HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-11-12, Page 7'0 ONDON CONSERVATORY OF (MUSIC SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION, LIMITED g rRECEDENTQD OPPER OP SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZES. Write ise Particulars IQTTIE ARMSTRONG P. LINR ar. less. es Sac 'Denim) Pviacipal. Address: 334-6 Dundas St., London, Ont. 016LAND IIFLPS SIGNAL : GOD ME UNDER DOM ler If eedrets of Years Nos Bees AWN Weaker Powers AGAINST THE STRONGER Heel Presses For the w..—teteles t Pret•etl•y • Geometry WPM Wishes tap Mess-- free -Reel Salt Is the !:nest grain oI the fatncus Windsor Salt — especially prepared fcr table use t'y the most modern Salt Plant on the Continent. -Rye' • Salt never cakes" —never dogs up the shaker —never its damp bpd sticky. 127 F t • ••1 • is • 111 /•• 0••• • t • • , t , 1 ••:,•I• it ,•:•• •111,1•. tet••• ••m111 I •• •.•• •,5 ••1•.l•• •5•t•••• 0411114. Q.• s• is 0188 • 1 e l• -•.e a.. Oil Oratory) Irby le the presses war rega'g lu !M• Why are Cased• mei Am - SEM pt 1 S ed New f:mtl•.d sending theft to upon Preach sad battlefields against Oermaas W An tri.ns t The •sewer Iles very deep to the Haat Man do assay Wings today be- , - smsee their ammeters very assay years ago did certain other tktsis. Maga oI which the events of today an • 000seque•ee. To understand why the nations of Serape are nEht- tng today we must go bitch to We Soma Empire. • T1. Roman Itbpire covered nearly all of the world which was known is the ancients. Io reached frogs Persia is the blaut to Scotland to the west. aad from Northern Africa to Northers Germany. Tb. Roans tiov tw•aeot kept ell that great reales in peace. It had as army which was 001 ver7 large. but wblcb for cea- tortes was very well trained; and awed" all or this army was os the boaters. allowing the countries which sow 'pompon ttngland. Prance, Spain. Portugal, Belgium , Rhenish Germany, Swttaerland, Italy, part of *sugary, the Balkan Peninsula,' Greece, Asia Minor, Syria, Palestine,' lhtyp4 Tuns, Tripoli. Algiers and Morocco to five in peace. These countries ked good roads, good taws, 1 h igh civilisation, and the Roman •:as- pire gave them security. Europeen Changes Mach cruelty and wrong went with the eau and order of the Roses Sue Ore, and the people withfp le aor-1 ▪ became effeminate ant! lmatorsl. 1 1a tine the Barbarians from the forests of Germany and Austria be - prod the frontier overcame the Ro i yo man armies. now degenerate, sad then with great ease marched over and conquered the vast regions of the .•••••••••••••••••••••••• • FreeWarMaps ••• Every Reader of The Signal • May Have a War Map Free • •• A Map 3,3 x 2%,feet, showing clearly every boundary, every city, every town, village, hamlet and river in the whole European War area. Each map in a neat folder of convenient size. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Mon- treal has secured exclusive rights for the War Map pre- pared by the celebrated Map firm of G. W. Bacon & Co., Limited, of London, Eng. It is beyond question the most comprehensive map printed. The Signal has completed arrangements by which our readers can secure a copy of the. excellent map free of charge. HERE IS OUR OFFER Good for 30 Days only The price of the Family Herald and Weekly Star. Canada's Greatest. Newspaper, is one dollar a year. The price of The Signal, the Brightest and Best Newspaper in Huron County is one dollar a year. We now offer both papers for one year each, including a copy of the Family Herald's War Map. size 30 s 40 inches, in a neat folder of convenient aze for only This offer applies to all subscribers, new or renewal. who pay for the two papers inside next 30 days from this date. To follow the war situation intelligently the FamihY Herald War Map is tscc'cssar} R should be in every Canadian Home. ORDER AT ONCE • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •• •• • • • • •• •• •• Ttie Signa! °°'.,i`u`' : °"tma° 11 ••••••••••••••••••••••••: MORTIS ST • t a • DEL PUDRA'R Golden Medical Discovery es� fit; a Ret kelps ta..e.m.s digest tite road ad .111. slsrtig�f� It a feeds sleet bei sem ss.iles tied /rs art l eeleperform IMPslieee be a see eel, bgsthy m••mor, wlllwe AI be P'+..re 6/w. Mothel memos rat esnei ..tither dead see an t�Vythhe a is es reesYs . per ewer yews it hs Merl Mee,weet of bel gm: 7ii� K homesed b y ret les b'�t,,es err 1.11.1 ire."' et ammo i e Ha I It rue% heel SdNs. Te firm trial liar. n� M 'Alis IPS. t. Peso& Ettfilg i IL R 15 Cents will pay for THE SIGNAL torthe end of tile present year. Empire, whose inhabitants had b. nese soft and cowardly. It was a hood thing that the Germante trtoes swept over Europe in this way, for the nations within the bounds of the ristptre had become corrupt and twee/417; the invaders brought vir- tues which have never since left Kumpe—courage. a love of liberty, a respect for the rights of the individual ntan. But the destruction of the Ewe pire meant that Europe, once united, broke up into a multitude of stated and governments, some big, some little. at.d these warred fiercely with each other while learning and chit 1raUon were forgotten for • while. Two acts of people remembered and regretted 4 the old days of tb. Roman ilntpire. Such mien of lean- ing as 11' ted in those rough ages stilled for Me earlier t,ae *hen ten flourrrhed. and t1144 'tot ailve a dim (^edition that the Roman l- plre had been • sort 'of Golden Age' pings lino bore in mind the tact that the past mightier monarchs than tl'ev had ruled the known world and i hen any king In continental burope Misnee unurnally strong the idea was sure to seise him that he could re- tive the Empire by conquering kis neighbors This vision M a new Sas• Hire of Europe caused constant war end bloodshed for many centuries. The tendency still remains 1s the minds of the nations of coatiaestal i- u rope In the sttte.ntb century *pada Lound herse:f very rich and very straw Her klag by a series of event. buss. 'monarch of tae larger part of Mestere Rerun be reed over Spain. P.etumst Souther. Italy tad Sheila. Northers Italy. Heagsry. Antra. meet er (isrmaay. and Holier/ es! Ildgeme b the matrittie of in M / Ogees verym a tight. was addled is tb wssterfet Id.1, ase Primmer wee the ert*y im- peels& costtsa.•al alropaa mestry whim 'Ise Somata kiss !M sot M- ar elv nee gal.fde Of Serape Me VP* ,sea Omen • •merges Mgtlgg. tretb•ld ogle. Per r Pe Ong tat •eswid d the leasers Wee* 1s tee Mwe.eeseth sed etpflasimele ewtwls Prases was the etsespert W meet •dive power la Wasters - Serop• t'wdar legis ZJV. sat PIM es pee& her (readers M the Sha while eat pet Spain sad liserees Italy gals► k., Lewes.. teler It•poi•se pia at see Mee ocele0Mfi the whole et essttasseed Sump* tient d Ramis ad tat Halban essetrisa TPM, Oerssay b teatl.g Ib. e- lan tlwt deals W /bases mate la the pest Usti* 111,1 Osamu, ten spa .p into a •mober of maws& states wham mien tpser•tly mat, relied wttb see% ether 1• that ring. bower". they all ease together sad foegsd tb• German `µtee This sere Oesm..y M a very da'eag reentry It has sway Milieus erf people. bas emelt trate_ l very fist, NI an as .•wtspewb Peres& tse d and • powerful ray. With hila we rest of the woes has so quarrel: it 1. right that the German .b&eel 1� .sits, .heed have the one owvees+ soot, and should be preepeues est powerful. last the German Owttle` meet has set hen omen 'rah OW M desires um de what Spate end Haeme tried to de sad tenet --sae heat Gyms 11. other eeestrtes et Sump% Is make them Mea O..-a.sp, tied M make Swope wee great rlaplee The pseud Atlttltisde • Se far melds. Ms bees sad el vee► .ilIWs. tt1 ds ddlla>�h t �• lir the leer a* ail Steeps, tem. Germany watch Abe b sew *gbttsm, Now that ?eases is a pomodnl power sad Germed, tries to snub her, WIPP helps Prase. sad opposes nereasay. Rhem hi a vary large way, aye some et them mai moose for the war. • ttilw Marro Is *Odin amalast • psatr, width wishes to rule las whof Metope sail Weed the whole ale wedd. Our rupl 1s peened• km • pastry *Mei Padres to sassese Ms ewe affairs wlthoet caetre trots( OR O Me Settlah nese always baro begat mast the Ilea M $b Europese Ike Several reason len rdj do tab. lint et all. Groat a is • small eland• and its, population always has been email plespand with tbat of coeteental gape; consequently. Great Britain awed not hope to be lie on pews: which would rule rho rest of Europa. Rsessdly. the llriWh people worked WWI • way or governing theinnives peke different from that which pre naffed on the cooUa. 1 It was free Ewe not represstos; 1t vas Heir pverement, not *Anion rule; •rel people with uo free • system of gon- ossl*s were not likely to want to gabteet other watts sea to their rule. Many. they had a strong reason to and the establishment of. a great Displre of Weston Iboren. they where afraid that pooh an Cmpin erne try to subdue them mid .dt them to 1ts dominiosn. They knew' that their nusbere were scanty tan osgsparvd with those of the contlnen W couolr. s. and that if (:nasally. )Sismee. Spain aad Italy were to unit, would be la great danger So became the erttlsh dealer to net suwee.i mRrong oountrteet le Europe ant one over-etyog one. Oen effect of the .forts of siren; European countries to rule the rest Vas that the weaker ones reststgd Tbe emsUnentp1 lauruama country shoe strong may wish to rule others ' flet when weak 1t does not wlsb tc he fined by others. Pruner tough•' hard against Spate when that WWI lacy was dominant. 'fie Germans tilt'. aft Itke being controlled by the Itasasb. It follows that Great Brltait tee several hundred years has to: WWI a steady polity of beeping th, weaker and resisting the stronger Hewers She 1s the friend of the un der dog. ' La Queen E:Ilrale th's time Engem' foeskt Spain. Often it is suppose' that this vas purely because Eugene was Protestant and Spain Roma: .• • ••••.•• this new Oireet hlrtlei. bee 1 the .wattles liersssy was PitENOLOGISTS U OF ME IAISER'S READ Teem Age Me 'Oteerper S meed MI. Aro Psi& Seq•eaesew►--Mead Meller Thee Ammer The renewing srti& . ss the Asa Pia lasserrr frees • Phrenologlay poise eat view 1. IMr'tl•sl thy stalking hi view of the last that the damn" ilea of the embosses eel chases - Orates sf the Kaiser "Wok Mr Stackpool O'Dell. • w.Il known Lea don sdon libelant/eget, gives, was oriel' eighteen ,ears ago. whoa he shade Ms kat study of the OaPoror's heed - The head of the Germs■ Smp."u is below the :.t.rase to Mae We phren- ologist wrote. Coasot♦u.nUy the strength of sated esaat[Mtod does set originate In the .1.. of Hie Majrstr's head. The strength comes more from the ae&1r1t7 of bL brain. In cunJuae ties with the motive ternpemment. The dtr.etloo that the acttvtty takes M is accordance with etre predcmtnat lag face/nee Owe o1 ease to be oh screed te that of self-esteem. I should Inter that this taeulty lw Met algae strum, but active; in tact, js sae► a stale of activity as to pre- vent the other tacuttlas from have EMIR doe &taro la the couaclts or the fid. Whim Wia temilty becomes eletial7 emitted, even a small bead Meld laterite abilities ma make a good oanate-�aa even at times dm dire tae ordi.ary observer, sad lees flim is believe 1• tits existence et Psi where these is bet little. The Ke1Mr'e Missies EARL KITCHENER War Secretary Catholic. in truth the quarrel was sore than rellgiou; Spain wed the great continental power of the „age wad 11e two countries which stood out egalndt bar were England and leasee. Ati • result, Kneed helped Prean, although Prance was a C.tbo- Iie emote, and had bees England's enemy thro.gbost the Middle Ages. So also Great'Britain-oppoeed HTanoe isl=. seder Louis XIV. and Napoleon. yacht Louis XIV. she upheld Hol - sad 1pafa, and she stood agslsat 0.111, arta Mut Dote•* Herself Het there is a further mopes. Me ✓ eil Hkapa'e must detest Memel[' it Oeriesay were to wts asslase P5.... sed weak her the Oaylear begin w.aid attack our aspen asst. * br lima ale the part Whets deposes bed got all Hrrops west et Ileasis •.►tort to him he suss t•gt awM1 _ I; he tried to crust Oent Orlida also, sat his renal want, la leash he was detested. were resat y Pe b7tag to make them at WM the Metres' d tb. Seas Germes' withers of belay have gads sae Pesten that R ores they nag &spiny risme* sea gds mated ea sews gatat Jblte� iffiey British a TQM r ,t Oertesea de set Oto to ser the IMP" eery the streageot lame oa the sees age they %eve Neil • sav, her eases: gar thea they seeded for lefimrel t •ad cafe altbos$b the Brfgat min bad act hem weed to oppress ore/ senses The, have a c- osm parses that Oermaay -tits a pleap le tat see.- whish seems that the, optimise YA d Peeedeaelea am ems seek ea Omsk Whale kat seal. sus Wags awe. the .sty may be not swab thinIP le le Ube theft from fie t !Witte Empire. I ! linos the German Opplto was bo- 1am founded to tete years Misuses ISM sad 1171 es Plemmons* drip wwa dost.. Prorate thea wee A• str'eagest Pete • wed Or Premiss clover mast. wbwe pest • statesmen was E11asmwk, menet M haw Ib. se.r'al khstomr end strias • d Osesa*y bolo ase flmob st. Pups •w'w rows were earede le ream: Awarewed Peeper. thee ester the b *0perer Noiseless 111 11tsemarek m N M, sup tab Wed te Sept sad detest cleft seestrte•, bet hew that he rest set PPM them bstk M the ramp ides. Se be set .boat the Irl b d genies praxes • keep twist waned' h w dahwMd Antrim, and Asrtsyt he heap o•fet wild* w arwa3M Press a Ile eesseeded. la Mil M beet arrtbb Ina, Remo tehbd lige 6 new the formation of tk. law rormis bead. 1 should cooclude that the possessor tweed honestly believe ' that he had special powers, that he was he a spocial manner en anginas, dor from Heaven. and if he ohne ever take it honestly into pt. best Mel lots mimion is to mubdue the wort! to his Ne and authority, ha will *Manor, regardless of ease. poems. to ousts the nbm swiss et e7M *5 a.:im.., Mng oissi l.sa• fe h Vtvin. «ttho,titt.i,. 'h s. est qPM idem• an4 to Ms Is their fee hershea ibe w1a� Bee eF the Mehaaaofuas wait be roasteietly at Me etbre. file seomsiw •eif-sstsem, while It ata, be a danger te ever aMlsselftis t is aim a safeguard, for It tea, teed !him homed his .10.J powers Ti. thew ap his Deal 5. Moo eppsed to imp deeds of greenness. Apart from kis pastelos se Ogger'ee, he may be rscoffabed by those who pay him sufficient bemaget as a kindly, satiable MISo Not • Normal MIM To this phrenological stud, d the German 80i peror'ra head, sande eigh- teen years ago, Mr. Olen added the following remarks. apropos or the Peewit war The brain of tb. German 1.mperor Is esreedingly •ea•)Uve and ems• tlonal. This hart been noticed to hie various speeches, addressee sermons, and other communications. The quarter of a million brain cells of which he 1e in possession 1 shoal' suppose were in a content state of friction tear, samblUort, SawSawespoe•� ail a earl other, they would be likely to produce Inflammation Is the region or self-esteem and cauttoasnesp Por years tits mind tar been 1n • constant state of fear from mase nooses, eepedally in the directlos e1 Socialistic progress and Socialistic political power, also the denunciation of war and many demonstrations for international peace_ The feeling of brotherhood to ea tending over the army of Germaa7. and he knows 1t it is • source' d fear, causing atm to omelets tied t'te soldiers are sot to be trusted to fight u in oddee times. lJ we are correct 1n our estimate, this ■tate of th. psychological aos- dltlon tN the German people and eel - (Rory niggosb the probability d • revolution, the fear of which may he bee of the the: factors In brlushes this war to an esL—Tit-Blew. Undiplomatic Language Signe Tttto••i. the Italia* Ambes- s*der in Pare may won be pwe,s- tired against the Cremes e. How, eon al grounds. Wien srvtag as !nrelirtr Minister, Signor Tlttn. fogad rearnm to complain of gross dtems! r7'y on ths pan of the Gran•* Alm. bassador. O'grtb rw a y pe Atop Noma althose% le perfect Huai*, tiff to led during • call paid It. by the Foreign Secretary. end petntery R rained from offering his visitor • hair Apin. M tie opeatsg d fhb 1MHaa Csb11MtIon. when all the . mats attended t• uniformr, the Gene Ambassador was furious at Melee 10. tartan Minister to morefag dress- This ress- T?Is Is s meaner way of •rvsmgIag hinge,'. he caned opt to Signer Ta- lent. "You wake the diptemale and :,e fiunkcy. wear • leery. bot les ^t't wear no. ,ossein.• The Case's Se1M.re Many military exports have • pro ?mind admiration ter the need= eel - *ter. whale very lack et t.•____ya sad education makes efts temaitoee :.d fearless. devoid d el... eaa- no■s and ••n•tttven.et Tie Slav ens. emelt tboagb 1t he to make Imes and estimates, 1. slow 1a h •rpreting them Into melee sad mere .n•■ .o that the sewage Reeks moo it may 1e not to <erte a death Ird to victory with *goal tack a< tnt.r.at In the event to wbleb le I of an Inanio to pawn. Nevertheless, e is a tee fighting maeMsn, sal It .11 .quipped Propetrl, thrusted by htlrnl g.a.t'ab. the Buena& army b capable of *aythleg. . was b r nue bgtlo: ails ---- t Anand peasele rem tro sem Posse trod hi Owes IAS cls O 1? relg _d lir.....,, NOW11111111111 *1, tat 7 1==1111::110=0=1 OVERCOATS! We were never better prepared than at the present time to supply you with a new Winter Overcoat. All our lines in Men's and Boys' Overcoats arc complete and the prices are remarkably low for the value received. Take a look at them, anyway. SEMI -READY OVERCOATS READY MADE OVERCOATS M A DE -TO -OR DER OVERCOATS PRICES RANGE FROM $8.00 to 52500 Boys' Overcoats Range from $3.5o to $7.00 Buy while you have the first pick of the lot, The first buyer always has the best and most varied collection to choose from. McLEAN BROS. The Square, Geier& SEMI -READY TAILORING Agents for Carbartt Overalls, Sbs6sit's Underwear, Falwell. Arrow anted CoOaru ad Cuss THE LATEST NEWS THE TWO BEST SOURCES AT A BARGAIN RATE THE WEEKLY MAIL AND EMPIRE AND THE SIGNAL THE TWO TOGETHER NOW TiLL JAN. 1st, 1915, 35 Cents NOW TILL JAN. 1st. 1918, $I.60 THE MAIL AND EMPIRE By Reason of Its Superior Cable Service, Has Earned the Title of "THE WAR PAPER" The Merits of Our Own Paper Are Too Well Known and Valued to Require Comment Order Early for the Bargain Rate Send all Subscriptions to office of .The Signal, (;oderich, Ont. Clinton School of Commerce Aro you making the bent rare nI yonr oppw- limiting while you have them. No matter what your wwlh in Itf• every masa and woman needs a thorough burin/Dr trate- Toronto bee a Met{nsst Repotai los tet .per. Inst. Tb. beet way to obtain that le W bele for DerentowL and ttsortheed Cduratl.e c,W set nal 1ede.'.•xperiencr.. shares tree. Oemrue. new. W J. ELL.etr.F This yes w111 obtain at lbw Canton School Prisdpal. res Yee*, Street. Te oete. of (:asperse. Our Praising •0.et. the Getout req ul, td Head demands of tat theroa.kty - M - ArilDTtt Blt.*T. IT ALWAYS PATH; "at err �• leve neatened t►. late. Actual Ones See beset Ss•kks•pine. This 1. the only •y■b•s abbe* r.awire an eines Precose L Tbm Blue Yy,t*m r.eos isee Yt7 bulbs or tr bag - borrowed over the C-auoter thee teee uatri web re take ►ssad5sntt�l.�W she o. whet hemaweastisn to moaner. be had bad 12:011111112=1; teere the cines s•bad. of Oso cores elan the tene•A.s comTypewriter. tier 5 by i4a seasad Pantfra ter Ttiy.wrktet. )sal p►s.rra4•ts tr the Civil Sstviep Again tee Medd we s•r'ly slab to baggier* tbafr d'estde. a +wO•wrtisael iermers' Ceram le ' itnde s e fir time winter same.. • . Motes Mabee e.t el yes tined. was aastesmr y.eai•eeei.�1•' Iii v� a 'verb op-W.4We eererneadeuoe row by Miro 4 T. Ward, B. 1.. tit. Prnieipel .10 be ewidM lw •tyen bed •etrAsned YMtrse..re at ti write atonal' wall et the sense'.ad irr••et far vostoeff. F Oafar,, s1Ebtegle and aswagm are rhie smnng the cMnt..rt. 11.41 ars bring coot to the middle -and Ger- mane who are being matte to fight its Ease Prussia. They are fo•rlmeg t/l. hardships of the campaign very much and, to make .ratter* worse, a tree - load of comfort• tint ite way ten them the other day WOO captured by the R.ta•iana Dr. Mors•• Indian Root Pills cure ninny cess ass sanest, wbY are very ditlrresst, let width all who from the mese gess—w flogged with impurities, Phe /t mune the bowels to saes -- •treegthee sod etimuk•t. the _ and epee .p the pima r nig These erilatta r,ss, e/ the acromr,red igsperte sty dA Inds T Histeadosth e thos mod *0 shales veal& Dv. !!arse's lois matt !ti dt Spy. Dodoes! BUI ..UBBCRIBE FOR THE RIONel. erett•rmisis' When to Stop AMivertisiias tither, to give their opinion con earning the best time to estop advertising, •wet the following replies were received When the poputerion neon to multiply sad the tfaser*tioa• that crowd 00 after you mal never beard of you .tot coming rue. When Tots have ronvisee•t everybody who.e life will touch. your' that you have better good • end lower prime than they ran Ret anywhere etas. Wham you stop making 1.,r tune right in your eight min through the direct ,Pero of the mighty agewt. When you can forget that word• of the shrewdest end most suee••erul men renoerning the main cause of their prow parity. When younger end freebie houses {■ ,our tine erase vtart- leg up a.d wise the twee* triennia In telling the people bow mach better they ran do for theme than • u can. When you w '4 rather ban your own.wa a all than tabs TMvies *ad s.