HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-11-12, Page 5HB SIGNAL : GODERIOR oNT,AIo ANNOUNCEMENT gee will be ltcated in our new quarters, nett town hall, to a bp,ort WIN and will be better prepared to handle all ,our wants Vulcanizio the line of Etc. \Vc Automobile thavcc ape full linBicycle all gepairing, g' repair paw always on hand at moat moderate prices. East Street Qarage MONUMENTS CHASTE AND ARTISTIC DESIGNS Best workmanship at J. DOIG'S, Clinton As J. Doig imports direct, he is able to give quick delivery at close prices. Designs and prices on application. A Stylish Shoe for a Gentleman — A harmony of refined design, soft -toned leather and per- fect workmanship. A shoe for the quiet dresser. THE Il% RTT BOOT AND s3OE COMPANY, Limited Fredericton, N. B. eCamd''s Best Saeesw.ters" REPAIRING NEATLY AND PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO BEST OF LEATHER USED J. He McCL[NTON'S A THRIVING INDUSTRY D. P. Ham/wok's Evaporator Is a fury Place Tbas Days It was the prlvLkge of the Signal reporter one day ibis week to pay a visit to theevaporator. operated by Mr. D. YHaamlink. W. were coos - grouted with • soeoe of krest activity. The main door of ib. large stunt - boom was piled blob with apples trona which an oodles' chat. was oonetamt- ly taking • napply. During tbe short period of our visit at fewer than four waggon -loads 'arrived, were -- ' in and put on the oodles' chain, which elevated them into the operating building. On making •oquniw we teemed that no less than IMO bueb•b of apples were used sack day, mot in- cluding them brought 1n as custom work for cider awakeeg By the kindness of the foreman in cbarre we were 'detailed to the room wbere the employees are engaged. busy as bees : here the apples we bad cern placed on the elevator in the store row were being plated in bushel Auxee and carried to a line ot employee* of both W:08 wbo were operating coring and paring machines. 'Chess w.chiner wort. very rapidly, taking the :ore from the apple end peeling it in one operetioo and doing that es quicklyes the operator can place the appes in position. The apples leave this macbioe and roll axiom to another line ot employees - all of the tier se: this titer -who com- plete the paring, taking off any piece tbrt the machine may bare mired. and placing the apple. on a moving tet which convey' them to a slow- nioving rys.ew of ca riers wbicb are known as bleachers, as they are rub - jetted to a sulpburi.tng process which oleacbea the apple. On the bleacbeas the apples take about thirty wiouter to teach a slicing machine, where they are cut into dices. From bere they pass into the drying mom. where they are placed upon the floor in a layer about nine inches thick. The Hour is perforated and the beat is applied from beneath. They are ttrued several tiwee duriug the night NW in the warning are ready for peeking. lu the packing room they are put in boxes of 'Jo and 30 pounds which are stamped with the fire's name and chipped to their destination. Ve hat becomes of alt the refuse, w called. is a question some might ask. It it not wasted, by any memos. All the cures and peeliogr are dried. like" the good apples, packed and -shipped to foreign parte and there used. .o it is said, in the waking ot the famous bev- erage known as champegoe. le is cheaper to use it in this way [lieu to destroy it, we were told. In addition to the evaporating pro- cess we have described there are other sidelines connected with the industry. Some ot the best apples are selected rod properly packed in barrels which ere stomped witb the tirm's name aud placed upon the 'market. Theo there is the cider press, of which we tested the product, and also the vine- gar department, actively engaged in turning oat the product of Canada's farrow fruit, the apple. Upwards of thirty employees Hod MCMillsn- Wilson • quiet but pretty wedding took plane oo Wednesday at high moots m rieod.� Jews Lawson is vi.iti.g ties boom of the bride's uresis, Mr, and Mrs. lire d Wfleort, H-.sroe r En Detroit. Road, whoa their .e000d daughter, 1 -A concert of obs nations will be Edith. wan united In the holy boodso(given its Komi church oo November ua utrinaon to Jobn W eldest son or I tett. -Mr. and Mrs. Time. Davis to the week -rod with relatives ru Mit- cbell. -Mr. Frank Lloyd ul Stratford. visited his brother, Kuy Lloyd, last week. -Mitt Hilda King, of Bayfield, is act- Img as clerk lo tab. general .tore of Mr. R. H. Cute. -Mrs. Wm. McCreath, sr., left on Thursday of last weak for Toronto ep visit ber mom, Mr. B. H. Mot)reath. -Mrs. Leonard f)unkeld of Palmers- ton is os a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mn. Duncan t)a's.eron, East street. -Mr. Karl Allen. of Toronto, who has been .pending • vexation with hie cousin, Mr. Harold Warrener, bee re- turoed boat.. -'Che Misee. Tillie and Maggie Rut- ledge, of Pickford. Michigen, are at present visiting with tbeir sister, Mrs. J. H. Millian. of town -The regular meeting of the Ahmeek chapter, LaD.E.,will be held in the court bowie on Monday after- noon tint at four o'clock. - Mies M•mrgaret Geddes, of Hasbro. who has been on an extended visit to her friend Miss Merle Philo ire, re- turoed house noSrturday last. - Mrs. J. J. McDonald of Calgary has returned to the parental rebid rice, Quebec street. Her mother's Netts of ill -health is tbe cause of 'her return. , -Mr. R. R. Sallow' has a tine dis- 'Meet.... Novitiates 12, 1914 U LOCALS -- PERSONALS Mr. and l�re. James Mollleo of (4od- seiob township. Rev. Geo. I{. Rom tied Um nuptial kit. Only lbs mediate rdatives of the contracting parties were possum and tbe beide was unattended. Milo Eva Wilson. sister of the bride, played the wed- ding search- The bride wee dressed becomingly in bee travelling gown at navy blue serge with black velvet hat. Atter the ceremony a sumptuous wed- ding breakfastkprepared by the moths. cessasen of. The happy couple left oo the 2.11) O.T.R. tisis for their booeym000 trip, which will include London, Toronto Bed other points south. On their return the will take up tbeir abode on the doh cooc..Non. Goderich township, where Mr. McMillen has purcbaesd a farm. Howson -Knox Nuptials Ou WednesdayNovember llth, the home of Mr. swd'Mn. John Knox was the scene of a very happy event, it be- ing the occasion of the marriage nt their daughter, Anna Jeannette, to Mr. Ernest Jay Howsoo, of Toronto. Tbe home was tastefully d.corate.l with evergreens and chrysanthemum.. The wedding took plan' at high noon. The Lobengrin Bridal March wits played by Miss Pearl Kato, sister of the bride. The marriage ceremony was perforated hy the hrideet brother- in-law, Rev. is W. Kilpatrick. B.A-, K. of elgraveassisted by Rev. W - ,ranges and Yteater8 I Before purchasing your new Range do net fail to inspect the 9eerledd,'crena Range The Corona fire box burns all coal gas. Saves to per cent in fuel. Grates for coal or wood. Largeoven, 2lee! x14. Reservoir, igxIoxql. Peerless Leader Ranges Peerless Oak Heaters Cream Separators, 3oo pounds capacity, special cash price, 543.00. Harness, Churns, Washing Machines, Wire Fencing. A full line of Pumps and Scales. Gasoline Engines, I :4 h.p to 20 h.p. Lowest price. Best value. ROBERT WILSON Hamilton Street g, a of photographic views in his Hager. B.A., pastor of North 'tto of scenery in Northern Ontario. Methodist church. Oomgntul•tions ons Most of these pictures were taken along the route opened up by the Canadian Pacific railway. -Mr. fan McLeod received word front blown Jobn suiting that he ar- rived safely with the first Canadian contingent at Plymouth, En land. He was writing from Salisbury Plan and told of several very amusing incidents of camp life. - Tile. United Patriotic Societyof Goderich township will have • sae of homemade bakiug and candy on Seto urday •tteinoon. November 14th, in Mr. Rebt. McLean', .tore, corner Square and Moutreal street. The store will be open all afternoon. - Miss Cook of Detroit has returned home after gentling the summer season with Mn. Tweedie, Si. David's street. We understand that Mime Cook intend, to become a property - owner in Goderich and will probably buy or build a residence neer tbe lake. -Dr. (callow will give another of his series of lectures on "First Aid to tbe injured" in the grand jury room of the Court House, next Tuesday after- noon at four o'clock. These )ectirres are given under the auspices of Gen- eral Brough chapter, 1.0 D.E., and are well worth attending., -Rev. Alex. Millar, late of Ashfield and at pi -repent residing at Lake Ains- lie, Cape Breton, has magnified his ac- ceptance of • uneniatous call from the Coked Free cungregatiou of Melness, yutherlendsbire, Scotand, and in- tends sailing for Scotland by the S.5. Scandinavian on the 12th of Novem- ber. -It has been decided to make • complete canvass of the town to raise fund, in aid of the Upper Canada Bible society. The executive of this society in (toderirb hope to raise at, least 9200. The .own has been divi- ded into districts and committees from the various churches will canvass) each district. -The Sarah (Jitney Stock Co. gave • farewell performance at. Victoria Opera house on Friday night before a full house. The company hes made many friends during their stay iu Goderich both in tbeir professional capacity and as private citizens. They ate assured of a warm welcome when- ever they return. --Mr. A. M. Glover, proprietor of the East 81. Garage, is about to erect a new building adjoining hie haum and next to the town hall. Ile has al- ready laid down the cemeht floor and bad the foundation of the walls put in. Mr. Glover is evidently staking his business pay, probably be.wnee he is a conscientious advertiser. --Monday was the first enniversay of the greet storm on the lake. when Dearly 31)0 sailors lost their lives and a .core of ,eseele disappeared. This season has been singularly free front tuerine Accidents; not a lite bas been lost so far and but few vessels dam- aged. Masters am canny about going nut with the storm signal against them. -A very enjoyable social townies was spent at the home of Mrs. J. W. Taylor. Essex mt.. last evening. Her daughter Jean had invited twenty of her girl friends in and the evening was spent in the pl aying .,f games and singing of well-known songs. The amerep tasty broke up atter having spent a intat pleasant ...nisi, NBA they bad many kind things te say about their bootees*. having been extended to tie happy couple, Rev. Mr. Hager bepttiized Margaret Agnes Knox, infant daugh- ter of Rev. I. W. and Mrs. Kilpatrick, after which the wedding dinner was served. Tbe bride, who was given away hy her father, was attired in her travelling suit of navy blue serge and carried • bouquet of lily of the valley and orchids. Mr. and Mrs. Howson left on the 2.35 G.T.R. train fora trip to New York. Upon their return they will reside in their new home int Toronto. The out-of- town guests were Mrr. Howson, moth- er of the groom. and his brother, Herb, of Toronto. The happy couple were the recipients of 'natty beautiful gifts. The groom'' gift to the bride was a nand.owe set of mink furs. The war bas taken away so many expert chaufeuro that in Kensington and Mayfair more women than men are now to -be seen driving -their cars, and the motor schools are doing a thriving business in teaching ladies the mystery of the wheel. Throel h the instrumentality of the of the Belgian refugee► wbo arrived in London from Antwerp. where theym held scholastic sppnintents, were provided within forty-eight hours with excellent posts in the same pro- fession in Great Britain- NatIooaUoioo of Teachers several work here, oot including those in the orchards collecting the fruit. The work in the operating room is all done by piece work. sa much per hushe!, and electric power ie used to drive the numerous machines. Every- thing ie as neat and clean as can be, and no one need have any scruples about eating or drinking the product of the Goderich evaporator. lu this brief sketch of a large plant it is impossible to describe to detail the many different stages in apple drying that attracted our attention, but we saw enough to he better able ourselves to understand the process tbrough which one of the staple articles of food in Canada is put before it reacbes the consumer. Much of the product of our local evaporator will probably help to feed the British army at the front. In addition to the foregoing Mr. Hamlink has worked up quite • large business in the canning industry. T;snsatoes in large quantities. as well as •-onsidsehle supply of peen, plume, apples, beets and beans, were canned and shipped this season and a ready market was found for products, STRATFORD. ONT.. t • wheal with • eo•tl.wtal re••s' Pal 4 kick glad. work sod tau W worst lit sodrtacatiol Nh Wake a8er.ta `Conover - bon I On say Ow ser Wp dna iwissate.est kaVkse em 0 my kat e•w ate. U A McLACHLAN, Madge'. Presentation of Prizes w_ pipk.ant hour was spent by gore* teaebeeateorsusr scholar. & enmt'ef of Mends and citizen. et Victoria school last Thursday evening, Ithe °cession being the presentation of rertiflcetes and prizes to the ooc- cessfol pupil' wbo passed their en- ; trance examination*. Pr. Gallow act - i ed me chairman for the evening's pro- eeediug'. The mueicai part of tbe me was well .u.tained by ice Kditb Murory and Mw Emma Wallace. in instrumrnta) music. Mrs. W. T. Sharp in vocal solos. Mises Lasa and Vera Elliott In pi•selert duan and the children of the .ebool ender tis leadership of Mills. LeToo.sI in rousing chnruaes. Miss Bowlby, of Windsor. aloe gave • recitation Brief enneresul•tery addressee were iter by the Rev.41.o. E. ions. Hev. Dr H. 1. h Mr. J. Minis row W84 • tbe the Victor wrason A Good Citizen Oona Tbs late Williams Kilpettick, whose death occurred on October 'Loth at Chicago. was • highly retreated resi- dent of this town. He was • native of the county of Armagh, irebind, where be wit born in the year 1814 When eighteen year. of age he came to Canada. and he lived in the town- ship of Aahfleld until 19.11, wbrtn wttb his wife be moved to Goderieh. Mrs. Kilpatrick died three years ago. On the eth of Octnbrr be went on • visit the to Chicago and was there only a short and time wben he underwent an operation et. li wood.Ooepital, whew Ise -died only eight days a t. funeral y►►fw t brought home, place October 28th to Dungenonn cemetery. Five daughters -Mn. T. Shackleton and Moe J. Petrie, of Ash- field ; Mrs, Wm. Mellcugh, of Tres - water : Mrs. S. Springrtr and Miss Rios, of Chicago- and .ix sons- Willlam. or Oekaioote, lows : Samuel, of E1 PAso, 111.: David. a Denver. Col. ; Isaiah. of Chicago; Joseph end Charles. of Prevost, Alta. --are left to mourn their Iowa. Two Methers, Samuel, of Bennkeille. and John. ,f Ash$eM, sed two sisters. Mrs. W. Reed. of Chicago. and Mrs. C. Turner, of California, also survive. The funeral was largely attended. Three who came from • distenee were de- o.aseors sons, William and flans his daughters, . r•• Elwin/tate lei. Mother Samuel. The late Dir. Kit ertemeemelesootetemseettetateeeMetreate B Fn4beringham and �e�, after which peri M Strew M f4 is and ATENTS ;trammed the m s.esieates and Ms/Mee mea. hi. sister. lire Reed, and Alex Hume l.� a.•dyeeflMetl tmM.tlwM1 rick woe thoroughly respect .ruled ice the higbusi number ed vl who knew him hieatr'e of his to talons. elflilllte talon gr his rt the reted go ennuis -I and upright character. The r lbw seemed Bold medal MorthlNwen Liberia* Ile Alex Alex leanndurs wasp then called opts to t them who had woe honor a 1. iffe.r'e^t subjects with 'war'.. Miss Ilratrtee le trigger. gained the mad& dnn•WI by the Owen Sone/ hosisese college for Met penma hip : Laos cow Adam' and Jean Hahkirk received ithin • yeat • Mr. deepest for good writing); Jack - dost 1 won the prise vr esa nalommeM r Hen M Tmum, Olive Tahiy h� N4. IL.d pg Winnie McAbee ��� N% Helen .Mmitb� foadved -�--'-- ler vary y' the oyster assure N hare. Vas th yele•d fes , the eellsl�w end= Now is the Time to repair or put on a new roof. Before deciding what to use, see our Galvanized Shingles Corrugated Galvanized Iron and Brantford Asphalt Roof- ing of all weights. las Me W. R.PINDER Phone lieu Hamiltnlrseet Oil` CANADA Mb Cat to be Balk Tea Cali Bt y le *deadest You know how everything costs more Whew you bane to buy on credit Wby not practice sell -denial a while u necessary, open a Savings Amcoirnt in the thins Bank of Canada, arid, with the money in hand. buy at Cash prices) Th. discounts will bey to swell your brant . balance, and you will have made a good start towards financial Independence. Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. dl • F. W. Robinson, A.R.C.O. I 'r htAl'HILR OV Pianoforte. Organ aid SIogle& Moak stere .:lDKRtWH ONTARI.) Studio ever Tbs.r s Next Monday E renew The entertainment of the seawm will be given in Knox churcb on Mon- day evening next. As will be seen by the programme a great variety of talent will be displayed The nations with which Canada is most closely connected will be portrayed in costume and song. . Don't miss this or you will regret it. A partial outline of the programme appears below. I: A N ADA L -ENSEMBLE. Drumm bitlio. Drill Bugles. no. (',,h... Cbere•.-olb ! Canada. J. Recit•�tti•onn. t. 1 amu- The Mada aple I.+d Mf. IRELAND 1.-In-.truu.ent•l quartette. , --Solo-Mother - achre.• -Misoddio Selection. I. Utl11''l. a Long Way to Tipper..ry. S''OTLAND L-Addror--RSV. J. H. Fdhertaghiu. •'1' John Storey. in `tong sod Monologue. A - Recitation. 4. - 9eIecilon Seotti.h HlahlwS l'. ... ENGLAND 1. `Tallon' Choeu, 2. bole and Chorus- -Heart- ot Oak. 3. Sailor.' Chorus. t. [Inst-Boyrot tbo Old Brigade S - women's Recruiting_ Y ndttng_ Song -Your King an AMP:RICA L 'horns -Ilse 'oar Spangled Manner. 2.t;elo--He u -ed co be one of the Boy. in Blue. ase 3.--Tableau-'!'entine on 'he Old p Orouod- ORAND FINALE Y. .La n N.aoaal Hymn. 1 Role BriteaaM- 1. - OM Mire lbs Krog. SURE SAFEGUARD Use Dodd's Kidney Pills and You Will Never Have Lumbago, Dropsy or Gravel Pembroke, Ont., Nov. 9th--(8pecial) - " Fr,r about 15 years 1 way a very sick woman," writes Mrs. Morile Lance, of this place. "My sleepwas broken and umrefreehin and 1 had a bitter taste in my mouth in the morn- ing. 1 was often dizzy and flambee of light floated before my eyes. My limbs were beavy and I had a drag- ging across the loin'. At. lest Rheu- matism was added to my troubles and i also suffered trout Lumbago, Dropsy and (;ravel. i felt that my kidneys were the cause of all city troubles and decided to try Dodd's Ridney Pi11s. From the first they did me good, and after taking twelve boxes 1 em again • w -U woman." A meeting of the them:m of the new ridin. of ?forth Huron, for oe- gsnizetios purpr»es. will be held in 1 lade/miry Hall, BItth, ons Tuesday. November 171b. at 1 p. m. in addi- tion to brines routine Mr. F. F Par- dee, M. P P. of Ilarnis, who i. • first - Maas speaker, will he present to ad- dress the starting. All Liberals will .' be assist � In • he ere nosed riftmad tbm thew rides.. The C. P. R. train leav- ing Goderieh at 12.4A and rotundas at 9 ilii o'clock affords good acasemeda- Special Patriotic Records oa the Victor Victrot► "It's a long, long way to Tipper- ary. 'Soldiers of the King." "Boyswof the OM Brlgade," "Rule Brittannia. "Ye Mar- iners of, England. ' ada,'' "ytaniGi d '0" tis' 0' Mar." "British Cavalry March." 'Th. Deatbles• Army." "Red White and Blue" ,Veterans Slone," 'The Yen - etas of Englen.l.' "Private Tommy Atkins," Just received • tine new .hip- ment of VICTOR V Ti'TROLAM from MOO up to $1!!0.04 flee lobed in M•bogany and Weetb- reed Oak. 1f you can Leake it n..+nvenieot to call we will he pleased to let you hear the new Hotrods and Machines. JAS. F. THOMSON Music w Stationery Store agent for Heist eaten A Co.Planns emesetesetwereetewe awe He also asked that the fondant allowed the costs of the ease, Ms wet was retested. Crown attorney meager had some difficulty in getting replies from the witwsees and did not .seem convinced that the truth had hewn told. in lisaiseing lbs rase : the magistrate drew •tt.nilos to the feet of witnesses keeping the court wait- ing for their appearance and sale it must not he repeated. 1n the Police Court In Me police court Tuesday mor.- iog before magistrate Kelly an Ad- journed case of alleged infraction of the liquor law was tried. from the evidence it eppear.d to be a rase of give a dog r bed mune and you may as well kill him.' Then was not a 1 particle of evidence to prove that the defendaat was under ibis influence of ' limper on the date named, the three witrteeeee celled by the crown empbet- ly denying that the defendant was ozipated Mr. L. E. Daooey for the t wanted to keow who laid the information to the police and thought that the police should make .squiries before proceeding with • A Gift to Strengthen Friend- ship—your Portrait MAKE AN APPOINTMENT TODAY The Sallows Studio W.C.T.U. Meeting The regular meeting of the W.C.T.U. was held Mondayafternoon. A good representation a the different churches was in attendance. The first half hour of the meeting was a consecra- tion of the members and prayers for the peace ot the nations new in awful war. Tbe money being contributed try the W.O.T.U. of the Province, at the rate of a cent. .. del for twenty days, was laid on the table while a p�rrayer,waa offered for the work of the Y.M.C.A. young Man whom they are sending out to the front to work among the soldier's. 114.06 was handed in, taken on "World's Temper - elute Day" by the macs meeting of the Sebbatb schools, which was very thankfully received by the Union. Mrs. Blliott gave an intereeting des- cription of Willard Hall. the beautiful beadquarters of tbe Toronto W.C.T.U. Mrs. l.eaebgave • report of the work being dote free girl• assisted hy Travellers' Aid kept et the Union LQt ttioeh sal& sdia.ilopcW ' oronto, the Travellers' Aid beim, bp the • revenue derived from the coupons of Surprise soap wrappers.. Mrs. Leach will be pleased to receive the oo upont' from an one wbo uses !Surprise seep. --Contributed. aewael•e.-C ROBINS Extra Specials in Men's sad Boys' Fall sad Whiter Wean 15 Men'. Overcoats piicod to clear...... ... .....$41.7S 25 pairs Men's Tweed Pante to'clear $1.46 .Ii) pairs of Boys' Pants to clear at. Silo We are - able to supply your needs in Boyi and Dienes Rubbers, Overshoes. Long Rubber Boots and god lines of solid Leather Shoes. Mitts sad Gloves We have large assortmeuti in line of Men'. Wear. M. ROBINS once avoes'wa uwrvrt_ aeon sere. wimmimmimodi > limit them suietly fresh, coo to set - re tell a ��~map of tiers for these from this town wbo AUf�tsme•s, or phone fist. Otdsre psbrMl MMA 11f wish b attend. A Potties Fee Fell gal Mawr W• M.. • .pend b•slsree Fae1tle• (ler • reliable ewatittle rlwaa Mui. dM taw to sell trait Mow. rash trait+. Anew s, Ws.ws.• log 'grebe Pay kly, ort At her, .asIs/ce territory. . creels see AC.e&S of trait sol ereass.atal -verb endow coati. .err.. at.the...louse e else delivery of hob. tse►, oar sesame we H'dowe' i volume ofbrCL.: writ. ia.. sV&srm whales amvaUUea, W. .dl ttwsse.slo•.. dor 41414444, 014 - l'ridbana "tb. Tailor's" clothes are sensible. seserrsable. comfortable, res .o.abls. You ran go f ether and pa more. but in the wr Is of the .4 adage. "the eat come. back." Take • leek at our ep.dal order .ampks-__ ma on. $IROO. *R2.00 to your memoirs, suet or overcoat. BEAUTIFUL. t1AIR--A CLEAN, COOL SCALP Use Parisian Sage —It Makes the flair Fluffy and Abundant 1t is needless for you to have hair that le anything short of perfect. 1f it is telling out, losing Re color, spilt - ting, it -ting, n if the scalp burns and itches, isameaately get from E. R- Wiwi' or any deux counter • 6tecent hotel. of Parisian lSagw- see it ftwlyen the first apple ..tion removes .land ff, in- vigorates the scalp. and heautl Go- hair until It is gloriously radisot. Parisian Sege suet 11 hair needs is perfeete hat neve. ntains the exact stem tsRqn r eke the Lair soft, .vy,gliw . oaks It some thee• end be.. t. You we ,prey IH.t .rheum Mtge. It is one . . be hest and moot delight- ful elig t- ful bale to,,ies known. --Mr. 5. R. Price a (Savannah, Oeorgta, inspeetor sea bill beard. in Canada and U.Ited Statile, inspected the Weal hill hoards en Friday last and found these In fair .baps. Good Morning We Are Introducing American .Milk A menton t'ashmrre American t.otton-Lisle HOSIERY They have stood the test. Glee real foot comfort. No seams to rip. Neter become loose or baggy. The shape is ..lit in -not pressed in. GUARANTEED for florae..., style, superiority of material and workmsnutip. Absolutely stainless. Will wear six months without boles, or new 01.441 free. OUR SPECIAL OFFER to every one .ending us oleate in currency or pnstal note, to cover •dverti.ine end shipping charges. we will seed po.t-p•kl. witb written guarantee. barked by a five million dollar company. either. 3 Pains of ser 7Sc vhe American Silk Hosiery Of . Pairs el ear Soc vel.. American Cashmere Hosiery or 4 Pairs steer sec vale Am. to Cotton -Lisle Hosiery et 6 . of Children's Hosiery • Oh'. the color. size, and lir het h- r ladies or gent's hosiery in .fee - .'red. DO DKLAY (Mer ex- pires •n • dealer in your lo- ealtt; ...tad. i1f iDONAL Mr CAL 0. Boz Mt DAV TON. OHiO, U.S.A.