HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-11-19, Page 6• Tuv& oar, Novrliaga 19,11M1 THE OtIOIN&L IND ONLY SENOINF BEWARE OF IM1rA- TiON8 SOLD ON TIE LATEST MARTS Farmers Market )bilowtyg are the latest quotations for term produce at Ht. Lawrence Market. Torteetu. Wheat, bushel Dooms wheat t/waa, flew B arley B uck o heat Rye Peas 51 1s to 51 2U 1 16 0.94 67 .64 .68 .94 80 t3 93 .94 1.60 0.00 22.04 13.00 18.00 16.00 11.00 16.00 17.00 31 63 .16 .16 .10 .25 .16 .14 .00 .00 36 3.60 .14 .36 .00 .30 11.00 .16 Ray, timothy, No. 1-21.00 .21.00 Mixed and clover 14.00 Cattle hay 10.00 S traw, bundled 16.00 do. loose 9.00 Rte straw 17.00 Oat Straw 14.03 T014 Butter, choice dairy.30 MEKIT$ Oi Lag'. new laid. dos.46 Fowl, dressed, Ib. .14 Spring chickens, Ib.16 1INIRD'S Ducks. spring, lb. Turkeys. .16 rkeys. 1►. .20 � Live eel lb .13 umiENLive hens, !b. .13 do. ducks. spring, Ib.14 do. geese. Ib .14 K I► U K B J N D I N (,; Apples.basket 1.76 70 to barrel potatoes.new, bushel.10 Onions. basket .20 do. allver.kln., qt.16 Pork per pound .15 Dressed hogs 10.00 Lard, pound . .16 • MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. ROL!. LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS an croon. promptly atteaded te haw al TNF. 810N.OL. Godertoh. w Waving A E. TAYLOR. 81ar'rsosn. MEDICAL K. (.KU. Bk.1LEMANN, OHTE- PATH, .psetan.t to women'.. and dll- na,. duma es, scute, Atonic. and nervOu. Me ceder•.. 07e, ear, tone sod throat. lumbago and rbeuu,..t.c eeedlllon "Moe North .trees. tbtrd Sour trwa W 0QMte• tlodrrtch. PR. F. J. R. ltunKrE R -EYE. EAR, Gene and throat only. Hexes eargeorl w York trubtnalmtc and Puna Itatituu. „.yeti ,taint_. tsar. Nun mad throat i o.ptal. , *lune. sad Muaettekt d:ye itoyrtthl. ,. h;n,al•sd., 001oe. 33 M. Waterloo Street. ralto.1, uppo.tte fano: church. limas it psMa t1,,Yw.p.m. 7tep.m. Teteobooe' 11/ H AND M11tiNI1► M. GREER. • u. L.. (. Ulu,ractor.. apnne had &erre r es.rlL•r... (.•lr/pr..ttar M tee ..Cteece that laser- "'about Mug- or anate. Free mamma. Pee. ushee-g+ a C*.rta.n. SMm ,hoot. ea- tt.utl o,. t 0( over . Phone let. Who LEGAL Toronto Cattle Market Representative prices are: -- Shipping steers $7.00 to 38.26 a. 04 7.60 7.26 7.25 7.60 7.00 7.00 4.50 Handy choice steers .... 7.50 Stitcher steers, good ... 7.26 do. medium 6.75 do. common 6.76 Heifers, good to choice7.00 do. medium to good6.00 Hatcher cows, choice6.60 do. good < 4.00 do. medium 6.50 do. common 6.00 Butcher bulls, choice 6.75 do. good bulls 6.25 do. medium ' 6.50 do. rough bologna 4.00 Feeders, 950 to 1,100 ib•6.60 do. bulls 6.00 Stockers. 760 to 900 lbs6.25 do. med., 660 to 750 6.50 'd0. light. 600 to 650 4.75 Canners 3.50 Clatters 4.35 Milkers, choice, each50.00 do. rom and med40.00 Springers 50.00 Calves, veal, choice9.00 do. medium 7.00 PIW U DFOOT, ii I LLORAN ,.A , do. common PROC11FOU1' Lambs SA10.101F.dib. boul(Ntrfaillai Iambs do iri.11, 1L1L. Ewes, light 6.00 6.1.0 6.00, 6.25 (Jane on tae Saesse..eeead deer [cera flaw Bap' hear, and bucks 4.00 [ail ea..ytest. Isem4tea. con. 3.00 mate tato. w two at Moves IMT HOg.., welched off cars 8.00 W. Prtoe.wuur. K.L. J: I. liaJHaatr do. fed and watered. 7.76 • W. PmeieeUwr. Js. - do f 0.h 7.45 'Lc. RAY?, ..AKRbITta,. /o1JCfT'tla. AOTAM rufous. silt.. O�ttRt rtm.St wg Omsk Mark. ■eradiss /soot. �oww., tteraelilsom, year t411161. Saaa. aid Yonas► V 4.11U6MtSUINI. M. C..'MABltu9 Am. t /a . soriesee. settles p++re• arms." weegl rlawwa Hila deer so - .eeare LtMARL8.* uAydtOK, WY., bA. Mt? SAL. aurora. o.G.aie..w-. tram. sae - a•.•.0 IS a. seem.' ewe. &EAM111111. SAXMT EN. INMe neillitrAnnet norm tionerlob. Wan 41110111111.1. . TIMMAIS 1111/1698T Oen ti. t9elleel a. AS Inelni ansae es non Ma Ge InnInm dire assn • eronate as ,tmess an lI m inima etaMIMer .m 14wYwAM lass& [TG. 130 gyrk PMi1'Ara Niihau Ib p neo si.ear to le. M LPr want. trretoor tte.saeae 41ew. tleeertea W• R ROBERTSON 94£J(a* tam. a admen nag as Let rstwe . farwl a. C..aer•e sal Aso -mss. Alcamo• r. o.sa.as ala aawsovessi I.tamt rry lee time. sienasse Sed waarees r eryorGtiea, /arm.., or ...reR Sas. FIDELITY LAD tat saaSTaa Yana : lbw U.a. 6bdsnly mg {Morasses t.'.wpanT- Uraoe at reaata.ae, asrtasa.l'etltwr tit Y. torts and /L Lala. .taste. 'Mime Irl THE SIGNAL : GODWBICH ONTARIO NONAN VEAK AND NERVOUS Fide Mean' le Lydia L Plokbam'e Vegetable Greek a, Iowa - "I sneered with fe- male 4eabise hem the time I came bele womanhood until f had taken Lydis IL miaow'. 1.s ta- bls Cempoaatl I would have pains if I overworked or lifted ae thins heavy. sad I wink! be so weak and n.r- WM end in w much Weary that I would be Prostrated A bid me what poor medicine had does for her and 1 tried it. It mad. me strong and healthy aid our home is now haPPO with a baby boy. I .m very gad that I took Lydia L Pt.kbam •. Vegetable Compound .ad do all I can to reoomoe/d R. Bowsaw, 11114 E. Howard Street. Creston. lows. 'loam of Roofs Sad Herbs are mod annoalWW is the me sfeetRw of Lydia E. !inkhorn's Vegetable Cera - pound, which in imown front mean Is mean as the standard remedy for female ills. Por forty years this famous root and h erb medicine has hems Re.emieeatly successful in controlling diseases d_ women. Merit skins coal! haw stood this test of time - If yon save the slightest Aerobe that Lydia E. Ptaki am'. Vegeta- DieCom pound wfU help yos,wrfts to LydiaE.PIakhani fediel eCe. 6.00 1 (confidential) Lynn.lia a.,forod!. 6.60 vice. Your letter will be owned. 7.36 read and answered a w/a.l� 6.76 .ad held in strict coo>�dams..w 6.26 6.60 6' 676 7b A Startling Discovery. 660 The London Standard publishes .4 26 rather startling etorv. the truth or 6.60 which is not denied. A factory own. d 4.35 by a foreigner in London, whi, h 6.26 dominated some of the mo -t rilal ponts in the city, has just heen care- 96-w°full% examined by detective* with so - 80 -00 toniehin* results. Thev found the 95.00 walla of a thickness of solid concrete 10.00 altogether nut or proportion to the re• 9.00 quirrtuent.. in times of peace, the roofs 7.0 prepared as an ideal landing place for 1.10 i air craft. Freitag at "had been rude 8.25 ' for the mounting of huge guns and 6.00 even ything arranged for the quick in - 6.00 ; •taHation of a powerful wireless lap 4.00 patatus. the existence of which would 0.00 4have been irnpoeeit•Ie in tunes of pea -e. 0.00 [owing to the etrictnese with which the 0.00 authnrifieti have taken over •'mon- opolyofwireless stations. .% full rr- port has been made t . the British War Oftter,with drastic recommendations. The condition of this building wee such as to give an enemy• under cer- tain petrel hie circumstances, a strategic tstronghold dotwinatiog a large part of the Woolwich Arsrnel. the ammuss- ' tion reserves et Pur fl. -rt. and several miles of the Thames River ' Toronto Grain Prices The following wholesale Drlce. *r. gamed at the Toronto Board of Trade: Manitoba Wheat -Lake ports, new trip. No t northern, $1.24%; No. 2 earthern, $l 21%. Manitoba Oats --New crop. No. 2 l' W 6*tyc. No. 3 C.W., 56c; track, bay porta. Ontario Oats -New. outside, 48e to fee 'Omagh, Wb/st--Tao.. 2. ear- lots, 11.12. etrttal4e, according to freights. Aaerlia. Cora -New, No. 3 yellow. e.Lf., the buy. .Pass -No. 2..1.60 to $1.70, car .ota, trtt 2, Ric• to 8Rc. outside. vele►-�iee4 malting barley, out- talk Ne he Dr: Manitoba feed bar- o. tit• to re. lake porta. lamed Orde-Per bag of 90 pounds, 3a to $3.119; 1m smaller lots. *3.25 to met. wilier to Montreal. aectelt.at-73c to 76e, outside. Mlflfeed--Carlota. per ton. bran. Pt to 125. shorts. $26 to 527; mil - 'Maes. 628 to 530: good feed flour, pe to 832 • Cattle at Montreal Pellowtng are the latest quotations ea live stock at the West End Market. lanatreal 2latebers' rattle. choice.87 .60 to $7.72 1.6e 4.72 5.60 8.00 3.16 4.7s 6.60 6.36 do belle 6.60 4.60 ucilIW,OP MUTUAL FMK IN Milkers. ebokce• mat 7t,W 76.M utl e C 1t P x C t c u. -i mei ma maimed docoin. aad aK 40.00 116.011 own pr'0p•+b treated. BM niters (?icer. -J. B Mohan. Pro. /oadMtb P.O.: J)r Covnouy, Vw►rrea.. Yedsrlab P. la. sheep, ewws I1om•. ase Trent. aoesmiY P u tract ua.�-t,. F. McGregor, : Jobe d0 medium .sass d0 common Camera Ratchet's' rows. med 60.00 66.00 4 M Ltr,ct P s and cult. 4 26 O. Baine. Si wimp ; N unarm Riaa.t.bartoase. lam be 7 00 •��.a8a*a� .3eua.watr, t.sdhasee - J•mm ■ his. Hogs. to 5. .. pse•hwoos, Hobert Forth, N84.sb t M.ta� ' ('ahoy er IYIa=wen brwesaa4d.. .. Agana : J. W. Yew Hetenes )t rayh, B • r lot 1 • N WWm aCine ssey, /esla.tb : H. W ecbler. Isamu. Latoya e.aq. two pat i*-ea.raena and apt CAW van` essetpaee as B. J. Horrid'. CMthleg eteee.tia tea. r at IL B. Cons Wooer). Wrre.lw AMA. Y,e.l.., MARRIAGE LICENSES IVAL.TKR E. RISCI.RLY, , ONTJ.P.• GoLrfR1. 1SSCi3t OF MARIUAOL ldc'gN81CK J MKL,U AUSCIIN, ONTARIO. 8.11.10 IIANT TAILOR slob MOCKS OF MitRa1AOZ LICE$Sts Brophey Bros. UODRKICR The Lading F aseral Directors acid Embalmers Orders e.rvfully at -Medea at ail hours. night tar 8.40 1.0e 4.7S 4.60 7.71 t 40 1!.00 Chicago Live Steck Cattle -Market Irregular, h..va, 14.66 to 618. Texas steers. 55.0 to $930, cows and heifers. isle to 36.20, calves. 57.60 to 511 21 Hots--I.4gM. 37.44 to $7.90, mixed. 67.40 to $8.06, heavy. 47.35 to $4; rvsgh. $7.30 to 37.46; pigs, 114.60 u 54.511; balk of sales. 37.60 10 u Sheep- -Motive. 51.71 to 56.60; year- lings. 38.60 t0 57.66; iambs, •waive. 27 too Clams Merlotti Rrt ekville Offerings. 741 moored and 66 white Oahu 75 whits sad 384 colored at 14 13.18e, and bidding then fell back to 14%r, with n sales Vaakleek Dill-Ottboxes whit. and IMO boxes of colored clime. board - 0d anti eo)4 Prier, offered was 14 11-16, and both white and colored sold at this figure Huff a'o Remains Clamed The Federal ban on the Proat Ref - talo Live Stork yards prevented the h*tlelp•ted re*,fmptlon of business ma eeday Rio nine can of mixed stock Isere rereiv.d ell from points la clew Tort that, A^ era tits enars.Use was doled Is.t J Os Mr id el& ate is not to be cured vves;�theyraher aggravate the troubl.. For a avatar. but aurg lax.4,., wee Channlrrrain-a 8ten.a,a and liver Tabhta- Thar .tar op tho lver woe the rrr.e and hooka, Ow .towaeb and b..ria last like ea binomial bath. r ti CHAMBERLAINS . TABLETS A Row With His Norte. Down at (ookha= Ilan a Loudon jolrnalist met the. cheerful. soldier who bad returned nor a real to hie a.. Uwe woods. He frill hobbies • bit : but he is going to rejoin hie regiment in a day or two. What he really re- members of the light at Moes id els .uheequent quotes! with Isis inures. - Lord knows where! She extracted the bullet and claimed it •a a memen- to- the Ant bullet ebe had ever takes pal, The patient demanded it as the Seat bullet he had ever taken is, and in the friendly bout the nurse woo. She bee the Ineltet. - London Remelt. Hew to O.t Tkere. "W Bich le the quirkeet way to the hospital, please i -6. aMeg here till you eoste to the market place. then call for tree 'Mete Inc the Raiser." -Ledo. tTae ler. THE WOMANS SOAP LORD ROBERTS DEED ON TRIP TO FRANCE .rtt•In'. Great Seidler Succumbed to Pneumonia While VleltIne Indian Troops at fns Front IIMe1d Marshal Earl Roberts died Saturday night In trance from paw - Mafia. A telegram from Field Mar- shal Sir John lerench apprised Earl Kitchener of the death of Britain's great soldier. The telegram read: "1 deeply regret to tell you that Lord Roberts died at B o'clock Saturday avesiag." . nem Marshal Roberts, who we* Coloael-la-Chief of the Indian troops. had gone to Trance to give them his greeting. Soon after his arrival he became seriously 111. He suffered from a severe chill on Thursday, and pneu motile rapidly developed His great age, 82 years, militated against hie recovery, the crisis n the disease com- ing quickly. The death of Lord Roberts was ex- tremely sudden. He was In his usual good health when he left England on Wednesday with his daughter. Lady Aileen Roberts. and has goo -la -law, Major Lewin. The party had • rough trip crossing the Channel, but the aged General telt no 111 -effects. and went through with his program on the continent. In fact, he was about to return home when his death oc- curred. Lord Roberts was born at ('awe. pore, India, Sept. 30. 1832. He in- herited his military predilections from hie father, Gen. Sir Abraham Roberta, O.C.B His mother was faabella Bun- bury, daughter of Major Bunbury et the 63nd Foot, K1lfeaele, Tipperary. He was educated at Eton, Sandhurst and Addiscombe. On December 12, 1861, he received a commission in 18. Bengal Artillery, and in the following year was posted to a field battery at Peshawar. In 1856 he was appointed to the staff of the Quartermaster- General's uartermasterGeneral's department, in which be re- mained -mained for twenty-two years, passing from one grade to another until be became Quartermaster -General In la- dle. To recount Lord Roberts' service' In India would be like writing the story of the Mutiny and the trouble- some times wtth the border tribes that extended down with various inter- missions ntermutons until 1880 He took part in the storming of Delhi and then ac-- c'ompanted Colonel Greathed's column to Cawnpore. He served under Sir Colin- Campbell at the second relief of Lucknow to November, at the battle of Cawnpore on December 6. Oa January 2. 1865. he distinguished him- NIf by capturing In single-handed com- bat • standard from two Sepoys about to till p Sgwer. For these acto oX gallantry he was subsequently award- 1 ed the Victoria Cross. The achievement which brought him kis greatest distinction prior to the hoer war wan the roller of Kandahar In 18'9 As he was preparing to with- draw his troops Roberts received news of the defeat re a British force at MLwsnd and that Lieutenant -General Prilervee was lrsieged at Kandahar. With 10.0.0 troops he proreed.d to the relief of the stricken town. as compltshlns a march of 313 allies over a 'nuntry that ennead/4 almost every phyalrrtl obstacle la twenty two days. oboe he eeSWete4y defeated the meaty For this achievement he was mewed s K r' P a r:a., a.d • Bareaet gad wads eves cnmtaa.d of the Madras army To tilt. geeevatba Lord Roberts wee boot bower Ian Ms greet service ks Shah aeries wM disaster after ataseter bad overtakes the British Weeps. sad kw see way kilted at trite biddy of Cease., ea ttt. Trak Ober. Lend Roberta. res w old taaa. true melted apse a' Oahe thane of the asiumbIga His amend le lama AtfIne demotic's a yasr1 'hi//• b 1s.. aspect ollow Me ere mrad • teres, and IM WWI airman debeed to 21Mi♦ limises. K9mbe71e7 Sad ♦hap alis were rained. sad the Sew amawal. ramie. with Lees mos. lbws. or ser eeder at Peardepbeeg. Vim MOW of Mafe*BsK the ore,patJ.a et !Weft Sad u. eaalMaessa of the e.. Mor IlepaUue sees tellewed. w the a..1 paeiaa-M.m a the t San- lrf - leaded goer to Leed 11.11. shos 116 NAR VOTE APPIOVED 0063M Hews Deemed ►Nttloe sod Voted Mersey Unaniewes.dy The meeting of the lint&, Hama of O irnmons on Moeda, was •othSly ieweted to war meseu es sad without 9/rfhuaa politics Premier Aaquit8 regulated • view ler L 226.000.000 1$1.116,0M.0e01. sad Meier Winton .oid1M5. both of wide., Ikw Rbaeo greeted without a dime*. * t 9S. Ile coalition stall m0r•ale of the soldiers; the Inevitable spy system sad the preaa censorship were, Ili teased freely The prism sfateter nMrecterized the trials es "thm great- est emergency to width the country ham ever been placed." He said there were already and area 1.IOS,60e t1 41 that the war ` atmetingtae overly 16.4de,4do per da, . tie tw.ers :7 _proposed to Bwigiara 001' :74. and Serra 54,OM.t6e without bitterest mal the egad or tbi war, 1 Pities -4.. of W$is at Frost Sams canadan M Rasta A despatch to 7h. Toros Otn 1, . from Rall.bery comp a» that the Prinee55 Patricia Regiment of eaa- 54lan infantry left fee Wlathem er en Monday to Join a HiltM dtvl.9o. lea, Deg .Mrtly for tips heat. Aaotl.r despatch ears that the Primes of Wales Ms arrtved at the ?riot primarily to repressed the Klieg at the Mer of Lerd Roberts bat that he will rentals as a member of 41ai.ral French's WV. 111111.1110141,111.111,111.miimimmummume ScrantonWhiteAsh H ardCoal H A P P Y T H 0 U G H T R A N G E s We handle the celebrated WiVhite Ash Scranton Coal. This is a coal free from clinkers and burns to a clean white ash. Cannel Coal and Blacksmith Coal We always carry a large stock of the above coal EGG COAL $7.75 STOVE 6' CHESTNUT 14.00 HARD WOOD $2.30 a Cord SOFT WOOD $2.25 a Cord The Happy 'Thought Ranges and Radiant Home Heaters have no equal in appearance and working qualities. They will do more work on less coal than any other Range or Heater on the market. This is a strong assertion but it is true. It is eced by thousands of satisfied users We have a number of second hand Heaters and Ranges in Al repair 11 1111 Our stock of heavy and shelf Hardware was never more complete WW For Plumbing, Heating, Troughing, Electric Wiring, Etc., let us figure on your job. All work fully guaranteed. STORE 'PHONE 22 CHAS. C. LEE HOCst. 'PHONE 112 A D I A N T H 0 M E H E A T E R S RRIN'S 1pP- Av BISCWTS It's not such a "long way to Tipperary" Biscuits -just as far as the nearest grocery store. Each one bears a picture -- troops of the allied armies Each one is crisp, brown, and delicious. Say Tipperary to your grocer. & PERIN 1 SNP*M1. UW E. 1 f Ontario's Business Colleges Clinton School of Commerce Ott• ▪ pew mildew t sow tar of year "mem No matter want rya leve tae.. year .wa b 8. every was mad w41. 8 .eels • tbwwa.k banter, team - tag. beet beet 'I to obtain that h t. hate 'foie 9es wet obtainat the thaws *dost of Uaa..wte, Otet tansies moot the mutat M.ysem a.d doar.da et tbe the ea.Ab le Aside the Mawr Actual Odle* eyo- �we tea 11M le the eels spew re= wit e1Ree Prewar bn*1pm�s IerRWrtteeeraotwrtw*sayd. es �a • 'the mini eafcaaatitit method to take a k to ran so _ _yaaelh.he*b•d �ferbe natslwM 0/0111133: a•d - •s•a� llabamas to Came apseid�poetm s' Ca 1. intralease �kw om letwisinsiekr le tw wyalr te ea. TM pieesN e�a� 8 r vete► say Hercm. wimp agers=zse oleo • lbw a Th=e= 51:11:. Ww. a t.. die win le y�yespert a. er *t etre teems by awl lsgwrt it Iw •.•coif. toy- A1a9.& *he owe imorelos from work t woes 3lmr ere do for 'jlp qgk 1mr othern ooa.tserates "mu tars hstrleet labor. -Lord Amber,. is • skeet with • eoetlneetal repute - tea ter b1/b grans wait ..d ter On aosesseetitsemporia oeama *adadKte s aha. Ws. sivecl1 dIvidewasiy tll 1aSbertheal � vise 1. (Owner (Ow partimetta Woof w veva tiara b wean boo Tee s ..ter at Say them Write tear ear lamp tree 0at•legee. it. A. MoI.ACNI.ANAmW 9'r1a�al. Individual Instruction P.ri4lts you t0 Mor any deg et E NORTHERN BUSINESS COUZGL OMaa 1101el . OIr7A1410 it h es tea catitseesult pw West Ml.Ua..i 1@pert 1.4rtrrlera O.e.wr tbrw etwy eekm. aeldreb. goal eptegeMte ram .teed • pedWa Oso ver bauem Sub. fab. D. hearse... P413./... Primers/ After the War He doom le Canada will hem. The dr woad tee wet -era sed 10058 foga amd near ver bedew vein be keener them ever. The oho are preparing now. net fete ass et ear Kende and M reedy. A bow eametbe win de It it will My yea .IL pre neogala Writs ter It MUNI!! SUMMON beitou 1(, Teresa 3r Verge M. W. R. /SAW, President. BUSINESS AND i SHORTHAND ititIsets taught by .t n isetrseto at t >AlrbUI. OT4T. 111111eae/�Itlta..ieled lepskieaa Caise eben swam wgwsiMt l.t Catal.e Bi., 1.11liallettaIllotssrriltt. fR� itdan.Mr 4. r