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The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe $3.75
The Signal and Daily Globe to persons with
rural postal boxes the price is. 3.30
The Signal and DailyMail and Empire 3.75
The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire to
persons with rural postal boxes the price is 3.50
The Signal and Montreal Family Herald
and Weekly Star 1.85
The Signal and Saturday Illustrated Globe1.135
The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto)1.75
The Signal and Toronto Daily Star... 2.85
The Signal and Toronto Daily World 3.25
The Signal and Toronto Daily News. 2.30
The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and
Empire /,6o
The Signal and Farmer's Advocate..... , 2.35
The Signal and Canadian Farm
The Signal and Farm and Dairy
New 1.6o
Renewal. 1.85
The Signal and The Country Gentleman 3.25
The Signal and Canadian Poultry News1.35
The Signal and Grain Growers' Guide 1.50
The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free
Press t.6o
The Signal and London Daily Advertiser2.90
The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser 1.60 -
The Signal and London Daily Free Press
Morning Edition 3.50
Evening Edition 2.90
The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness1.85'
The Signal and World Wide 2.25
The Signal and Presbyterian • . • .. s. 25
The Signal and Westminster 2.25
The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25
The Signal and Catholic Register
New 1.7o
Renewal. 1.85
The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto)3.40
The Signal and McLean's Magazine 2.25
The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto)1.75
The Signal and Canada Monthly (Winnipeg) 1.5o
These prices are for wadi -ogees in Canada or Great Britain
The Signal and_i incott's Magazine 3.25
The Signal and Woman's Home Companion
(New York) 2.75
The Signal and The Saturday Evening Post 2.50
The Signal and The Ladies' Horne Journal. 3.00
including postage to Canadian subscribers.
The .above publications may be obtained by Sig-
nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any
publication being the figure given above less $t.00
representing the price ot The Signal. For instance:
The Signal asd The Family Henreid and Weekly
Ste r_ . .93.85
The Farmer's Advocate 1$a 33 les 9t.eoi... , . 3.35
-making the price of the three papers $3.20.
The Signal aad The W Sea
The'T Deity Star 11' as less Semi.... .;r-3
--the three papers for $;.00.
If the publication you want is not in above list, let
us know. We can supply almost ,any well-known
Canadian publication.
Send subscriptions through local agent or by
postoffice or express order (not by bank cheque) to
Goderich Ontario
You brow what that s.ptpt -
1 oYea blow u7--0rg bib--iitl get rick.
s g� YslI erases food and
for yea sad year lesnila it i np
brestotake camel ,..ndt. Re up to
t to1 you t hal r is hale
sesseye�b e�tb-
M /cn. held yes up, wane .ta_
"r -protect you toad yeer /r$. That
hews isam
Kai 05,. CI Rated -
lea la ellerag k le yes. no "Mon Pee
at d -
"haul 0sy-nee. istsao.I Pusuu-
yen Ytot, r it rtes. est ,sass. year
th we will gins bask
S/eiaawowIis the
It is hauling _
Rnas dl= iliiisa 4
dims 011owall staff lhan=
monsaitel phoglegam. lbw are for
Soh hea
estt mimed
Met time 944011ie a
reageabis owe% lied eat
bedding nudinao �1b ter
sad dmh�odo era swam what Ma
/e.� w 1n'a'.. �t.�.r.aa
aktl wt ae
hetidw d pd � liark�s�*Au" wal
alcohol et hollihdoconha &op /04
-welshing/agile Om
O ps,,s II*y.�a, ILA
••ienton wow•
eiak. iieuleea.►lL • iJirtssUasa'
°maturation Sells Apples.
The Partner's Advocate : - This
otal& we received a tall from •
man w10 was trying to purchase e
carload of apples for shipment West.
Is reply to ser ewes** that he 1d
end little trouble in seeerior
goontity in this year of a big crop and
Mow mate. be replied: '•i had to ap-
proach no less than five dinetent
tppeogrowing sesociatioss before I
fou* owe wbicb was not mold out."
This doss not look as though there
were amasy apples rightly handled go-
lag to waste. even this year. And
ohat le more our friend Informed us
that Me M assceiatloos bad sold all
Behr belt is car lots at frac 11.75 to
ass per barrel f. o. h, This is not a
bed Ifible at each a lima. While thew
Roof odes haw bees porde otter or-
easeds toms .nets wpiehed. The indi-
vidual grower with poor aserket con-
weetiose be found himself bandiesp-
pd. and him are the apples tbat will
rot or p 10 the evaporator at • few
eon* pr lidadredweigbt. it is just
*other desmenetratkie of She rvlwlte
of orpnisatlon. Organisedfruit-
erer.** are not downbeat*, and
with their big
d crop and a fair price
Noy have bad a fair year. That is all
they mold *sport. Others do not
bine* freit.growing profitable, be-
come they are met fruit prowera They
aref•rbrs with fruit a inter-
breeds/ we.
4 w who lives rpt and le right,
hal mere power is W dhow unto
SO bah
&&.lune Uhl war's. 0bageaaer ie
endeneet amok.
obi*.wbarl nub 1
=t with most .tach. --
Biome* complains of petty thiev-
Andrew F. Hem is now the publish-
er of The Zurieb Herald, woeesding
Mr. It. Zeller.
Jobs Kruegerof the 14th conces-
sion of Hay, died on Tuesday of last
week, aged oiset7 years.
The death of Mr". Dooiel Shafer
occurred on the 4tb inst. at Dashwood.
She was forty -.even years of age,
Mrs. John Saunders, a native at the
township of $tepb.o, died on the 2nd
inst. et Ruthilda, B..k., seed fifty-six
Dr. T. G. Wilson, .on of Mr. and
Mr.. Thus. Wilson, of Winghem, bas
looat-d at Moorefield for the practise
of his protession.
The death o tcurred at Port Huron
on the :tb inst. of Mrs. Singular,
a former resident of Crediton
Henaall, at the age .f seventy years,
Milfred Rinker, the seventeen -year-
old .on of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rink-
er. Deadwood, died on Sunday even-
ing. $tb last. He was ill only a few
Mise Y. Henrietta McGill, youngest
daughter of Rob* t Modill, of Gorrle,
was wearied at Winnipeg on Octot.r
:Mtb to William A. Edwards, of Sas-
J. Johnston & tion, of Dungenuoo,
have moved to Winehem and will
tarry on a large mail order business
which they have established In West-
ern Ontario.
The 1011 -acre farm on the 2nd conces-
sion of Grey, known as 'the John
White piece, bas been sold by the
owner, Samuel Burk, to James Hai-
lantyne, of Wrozeter, for
William Southgate, son of Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Southgate, of tieaforth,
was married on the 5th inet. to Mies
Letitia Margaret, daughter of Mr. and
Mn. Wru. McLeod, of Manitowaning,
The death is reported from Winoi-
peg of Dr. lJraeme Richardson, a nat-
ive of Brussels, in tbie county. The
deceased wee in his twenty.ninth year
and bad been practising at Winnipeg
a little over a year.
The village of SL Joseph lost one of
its hest -known residents on $uud•y,
dib inst., when Nelson Masse passed
away at the age of fifty-nine years.
Pneumonia was the cause of his death.
A widow and twelve children surviv
The authorities of the Rom
Carbolic church have purchased o
and a -quarter &errs of land opposi
Brussels cemetery, to he used for buri
purpose*. Heretofore there bad bee
no Catholic burial ground at Brussel
C. Hass intends moving to Varna to
open • repair shop.
Capt. J. A. Ferguson is home alter
&pother season op the lak...
Clifford Pollock bas returned bat*
thea *ending the *maser he- fes
TRVr*OAT, Novnnss 19,1914 $
••••••••••••• r•••••••••••• •••••••••-•••.
The Rit. Club Ilan purchased a num- I�
ber of elites and • quentity of ammuol-
oe and bas commepractice at
the targets.
Peter McGregor and his niece, lila*
Nellie McGregor, of Fairdale,
are the guests of the farmer's brother.
Andrew McGregor.
Tho following from Hayfield ate
*tided the Liberal convention at 011ie
ton last week : Murdoch Roes, WS -
Ham Mustard, Jame. ('amphell, Janes
and Lewis Thomson, 11r. Smith amtt
Arch. Oalbrai th,
At the manse on\tedneeda after-
noon of last week Rev. A. Macfar-
lane united in marriage Mise Elms
Bottles, daughter of Phomas Battles.
and Samuel Peter Young. all of God*
rich township. The happy couple will
take up their abode on the groom's
farm oo the Front road.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Townsend are
moving to 'Toronto to reside.
Mr. and Mrs. Tbomas Mason bass
gone to spend the winter with their
two daughters at Detroit.
John Watt has gone to visit rela-
tives at Crook.town, Minn.. and may
extend his trip to the Pacific Coast.
Mrs. Thos. Mason received word last
week of the death of her brother. Al.
bertCottle. of Cape Girard**. Mis-
Mr. and Site., Eli Holtztlauer an-
nounce the engagement of their
daughter, Clan M.. to Frederick 1..
Potter, of Godericb toe' Lehi the
wedding to take place this month.
On Saturday, 7th inst., after & long
and sever, Illness, Mary Ann Pence- W
baker, wife of John Brown. Boddie md l•
away in her fifty-ninth ear.
the husband a grown-up family our.
The Women Patriotic and Relief
Association is duiog• good work. and
now boasts a membership ot 1111.
Coe hundred dollars of the Abeoeir
e, I tioo'r funds has been contributed to
to I the Belgian relief fund.
Winter -_Coats
LADIES who have not as yet selected their new
Winter coats should not delay putting off buying,
as at no other time will the selection be so good.
Our stock is exceptionally well assorted with all that is
new and up-to-date.
Ladies' Winter Coats, all styles, from... $7.5o to $35.00
Special values in Ladies' Fur -lined and Astrachan -lined
Coats with fur collars and revers.
• Children's Coats
it Now is the time we sell the Children's Coats. A better
dren's Smart Coats never was shown in town.
• Children's Smart Tweed Coats, Raglan
selection of Chil
sleeves, Balmacaan •style, to suit
ages 6 to 14, for $4.50
• Infants' White Bear Coats Infants' Neadwear
us (•On Wedneday evening. November •
to nth, in Si. Paul's church. Addie C. 0
ai youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. •
n John B. Little, became the bride of
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Tainan, Walton. on November 4th,
their elder daughter, Violetta Pearl,
was married to William John Carter,
son of James Carter, Walton, The
Iborne of the happy couple will be east
of Walton.
On Wednesday of Inst week, et the
residence of Mr. and Mrs, D. Ewan,
Brussel., theirdaughter, Helep E. was
united in marriage to Lorne W. D.
Eckmler•, of the same town, Rey. A. J.
Mann officiating. Mr. and Mra Eck -
✓ uler will continue to reside at Brussels.
Duncan McFarlane died at his borne
at Hensel) on October 2 ith at The age
of eighty-eight years. He was born in
Perthsbire,Mcotland, and lived in the
-township of Tuckersmith nearly halt
a century before retiring to the village
of Hensel' in 1ta67. He was not ,uar-
H. J. Hoover, of Grey township, has
received word of the death of his sis-
ter Mary, the wife of Tho.. Fowler, of
Commie, Alberta. Deceased was
born in East Wawanoth and went
West with her husband fifteen years
ago. Mn. Fowler was in her ftfty-
first year and reeves besides her hus-
,hand two sons.
Matthew John Stewart, of the llith
concession of Grey township died on
the 9th inst. in his forty-first year.
While in the Wert a few years ago
Mr. Stewart stepped in a badger hole
and injured the cord% of bis leg,
Following an operation for . the re -
moral of the trouble complication• set
in, with fatal result.
On Monday, November 91,11, Justus
Meliek, of Zurich, passed from this
life at the age of .eventypre yeses,
Besides his wife, be leaves two sons :
Alfred, of the Bronson line, and John,
of Edmonton. Alta., and three daugh.
ten : Mrs. S. Mern.r, of Hensel'
Mn. J. Wurtz, of Pigeon. Mich., and
Mrs. I. Hudson, of Zurich.
The death occurred oo Saturday.
November 7th, of Miss Vero• Taylor,
eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Taylor, of the 12th oonosesion
of East Wawanosh. 8be retired Fri-
day night feeling ss well as usual, and
her death in the early hours of the
nest morning was a great .bock to
her parents and ft Wads.
An old settler of Usbor,e has passed
away in the person of Arthur Match -
ford, who bad reached bis sevmsty-
Sesk yeas. The deceased was a native
of Devonshire,
this oountry with bi�i� tsswh •
child, H. returned to Hinman a few
years ago after thirty years' residee's
in NorthDakota a was never mar-
The pprcice. for Dutch set oofoos are
very disappointing this year, mese
&ream of these ooioos are grown every
year in the southern part of the
county, especially around Henan and
Zurich. The crop this year bas been
unusually , abundant. Dutch seta
brought a high a•15 cents per pound
at one time. Today the merchants
are giving but 4 cents per pound is
erode, with • limit of 300 pounds.
There is no cash demand for them.
The work on the various observa-
tion towers whieh are being cnn-
etrtoeted throughout tb. Province un-
der the direction of the Department of
the Interior. Ottawa, and which have
crestede ontologist and
cariosity, her .u.peaaetl toe the
sermon. The towers aro d
the erne of the township is wbieh
they are located and those erected the
past Beason in this district &r.:
dolph. lsuie. Hibbert, Logan, Hallett.
Morris and Hay. Next ...,o, there
ie to be one erected west of Aubgrs
and another near Whlteehereb, to-
gether with a melee casualty to the
bead of the Drum praiosels. ,
o: IMsttial Lor4 Sobartgroat ettaillet M
Clareoe* $tardy. The nuptial cere-
mony was performed by the rector,
Rev. J. C. Patti, in the presence of a
gathering of im.aedtate relatives.
After the ceremony Mr. and Mrs.
`Sturdy drove to their home on the
Huron broad, Goderic h township,
where tLey have taken up house-
The following officers of the Clinton ' •
Horticultural Society were elected at •
the *noel meeting : President, Major
M. D. McTaggart: 1st vice-presideut,
0. H. David; tad vi^e-president, J.
Wbeatley; becretary-troasurer, T.
Cottle; auditors, W. Brvdone, W. D.
Nair; directors. T. Oottir, J. Cunniog-
bam,, 13. W. Watt, A. Seeley, E.
Munroe, lin, G. H. David, Mr.. W. •
D. Fair, Miss K. McTaggart, Miss •
The mart useful coat for infants' wear, Full showing of infants' Winter Hats and
lest as good as new after repeated washings.
To fit ages tl moot*to 4 years at C
each . 4111.30 to $6.50
Bonnets in btekii, velvet, cashmere- �•n„
Angora. Upwards from
Two Specials in Velvets
Beautiful quality Velveteens, rich silky finish, Worrell's dye, which is a guarantee
of color, in all wanted colors, 23 inches wide, per yard. hoc
Wide wale cord Velvets, exceptionally rich lustrous quality and makes smart
dresses, coats, and for children's wear, will wash perfectly. All wanted colors,
27 inches wide, per yard hoc
Just received another shipment of these popular Plaid Coatings in navy, cardinal,
brown, green and grey, S4 inches wide, per yard $1.25
"The Store to Buy the Family's Underwear"
McCall's Patterns Perrin's Gloves
c�lillar's Scotch Store
Bessie Watt. The membership of the
Society number lest. •
David ('ook, an old resident of the
county, died nn Friday, nth inst., at
the borne of be .on. D. S Cook, in
tbis town, at :he age of eighty-nine
years. The deceaseo was a native*
Tipperary, Ireland. coming to tend&'
when a child. After residing for
some years at BtreetevWe, the family
came to Huron county and Mr. Coot
took up a farm oe the 9th concessive '
ot lsodecrieb township. Here he
farmed until the year 1Ral, when be
moved to Clinton rad went into lite
Hour and feed business, from which be
retired two or threeears ago. The
detested i. survived �c two sons and
one daugbter: D. 8. Cook, of Clinton:
Dr. W. J. Gook. of Biowoesilie. Oro -
goo; and Mrs Raid, of Ow.o Hound.
0. W. S. Railway Sasaki lie Dammed
of a Some Way
esesstset.. MUert r.
People generally hate to bear &D '-
thing about the ()static Went shore
Railway. As the malt* now ataade
the eunicipalities are tweeting Use In-
terest on the boods. The lime will
nom.. when the principal will also have
to be provided tor. As the road
stands ea the
The taei.1 scattered t it is egoism.
Md here and these
is osly deprentatiog 'Wee. At the
owed the Bos. haws het of the asuallipabties Peter -
not Yr. V. R. Busk. of the Hydro -
Radial w se leek WM thejpespoertioo.
lie laa11 at Siallgrigh and inn rd up
rite Soo te ihlmadiisw 1N oast Mayor
self-MHsra• tag
emoted We tawsw
toad all Intoe,atioe
vtoilsk_b *no hie.
Mr. Meeks said bat basin&se wee to
go faro the matter thoroughly ass mot
Doty setUames oe the east of ooampiet-
lag the road, List also try and end out
tb. prospects of its becoming • payinegg
tnstltatioe. H. will ha* data col-
lected the prohat.le tonnage
that meld po wound through the
district the road nun.. This would be
Import toad export
If tole wool* *oily the eowrptetioos
of the rood he may probably make
some resseas wdatkre as to what
would be the bees thing to do.
1f the rod were completed and run
in eonn.etios with semi" otherand eaters
tweet 1y beads earned • poets of tea. is-
eads it woad be tetter
than it *, the pv0As time. After
this repot K samese Is not de-
vieed It
twos* probably as well to
collect the ammo and sell that tor the
bengal of the netreleipalltiee At
psoseat the rape are tying and rusting
toad the ties sod other material are not
esteem tray more valuable tet It be
wtyued op oleo way or smother.
N Was a Wal-isyse.
Away I1isd T.mnhee - "Did
Phmaisah ovorgeie Mg children of
Wool es tow !ad sear
• walkover a ie : 11 was
•••••••••••.0•••••••••••• 00••0.000•0•0
Get him face to face -by Telephone
YOUR CUSTOMER, your salesman or other business
associate may be allowing things to slow down just
for the want of a reassuring word from you.
Get him %l%aha WV dist-awe telepipone and pave a short
talk. Point him to the abundant harvests' and the unmis-
takable signs of a general brightening up in business. He has
confidence in you and your assurance will help mightily. There
is nothing like the sound of the human voice to reassure and
stimulate to action.
A systematic study' of the possibilities of the long distance
telephone as applied to yourtisiness in all its branches will repay
the time it takes. .As a real onor'iy it has no equal.
Er rr Bell Te horse /s • Lo Blitenee Station.
The Bell Telephoie Co. of Canada.
• rr
tbc %tgnat
Our Poster Dspsurtsent
steAkto T.. Li* or Teo 3.wag
Prompt Servies- 111nesegog Priers