HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-11-19, Page 4• TMotaxAT, Novnusanklq 1914 THE SIGNAL GOD &RICH ONTARIO Now is the Time to rep*ir or put on a new roof. Before deciding what to use, see out Galvanized Shingles Corrugated Galvanized Iron and Brantford Asphalt Roof - i ng of all weights. 111111 W. R. PINDER Phone 1315 Hamilton Street Tbe - Canadian Clothiers LEVITZ & )RRA Proprietors Ladies Coats At Sacrifice Prices A good assortment of Lsdiee ;'net-, good steles and colon, regular pricer. $15 and 112. your choice Frida. and Nwturdvy ter Millinery A new shipment of untrimmed shapes. regular *2. 12.25 and 12.541. Sale price 75e, 11.1111 and 11.'23. Overcoats A full stock of Mena Overcoat.. Call and see them. Rubbers Also fall line of Ladies' and Gents' Rubber. and (►vershoes. A good stock to choose flout, all sizes. Levitz & Urra Corner Montreal and Square ■'m .eta trl=tttl snits t.7 GA a C 123C3,13C0 12.10127 t3 C' r:;13 MD 7 EMI M E113 ■ r eat mra 0 cam al oma aT0 Cita amio moo am 0 O CR T.30:= 000 0 • 113 Cire Ct.] O nn 19' 01t111 L2:I1tr rL1 C7!71t ■i 5.. Ila rare le UO rl�tB� gp-c".,1 Q iMIE A STOCK REPLETE ‘with correct wear for feet Our Shoe Stock is complete with the season's creations. Every desirahle .'y1e in high and low shoes icer both men and women. Our line of Oxfords, in the most desirable colon and leather, will interest and please you. Ample provision has been made also for the tots and near tots. SHARMAN- TME SHOE MAN 1 1 GRANO TRUNK SYis EM DOUBLE TRACK ALL THS WAY TORONTO -CHICAGO TORONT O -MONTREAL The International Limited Canada's Trail of Superior Service Loose Tensaw 1 M p., dully. arrives tr.. Iron 156 p.ii sad Chicago Cm a n MORNING SERVICE Leer as Tomato t saw. aril•6. .. Dash Y pa. see t'hts.es Lb. pa �etiy Last Train OM of TaDegee}tmlr�lalet�Ml nimbi Glavin sm arm.am.rrtv..trtme .r Assess 11.1a. sad nenowetY�es w•it��MIMpil FOR MOlfTRHAL .rllssy a Timms Ism. LSI Pam W Y •••••sWr. is ra.tteetsse aim.. at AXIL. MOM edam 111% RWeaw811iM ln Dem A/is.L w Q000410/1 TOWN■H1r. The United Women's Patriotic Society of Godertcb township will bold two sewing meeting, seat west - ow bat( at Mts. O. Walters' on Thurs- day, November lkb, the other half at Mrs. Wm. Bcebao's. Reynold road. OU Friday, November :7th. Both meet - togs open at 2.90 p.m. BLYTH. The G T.R. carpenters were here last week making some repairs at the station here. Mrs. W. F. McCaughey is spin able lc be about alter the (e11 in which she sprained her ankle. Mr Jos. !Mothers has been appointed issuer of marriage li. eoaw, in place of Mr. Thos. Code. resigned. Mrs. Thompson. of Clinton, bas been visiting her daughter. Mrs. Geo. E. McTaggart. Miss Dorothy Tierney has bees spending a week with ber grand- mother. Mrs. Tbowpson, at Clinton. Mr. L E. Dandy. barrister. of Goderich. has opened an office in Blyth and will he here Thursday of each week to meet his clients. , Miss McTavish. won has been resid- ing with her nieces in the West for some years, has ret ne ned to Blyth and is the guest of het niece, Mrs. JThn McMillan. Mr. Frank Bennett. of Cartier, was in town for is few davitvisiting his parents, Mr. and Vu. John Bennett. and on hi, return home was seems - lauded by his danrrnter. Hazel. who had heen visiting here; for several months. The meeting of North Huron Lib - THOMAS McMILLAN erode held here on Tuesday was not so who has been selected as the Literal candidate in South Huron for the next well attended as was a:peeled, owing Federal election. Mr. McMillan has had long municipal experience. it to. the storm. and the granter part of *peak for the agricultural community. being himself a bald -working and excepticnally well informed on public affairs. and is especially qualified to ebr business was postponed to an ad- lnurne t meeting t,, he herd no the cath successful farmer. -- - of December at \\ iogham. meet- ing will sl•o he a nominatingg ronven- tion. Mr. F. F. I-ardeet M.P , of Sarnia. BENMILLER. ( Mies Maud Pickard is spending • few was pr..ent sod Kaye act address Preparations are beiog male for the days with ber sister. Mrs. R. Y. Cox. which was touch appreciated. annual Christmas entertainment at the I The Ladies' Aid will meet at for A pretty home welding took place Colborne Evangelical church, it will home ot Mrs. 0. W. Potter on Thum- at for residence of Jt, s. J. Mills on he held on Christmas Eve. day, November li;h. Tuesday morning of last Werk, when her daughter. Pincer's, hecame the T The l'hoseo Friends will meet on . bride of Rev. F. E. t'Iysdale, of Carl- HOLMESVILLE. burtday eveoing. November:Nth. A stadt. Alberta. The ceremony was good attendance Is requested. !per lorm.d by it. C. C. Keine, A parlor social under the auspice, of hrother•in-law of the bride. assisted Bethel choir will be held at the home 1 by Rev. George Jewitt. Mendel.•ohn's of F. 1'. Pickard on Friday evening, 1 wedding march was played by Mrs. November 27th. Lunch will be served Kaine. sister of the bride. The bride doting the evening. i was given away by ber brother, Jobn, We are pleased to see Mrs. Sam, and two of her nieces, Luella Kaine Emerson and Erma Jordan. who !and Elizabeth Mill-. acted as ring - underwent operations in the Clinton I bearers• The bride looked ver hospital. at house attain in their usual I pretty in ivory satin. After the w MONDAY, N4,v. 10. ! went an operation in the Goderich j the afternoon train for their home at hospital for appendicitis. Carlstadt. 'rhe bride's travelling suit yeas of Davy blue. with Mark hat to PORT ALBERT, j match. Mrs. Clysdale will he greatly missed in town. specially in the %EDyK+u.tr. Nov, 14. Methodist church. in which she was Mrs. Jane Drennan is visiting ber I an active worker. raster and nther friends neat Kincar- 1 -- - dine. ONE LUCKY TRIAL We are glad to report that Mr. Geo. V..th Dladd's Kidney Draper is improving after his recent aY Pills Made Luke illness. Benoit a New Man. Next Sabbath is Urn . Dar to Holmesville Methodist church. A large choir of men will lead the sing- ing. Splendid choruses ate under preparation. Ou the following Mon- day evening a fowl dinner will be served from 5.311 until x o'clock and an excellent program will be given. PORTER'S H1LL health • also Charlie Co: who under ding truest the happy couple left Mrs. Walter Weston spent a week with friend, at Lucknow. Mies Ruby Potter, of the hospital staff, is holidaying at Clinton home. Special Patriotic Records on the Victor Victrola alsa�� "It's a long, long way to Tipper- ary,- "Soldiers of the King." "Boys of the Old Brigade," "Rule Brittannia," 'Ye Mar- iners of England." "0 Can- ada," "Standard 0' the Braes O' Mar," "British Cavalry March," "The Deathless Army," "Red %Visite and Blue" "Veterans Song." "The Pen- men of England." "Private Tommy Atkins." Just received a line new ship- wentof VICTOR VECTROLAS from $3) 111 up to 11511.00, fitt- iehed in Mahogany and Weath- ered Oak. If you can make it convenient to call we will he pleased to let you hear the new Records and Machines. JAS. F. THOMSON music 6, Stationery Store agent for Heintzman A ('o. Pianos Detroit Conservatory of Music Founded In 1871. Acknowled;.d by the leading musicians of Kurnp. and America to b. one of the fore- most Institutions of Its kind In America. Degrees or Bachelor of ) ualc and Doctor of Music confr--rd Every • Branch Taught. $tzty thoroug`hly skilled Instructors. Public chnol Music and Drawtrt AredemIr D.nartment Pupil. received dally. Year boos nn rrque+t. address Jam•sel Sell, Secretary, 1013 Woodwaro Ave , Detroit, M.cn A Pashto For Fall fl■d Winter Ws bass a .round buNea.. sroa.tt Ion for aeasTuc saisssui for the. di. tenet toll hint trims, .man halt. (tearer. tag robs. sir. Par w..klr outfit 'rem. eadaelc. tsrrltara. crease ens .aCAes of fruit and ornamental .terk ander said rates. We esti tbroagb our .a60.... dlr sot to t►s cos.aser arid guaraatse b8v.ry of froth._ 14t(a grads tree.. fhtr mgmedm* abs vltmmw 1y ream, mf them we r• as . e the vstaa et bash... owe. R.. abltahed 36 years. Write PELHAM NUm - tor Oa. T.e*0M, Ont. P.B. RaMmos• wastage* ew motet toryabhor stookapellesat or those wfeblog Sore WINTER TOURS sambaTO 1115 LAan or s.4 $'s a i Days THL "CANADIAN•. Part TIME we -mum 51OIITRRA I,-TORON TO MITROIT1)HiCAOO Parnsulatram 'pined Mayw wrNs )A 0. arab? DlM1Nt sweattag sw• .sae 'Mee. Thos. Million, of Gc.derich, bis been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Alhed Quad. recently. Mr. John A. Green has again opened his blacksmith shop for business after a most successful threshing season. Messrs. Jacob and Albert McGee left on Saturday fora visit with rela- tives at %Vindsor and Detroit for a few weeks. Stephenville, Bar St. George, Ntld., Nov. 11kh.- tSpeciall-Atter suffering for, two years from backache, M r. Luke Benoit. of this place, found a cure in Dodds Kidney Pills. "For the last two years 1 suffered from headache and pains in my back. My sleep was broken, and .try appetite failing, so 1 determined to send for Dodd'. Kidney Pill-. Six boxes tirade P.tTetoTu Cod, stir. -Fr idar even- a new person ot Inc. good health, good sleep, and good appetite. I cannot ing. December Pith. is thedete set for Draise Dodds Kiduey Pills too high - a patriotic and Christmas roncert to Dodd'. Kidner Pills cure backache and kidney disease quickly and surely, simply because they go right to the root of the trouble -the kidneys. With healthy kidneys you can't have either. Dodd', Kidney Pills always make the kidneys strong and healthy. For that party ur little afternoon affair Blackstone s fee cream in hulk or fancy pricks makes a delightful, delicious dessert. Once tried always used. be held in the Foresters' Hall. An ex- cellent program is being prepared. More particulars later_ ST. HELENS. TcE u.ti. Nov. 17. Mr. Jas. Baker has just finished up a good season's threshing. The 'guns of the Rifle Club have been sent to London for examination. Mrs Clio -It spent the week -end with ber broths.., the Messrs. McKenzie*, at Kintail. The Calvin church Sunday school are preparing for an entertainment at l'bi retinas. \WnNitSCe i2r.TITt17"6..-- The Nov- ember meeting of the Women's Insti- tute will he held on Thursday. Nov. ember 213th, at 2.30 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Jas. Aitche+on. sub- ject -- ' Mugge.tions for Christmas Gifts." "!$ketch of the Ufe of Agnes Jean c'ameron," roll call, answer, "Hetpfnl Ids...' queainn drawer. musi;, etc. A general invitation le ex- tended to all the ladies tobe present. AUBURN. WEDsgaDAY, Nor-. is C. Hoare has a piano in the Forest- er. Hall on trial at present. Mrs. E. Lawson is spending a few weeks at her home at Me*forth while her house is bt'ing completed. Our town fathers have let the con- tract of gravelling the atreeta. which. need 11. K. Lawson Mirth* coatset. Robert Sprung'• sale of Western hop last Saturday was well attended. I•'sir prices were realised and all were sold. Jos. Lawson delivered to the Oeno, Langlois Co.. Clinton. last Thur.da over • ton of live poultry from J. Arthur. Members of the %Woman's Foreign Mission Society of Knox church are busy Thursday afternoons quilting for the needy poor. David Hamilton a sale of farm stock and implements last Friday drew a large crowd for the stormy Iia% and bidding was brisk. The Canadian Order of Foresters in- tend holding a eoneevt in their hall on the Arlt Friday in Deceaher: pro- ceeds to apply on repair fund Jos. !twin hes purehaesd a new bora* from J Wateres to be able to carry the mail when his rural route opens oe the Sr. Augu.rine line. Oen. F. Vungblut ►rad Gee, Resell* arrived Isom* Tuesday night from their deer hunt and report gond sac - rem, having secured their share of venison. Mie, R. Rlalr attended the public library convention at Walkerton Met Friday. she was serum led by ber Meter. Miss ZMtA. sad teleailed nu their �rsarR toe. at Roost over Sunday. ColdSores Are your hands chapped. cracked or sem* Mayo pets' es1d creek," sihlcf. •p.. 'Ord bleed when the skin le draws tiiht f Rave you a cold rocs, frost h:te, chilblains, Of "raw" pace, which at times Makes it agony for you se ge above your hous.ho:3 duct.. t It so, Z.,n-Buk will give ou nl.t� and will haat the 41ost.4amaisd okra, Aae(at *h. sore places at tight, Zam-Bak'• rich healing sswnces will sink into the wounds, •nd the smart- ing. oast end heat Nakty, Mrs. Yells, of Paetlart, mays . ••M1 handle wire so era mei cranked that it was agony to put them ser water, When 1 ds4 an l�bi.syy would snort sod bars as if i sad rrald.I tb•.*. I seemed stilt• esiabie 10 get rein( fr..s Nye I /tA es than mut1 en» 1 T�.t �.i Ile wsewtd whoa all pe yj falls& It dossed the big srsris, pas ere was esotb.d the Milimamauss, sad it a very abort tames healed .y beeds- fsesa..t ails rams hen, maids .saga saes.sa, -t""e. /kwwiw/ awes. sees grass .♦.wyrt�.....+...r.+ V. Sersins.weal �. 01104 ias Tisse ► wi ties Sad r"r+a , Prow M • 6 Os Ms AMAZING REDUCTION SALE OF LADIES' WINTER COATS Now right at the beginning of the Winter we are putting on sale all that are left of our fall purchase of Coats. These Coats are made by one of the best Coat firms in the Dominion, and bought direct from them, and are the correct styles for this season. livery reduction is exactly as represented, and we shall make this the greatest Coat Sale event that this store has ever known. The latest ideas of skilled garment tattier are to be found in this lot of sale Coats. Every one of these Coats was new at the beginning of the fall season. Just 27 left for this sale and eery one perfect in its way. Tbe average drops in price will Ire about 15 per cent. lean than the actual cost to us. READ THE FOLLOWING LIST OF REDUCTIONS AND COME AND GET A BIG COAT BARGAIN. $5.00 6 Coats at $5.05 Each In this lot will he found Coate in black and wbite, dark grey and brown checks. Each garment is perfect in workmanship and tlae styles arecore.t. These ('oats range in prices from 124.1E 10 10. 111) and commencing on Saturday you can buy any Coat in the lot for .. . ... 55.00 A $i5.00 Coat for $io.so %1'e consider this Coat one of our best offers. There is a big range of Garments in this selection in brown and drab curl cloths, light and dwelt blues and blacks. Each Coat has a definite style ,J its own and no two 1'oats alike. Regular 11&46( tot 510.50 $i5 to $x8 Coats for $II and $i2.5o These Coats are some of the beet 40 our stock but all are to be aacridced and these pt ices will clear them quick. Light and dark blues, also brown curl cloths are featured in this assortment Ori- girel prices $14.01 to 11R310. ;.ale prices 511.00 to ... 512.50 $7.50 5 Coats at $7.5o This lot is comprised of two-tone checks. Every garment in this bought for this. season's giallo etvles hats been reproduced in t sold originally for $12.00 and 113. now been reduced to sale pricer. lot can be had for Each stripes and dark asaorte sot was s and the latest hem Each Coat ta) but they have Any coat in the 57.50 A Coat for $9.5o Regular $14.00 Coats for $9.5o These are the cream of our stock but no Coat is to ire kept at lbs old price. They must an go. These prices will make them move quickly, so it will be to your advantage to come oei Saturday when the sale been,. Regular 114.00 for ... 50.50 A Big Bargain One culy black curl cloth Coat. size 38, ora of t4. - latest designs and:perfect in every detail. Reut elsru.W for 515.50 One only black •ealette. This is a Coat wbieh ha. real style, being anode on plain lines. Regular fon .,. 515.50 /8 Children's Coats at $1.00 Each This line of Children's Coats is comprised of bear cloth garments in reel, brown. white and grt\ Also several stylish Coats made of red blanket cloth. These garments are just what the little ones need for the coming winter. The regular price of this lot ranged from $2. 25 to $4.2.; hist commenting on Saturdaj- every Coat will be sold for each $1.00 J. H. COLBORNE MacEwan Estate exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District Egg Coal, $7.75 Stove and Chestnut, $8.00 per ton BEST COAL MINED Amy quantity�belt all Maple g�he, tndting'Cedar or Pine.) Mixed- wood, Hemlock sad K TELEPHONES, office 98 residence 213 or 6t • Municipal T•lepholes The following statistic', concerning the w.srkings and standing of the dif- ferent telephone companies here- abouts. which we take from the report of the Ontarid"Railway and Municipal Board for 1913, will he of interest to the people of this county. The report gives the following figures concerning the various companies: McKillop. Logan and Milder Co. ha' 310 phones on the system : 124 miles of pole* ; 1116 miles of circuit. and the receipts for the, year were 114,1461 with expend'. tures of 17, 7416 ; Molesworth independ- ent Telephone Co has 713 phones. 22 miles of poses and 35 maim of circuit with receipts of girks and expenditures of lar : North Huron Telephoue Company has 4:Ci ph pet. 134 mass of poles, :196 miles of circuit, receipts 01 114,060 and expenditures of 114.767: lfpringbank Telephone Company has 111 phone,. :.C4 miles of poles, 7) miles of circuit, receipts ,4 11.311 and ex- penditure, of 511111; St. Marys, Kirk - toe and Eastern Tefephcwe Company has 0T0 phones. 3110 mite• of Doles. Wu salad of circuit, rlerstpte 17,49 emu ese nditutc* of 10.707 r Wroxeter Aural Plephooe Company has 2ul pboose, 911 miles of poise. 159 nines of trouiL receipts of $4.015 and expenditures of 1N.ttu2; Crediton Telephone Amoolr tion has 112 phones, 70 miles of poise. 100 miles of circuit. $1,:81 at receipts end IMO aa expenditures : Mount Carmel sed Centralia Telephone As- sociation has 23 phones, 11 miles of poies, 13 miles of circuit, receipts of NBe and an expenditure of UL's; Hyod- ares Private Line. iieeter, ham Mt phone,. 22 miles of poles, 72 miles of circuit, reeeipts of 1410 and an ex- penditure of 112211: Ha v Municipal Tele- phone Pysswn hes . pbooes,1116 mIlse of poles. 173 mile. of circuit, reo'4ppttaa of $A,7,11 and so expenditure of $7,118; Brussel.. Morrie and Grey Municipal Telephone Hyrum has 791) phones, 131) miles of poles, 431 mil** of circuit, re- ceipt. of 19,111 and an expenditure of 1&241: Goderich To/reship Municipal $i.teem has Sr phones, lit miles of poles. 125► miles ,of Arndt, remote of 11.191 sod as ex petedllnee et atom: l:oderich Rural has 475 phone., 174 wiles of rireult, an es (tore ed Tel 5 sat ol t and ); Mooresville o• AAu_U.uU •free 40 phones. of airs uti 1s *I les of eireuir, receipts of tiR11 g•/ as expenditure of Fill' ; Malk.ld-A.irews TiOnd one Ae. seelatioa has 4 Howes, 1 Wier of pons. 2 miles of alveoli, rse1pta of VhriotmadidVoming BUY NOW We have a good assortment of Fees- useful articles which* would be appreciated, and which make the hest gifts. LET US SHOW YOU OUR UNE Howell hardware Co. .HELP and HEAVY HARDWARE - - - PHONE 3: RUBBERS In buying vnur rubber tont. wear for the fail and winter be sure and get the famous LIFE-BOL'Y btand They are without ex- ception the beet rubber footwear made. All the light rubbers have a patented leather inner he.e1 that insane double the wear of any other. Tice beery cleft Itohtegster the farts have Use beet repots - tion and will five g lhs6ction. Price. are right. Sole agent for Oodericb. Geo. MacVicar 1614 and so expenditure of 1190: Blyth Municipal Telephone System baa 444 phones. 101 elle, W 11N miler of circuit. receipts of p,� sad es ex- penditure of MO; jflcKiliop Munici- pal T•Iephoere byelaw ha+ 1116 phone•, 180 miles of poled. 140 mile, of cirnuit, receipts of 1141.11111, and an expenditure of 114.640: Tuekerwnpb Mupiodpp•aI Tele- phone el .phone System has AM phones 111 miles of pulse 536 mile, of circuit, receipt* of 111.MM and an .ipetdlture of mita It will tee be seen that 1* [larval county alone, oe practically Arron. there were &431 pbosee it use In 1013 wigg 1,RYt miles of poise and with a capital expeditor* of Saadi& -Seaford' Repnsiter. --Hee. Mand Fowler leave, Rnde.- rieb We west foe New Jersey, where sae bends a spend tine winter. Good Morning We Are Introducing Americas Silk American Cashmere American Cotton -Lisle HOSIERY They Dave stood the tut. (lire real foot comfort. Ni' teams to rip. N.'-er biome boner or baggy. The .tape is keit u. --rant premed in. GUARANTEED for flnrnes•, style, superiority of material and workmanstip. Absolutely stainings. Will wear six month• without hela< or new outer free OUR -SPECIAL. OFFER to every one sending us SLIM in earnestly nr postal not.. to cover advertising and shipping chargee, we will seed pow -paid. with written guarantee, hacked by• eve million dollar company. sber. 3 Pails of err Tie valet Am&view Rilk Hosiery er • reitll.. ser sec wee Americas Oaebstsrere terry et 4 Peine el err dee wee Aesericsa Coitus -Ude Hosiery err 6 Pairs of C I 's Hosiery Hive the color, Mas. and w bel h et ladies' or gent'. hosiery Is de- sired. DON'T I MLAY - Offer es pitw when a dealer in yo.,r L.- eality is solemn/. i/ 111111111ATIMAL URT CO. P.O. Bog NJ DAYTON, OHiO, t7.P.A. ~l -arty yPbalmbeeiMahs to be i Bb.ksaiise.. wage shear‘