HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-11-12, Page 8• Tat•waDAT, Novenaot 12 1914 TS! SIGNAL 3ODelRIOH : ONTARIO Big Boos - Sale Before Christmas Hundred. of full cloth hound books ranging in prim 'tic, 50o and 75c, oo sale. all one price, 25o EACH Among these books will be found many of the popular and standard authors, including books specially suitable for boys and girls. A. we need the room these books must be sold at once. Patriotic Stationery We have just added to stock en envelope to match the " Rule Britannia' pad,with flag on flap to retail at tOc per package of 15 envelopes, or 2 packages for Ibc. Bones of note paper and enve- lope- v-1th flag oo each sheet of paper, price trrc per box. "Rule Britannia" pads, flag on each sheet, cote size, special 15c, letter size 25c each. War Pennants A splendid assortment of "Bel- gium, "Wi .t We Have Well Hord.' and Aber popular pen- ns.nts, trice Sc each The aoderich Book do Stationery Co. ()KO. PORTER IKIPPER Ae.lvetear'y services were bald in the Prsebyteriaa sburi n oa Monde.y, for Let last, whoa the Rev. D. W. M Urquhart, of Ooltlogformer wood, • fr peachedpastor, eached good sermons to large eoogrsgatloos, who were de nthted to bete and meet him uooe more. Lest Sunday, the 8th inst.. the ' Metbodleta held their atnivereary .ar- ' vies., when a former poetise, Rev. F. R. Malott, of St. Marys, preached able sermons to lana and delighted coo - morning and evening, and ` e ahernonet riddre..e l the Sab- bath ecbod. The offerings at both services were liberal. A patriotic citizen. who.. name I should be spoken with pleasure at the present time, is Mi. James Petrie. aL the London road, who gave $100 to obs committee collecting for the patriotic fund and told theist t , use it tor that fund or for the relief of the Belgians a. they thought beet Long may be live and may he nevei know the want of enough to make him happy and condor table ! MUT WATER BOTTLES Priced at $1.25 un. Also Fountain Syringes. Bulb Syringes, Ice Bags, Air Cushions, and all sick -room supplies. Buy Made - in - Canada gds J. A. Campbell, Phi B. Ceara Drug Stars, O.dsrick Corner North Street and Square Phones :-Business 90 Residence 328 1 � O Notice to the Forams! GRAIN ELEVATOR and CHOPPING MILL We are now prepared to buy all kinds of Grain at our eleva- tor, north of MacEwan'a cot1 yards, (4odericb, and will pay the highest prices at aBenner. CHOPPING We beg to announce alio thet we have installed an up-to- date Chopping Mill in 000nec- tion with our grain Nosiness and are now ready to attend to the wants of the farmers in this line We shall be glad to chop or roll greln any lay in the week, and If yon will give to a trial we true( 11. ,. good work will merit your oon(inued patronage. " J. E. BAECHLER MacEwan'tate •ieltudirs agents toe SCRANTON Cf A wLa' for God•rich and District Egg Coal, $7.75 Stove and Chestnut, $8.00 p0? ton RENT COAL MINED Any ggwntity hest all Map(. Mahe, Mixed Wood, Hemlock and Kindling tOrder or Pine.) ♦ - TELEPHONES, office O residence solar a Now Way to Hunt Osseo I rid you hear chant t he local banters who took a ferret along with tem on a wad goo.. hunt sad len the ferret on the bank to wvteb for while tb.y went down tips lake then forgot about the fetid bbwere n.'arl horn* and W tta� backfor 1t ► Rumor says to d Ting they got was • few Nosy 'hr.,ug1 their clabber when ese tense t Mohamed his gess. ASHFIELO A very important event occurred at Plain View farm. the comfortable home of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Brown, on Wednesday, October 21.t, when their only daughter, Elizabeth May. was married to Mr. Hugh Ferguson, a pro.perou. young tamer of Amber - ley. The bride entered the parlor, ac• comparried by her father. to the strains of the march played by Mr. Roy McKenzie on the pipes. The bride was unattended daring the cere- mony and was dressed in allover silk embroidery over white silk, with veil to match, and carried a bouquet of white carnations. After the ceremony, whish war performed by Rev. J. S. Hardie. of Asbttrld, in the presence of about 30guests, the party betook them- selves to the dinirg room, where • dainty supper was revved. In the evening a large reception was given, about 150 guests being present. The many presents they received were both useful and valuable, showing the high esteem in which the young coup are held. They lett on Fr.dey tor a sheet honeymoon to Welland. After their return home they will reside on the groom's farm near Amber ley. LUCKNOW A quiet wedding was solemnized at the parsonage on Wednesday evening, a ben ilio Wylde MacLeland, of Ber- vie, became the wife of Mr. Jobs Mow- ritt, of Blyth. Messrs. Tbowaa and George Aitcbe- son were in Orkney recently attending the funeral of their youngest brother, Jatues, who was accidentally killed oo the Grand Trunk tracks. The women's committee of the Pa- triotic leagub, which was recently or- ganized bene, baa its work well under way, and a large number of articles needed by the Red Crow society for the comfort of the volunteers are be- ing made. Mr. Thomas Webster. wife and daughter, Gladys, left on Friday for their new home in Detroit. Mr. Web- ster has been a resident of Lockn, w for the past 21 years. Tbougb moving to 1)etr. it, Mr. Webster will still hold his position as travelling salesman for the Imperial Bag Holder Company of this town. The fuoerel of Samuel Morrison, held at Greenhill cemetery on Friday afteroon••. was very largely attende Dece•seo was in his 85th year. He is survived by three sons, James and Dr. Andrew in the west : Samuel, at borue : nod three daughters, Mrs. Black, of Florida : Mrs. Hyliard, in Caledonia, an4 Mils Jane, at home. Word has been received from Salis- bury Plain, England. from Mr. Gerald R. Holenback, who left Lucknow with the first contingent nearly three months ago. He hes sent home a num- ber of souvenirs of the war: one is • beautiful painted pennant with the soldiers in uniform. one of Valcartier, and • photo of the el tampion, the ship on which he sailed. etLYTH Mies Patteson, ,rho bas been seri- ously ill at Exeter, bas recovered sui- flciently to return home. last Sunda anniversary services were conducted in St. Andrew's church by Rev. S. McLean. of St. Marys. Mr. Wilbert Spofford, who is em- ployed in Messrs. Poplestone & Gard- iner'• store, spent last week with friends in Woodstock and London. The Liberals of North Huron are holding ao organization meeting here on Tuesday,November 17th, and it is ezpected tt Mr. F. F. Pardee, M.P.. win give as eddies'. The Ladies' Thimble club gave • 10 - cent tea at Mrs. J. G. Kmigh'a lest Thursday night, the proceeds to bre devoted to the Red Cries fund. The enuelpt• amw'unt.d to 912. Tier r. gun. monthly tuee;•iog of the W.C. T.0 , b. 1 . to t h Oddfellows hall oe Wednesday eveott.g, was largely atteoded. Mrs. Hooper, of Exeter, pessid.ot of Huron oouuty was res- ent, and delivered a splendid res. Mal Ma pore outpost ed S. Hal convection recently held n Tor- ooto. Mrs. A. Taylor, of Blyth, aim gave • few good ideas on "Food `albss. Mr . Jarboe Coulter, aged 71, died very sude.nly Thursday night at the home of beer daugbter, wbom she turd jest come to visit. Rhe retired in her usual Matti, but died during the night from the effects of an attack of heart failure. The remains were taken to the family residency. in Morris town ship oe Friday. Besides her husband, Mts. Coulter frame nor eon and four daughters. Tb. farmers are now Anishing up (Mir outside work, but the bad wea- ther of the past few Nuys baa delayed operations There site still • lot of room and also a lot of apples to he saved A kit of the enrolee will he d.- .troyed. but it is remarkable how much fruit will he packed sad shipped. Mr. A W. Marin and so., Robert, hays in the se(gbborbood of 411111 bar- rels, and hese shipped some to the west. but the most of them are being shipped to thy British market. sit UNAvs Thee passed away at his horse near Zram on Friday. October Web, a hl�l7 r.spertet resident is the pee- reS of Jn n McLean. at Oe o4. psi MI years, atter an Iliwese of soma two mneth.. Bore 1. M . rk haat township, York eou.ty, 1. MC he tame be Sol - grave vhialty with Ms permits 17 APOSIIIVECIE FUflEDIAT1SI Htmi iia et yen& Haws Fossil - Fr it...duss - Moir Hola fl MS LETTER !rr(ierime isrt et Sealey 3iee1 t. Termite Teas Hew fib Cared Iflimaefr of drank Rbwmeak m After Suffer. lig fee Teen. DO'vR.COORT ROAD, oe.. 1K. 9955. "For a long time, I have thought of writing you regarding what I term a most remarkable cure effected by your remedy '• Preit-a-tivea". I suffered from Rheumatism, especially in my hands. I have spent • lot a money without au good results. 1 have taken ' Nruit• • trues" for 18 mouths now, and an pleased to tell you that I am cured. All the enlargement has not left my hands and perhaps never will, but the soreness a alt gone and I can do any kind of work. I have gained et pounds in tri mouths". It. A. WAUGH Rheumatism is no longgeerr the dreaded disease it Dace was. Rbeamatiam is 00 longer one of tie "incurable diseases" •' Pruit-a-tives" has proved its marvellous powers over Rheu- matism, Sciatica, Lam -In fact, over all such diseases arise from some derat,gement a stomach. trowels, kidneys or skin. "Pruita-tives" is sold by all dealers at sec. a box, 6 for 32.50, trial size, 25C. or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Frusta -fives Limited. Ottawa. years ago. Although only two years old he remembered pori* of the incid- ents d the slow journey by oxen over the rough blazed roads of those early times, and picture his first look into the log house, which had been built the preceding summer by his falter, Donald McLean. and what became later the old homestead on the corner of the 3rd line of Morris and Wing - ham road. Here amid the forest he spent his early days and later with his brother helped to clear away the Sorest, and to tend the toll Fate which barred the way before the house. In PrItt he moved to lot 40, concussion 8, Earn Wawanosb, where he resided until bis death. He was married in 1SM to Margaret Tillie Sheffield, who now survives bine Besides hip sor- rowing wife be leaves to mourn his low two brother., Dan, of Bsltleford, Saskatchewan, and Hue h. of Hamil- ton : one sister, Mrs. Wm. Webb, of Wingham; three sons and two daugb-, ters, Dr. Will. J . of Totooto Percy, Lillie, Cheeky and Uldine, at borne. The funeral, which took pace to Brandon cemetery, was attended by • large number of relatives sod friends who cam. CO pay their last re- spects to one, who in his quiet genial way had made • host of friends and no enemies_ WINOHAM Mrs. John Roe. of Morrie toworbip, who had been in Philadelphia visiting her son. Dr. Roe, died there on Satur- day. bbe leaves • husband and sever- al children. The sudden death occurred in East. Wawanosb on Saturday of Vera May Beatrice, eldest daughter of Mr, surd Mrs. Thome& Taylor. The funeral was held ou Monday to Wit.gharn t'emete ry . A government demonstration car of wool and egg exhibits from the depart meet of agriculture was visited at the C.P.R. station on Saturday by • large timelier of farmer, from sur- rounding townships. • CONSTANCE Mrs. Proctor's home, south of Con- stance, was burned to the ground the other night. it was about one o'clock when Mrs. Proctor got up and lighten the lamp and as she left the room to get • drink of water the amp explod- ed and the house was noon in llamas. Mrs. Proctor managed to secure her trunk and some clothes but everything else was consumed. Mr. John Moore, of Petigo. Far- mauaugh, Ireland. has been vbitl.g at the home of his cousin. Mr. Wm. Rlnn, near here. and also with Mr. Wm. McGavin, near Lerdhor-y. Mr. Moore is delighted with what be has soon of this country and especially with the tine farms in Mullett and Me- Killop. Mr. Moore's father was a 6essfbsr of ' Mrut Sim 1Sfl - wursiov lady is now 90 years of awe sad it le Sts years since she left Inland and it is needless to say .be enjoyed the visit of bur nephew very much and he was surprised by the vivid ren ollectlons of persons and places in Ireland which the aged lady still pns•eesmes and the Intelligent and entertaining manner irs wbicb *be ma converse abont teem. GI L LETT* LYE EATS DIRT" TOWNSHIP.• 0. Tuesday enormous, November 1�7th�,1� United Patriotic Society of (bode04 townolup will haus a sewing meeetiau at the borne of Mrs. 5. T. WRAC Bay45M road. All the wooers of the vidaity are invited to attend. OM -MORN( The tax collector made his rouodr last WW1. Miss Clara Copp spent the week sod at her borne in Blyth. Mrs. Truemoer, of Homan. is visit- ing with her daughter, Mrs. John [horst. Mr. John Million, of Goderioh, was around last week taking orders for the Beomlller Nurseries Mies F. Cumin has returned to her home in Toronto. after an extended stay at the home of Mr. t'. Maedel. ST. HELENS The Miller Estate are taking fowl on Wedireed•) and Thursday of each week. Musa Sadie McDonald, of Lacigside, was a visitor at Mr.. Miller's for the week -sod. Mr. Jo!'n Joynt is busy draining his farm. He bas bought from Mr Phillip between seven and eight thousand tile. which he is busy haul - r. Frank Irvin is fitting up a .bopping machine on his farm and expects to be ready this week for work. h is just what our village needa, a good man at the chopper. . The oommittee for the public lib- rary mot on Monday evening and selected sew books, which they expect to have Tory won. Miss M. Murray was appointed to attend the public library convection at Walkerton on Thursday and Friday cf this week. HOLMESVILLE lieu. R. J. McCormick was called to Vat mouth ('entre last week to attend the (unreal of an old friend. The men of Holwesville are bur preparing foo "Mens Day" and "Men s Dinner" on Sunday, November :and. acid Monday, November Med. A large chorus are aiready busy practising for Sunday and preparations, are well in band for the fowl dinner Monday evening. An excellent programme will also be provided. A miseiooart conference was held in HolweavUlr Metbodist • church on Wednesday, consisting of the minis- ters of the district and 'apnea repre- senting 'tate several changes. Plans were !aid for • thorough canvass for minions. Our wis+iuoaries oo the firing lire must be fed. With the boundless resources of our Canadian Methodism, our heroic offensive move - meets in foreign lands and at horse ought to be loyally sustain.' LAURIER. Mr. J. N. MacKenzie bas returned to his borne bere for the winter. Mr. Graham, of Ripley, is at.preeent visiting his friend, Mr. Wen. Bucking- ham. Mr. Thomas Thorburn, of Amberlev, •pent • few days at Mr. B. D. McLen- nan's. Mr. J. L tirant spent • few days with Isis daughter, Mr., K. J. McKen- zie, here. Mr. Thon,aa Kempton and sisters visited friends in Godericb and Clinton far a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Finley. of Peter- bneottgh. visited Mrs. J. Jamieeoo. Woe Vlew farm. Quite • number from around here intend_ to take in tbe Hard Time hall in Hinted hall Friday eeeoiog. Mrs. T. Bradley. of Tiverton, and Mrs. McDonald, of Lucknow, were the guests of Mrs.. James Bradley on Sunday. Mr. (hard Brown, on the 12tb con- cession, bappeeed with a painful acci- dent while attending a threshing at one of the neighbors. He happened to fall over • rail on the ground and broke his leg below the knee. Dr. Simpson, of Kioail. attended him. He will be laid up for some time. RURAL SOHOUL REPORTS 8.8. No. 14, STANLEY The following is the November monthly report et &A. No. 14. Stan- tey. Names ass in order of merit: - V.--1)ecil Johnston. Louisa McOly- woat. & dV.--Anna L Fisher. Tillie Nigh. Jr. IV.- Maggie Cooper, W. H. Co1Hn, H. Rothwell. III. Ella Fhhsr, Norma Hood and Verna Mcelyttsoot equal, Grace Fair- bairn. Jr. 11. -Leaks Foster, W J. Rom, W. J. Harvey, Second Part -W. Workman, Dot- Noa Foster, W. Rus. First Part -Bordon Hervey. Lloyd Woraaan. Krmeet Sutton. Tb. best • tlMes io the monthly mates wine ; V. and Sr IV. Joberstoo: Jr. 1 V. -Maggie Jr. IiL-Vero. McClyss.ost : Jr. IL -Wilfred Ross. 8ecood Part - Amy Appleby. , rowwwttP EICEEDEIL its oars• COLBORNE +� Township council met to To(►sablp Hall. Nov, loth, 1914 All ser tubers present ; minutes of Out meeting read, and w motion of Young and Hetber- ington were adopted. The following accounts were passed and orders drawn no the treasurer far same : Watson and Wilson, culvert at cheese factory and 1 load of graved M 90t &Iain R Axing culvert ata rep•lring road. 94.00: James Adams. plank for cemetery. 9194 ; John A. Young, wood for hall in 1912. 111,$; W. Puvtsdfoot, law costs Rotsertpon vs. Oabnree, 91M; Jonathan Feltsley, patting in Ute e.heri •t ofd, LSO; J R. amebic?, pleak for culverts, 922 13; John Chisholm spoon and cl eamlag catch basin, Oliver Coot, roam on gr'ador. 1 dip .10; 75; John Barker, ills •rad putts in culvert sad drools' ditch oe Dunn op's Hill, PIM ; Joh. Barker, plank sed !fixing bride. o. Lake Road. 912.1.. Mr. Fleming was present to sae shout buying or temmag the road through his property. Afar souse die . remise It was moved by Cbtsbotm ' and lisMsrt.gtoa that we defer farther 1 o..l 1u .tion of this Inoue? tie Moe /1 braery testing of ti• oouoelL Commit adjo.r..d to meet ow Dec 15th. 2914, at the hoer of too s'oioak a m. R. Mo1LWAu, Olerk. HODGENS BRO'S. STORE NEWS Showing of New Coats ON SATURDAY SATURDAY we make a special display of the latest models in Winter Coats for women. These styles show distinct changes from those shown early in the season. Prominent among them is the development of the Military Cape effect and the long Redingotr. We show both these new models in several distinct styles and a splendid range of cloths. Of none have we more than one or two the same, thereby avoiding any particular pattern becoming common. Come and see the Coats on Sat- - urday whether you wish to buy or not • • -° • • , Prices Range frnm $10 to $20 New Scotch Blankets $5.50 and $6.50 We have just passed through the customs a abipment of pure wool Scotch Blankets. These are imported by ourselves direct omni Scotland and are very high grade. They are famed for their wearing qualities and will ase a life time. Special at per pair �SeSo Have Your Worn Furniture Re -Upholstered Now. - We say now because in a little while it will be difficult to get materials to do it. At present we have in stock come very handsome designs in Freoch Art Tapeetrise that are particularly adapted for cid walnut furniture. 1f you bay. a piece or pieces that you want to have upbol- stored, we will be glad to give you an estimate for the work at any time. We guarantee first case workmanship and can promise prompt delivery. Let us figure on iL The $3.45 Hats Another lot of our Special Trimmed Hats at 93.45 will be ready on Saturday. These Hats are a part of a big special purchaae bought very much under value. They are trimmed with the best trimmings we have and are worth easily 96.00, in some cases more. Se.tur- $3 day Special. choice Splendid Values in Underwear .45 Again we call attion to the splendid values we Offer In Uoderwdar. Our stock was never so good, the range so complete, as it is today. Ladies' Vests and Drawers at per Karmen,. SS., 400. SO. 75o and..... 91.00 Ladles' Combinations ilio, $1.25 to 112.00 Children's Veeti and Drawers at per garment SOs. 2/Se. 90. to . .78e Ladies extra fine Cndirweer, in the finest of pure wool or silk and wool mixtures, ale all silk. At per garment 91.25, 91.50, $2.00 anti52.110 0 Saturday and Monday Specials Each Week we will print in this corner of our Ad. three or four Specials for Saturday and Monday Selling. We have a purpose for doing this and we think these Specials will make it worth your while to read this corner of our Ad. This week we offer ; Flannelette Blankets $1.55 pairs White flannelette Blankets. full 12/4 size and heavy weight. These are makers "&snood•" hut in no case will the imperfection interfere materially with the wear of tbe Blan- ket. Some are torn along the edges, sm oe beers oil spots from the machinery. y are the standard 12.00 quality. Saturday $1 and Monday we sell the lot at per r • 55 A Set of Black Furs $15.75 Black Fun, long bale Muff and Stole, trimmed with beads. large pillow Muff, long Stole An undoubted bargain. Stour- $15.75 day and Monday • Persian Lamb Muffs $4.90 Four only black Persian Lamb Muff*. mimes size. Close thick curl, worth double the price. Saturday and Monday Special e A (](11 each .➢r}•7�J Children's Rat Sets $5.50 Three only Musk Rat Sets for mimes and chil- dren. Muffs, quare shape round Dollar. Ac- tual Talus far more than this. Saturday and Mooday only $5e5U New Skirts $4.25 Berge Skirts, black only. New tunic effect. Just received this week. Actual value $5.W. Saturday end Monday each. $4.25 We Upbolater Furni- ture. We Re -Cover Umbrellas. Get Prime IPIPOATLAS MERSALL Dr. Samuel Colter has left for Tot- ed,.. where he will eemmeOee to peso - fire ,;,w The entertainment given by Mrs. Newlands in aid of the Belgian relief fund was largely attended. The ease of berms and cattle. bdd by. Mr, (il•twge Joyet, w•• attended by buyers from •11 over the district and se.• Mfactory prices prevailed. A arload of Dutch sets atrtved here recently from Holland. Farmers around Kennan intend going more ex- tensively than ever Into onion growing aez1 season. The fooeral of Mr. Arthur Batch - feed. aged 70, hold Setoiday •ftsrnooa to Heiman Union cemetery, was very largely attended. The service was ma - darted eoin the dwelt by Rev. It. Hicks. Dee.serd treaded in this section is a �ming man and later moved to II a- tst., where be resided for over 110 years. A few years ago he ret ormed to Hewell. He had been In failing beeith for two years. The enneert gives by Hassell Orange loots. f,•r the benefit of the Rd Cross •carry wim very largely *Heeded. Short addresses were delivered try Rev. W. Dohort7 ,'o( Heasall, Rev. it. W. Oollina, of Exeter, and Mr. A. H. Musgrove, M.P.P. of Winghm a. Mr. Mstatedrov. statthat there were oyer 7011 Orangeman with the Int Gamed - Ian eoetingent. The programme ls. eluded solos by Mrs N. Retrousse,Frianr Mos. Pd Ohwtt. M• ler Mase Ren- nie mod Mr. W. Oran a reading by Mr. ams, and • somber of mleatio.s 2 tM hard, Mr. T. ilhmp►i11 wait Keep' your money in Canada by purchasing Na-Dru-Co. tsoods "MADE IN CANADA" When yoti purchase goods Made le CCW by a Canadian Co... Eny.Oa snadn• get the goods. adians keep the moony in &iretation, Cotarred bre t employed and tarred are not :W upon tow the fsrr- 11ke of the unemm y.d. When you purchase Forage Made Oeai Cita/Adieus get duly the goods, Canadians do est get the nso...y for eireulatton. Fer- a filet dm Bey and For - .Nn labor 1s et phvyed. Show' your willingness to help general business conditions and keep anadian workmen employed by purchasing Ns-Dr.-Cn. Goods Marie fir CARAnA try a purely Canadian CompsfY• A COMFLRTE TOCK M THIESS SUPPLIES ALWAYS es HAND C. L. COULTIS Ilona Side of Seam DRUGGIST sod cNLtIST T!slgkeM Ire. In 15 Cents will pay for THE SiGNAL to the end of the present year. !t'