HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-11-26, Page 3i THE SIGNAL'S CLUBBING LIST /9/4 1 I.W LOO 3.00 'rd- 1 at 50c .W din. E1.00 )N u rr,ay onfideir_ rhom you Original ou have he olec- ce:.or.. Lt da:ies to estcu- ent.. anti he fi-sr- M 1 TED 410-0 Bra r3P• aa ...it maths sCeemweaem . cent. ires .. Tb ►i. e pees weralle Wad Micas i.ee.ea. wre.ld Ys ..r end emir .000.000.00 • 00,000.00 hie ,o▪ wled dance. 10.E+10 eaber I AND AND art amitructors tohoar' • instead of be ret of Peru Jet any 1,016' i mor'ttt. met rM iet sheet It. The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe $3•75 The Signal and Daily Globe to persons with rural postal boxes the price is. 3.50 The Signal and DailyMatl and Etdpire The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire to persons with rural postal boxes the price is 3.50 l'he Signal and Montreal Family Herald 1 85 and WeeklyStar The Signal and Saturday Illustrated Globe 1.85 The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) 1.75 The Signal and Toronto Daily Star The Signal and Toronto Daily World 3.15 The Signal and Toronto Daily News 2.80 The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and 1 Empire The Signal and Farmer's Advocate 2.35 The Signal and Canadian Farm . 1.85 The Signal and Farm and Dairy I New Renewal.... 1.85 l'he Signal and The Country Gt.ntlemap 3.25 i'he Signal and Canadian Poultry News The Signal and Grain Growers' Guid Free 1.5o The Signal and Winnipeg y t.6o Press l he Signal and London Daily Advertiser... 2.90 The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser 1.6o The Signal and London Daily Free" Press Morning Edition 3.50 EveningEdition 2.90 The Signal and Montreal eekly Witness1.85 The Signal and World Wide "... 2.25 The Signal and Presbyterian . 2.25 The Signal and Westminster 2.25 The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 The Signal and Catholic Register New I.70 Renewal 1.85 The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto).. 3.40 The Signal and McLean s Magazine 2.25 The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto)1.75 The Signal and Canada Monthly (Winnipeg) 1.5o !=hese prices are for eddreset in Canada or Brest Britain The Signal and Lippincott's Magazine 3.25 The Signal and Woman's Home Companion (New fork) 2.75 The Signal and The Saturday Evening Post 2.50 The Signal and The Ladies' Home Journal. 3.00 Including postage to Canadian subscribers. The above publications may be obtained by Sig- nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any publication being the figure given above less $t.00 representing the price of The Signal. For instance: The Signal and The Family Herald and Weekly Star... ......$LRS ..... . .. ..... . Tbe Farmer's Advocate 4$2.351ea. $L.eeI.... .... 1_35 3.75 1.35 SI as --making the price of the three papers $3.20. Tbe S' and The Weekly Sea $1.75 Tbe Toronto Daily Star lis 25 less $1.00) 1.ac $}oo -the three papers for $;.00. If the publication you want is not in above list, let us know. We can supply almost .any well-known Canadian publication. Send subscriptions through local agent or by postoffice ,or express order (not by bank cheque) to THE SIGNAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED Goderich Ontario Clinton School of Commerce to you arida" the Mat mest yo ar moor tsrWrs while yes ba?S (Me . Pie amts/ wbst year vain 1• eery man mill **Annie Seng. train 7l ..t ra, to ablate tka toi. Mee itV yea w0ezeat W Meta° School of Coes. Sea emote the •etas° MI sf the theelt ahlr ilk= She Actual °Sloe Sy. est w ' flat System ss Pla".csana mews de eB W graduate Imes. Mbe ▪ t te a elbitfM 1t 1. JeM Me maw as , "err" hem te acether, he ham Ord silitl ilitee i.dd+. thele comas the Clinton School, et p. *Kau the following With Ons and itpreparatiau ovi. tiwe•e.. Ike Treeid" sed a ter them who merely aria te flotr dmsstlee • a iirt:l / Ceuta is set edeced for the wletme ran- ee,TM fes graduatescheel el . Nemo Hae. rat list f.t rue w saw my chow whe sort.etirs •do{ - u- t»t bac "nab uotadate •.eN by mail. Mia r. wad. a t.. W PelmdM% will be ra/ amtssss/ Ind rodott Yee "Mu te eeagta stl a eM mebem g .cad lamest it vseeset. A towels& roes to meet the, usual "oldest IsiaklMat" of the village. 1n the conies of conversation he asked the anelebt Low old be was. "1 he joft a bundled," war the reply. "\Nell, 1 doubt It you'll ere r hundred years," said the tourist, tr7- ing to make eoseereatloe. "1 M t know so much about that, toaster." wee the hopeful response. "1 be stronger sow than whets 1 ,torted on my fleet hundred." a MOW - r COUNTY AND DISTRICT It M that Howell i to bay. • third Logue h the poems of Dr. Bean. who recently graduated. Harvey Lindasy has been appointed postmaster at Luoknow is place of Mies Campbell, wbo remedy resigned that potation. The death of Thos $dgsr, son of the late lasses Edgar. of Howlett. took p •os on the 8th fest. at Tugg•ake, bask., after a long illness. Little Willie Appleton. of Oreditoe, was severely burped about b the heads df and Brews • few days argo, the explosion of a gasoline lamp. Ou Wednesday of last week Rev. H. A. Lundy, of Welton united io mar- riage Gsorge E. Mek Habkirk and Miss Lizzie Shennoo, both of McKillop. News was received at Zurich last week of the death rtt Detroit of Heory Rupp. eon of Mrs. Rupp, a Zurich. The deceased was thirty-elahrye•rs of age. Dr. Jamieson, who bad been the only medical practitioner at Wbittchur'eb for eighteen years, has sold his prac- tice rao- tice to Dr. White, who comes from Fort William. Miss C. McKinley, a graduate of Sesforth Collegiate Ioetltute, bas been appointed teacher of modern languages at the Listowel high school, with a eatery of 01,2110. One train a dayeach way is being taken off the ellington. limy and Bruce branch of the 0. T. R. The change i' the result of • falling off in passenger traffic. Rose McKinnon, son of Mts. Hugh McKinnon, 7th concession of (trey township, who has been lI the West, has enlisted in the second Cewadian contingent for the brttletront. Thos. Johnston, jr., of the Town line, tt,nlsy, has rented his farm to Josepb ()each, of Hay township, for • term of two years, Mr. Johnston re- taining the use of the dwelling. Un Wednesday, November 18, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kers- lake, Usborne, their daughter, Lavine. F., was united in marriage to Melville L. Hero. eon of Mr. and Mrs. Pbilip Hero, of Usborne. for State malmsey and State repre- sentative. but were Bo( *leetad. Last week the One 100 acre tatty 01 the late Edward Bryan., lot 12, coo - cession E Orey township, was sold to James M.Cutcheon, of London, • loo ot the late W. H. Mel:utebeoo, form- erly of tirey township The purchaser gets posseesion on the lit of March neat. Mrs. Bryan. and dauebterd will probably take up residence in Brus- sels. rus sels. )1r. MrC:utebeon sold its tarsi near Mitchell • year or no ego and now moves back to his old home town- ship. LUCKNOW. W. C. Jobeaton bas returned home from Saskatchewan. Miss Lesaie Tiffin, of Ooderich waso • recent visitor in tiwn, the guest her aunt, Mrs. Tiffin. Peter McKinnon, who recently un- derwent • serious operation in Wing - ham hospital, Is makimig favorable Progress. The Lucknow Patriotic League has been conducting a canvass of the town for relief funds and has met with a generous respouse. The deatb occurred et Seattle on the 14th inst. of John. second son of Mr. and Mrs. K. McKinnon. Kinloss. The remains were brought here for in - torment. Peter McKinnon. of Moortos, N. D., is • visitor in Lucknow and vicinity. He is • member of a family who left the 4th concession of Kinloss in 1671, going to North Dakots among the early settlers. Geotge A. McLeod, who eves born and brougbt up near Brucefleld, has been elected clerk of the District Court in Blaine county, Idaho. Mr. Mcleod was the Democratic candidate for the office and wee elected by • large majority. At the annual convention of inde- pendent telephone companies•of the Province.,beld recently at Toronto Postmaster Scott, of Brussels, was elected vice-president. Mr. Scott has eighty-second year. The de:eased was been chairman of tbe Brussels. Grey & born in Cornwall, England, coming Morrie 'relepbone Company from iia inception. EXETER. :000000000000 00000000••••• 00000000000n • • • Ott e - llil D J 'I I LLA.P J. Barr Las returned home after spending several months in the West. 31rs. Horsey, who spent the sum- mer In the West, has returned home. R. Swell has returned to his home at Granum, Alta., accompanied by his mother, Mrs. John Snell, woo will spend the winter there. John Daunoey, of London. has pur- chased the residence of Jas. Ogden on Andrew street. Mr. Ogden is going on a farm near glimville. W. Luker has sold his farm in Us - borne to Samuel Hick.. who recently had his barn destroyed by fire. Mr. Hicks is now the owner of 4611 acres of tum land. A few days ago • car loaded with flour from Harvey Bros.' mill was overturned at the Exeter station while shunting. An auxiliary train came up from London to set things right. On Thursday, 12th inst., Joho Col - will of this town passed away in his • • • • j test to hand our Christmas stock of women's and men's • J from the Monarch and Cee Tee Mills, , • l;_f SON mow SWEATER • • • COATS • • \Vomeo'e knitted Norfolk Woenen's extra heavy weight • telae knitted Coats. Shawl collars, a • Goats, one of our most popular vett' comfortable garment. All • Hellen. All colors. Sloes 54 to Dr. W. L. McCutcheon, of Phila- delphia,•haa taken • Brussels young lady, Miss Ella Myrtle Clark. for his bride. The wedding took place on the 4th inst. at St. John's tectoty, Brus- sels, Rev. R. E. Page officiating. The bride is tbe eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Clark. of Brussels. J. M. McCutcheon,B.A.,Eoglishmas- ter of the Normal school at Stratford, baa been appointed secretary of the r'ecentl formed Workmen's Compen- sation Board for the Province of On- tario and will remove to Toronto. Mr. McCutcbeon is a Huron old boy. being a native of the township of Grey. near l;tbel. Mt. H. W. Gould. of Clinton, fore- man ort man of the case department of the W. Doherty Organ Co., won the .soond prise offered bytbe publishers of the Canadian Wooworker for the best essay on some phase of the wood- working industry. The competition was open to anyone engaged in wood- working throughout Canada. The tint prize was won by Mr. John W Bailey, of Berlin, Ontario. The Brussels Post makes ment ion of there -election of two former residents of that locality in the recent elections in Cavalier county, North Dakota. Henry McLean was re-elected Senator and Robert Work was once more the successful candidate for county tress urer. W. B. Dickson and D. McLauchlin, also formerly of Brussels locality. were candidate. respectively CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT.. 1. • school with • continenytadl repu,e- Ueo for high grade vomit schoold ter ►the moors of Its graduate,. •We th impeder more,. and t„-tr eters. give individual attea..,n Ir Commer dal. Shorthand sad '1 "Issasp by De partmenta Why ••,end elsewhere enter Tt/eest Wrfttis roam sM w larrge free catalogs•. D. A. licLACHI.A\ Principal. Individual Instruction Permits you to enter any day at THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE 0wti SOUND. °write* It Is recognised as the lout thorough practical Malmo. edwortn t ••Wade. Expert Ie.t meters. Our own tame .tory t olltee Snildlnm. Every graduate g.ar•ateed • peeitton (:et.nr Pates.. Rook. C. A. FLgxien. FC.A.. Piincipal. O. D. FLICK'S°. Secretary. Detroit Conservatory of Music with his parents to Canada when four• teen years of age. He lived,in McGil- iivray township until thirteen years ago, when be moved to Exeter. His wife aod•seven children survive. CLI NTON . Mr. J. l'uningbame has • California orange tree with several well-devel- oped oranges nn its It is kept in • greenhouse. The evangelistic services held for nesrl tour weeks in the two Metho- dist churches here by Rev. H. T. Cross- ley were brougbt to a close last week. Mrs. M. Smith and daughters, who have been living at Stratford for some time, bave decided to come back to Clinton and bave rented s residence bere. Miss Millie A. Pattison, sister of Mr. A. U. Pattienn of town, died at Port Huron on the 14th inst. The funeral took place at Toronto. The deceased was well known in Clinton. Mr. Irwin Hilliard. K. C., of Morris - burg, who has been Dominated to con- test the riding of Dundas lately repre eented by Sur James Whitney, is • former resident of Clinton, having at one time oonduc;ed a law office here. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Woolidge, of Toronto, announce the marriage of their youngest daughter, Edna M., to ?George M. McKenzie, eon of Mr. and ITN: McKenzie, Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie will Heide et Toronto. • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • • Knitting Yarns Founded in 1874. Acknowledged by the leading mualciens of Europe and America to be one of the fore- most Instttutlons of its kind In America. Degrees of Bachelor of MVafc and Doctor of Music conferred. livery Branch Taught. Sixty thoroughly Skilled instructors. Public School Music and Drewing. Academic Department Pupils received dally. Tear bout on request. Addreew J•me.H. SeII, Secretary, 1013 Woodward Ave., Detroit, Mich • wanted colors. Stites 34 to 42. 42. Price . . 0/111.75 Price .... .3.00 M' and boys' Sweater Coats in all styles from each Knitted Coats Our celehrated Cee Tee knitte.t Coats for men and wo- men. Shaker Knit. The be Sweater Coat value that is to be had. All colors. Sizes 34 to 44. Price each 104.810 $1.00 Isles Special value, boys' pull -over Sweaters, navy and cardinal, each 50C Children's heavy knitted Rompers in white and scarlet, per pair $1.00 Children's knitted Suits in white, brown, navy and scarlet, from$1.50 • • • • • • • •• • • • Knitted Toques • Now that the cold weather is here there is a great demand for the knit- • ted Caps and Toques. Our stock is most complete with all the newest - style:: for ladies, girls and boys, from each ..25C to 51.50 • Women's Aviation Cap Women's and misses' Billy Burke Bonnet, very • • mrd wit a each side, colors scarlet, white, cardinal, navycolors. Price each.,„... grey. fawn and black. each Boys' Hockey Caps, all colors, each This is • leader. trim h button on popular, in all plain colors and combination of • s1.00 • 25c and 50c • • Special Value in Winter Hose for the Children Boys' extra heavy worsted Hose, double knee, just the thing for hard • 50c wear, Goderich make. Sizes 8i to lo. Per pair •• 98 -Boys' extra heavy Cashmere Hose, double knees, heels and toes, all • sizes; also a big seller for the girls, from per pair 35c • Children's cardinal and scarlet overstockings, same quality as last sea- • son. All sizes, per pair from 35c to 50c • •• •• Knitting Yarns • • Another shipment just received of our special Red Cross Yarns, the car- • rect yarns for knitting for the soldiers. Get your supply at once, as the • - demand is much greater than the supply. All information about knit-' • ting at our yarn department. • • • ••••••••••••• . • • • • •.• s s6 'Phone '1 jar'Scotch Storeir • c t • • i•••••••••••• ••••••••••••• ••••••••••••i • The girls of the Jackson Mfg. Co.'s staff base been devoting their Satur- day afterroons of late to making quilts for the Belgians. They have com- pleted fifty of these, all lined and ready for use. The Jackson Company furnished tbe material. WINOHAM. Mrs. Dixon, wife of William H. Dixon, • former resident of Wingham, died et Edmonton on the Oth inst. There is a prospect of the securing of • new industry for Wingham, to employ from fifty to one hundred people. On Wednesday, 11th inst., at the home of Arthur t'ryes, Bluevale road, the marriage of Mho E1sia Donnell to Albert Frank Horne took piece, Rev. J. W. Hibbert tying the nuptial knot. The young couple will take up house- keeping at Belgrave. The death of Mrs. Margaret Adelaide Hastings, which occurred en Friday. 19th inst., removed • blgbly esteemed resident of Turnberty. Mrs. Hastings was In ber fifty-seventh year. She is survived by six sons, all residing in Wingham exce t one wbo is at New Wingham lost an old resident in the death of Ruth Emil Kenney, widow late of the laR. M. Robinson, whice took place on Thursday, 1iost., at her home here. Mrs. th Robinsonohad been • resident of W Ingham for forty years. She is survived by one son, A. N. Robinson, manager of the Bank of Hamilton at Attwood. •'1 say, old chap I'm in shocking luck. 1f want money badly and haven't the lomat Idea where 1 req get it." "Weil. I'm glees to beer that. 1 ebottght perhaps yon had an idea you I could borrow from me !" A Patties For Fill sad Whist 0• r.eta ea'beiee•eswe wise • reliable ~gees satemea ire tM. it trit to sell fruit trees. semen frau. 8.5., shrub.. stn Pay weekly, outfit tree, exclude, territory. ova Soo ^gags of fruit 4. m.s:al stork under mill - ration. Meeg wet tatter twersemer w assise Om esw are rielrree5&b1 -by w reams et thea welts we n aM the velum et baelaam done. Sk- y years. Write /"IMAM NUNS rig .. Temente. Ont. P.5 Has.. eatalogss cm retwiet ether te •pNMast sr those wishing Watt cry Steck I • • ? JOB AND COMMERCIAL Our P.lster .Department is Palette Large o. . the signal Nothing Too Too sem, Prompt Service. Reasonable Prices After the War Rbdews le Canada w111 hum. TM de seaad for well trained yoga, men and weans tar b.else.s will be keener than ever. TM wise ars preparing new. Oet late eau et lar .ebale and be ready. A few asetis win de It. 1t will pay reg wa& reg. essaisgse. %vete ler it SHAW'S 5t'5tNtsnt SCHOOLS. Tomato. Yere sl. W H. St4 A W, predigest t Marry women with disfigured complexions never seem to think that they need an occasional cleaning reside as wen as mttside. Yet neglect of this internal battling shows itaelf in spotty, and .allow complexions -aa' well as m dreadful headaches and biliousness. It's because the liver becomes sluggish, and waste matter accumulates which Nature cannot remove without assistance. The best CHAMBERLAIN'S TABLETS remedy is Chamberlain's Stomach abdLiver Tablets, which stimulate the liver to healthy activity, remove fermentation, gently cleanse the stomach and bowels and tone the whole digestive system. Sure, safe and reliable. Take one at night and you feel bright and sunny in the morning. Get Chamberlain's today-druggiets 2$c., or by mail from Clean berlai• Medicine Ce.epaay. Toronto 13 BLYTH. Mies Mary Butler baa returned from a week's visit with London friends. Miss Rena Barr bas returned borne, from London. where she war attend- ing school. Mr. Burns. of Ooderich, has opened out an insurance t5asin.es in Barrister L. E. Danced. office. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Anderson. of the 5th concession of East Wawanosb, in the death of their infant daughter, Mar- garet Isabel, aged one month and eight day.- The Red Cross Circle sent away its Bret consignment of supplies last week. 1t contained 72 pain sock.. 21 pairs wristlets, 11 searvee, 8 sleeping caps, 42 flannel shirts, 21 nightshirts, 6 surgical shirts and 2 sheets. Mr. A.tgust Guhr has r:impleted his contract on the Blyth creek drain through Morris. and on receiving his cheque be gave the tr•ea•ur'er IDA to he applied W the patriotic. fund. Mr. Ouhr's parents came trom Germany, huthe has no sympathy with German mnitarlsdr. A fatal accident occurred here on Monday of last week, Chester Hill, one of the employees on the sewer work, being the victim. The unfortunate man was ta ing tile at the time. The sewer at this point is about fourteen feet below the .whiter and was thought to be properly braced. Sud- denly, however. the bracing gave way and Mr. Hill was partly honed in the landslide and the weight of earth pressed him to death Before be could be extricated the embankment again gave way, and it sou not until after three titers' labor aim the Andy was recovered. The deceased caw to Wingham from Listowel about four years ago. He wee in the thirty-first year of his age and leaves • wife and two small eblldree. An inquest 1a beteg held. Wood For Sale The noder.igeed are again offering • goanUt y of SIM Wotde. good and dry, for Immediate toe, vett and mixed, out It and 14 Inches long. four length. of 11 tnehes to the coed and 'three lengths of It inches. We glee more quantities and initialed for the mom, than can be got any- where else. Our customers my so. Try us and nee for yourself. Be sure and get our prices. All owl ere promptly tilled. ttatlafactIOn assur- ed We save you the middlsean • prods. The patriotic concert given by the !theca Symphony Quartette in Indus- try Hally under the auspices of the Blyth bowling club was well patron- ised. After all expenses were paid, the bowling club presented the Blyth Red Croat; Circle with $3) towards the Belgian relief fund. Y?aha 7! QUICK NAPTHA - N f WOMAN'S SOAP A conggrreegga tional meeting was held in the liethodist church on Tuesday evening. November lOth, to celebrate the silver anniversary of the church. From 6 to 8 o'clock a splendid tea was served by the ladies of the congre•' ggr tiaa,o, for wbicb noachaegs was made. ltesvearde a nullitse pg'eg ram wee rendered, the pastor, Rev. Geo. Jewitt. occupying the chair. Mr. John Maine gave a report of the trustee hoard of twenty-five year. ago. The remaining members now living in town aro R. Slater, Geo. King and T. J. Huckstep. The report of the Sabbath school of a quarter of a century ago was given by Mr. C. H. Hesse. The old tea,bers and omcer. still remaining here are K. Plater, Geo. King, Mrs. Myles Young. Mrs. J. Mains and D. D.I Crittenden. Mr. Slater has been sec- retary for thirty-five yearseontinuous-I ly. Other departments ot the ebureb reported. and recitation* and vocal and in.tru ntal music made up a W. HILL & SON BEN MILLER Burst Phone 6 r 8. GIVE TIIUEEpETHiS 6ARANTDRMEDY If your child is under -weight, listless, ailing, liable to get sick easily. it needs • medicine to build its weight and strength For this purpose there is nothing else we know of that we can so strongly endorse as Resell Olive Oil Emnisaoa. The remark- able success of this splendid medicine is doe to the fact that it contains ingredients that tone the nerves, enrich the blood and hiniil ho the Satire system weig/tt mid heahh-b usIdiog ssbs _Mes it needs And. it doe* all this without injur- ing the stomach. In fact, Remill Olive Oil Emulsion is not only pleasant to take, but even the most tentative stomach is bene- fited entfite.+t hy tt, and the digestion improved. On the other hand, it contains no alcohol or habit-forming drugs, which most parents object to giving their children it does its good work by taking hold of the wesdrnes and builds the body up to is natural strength, at the same time making it strong to resist t! .ease If Rexall Olive Oil Emulsion doesn't build your child upfeed the stunted, Ftml Muscles. and make the little one rolly, strong, well, and full of the animal spirit 1 children are meant by nature to have, egme back amt t 11 11 d get Ira nfortey both wa n t v, i to lose a cera. a think Ithis is no m. m float far, and it leaves yon no cause to hesitate For old people the -for convalescents --for an who are nee - 1 vows, tire -,l -zit, nin-down, no matter what the cause -we offer Resell (live ()t1 Famed- ! non with the same guarantee of entire sat- isfaction or money hark Sold only at the 7,600 Rezan Stores, and in this town only by us Iii 00 H. C. Dunlop, )'hm R., i)ruggist Bedford R'oek, Oodsricb. long and • ed program. The isten who ve been in charge of f,Rte eongregatio time, the opening of e ebureb Bre Rev. Messrs. Tong", Calcite hell, Buggin, Rigsby Penball, Holmes, Anderson. Cooper, Fear and Jewitt. Caller "So ynerr sister and her sweetheart are very closemouthed over their engagement t" Little Ethel- "Closemouthed! You ought Ito see them ',og.thrr !"