of seal Yorktoe erns Is ne WVednesdaIlly
Bel/aneia read._ aftereao., after Acing anchored oft
Here s One from Chicago. of the break water ter gpward. of on amount d the teas !bg
del' Trfb., le modyi. g Oeemaa. Bur- °let'
tea Bur-
nam,. &ted bar wbeRor. gb° kao docked at the Transit elevator and
motored bent •*0. w ui after the eoetssseed to di.r►►aarrgg.a her cargo. NEW ADVENTI$EMENT$-DED. Ord.
The *here will proem y hold their
I war i wast M be upon al. tee dead Toga
lognagee." Juane that. grain in stoma* amino the "steer amnion ease -mot. 1. *woe illi 1
I Four other boats arrived at the bar- Amnia, Nolo- W. W. Lobb illi . .illi . 1
V *Meer of one d the Mow - Dor ted. sed will make their winter R..a.ra_ma.a,.w..r ..
mets t, uta baht write to hie 'hare. They ere the Eamialo ti
a hams t- ' ~are_ I sows a goat_ W. A . o►i+.� 1
4md, ob, by the way. Rawer.. Thomas 3.alewheseid Koen utaeps..d-Lally• Oerap. .. _ M
1= MM the *MA paMte to tomb ' emi Anima.. SOU another boat le geoger_pyyhm, thalami., t
1 iiitr r uimh s 11 weld M i ..pso1ad h tod&y. Ginhighb IMAM M Me tamiomou owleas�leseid et mama t
tss as liar • oat her. if we wtr amsersnedae. a Asst of Meet er Nimbi r a. - . L owes 1
only ktes,r 1 mew bee daring the ill mbtg whiter. gap • worms wmba--Ma am Nom1
We had a fine trip coming across
the ocean, although we were three
weeks on the water,,and It got rather
tedious toward the end. There were
thirty-two boats le the fleet and they
called In three lines, with two
cruign on each side and Doe cruiser
behind acting as • reaWhen
we sailed into Plymouthharbor, the
crowds lied the docks .ad cheered
seek boat u it sidled peat,. On one
�g troinin8 ship the little bk jeekete
climbed up into the dialog of the
ship, and the way they could cheer
was really inepirieg. We disem-
barked from the boat at three o'clock
on a Sunday morelog and even at
that bout there was a big crowd at the
station to bid no farewell.
The weather we have had sins
coming to camp has been of a rather
rainy nature. Tbte has hindered op -
orations sad made camp life rather
miserabie, but 1be toys all seem to be
bappy and are looking anxiously for-
ward to the day wbeo they can get oft
w the front and do their *has to
keep the old Union Jack flying.
Wen. Doctor, I think I will baa W
tionsfertbistiny. 'Wisdfbg 5rou and
0'4'44..411. every so.twm.1 remain.
Your friend,
ELWYN A. 14)1(0.
Arrivals at the harbor tbfe week In-
clude the doettleb Hero, the Morioka
and the Paipoosge, all with grain for
the Tomsk else or. The Senttieb
Hero undo i 1 and tied up for the
wester. TM Morioka unloaded and
cleared Monday alight for OoUingwood.
c.ttuu iewO lighter several
tb and here
with the belance of her cargo la sloe-
IfNth Eatheetne Higgins, of the Sea-tinbMedd with grain. Th. A
Grant for Belgian Raid.
The commit Ibis morning dismayed
a proposal to grant 8110,000 to the Bel-
gian relief food. Many of the seem -
bore are strongly in favor of a geoer-
ons oontribotioo to the relief of Um
distressed people whose sad cage sp-
pQes..I�s so undesalabl to all British
butts. It was felt, however, that
000wltal.lon with tba estop&re oof
the mount would M y and it
was deeded to leave the proposed ac-
o-tion over until the January sooting
and in the meantime the members wUl
have an opportunity of Iwraing Use
views of their eosatisatests. in the
interval. oleo, further information ono
be obtained as to the disposition of the
proposed oouvibusloo.
CMisrn•a (eroding.Cafds.
Private Christmas oatds, with the
sender's name and greeting printed os
them .are coming into general use.
Theu bas a settee of beeotfful
cards or this purpose cad samples
may bees seem at this altos.. Orders
should be left early. so that the print -
Ing may he doom and the card. de-
livered in good time.
Major Emettla Dead.
NaierTlaueas Heirs. M.P., of Lon-
don, ies euddsdy yesterday.
Rlee><7. bm Ml/wi Aelabgr, oe
ea a. reYo .
�toee•ai, a e. naw n.
Mesh, •sea
PA 1< -At c'iar,aae, lit. d 91,. el Asa)
mor Moro tie W l y Iso Mwar.
9999��'. PPPPP��ss.��s.�����,r.. a rsa tabM
atlTR LA. -1s resat., fie Ttal.1 ire*.
se. TTth i feats. .tabs
Janne. Attain Sat