HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-11-19, Page 5rHE SIGNAL : GtODBRICH ONTARIO TVVAIDAT, NoVitlahlti 19, 1014 a ANNOUNCEMENT will red handle 1' A t l Repairing, Bicycle \\ t • t a full line of \\•e will be located in our new quarters, next town hall, in a short time and be better preps to all tour wants in the line ofutotno ti a epa' i ale Repairing, Vulcanizing, Etc 'r have ll repair parts always on hate! at most moderate price'. East Street Garage MONUMENTS CHASTE AND 'ARTISTIC DESIGNS Best workmanship at J. DOIG'S, Clinton J. Doig imports direct, he is able to give' quick delivery at close prices. Designs and prices on application. A Genuine Clearing Sale of Staple and Fancy Crockery at the MAPLE LEAF GROCERY, commencing Saturday, November 2Ist WE have an extra large stock of the above goods on hand and find it necessary to convert the sante into cash, and in order to do so will make the reduced prices so interesting that the shrewdest buyer will easily see the money saving values we are offering. Now is the time to conte and procure your necessities as well as your holiday gifts for Christmas. Below we itemize a few of the many bargains tbat will be found here on Saturday morning,. Twenty-five, ill -piece Toilet Sets. richly embossed, colon+ pink, blue, green. yellow, white and red, ranging $4.5e. 51.'0 1. 113.50 regal.ir. Nale Price, your choice $3.09 Fifteen 10 -piece Toilet Sets, decorated colors, blue. pink. green and red, your choice $1.00 97 -piece Diner Sets. Fine English china. floral 'designs. lteguler 1113. Sale Pace $7.S5 97 -piece Dinner Sets, semi- Porv:elain. colonial , pattern. Regular Sill Sale Price $0.150 1011 dozen English -made ('nine Cupe and Saucers with gold bated, a very salutatory line. Regular 11.36 a dozen. Sale Pricy $1.00 Fancy Teapdts, 75 decor- ated Teepnts. Regular lots and ISe. Your choice. 490 :n decorated Teapota. Reg- ular 50e and 00e. Your choiee ice • Berry Sets, • large range of these Rerod5 es a getnvari- ety ety of dainty patters, lap per set upward.. Elite Limoges We are showing • very large range of theme goods, In both staple and novelty line. and they also will show substantial reduc- tion in prices. 11111411110111104111141. This is s Boma -fide Sale We are determined to reduce our stock and are making reduc- tion. so large that you cannot afford to lox this opportunity. Man lines in our Ornery Department will also show moneyesav- ing value. Come and inspect goods for yourself un Saturday morning and be convinced that we have real bargains. NU GOODS CHARGED AT SALE PRICES S. J. YOUNG LOCAL TOPICS. Th. December Meeting. The Huron comity council will meet tor the Deeetaber session on Tuesday, December 1st. Engine Disabled. The engine on ib. C.P. R. passenger train bound for Ooderich became dis- abled near Weisenburg last Friday morello( and the train was stalled for some tithe. The engine trout the way freigbt was brought brio rervlee, and • frees engine for the freight was ee- cured from Toronto Junction. Councillor Morris Painfully Injured. Councillor Harry Mori. had the misfortune to crack thew of big ribs last week. Ile was standing M a wagon preparatory to getting a load of apples when the horses started off, throwing him out. He fell *crows tbn wheel, with the result as stated above. Dr. Taylor attended his injuries, and although aufferine considerably Mr. Morris is pluckily attending to his duties as usual. Engineer Sing Resigns. Mr. J. A. Bing, of Torouto, en- gineer of the Dominion Public Works Department for Western Ontario, has resigned the position. Mr. Bing had enterer of the berbor works at (lode - rich, as well se at other points on the lakes. It is understood be will con- tinue his practice as a private ....im- itating engineer. Mr. J. M. Wilson. wbo has been assistant to Mr. Sing may succeed him. Nothing is more exhatust- ing than a persistent cough. ' Old folks and very young folks a ike, find a bad cough most di-tressing. No need to go on suffering I Peps will end the worst cough or cold. Peps contain the balsamic essences and turves of the Pine tree, with otaer medicinal insredier.'s, set prepared, that as soon as a Pep is put into the mouth it dissolves and these medicinal fumes are liberated. They are then breathed down the throat, and (!reeks Heady to Fight. Mr. GusCundos, popularly known as the peanut man. lett tioderich last Friday morning for New York. where he intends to take ship for Athens, Greece. tins has already served in the Greek artily and ie returning to offer his serviceils should they he needed. His brother Louie, owner of the shoe shine shop on Kingston street, would also be ready to go if busioee% arrangements could be made. Huron 04d Boys of Toronto. The annual meeting of the Toronto Huron 01d Boys' Association is to be held in St.George's Hall, Elm street, Tore•nto, on Friday evening, Novem- ber !7tb, at S o'clock. The election of officals will take dace and other buei- nese trana'ted. Dr. Jarrett L Hughes has been ►*cured to address the meet- ing, and other prominent speakers also will be present. Mr. R. Holme. is president this year and Mr. E. Floody is the secretary. Contract for Knitting Factory. The visit of some of tbe members of tbe Godet icb Board of Trade to Ottawa. suoplemeoted by the effort% of Mr. E. N. Lewis, M. P.. with re- gard to obtaining some contracts for Goderlch icctoriee lee not been'entire- 1 without mina. The (.uderich Knitting Company baa lust received ao order for WOO doyen pain of sox trop the Department of Militia The Company it &eked to complete this contract within a month. If the work is satisfactory other contracts may come this way. Christmas Mails for Old Country. Tbnee intending to seed Christmas parcels to Great Britain should have Ibem in the bands of the postoftl.:e authorities not later than the that week of December, to ensure their ar- rival at their destination by the 2.1th. Anyone sending gifts to the soldiers in France may do so without payment of duty. This applies to tobacco and cigars as well as to other articles upon which duty may be collected from p, ivate indtviduele. Enquiries should be made as W the r mode ot ad- dressing all intended for the soldiers. Falnre to proaddress parcels will cause muchdsappoint- ment to the intended recipients as well as c(ntfusion in the mails. j Hamilton Street. 1 soleasousemasammesseeposeanammeas 1atLge8 and lieaters Before purchasing your new Range do not fail to inspect the 9eerledi 'dorm Range The Corona fire box burns all coal gas. Saves to per cent in fuel. Grates fcr coal or wood. Large oven, 2 l xs t x 14. Reservoir, 19x l oxgi. Peerless Leader Ranges Peerless Oak Heaters Cream Separators, Soo pounds capacity, special cash price, $45.00. Harness, Churns, Washing Machines, Wire Fencing. A full line of Pumps and Scales. Gasoline Engines, 134 h.p to 20 h.p. Lowest price. Best value. s ROBERT WILSON Hamilton Street d.rect to the lungs. (h,lutary rough oilstone go to the atooach. Pep. go to the lungs—there's toe gr e.t f esdatusetald. tter.occ between the ol.i faakwu.d for of treatment, ae.d the Pee. treatment. Most a.agh mixturra contain opium and oth.•r p loons. Peer don't. liener bur children t The nest stubborn ca.ev e f asthma', branch itis, catarrh, t,gI tnu s across t►.' chest, cold, or winter cough, will yield to Peps tr.atsrat. all druwsts and stores sell Peps at Mk. loss or you may obtain' wet free by seeding rite to pops Cs Dupont 6t., Toronto. if ges kava sat tooted this unique remedy. wad le. stamp to above address (to p►,y rotors postage) and cru wi receive a free trial p.kes el Peps. gest of white roses and lily of the valley. Her travelling suit of easy blue bs osdcloth and bat oa blue velvet trimmed with white rept y made a charming costume. The bride's moth- er wore a pprreettyown of black obnon over amethyst mein offset by a dainty bouquet of pink roses. Mee B. Weslle played Lnbenftrin Bridal Chorus The grantee gift to the tori to was a costly Deckl&ce ofpearls an. to the pianist a onesl roes bevuch. Only the relatives of the contrasting parties were present and a party of twenty- eigbt sat down to a must bountiful wedding breakfast. The table was decorated with ivy and white chrys- anthemums. After congratulatiooe had been eapreseed the sappy young couple left ore their honeymoon trip by the 2.35 Grand Trunk train for Loudon and Chicago. On their return they will take up their abode on Lake- view farm. Colborne township, of which Mr. McManus is the owner. The sappy young couple were the re- cipiente of many needy and beautiful pee -cots, r testimony to tbe esteem in whit h the are betel. The Signal )kers with their many friends in wish- ing them many years of happy wedded life. A Good Entertainment. The entertainment in Notth street Mrtbodist church last Thursday even- ing was • feast to all lovers of good music. 1be tact that selections were given from Schubert. Chopin, Wag - net, Rubtortein and other great com- poeerr is sufficient to indicate the cate- gory to which the entertainment heloogs. The IthacaSyutpbooy Quer- ,e tette. who rendered the program, are all artists of the Ont class. Mr. Ed- win Frost excels as a violinist ;` Mise Charlotte Anthony delighted the audience with ser whistling solos Miss Jennie Frost as 'cellist drew warm applause ; and Mire Jessie Ad- kinsou is e reciter of high order, bar rendering ut Longfellov(e "King Robert of Sicily" and moveral other poetas in a lighter vein beingsuperb. Owing probably to such an aodance of entertainment of late the cburcb was not so well filled se might have beeu expecte]. Hockey Prospects. We notice from many of our ex- ahangee this week that the towns in clove proximity to tioderich and also those farther afield bays been getting their hockey teams into shape. As to tbe ho,key prospects in G'ttlerich, it may be mentioned that the Meneee- tung Canoe Club -bas already organ- ized its team, with Mr. Lionel Parsons as manager. Captain Ed..Robinson of the Iroquois has also been heard from end has signed up his team again for the approaching season. It iv folly expected „that Golerich township will also be represented. This will ensure some local hockey during the winter and it is hoped that the juniors at feast will be represented in toe league gamer. It seems to be the opinion of local hockey enthusiasts that it will not he wise to attempt to finance au intermediate team this season, but if the very pick of hockey players in tbe town could be formed into a team and given plenty of practice a good strong team might he formed for another season. The Sword is Popular Just Now. An interesting and instructive pro- p ram was carried through at the semi- monthly meeting of the Collegiate iate Institute Literary Society last Friday evening. The two outstanding feat- ures of the evening were the address given by Rev. Wm. H. Wri hton and a debate: ••Resolved, that the pen is mightier than the sword." The affirm- ative was ably ubu id by Mies Cbrts- tibe Welsh and Mr. Harold Currie and the negative by Miss Ruth :Hamilton and Mr, James Rose. The judges were Miss G. Hodge. Rev. W. H Wrighton and Dr. 11. I. Strang. The decision was given in favor of the negative. 1t was considered an excellent debate. The ruusical part of the program was well sustained by Miss Norma Wbite- ly in instrumental music and the Glee Cub in variations. Miss Hazel Wilson gave a recitation which was beartily applauded. The Journal was read by Mr. Clifford Williams and elicited some very ievorable comment. These meetings, which are held fortnightly, are open to the public and are well woitb attending. Special ,Notice. How Many Beans? Mr. L. B. Tape, of the Singer store, has worked out a scheme wbereby someooe of his customer* is going to get a first-class Sieger sewing machine very cheaply. The idea is that every purt;baser of $ r'ic article ie to receive • coupon on which be for slue is to write the number of beans be estimates to be in a gloss Iry on view in the store window. On the evening of December 'Lets these beans will be counted by three prominent meta cf the town and the one wbo comes nearest the right number will get the machine without any other condition attached. Io • little chat with Mr. Tape this week we learned some very interest- ing news about the famous D.M.C. embroidery cotton. This cotton is made in Alsace, where tbe war has been raging. The factories, which covered an immense area, were totally destroyed quite early in the war.. Mr. Tape Is congratulating himself that he laid in . large stock in September. He has received enquiries for this cotton from outside cities. including London and Chatham, where the supply is ex- hausted, but he is holding on to his stock tor the benefit of the people of Godericb, and with • fair trade be will hate enough to last until Christmas. With a prospect ot a tagine in D.Y.O. and the opportunity- of winning a sew- ing machine, we expect to see * rush ot ustomer§ et Mr. Tape's store dur- ing the next few weeks. Action for Damages Dismissed. There was only one action for trial at the Supreme Court sittings held here tbis week. This was an action ty Nathaniel Baer. a farmer of Col - hot ne, to recover $ ,0(t0 damages from Julius Wise, (latberine Wise, Adelia A. Barr, .Howard R. Barr and John R Holmes for alleged conspiracy w hereby his wife's affections were alienated and his goods and chattels wrongful) sold under • mortgage tele L. R. IMncey appewred for the plaintiff and Wm. Brydooe, of Clin- ton, for the defendant Holmes. and Messrs. l'roudfeot, Hays & Killoran were solicitors for the other defen- dants The action was dismissed, plaintiff to pay the clots if demanded. OKAtlee will Tee Sart If N K yew demi Save NOW ? Though your salary or income will no doubt increase. so will OP CANADA your sxpewer and many 1 heel that the latter more than keep pace with the former. Now is the time to start a Reserve Fuld —and the Savings Department of the Union Bads of Canada Is the place to keep it. Deposit the extra you have on hand now --you can open an account with any sum. down to one dollar—and draw Interest on at. Goderich Branch F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. Mc Man us —T hompson. A very pretty wedejing wait solemn- ized at the borne of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Thomp- eon, Gibbons street, at high noun on Wednesda when their only daugh- ter, Mat Elizabeth (Mac), was united in the holy bondm of matrimony to Clifton B., eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. lenses McManus of (7olborne. Rev. Geo. E. Ross perfarmed the ceremony. The parlor wee vt rr tastefully decor- ated with palma and evergreens with white chrys►nthe intertwined. An arch of evergreens formed a pretty setting beneath which the young catiple stood during the ceremony. Th• hri,is a (frees was of white satin veileti in white dncbesse 1a ee and pearl trimming. She wore a wreatL of orange blossoms and carried a 1500 - Demand Greater than Supply. The United Patriotic Society of (ioderich township held a most suc- ces•ful sale of home-made bating last Saturday afternoon. Mr. Robert McLean kindly gave the use of hie store free of cost. Most of the dalntiee offered for sale were of the kind **that mother use to make." There were many calls for bread mad. on "the dear old farm," sod we met some people wbo were disappointed because they came too late. bio lame wets the demand that sheerly after 4 o'clock the supply was entirely exhausted. The reputation of the ladies of (lode - rich township as cooks has beer firmly established, and we are prowsie,d that it will not be long befo•e another op portunity is given the cit zone of Goderieb to partake of the daintier, which originate in the kitebene a the farm bowies neat our town. Don McGillicuddy with the Troops. Doe McGUlieeddy.0on of Mr. Thee. McGillicuddy. Of Toronto, formerly of Goderiob, in a letter to Principal Hagerty froSalisbury Plaine. says: j m "Here oer camp ere spread over a !stege area ho grope, so as to effort, t ' I *Il large open spaces f• r drill sod flood tsieties• Quite • feat urs of the Damp I are tis unusually large flocks of sheep and herds of cattle pasturing bet., i and there over the plain. We are in the midst of aaeiest Britain. Ston, lenge of Druid times, 8,000 or 4,000) B.0., is slit miles Merest, the fennel. White Hoose of Pntsey. Cheviot,. seven utiles away, has a church ►wit la 1110. One feistier, where 1 had tea tasted back 150 years. Beautiful and bi.ttorfe winery. winding greet.. node ads, a tend to imprees on our .ipedltionary free,•, Rnglend— is oar Ilsgl.sd stud hs pressing seed." Don 0. McOtilteuddy 1. with the Hospital Oorp. MORE STRENGTH FON OLD PEOPLE A Stylish Shoe for a Gentleman — A harmony of refined design, soft -toned leather and per- fect workmanship. <e A' shoe for the Lll quiet dresser. HART T THE IIARTT BOOT AND SHOE COMPANI , Limited P� Fredericton, N. B. 1 r' e tn.de'a Best Shoemakers" rgya REPAIRING NEATLI AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED '1'1) BEST OF LEATHER USED J. H. MCCLINTON'S • • F. W: Robinson, A.R.C.O. TKA( MLR OF Pianoforte. Organ asd Singing Steele ever Tbsmese's Mask Store t:ODKRI('H u MTARIe. OUR CHRISTMAS GIFT difficulties will be dissolv- ed by • visit to the Sing- er attire. Novelties apd notions ot every elescr iption in stock. With every lmrc purchase you get a chance to carry away a 548.00 Sewing Machine. The cbance of a lifetime. A complete stock of D.M.C. in all sizes, colors and shades at our store. Copse and take a look whether you purcbsee or not. The wive. and families of all soldiers from Oodericb now serving with the Canadian Contingent will be welcomed at the Lyric Theatre free of charge every Tuesday and Friday evening. Complimentary tickets will be will- ingly furnished by applying at the Theatre any time. 34-lt G, 817oolxe, Prop. The Poultry Business. It is surprising when one takes the time to look into the matter bow many poultry farmers there are in the vic.nity of Goderich, and we ars not referring to those who merely, "keep bens." but to those who are making the poultry business a paying invest- ment. It was our privilege this week to visit the bonze of Mr. E. A. La.bbrook LLjon Cedar strtet,wbere we found a very Yee• Hut* y f -Otte thriving buy teasing,• es a email Years Cidrebase o Oth male. We were informed Hun alni. i a.bbrook ici really the moving spirit er Tonic but Vinol and Rett'- in this undertaking. During the sum - amends It to Friends. wer new pens have been erected at. the cost of $151, aid no expense Greenville, 13..C.— "itis with pleasure ba. been 'pared in importing the I tell others of the eat benefit I have very best of stock for breeding pur- poses. On Saturday there arrived direct from the original breeders. Messrs. Wick Bros., tJckfeld, Musser, England, • fine male bird and two pullets of the Red Muse: variety. Mrs. MRS. L. B. TAPE North sidetquar"e Nest }tell Te:ephone 11 derived from vino!. or the past several years- 1 am 81 years old and 1 And VI - mil gives me strength. s healthy • tt11e sad overcomes nervous ♦tui is the gall tone reconstructor lave mad ter several yeah. 1 have LasbMox►k feels confident that she e reessmaggled it to ■ great many of my the first importer of the. variety into friends ani k Inas always proved satin this part of Canada. Thee, birds •r- faetory,'t — Mrs. M. A. }herniation, rived in sw eetient condition and were Greenville, R. C. just two weeks on their wayTheir ewe mass.. the •bo,, ore eon*tantly owner, who le veer proud of eto, was OnlifI&rtg to our attention. 1f Decoke is tut primed on Monden to find tbat os this vi-iwity cooly realised how Vas to. ' of tbe pollen bad 111en PIT- There vivestes ofd people we would not be u ►len on this little roultr y farm a pen able to supply the demand. of 80 Buba Orpingtona, all this em- u 1r the Haws truildirtg, rontiv, ,1t son's stook sad tun of them perfect sm.t►ts of tb. red's !fuses aided h7 tlss birds. These came from stock raised blood prope by the Doted Cook ,nnspany of Ovping- �ingvinol, tJsrt cwt Keet. England. From a pen of asekes It se ♦ bri►dmg no MI bird►. mongrels. whicb are to be , strefar elms, dentate eb0 disposed of in the spriog, an everege deer tit of eightoeo ,ggw a day has hewn Sala- "lei at elves and for all swat eottttiMllwma ,red for the poet several weeks, and f ' M glee •short weedstsrM trla'fw RMady eggs are worth money just now. tMn. t�orlyoaieeet�OeWlnshhrook intends to comet* with If k fall. M asty �est other poultry faneler. at this shows in t w seems yaw meglsy. the district *rad will be in the field as 8. C. Dunlnp Pbm.B., druggist, en advertiser of purebred .took lest B.dford block. Goderieb. Ostarto. spring. ROBINS Extra Specials in Men's sand Boys' Fall sad Wilder Wear 15 Men's Overcoats priced to clear .. i .... . . •0.715 ':again Metes Tweed Pants to clear 51.48 30 pars of Boys' Pants to clear et. .... _ ...33c ......0.... • We are able to supply your needs in Boys'and Iden'. Rubbers, Overshoes. Long Rubber Boots and good lines of solid Leather Shoe.. ....e....... Mitts sad Gloves Wit have !svgs aseortesen t s in line o1 Ileo'* Wear. M. ROBINS swerve ENdwiewenet 0.P/ Till a 00 O M BEFORE TINNING REFLECT Work done here reflects • d t on our shop. CONSIDER OUR TINNING ESTIMATES and give us your work. Don't wait till it's to.) late, but do it now. OURTINNING STANDS THE WEATHER TEST Get its and your work will 1... well done. mmimemmimallf. FRED HUNT SALLOW SKIN Liver Spots, Pimples, Dark Circles Under the Eyes are all signs of the system being clog - gid. The liver and bowels are inactive *ad the stomach is weak from undi- gested fonds and tool glees. FIG PILLS the great fruit reusedy. will make you feel like • new perenn. Winnipeg, June li. 1011 After taking three boxes of your Fig Pilis for stomach and liver trouble, 1 feel strong and well and able to do my owe work. Mtn. A 0. NAVL'rR*. Vold at all dealers in ffi tied 50 cost hoses or mailed by the Fig Pill Co., St. Thune Ont. Bold in Ooderleh by E. R. *Isle, drngglet. HAMILTON STREET GODERICH PHONE 1315 Have you thought of Portrait iae a Solution to the Gift Prohlern7 A Dozen of your Portraits made in one of our new di.tinrtive etylees will make twelve appropriate Gifts, each toe of which is sure to he •ppr-eieted. Make an apppointment today. The SAi.LOWS STUDIO. `-� ROYAL YEAST MMES PERFECT BREAD