HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-11-12, Page 6Belleville, Nova Scotia.Can.-"Three year! ago I was suffering badly with what the doctors called Change of Life. I was so bad that I had to stay in bed Some blends told nae to tak.Lydis E. Pinkham's Vege- table Compound and it helped me from the first. It is the only medicine 1 took that did help me and I recommend it. You don't know bow thankful and grateful I am. I give you permission to publish what your good medicine has done for me. "- Mrs. SIMON DOt/cta'rra, Belleville, Yarmouth Co., Nova Scotia, Canada. Seek warning symptoms .s sense of suffocation, hot flashes, beadaehes, back - aci ee,dread of impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears. palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregu- laritie., cooatipation, variable appetite, weakness and inquietude, and dizldneea, aro promptly heeded by intelligent wo- men who are approaching the period in 1[f. when woman's great change may he expected. Lydia E. P14kh.m's Vegetable Com- pound invigorates and strengthens the female organism and builds up the weak - mod nervous system. It has carried alaay women safely through this crisis. If yea want special advice write to Lyth E. Nath.. ledirine Ce. (esul. kettle!) Lys*. ices. Tour letter will be *posed, read and answered by a w.moaa, and old is strict meadow*. • Ttowitaat, Novattaw 11114 THE OCL IND ONLY IENOINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TiONS SOLD ON 7'H K MKKIT`I Ok BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES - beund or repaired. 00'.1) LK -MERINO on LEATHER ()000$ Alt orders promptly .headed Is ea leaving Sara at THE SIGNAL. Aid.rfok. A. E. TAYLOR, ata.Tvoso. MEDICAL K. GEO. Ht6ILEMANN. OeTK- PATM. epotanrt as weseem sad old• MMAeagpp.. tdaarppsee• .ar, coats. Atomic. rod serves. ar- afe.astiaoe ltM i.. and Nlad orth street. dear teem die *poem Oe4.ri.b CF, J. R. k'URIY ICR--los 6AR, CFI l pithelen setamed - Aural lawittl easilBelies i Gad eoeeasi Toe turest u+pt IosSR Kenna.. Wen M a. Waterloo Street. ritrto sal lora. espet a - s/saes tee pa Twtaow W. WH. ANL MINN11t M. ORRER, • U. C.. (Alretweet t..etas aa. awls •yaaalryr. Carerrpram c r tme •eie.oe not Dams wwoat Anus or Salts. ri.e examine glom Ower wyer asbaroresa ahoy t5tssk era trauma ea Yat evert. rheum t4. 01.1t•t LEGAL PROUDVU(JT, LLORAN A PROUDI+OOT BAl A:1HTLRN. SOLICITORS. NtrrA RI LS „ PU BLIC;. RFC. plied or. the Square. ..mond door from Ham Was street. faCrawsla. erl yat. 151.4.1e Mao at Iowan rate.. W. Puri! sores, K.O. J. 1. K1un..r K'. Paalleno1, Ja. U. HAYS TOMO4. CORM* Mar4mt Represearatl•e priests aro:- riilDltsg steers 11.00 Wrath Mandy codes steers 7.110 4. M aatcaer .teen, good 1.111 1.110 do medium 8.76 7.118 do (-mambo 6.60 4.71 Hallen► good to et oleo 7.11 1.00 do. medium to good. 1.00 7.00 tlate►er cows. choke0.10 1.00 do. good 8.40 0.60 do. medium 6.61 4.00 do. common 1.00 6.00 amebae bolls. choke . , , 6. N 7.11 do- good bulls 6.16 6.64 do. medium 6.60 4.16 do. rough bologna 4.00 fail ree4en, 1160 to 1,106 lbs1.10 1.711 da bulb 6.00 6.76 Mockers. 760 to teat ibs4.116 6.11 do. med., 660 to 764 6.40 8.11 0^. tlgtt. 600 to 664 4.71 6.64 Guam 1.64 4.64 4.40 6.116 Inhere, choice. each 80.00 IS. MI do Com. and reed44.40 00.00 Springers 80.40 16.00 Calves. veal. chole3.00 114.80 do. medIua 7.40 1.00 4o. common 6.00 7.00 Lamb. 6.00 6.18 *woe, tight 6.16 6.40 Mesep, heavy and bucks 4.00 6.00 Sadie 3.00 4.00 Rugs. welshed off an7.T6 0.00 do. ted and watered7.61 4.00 to Cab. 7.16 4.00 Toronto Grain Pekes Tae toilowtag whetstone prtoss are 'voted at the Toronto Board of Trade: M•altoba Wke•t-1 pke poets, old stop No. 1 aorther . 1.2*%: No. 1 aortera. $1.10%; new erop. No 1 aortboee. 8126%; No. 1 northers, 4!.2111. 1[ssltobs Oats -New crap. No. 1 C.M tic; No. 3 C.W., 44e. track. bay porta. Ontario Oats- Yew, maside. 48o a Me. • Oatarlo Wheal --N., 1. ear Iota. 81.08 to 31.1.1. outside, at -cordlike to frelgbts. America* Con -Fresh .belled. Se. 2 retlow, 11214e. cJ.f., the bay. Peso --No, r 61.16 to 41.16, oar iota. outside. Rre-No. 1. the to the, outside. Barley -Good matting barter. mi- sfile. Ito to Pc; Maattoba teed bar- ky. the to 17c. lake porta. Rolle4 Oata-Per beg of 00 pounds. 81.11 to 61.16; In smaller lots. 33,10 to 33.10, Windsor to Montreal. Rackwbeei-ice to tee. Mlllteod=-Catiots. per ton, brae. 113 to 336; short.. 636 to 337; mid- dlings, 828 to 630, food feed flour, Po to 332. Farmer's Market relieving are the latest Oootatloss tor Market. Torontmproduce at St. Lawrence Mart )1.16 to 61 11 1.16 0.00 66 •6t It .00 7; .M 91 .16 1.60 0.00 11.00 11.00 13.00 16.04 11.00 11.00 17.00 .13 .W whest, bushel ' HAP.RBITilt, SOLICITOR. NOTARY Goose wheat I'UBLic. RTC. Gate, new Oct litertuls Baal Stork. }Lomita. *arse'. Barley .... Oeee.iea. T ievaiolea. Bock wheat 1+'d WSW., 1.a.(e., and ta.ura.os. lye 0. °AMIERON. H. C., HARRIS Pan . TLR, .olhMRer. notarypsbtto. Gam, Hay. timothy. No. 1...21.00 Vid a. at vet, to .rtea. =door tr. Mixed end clover 18.40 Cattle hay 10.00 ARLSB GLRROW, LL.B.BAit Straw, Doodled 1400 Itt$TRtt, sus!. y..Nkitor. no., Gado- 40. loose 3.00 Mesas u teat at lowest ran. LRye .Rase .17.00 fl tsd ORR, BARRISTER, 9(!4 Straw 14.1131l it.tNotary Pante and Ow•e wooer. Butter. choice da1rT. - Ili toms,0oderfok. OP am tea. new laid. dint- 43 reel, dressed. Ib. .14 .fit AUCTIONEER. Sprlag chickens, Ib..... .11 .16 Decks, spring. I b. ..... .16 .10 THOMAS SUNDRY Tlsrlreys le 30 11 AUC1iIONRSR Goose lb 16 .l4 Lee bens, Ib. . I3 .14 Boz 47, Oeterb► AB lostruetrisa.W eau 4.. decks, spring. It. 14 .00 soiltored o Star nen well bo e t mamma te4.. _._. 1t nty at go.gars.. it, 1.4 00 v Apple., basket . >a 116 INSt11u10E. WANE. ETC. 000 PRIVATE FUNDS Tit , balm Apab b M, 6. Valhi., a.Riwer Haaligs street, Gederice. '` R. R0111RTMON. uN3URANOR AOLNT. rtLN A AND to .. rretwo 1 WithCasa/la- eau Cattle et Montreal oni•o.,.,,.main= aro b.5PIOvswWm,.Wm,.tt s' . Yellowing aro the latest gensa.s. rrr : Teat. ovum A.tYenu sari merrier es lams stock at the West Mad Matti rloroetr.tiea- Lenten, of Leaves, lin Puss I4T5 Mrs OV{ ssomm s posse : 71, U.S. M~ tasks .d oeataatee any- antabers' rattle, cook* 17 AM be 11 ft 0410. ue.t..5411. tars. stoma These illeset comer et 4 b m»dlaA II .10 1.00 b commas 4 80 6.40 Moa16IgP MUTUAL 1'Jith it ' Den 1 se 406 B U R A N CZ U U. -lard aid 1.04ated Butchers' catUs, eb.4.s owe prpp.rte Gamed. Odow.-.l. B. hales.. Piss., Seetertk P.O.: i Cees 4 .64 t .1a. J.n Vlo.Pr.., 4)edert.b P. o.; 40 weetvl 6 M 0.116 Haulms tt Gan -1', .. Seale tb P. O. do. b.11a 6.00 6.54 INrecW..- D. JtoOr pr, madded' : Jobe t choice o, W W YkaseaM.. e) t7 .y,.-r ...re... • jt - M. Iona sell,..► tnsdtaeea :lea sss1 .. 4L0, iia tafi.1.d.....80 M Baso. wpw : Babson Ferri. ,t►et.sk : M.M.U. fiprtedoem M . 00 OA* Ida Awes. J. W. erd. , 476 1.00 ppsayy J. K, Y. BelmeeraM; R emu& Ohm,. ewe vleek; woman Oka.•.y.5..fert•; k Botha and calla d 4.36 4.03 M . (a .l Seaters/ Poncy-bonMa a ripIr bd .. 7.00 7.3'6 Mn.O0.sod prt lams .lard.. mousses M a J. MarrW'. (Mains litere.Ottntoo. or sta. Hada 't.o b 0.00 4.40 K cru'. Grocery. itsufwos sireet, 0.4.11 a f•,atvr. 1 00 14.00 " do. barrel I.71 1.36 Potatoes, sew, buahel., .60 .66 O(dtfiow.ra. each .10 .16 *Moos. basket ,se .31 do. allversktns. qt.16 .00 Pear'•, basket .. ,00 .80 Pert, par Douai .11„ .34 11A.111AGE UCEIISES WALTER L HKL.LY, I>ODRRIC,L WIT. t)wU5*R Or MARRIA01 tJCpJ4i101. W. MIEDD t/• AUBUItN, r►NTAIU MkR(:HANT TAIWtt tan BYRUUM Or MAIM! MIK MANSION Brophey Bros. (iODRIt100 Tie Leadlsg Freers! Dkeciars aid Embalmers Orders carefully ata -rd -4 he at all bows, alert aw Gip. No Cattle May Cr... Bards. The tootund- mouth dist..n ept4emb among cattle la the United States M. ..aumed meth .Moms propo tis . that the Dominion Govereme.t W been compelled to page striates' Imo- Dertation retr.t*tln.la applying to the whole of the Republic. Ward was ales received le Ottawa that the Italued Atate. 8*. prohibited the im- portation of cattle from Ossetia. Ilia epldemir has now spread In a Mrs lent form to no l.n than riser. Stator, Secluding New Tort. Kaasaob.s.tts, Rhode 1s1•se. Illinois. Indiana 1111dk. gan. Ohio, Iowa, Peawayt,..4a, Mary- 1*ad, and il.lawan, sidle two other States are under rompleion 01rtter and gams. Lowliest. Out .--Oferlegs. 1.130 her,., ea. which 180 were geld at Io 13-140 NM* was hers 14e to 14 10-100 Oweraaa.gle, Qaar-ddgltt haleAr seem on sadness et barter. AN rid at 34%e. thalowINs 11Blow tt HNC C 11i1LAN 0e % 0L1 i1 11.14.. THS SIGNAL AIIJNC lif(MEN OF MIDDLE 116E Tells of her Dis- tressing Symptoms During Change of Life and How She Found Relief. He Bought a Saw Down in Alabama mine time ago a roan went unto a store to buy . saw. He .aw the kind be wanted and asked t be pricer. 1l was ill 86, the dealer said• cod gracious," said the man ; "I can get the same thing from the mail house ho.e for $I.35. "Thai* low than it Vest me," said the dealer ; "but ['Il sell it on the sante trims es the mail order house, ju-t the vain!." 'All tight, ' said the customer. "You can send it along sod charge .t to 017 account." 'hot on your life," the dealer re- plied. -No charge amounts. You can't do business with the mail order house t hat way. Fork over the cash." The customer complied. "Now, two cents postage and five rents for a looney order, to • mail or- der booth, you know." The customer, inwardly raving. kept to bis agreement and paid the seven ceot.. • \can, twenty -Ree cents top row •'Well, I'll be," -he raid, but paid it, saying: "Now band me that saw and 1'11 take it borne- myself and be rid of this foolery." "Hand it to you i Where do you think you are'! You're in Alabama and I'm in Chicago, and you'l/ bare to wait two weeks far that saw." Whereupon the dealer hung, the aw on t be pey and put the money in his doh drawer. "That makes 01.87," be said. "It has cost you two cents more and taken you two weeks longer to get it than if you had paid my price in the fleet place. - - Skin on Fire? Just the gild, simple wash, the well - karma D.1) D. Prescription for Ec- l'e.*. and the iteb is gee.. We boys mid other rum dies fan thin .*utile. but mono that are could pereooally re..•om..gsnd s0 the ran the D.D.D. Prescription J. A. CAM Orrtsiat. No increase price. is prion. Noew litaesd Gag heavy increase in twat of import- ant irgredlesta prim manatee the same. Want Anoth.. Scheel The* is an .44.ad.00. of over MU at Oak's four public eebool., all of wbieb are wetll tiled, sod in order to he prepared for the future the school board will lastk around for another school site. The matter of engaging a prolosioaal nurse for modscal in - i= eetMs[ aeiaiire flus tett to tto a oratIse eat VA tRluthe to 's- port - port on at the D..sm8., meeting. $100.00 IN f1OLD We will give one hundred dollars in gold to any man, woman of child that swam to benefitted by M.geine hair Wait We are anxious to have ever, one try Narmine• for we know it is the greatest hair tans.: that hos ever been dleoovered. Sarteine will positively ewe an Itchy scalp, bring lifeintodult, faded halt and ado inebe. to its length. Satin, le now en .Imide in 0oderich and M Gold under • guarantor to please. A lama honks of Saginaw oasts best 11' ty rent.. Be sure to go to U. L OouL drug store, for Aber .taxes dont Mee Naa.ine. -Mr. Wm. Blake left net Monday to visit hie brother Mr. Jrwpb Bute is BIR Rapider, lti.•,binan, who is very seriously .irt. diYda QUICK NAPTHA N } r WOMANS SOAP 3ODKRICH : ONTARIO TWO OERMAN CRUISERS NOW ROUNDED UP It was Ofaalatty ann.vnced 8r the Admiralty ea Tuesday that tM Genn., swiw Emden had been drisea rasher* •.!nowhere near the Straits Settlewlent, eat .a Ara and d.strey.d by •n Auto - trails, war weasel; and that the erwteer KeMlpa►ure had been bottled up I. an Atrium harbor SAO could cause no fertile` trouble 4p .Mpptnp. Tt'.se two weenie thee sum and captured many Rrlleah and French ships slam the the war brein out. THE MESH H CASAAIGN Danneelles OM.4.s Being 0estreyed by SHtesh and French Fleet Me British occupation of Turkish w paeta in Asia lltaor is proceedlsg almost without incident. Two forts at W Dardanelles are said to bare hoes totally wrecked by the bom- bardment from the big guns of the alll.d Beet, and the Russian Gray from Oaucaata la steadily svanciag to attack firser.m, the chief fortified piste of 'ruttish Anneals. Reports of tutorial unrest to W Ottoman brae come from assay martens. and trouble Is brewing betwes& 1.,' ler sad Greece owing to the saki*g of a Greek steamer aad the per.. omttsa of Greek tktleaa4 to Asia Minor. Tho 000apation of tick • port of Ardat. Turkey at the mouth of taw ab .ta5Jrab River, to the Persian Gulf. sad the tormians of • cable time to India. was anaoaao•d In a afa4easeet from the Adatiralty es Malrrdsy night. '11e Matsmest wee to the effect that • military twee hos British ladle, covered by the slSsp O41. landed with • caval M IaMMMt alter to Tttuidab gone bed bsaa,steaced. There were ao Bekaa essaalties. LOST Wmi THE GOOD NOPE Four Canadian Mlda2p,mss Mint Nave hMMed-Only One 1W wain /t ma the British ember Good Moho Roar-.tdmIrsl /Dr Obrlabpber .Nock's flagship, width tosadered altar beteg set on fire by theta from O4esaa warsblits 1a the caval battle Rima. took Claes of the Callow coast atadar week. The Brittsa er.Mer 11INsaatb. wtJck the Germans said Ow had .mak_ was badly damaged, sad r reported to ba ashore at the moan of Calle. 8o tar .a 1s know. soar at the Good Hope's crew sur- vived. urvived. This was the news -teen to the BrIUsh public by the Admiralty last !'sial*y evening teat its the peopls were bcgtnotng to think that the Ger- man accounts of the result of the battle In 'be Pacific bad been ex- aggerated The Glasgow wags sot badly damaged and neither the Otran- to nor the Camelot.* walk sogaged. roar ('anadlad mldsblpmea were on board the Good Hope. They were: A. W. ellver and W. A. Palmer of Halite. M. Cann of Yarmouth Na.; and C W. Hetheway of r rederlotes, N.B. CANADIANS CROSS CHANNEL Mespttal Corps Moves to Franca - Others March Through Old Landow re. boner of being the first Can- adian unit to leave for the boat bas fallen to No 2 Stationary Hospital Gad fifty Canadian nursing sisters. They lett ea Monday too /°lane.. LiestessatCeissel L T. SLWtagtos. Ottawa. as e.mas•ad. The wtaf ia- eladas sem .Seers sad oats ban red sad kir mss. Reeky baa L".4os's pepalatfos tweed oat IS NSA rest aatabers to tubers • lord Malatti thew ss ea Iimodar *sea tar Cleans Lebanese Gamed u....ieut ells& tni.moat r 140 alto& w.. isa.s.ely !rows d * gene.. d Ins A.. Wombs eta =Massy dkobr, ave ased's= parts a mast tow fit- part Three Modred mora rte .Gari! ewer, !•snob raw ss i` belly *fait were r flat, The ars. sod MUMS oath 0is•dw .walked • moiterstr with ems. At the last aamsa4 oar twat air Moeda/ reamost se the Land thaw, pared Imm diamt, ase led lid signs arab Is rae.gaIUor of Lir Wed. share Weiss/ esnsectl.s slab M c y .. L' 4. De Wol'e Bee le KNOW " easeral Christian De wet, the rebel leader. saws • Presorts d► +ss.8. "kms been la maims with sad th permed a small 0.,.r*me.t arm - Yamada ender Gement Ores* 1 aw ber eft the Legislature. tear Deem - Wog. fa the metres of the NOM, disionl De Wars sea. Damb1. psi M01aa. TRS* flemr.mest to moth* this* retamrese..ats to ereai.'s st• saber polite the robots haw boss Galant *We. Kilted Himself >dloe'Owral Robert K.lewice. re- tired, wee detected thaberlep ler 124 days against th. Nem, eas found dead 1 his Lando. tree ee a ttditdisted staapyt ..... ` the best. The mirth* of tPaa.v1 Kdk.wlett la ettr belle4 M armee loreak4owa Meetred W formed a Rome Closed of three thousand men oath to sew sees a rise and 110 reads .t ammo stales Capt. Relit Bartlett, wbo oats.a ded the net Arette skip Kagtht has reached Ottawa Dir. A. L. Dao ldsom et Osadaa Ripa =airstissiag for oaths thea le Ihs Rimy drtetst, where hal bM was a a bustles try ScrantonWhiteAsh HardCo H A P P T H 0 U G H T R A N 0 S We handle the celebrated White Ash Scranton Coal. This is a coal free from clinkers and burns to a clean white ash. Cannel Coal and Blacksmith Coal We always carry a large stock of the above coal EGG COAL ;7.75 STOVE 6' CHESTNUT 1$.00 HARD WOOD $2.50 a Cord SGPT WOOD $2.23 a Cord itr11/ The Happy Thought Ranges and Radiant Home Heaters have no e9ual in appearance and working qualities. They will do more work on less coal than any other Range or Heater on the market. This is a btrong assertion but it is true. It is cheketi by thousands of satisfied users We have a number of second hand Heaters and Ranges in Ai repair 1616 Our stock of heavy and shelf Hardware was never more complete For Plumbing, Heating, Troughing, Electric Wiring, Etc., let us figure on your job. All work fully guaranteed. STORE 'PHONE 22 CHAS. C. LEE Hot ,t 'Nom, 112 us Reach the World by the Bell System ABUSINESS MAN told w the other day of bow he is meeting the slackening up in trade. He was about to send a salesman to see a customer two hundred and fifty miles away, but he had little conldence In the outcome of the trip. He had not time to go himself. although he did want very much to have a personal talk with this customer. This is the war this business man explained it to "All at once 1 thought of the telephone -why not call him up and talk with him myself ? When 1 first spoke to him, he was a little nervous about buying anything, but by a little reassuring talk I was able to get • first class order from him. I am now covering our entire territory bp long distance telephone. Gad i tell you the results are great. My one regret is that i didn't adopt the telephone 'Betaloc( sooner." The saving the long distance telephone effects in time and labor, two great factors in business costs. makes it the great ally of the up -to -Date business man who 1s trying to keep things up to normal. Get the habit of reaching your world by telephone- It will pay you. ,o A.., /fit r.4As a + ea • l wp cwre Natio*. ,, The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. Are you Bilious? _ Dew'r fief a raw too klead eg. i chrowie indigestion. la thwhile yea suffer frees miserable, •i e headache., tier - sass sieve sad adtlow eimplinrionJ not try C H+OMMAC lieve ifenammedea. w& Urea TASLATIL They re- tssea iame whirstr M'Nsea tr t" o a.idia'`.''6tw ,i TAKE THESE Farre Help t0 be Warm lir H. A. Macdorkll, director immigr'atioo for Ontario, is of the softies that nett opting there will be • larger dsmaed for farm labor than lever before known 1n the provl and time *1 .411 be k the advantage of tie f to sheer, help at the pre.. eel dose. wins k, the facts that ha - migration room the old COMMIS baa boon poetically at • diBthkpl sad that so many firm hands hove goal with the °.median 00,1 tMBt • short- age the.off labgor well be ex ptMTjwd w comes Mr. llf adoeetI Malaita, way ere fanners suss«, s to sow births help on • early ar*aag*aswti. la rpgom.. to the stremma! wiieb Med hew atm oat b farmers M y .ta4ed that a Road mar •ppIk* Guar are Wag r.oeivN sash day f brigs. OII -Moo. Jane Lyon and daylights, MIM Jaw lett en Yonda fur an eztendsd visit with relatives Ie Detrwlt. The child's delight. The picnicker's choice. Bvttrybsdy's W exam. tAtlt. POTTED MEATS - Fall flavored zed perl*ctly cooked make deltctoto paadwriches-