HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-11-26, Page 4Tm.DAT, Novocain III.
"eon .01W4wisimitIP
- TM -
Canadian Clothiers I
NVe are prepared with •
special line of
Ladies' and Gents'
These are high-grade
garments of good work-
manship and we guar-
antee fit. Prices right.
Also • full line of genii
suits new styles and per-
fect fitting. These are
worth inspection.
Our Friday sad
Saturday Sale
includes a good line of
Ladies' Millinery. Un-
trimmed shapes in plush
andvslveL Reguler$1.50,
$2.0 t,$2.50and 83.00. Fri-
day and Saturday, 7Se
Levitz & Urra -
Corner Montreal and Square
1KacEwan Estate
exclusive agents for
for Godetich and District
Egg Coal, $7.75
Stove and Chestnut,
Any quantity best all Maple
Slab., Mixed Wood. Hemlock
and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.)
reei_esce 212 Or 68
Good Morning
We Are Introducing
American 8111
American l'asbmere
Arnericen Ootton-IieI
They have stood the teat. Give
ural foot c i,nfort. No seams to
rip. Never become loose or
baggy. The shape is knit in --not
pressed in.
GUARANTEED for fineness,
style, superiority of material
and workmanatip. Absolutely
stainless. Will weer six months
without boles. or new creel free.
to every one sending us 81.00
in currency or postal note, to
Dover advertising and .hipping
°bargee. we will send post-paid,
with written guarantee. backed
by a five million dollar company,
3Pairsage, 7StMee
American Milk Hosiery
er 4 hirs of er sec vales
American Ca.hmere Hosiery
or 4 Pao of ear Sec valve
American Cotton -Lisle Hosiery
er 6 Pairs of Chdttrm's Hosiery
Give the color. size. and wheth-
er ladies or gents hosiery is de-
DONT DELAY - Offer ex-
pires whets • dealer in your lo-
eaUte busies*.& et
P.O. Box 944
DAYTON. 0E110, U.S.A.
The astiMtsd mesdrtg o! _the United
Patriotic desist of (3oisiMi towaehip
will be held at the boats of Mrs. Isaac
ealkeid, Bayfield road, os Friday.
December 4th, at 2.30. Will those
having finished atlas' at hoose 11.d1y
bring them. as • bale of goods will be
ready for shipment about that time.
Wrisgao*Y, Nov. 36.
Nawa Nurse. -Me.. K. Mclver was
the guest of Kiss McRae one day last
week. .. . Thos. Kempton has _pur-
chased • flue driving bores- On-
neth McKeesis received a telegram
from the West. &afotrmiog bim of the
death of %is cousio, Duncan Campbell.
The remains ars to be brougbt home
to Lochalsh for burial. Quits a
number from around ben took in the
Klntail "hard times" hall and all
spent • floe time.
MONDAY, Nov. -.Zed.
LOTHIAN LocAut.-Mr*. Gilmore is
visiting her daughter. Mrs. O'Hara
of Chesley. .- . Miss Bessie Barnby is
spendiog a week with ft 'lends at Luck -
now Min Annie McRae, of
Lochalsb, is visiting at McLean's
Mia Etta Carrot. of Wawanosh, sppeenot
• few (lave here the guest of Mrs.
Michael Bogen. Miss Mari Hen-
derson was the guest of Miss Mai.
McLean fora few dais.
TrtutDAY. Nov. 94th.
NitwitNness.-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Boyle visited friends at Goderich last
w.+k.... . Miss Mae Redmond, of the
9.0.1., who is spending • week at her
home here. is on the sick list at pres-
ent .. Miss Mae Ri-hardson, Miss
Hetet and Mr. David McAllister vis-
ited Kinloss friends last week: .
The annual meeting of the beef - ting
seas held in the Mt. Augustine bel nn
Moods s afternoon Mr. John
Redmond is oe the sick list et present.
Mn. J. C. Clark. of Auburn, is
visiting at Mr. Wm. Tbompson's this
teem sew to the holm
TX sees Y *trsaL To
TUESDAY. Nov. 21th.
Ntrraa.-]ties RubyPotter spent a
few days at Mitchellast week ..
Mrs. Charles McPhail returned home
oo Thursday from Pittsburg
Bethel Sunday school has decided to
bold its annual Christmas tree on
Wednesday evening, December 2.3rd.
..Don't forget the parlor social At
Fred Pickard's on Friday evening.
November 287th..... Miss May Lind-
say, of (iodeticb, spent Sunday under
the parental roof.
WED:10101Y, Nov. 25,
The old school store fell to pieces
the other day, thus necessitating the
purchase of a new one which may give
be.trr satisfaction.
The death of Mr. John Kernighan
on Monday removed a highly re-
spected resident of this locality. The
funeral tbis afternoon was largely at•
One of Chas. Oke's hackneys died on
Friday night without an apparent
cause. ,when the men lett the bmrr.
that night, it appeared in the best of
-ealtb, but in the morning it was
The hpworth. League meeting still
be held on Friday night of each week
at 7.30 instead of on Wednesday night
as formerly. Tbis will make it pos-
oosible for the members of the choir to
come out only one night • week.
Choir practice will he beld after the
League meeting (at 8 90).
MONDAY, Nov. '.rated.
‘Vilbemin• Rutherford has returned
home after .pending • week at Kin -
lough. the guest of her aunt. Mr..
Lane Mr. John Taylor u engorged
with Mr. D. Todd for the season and
Mr. John Barry with Mr. Ed. Pun is,
of the boundary Mr. W. J. Fore-
han has the telephone installed in bis
home. He is connected with the 44
line. Mr. Uor. Forehan, of the 9th
concession, has one in his home and is
connected with the 45 line . Mrs.
C. Durnin and daughter, Miss M. E.
Durnin, beve gone on an extended
visit to Wingbam ...Miss -M. Mute
ray has returned from Riveredale
after spending the week -end with
friends there.
Pereurrie Cosceer.-A patriotic
000cert under the auspices of the St.
Helens Rifle Club will he held In the
Hall, St. Helens, on Thursday, De-
cember 3. Addresses will be given by
prominent men, and music by talented
artiste. A general invitation is ex-
tended to all the community to come
and enjoy a patriotic evening.
WEDN[NDA%. Nov. 26th.
John Denholm loaded a car of bay
and straw here the erd of the week.
Mies Beatrice Armstrong, of Brus-
sele, is visiting her uncle, J. ('. ('lark,
this week.
Mr. Jas. Laidlaw, of Whitechurch,
.pent Sunday with Jasper McHrien,
Maitland block.
A meeting to form a Red Cross So-
ciety is being held this afternoon in
the Foresters Hall.
Mrs. A. C. Jacks n has returned
from Milverton after a pleasant visit
with Mrs. (Rev.) R. Miller.
Owing to the severe frost tbe eva-
porator closed down for a dab. It is
running again as usual.
.Mr, and Mts. Jas. 'Adele. of Mor-
ris. spent a day visiting Mrs. Laid -
law's father, Mr. John Sturdy.
Mr. had Mrs, Thos. 8traugban spent
a test days at Wingbaen with 'Mrs.
Straugb.n's brother. Alex. Young.
A number of people from here at-
tended the funeral of the late John
Kernighan, wbo was much respected
by the people of this community.
Rev. J. K. Fairfull being on tbe
sick -list, Mr. E. A. Warner. s member
of the coder ich Bestial church, ad-
dressed the congregat ion at the Bap-
tist church here Met Bunds.
WIthikirlielOAT, Nov. 9t.
Mr ('rack Murray. of Goderich, is
pending a few.deye with els brother
Mr. and Mn. Elmer Hell and soc, of
Gederlch. were guests of Mr. sod Mrs.
J l'onijasiins last week.
l'oofrmetioe services were held in
l'briat ebureh ole Tuesday morning.
tbere being six cendldetee.
Mrs Annie Campbell and Miss
Gracie Green were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Kingswell at Carlow
last week.
Misses Urate McKeown, and May
Dickson and Mr. Wallace Cussing -
ham of the O U.1.. ,peat the weetiond
at their heroes herr
Remember Dec. rnh.r IMtb is the
evening est fa abs melee is.sd CbrMt-
=a* eosssrt In tb. Foresters' Hall. A
sAd p'ogeam will iss Rhea.
ma aerthe Melee* Ie home from
Detroit foe • Mit. Meter. Jaeob and
Albert McOss returned hots os Mor
If you wars told of a new
discovery for the treatment of
coughs. colds and bronchitis.
as certain in its action on all
troubles as anti -toxin is
on therla. or vaccination on
s pox. wouldn't you feel
like giving It a trial? Especially
if you could try it tof fifty cents )1
Peps is the discovery
Peps ars little tablets, lastly wrap-
rapped la air and germ proof silver toil.
They scalds certain medicinal Mgr.
di.sts.ie wkh.n placed epos btu
1eag i mritst y tura into vapesr.
sed are ss sees hesatked down the air
pampa MUM 1Mya O. theirrney,
ably maths the iklassed and irritated
ue1rssmbraces el tas bro•okial tubes, the
Mastro testis of the air passages and
lastly ester and carry rebel and Maliyg
be the ssptllarw and buy air mice in the
kW -
la a weed, while ao liquid or sold
sea gee tick the lunge and air pommies.
these Peps hums get there direct, and
.t eons ou.1.saes their work of healing.
Pops are entirely disuse% from the
old fashioneduid cough cores, whirl
ars merely swallo
wed into the stomach,
and sever roach the lungs. Peps treat-
ment of coughs and colds is dine* ma-
If you have sot vet tried Peps, set
out this article, write across It
the name and date of this paper,
and mad it (with la stamp to
Ty recant postage) to Peps Co
oronto. A free trial packet
will then be scot you,
All druggists and
stores sell Pape at
80o. box.
day from their tiip to Detroit and
An illustrated lecture rn "Ben Hut"
will be given by Rev. G. Gomm in St.
Andrew's Presbyter ism church on Fri-
day evening, November 27th. at i 3).
This will be* very interesting lecture.
Commencing on Tuesday, December
1st, and lasting till the end of the
month, . H. Hayden will give away
tree special china premiums to his
customers. These pieces of china will
be well worth trying for. The prem-
iums consist of cake plate., salad
bowls, spoon trays, etc.
tot S -p ---'. musty. New AootswMh.
smignWsg with bis paresis and other
members of the brolly to MYrMax
oou.ty, Ontario. la the earl?7
Fur a number of genre he fonowes the
business of •mlis,, ata time when
only the old-taehiooed sailing skip*
were empbyed, later leaving the labs
to take up • hoewteed at lot 10, ors-
oraeynoo 19. Aebleld. where he lived
continuous) tete sixty-two years IMO
the time of hie death. The early days
of the pioneers were wished by hard-
ships which, to the want gear -
aeon, would sem almost incredible.
Goderich beteg then tbe nearest vil-
lage, and the journey being made
through the woods, generally oo fool.
or at the beet by ox -wagon or sleigh.
In 1836 deceased married Agars Mc-
Master. who predeoe•red hlgt tbtrteen
years ago, leaving a family of eas1e
erildren. In Fallon. he was hfl'
Lear a devoted flambee of the Asb-
fleld Presb terian church, and la
politics $ Liberal of the old school. A
wan of floe intellect and a greet
reader, he was uncommon) well
posted in all events of :oval end inter-
national importance. Possessed of aa
unusual memory which be retained up
to the hour of hie death, be bed even
within the last few years been fre-
quently consulted by persons desiring
information on matters of early pol-
itics and history, his knowledge and
keen memory of scents even dating
hack to for time of the rebellion in
MONDAY, Nov.'Lird.
The anniversary of Dungannon
Methodi.t church was observed this
week by special services on Sunday
and • supper and concert on Monday
The Dungannon branch if the Vo-
men's Institute will meet on Thursday'
of this week, and a specially interest-
ing program has been prepared. This
useful organization is packing a barrel
of ams and jellies for use in the hoe-
pitals at the field of war for the bene-
fit of the wounded British soldiers.
F[tt«wNAL.-Walter Walkout. of
Mitchell, has been visiting his brother
here Min I ulu Stothers has re-
turned from a visit with friends a at.ar
Mays .. B. J. Crawford and C es.
Elliott returned last week from eir
bunting trip to Muskoka David
Garvin has returned home 'Tom Dr.
Guno's hospital at Clinton. Where he
recently underwent an operation
Fred Savage has returted from the
West to spepd the winter with his
parents here.
an illness extending over several
months Miss Esther Ida Bellamy died
on Wednesday, 11th inst., at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L S.
Palmer, Dungannon. The deceased
was in her twenty -first year and was
born in the township of Blanshard.
being the second daughter of the late
Wm. Bellamy. She spent the greater
part of her life at St. Marys. coming
to Dungannon two years ago to en-
gage in telephone operating. She was
a bright, popular vnung lady, active
in this work of the Metbodist church,
and a general favorite. Besides her
parents, a brother, Harry Bellamy.
editor of The Dungannon News. and
two misters, Amelia and Luella, sur-
urvive. The remains were taken to St.
Marys for interment.
The Late Donald McIntyre. -On Fri-
date.Novsober 6rh. then died at his
bona In Labe/eh, Donald .McIntyre,
in his nioetletb year. Deceased was
the last remaining member of the pion-
eers of this district. who rame into the
country when it was a solid forest and
by dint of unbounded mut ago and per-
'overaooe succeeded in making this
Dart of the country what it is codey.
Donald Mello yre was born at Luang,
fewof Gia Pills to you
tree -if have any Kidney
or lead. erTrnable After you
see bow good they are --get
the Mk. sise at your dealers.
Minutes of council meeting held on
November lath. Metuben all present
Minutes of last meeting reed and pas
sed, our motion o: Irwin and Stuoe-
house. Bylaw !do. 9, 1914, appointing.
place of oominetiote places of elrc-
uon, deputy tet urn ing efilcers and
poll clerks, was read and passed.
The following accounts were ordered
to he paid: - The Municipal World.
collector s guide, an cents ; Wm. Pull
don. gravel and gravelling, sideline.
90 and 31, con. 1J, $4:U; hector Mc-
Kay. d1 yards of gravel, *8; Howson
le Lawson, plank, St1.:ll ; James Tun -
o ey, repairing culvert, con. 4, $3:
Ne coley Kehue, repairing three
bridges, $6; McKinnon Biro.., cutting
bill and widening road. cone. 12 and 13,
934 :4 ; Wm. Naylor. inspecting same,
Ki. i3: Wm. Naylor, drawing and put-
ting in tile, coo. 13. cents; Frank
Gutteridge. tile. $l.(ei: Isaac Browo,
tile, $13.50; Fted Toll. cement tile and
repaiHng the Toll drain, *3; James
Mar.ball, putting in catch basin on the
Toll drain, $12 ; Dan Martin, tae and
work on western b.:undary, $20; A.
Porterfield revbingvoter'i lista,Judge's
order, $37.11; Chas. Campbell, collect•
ing, packing and shipping contribu-
tion of county to British Governtnect,
1023.50: Geo. Pocock. work on Pocock
drain, sideline 39 and 40. con. 14, $10 ;
F. Anderson, refund on the Toll drain,
$124.24. The council then adjourned
to meet again according to statute on
Timidity, December lith, at 10 o'clock.
A. Pt*T[a.InLD. Clerk.
$100.00 IN GOLD
We will give one hundred dollar* in
gold to any man, woman of child that
cannot be benefited by Sageine hair
tonic. We ■re anxious to have every-
one try Sageine, for we know it is the
greatest bade tonic that has ever been
discovered. Sageite will positive)
cure en itchy sale, bring life into dull,
faded hair and add inches to its
length. Sageine is now obtainable in
Goderich end is sold under a
tee to please. A large bottle of Sage-
ine costs but fifty cents. Be sure to
go to C. L. Coultis drugstore, for other
stores do not have Sageine.
Tres Men of the Hebrides.
Mention has been mads of the great
pert that Scotland. and .specially tbe
Scottish Highlands, is playing in the
war. in proportion to population
Scotland is reeding more men to the
front than any otber part of the Em-
pire, and according to some details
given by The 3lasgow Herald it would
appear that tbe Westeto Hebrides are
in this respect ranking highest in
Scotland. It is said there are over
4,000 from these islands at the frpoL
Aignish, near Stornoway. has thirty-
two houses and bas seat twenty-seven
men to the colors. Bemire, in Uig. has
sent almost its last available man.
From tbe village of Bteaselet, with
thirteen houses. eleven sen have gone
to the front. Kirkibort has twenty-
six house,, and has contributed %men-
ty-Ave men. while Tobson is one bet-
ter -from twenty-five houses it has
sent twenty-six men. The village of
Cppet Shader, Bervae, with fifty -firs
crofts, has fifty-eight mer with the
colors, besides which then were other
five men who were sailing in foreign
parts when the forces were mobilized,
and it is not yet definitely known
whether Huy have joined Um colors or
not. Then Crowlissa, Ulg, witb four
houses less than Messiah, has sent two
men more, vie.. twenty -nice men from
twenty-eight houses. At Aird Point,
there is ooe croft from which eight
men have gone to the front. Some
interesting feees hems ooaae from
Bresaclet.. Hen there are sixty-seven
houses but only forty-four crofts, and
the township has sixty-four men with
Me colors. Six men were absent In
Canada, but same are reported to be
on their way home to kin the fighting
line. Tb. proportion of the population
of Hreasclet with the colors is 114.2.
The population of the British Isles is
forty five millions and If every dis-
trict contributed men at the same eau
of 18.2 per cent. the oonntry would
now have in the army ao4 navy eight
m;llioo men.
Do sot fail to see Prof. Dorsowesd,
of Toronto, wbo will be the Hotel
Bedford on Wednesday. D4oemherSt►,
oomph, with • large snick jjjjjjffffff hair tou-
pees and wigs, the realest e etese-
troo, in, the world. They secure) ad-
here teethe bead, and eas.et be detec-
ted 1rnfn a paesos s owe hair, are a
marvelous protection to the head sad
a necessity to 'sable a beM maa
to appear a be ehewld. Over MOW
BOW wore by hudn.es, professional and
'shsrfsg in's. The free Mssossiea.
ono, wed is private show -rooms
at the hotel, shod at lied indium you
to tall and Isco rise triad M. Rem.ea-
bee the Hotel fhdled, Osdariebi Wel-
seeds y. December OW -
Aad some wrens wooM rather be
searrld tbas M happy.
r Coat Sale.
irHIS Great Coat Sale is only one week old and so far
quite satisfactory. If you are waiting for this chance
it will mean at least a few dollars "saved. Early
comers are marching off with the choicest in the lot.
If interested don't wait too tool. EVERY COAT RE;
DUCED. Every one must go at some price.
110.00 for $ 5.00 $16.00 for *11.00
910.50 for 7,50 *18,50 for 12,50
112.50 for..... 8.50 *15.00 for.... 10.00
1114.00 for 9.50 $21.00 for 16.00
115.00 for 10.50 120.00 for 18.50
Children's Bear Coats
Red, brown, white aid Foy, from *2.26 to
$4.96. Your cboice of eke lot for $1
ooly ..........
Children's Red Coating
Serge Coats
Five only now left. Regular prices
$2.716 to 83.60. Your choice only...
That any store might be proud of. They
will give Sou every satisfaction and your hose
may as well be right as otherwise. This is
where you get the beet '26c stockier made.
If you want the bast one and ribbed hose ask
for 991, best Llama, all wool, atStbe pale.. 75c
A great variety of
Best Chocolates
Home-made Candy
await, your selection herr.
Give us a trial and you
won't be disappointed.
You may not want them
all, but you certainly want
T. J, Salkeld
'Phone 64 Oysters end la Cream
Some Wad Effects of the War.
The war, it is acknowledged. has
had a salutary influence on women's
dress, and cow • wise person has dis-
covered that its effect on their good
looks is equally beneficial. Beau,
sleep is possible now, and beeltb and
compiezioos are both improving,
thanks to Natures restorer. Late , n-
tertaioment. and late supp.rs see fatal
to ,bat glow of health which conati-
luis. beauty. The restlessness that
bad become a marked characteristic of
our social life bee in • great measure
disaopearet:. Knitting an sewing, or
hard clerical and other work, in con-
nection with the many organizations
that are doing so muds to relieve un-
employment amid distress, would ap-
pear to have induced the spirit of rest-
fulness. Contact with the realities of
life may produce • new and better
type of woman, and so some good may
come out of • great evil.
A Kick from Clinton.
The Olsten New Era says : The
Huron factories got the cold shoulder
from the Dominion Governtoent, as
regards any work for the Canadian
soldiers. It did not matter bow you
stood politically,the big interests were
fleet, last and all the time. The New
Era is thankful, however, that. Cana-
dian orders are big enough to keep the
Clinton knitting and clothing factories
busy all the time without Government
Dodd's are the only
medicine that
will core Dia-
betes. Like
Bright's De -
ease this die -
ease was in -
c arable until
tbdde K'dne P111,
corer it Doceon
thesaaetws confess.
that without Dodd'a
0*Pte. Lissy are
1148111011( Dia-
Dodd's Kidney
Ptit are the first medicine
that ever curer Diabetes.
Imisatiese-bee, name and
are advertised 10 do s0.
hut she ...ides that den
is Bodge Minn P14.
D odd's looney Fills are
6flv cents a hon at all
"Beautiful Hair Goods Display"
Canada's premier hair -
goods house, announce
their visit to
The Hotel Bedford,
1Pednesday, December 9th, 1914
when there will be shown an exclusive sample stock
in Switches, Braids, Transformations, Pompadours,
Wavelets, etc. ,
An invitation is extended to every lady to call
and inspect these goods.
"The Dorenetiend Sanitary Patent To$fper"
is an absolute necessity
W every mac wbo ie
bald. It will protect
your health and make
you appear years
1 odetectable
Featherweight, Hygenic
Be sure you see them on day of visit.
A demonstration places you under no obligation
Remember Me nate : - Wednesday, December 9tb
Ykritma Js `Coming
We have a good assortment
of very useful articles which
would be appreciated, and
which make the best gifts.
. .,LET VS 8HQw yg,) QUR LINL
Howell Hardware Co.
A elergyman teas an amusing story
of a worthy vicar of a rural parish
who had waxed eloquent la the In-
terest of foreign missions one Sunday,
and was surprised nn entering the
village shop during the week to be
greeted with ,narked coldness by the
old dame wbo kept It. On asking lbw
cause the good woman produced ball
a Drown from • drawer, and, throwing
1t down before him, raid :--"I marked
Ithat coin and put It In the plate Iasi
Sunday, and here It Is beck at m
'bop. 1 knnwed well than poor Atte
eons never got the money r
Het. is the latest atrocity :
First Iain, -"Ton 'ay there ain't
tote. 10 he any evolve nett year.
How's that Y"
8eeo.d Idiot -"Well, you see, heea.se
seat year cheer'' not going to be say
IJ,ti• J
see resrmgl