HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-11-26, Page 1froDOW to January lett.
1918. to Dew subscribers
1000• 1 OM
Thm't m Lit
' an
11ETY$11TR TLIt-Nan stet
,.'may %rt-,A4rk,AoallaaSi!°Jticia4 Cis.
- ». --. - •-o ar_.. -wan
No. 134
At any time fortune may seek you, and to grasp
your opportunity capital may be essential.
Head OMC*, Comer Kieg and Bay Streets, Tomato
Gametal Manager
Goderich Branch
- A. H. Walker
A. Porter, Manager
x•. a:ww .
✓ book Mem at wrest w East and Tb
too.tree!/ Knox church. Kent
rea.00able. 1 et A. C. Fst.T7 •t root
dense. or J. W. 1011t 31 :'t
Geese co the corner of Nekton tries and
ar•brla real. anus all modemewvoa u0c ..
Al.o a house o. Ik. Patrick .reset. 1w.etwafa
Apply to AJ)All VOttTKK. $t. Patrick street.
stiff _
wade rasa everywhere w Utsg to work a
wog doge, weekly. contract even. Peel
rat=s ku ti: td .
wMieer. (Maria •• 11.
lid ronSALL-113 had pland�wis
se-aroa sal@ itafo� '•fa•s�
wfsMa • short eiMs.ss at Yews. 11
pm wear •afar Mreasete seg. he ea* knew.
YHOYAlt 6UNDaY. 0* .rte* .0-U
A Notable Gathering on Thursday
Evening at the Club Rooms-Cap-
t•in Presented with a Colts Revol-
ver and Many Tributes of Esteem
-Oddfellows Also Make Presenta-
Remembei the Froliques of Hilo, at
Victoria Opera House, on Prtday
At Rainy River Ont., the Western
Oaada Flour Mills Company have
steeled the erection of a box factory
in connection with their stave mill.
Look for the commencement of The
Signal's new serial story, "Within the
Law," in nest week's -wue. It le •
Kt ipping tele of wrong and retribution.
Mr. Charles Wells, Bayfleld road.
bas recently bad his house bi ick -
veneered and thoroughly renovated. areae and securities held by the Uq
Sbanh.lde*• Have Renivd aa P a Cent
ea the Dollar.
Toronto, Nov. 29.-Shar.bolderl of
the York County
Oompan7enow receiving theirln
dividend from the ,rats of the com-
pany. The rate is Si per cent.,
which. with previous dividends, brings
the distribuUtw of assets during niue
years of liquidation up to 554 cents un
the dollar.
The sending out of cheques for the
Last dividend bas been expected for
anile time, but the depreciation in the
---- It takes quite an improvement to the
district uidaton as • result of conditions srts-
i i Lha Iurwer referee the late
The pride and affection entertained
by the members nf the Meneeetung
Canoe Club for the it president, Captain
Charles E. Sale. who has joined the
second Canadian contingent for the
war, was evidenced by the large at-
tendance at the banquet given in his
honor at the Club rooms Int Thurs-
day evening. It was and of the most
notable gatherings in the history of
the Club. The banquettiog room eras
decorated with H and the militant
motto, "Let 'Em Have It."
The duties of she chair were ably
discharged by tbe vice-president, Mr.
A. G. Nisbet, at whose rigbt sat Cap-
tain Sale.
The police guards at the harbor
found it difficult to keep warm during
the recent cold snap.
The steamer Empress of Fort Wil-
liam arrived on Saturday with a cargo
of grain. and tied up for the winter
with her cargo on board. The trip
down the lake was cot very pleasant.
the boat arriving in port with her
decks and batches covered with ice.
This k. the fourth boat to 0e up bete
this seams. The Turret Cape and the
Winona tied ftp on the north side.
rite latter cargo aboard. The
Turret Crows and the Empress of
Fort William am tied up in front of
the mill, both being loaded with grain.
They will probably he unloaded before
the harbor freezes over.
The steamer inland arrived on
Wednesday with 415,000 bushels of
wheat for the Transit elevator. This
boat was previously the I. W. Nicb-
clas. which went sabote at Point Au
Barques in the bi storm last November
A\TBD.-A TEACHER FOR She was salvaged by the Reid Wreck -
11• µ. . r. heMiaK a ing IJo., cf Sarnia, who became ber
Ashield.wooed cis. osrttae.te. U.tw a brute after owners, and in repairing her
the New Year. Wows yertsa•oa•��it�ear. sew eighty feet out of ber, making her
.clary revolted, tiros 4 Derain- proper canal size. Captain Wm. Lang
ber :red. Aldusls. DAVID JUHDu. wt has received instructions to return to
rex Port Arthur and Toad with grain to be
held in storage .at Goderich for the
11 to •wet es at Oedwfeh tad la W
county d H.ree)•ed M Uear B•rdy ll••d,(�tae
(hewn Steck. A gad psdpeA is Lth 00:1 t
saw. w rile We goallenlow.
LUNtUTON. Noweette fer..a. UAL
PosuC NOTtcs
NtrrlcE ' -TWINS-
DR LBUNARD,el Teeesto. wtn kava fall
taste* et Dr. Idea prat bee from this Oat+
as.ad ill .ria e'rysestla l e aw emotys
ianise of �m"tethr ttaee�*way. U__ •w
tins- at 3 idosk. AY areata tee seiLleesseg
set be pass with the clerk bean. this
W. LANZ. Clerk.
toted al Oear4.5. $se. Mia. OIL lift
run TAXIS.
The a4i.arfad lobe H Wed for taste w111
take plias K court Mese l• the woe of
Osdatiek. es latrine ed Dan enerw.
tr1t, ar lareleslk Iii t aHuLM
anti w uiitra•TM l?Mserer.
Railway Pres0Mr Does Not Show up at
Tomato Trial.
Toronto, Nov. 19. -John W. Moyers,
wanted by the police in connection
with the again of the Ontario West
Shore Railway, and his sister, Kate
M. Moyers, lost a case in the non -jury
as•ise court today. Mr. Moyes was
not there.
The action was brought by John K.
Y%sksn against John W. oyes and
Kate M. Moyes, described as executrix
of the will of Helen M. Moya, to de-
clare Fishes the owner of lands which
originally comprised • portion of a
private road, rennin east from Yooge
street, and now known as Olen
avenue. Jobe W. Noyes had asserted
that he owned the ler d. had thrown
down a feocs that Mr. Fisken was
building around the lends, and had
endeavored to exchange a portion of
the lands for sdjnining lands owned
by the O.metery torn.
i Mr. Justice Kelly e • re judgment Pie
favor of the plaintiff declaring that
TO THE CITIZENS OF OUDBRiCH be a good title tr. as against the
•defendant J. W. M •yrs and Kate M.
11s Relief ef the teens we.M be
N'M'da2""��et t si�rdtl. •wlwittett
ssee e(ees torr. �asbls .twee u Y
dime Pei ted . r
WU. IA. 118.Ms ro I e P5 Rank or
s.w� �al t poaiflre °T
...d. auwet few delivered then.°t ea
knew tied we fan 'how b -t
Moya.. and awarded the plaintiff full
MOSS as against J. W Moyer and re-
served the question of what costs he
would rive agaioet the defendant
' Kate M.lMoyes.-- -
who goes to the front with the second
coot iogent.
•Dg s oce
Police Sert-ant Moore has been
kept busy during the past few days Mr. Ueorge Kappa.. K.C., made barrepctio, impelled counsel to ask for •
plecarding houses owing to the epid- further oorrsideration of the dvieshil-
emie of measles. Upward• of PIO icy of P•7ioR & Anal Si per cent. Mr.
homes are N ectad. J. A. C. Cameron, the referee. after
Mr. Ow. Newell, of the Bast ntrr'et t - d finding coo
laundry, wake us W publish a denial of
the rumor that be intends to leave
Goderich and clow his laundry.
There is no truth whatever in the
report. ..
NVhile many are cotnpleining of
being out of work. the plumbing de-
partments of the hardware sures are .,
extremely busy these days "fixing" Its failure in 1915 affected people of
furnaces and putting the water pipes all classes, an indication of the extent
in shape for cold weather. of its ramification. being given hy the
A dozen or more of Goderich young tiling of over 115,000 claims against
le atleeded the "Men's Dinner" the company. Thew claims belonged
prop to fourteen diff -rent cls•ses, and rep -
Riven in connection with "MoD's Day" resented shareholders all over the
Rev. W. H. Wrighton was unable t0
occupy the pulpit in the Baptist
church on ttunua last through sick-
ness. Mr. A. . Itobb.r morning, sed
the congrega� in tte
Itev..1ama awilton was the evening
Thespecial preparatory services in
Knox church will be continued on
Sunday. lo the morning Rev. Geo.
E. Hose will take as hie subject "The
Lame Men at the Oats Beautiful ;" in
the evening, "The Secret of the Trans-
formed Lite."
Rev. W. K. Hager will peach at
both services nest 'Sunday in North
street Metbodi•t cbur=b. The morn-
ing subject: "Sittetb Ood above the
shadows, keeping watch above His
own" -the story of the book of Esther.
The title of the evening address will
be 'The Satanic !)!runty of din."
sanguine Use
the Christmas trade
.way from you.
7 c t ..Il ristases goods let the
people know t tb rougb
the columns of
The Signal
an an Mr. Arthur J. Chamber@ will preach
adorable depreciation in assete, has, in the Baptist church on Sunday.
however, confirmed the previous order Mr. Chamber was in the British force
and payment is accordingly being 1 that relieved the legation at Pekin,
wade. China, in the Boxer rising of 190U, and
The present distribution is the floss b[ ham
life. Hsmwch of the peach romantic
on se
chapter in the affairs of a company
that a few years ago was known from Its People and Their Great Need," on
end of the Dominion to the other. Sunday seeder.
The teachers and officers of the Bap-
tist Sunday school have decided t Iedis-
pense with the usual Christmas tree
1131. year. They will bold an enter-
tainment for the children at which the
scholars will be asked to contribute
gifts of clothing. food. toys or money
at Holmesvllle lie Monde evening. world. which will he distributed among the
Mr. and Mn. (deo. H. King were The fact that the chief asset of the needy families in town. The date has
among the number end took pert in company consisted of large holdings of been Hied for December ?J►th.
the musical program provided. real estate made the winding up pto-
Houseboldera are anxiously watch- can* a slow one. It might have Peen
ing the coal pile dwindle and earnestly considerably. shortened had not the
hoping for mild weather. while liquidator held on in order to secure
skaters and bockey players are scan- • larger return from the real estate.
ning the weather "prob." in hope that In 1915 en offer of $4110,000 for the
the cold snap will last. The weather balance of the company's real estate
man has • hard task to please every- uidator, aod
lands dwere .ub.eqthe ueo lj sold for
The work of liquidation has been de-
layed h the difficulty of iocat•ng
thousands of the shareholders. When
the cbegnesfat the first dividend were
sent out, 35,000 were returned by the
postomce for better •ddresssee, and
over 45.000 cheques for the second div-
idend came lack. A total of $481),000
was represented by these returned
cheques, but since then an energetic
effort to Hod the shareholders has re-
duced this suns to $44,000. it is ex-
pected that fully 50,000 of the cheques
A splendid supper was served, Mr.
H. Edwards being the caterer. An ex-
cellent program of appeopt tate music
was rendered by the Stewart orches-
At the conclusion of the menu a
number of toasts were proposed and
Rev. J. B. Fotheringba n gave an
interesting address, telling the mem-
bers of the Club of some of his exper-
iences on his recent trip to the Old
Country, where be found warm ap-
precietion of Canada a loyalty and of
her gifts of foodstuffs and her con-
tributions of men.
i». W. F. Callow in a neat address
expressed the Clue's admiration of
Captain Sale, especially at this junc-
ture ars he goes forth to do battle for
hi. country. He asked the Captain,
in the name of the Club, tc accept the
Club'. farewell gift, along with the
good wishes of every member.
The secretary, Mr. Walter Buchan-
an, then presented the Captain with a
Colts 45 service revolver and holetet.
The recipient rose to make • reply,
but his feelings overcame him and be
sat down in a silence more eloquent
than words. "He's • Jolly Good fel-
low" relieved the tension, and it was
sung with fervor.
Dr. Mabee, W. H. Roberton and
R. 0. Sturdy were called upon and
each added bis tribute of appreciation
of the Captain.
Afterwards a flashlight picture of
the gathering was taken by Mr. Hal-
Another presentation was made to
Capt. Sale hy the members of Huron
Lodge, No. 612. 1. 0. 0. F., whose Rift
was • handsome shaving outfit.
JAYltta M 111 i LL everetarr. I SETS FINE EXAMPLE.
THE SiONAL WANTS CORRES-, Maw*. Nov. 14 -An example
I'UNDENTS AT POINTS 1N THE to wealthy Canadian* haw been
KEITICT NO ALREADY RSPRK- given hy a humble IlgEtkeeper
'4FNTBD. on
1 a a . 1
"Within The Law"
Ry Marvin Tana, from the
play of Hay-ard-Veiller -:
To he eeenseaced is newt week's
issue. .
Lake Huron.
Some days ago • circular was I.
pent to employees of the Marine
Department. asking throes who
were willing to give a day's pay
to the patriot fond to sayan.
Llo a do not draw
osly Pala so H. F. Baker, 1
who lights t lamp at Copper.
tonIsland, in the North Om enol
of Georgian Bay, wrote that the
cootrlbntloo of a day's pay from
hirer would not amount to meets.
He therefore asked that 810 be '
taken from his quarterly eatery
check and applied In the fund.
In the meantime, be inclosed
S6 In his letter as • enntribotioe
from his wife and ,•hlklren.
jam_...._.• -•-
Burglars entered the Grand Trunk
station here Monday uigbt, but all
they got for their trouble was a revol-
ver and a pack of cards, the property
of the despatcher. The polies have a
good idea who the guilty pert -y.4, but
have not been t.ble to make an arrest
The regular meeting of the God. -
rich bench of the Women's Institute
will bre held at the home of Mr.. Jae,
Buchanan. Nelson street, on Thursday,
December 3rd, at 3 o'clock. A report
of the convention held at London will now going out will be returned fo
be given from which many helps for i better addresses.
this branch may be derived. The Anal dividend heroics the total
School children and youbget -re gen-
erally were delighted with the Nervy
fall of mow which greeted them or.
Monday morning. "Suowroen" of
every fantastic shape soon put in an
appearance on the lawns. and pedes-
trians snore lucky indeed if they were
not greeted with s few friendly snow -
Mr. Tom Davis' little black Pomer-
anian dog "Billie" came to an un-
timely end on Wednesday afternoon
in front of the 'dignal office. It ran
acra.a the street in front of the
Howell Hardware Co.'s dray and a
wheel passed over its head, death
being almost instantaneoue. Mr.
Darie took the dog home and gave it
proper burial.
There was a fair attendance at Um
second perfor.nance of the "Concert of
the Nations," given in Knox church
lecture room last Fridaynight. 7'he
program as given on onday night
and reported in last week's issue was
presented with * fens -minor changes.
Rev. J. B. Fother•ingbam waa unable
to be present and additional musk.
was added to the Scoteb rection. Miss
Hattie Belcher replaced Miss Webb
as reciter in the Canadian section.
ibe directors are well pleased with
the attendance and the interest 'howl)
on both senmions and ibe public feel
that they reMlved toll value for the
money expended
Parcels Should Be Prepaid.
The general postoditce at London,
Englandadvises the Canadian Poet-
Mika- D,s*Artesent that pare 1. for
members of tbe British expeditionary
forces serving on the Continent, if ad-
dressed "Expeditionary Force, care of
O.P.O., London," and went in nrails for
London, will be forwat ded to their
Thsm psroeL should he prepaid at
the rates which were applicable to or-
dinary parcels for France forwarded
via England.
The British office adds that tobacco
end cigarettes for the troops are ad-
mitted to Finance duty free, which al-
lows of thee. article+ being included
in parcels es above.
Inasmuch .s sine, the beginning of
war parcel postverde* wk11 France has
been temporarily discontinued. no
weeks for Francs other than throe
addressed to member of the expedi-
tionary fates are i* be sccrpted for
9r sere to read tit Crum chartersU The mss who sd1 you nothing is
Iaspossibie would ewes est an onion
i INS and try to lie oat ofh.
distribution to $1/21.5.805 87, leaving a
balance of unrealized assets with a
hook value of $'J'8,-.1 1. .
The following is a aunrruary of the
realizations and expenditures of the
liquidator since 1905 :
Total amount received. 82,342,566
Preferred claims 2711,357
General expenses, winding
up 330,1455
Lignidator's remuneration
(Fixed by court) 91014
Total dividends..... 1,625,E
Unrealized assets:........ 20:r23
Kincardine Girl Burned.
Kincardine. Nor. 23. --Mies Terra
McFarlane, school teacher, daughter
of Rev. John McFarlane, was very
seriously burned yesterday, when
after cloturing her dress with gasoline
she stood neer the Itre to dry. 'rhe
dress suddenly burst Into flames and
before they were put nut Mise Mc-
Farlane'• hands and arm were horribly
Some little girl is going to get a
dandy big doll for Christmas. Uraigle
Bro.. have one on view in their cigar
and book store window which is to he
awarded to the girl receiving the
greatest number of votes; every pur-
chases'. may register • vote for his
favoritegirl. -
A woman's club is something she
beide over arse Mad.
The Reese Evidently B.lieves s Good
Pump i• • Prime Requisite -The
Councillor Thinks the Cemetery
Committee Should Have Been
Primed First -Anyway, the Pump
la There- Money Saved on Side-
-Mies Agnes Hamilton was home
from Exeter for the week end.
-Mr. Andrew Breckenridge is visit-
ing friends in Chicago this week.
-Mr. Colin Fingland. of Witmer,
called on friends in town last Friday.
-Mies Beatrice Darrow, of Toronto,
is visiting ber brother, Mr. Charles
-Mrs. Harry Grass bas returned to
spend the a inter with her mother,
Mn. McNevin.
The regular semi-monthly meeting
of the town council was held on Fri-
day eveninglast- Councillors Morris
and Proudloot did not put in en ap-
pearance. Business did not COm-
mence until 8.20, owing to the lack of
a quorum. At 8.31) Reeve Elliott and
Coun. Wigle ,trolled in.
The report of the street inspector
was read and on motion of Deputy
Reeve Clark, seconded by Councillor
McClinton. was received and ordered
to be filed. This report •bowed that
12,199 square feet of cement sidewalk
had been corral urted at the cost of six
and four-fifths cents per square foot.
This was very .*tiefactory, as tbe low-
est tender receivel was for nine cents
per foot.
Mr. W. W. Sault• applied for a re-
bate on the taxes on bis liquor store
which had been put out of business.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Clark, wee -
corded by Councillor Laitbweite, that
tfte matter be referred to the court of
revision. Carried.
A communication from the city of
Berlin was read, asking that the coun-
cil endorse their action in sending a
memorial to the Ootsrio Legislature
with referent* to an amendment to
the Public Utilities Act, so that any
surplus the water and ligbt commission
may have may be used by the
council for any purpose. After some
discussion the letter was referred to
the fluance committee to report.
A report from the water and light
commission stating that all hydrants
had been Hushed out was ordered to
be filed.
The report of the finance committee
was presented end on motion of Couo.
chlor Laitbweite, seconded by Coun-
cillor Elliott, was adopted. The retort
recommended the payment of a num-
ber of -small accounts ; that a deficit
of $12.66 of the Pint of July osier' a-
tlas be paid, and that the request for •
a grant to the Canadian Free Lihrsry
for the Blind he laid over until the
first of the year.
Ore report of the cemetery and parks
committee was presented, reporting
that the parks caretaker'. duties were
over for the assess. and that the re-
quest of Mr. A. 111. Glover to have erne
shade tree removed from in
front of bis new garage be not
granted. Carried, Reeve Elliott dis-
Under tbe head of new business
Reeve Elliott wanted to know what
was the matter with the town lights,
an the lights on the Square had been
off two mornings wben he was going
to meet the early train. Councillor
Elliott said he always went to hie
work at 7 o'clock and be bad never
seen the lights out.
Reeve Elliott. --"I'm not asleep ; l
know what l's talking about."
Mayer Reid ealled the disputants to
order and promised the Reeve his
complaini should be Investigated.
Councillor Wigle wanted to know
why the marine reports trout Ooderich
harbor were not inserted in the Lon-
don and Toronto paper.. Mayor Reid
thought that the authorities at the ban
bor were not anxious to have the
wbereabouts of the boats made known.
Councillor Elliott thought that wbile
men were idle and labor was cheap
some improvements should be made at
the town hall and • proper clerk's of-
fice arranged with a safety vwlt at-
tached. Ilse public works committee
will report on the matter.
(Deputy Reeve Clark said be had
made a visit to the garbage dump re-
cently and found that the paper was
blowing all over tbe adjoining farm.
He recommetsded that s woven wire
fence be erected to remedy this. The
public works committee a to report
on the cost.
(.ogpicilloz iilliott• wanted' to know
who had given the chairman of the
cemetery and parks committee
authority to install • new pump at.
the sextons home. Reeve Ellovt said
the old one *as worn out and the man
had to have water, so be ordered the
new one. This started a little dialogue
between the Reeve and Councillor
Elliott in which each told the other
all that he (the other, had not done
since he had hewn connected with the
council. including time remarks *ls,ot
who was to Mame for the non -erection
of the sailors' monument
Mayor Reid stopped the discussion
of personal deficiencies by saying that
"after a good deal of discussion six et
the dead It would be in outer to talk
about the living," and asked the caan-
eil's opinion as to the formation of a
home guard for Ooderlch. The
Mayor had been in - ontwunicatio■
with the Minister of Militia, but bad
received no definite offer of assis-
tance. He thought it would be wise
to organise first and then apply for
rifles and equipment. The council
heartily endorsed the scheme and on
motion of Councillor McClinton, see -
muted by Councillor Karoo, it wee de-
cided to. call a public meeting to din
cuss the project. The council then
adjoin ned.
- -Mise Blackstoue returned on Sat-
urday last froto Calgary, where she
had neon visiting her btother Charles.
-Mrs. Wrighton, of Palmerston
street, returned to her home on Mon-
day atter • visit to friends in Bnmp-
- aillikelljUStette, of Dungan-
non, spent a ays last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McOreatb, South
-Dr. George Heilemann was at Iona,
Michigan, this week attending the
funeral of the father of the late Mrs.
-We are glad to report that Mies
Margaret E. Moss, graduate of 8t.
Joseph's hospital, London, is home and
rapidly recovering from her serious
illness of diphtheria.
--Mr. Jack Kennedy, who had been
piling on the steamer Colonial, owned
by the Reid Wrecking Co., arrived
home lest week. his boat haying tied
up for the winter at Sarnia.
-Mr. Harold W. Aitken arrived
home on Monday from the West,
where for the last four years he has
been engaged in the jewelry busineev
at Vancouver and Edmonton. Mr.
Aitken was formerly of C. A, Humber
& Son's.
- Privates Smith. Riley and Arnold
and Bugler Kell, lioderich men. mem-
ber of the second Canadian overseas
contingent, now stationed at London,
were given week -end leave and- visited
their homes bete, Waviest for their
London quarter again on '.Monday.
'•90 you send your wife to the
mountains tor three months ever
summer. It's great to have money.
"Yea: money is xetainly • great
McM AN UK -M OIOrrbh. en Irvklay, N 'rs- I
bev b lithInr. p rOasIL. *s 0... Allow We
Wetwoliter, es Nevestee. mat!'
.-Atp�rangy �•��
Mrtiseyy IIYe lit.• ww,her4:
Kft4s.ts•lfwwl.•O.rehRAN.-At1sa.LNM hr+a, t
CrnteMsal• hitt year.b r led.
e LLAT. 1 d
Ile 0selsk es hee iN.v+mnti.
y' 1Se WeAaty. to Ws seta yeaM%
61, whits w. ON Te "neo , To.
tlltk Albe.. *f YY mod M To.
Y�wM� r[dwt• ad
r, eveahsr P15.
8 tsediett (left to right ) -R. Craigia, C. I. Cookie J. & Platt. Jas. McKwer., R. McLaaghlin D. B. McKay,
I. Yooag, W. H.Robertson, W. McEwen, A. Straiton, W. Y Hayden, B. Kelly, �t'. R. Holmes.
0. Oarrell.R. Colborne. J. Leonetti', F. Raendere, H. Rewards. F. Wnnlloottsba, T.Miteboll, A.P. Reid.
Sitting -D, !hearer, J. Straiten. C. O. Le,. W. F. (:allow. C. R. Rel., L M. Mabee, P.L Walton, H. 0. Sturdy.
On Floor -W. J. Powell, B. Murphy, W. J. Buchanan, A. 0. Nisbet. R. Loyd, W. T. Millar, J. M. Roberts.
Trnssiers Art Photos make most
aeeeptebl. Christmas moosebrances.
Don t delay leaving your order foe
photo., so that we eau give your work
our beet attention. Now is the U.
to come. A large sew tteek of Milers
and mountings just is at Tien
Beuirnex Srt•nto. S1-311
ri A a Ga NISBET
The Mutual Life Assurance Co.
of Canada
1'Canada's only Mutual"
Pemetaa QM= WI Bonen 1111). P.O. Boz ee
✓ book Mem at wrest w East and Tb
too.tree!/ Knox church. Kent
rea.00able. 1 et A. C. Fst.T7 •t root
dense. or J. W. 1011t 31 :'t
Geese co the corner of Nekton tries and
ar•brla real. anus all modemewvoa u0c ..
Al.o a house o. Ik. Patrick .reset. 1w.etwafa
Apply to AJ)All VOttTKK. $t. Patrick street.
stiff _
wade rasa everywhere w Utsg to work a
wog doge, weekly. contract even. Peel
rat=s ku ti: td .
wMieer. (Maria •• 11.
lid ronSALL-113 had pland�wis
se-aroa sal@ itafo� '•fa•s�
wfsMa • short eiMs.ss at Yews. 11
pm wear •afar Mreasete seg. he ea* knew.
YHOYAlt 6UNDaY. 0* .rte* .0-U
A Notable Gathering on Thursday
Evening at the Club Rooms-Cap-
t•in Presented with a Colts Revol-
ver and Many Tributes of Esteem
-Oddfellows Also Make Presenta-
Remembei the Froliques of Hilo, at
Victoria Opera House, on Prtday
At Rainy River Ont., the Western
Oaada Flour Mills Company have
steeled the erection of a box factory
in connection with their stave mill.
Look for the commencement of The
Signal's new serial story, "Within the
Law," in nest week's -wue. It le •
Kt ipping tele of wrong and retribution.
Mr. Charles Wells, Bayfleld road.
bas recently bad his house bi ick -
veneered and thoroughly renovated. areae and securities held by the Uq
Sbanh.lde*• Have Renivd aa P a Cent
ea the Dollar.
Toronto, Nov. 29.-Shar.bolderl of
the York County
Oompan7enow receiving theirln
dividend from the ,rats of the com-
pany. The rate is Si per cent.,
which. with previous dividends, brings
the distribuUtw of assets during niue
years of liquidation up to 554 cents un
the dollar.
The sending out of cheques for the
Last dividend bas been expected for
anile time, but the depreciation in the
---- It takes quite an improvement to the
district uidaton as • result of conditions srts-
i i Lha Iurwer referee the late
The pride and affection entertained
by the members nf the Meneeetung
Canoe Club for the it president, Captain
Charles E. Sale. who has joined the
second Canadian contingent for the
war, was evidenced by the large at-
tendance at the banquet given in his
honor at the Club rooms Int Thurs-
day evening. It was and of the most
notable gatherings in the history of
the Club. The banquettiog room eras
decorated with H and the militant
motto, "Let 'Em Have It."
The duties of she chair were ably
discharged by tbe vice-president, Mr.
A. G. Nisbet, at whose rigbt sat Cap-
tain Sale.
The police guards at the harbor
found it difficult to keep warm during
the recent cold snap.
The steamer Empress of Fort Wil-
liam arrived on Saturday with a cargo
of grain. and tied up for the winter
with her cargo on board. The trip
down the lake was cot very pleasant.
the boat arriving in port with her
decks and batches covered with ice.
This k. the fourth boat to 0e up bete
this seams. The Turret Cape and the
Winona tied ftp on the north side.
rite latter cargo aboard. The
Turret Crows and the Empress of
Fort William am tied up in front of
the mill, both being loaded with grain.
They will probably he unloaded before
the harbor freezes over.
The steamer inland arrived on
Wednesday with 415,000 bushels of
wheat for the Transit elevator. This
boat was previously the I. W. Nicb-
clas. which went sabote at Point Au
Barques in the bi storm last November
A\TBD.-A TEACHER FOR She was salvaged by the Reid Wreck -
11• µ. . r. heMiaK a ing IJo., cf Sarnia, who became ber
Ashield.wooed cis. osrttae.te. U.tw a brute after owners, and in repairing her
the New Year. Wows yertsa•oa•��it�ear. sew eighty feet out of ber, making her
.clary revolted, tiros 4 Derain- proper canal size. Captain Wm. Lang
ber :red. Aldusls. DAVID JUHDu. wt has received instructions to return to
rex Port Arthur and Toad with grain to be
held in storage .at Goderich for the
11 to •wet es at Oedwfeh tad la W
county d H.ree)•ed M Uear B•rdy ll••d,(�tae
(hewn Steck. A gad psdpeA is Lth 00:1 t
saw. w rile We goallenlow.
LUNtUTON. Noweette fer..a. UAL
PosuC NOTtcs
NtrrlcE ' -TWINS-
DR LBUNARD,el Teeesto. wtn kava fall
taste* et Dr. Idea prat bee from this Oat+
as.ad ill .ria e'rysestla l e aw emotys
ianise of �m"tethr ttaee�*way. U__ •w
tins- at 3 idosk. AY areata tee seiLleesseg
set be pass with the clerk bean. this
W. LANZ. Clerk.
toted al Oear4.5. $se. Mia. OIL lift
run TAXIS.
The a4i.arfad lobe H Wed for taste w111
take plias K court Mese l• the woe of
Osdatiek. es latrine ed Dan enerw.
tr1t, ar lareleslk Iii t aHuLM
anti w uiitra•TM l?Mserer.
Railway Pres0Mr Does Not Show up at
Tomato Trial.
Toronto, Nov. 19. -John W. Moyers,
wanted by the police in connection
with the again of the Ontario West
Shore Railway, and his sister, Kate
M. Moyers, lost a case in the non -jury
as•ise court today. Mr. Moyes was
not there.
The action was brought by John K.
Y%sksn against John W. oyes and
Kate M. Moyes, described as executrix
of the will of Helen M. Moya, to de-
clare Fishes the owner of lands which
originally comprised • portion of a
private road, rennin east from Yooge
street, and now known as Olen
avenue. Jobe W. Noyes had asserted
that he owned the ler d. had thrown
down a feocs that Mr. Fisken was
building around the lends, and had
endeavored to exchange a portion of
the lands for sdjnining lands owned
by the O.metery torn.
i Mr. Justice Kelly e • re judgment Pie
favor of the plaintiff declaring that
TO THE CITIZENS OF OUDBRiCH be a good title tr. as against the
•defendant J. W. M •yrs and Kate M.
11s Relief ef the teens we.M be
N'M'da2""��et t si�rdtl. •wlwittett
ssee e(ees torr. �asbls .twee u Y
dime Pei ted . r
WU. IA. 118.Ms ro I e P5 Rank or
s.w� �al t poaiflre °T
...d. auwet few delivered then.°t ea
knew tied we fan 'how b -t
Moya.. and awarded the plaintiff full
MOSS as against J. W Moyer and re-
served the question of what costs he
would rive agaioet the defendant
' Kate M.lMoyes.-- -
who goes to the front with the second
coot iogent.
•Dg s oce
Police Sert-ant Moore has been
kept busy during the past few days Mr. Ueorge Kappa.. K.C., made barrepctio, impelled counsel to ask for •
plecarding houses owing to the epid- further oorrsideration of the dvieshil-
emie of measles. Upward• of PIO icy of P•7ioR & Anal Si per cent. Mr.
homes are N ectad. J. A. C. Cameron, the referee. after
Mr. Ow. Newell, of the Bast ntrr'et t - d finding coo
laundry, wake us W publish a denial of
the rumor that be intends to leave
Goderich and clow his laundry.
There is no truth whatever in the
report. ..
NVhile many are cotnpleining of
being out of work. the plumbing de-
partments of the hardware sures are .,
extremely busy these days "fixing" Its failure in 1915 affected people of
furnaces and putting the water pipes all classes, an indication of the extent
in shape for cold weather. of its ramification. being given hy the
A dozen or more of Goderich young tiling of over 115,000 claims against
le atleeded the "Men's Dinner" the company. Thew claims belonged
prop to fourteen diff -rent cls•ses, and rep -
Riven in connection with "MoD's Day" resented shareholders all over the
Rev. W. H. Wrighton was unable t0
occupy the pulpit in the Baptist
church on ttunua last through sick-
ness. Mr. A. . Itobb.r morning, sed
the congrega� in tte
Itev..1ama awilton was the evening
Thespecial preparatory services in
Knox church will be continued on
Sunday. lo the morning Rev. Geo.
E. Hose will take as hie subject "The
Lame Men at the Oats Beautiful ;" in
the evening, "The Secret of the Trans-
formed Lite."
Rev. W. K. Hager will peach at
both services nest 'Sunday in North
street Metbodi•t cbur=b. The morn-
ing subject: "Sittetb Ood above the
shadows, keeping watch above His
own" -the story of the book of Esther.
The title of the evening address will
be 'The Satanic !)!runty of din."
sanguine Use
the Christmas trade
.way from you.
7 c t ..Il ristases goods let the
people know t tb rougb
the columns of
The Signal
an an Mr. Arthur J. Chamber@ will preach
adorable depreciation in assete, has, in the Baptist church on Sunday.
however, confirmed the previous order Mr. Chamber was in the British force
and payment is accordingly being 1 that relieved the legation at Pekin,
wade. China, in the Boxer rising of 190U, and
The present distribution is the floss b[ ham
life. Hsmwch of the peach romantic
on se
chapter in the affairs of a company
that a few years ago was known from Its People and Their Great Need," on
end of the Dominion to the other. Sunday seeder.
The teachers and officers of the Bap-
tist Sunday school have decided t Iedis-
pense with the usual Christmas tree
1131. year. They will bold an enter-
tainment for the children at which the
scholars will be asked to contribute
gifts of clothing. food. toys or money
at Holmesvllle lie Monde evening. world. which will he distributed among the
Mr. and Mn. (deo. H. King were The fact that the chief asset of the needy families in town. The date has
among the number end took pert in company consisted of large holdings of been Hied for December ?J►th.
the musical program provided. real estate made the winding up pto-
Houseboldera are anxiously watch- can* a slow one. It might have Peen
ing the coal pile dwindle and earnestly considerably. shortened had not the
hoping for mild weather. while liquidator held on in order to secure
skaters and bockey players are scan- • larger return from the real estate.
ning the weather "prob." in hope that In 1915 en offer of $4110,000 for the
the cold snap will last. The weather balance of the company's real estate
man has • hard task to please every- uidator, aod
lands dwere .ub.eqthe ueo lj sold for
The work of liquidation has been de-
layed h the difficulty of iocat•ng
thousands of the shareholders. When
the cbegnesfat the first dividend were
sent out, 35,000 were returned by the
postomce for better •ddresssee, and
over 45.000 cheques for the second div-
idend came lack. A total of $481),000
was represented by these returned
cheques, but since then an energetic
effort to Hod the shareholders has re-
duced this suns to $44,000. it is ex-
pected that fully 50,000 of the cheques
A splendid supper was served, Mr.
H. Edwards being the caterer. An ex-
cellent program of appeopt tate music
was rendered by the Stewart orches-
At the conclusion of the menu a
number of toasts were proposed and
Rev. J. B. Fotheringba n gave an
interesting address, telling the mem-
bers of the Club of some of his exper-
iences on his recent trip to the Old
Country, where be found warm ap-
precietion of Canada a loyalty and of
her gifts of foodstuffs and her con-
tributions of men.
i». W. F. Callow in a neat address
expressed the Clue's admiration of
Captain Sale, especially at this junc-
ture ars he goes forth to do battle for
hi. country. He asked the Captain,
in the name of the Club, tc accept the
Club'. farewell gift, along with the
good wishes of every member.
The secretary, Mr. Walter Buchan-
an, then presented the Captain with a
Colts 45 service revolver and holetet.
The recipient rose to make • reply,
but his feelings overcame him and be
sat down in a silence more eloquent
than words. "He's • Jolly Good fel-
low" relieved the tension, and it was
sung with fervor.
Dr. Mabee, W. H. Roberton and
R. 0. Sturdy were called upon and
each added bis tribute of appreciation
of the Captain.
Afterwards a flashlight picture of
the gathering was taken by Mr. Hal-
Another presentation was made to
Capt. Sale hy the members of Huron
Lodge, No. 612. 1. 0. 0. F., whose Rift
was • handsome shaving outfit.
JAYltta M 111 i LL everetarr. I SETS FINE EXAMPLE.
THE SiONAL WANTS CORRES-, Maw*. Nov. 14 -An example
I'UNDENTS AT POINTS 1N THE to wealthy Canadian* haw been
KEITICT NO ALREADY RSPRK- given hy a humble IlgEtkeeper
'4FNTBD. on
1 a a . 1
"Within The Law"
Ry Marvin Tana, from the
play of Hay-ard-Veiller -:
To he eeenseaced is newt week's
issue. .
Lake Huron.
Some days ago • circular was I.
pent to employees of the Marine
Department. asking throes who
were willing to give a day's pay
to the patriot fond to sayan.
Llo a do not draw
osly Pala so H. F. Baker, 1
who lights t lamp at Copper.
tonIsland, in the North Om enol
of Georgian Bay, wrote that the
cootrlbntloo of a day's pay from
hirer would not amount to meets.
He therefore asked that 810 be '
taken from his quarterly eatery
check and applied In the fund.
In the meantime, be inclosed
S6 In his letter as • enntribotioe
from his wife and ,•hlklren.
jam_...._.• -•-
Burglars entered the Grand Trunk
station here Monday uigbt, but all
they got for their trouble was a revol-
ver and a pack of cards, the property
of the despatcher. The polies have a
good idea who the guilty pert -y.4, but
have not been t.ble to make an arrest
The regular meeting of the God. -
rich bench of the Women's Institute
will bre held at the home of Mr.. Jae,
Buchanan. Nelson street, on Thursday,
December 3rd, at 3 o'clock. A report
of the convention held at London will now going out will be returned fo
be given from which many helps for i better addresses.
this branch may be derived. The Anal dividend heroics the total
School children and youbget -re gen-
erally were delighted with the Nervy
fall of mow which greeted them or.
Monday morning. "Suowroen" of
every fantastic shape soon put in an
appearance on the lawns. and pedes-
trians snore lucky indeed if they were
not greeted with s few friendly snow -
Mr. Tom Davis' little black Pomer-
anian dog "Billie" came to an un-
timely end on Wednesday afternoon
in front of the 'dignal office. It ran
acra.a the street in front of the
Howell Hardware Co.'s dray and a
wheel passed over its head, death
being almost instantaneoue. Mr.
Darie took the dog home and gave it
proper burial.
There was a fair attendance at Um
second perfor.nance of the "Concert of
the Nations," given in Knox church
lecture room last Fridaynight. 7'he
program as given on onday night
and reported in last week's issue was
presented with * fens -minor changes.
Rev. J. B. Fother•ingbam waa unable
to be present and additional musk.
was added to the Scoteb rection. Miss
Hattie Belcher replaced Miss Webb
as reciter in the Canadian section.
ibe directors are well pleased with
the attendance and the interest 'howl)
on both senmions and ibe public feel
that they reMlved toll value for the
money expended
Parcels Should Be Prepaid.
The general postoditce at London,
Englandadvises the Canadian Poet-
Mika- D,s*Artesent that pare 1. for
members of tbe British expeditionary
forces serving on the Continent, if ad-
dressed "Expeditionary Force, care of
O.P.O., London," and went in nrails for
London, will be forwat ded to their
Thsm psroeL should he prepaid at
the rates which were applicable to or-
dinary parcels for France forwarded
via England.
The British office adds that tobacco
end cigarettes for the troops are ad-
mitted to Finance duty free, which al-
lows of thee. article+ being included
in parcels es above.
Inasmuch .s sine, the beginning of
war parcel postverde* wk11 France has
been temporarily discontinued. no
weeks for Francs other than throe
addressed to member of the expedi-
tionary fates are i* be sccrpted for
9r sere to read tit Crum chartersU The mss who sd1 you nothing is
Iaspossibie would ewes est an onion
i INS and try to lie oat ofh.
distribution to $1/21.5.805 87, leaving a
balance of unrealized assets with a
hook value of $'J'8,-.1 1. .
The following is a aunrruary of the
realizations and expenditures of the
liquidator since 1905 :
Total amount received. 82,342,566
Preferred claims 2711,357
General expenses, winding
up 330,1455
Lignidator's remuneration
(Fixed by court) 91014
Total dividends..... 1,625,E
Unrealized assets:........ 20:r23
Kincardine Girl Burned.
Kincardine. Nor. 23. --Mies Terra
McFarlane, school teacher, daughter
of Rev. John McFarlane, was very
seriously burned yesterday, when
after cloturing her dress with gasoline
she stood neer the Itre to dry. 'rhe
dress suddenly burst Into flames and
before they were put nut Mise Mc-
Farlane'• hands and arm were horribly
Some little girl is going to get a
dandy big doll for Christmas. Uraigle
Bro.. have one on view in their cigar
and book store window which is to he
awarded to the girl receiving the
greatest number of votes; every pur-
chases'. may register • vote for his
favoritegirl. -
A woman's club is something she
beide over arse Mad.
The Reese Evidently B.lieves s Good
Pump i• • Prime Requisite -The
Councillor Thinks the Cemetery
Committee Should Have Been
Primed First -Anyway, the Pump
la There- Money Saved on Side-
-Mies Agnes Hamilton was home
from Exeter for the week end.
-Mr. Andrew Breckenridge is visit-
ing friends in Chicago this week.
-Mr. Colin Fingland. of Witmer,
called on friends in town last Friday.
-Mies Beatrice Darrow, of Toronto,
is visiting ber brother, Mr. Charles
-Mrs. Harry Grass bas returned to
spend the a inter with her mother,
Mn. McNevin.
The regular semi-monthly meeting
of the town council was held on Fri-
day eveninglast- Councillors Morris
and Proudloot did not put in en ap-
pearance. Business did not COm-
mence until 8.20, owing to the lack of
a quorum. At 8.31) Reeve Elliott and
Coun. Wigle ,trolled in.
The report of the street inspector
was read and on motion of Deputy
Reeve Clark, seconded by Councillor
McClinton. was received and ordered
to be filed. This report •bowed that
12,199 square feet of cement sidewalk
had been corral urted at the cost of six
and four-fifths cents per square foot.
This was very .*tiefactory, as tbe low-
est tender receivel was for nine cents
per foot.
Mr. W. W. Sault• applied for a re-
bate on the taxes on bis liquor store
which had been put out of business.
Moved by Deputy Reeve Clark, wee -
corded by Councillor Laitbweite, that
tfte matter be referred to the court of
revision. Carried.
A communication from the city of
Berlin was read, asking that the coun-
cil endorse their action in sending a
memorial to the Ootsrio Legislature
with referent* to an amendment to
the Public Utilities Act, so that any
surplus the water and ligbt commission
may have may be used by the
council for any purpose. After some
discussion the letter was referred to
the fluance committee to report.
A report from the water and light
commission stating that all hydrants
had been Hushed out was ordered to
be filed.
The report of the finance committee
was presented end on motion of Couo.
chlor Laitbweite, seconded by Coun-
cillor Elliott, was adopted. The retort
recommended the payment of a num-
ber of -small accounts ; that a deficit
of $12.66 of the Pint of July osier' a-
tlas be paid, and that the request for •
a grant to the Canadian Free Lihrsry
for the Blind he laid over until the
first of the year.
Ore report of the cemetery and parks
committee was presented, reporting
that the parks caretaker'. duties were
over for the assess. and that the re-
quest of Mr. A. 111. Glover to have erne
shade tree removed from in
front of bis new garage be not
granted. Carried, Reeve Elliott dis-
Under tbe head of new business
Reeve Elliott wanted to know what
was the matter with the town lights,
an the lights on the Square had been
off two mornings wben he was going
to meet the early train. Councillor
Elliott said he always went to hie
work at 7 o'clock and be bad never
seen the lights out.
Reeve Elliott. --"I'm not asleep ; l
know what l's talking about."
Mayer Reid ealled the disputants to
order and promised the Reeve his
complaini should be Investigated.
Councillor Wigle wanted to know
why the marine reports trout Ooderich
harbor were not inserted in the Lon-
don and Toronto paper.. Mayor Reid
thought that the authorities at the ban
bor were not anxious to have the
wbereabouts of the boats made known.
Councillor Elliott thought that wbile
men were idle and labor was cheap
some improvements should be made at
the town hall and • proper clerk's of-
fice arranged with a safety vwlt at-
tached. Ilse public works committee
will report on the matter.
(Deputy Reeve Clark said be had
made a visit to the garbage dump re-
cently and found that the paper was
blowing all over tbe adjoining farm.
He recommetsded that s woven wire
fence be erected to remedy this. The
public works committee a to report
on the cost.
(.ogpicilloz iilliott• wanted' to know
who had given the chairman of the
cemetery and parks committee
authority to install • new pump at.
the sextons home. Reeve Ellovt said
the old one *as worn out and the man
had to have water, so be ordered the
new one. This started a little dialogue
between the Reeve and Councillor
Elliott in which each told the other
all that he (the other, had not done
since he had hewn connected with the
council. including time remarks *ls,ot
who was to Mame for the non -erection
of the sailors' monument
Mayor Reid stopped the discussion
of personal deficiencies by saying that
"after a good deal of discussion six et
the dead It would be in outer to talk
about the living," and asked the caan-
eil's opinion as to the formation of a
home guard for Ooderlch. The
Mayor had been in - ontwunicatio■
with the Minister of Militia, but bad
received no definite offer of assis-
tance. He thought it would be wise
to organise first and then apply for
rifles and equipment. The council
heartily endorsed the scheme and on
motion of Councillor McClinton, see -
muted by Councillor Karoo, it wee de-
cided to. call a public meeting to din
cuss the project. The council then
adjoin ned.
- -Mise Blackstoue returned on Sat-
urday last froto Calgary, where she
had neon visiting her btother Charles.
-Mrs. Wrighton, of Palmerston
street, returned to her home on Mon-
day atter • visit to friends in Bnmp-
- aillikelljUStette, of Dungan-
non, spent a ays last week with
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McOreatb, South
-Dr. George Heilemann was at Iona,
Michigan, this week attending the
funeral of the father of the late Mrs.
-We are glad to report that Mies
Margaret E. Moss, graduate of 8t.
Joseph's hospital, London, is home and
rapidly recovering from her serious
illness of diphtheria.
--Mr. Jack Kennedy, who had been
piling on the steamer Colonial, owned
by the Reid Wrecking Co., arrived
home lest week. his boat haying tied
up for the winter at Sarnia.
-Mr. Harold W. Aitken arrived
home on Monday from the West,
where for the last four years he has
been engaged in the jewelry busineev
at Vancouver and Edmonton. Mr.
Aitken was formerly of C. A, Humber
& Son's.
- Privates Smith. Riley and Arnold
and Bugler Kell, lioderich men. mem-
ber of the second Canadian overseas
contingent, now stationed at London,
were given week -end leave and- visited
their homes bete, Waviest for their
London quarter again on '.Monday.
'•90 you send your wife to the
mountains tor three months ever
summer. It's great to have money.
"Yea: money is xetainly • great
McM AN UK -M OIOrrbh. en Irvklay, N 'rs- I
bev b lithInr. p rOasIL. *s 0... Allow We
Wetwoliter, es Nevestee. mat!'
.-Atp�rangy �•��
Mrtiseyy IIYe lit.• ww,her4:
Kft4s.ts•lfwwl.•O.rehRAN.-At1sa.LNM hr+a, t
CrnteMsal• hitt year.b r led.
e LLAT. 1 d
Ile 0selsk es hee iN.v+mnti.
y' 1Se WeAaty. to Ws seta yeaM%
61, whits w. ON Te "neo , To.
tlltk Albe.. *f YY mod M To.
Y�wM� r[dwt• ad
r, eveahsr P15.
8 tsediett (left to right ) -R. Craigia, C. I. Cookie J. & Platt. Jas. McKwer., R. McLaaghlin D. B. McKay,
I. Yooag, W. H.Robertson, W. McEwen, A. Straiton, W. Y Hayden, B. Kelly, �t'. R. Holmes.
0. Oarrell.R. Colborne. J. Leonetti', F. Raendere, H. Rewards. F. Wnnlloottsba, T.Miteboll, A.P. Reid.
Sitting -D, !hearer, J. Straiten. C. O. Le,. W. F. (:allow. C. R. Rel., L M. Mabee, P.L Walton, H. 0. Sturdy.
On Floor -W. J. Powell, B. Murphy, W. J. Buchanan, A. 0. Nisbet. R. Loyd, W. T. Millar, J. M. Roberts.
Trnssiers Art Photos make most
aeeeptebl. Christmas moosebrances.
Don t delay leaving your order foe
photo., so that we eau give your work
our beet attention. Now is the U.
to come. A large sew tteek of Milers
and mountings just is at Tien
Beuirnex Srt•nto. S1-311