The Signal, 1914-11-19, Page 8It "turns the trick" when you feel sick Tdhs Vhspenild Who ea sal T..tk.sw.► Med Mir s r U,Us1**, Rov IB 0 a . v THE SIGNAL : 3ODER[CH : OIQTARJO tint iMWWVnbirwA imiliirllhinirrnlnlrrr A REAL BOOK SALE A splendid chance to mecum full leather bound books, spec- ially suitable for Christmas Rifts. at greatly reduced prices. (kid v✓luiw. of Kipling. MacMillan's limp leather pocket edition regular $1.50,, sale price $1.00 per volume. (kid volumes and a few complete eels Thackeray, Rwkin. Dickens, Scott, George Klliott, and other., full morocco bound, splendidly illustrated, regular $1 00 and III 25 per volume. sale price t1 c per volume. 1 complete set Shakespeare, :f0 volumes. pocket edition, cloth, eiuu,ilar in size to the famous Temple edition, special $3.11) per set (exactly l& per volume!• 2 complete seta Dickeos, Oxford Indian paper edition, silk wwn. liutp leather, 17 volumes. regular $2I.00 per set. sale price fw l i i t). Complete seta Burns, Burroughs, Will Caritou end others, off A her of odd volumes. holed, limp leather, Shakespeare's flays, Tennyron'r and Longfellow'. Poems, regular $1.00 per volume. sale price 9irc each. I lens of odd volumes, small classics, regular 25c and 35c npectal 15e per volume. Chu istwas editions of the foil iwing books. "Autocrat of the. Breakfast Tab/e.' "Braoehridite Hall." "Lucile,' •'Lady of Ithe Lake," etc., nicely boxed in holly ,blues, with spray of holly mounted on cover, regular 50c, sale price Tic each. Not dozens. but hundreds. 1.1 goys' and Girl: bloke, et j and oft. ��Tie Goaericb Book and Stationer' Ce., GEORGE PORTER Keep your money in Canada by purchasing Na-Dru-Co. Goods -MADE IN CANADA' When you putchase good. Made to Canada by a Canadian Com- pany. Canadians get the good,. ('anadianR keep the money in culation. Canadian lahor is e.oployed and ('snadians are not .'ailed upon to bupp,.rt the fatr- rl,es of the unemployed. ti'hrn you put chase Foreign Made Goods l'auadians get only the go,.d,., l'Anadiane do not get the money for circulation. For- eigners get the uumey and For- etell 13.1tlo i- enti toyed. Sliow ' our willingness to help general husines, conditions and keep Canadian workmen employed by purchatsing Na-Dru-Co. Goods MADE IN CANADA by a purely Canadian Company. A COMPLETE STOCK of THESE SUPPLIES ALWAYS stn HAND C. L. COULTIS DRUGGIST and CHEMIST No,th Side of Square Telephone No. 1p CI Notice to the Farmers! 1 1 GRAIN ELEVATOR. and CHOPPING MILL We are pow prepared to buy all kinda.of (:rain at our elevsi-• 1..,, north of MacEwan'e .coal yards. Goderich, end will pay the hrtlher•t prices at all times. CHOPPING We beg to announce also that we have installed an up-to- date Chopping Mill in connec- tion With our grain business and ere now ready to attend to the wants of the farmers in this line. We shall be glad to chop or roll gran any Jay in the week, and if you will give us a trial we trust that good work will merit y,oir continued patronage. J. E. BAECHLER � J3j We have sold other remedies for skin trouble, but none that we could personally recommend as we can the G16 -ARKS PORK st BEANS with 2-7-14. Only the highest grade of beans used. • Delicious and appetising seasoning. Sold everywhere. • 1esidoa-Clah'.'• W CLARK Lint,trd Montreal Skin on Fire? cel wash, the well- known d p Ec- zema. Just the mild, simple known 1),I) D. Prescription for an the itchis gone. Candy Excellence 1 the finest cane sugar, the richest cream. the purrd fruit flavors, the highe.t grade of nuts PLUS e- �tiert blending. - careful packing. -prompt delivery wake- all candies wild by Pure ire- h ,1e1i.'unry, the candles par excellence. J. A. Campbell, Pim. B. Central Drag Store, Oederkb Corner North Street and Square Phones :-Busines t 90 Residence 328' °VIER se YEARS' 111*Pg(tIINCS ATENTS iter semi ►..e. ae smear •/sea , r+Gia P'•M•e. ` M D.D.D. Prescription J. A. ('AMBPELL. Druggist. No increase in price. Notwitbstand ing heavy increase in cost of import- ant ingredients price remains the Trtiseler-s Art Photos make most acceptable Christmas rememrhrances. Don't delay leaving your order for photos. so that we can give your work our hest attention. Now is the time to come. A Targe new stock of folders end mounting. just in at Tag Httnrrrtt-'Trrmo. 14-2t • How's This? M e offer tit. Hundred boiler. R.watd ter ' any omen( i alms rh that asaat b• eared by I Ralf. inleFFIF rare. F. J. t'tf try k en.. Te1Ma o. We the utrderserned have know. F. J. l � (tae .noreble the la -t s fa daasd l Maoism*totra.eme- e him tion. and flnareta.ty aids to sorry out a.1 ob.tatuona made by Menem. Nallots at. RANI( OF COMM ea Tided*, O. HMI'- Catarrh t ,ars 1. takes istar.sly. aet- tar direetJJDrat hes. upon the kis.d and mime ear - fere. of �esmta per Dottie. !aM Waal Take Hall', Family i'R4 for coestt.at PERSONAL MENTION -Mia Irene Pridham was hoses from Exeter for the week-rwd. Mow Peat! Bradford was the guest of Mre. Roy Willisat Dungannon aver Sunday. -Mr. Wilson Wylie left on Satur- day for an ettended visit at his par - mid home in Durham. -Mr. V. H Holmes. who baa bens in the 0. P R. oflieea at At Theism. returned home last week. -Privates Silk, Wells and Ward. who are stat Toned at Loudon. weirs •isltnn at their homes in Ooderieb over Sunday -Mn. Hollinger. forme•rl MM ida Bates. of Geode lei, now of Toronto, will leave for her ►gene tble week after a visit with friends in tows. -Naas Ohriatahel And.r.on, of Ot- tawas/her epsnding a few weeks with relatives at TTivertom, i. egala eteldug in toeing. Ne guest of Mn. ( Row.) I. -Mass Hissed Saito, or Maniple, who meet the Ia•t two weeks vWtt.g amoral! !Jude'tch eelsrives and friends, left yesterday for London, where she will visit with friends -Mr. Levitz. of the Canadian Clothiers' store, was in Torooto on Tuewdaoot and nude large portholes, • Rportholes,s for the carr, yigg un of the bus nese of the rompaay.11 -Mrs. Chas Darrow is a patient at Alexandra hospital. having under- gone an operation for appendicitis. Her friends are gratified to learn that e lse ie progressing very satisfactorily. -Attar spending' a week with friends in Toronto. Mire Lizzie Stew- art. Trafalgar street, has gone on an extended visit to Ottumwa. lows, Chicago, end other United States cities. -Fred Davis returned on Monday from his big farm at Irrieana, Alberta, and will probably be in town most of the winter. ?dr. Davis' farming operaUone have been quite suceeseful this year. He is wintering a large number of live stock. about I,ttt) head in all. - -Mr. l'. R. Schultze, of Maltford, has returned from Detroit, where be at- tenied the funeral of hie niece, Mre. P. A. Ackerman. During his stay he was the guest of hie sister and also renewed his arquaintence with bis old friends. Mr. Ralph Beckley and Mr. C. H. Cook. -Mr. A. C. Felts,who bas been with the American Road Machine Co. bete the last year, leaves shortly for Lima, Ohio, his former home. Mr. and Mn. Feltz and their family have made man- warns friends in (ioderich, an¢ their departure will be greatly regret- ted. They have enjoyed their stayin Godetich so much that they decare (Meir intention of revisiting the town in the summer seasons. RUPTU (s;g DArILs AT BOTT0111) J. Y. Egan, Specialist of Toronto Wonderful Method Retains Redetuele Without Knife. Onag.r .e Pala. Old .tyle truss torture ism longer ..e.B.ar� Gaffing. slipping trusses, barbarous �� treating rupbblarre duce awn wttb by tit. wesdse- sal loventton of a specla(ht wen has deemed arty years to the, one .ty.y. Tbs ash, DIAN t1I1tAT*IS" is la tended tepee harm! its list, rest and security Mama spares . It M�tooppee all trrttauon, restores rupture is ammo position. and old trusses ars Moms awn Multitudes of cured Viten. Mots. sadr teselty. Greatest nieces. where ethers fall Nothing complicated, no pain -lest s amoral roma ie method at small cost. Immediate relief guaranteed. No fame mil order Iles. Safer to patronise a rCLaad1111 personally. Do not delay; tear of eoapss mow. Few Rupture Coupon. This roc upon presentation to .1. Y. 1llgati,list, 14 Nast Ling Pt, Tomato, w6be 1-4117131t the towns below, entitle. bearer 1.t free consultation and szamfaatfss sof samples. Ask at boll ofdre. Note date, Goderich, Bedford Hotel WEDNESDAY, (AU Day and Night), Doe Day Only, NOVEMBER $5th SCHOOL REPORT'tf. No. 3. ASRFIELD 5etb and 4th classes -Belle Macken- zie 19.2, Idel Grillo 170. Lotter Macken- zie 153, Isabelle McDonald 124, Berta Beckett 65. Will Johnston 51, Will M^Donald 28. 3rd class -Lily Mckenzie 111, Mary ?debtor 10) John McKay it!. Richard West fila, Will Benjamin :fit, tr)tanley Drennan 24. 2nd and 1st classes -Evalyn Burton ell. Harold Collinson 114. Katharine McDonald 90. J. G. YELL.AND, Teacher. WATCH FOR THE FROLIQUBS OF 1914, A Neighbor Told Hint To Take GinPills rpn vvetssestvrs 1 f you want to know whet Gdtt Pitts alit do for you, just drop a line to Mr D. A. Yorke, at Bedrock, Ont. tie will tell you what Gin Pills did Lor him, atter he had mitered with I�t.fne trrxt►le kw Us ream Hare is itts tetter r •-1 ..4 -rya as akwt tf years west ..► K.4.sy.. 1 mad gar .wens, . tw1• n... The yen swat aN tar...,' •sv tech as/ drM►r• sad Uwe Menders a my Iwo. Mrs 1 .nidi on dans for a wham. 1 c.Jd an tiir�• resod w m.... laurs enSt an 1 w A as psis was on r..�� a nsmid tnn so tabs N tit 1 d d.. awl sr. hem !nand �Ihabeas ern table, fy mfir lose tad!► Ii4 all to OIN PILLS reit a.. mesh Meir ',m.4. r Heti' D. A. TONS. . • Gi•• pU • nor a ho‘, a for 1114 IIlk thrid i. the L.' uedertbe aamw" (NNO" Pills. Trial tr.-softest if yea write s Mati..al It Chemical Co. a Cascada, . Toewto IORIOREO BY COI$IJPATIOI Palli- ng ng Iamb ad Olgulem ST. howvAcs Da SRAvwlwa, QOM. Peb. yrd- opt4. "It 4 a pleasure tome to inform you that after sufieriag from Chromic Coustipatios for h years, 1 have been cured by "Pruita-rives". While I was a stsdeat at Berthiar College I became so 111 1 was forced to leave the the college. Severe pain across the intestines costiaually tortured tae and it came to a point wbem I could mot stoop down at all, and my Digestion because paralysed. sows tame advised me t0 take "Pratt +dives" and at Once 1 felt a greet improvement. After I had taken tour or five boars. I metaled that 1 was completely cared and what made me gtadalso, waa that they were acting gently, musts( mo pain whatever to the bowels. AU these who suffer with Chronic Constipation should follow my example and take "• Fruit -a -fives" for they ant the medicine that cares". MAGIAIAM PAQUIN Fruit -fives" aresrold by all dealers et"sac. a box, 6 for ela.po, trial size, rec. or sent pont on reedptof prion by Pruit-a-tives iaif.s/ Ottawa. LOCALTOPICS Mt BRIEF. A repeat performance of the •'Con- oert of the Nations" is to be given in nig $nosht. church lecture room on Friday The receipts of the home-made bak- ing sale held by the ('oiled Patriotic Society of Oodench township last Saturday amounted to $17J16. A fine specimen of deer arrived in (3oderich by express on Tuesday even- ing. It was shot t t one of the party of hunters who left herr for Muskoka la -t week. A meeting of the %V C.T.C. will Ire held on Monday, Nuvrwher lkird, at 3 p.m. Mrs. J. B. Marshall will speak on "Systematic Giving," and Mrs. Aitt.en will speak on "Min al Re - toren." Visitors will be welcomed. Rev. W. K. Hager was in Sesforth on Sunday teat and occupied the pul- pit of the Methodist church there, ex- changing with Ker. A. W. Barker, who was the special Sunday school anniveisuaty preacher in North street church. The Signal would like to secure cor- respondents in any .parts of the die - Diet not alreaay represented in its columna. Conapondents' stationery will be sent to persons who will under- take to send us the news of their lo- cality. Graham Rose, roti of Hes. Geo. E. Rose, was uufortunatu enough to break' Its arm while training in the gymnasium at the G.C.I. last Thurs- day. A year ego almost to a day this young lad broke hie other arm while similarly engaged. Messrs. W. R. Pinder, 1.. M. Mabee and H. J. Fishes• retroed home Tues- day eveuing from a three weeks' bunt- ing trip ID Northern Ontario. They secured their full complepment of deet. Mr. Herb. Smith. formerly of town, also was a memher of their patty. Dr. Leonard, of Toronto. who is tak- ing over Dr. Sale's practice while he is at the front, comes with the hest of recommendations from the staff of the Royal Collage of Dental Surgeons as regards proficiency in his profession. Dr. Leonard take* charge at once. While rabbit hunting last week near Black'. Point a party of three man- aged to tree a coon, which they shot and brought back to town. Master Coon, which was a very fine specimen. was on view in C. C. Lee's hardware store window last Saturday and Sun- day. and has since been soot to 1)e- troi1t. )r- Charles vale, wbo recently vol- unteered for the *mood Canadian coo • dement and is now etatiooed at Lon- don. will go to the front as captain of F company, lath Battalion. He is not going in the capacity of dental surgeon as was report 'the bat- atloo of which Dr. Sale has been asetted captain will probably. remain in London until Christina*. Farmersin the vicinity of Goderieh re complaining of the conduct of unters, wbo they say tramp over heir fields with little regard to the ght. of the owners. A Goderich t sh ownip fanner had a valuabab le ort - urn calf woe rigid so badly by bun - en' dcgs that its value is greatly !esa- ead, if not quit. destroyed. Not only farmers' live stock. but human ifs also, is said to be in danger from careless sportsmen- w t R s a t ri hr t e PUBLISHING THE SCRIPTURES. British ..d Pereira Bible Society 1z Do- ing s Gnat Work. Canaaasen. are at work this week in an effort to raise funds for the Up- per Canada Bible /society. ,They pope to raise at haat $310!'. Mr J. H, Million iR the local president of this .nese!, and will gladly tetvive con- tributions. It may be worthy of men- tion that the parrot society, the British and Foreign ableStariety had its origin during the Napoleonic war. In the a course of hie sermon at Knox awash ew1 hooday nosebag Rev. Geo_ E.Rnas gave some htereeting- stadia - tics relating to the week of the H• dsb and Foreign Bible elnelety, of which the Upper Canada Bible Society is an auxiliary. Whets the Moeiety was foubded in I1s1i the Bible was published in thirty. Ave living language.. Mince that time the Moeiety has issued Yl8,O00.000 erodes of the Scriptures in 455 langu- t)se hundred yews ago the 8111111 TVA . a sealed hook to four o !sof minty Ave of the eartb's inhaMt eats. Now it is an open book Whim out of every Ave. p10L. o.p Loot year the Society lot K,000,.. latl.g the tlaLtBssiparea sat missy aT' orgaslradon of eh. WeirMMdepesd. ,Bible ret upon %yf re p MistIland Scrip- twatlrpine of the The work of the Sodatyis nasalis 1. very eatosrwe. HODGENS BROS.' STORE NEWS This is One of the NEW COATS THIS cut illustrates one of the New Coats for ladies which we have just received this week. It is one of the most popular styles that have been developed this season. It is dressy, comfortable and has good style. We show it in a number of cloths both in plain colors and fancy plaids, but not more than one or two garments of any one pattern. This is a stylish, up-to-date garment. Three qualities at $10.00, $11.25 and $12.75 II i • Dainty White Waists at $1.15, $1.50 and $2.00 We have just received from, the waken, this week, tome of the very latest styles In White Wash Waists. These are new designs that are shown mos for the first time sod are very attrac- tive styles indeed. The materials ate crepes, vest- ing, and pique. We show them in three distinct styles in a good range of sizes. At $200 each.. *1.15. 101.54). and 00 Splendid Values in Flannelette Our fall shipment of English Flannelette just Passed into stock and we are showing values that are not bettered in the trade. High-grade English Flannelette, in white 15c at 110. 1 tic and High-grade English Flannelettes, in fast colored stripes, at... 124o, lis and Suits at $12.25 Original Prices 320.00 and 323.00 1T is clearing time for the Suits, and Saturday morning we put on sale handsome tailored Suits for ladies at this ab- surdly low price. The materials are serges, repps and broad- cloths. The qualities are high-grade, both materials and work- manship being the best. The coats are silk -lined. Black and colors. Regular values up to $25.00. It is clearing time for the Suits. All this season's styles. Choice of this lot only 312.25 Persian Lamb Throw $19.00 Black Persian Leash Scarf, 4 inches wide and 45 inches long. Beautiful gloa.y curl, trimmed with heavy black silk fringe. R-gttlar value MOH. Saturday and Monday. $10.00 Large Bolster or Pillow Muff to match. Made of high-grade skins- Pull site. silk lining and down bed. Saturday and Monday $1111.0o This Week's Specials Watch this corner from week to week for,. values that will save you money. Trimmed Hata 32.65 Forty ladies' Trammed Hats, velvets, lefts and combinations. Trimmed in the beet styles with only good trimmings. Actually worth up to $..00. Saturday Special choice 1112.119111 N ool Gloves 2Sc New \Voolleo Gloves, just received- A splendid aasnrttnent of plain colors and fancy. Saturday Special per pair... .... .. , *So Special Sale of Persian Lamb and Mink Furs on Salfirday This hale will last for one weep only. Satur- day we more a special sal. of Persian Lamb and Mink Fun. Our reason for it is simply that we hare been sucewaful is securing $ very band'some lot of these two furs at prices lbat place ns in a position to offer exceptional values. The enllrc- tion smheaces both MuA& and Neck P1..m in the Iatest and most approved styles of the rearm. Like all our furs these are "Quality Furs," other- wise we woukt not sell them at any price. We guarantee them all unreservedly. The prices will be attractive enough to make it worth your while coming to see them if you have the slightest thought of buying either of !bees beautiful high- grade fun this Beason. The eircumstanoes that make this sale posuihie are ezreptiot al and we cannot repeat the offer after *ext week. We have some of the handsomest pieces of fine Per- sian Lamb and Mink that it hes ever hems our pri- vilege to show and we strongly advise a selection front this beautiful lo: of Fun 50c Vests 39c Ladies' Plush Yeats. Our standa,d :Ac qual- ity maker's seconds. Saturday and Monday per garment :filo Don't forget We Re -Dover Umbrellas. We Upholster Furniture. And do troth weft. !••time 0IMPO*TLAt ZZ-IZZZZ III:ZIIIZIIiyIT 1004 !�� N BRIOH-rs ISEASE le the deadrre•t and most painful malady to which mankind is.uerect. Dodd's Kidney Pia. w•tll cure any Cabe of 1kig a's t ineiso, They have never failed in one alright cam. They asik the only remedy that en. has cured it. and they are the only remedy that can There are Mutation, of Dodd'. Kidney .---q� hoe and name-butPit la3ta- tions are dasgernu.. Th. origisaf .rad chid core for DODDS KIDNEY PILLS Dsds eRd1atel atl'tr s A s.rioie. Primal Cosiness. Locknow. Nov. 15. --James John.l ston now lies in a precarious condition at the home of his brother William as a result of an explosion and are on Saturday night that nearly oust lie Ifves of himself. wife .red Glx-earuathe- old hats. About 11.30 he attempted to kindle a Are in his kitchen range. The fire was burning slow)) and be at- tempted to hasten it with kerosene. Takla, a fo.r.gallon nae he poured some on the blear. The can slipped .ed the entire contents 1.11 into the Are. immediately there was an ex- pkwlon pond the whole room tom soon a maw Of flames. Hie clothing aba.e. :canstoe ran Into the yard .ad en- deavored to pot out the An by rolling os the ironed. But for the prompt assistance of John C. Murdoch, a leeigbbee. be doubtless would ham been burst to death. As it i. ertmatio and Gordon, who were Balled and who Rest aid and aftw•- wards dressed 1.h, Auras, are unable to say bow badly' the man 1s injured and what are l& chane.s for recovery. Hie wife was badly horsed about the Sate and seri. as .be rusbed late an =glom to sawn their six - homed it wag .armed ont the thew and wtolue. The by traps!` mea. taym. little 1 t. elm Turner's hums Invalii Port Mary it (or ptirfllyt. Sake " sill g eraem