The Signal, 1914-11-19, Page 1Yeti CAN'T OVERLOOK
Wish to Make a Rue se' of Your
The Signal is the newspaper
to Use if you wish to rwob the
homes- Results wills the people
that can Mr le whet you neat.
Rend and Buy from 1be tilghal
INITY412,1111 1111110-'"` S111
4W4••Sw.s - . !we.•d
SAVE,. because—
No. 131
Better retrenchment now than privation later.
Head Office, Corner King and hay Streets, Toronto
- A. H. Walker
A. Porter, Manager
General B Branch
The Mutual Life Assura nceaCo.
"Canada's only Mutual",.
PoottKa : OrvwI M; Serie 150. P.O. Box 361
— - tYTICE
will l by public maims ie the Lsiva Hotel
osmmeuring at I.IM o'clock sharp :-
Four hew &be coA seven mod roame
oim-. to calve in my ; rows bis
n to sad of Jem
Apeu: tem fa .w «-
.04 a number el heifers in calf. i
TERM+ Sl. M.tb' credit will be given
(Eros -Arne approved joint este,p a e
attiented-i per met. per annum •flowed
fes cask.
J. F.'IIF .<:t'!(lrt. T. UCNDRI'.
ttrprieiar ♦uctismeer.
111 t.ANI,
I.odersod by Mime of the pee ere d sale
matsl•ed to • oer:ain metered MelMes•
Med SW November IA. made by Whine a
Mei rune t4 Hark ftataer(eed. esseassr. and
BOW AIM by the'tider..
There will ee orrsrl for sale ire pow
union by Tatman Hendry. aaet$nwr. at the
celherme Hotel. is tire Town d Ovarinh.
Camay of Herm. me Sat.ed*T the stet dao of
November. 1911, at me edema }m-. the smitth
halt of les No. IS, to the .Mv. tkcermerden
We Township of West Waweeeek. coney et
Herm. cos stotr g one hundred aerie reeve sr
The buthines osselet d, a house. tears earl
Abut 4) acres of the basil area/mat •
Land at used shout 3 miler from Laeknew•
ihopertr sow b• ..enact to • reserved
btl and he rfgkt to withdraw before being
k .eked down to a pershaset.dare
Terms a Damen -et per teesewithout
et see. halms* is le ears thereafter •►"tdare
Merest her terms marl of 5131 male
101111111 OM lay M male sad es menicatYa te the
♦ nteners
Outsriet.. Oa!esrl«a naveMU.Ont.
and umber. Istl M -K
NR. LIINNARD. of ;'_sots. wIS fair full
Neither Side Makes Any Important
Gain, but Germans Are Losing
Very Heavily in Men -Great Set-
tle Imminent !Between German
and Russian Forces -South Afri-
can Rebels in Flight.
The members of the Ahtnrk Chap-
ter. I. O. D. E., desire to thank Mee.
Turner for the use of the Oddfellows'
Hal; W. Millar, W. Tait and H. Jane
for the great assistance gleen by them
In the packing and sending away of
the bass of cluthiog for the of the Society will trite D aha
thank e second Monday of December in the i ante of being severely censored, and it is thought that unexpected activities
srncil chamfer. I ase io progress on land and sea.
is a list of the con -1 Petroquad, Nos. 19 --Several Russian and Turkish cruiser* bad an en -
The Society decided to send $910 t'o
the (,ynadian bead office, and empow-
end the purchasing committee to!
spend $40 in purcbasing material for a
third bale, to be mot in two weeks.'
Those wishing to make donations for I Paris, Nov. i9. 8 p.m. -Tbe .Ufed troops continue to hold their positions,
this bale aro reyuertad to send knitted
goods to Mrs, -McKim, and other art- 1 with dight advances at some points.
cies to Mrs. Colborne. The next m on New York, Nov. 19. -All news cables from Britain today have the appear-
1 t forams .money. The sueosn►
ful mereb•nt believes in adver-
tising, knowing 'het kbefore his name and goods
public the business and money
will come his way. See that you
save money by advertising in
The Signal -goes luta the homes
oontributed in any way to the very
large bale of comfortable clothirtg. 1t
•peaks well for the people of Goderich
that w ready and generous response
wits given to this appeal for belp for
our brave allies.
- -- An entertainment entitled "The
l.uodui, Nov. 18' -The LW." oQ1c{al Froliqques of 1911" will be given for the
communications, recording the opera. benefit of the Red Cross and Belgian
fftt relief fund., b the Britannia
tions on the western battlefields, are branch of the Red Cross Society pt
much the same as chow of preceding the Vittoria Opera House oo Friday
days. There bas been netting tirut wlr- evening November 27th, at 8 o'clock.
tually all .lobi tbe front, but without The following ladies have kindly
any appreciable change in the situs- consented to act as patronesses :
tion. Mesdames Doyle, Holt, F'otheringbam,
From the coast of Flanders to the Roes Hager, Hamilton, Eliot, George
River Lys, on the Franco-Belgian Williams, Woollcombe, Andrew
border, much of which is flooded by Porter. McDonald, t' Jones
the Allies to hinder the German at-
tacks, tbete has been a repetition, on
a somewhat smaller scale, of the bom-
bardment which the invaders invari-
ably resort to in the hope of breaking
down the Allies resistance before in-
faniry attacks. and in isolated spots
attacks in force. but. according to the
French and British reports, all these
have been repulsed.
*hetet of Dr. inns practise fames Misdate.
-Y• season of the corporation of the count y
of aaarm will Met in trhe�nallhamber the
the taws dUNortek
first, at x o'Je»l. AL arouetr for settlement
sort be pieced softs the clerk before the date.
LANE. llerk.
Dated at Goderba. Nov. Irak. INl SF -=t.
Foe TAX Rd.
mrrseaaoseeniwiek ie era ea � R• r o
mole, water fres r new. IN
�t etre
e( 34" . c nal"- ossa of ss and TOTEM' LIST COURT
`Inst• streets. _ _ MSM r
houwe..`$Ig L etre way s`
wrsw of of tri. w . A. jYl At
ltwie brick
Memss Merck. Rest
feseenable.��aold+ �comer
r of Iasi sad
dona J. W"�(tiio�c. rim111-111
s. d
- _
home enM d ass
Alse • hem WI
The Mourned sella or fond for tare* will
Lata place at the Coag House 1.. the woo of
Ooderich. en T "day the 1.t de> of 1 boom ben
191 1, •t : o tack in
>w -R, W (ILMFid. Trimester.
`pw(ag ,o a number of cases of wea.M beteg
reported to the Board of Health. all personv
w hereby omitted t hat cams of commen&e&bte
!Waw most be Immediately reported to the
undersigned Neglect to do w renders the
b.u.abolder liable to • penalty under the
Public Health Act.
A. C. HUNTER. M.D M.0.U.
Dated Nev. 111*, 1 L
A11 peresss whit, are out of employment sad
WWI to,shrive ambiance through the Re1Nt
Committee d the town are requested to give
to tad, nese. at the Mice of the town clerk
set later than Mender evening next. \ovrm
h"r . rd.
He Order.
J. H. •McCLINTUN, Cleirman.
Determined German Attacks.
The Anglo-French forces. which
have been bolding the territory
around Ypres, have again heen suer.
jected W determined attacks, fresb
German troops having at tempted
what the Prussian Guard. a few days
previously had tailed to do -force the
Allies out of their trenches.
As was the case with the Prussian
Guard, the Germans who made the
latest effort appear again to have
taken tbe first line of trencher, but,
like the Guards, found themselves at-
tacked on the Hanka and were com-
pelled to give back the ground gained.
after bolding it fcr a short time.
Hotb sides, as shown by the cas-
ualty lists of the officers, are losing
heavily in the fighting, but the Ger-
mans, being on the offensive. and
being w often enfiladed after success
was ma nearly in their bands, are said
to have suffered enorwoudy.
Zouaves Make Dashing Charges.
�„dlj ass leeMeswitii :heeftdcbar emb orwn weeld or
Mode and previews to aid them in adulating
the poorr of our town dmayuring the coml's win-
Prier. Tr� the eeae>Naitl Bleak. or
.,iklsm may be et at Ne Pawn
bdbilog wife the IJbradaa. It year parcel at
aesim onset be readily nevem* t hes, let •s
know aid we will send for them. 31-11
By order
.1. IL McCLUNTUl". cinemas.
The following fund from
tubutiow to the lied Tt t0 l ars I oountei In the Black !sera The Turkish snip Goshen was es: on flee tllowing
andepot towbablp
and potatoes : Wemelake Utros., oats :' 11 several explosion", but escaped towards the Bosphorus.
F. Colt. oats ; G. Mcilw*in, oars : Bosphorus_. W. _
SowMrs. S. Beavers. potatoes: D. and
J. Balt', oats and potatoes;SD.aoe. CHURt;H CHIMES. LIBERALS WILL NOMINATE.
J. Bell, potatoes: ter.
potatoes:til. 3lcClwkry, a,Ipses has The week commencing November North Haroe Co*veptiese to Be HeW at
and potatoes : D. Elliott, potatoes :Wingttao Dscesber itch.
Emer(,,pti, oats: Wm. Bich*" potstoes • 2lth k to be observed as a week of
• W. Jennings, prayer among the c u n pro
W Bicban b rch Pat
• A meeting of Liberals for the organ -
Thos D. Amy, ePP es ass. and cash : tory to bolding ruuultaacou• tom
nation -- _ -_ ^ North
apples: T. Il. potatoes
Huron was beld at Blyth on Tuesday
Mrs. W. Bell, potatoes: B. Orr. °eta: muniun servsces at noon on Sunday,
Geo. tiowerby, , oats and potatoes; December 6th. 8 last. Owing to the storm that raged
H. K. Kevell oats : Mrs. James Rey. W. K. Hager will preach at that day some distant portions of tlbe
Sterling, wool. Mrs. T. McDougall. both services next Sunday in North riding were not ropreseited, and it
.re the street-Metbodtst church. Morning was decided not to proceed with the
money oubj t: "Ove of Orel'• Homes in election of officers. A meeting for
Hard Times." Evening subject: "The the ,•ompletion of tbe organization
Personal Quality of Sin." wil he held at Wingbam on Tuesday,
The executive committee of the December I+tb. and this meeting will
Baptist Young People's Union held a he also • convention for the nomin-
meeting on Tuesday evening to are .tion of • candidate in the Liberal
range for the ejection of officers and interests at the next Federal eleetion.
the annual business meeting which Mr. F. F. Pardee, M.P. for West
will take place on Monday, November Lambton and chief Liberal whip at
,kh Ottawa, was present and addressed the
In Knox church begincing next Sun- meeting briefly, Mr. Wm. Proud -
•e, toot, M.P,P., also gave an address.
erne, knitting. The following
Bateman, McKim and Hunter. names of those contributing moo
A plan of the hall may be seen at Mr. Torrance. Mn. Cook..Mrs. Cham -
Mr. H. Edwards' cafe, where reserved' bets. S. R. MacMatb, Mrs. Pugh, J.
'eats may also be trookr,l. Burton, Mary McLelland, Mrs, 0. W.
-- Sturdy. Mrs. Sturdy, Mrs. P. Mc -
The regular meeting of the (ioderich rougall, Miss McDougall, B. Pearson,
branch of the Red Crow Society took The oats, apples and potatoes were
Place in the town council chaos/or on sold and realized 838 50, which with
Monday evening. Yrs. Jones -Bat)- the cash contributioos WSJ placed
la� 10
man repotted that the members of the the credit of the Ked Cross
'Britannia road ieaneh had made $52
at their last sale, and that they aro to sal sevtces yrs
give • concert on November ''I in aid ' Last Sunda was a notable day in day eseoing spec
tor two weeks
of the Ked Cross Society nod of the North tg thereet Methodist Sunday schoolbit y* preparatoheld ry to the Communion ser-
Belgian relief fund. anniversary*
The Society wishes to thank Mr. , Rev. A. W. Barter. B. D., of gerforth, vice on the first Sundw�ll beof December. red
Salkeld and Mr. Cook, who generously was the special preacher for the day. A series of addresses _
bard Messieurs Iwo'
Barker, who is s singer• of °O by t�be music will he rendered by the
choir. These services will begin each
evening promptly at 8 o'clock.
The French Zouaves, wbo have
frequently distinguished themselves
by dashing charges, have again been
utilized to dislodge the Germans from
a position near Bix•choote, over
winch there has been much fighting.
end, according to the French com-
munication, have again been success-
These incidents are just a sample of
what has been occurring in northern
France. along the Aisne Valley,
around Rheims, in the Argonne forest.
and on the hanks of the River Meuse.
First the one. and then the other,
gains an advantage, but when all u
told, the general situation remains
about se it was.
It is reported from France that the
.Germans are preparing to make an-
other attempt to get through to the
coast by way of L a Beane, but., like
the rumors that the Germans are pre-
paring for a retreat, there is no con-
firmation of it.
Neth, a hereby
egiven that • will be
♦at'►r H he Judge el Mamiethe Coast,
Mrt of the toasty
of H. *1 1* Curt
Mews.Onertc1, 1
.f Novemssr. Ms• m M • am.. to hear
asy.t.rmis• temple rte of mid mil-
to the« own ids of the Menielpality of
2tswa � 1Mi.
:.lie 't n day i .vember, Mi.
L L KN(ii.
cleric et the ud"aldpatitr
g d the Tetrad Me.rieh
MX fur•TE or !Des ,Rn SruLYiAN.
SALE. -THE FOLLOWING lore or on rows or Guocutw. Rrne-
ao F •neon il*Osua1.
M.b det mes pat all het'
SLIM of The dalmm tar settle d ward
Ott �gN.agm�N r
ler , 111tersu. ,chefW.wM .. remedd d
elf- atU"sar•io*, oat. ars roe teed
rut dal d N"vem .tanamigese ill- •f
MY. a essrefell fidese
tbolwmer .ten dessesse
debentures of the 'lbws of
due December let. or.
4rem1er t.t. 1101. •t pule
t.. sent. Ale
TTo�yoe4�nofa11r11.1.. m -
O(\ Ai. B fl1Crrrt
�sIN FOR RAL=• -115.. 11 gpt*e erswteNat ebe ee Memo : aM WM
~.*same �s send etaeses leli sale tete Marts* i rias aar�t dlstemtrloas the
t Me emote
tom bras wgata • sant s( mow E
donated their orchards
Cballen, Harry Shackleton. Walter 'mean ability, delighted the audience
Dalton. Meredith tirabarn. John Bow- . at the morning service by singing
ler, Wilfred Danoey, Jos. Harvey. three solos, each of which had a bear-
George MacEwan, Wallace Cunning- ding upon aspects of Sunday school
ham, Harold Walters. Erne.t Lee, work. His addresses were unique, in
Clifford Williams, Harold Muroe 'that he used a number of large
Maurice Griffin. Ernest, Porter, Harold sketches drawn by himself illustrating
Williams, and the others who assisted the points be
a soothe to h Ill ..
ib picking and disposiog of the apples ; Mr. Bar gs
Blur -
mid Risen C. Lewis and B. tV{dder, trated address to the ,Sabbath scbool
who collected contributions from the in the afternoon and was listened to
farmers of Goderich township. The with rapt attention by the children.
sum of *36.50 was cleared from At the evening service be pr'eacbed a
the sale of the apples after paying ex- strong evangelical sermon that will
penes as follows :-Mr. Challen, seven live longin tbe memories of all w ho
days'work. $14 : dray, $5 ; barrels, were prvileged to hear it. It is to be
*4.50; twine and nails, 2v rents. ted 6 h inclement weather
A committee, consisting of Mrs.
Carrie, Mrs. Taylor. Archdeacon
Jones-Batelatan and Judge Holt. was
appointed to arrange for the collection
of additional Red Cross contributions,
Eastern Situation Important.
to the east, the Germans have
turned. after their retreat from the
Vistula, to face the Ruesisos in East
Prussia. in Poland, and before Cracow.
Each of these regions will probably
provide • big battle, but the most im-
portant will be that in Pland, where
the Germans are•sending their strong-
est and beet armies, in the hope of
smashing the Russian centre. This
would compel the Russian to tall batt
agaip to the Vistula,and relieve Silesia
from the immediate danger of an in-
Concerning the fighting in the Bal-
kans and the near East. hely scrape of
information •re reaching tbe outside
A S, o. 17, Yg
seemed dans earthiest.. ► 'r' M heli
cera altar
the Nine Y _• Y alester�sai Aden. i 1 i Y
rate to t�M dans • wkli� be Ma
W mese. sea that a. NM swasstnr
he nein far the sate •rete, r ani
sl. t. any perms dewes auks he
set then have received wake.d at eertrt.k olds 6th clay of November.
senedw► fes I:.rate.
••it's • Long. Long Way to Tipper-
1'- ---eels, ori. trey." was written by Jack Judge, a
Let.doo genic hall artist, of Irish de-
' Ap1xn WARTED l scent. He trmpresd both words and
de -
creek more than two years ago. Mut
WANTED. -A BILLABLE MAN null not fled a publisher. although he
Visited hoose
Wt.Vile mlemss jsma Y the after bones In London.
swm `ssm�� tsMpsr Finally M pervaeled one pnb.i•hsr.
ys Jets * 11 &tie ahoy vita year age, to hrleg it
peZli�; i �* vd at was • deelde4 bit
The Walkerton Association of Bap-
tist churches, of which the Godericb
Baptist church is a unit, are holding a
missionary conference at Palmerston
on Tuesday, November '24th. The
speakers for the day will be Rev.
Hugh McDiarmid, of Hamilton, Rev.
R. H. McKay, of Toronto, and Mr.
W. C. Senior. a Baptist layman, of
Torooto, who has given up bis busi-
ness to travel and lecture in the in-
terest of missions.
regretted that such A conference of the ministers aGnd
greeted Ma, manyarker r his rpt to
of the pie s were thus deprived Meth et church was held atcHolmes-
ibthe o eg pre c listening M one of ville on Wednesdayof last week. The
tbe trong preachers of the Methodist
denomination. meeting was cal to enquire into the
various lines of missionary finance- it
LEARNING TO SHOOT . i do know that it is esrentlal that We
meatiest Wittman
'defeat Germany at all costs, and that,
The Rifle Association of Canada has if the worst comes, men who have
a membership of forty-nine thousand I now no notion of going to the front,
three hundred and seventy-four. Of I may find tbewselyee impelled by duty
these twenty-five thousand one bun- I W do so. If the necessity for • sacri-
fice is the only obstacle to an increase
deed and seventy-two are members of its the member/421P of our rifle clubs
the militia and twenty-four thousand lin
a continuation of trretr work
two hundred and two are civilians I through the winter months, it seems
Speaking in round numbers, there are more that probable that for present
fifty thousand men in all, halt of
whom are civilians and half of whom I danger will be sufficient to overcome
it. The common present practice of
belong to the military organizations• our rifle clubs is for men to lie down
Theo: clubs aro teaching men to shoot
Knowing bow to shoot correctly is the and tire in squads of two, three or four
first essential of good fighting. Men members, firipg in rotation until all
have fired their string of seven shots.
whom we are sending to the front will This necessitates each man lying on
the ground for fifteen to thirty min-
utes at • time. For winter work
that practice could easily be cbo.nged
la South Africa
in South Africa, General i.ouia
Botha, commander-in-chief of the de -
(eon forces, reports the breaking up
of additional rebel eoeamaedos, and v.ry sparsely eovrrrd with verdure, the aid mwmbsn wbo aro already good
the capture of guns, ammunition and that showed wbere their bullets bit. shote ma= perfect themselves. but that
provisirmw a mnitlttde of new people��rmeJ he
HouseMod of Oleo dhthat ti• tr11/ -Y = �' n' oaf n, in;ni!efTsql oi ; LAyjrk W% Iliilierni Mea a trilned
Hotw of Lords today that in East it 1ptY nae An ' ChitL ft M; Wane.
the Indian troops are being fore, extremely necessary that the 'during the present winter by those
employed against Ube Germans. That man whom we are going to send to theby members of the clubs who an already
then has been heavy British is shown front .bould be skilled rifle shot• be- proficient. and that new clubs may *s
to the fact that the British cawhwlties formed in localities where there ars
to date IoW WO. tore they leave t'aned& They can
and will get in short order a working *one. lo many places the ranks of
HAROOR NOTES knowledge of drill. sn that that part thew clubs have been depleted of old
of their work is not eo essential per
requWte to their leaving Canada as is
their marksmanship.
It is suggested in a letter by Mr. R.
F. Moyes, published nn another pans
of this paper, that this winter our rifle
clubs should be especially active. Hs
never have a chance to Yearn to shoot
after they land in France. it they do
not know bow "to shoot when they
land there, they ma. easily go right
through the campaign tiring bullet to each man firing his individual string
i in consecutive shots. On any day■
alter bullet, some days by ten., some that were too coki to Work with bare
days by hundreds, without ever doing heads for even Lee tan minutes re -
any damage to tbe enemy, and with- (hAired for firing en individual string,
out steer becoming conscious of their quick firing might be pr$cti.ed. An -
inability to hit.
The war in France other obstacle to winter work is the
and Belgium is not like that in Acrid, e///226/111/ of the grNse in the mach -
of those Canadians wbo desired it anism of the gun. This can be more
found lots of opportunity for rifle or less overcome by using • very lIRbt
practice when picket duty, atimprovised
ts, and where at ntberapplicatioi.
times when firing at the enemy they The call for winter work amcng the
bed the advantage of • light dry soil, clubs of the rifle association is not that
A Letter from Salisbury Plain.
Mr. Ernest Pritchard bas received a
letter from his brother Tom, who is
with the Canadian troops at Salisbury
Plain, England. He writes in part :
"Landed, and in the pink. We are
at present practising war, but under
altogether different conditions. Every
sea trip is the some for me: i was, as
usual, sick. We were sixteen days at
sea- i nu enclosing • list of the fleet
of troops and escort with the Canad-
ian contingent, It was • sight never
to be forgotten and one which stands
alone. I don't know bow long we are
likely to be herr, but expect to he
some time before we try .conclusions
with 'der Kaiser.' I go on leave in a
few days. We only get three days
not much, so I must do some hustliug
to see e11 my friends. Salisbury i.
like a city of canvas, tecta everywhere.
We did not get much rest ; the bad
us out on a thirteen -mile trek the
morning after our arrival. We were
received as only English people can
t eerier."
WS/ telt Neat there was danger of a
deficit at headquarters owing to the
untiaii*1 eemdisie s to wbibb the oene-
try had been pialtget' It wow dseid-
ed to make a systematic canvass of the
churches tbrogggbout the district. The
ladies of the Holmesville church ver y
kindly provided meals in tbe church
for visiting delegates.
Some interesting facts are gleaned
from • table of statistics published in
this connection. The membenbip of
the sixteen churches which comprise
the district numbers -3.8W. Thew gave
during the last financial year to the
general missionary fund the sum of
$6,750 and to the Women's Missionary
Society $1,6:13. The Epworth Leagues
of the district gave $' 101 to missions
and the Sunday ecboon' gave $151,
North street church, Ooderich, gave
an average of $3.50 per member to
missions and Victoria street gave an
average of
11.15. There watt
in the giving for the
ire district
over obs previews year of $236. The
outlook at present is very satisfactory.
and with • little extra effort it is
thought that no retrenchment will
have to be made in the apportion'
menta to the various missionary
As tmnat Nlaahamns'.wwl be aad-
da. M. Mew ab
Aider that Judge . torten was made.
*ed she NE at the soarelsiteR Ane eaa
Saw he beard everywhere t
11* British where bey are 1 friendl many
tis ARies.
Woe Huron has been in an angry
mood gime. Monday last. The break-
waters outside of Goderich harbor
have been eearc.l visible at nae, the
waves being so blUlnae,
gb as to bide them
from view. Waver broke over the
north pier le great volume" and the
swell inside the b•rbor mads it neces-
sary for tbe weenie the! up there to
put extra lines ashore to maitre their
eafTbe steamer Turret Grown came in
early tie Memany wenn( and tied op
for the winter with her nano of grain may M ow.- - - -
aboard. Rbe bad as many as twenty Canada. it is possible for the rifle clubs towns it they could severe them as
lines ashore to bald has fast on Tun. to do their rebooting ie Ilse evenlegs, members. indeed, the Government
members by the call to arms. it
sbould be easy to secure two n
members for every one that gees
the front. it is going to he very di
eult for the militia department to
train all the new recruits to shoot
when conceitr*Ud in camp. They
assumes that the winter condition can then have only one instructor for
are on her to good work with the rifle. every fifty or a hundred men. The
is not quite justified, rifle clubs could much more efficiently
of emergency it and at much lees expense train them
s. In summer. In men before they leave their native
That swum
bet in such a
( bo h had to
work neer- as on lone
days the Ngb ways a7 f[«'d s could well afford to pay for every man
r hag to ae
time ewistg ore.
to the fresot snow very tats. In winter, this is not poen. engaging to enlist for the army two or
storm.. Isle. The work of the clubs world have three douses for every afternoon they
Considerable anxiety was felt on to be confined to Matur'iayafter'non'ss, put In at prattles, nodes the now -
Monday and Tuesday for the safety of a time diet 1s venally reserved for some vision of the local rift" clubs. W•
the etonwer Jleottisls Hero. A reseal; metalr.e?eatioe, sorb ea skating. it would lite to hear from the oeptalne
soma dteolated tial she wan ashore te would be a reel emeriflfor the young or sscrotaries of rifle clubs as to what
ekhfleke V !sown d
Lake Horse. At the fire of f M hmr rhe to give their ttaterday afternoons they oe think they could do during the
wbewbeeM. but It le tboand t she le ties wider to rids elub work, but the coming month" to train for service the
1112 shds' wick marry "lbw Leaks bonen .anger y well worth raking. We wee of out future contingents.
Knox Church Choir Scores Again.
A vote of thanks i• iso the mem-
bers of Knox ab,weh choir for the
splendii entertainment which they
provided in the "Concert of the
Nations' presented on Monday even-
ing. The program throughout showed
that many hours of careful thought
and practice hi i been put into the
preparation of tale evening's entertain-
eseiL Canada, Ireland, Scotland,
England, America, and in the "grand
finale" Russia and France were rep-
resented in song. It 1. impossible to
give • detailed descriptio* of the pro-
gram, which wan of two hours' length.
As might bave been expected, the war
features were very pronounced. To
the lot of the Irish representatives fell
the honor of singing the British
soldiers' marching nog, "It's a Long
Way to Tipperary." lo reterring to
this afterward Rev. J. B. Pothering -
ham said some people did not think it
wan • fit nog to be sung in a church.
but he thought if it was good enough
for the British soldier to die by it was
good enough for anywhere. The
tableau 'Tenting on the old camp
ground" was very realistic and splen-
didly carried out, presenting as it did
a scene which must be very familiar
upon tbe battlefields of Europe at the
present time. The representation of a
scene on • British man-of-war was
most amusing, even to the rook's very
notireabie nervouenees when • suh.
marine came in sight. Rev. J. B.
Fothe:Ingham represented bis native
country, Scotland, by a splendid ad-
dress which was easily worth the ad-
mission fee itself. The stage was
prettily decorated with flags of the
nations and portraits of men and
women wbnm the nation horrors,
while the portrait of Lord Roberts,
`draped itt black, was gives a con-
spicuous place. The closing items in
wblcb the audience joined were the
national hymns of Ruwia and France,
Rule Britannia and God Save the
Kin The school room of the church.
in which the concert was given, was
filled to capacity, and so successful
was the entertainment that it was de-
cided to repeat it on Friday evening of
this week
Fatal Accident is Goderich Township oa
Inst Saturday evening Willi/no
Perdue, of Goderich township, was
killed while driving from Clinton to
bis bome on the Hayfield line, The
accident happened about four miles
west of Clinton. The horse took
fright at two lads riding bicycles and
jumped into the ditch. Mr. Perdue
was hurled against a telegraph pole
His wife, wbo was driving with nim,
also was thrown out and seriously
Injured. She was found unconscious
and retrained in that condition for
some time. Then was some doubt as
to whether the would survive the
shock, but the latest report is hopeful.
Mr. Perdue was sixty-nine yes of
age and a lifelong resyea
of Gode-
rich township. There is a family of
several sons and daugh rs, two of the
daughters being Mrs. l4. Gardiner, of
this town, and Mn. Hort Lindsay, of
Goderich township.
Two Mon Verses to Tipperary.
Mr. T. A. B. Browne, of the immi-
gration branch of the Department of
interior, Ottawa, has composed t
odd Lionel verses to Tommy* march-
ing (song, which have been well re-
oeivbd generally. They are :
limek to Tipperary started Paddy on the run.
But when half way he heard them oaf the
Wither hod teg.n.
R. wrote to Molly raying ...near. although 1
loos yes 50.
"My .ountry's ori*"'. darn.' : a. Im I ri.b 1
stet CO.
New PO 4p'. is the tromehee. fitbtin 1
And (Melt 51.11 • we/O,' with is heart
true se gold.
Ret whim the Kalear's down sad
Mitelem's hoe seal..
Hell stare M f telerary teen ideeieg
M. •len
oat tied
Twawanes . IL -Anna ogle of u head
M mile* mere wig estersse cgs Colon hotel
stable.. 0314114104 J. e. hatione. Dto
prlstest : Tyson. Ocwoay. aoetlweer.
HOLTZRAI•OR -la Rn*ett township. on
"member Soh. to Mr. sad Mrs. win
Iforme nr et Proem. Uut.l. a
she ere Fent
MrANUf6-T'ROMPIInN. - Ar the hewn. et
be "rob, parents. (Bisbee. street. (Jade
es November lath. Mary IGieehetk,
only daughter K Mr. sed Mrs. Adam
Thempp-•ria. to (Nita" It, edema nen of Mr
and Mrs. Jams McMua.• Colborne, by
Rev- (lee. i Roes.
Meeting et HersnCossty Cieseeel - W. Lame. .1
Debeetaee• ter wan- Anse Neon Mlles ...A
Neale* Dr. Sale ..... ... .....11
AK Pistis-Ibla,M7 SteaM A
Med Reei "fee Sale -lin. ♦. C. vette ......1
Neese Mss Meas -A. r Wells i..y..1
Arnim -J, t nems. .....!