HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-11-26, Page 5.ANNOUNCEMENT
We will be located in our new quarters, text town ball,
m a short ties. and will be better prepared to handle all
your wants in the line of Automobile Repairing, Bicycle
Repairing, Vulcanising, Etc. We have a full line of all
repair parts always on hand at most moderate prices.
East Street Garage
Beat workmanship at J. DOIG'S, Clinton
J. Doig imports direct, he is able to give quick
delivery at close prices.
Designs and prices onlapplication.
A Stylish
Shoe for a
—A harmony
of refined design, soft -toned leather and per.
feet workmanship. ;�
A shoe for theE'[kPd:r'
quiet dresser. T
Fredericton. N. 8. t '�?�fOe
••t aasda's Best Sheemakers" �[gtgp
,ranges and Yeater3
Before purchasing your new Range do not
fail to inspect the
9eerlesd 'grana Range
The Corona fire box burns all coal gas.
Grates fcr coal or wood.
Reservoir, 19X1ox94.
Saves 10 per cent in fuel.
Large oven, 2 1 e2 tele.
Peerless Leader Ranges Peerless Oak Heaters
Cream Separators, 30o pounds capacity, special
cash price, $45.00.
Harness, Churns, Washing Machines, Wire
Fencing. A full line of Pumps and Scales.
Gasoline Engines, 1 4. h.p to 20 h.p. Lowest
price. Best value.
fdamilton Street
fT.::.] sin T. Elm al a
1 C r:ci ran u loom owl
l fol cite ecu 7,rjr r.'aci
] D CIC2 DO 3i it'2 0
a tacit. tete et ran!': DDI
arts Un u ngwlul■
$,4211* rare a rJr)t) Mee
pith correct wear for feet
Aho. Stock 1s complete
with the season's creation,.
Every desirable ..yle in hie
acid low shoes for hods creat and
women. Our line of Oxford., in
the most deelrahle entree and
Mather, will Interest and peeve
volt Ample provision has been
mode oleo for the tate and near
Change of Date.
(Swing to a 000ielet of dates., k W
been decided to bold the North Huron
Liberal nominating convention oa
Monday, December 141b, Instead of en
December Utb. The meeting will be
held et Wingbam.
Dr. Clark Has an Offer.
Dr. W. F. Clark, V. S., has been
offered an appointment as • veterin-
ary onicer with the British army lm
Europe. The Doctor ■ppreci•tes the
compliment, but cannot 4)M his way
clear to •wept the offer at piasnlF
A Hone Guard Air Doderich.
Mayor Reid has taken up in earnest
IlseProlect of eytsbllabing a bode
guard Hods. lob. and has called a
public meeting for next Tuesday even-
ing, at the town ball, for the purpose
of organizing such • body. Allable-
bodied men are requested to attend.
The Poultry Show.
The directors of the Huron Poultry
Association are actively preparing for
the sunual winter exhibition, to be
held in the town ball, Goderich, on
January 12, 13 and 14. Mr. J. H. Mc-
Clinton is the secretary and will give
any information desired on enquiry.
Do You Need Help?
There are several women in town
whose husbands are out of work who
would like to get the opportunity of
dcing general housework by the day.
and tbere are others who would like
to secure family washing to do
bel t
home. Anyone needing such
would do well to inquire of Mr. J. H.
McClinton. cbeirman of the relief
committee, who can recommend some �
of these women.
A Han Musical Event.
An event to which music -lovers io
lioderich ,'ill look forward is tbe ap-
pe•rauce of tbe Hambourg Quartette
at Victoria Opera House next Monday
evening, 30th ion. The Hambourgs•
Boris end Jan—have a reputation as
artists of the first order, and of the
two other members of the quartette it
is sufficient to say that they are wor-
thy of such company. The Ham-
bourgs are Russians who won tense in
their own country, and their appear-
ppearance in Goderich is • compliment to
the capacity of our townspeople for
appreciation of high artistic talent.
From John Jones Bateman.
Mr. Fraok Woods is in receipt of a
letter from John Jones -gateman. who
is with the first Canadian contingent
now at Salisbury Plain, England. M r.
Jones -Bateman after tellingof his
readiness to die like an Englisman for
his country if need be loots forward
with splendid optimism to the time
when he will return to (lodericb and
have another game of pool with his cld
friends. He terms the Keiser •'•
swine who makes war on women and
children" and says, "We would not do
that, no matter wbom we had to fight
against." Mr. Jones -Bateman sends
Ereetinge to his many Goderich
Few Cases for Relief.
Only about half+4osem responded
to the invitation of the town relief
committee, whoaeked all out -of -works
to present themselves at the town ball
not later then last Monday evening.
It would appear from this that groat
of the unemployed either are n ot in
need or do not want work.
The stock of secood•hand clothing
which has been deposited at the Odd -
fellows' Hall is almost exhausted.
Persons having articles of left -off ap-
parel wbicb they wish to contribute to
the relief fnnd may leave them at the
Oddfellowi Hall or commuoicate with
the chairman of the relief committee,
who will arrange to take them away,
J •
The Noted woktR,�Rambla*
er Rti. thei•Artiste oro
•.d wUl •e t h In tee.
oN -
Monday Evening, Nov. 30th
tt has been mid K th.w that to hear
them le • memory to oraes lifetime waver
to be fwgottsn.
Bogue 11 ..ua� " b. +wsoteet 'asllt.t
Mat ever wieved a t:analltas imem.ea"
J aN E1•1111100110 -"The serf saga=ts sad
soulmaohlee eteWdet that ever appealed
to ea maetleaal pablla"
W. J. eaimege A distingtrl•hed pueil
et lifiobaei Hambourg mid • plaatst K
marvolieswi nth. .M oaeessios.
Y mow ninny tipw•rtue Whom thew
weals-roeewnsd Mlohast Ha labour, mT
out K old Loudon.
aid ew.et •r eve -came
Them tour maks up • inudnal oombtaa
ties rarely beard outside tee weer due..
it red. sessethirse to bear tbos, bet tee
premise y wig stay with y. The
seer amid mit erne you more. Do sot
mks tains.
PNIL'.m-7th, We, s•o.
W. C. T. U. Meeting.
The W. C. T. U. bell its meeting oo
Monday afternoon with a large nom-
ber of members present end Mrs.
Leech in charge. The flat ball -hour
was spent in prayer and praise. A
letter of thanks was received by Mrs.
Leech for 630 soap wrapper coupons
collected and sent to Willard Hall,
Toronto. It was decided that each
member have a mite box in the borne.
The educational half-hour was taken by
Mn. Marshall and Mrs. Aitken. Mrs.
Marshall spoke on systemat is giving.
Ooe tenth belongs to the Lord and we
are not giving anything ourselves un-
less we give more than that- Tithing
brio's gnat satisfaction and comfort
In the individual who adopt• the plan.
Mrs. Aitken in bee talk on the mothers'
department painted out tbe response
bey of mothers to the children God
sereeseereseemwerseewsenesesesew has given them. In discussion some
of the ladles declared how terrible was
the growing habit among professed
Christians of ,pending their time pay-
ieg cards, instead of " lruprovieg the
tinge," as the Bible enjoins, in nedttl
The meeting public
Special Patriotic Records
on the Victor Victrola
"It's a long, long way to Tipper-
ar." "Soldier" of the King.'
ys of the Old Beigsdi
"Rule Brittannia," •'Ye Mar-
iners of Eoggland," "0 Can-
ada," '•standard 0' the Braes
. 0' Mar." 'Britisb Cavalry
March," ''The Deathless
Army," "Red Wbiteand Blue"
' V steeraaa float. The Yen -
men of " "Printer
Tommy Atkins."
Just received a floe new ship-
from 1S? 0 up to sllfo.00, fin -
Wird In Ma y and Weath-
ered (Mk.
if you can make it eoovenietst to
call we will he pleased to let
you hear the new Records and
Music 81 Stationery Store
ageet for Helnteesae &Oo.Planos
is the Time
to repair or put on a new roof.
Before deciding what' to use,
see our
Galvanized Shingles
Corrugated Galvanized
Brantford Asphalt Roof-
of all weights.
Pbeoe 1156
Hamilton Street
TiivaelliAI, Novanawa Id, 1914 •
Oa several oeasseese Mr. MacAulay
wrote short but Istere.tiag sketches
of bis travels which were printed is
The treat Mrs. MacAulay erode -
mooed her busb.ad by • year, pose -
fag away oa the flat of November of
Wet veer. Mr. MacAulay was • life -
loon Liberia'. taking • keen is dse•t in
else political life of the country. la
militia* he was • Presbyterian. The
tteseral, wbleb took place from the
booms of hi. son. Norman, Wilson
street, oo Wednesday afternoon, was
attended by a large number of old
Mende of the deceased gentleman.
Rev. deo. E. Roes conducted the ser-
vices. Those coming from • distance
included two sons,' Allan and John,
both of Buffalo. loterweot look
place In Maitland neem e7 •
Water and Light Commission.
At the last meeting of the water sad
light commission • deputation reppr"ee--
eeotiog the Presbyterian, Aoglian
and North street Methodist churches
was prompt to seek a remedy for the
low water pressure on Sunday even-
ings which seriously interferes witb the
service, as the pressure is note sure
tient to properly drive the water mot-
ors by which the organs are operated.
Tbe engineer was instructed to gather
data with referent to Um installing
of electric motors in the Vat lotto
A gentleman appeared before the
commis. ion to show ressoo wby he had
turned the water on to certain prem-
ises without the consent or knowl-
edge of the authorities; and a lady
who bad used electric ligbt without
the consent of the authorities also
war present. As both were first oRen-
ces the commission decided not to
prosecute and let the offenders go
with • warning.
The collector presented tbe names of
• number of persons in srrears and
was instructed to ootifty therm that if
they had not paid by the 16th of the
month service would be discontinued.
A letter was read from M. 0. Cone
eine stating that be had been instruct-
ed by Messrs. J. and T. Hurley to sue
the commission for sot). The chair-
man was instructed to interview Mr.
A Saskatchewan Wedding. -
Tbe home of Mr. David Stevenson,
Droxford, Saskatchewan. was the
scene of • prettywedding on Novem-
ber 10th, when E.a Gertrude, young-
est daugbter of Mrs. George Silvester,
became the bride of William, young-
est son of Mr. Samuel Warner. of
Burka Falls, Ontario. The ceremony,
which took place at 4.30 in the after-
noon, was conducted by Rev. J. H.
Oreening, pastor of the Baptist
church. The bride wore a dainty
gown of white silk embroidered net
with •m overdrape of silk ninon, trim-
med with rosebuds. She was adorned
with a wreath of orange blossom and
carried • bouquet of carnations anis
The bridesmaid was Miss
Ooderich Public Library.
of the library
board on Saturday night was well wt-
t.nded by members ref the beard.
The secretary announced the receipt
of the Government grant of /184.111
for 1913,which is considerably lies than
for the previous year.. The fallowing
aolounta veva palmed : C. C. Lee, new
lock. $13.111); W. Powell. hewers,
$1.00; Stewart Rotate, flowers. IMAM:
The Signal, readers' cards, Ili 23. A
communiation from the D.O.K. rec-
ommending the purchase of books nn
the war and kindred snhjectre with
prices attached, wan left for Notre
consideration. Owing to the enmity
of fonds and other considerations it
was decided to take no action at pres-
ent oo the request of the Women'■
institute for the use of the room M
tbe basement- A committee was ap-
pointed to look over Mr. Porter',
hanks with • view to pputrrchsste. Th.
librarian repotted reo.ipts in October
of 16.37 end as issue of 1611 books and
Readers of books is the Gederioh
pnblk library bare now an opeor-
An tildierly g.etlpmsS went Into • sanity of choosing a sone, toe of vol-
pbetographie studio and asked to seeI ewes which tb.y would like to s . ad-
tbe proof" of a picture rereney taken dad to the woe room shelves. Any.
of • young m•o whose nave ho gave. nee (. at liberty, In feet 1e requested,
They were beaded to him ea a matter to r.essd ia the the I l hroi hook
k the f o. tidos and
IT -
of coursleafly., 0. he edw pissed,
amid MMish •s names d soy book he or
finallylly. He seemed pMs.d• nos. she wishes 10 sagged. mid the hoard in
Really rad remarkably
are of d o seek Um sieetioe will as fat as
This eat Is a y. Bryk 15. Rood Mem . i k� these .Mtpaktn. In
of Alm—It Y very Hte hist Mame possible
Ha. be Paid for It yet r "We, sir," view. By De.wmbse 31le all new
said the -net yet." hooks meat be in stook mid in pith.:
The War Does Not Affect the Nursery
In spite of the war we are selling
more nursery stock than ever before.
We have room for another agent in
this county. however, and applications
should be sent in at once. A good
men should earo from $15 to $30
per week tigbt through the winter.
No delivering or collecting. Outfit
free. THos. W. BowNAN & SON Co ,
LTD., Ridgeville, Ont.
The Local Newspaper.
No business man, professional man
or manufacturer in any town should
allow • newspaper published in hie
town to go without bis name and
business being mentioned somewhere
in its columns, says an exchange.
This applies to all kinds of business --
general stores, dry goods, groceries,
furniture dealers, manufacturing es-
tablishments, automobile dealer.,
mechanize professional men and in
fact all kine• of business. This does
not mean that you should hive a
whole or half or even a quarter of a
page ad. in every issue of the paper,
but your name and business ebould be
mentioned, if you do not use more
than a two line space. A stranger
picking up a newspaper should be able
'sweet peas. to tell just what business is repreeent-
Rutb Ge ward, who wore • pretty ed in $ town by looking at the bum -
deem the This
Balk by Mai a d
Save Lome Drives
Mail us the cheques or cash
you receive, with your Pass-
book, which we aril return
with the Deposit credited. Then you can pay your bills by cheques,
which we will honor. a II you want the cash yourself, send us a
cheque in your own War and we will forward the mope/ by return
Drop In and t loth* ltorpsr about It
Goderich Branch—F: WOOLLCOM BE, Manager.
F. W. Robissoa. A.R.C.O.
Piawferte, Orgae sad Sh=irt
Steels ever Tbsmsee's Music Sirs
dress of white embroidered lawn. nese me paper.
Mr, Vincent Silvester, nephew of the
bride, acted as beet man. As the wed-
ding party entered the parlor Miss
Mildred Stevenson. niece of the bride,
played the wedding march. Tbe
bridegroom's gift to the bridesmaid
was a gold brooch set with pearls and
to the best man a gold mounted
watrbfob. A party ot forty relatives rhe lite of any town depends upon
and friends eat down to a most bountl- Ilse live, wideawake and liberal adver-
tul wedding stopper, and after coo- timing bwioees men.
gratulations had been expressed and B
responded to the happy couple left for
their own home no the bridegroom's
farm at Droxford. Many costly and
useful gifts were sent byfriends from
a distance. Both of te contracting
parties are former residents of Burks
Falls, Ontat io. -The groom is a bro-
ther of Mr. E. A. Warner, of The Sig-
the best possible town advertiser.
The man who does not advertise his
business does an iojustice to himself
and his town. He is the man who ex-
pects the most free bocsting for his
town. The mac who insists on shar-
ing the business that comes to a town
but refuses to advertise his business is
not a valuable addition to any towo.
Death's Harvest.
Mr. Jobn Kernighan passed quietly
away on Monday afternoon at the
home of beings. J. Norman Kernighan.
in Colborne township. The deceased
was for • number of years, after bin
retirement from the active work of
the farm, a resident of Ooderieh, and
both in town and in ^ountry he was
known and esteemed b a wide circle
Edison Greets Old Comrades
Mr. Thomas A. Edison, the electrical
wizard, expresses himself as delighted
witb the trip he made recently to the
scenes of his boyhood days. Mr. fedi•
son travelled in a special train over his
old route, between Detroit and Port
Huron, on the Grand Trunk reilwai
the run on which he was e.nployed 30
yeas ago as a train news agent. Tbe
long years of bard work and brilliant
success served only to bring out the
more clearly io the inventor's memory
the incidents of the put and the men
who took part in them—bis compan-
ions in the news business. Acoom-
F77ing Mr, Edison were Mr. Henry
ord, of Detroit: Mr. A. B. Atwater,
assistant to the president of Grand
Trunk railway: Mr. U. E. Gillen, gen-
In buying your rnbher foot-
wear for the fall and winter be
sure and get the famous
brand. They are without ex-
ception the best rubber footwear
made. All the light rubbers
have a patented leather inner -
heel that insures double the wear
of any other.
The heavy Gum Rubbers for
the farm have the best reputa-
tion and will Rive satisfaction.
Prices are right. Sole agent for
Geo. Mac Vicar
The Scotties Fooled Them.
Private John Miller, of the 2d Bat-
talion King's Own Scottish Borderers.
discharged from hospital at Chatham,
is now on short furlough at Bo'ness,
where his wife and family reside.
Miller in the early steges of the war
was wounded in the leg with a shell.
He tells how two Scottish pipers held
up in awood,nearurecy,eight Germans
fully armed. The pipers, wbo had be-
come detached from the division, car-
ried no arms, Mut theyy had all their
wits about there. They assumed a
firing position, and pointed tbe long
drone of their pipes in line with the
enemy. The Germans at once threw
down their rifle., and were after wards
taken prisoner".
Incurable ..reef.
All the work was snapped out for
the new charwoman', but about the
appointed time she arrived in tears,
says London Tit -Bina.
My poor 'usband was shot in the
battle,' she said, "and 'e's pissed
The employer was all sympathy,
gave the widow the half crown sbe
ought to have earned. and did the
necessary work herself.
The next day she met the neighbor
who recommended the woman, and
said :
"You've hewed, 1 suppose, about
Mn. W's husband being killed i"
"Yes," said her friend. "But she
ought to have got over it by now. It
was in the Boer war."
of friends. 11. was indeed one of the oral superintendent Grand Trunk west -
landmarks of the community, having ern lines. The special train stopped
reached his eighty-second year. The en route at Mount Clemens, where Mr.
remains were interred yesterday in the Edison first learned telegraphy, alter
Colborne cemetery, funeral services giving up his position as news agent.
being conducted by Rey. James Ham Here Mr. Edison went into the rail -
Woo and Rev. A. '.•ing. A further way telegraph office and sat down at
reference to the long and useful life of the keyboard end personally sent a
the departed will be published in mann, to his children at West
there columns next week. Orange, telling them of bis visit to the
place wbere he first became acquaint-
ed with the working of the wires. At'
Pert Ftti?en Bw met hii boyhood chose.
Johns MeMartin. Mr. Edison. lived
&crone bans McMartin and taught him
how to send and receive telegraphic
meseaites. After • recital of some of
their escapades Mr. Edina remarked
to hie friend, "Yes, we were had boy.,
Own." As the feces of the old -tune How's This 7
friends pawed in review, Mr. Edison
e.lId many by tbeir first mime. one Ws offer (h,e R.•dred Dollar. Reward for
Of the most striking greet was aszer�saeaatrlr�at•irhtbat rennet be cured by
that accorded en Judge William T. Ran • y. J. e'giNitY a CO.. ?Melo o.
Mitebell, wtio is 98 years of age, and W Use m•emdgs.d have trews F. J.
Mill engaged in the practice of law. C'hsaq floc the la•t 18 yoae•1 b:�rlm
Mr. Edison bold paper" to the judge tisss sod '�y1 set i tarry wt a•ir
wises he was a boy. and as he grasped ei haute— ti keine.
the hand of his friend and took Aim Var.NAl awe or Ce.nr.at.s. Teleses se
1, !tall'. CLtaevt the V taken ImioreWy• an
the shoulder, he said: 'Judge Mit- t.g tlnatb open tee N.bd and memo. ..r
elbei1, 1 remember you wheb I was • ��..s tib *stem =at met tree.
Tait 11.5 • rent PP01I car te, pee immtle. 001 May al •i •
The sad news was received on Tues -
da afternoon of the death of Berl
Atka .only nesse J weals Mn. Bee:
+min Allen, which omit -rod that day
in the hoapital at Fort William. The
young man had been seeing on tbe
lakes the peat summer and shout
three weeks ago wan taken i11 of
typhcie fever. By the time he had
reached the hospital •t Fort William
the disease had gained such a foot-
hold that be was unable to ebake it nuts
His mother wan at hist eased. during
the last week. The remains are nein
brought home and the funeral will
take place from the family residence,
corner of Vietoris and N.wg.te street.,
tomorrow (Friday) afternoon. Bail,
who ern only in his twentieth year.
wit. a favorite among his friends and
then are many ex presents. of sorrow
at his early death and of sincere gym- soy. i sob you paper., and you were
paltry foe the bereaved family. then a grey-haired mac. You are a
Death removed this week another of reaaarkable man. Here 1 sue also an
old man, Mit you are just as active.
"yeah 1Re bis Weed."
What Success Is.
Though you may he able
your cheque for millions, if
not master of yourself, lou
You may control thousands of em-
plo ee., but if you cannot control your-
self it you are slave to passions or
appetites. you have failed.
You are not successful if you chafe
sed fret, if you are discontented and
unhappy and out of harmony with
your environment.
If your vocation absorbs all your
energies, leaving nothing at the close
of each day for your home and fatally
but lassitude and Irritability. you have
no claim to the character of a success-
ful men.
You are not successful, though you
own • fine bouse and wear broadcloth.
if you grind the life out of three under
yon in cadet to Ieee.tsee trot* Wetattll:
Have you thought of Portraits as •
solution to the Gift Problem? A
dozen of your Portraits made in see
of our new diet .net lye •tylog w ill snake
twelve appropiate gifts. each r,we of
which is site to be appreciated.
Make are appointment today. THE
to draw
you are
are not
Work done here reflects credo en
our shop.
and give us your work. Don't wait
till We too late, but du it now.
Oet ns amid your work will be well
If you negleet•wetf•rttitesteesaye sew
exchange, it you do not d rvelop your
higher faculties, but live down among
the brute qualities of your nature, you
are defeatlug the very object of your
the connecting links s ith the early hie- Judge. you've got m goat." Mr. Sd-
tory of thee distriet to the person of .lens was well p as the venerable
Mr. Nornsan MacAulay, who peeved jurist's r.piy: '•It's true, Mr. Rdia,on.
to bis r.ward oe the lid lost. Mr. we are getting old but you and 1 still
MaeAnlav wee horn .labty y.ans haft emelt to do,"
ago in the 1•. of L.wi., Stornoway.--
ftontland. H. spent the years of bis Throve a lot of dead umber in moat
early mtnhond a• an rens sailor. due- family one..
bag which peeled he visited mestieally
every awnyaws
le the word lima bee I Virtue is Ilk* wido adore. meet
aa omen port. Tort/ ago be IrruiRrimi when tl»y bre ineetwed sod
seeded la (Jsss..+.dsut gad et Mestreal crushed ; for prosperity dose best dim
y gsatMessa• w eeadsre ars arra to less no fere. Ise ..nine. h. m in i iyMld asj etrvw vies, bot adveislty
sawlikrg a rb. t -. sora. years ago b. caro4 to dad., haver virtue.—etleoe.
Winter Hero to Stay 7
Ottawa, Nov. 23.—Navigation of the
great lakes and the St. Lswnnce is
expreted to close earlier than usual.
last year owing to mikl weather the
boats ran until late in December. R.
P. Stupor? of the Dominion Weetb.r
Bsrsau, who is here today. says that
sero weather Its come unusually
early, and M likely to continue. He
flees not expect much more open
Extra Specials in Mew's
and Boys' Fall and
Mater Wear
-MiaifdcCpaily,p[icdl • .
23 pairs Men's Tweed Pants
to clear 11.M
:1) peers of Boys Pants to
clear et. SS.
We are able to supply
your needs in Boys and Men's
Rubbers. Overshoe", Loeg
Robber Boots end good lines
of solid Leather Sboe•.
Mitts sad Gloves
We have large wmrhasn t
in line ot Men's Wear.
M. RO81 NS
Many •
An idle rumor is about as bevy ae • trying to
mewg0to that works overtime. blse.
man gets into tronbes by
settle other people's toes-