The Signal, 1914-11-12, Page 4It fee oar daily aim to please our customers f IAU our whiter H.dery le Kano 121 OANAJDA 1 We ' 111 a ,our Rep+ rrpa of fe A (]i 11 "( 4 TtsOYeeT, Noena10511- 1E Mil THE SIGN LL : GODZRTOH : ONTARIO The Canadian Clothiers LEVpv RRARRJ• . Ladies' Coats At Sacrifice Prices A good assortment of Ladies' U.tato gond styles and colons, regular price* 115 rind 112. your choice Pride) and Saturday $0. Millinery A new shipment of untrimmed shape., regular 12. 52.15 and 12.50. Sale price 75c, *1.00 and 11.25. Overcoats A full .nock of Mru'. Overcoats. Call and ere thein. Rubbers Also full line of Ladies' and Gents' Rubbers and Overshoe-. A g..od •tock to choose from, all sixes. Levitz & Urra Conner Montreal and Sgsam Maple Leaf Grocery Saturday Specials Beata Fresh pork sausage. Frankfurts, Ring 13». logos, Fr rsh Tenderloin. Cooked Hasa, Jellied Tenderloin, Special Roll Bacon, Breakfast Bacon and Cottage Hams. Pak Fresh Finnan Haddie and Filletts. Alec full line of ('armed Goods. }roils and Vegetables A fresh .apply of all sea- sonable Fruit. and S•eget• ables arrive daily. Giveus is trial order. S. J. Young Hamilton St. arm •eta afar e ;oam amso 1.1111111 zrTciO/0TFcmCS G r e:ei (Dram awe °cos cC-.-1.71 con mr2 r.'oat U CI CI[ CIGI 7 OD G •.r.1 Cif• CIJ'1 r rJPI ODI 1SOise' Oa EAt:L] � wr1•'Ot]u f171ta�■ .3 lea nu,iJ tint: m e Tel �I�'� A STOCK REPLETE with Lorrect %tear for feet Our show Stock is complete with the season's creations. Ere,) d.•+lrehle .'yle in high and low shoos for both men and women Our lino of Oxford*, in the most desirable noise and leath.r, will interest and pleas. Too Ample premieinn has been made also for the tots and near tote SHARMAN THE SHOE NUN A NOBLE WORK tLsatinase tree peas it and with no eland to care foe. She is dearly VOW its getting well trailed and educated. 4 boy of five, taken trona • neglect- tllOoale, waswith kind foster parents who Itaverdainple means and DO children of their own, and are de- lighted to love and care for this little boj boy. aged 11, practically homeless and drifting about, was taken before • ' magistrate and wear given over to our care. A good harm boots win opened to biro. where be is the only child and is Greatly prised. A girl. 13 years of age, got into evil habits and refined to be controlled by . her parents. She was brought before the judge, who, with the consist of her parents. roamed her to be taken charge of by the Cbildrec's Aid Socie- ty. It was afterwards decided best to send her to the Industrial school, which was done . 1•a RTIAL $TATI9TK•AL HHPORT. Lettere received 350, letters sent ' out A0, interviews 250, complaints in- vestigated I211, children involved 150, children made wards of the Society 710, sent to Industrial school two, children placed or replaced in homes 21. society wards visited in Huron county M0, in Bruce county 100, total number of visits in the interests of children 470, mileage covered (approximate) 35110, applications for cbildren 45. court ewes 4i. and meetings addressed in the interest of the work 1t1. At the rewire' of Mr. Blakely, rott- ing Provincial Supt.. we visited 80 children placed in homes in Huron county, sending in a separate report of each child regarding the care, health, school attendance, clothing. church and Sunday school attendance and everything pertaining to the welters ot the child.' in orally every case we are able to report the children well cared for. and healthy and happy. After we finished in Huron we visited UNI children placed in homes in Bruce county and sent a report on each child to the provincial department. The travelling expense in connection with visiting children is paid by the pro- vincial ttrestorer. in HiSt'..aTTVNI1AN('E. SVe have in many cases throughout the county secured the attendance of children at school, wbo were being ; kepi a' home for various reasons. IIR.'.M H a&K'IICTY. The branch societies have had few weetinae during the year. The aft - cent, however, are very much inter- ested in the work, and are always, ready to lend every possible assist. &ore, by advice in special caaei, by locating homes for children, report- ing cases of neglect needing attention, etc. Srsforth branch contributed to the tomb of the Society $96. . mNTR I Bt•Tt11Na. The thanks of the Society are due to all who have in any way assisted in carrying on the wcrk of the Society. Wou.en's Institutes bave rendered splendid assistance in many places, Goderich branch contributed tidy, So Augustine'Vomen's Institute supplied clothing to the amount of 530, in the case of a nerdy family, just at a time when it was needed. Many other contributions were re- ceived during the year. all of which were turned to good account. All cash contributions are Mentioned in the ilnaucial statement. We have found the county 01111Cials ready to render every possibly 'st- aoce. The county press, have been generous with their space and have rendered material assistance. To all wbo have reported cases of neglect. or given a home to a homeless child, or in any way encouraged the work, we Are exceedingly grateful. G. M. ELLIOTT, County Secretary. Mr. R. (i. Reynolds presented the financial statement for the year, which was as follows : i have pleasure in submitting here- with the 11 ird financial statement of Huron county ('bildren'r Aid Society for the year ending October 31st, 1914. There bas been • gratifying increase in the contributions of $1$4.►f8 over the year 1463. There scenic to he • lack of appreci- ation by the municipalities, as • whole, of the commendable wink done by the Society. Twenty of the municipalities do not contribute anything. If earn would only wake it a standing rule each year to contribute 110, the 8o- ciety could confidently look forward to SAO instead of the 1100 now con- tributed by six only. The Elizabeth McKenzie bequest of TLSO, as original• ly begoeatbeq was' reduced to $126, 'this amount Sea* ehrgittilf?o l'btf. Mr estate being unable to realise mote than 30 par cent. on all the bequests to institutions. etc. Tbis amount bas been placed W the credit of • special account, which it is hoped win be the beginning of a fund for the erection of a children's •helVr. now so Verily needed. R. G. RsveoLne, Treasurer. Goderich, Nov. 1st. 14)14. FINANCIAL STATEMENT For the Derr [sling October 31M. nal a_�'-- Tb.. tress I Ce d attacks the ' sad the breathing ages. Te lure it you need to get at these orgasm direct. Ordinary cough molar and syrups do not touch the hangs. be go direct to your stomach. which r not ailing. Pees. on the contrary. go direct to the very seat of the troubk. Pep are (sbkta cuntaiaiag essences and medicinal i•gredients w prepared that whoa placed ups, the tongue they imree/iately turn into vapor, and breathed down the intaaaed air paasag to the lungs. /acct. Pepe medicine takes the form of healing vapor, and cures colds, coughs. bronchi and hang tnwhks, past as living u Ptew woods and breathing Pine -laden air pre- vents consumption and cores ,-hest weak met. Tightness across the. beat, pais be - the shoulders, hacking cough, sere llhrear. asthma and bronchium are the earnests which, in particular. Pepe ha,r bees designed to cure. Peps will awn end your bad cold. Testimonials for Pep have been given by esemben of the Canadian Partiameut, dncter,. lanyers, eminent ('i n a d i a r muterono; all going to prove teat P.'p• ,have bees found a cure for threat ani: chest troubk, otten when newt remed.es bad entirely IR as TRJ A L -Cot net u . .0. ..d mal n, dna iv.tu.....a�M' hue .a.ue.) 10 p.o. e.... Datw.1 sI 1._.eel.. and .. _d1 seeded ► • Ir-. Ilia Tact... el P... Alldrew).a sad Mores moll P.M. wan has se3 kw 11.21. M. lar sane Peps (1.wr Iatws emir) esker boors Holmesville Women's Institute Seafottb Branch C. A. S. . W. E. Elliott Bank mite boxes A Friend.. .. . . . Nile Methodist S. 8. .... .., Blake Women'. Institute . , .., Town of Goderich Tucker•mitb Township Wm. McCreath Victoria St. Methodiiit 8. 8 Elisabeth McKenzie bequest. Collections at C. M. Bezzo's lec- tures I Kt'ZIPTI. . Balaoc a oo band Oct. 31st. 1911..1 B.fl3 Goderich Womee'e fa•l4tses.... 81.11) A. M Robertson 5.00 Mn. J H. Leitch . . 2.10 Misr M. J. Robertson . ... .... 1.11) Mr.. Jame* *41.1.li 1.00 Herm t Pentland. Cedar valley 3 (D H.tron Lodge, 1. 0. 0. F5/M1 J E. Ford 1.00 lir Emmerson ... ... 6.110 Miss Jessie Ford 1.110 0. (' Whitely 1.00 Blyth Woman's lsstitutt. 5.40 1 Meier Caslick .. . .50 Mrs. Carrie 1.00 Mrs. Rnteetb .... 5.00 Mee. A. flavkissw 1.00 Meli1Mp :owesbl! 10.W Doeatiose fox (IWIStteas Gifts4.f1* J. P. Hum.. . i0) Ha Township.... 5.0)) J. E. Tom ... 5.00 J. H. Millian 1.ftn Drat Horse Be Asroelatioe11.51 Huron county grant 9t10.41) *0.00 4.00 5 (1[1 100 100 Bosh Yseignes .r Morrie Township. The as$botritleu of Rwg•lae owlet Mrs. J. K. Ford where Driers are Maimed, Ooderieb Towsehlp. ... their They ran Rev. Jas. Hawiltos....M« 51 to ow trout. pupils. gtegly. but by Mrs. H. 1. %raslg ...... k:Y PENLTITCRY$ County Secretary, bal. salary. Printing and office supplies. .. . Children's clothing and shoes. Livery Annual reports Cbristue.e gilts, 'Peels' Travelling expense Pbone calls Filing cabinet... Caretaker 4.00 r 9; •r 5.00 n.13 1.11) 11.31 .i 0) 30.01 10.00 2(O 1100 12.100 34 21 1.8;i7.fr1 d 140.10 14.15 67.83 7.00 16.50 4 50 tai.51 9 lis 37.25 1.110 Mite boxes 3.110 County Secretary, salary.. 300.00 Deponit, special account 125.00 C. M. Bezzo, lectures 18.45 $791.10 Balance, Nov. 1st *46.57 Dr. H. I. Strang, in moving the adoption of both reports, said he thought the work of the Children's Aid Society gave the greatest returns for the money expended of ares Chris- tian work undertaken, Rev. W. K. Hager in seconding the motion said he thought the munici- palities could easily incites'their grants. He thought County Clerk Lane might work out a scheme whicb would help them to see the import- ance of the work. Mr. Elliott presented • Humber of ac- counts, all of which received the en- dorsatioa of the meeting. The election of officers was then pro- oseded with. and with the exception of the office of secretary all the officers of the preceding year were re-elected. Mr. A. M. Roberton. of Godericb, was appointed secretary. It was moved by Rev. J. E. Ford, seconded by Dr. H. I. Strang. that the annual report be published and dis- tributed throughout the county. A motion with regard to a bequest left by Mrs. McKenzie was introduced and carried. expressing appreciation et the bequest and expressing the bops that others might be led to take similar ac- tion , . • r. �• •. . ♦ letter was read witb r.rtwrd to Itndiag bowies for & number of Belgian children. Rev. Geo. E. Roes moved tbst the central committee be inform- ed that Goderich Children's Aid Rosie - rBewould be rpon.ible for twelve. ea fore the oeeetin closed six children o irked Inc. The how. of had be. County Agent G. 11. Elliott will to used as a shelter for the children un• til permanent homer are provided. A man living sear Men wbo at the outbreak of the war was takeqr� to Hanover, states that he taw the Oer- mnans fill railway carriages with dunm- odies made of straw and dressed in French uniforms to make believe they had captured numerous prisoners. i t ecru n re hurls" trouble with ',tor lrls,tlsr-with 4.on'Ho- core re .nppeewion of arise Mtrnsn,t psln-weakness ar pita in the back -or Stone 1n the lIla.11ler-- -' (,t■ Polls Their riot -111e.-11 (nr $1.50 -At dsten everywhere. is RED 0111011111 NOTES Womb for the Peoliquee of Ings The seeosd bale seat by the ooaoris& beano\ of the Bed Oroes s.4r - to the Toronto central (Ace esslaised 72 pale* of socks. lepile. of wrl.i•1a, r balaclava cepa. i cholera bets. 7 marts, 1 bot water batik ewer, 11 sheets, ;9 pillow cases, 9 dressing memos. 9 hospital shirts, 12 dayshirt*. 9 pairs bed socks, 1 pair blanets, Si baodkerebleh,1 housewife, 24 doses baudyyww In addition to sending this hale valu- ed alo-ed at *213 Ni to beadq*A•rtesw, the society bas given to the (ioderlob member, of tile second contingent 11 balaclava caps, 11 cholera belts, and 11 pain of wristlets, Tb. next regular meeting will be held in the council chamber on Mon- day, November ltlth, at b p.m.. when artangeaasots will be made for sending a third bale. Those intending to join the society an' requested to be present on Monday evening. The following le • partial ,11.t of tboss who have eontiibuted time or material in preparing the second tale : Ladies of the Methodist church. 8beppardton ; Victol 1. school, Cen- tral ochciol, Sisters ..f 81. ' Joseph, Aeadame. ('. IVsiwaley, McFarlane, T. Davis, Aitken, D. Wilson, F. Mut, nee. McDonald. Mitchell. (leo. Wil- liams, A. Mandall, S. Reid, Hagar. Kllot, C'oait hu, -t, Colborne, W. L. Horton, Macdonald, McLean, Misses Mii.uey. McVicar, I.ydie Walters, Nolte!. Strang, Ethel Trmplston, Bingham. A WONDERFUL DISCOVERY An eminent scientist, the other day, gate his opinion that the most won- derful discovery of recent years wan the discovery of lain-Buk. Just think! A. soon as • mingle thin layer of Zrm- Buk is applied to a wound or a sore. such injury Is insured against hloud potion. Not one sprees of wicrohe hai heel) found that 711m-Buk does not kill! Then again. As soon as Zam-Buk is applied toe pore, or a cut, or to skin dirraee, it stops the smarting. That is why children are such friends of Zam- Buk. They care nothing for the science ..f the thing. All they know is that Zam•Buk stops their pain. alis hors should never forget this. Again. As soon as 7.am-Bug is ap- plied to a wound or to a dise•sid pari, the cells beneath the skin's turface are so stimulated that new be.althy ti.iue is quickly formed. This form- ing of fresh ne•hby tissue from below i. •Isom-Buk's secret of heeling. The tissue thus formed is worked up to the surface and literally caste oil the dis- armed tissue above it. This is why 7.ani-Buk cures are permanent. Only the other day Mr. Marsh. of 101 Delorimier Ave., Montreal, called 7. upon the am-Buk Co. and told them that for over twenty-five years he had been a martyr to eczema. Hie hands were at ooe time so covered with sores that he had to sleep in gloves. Four years ago lam-Buk was introduced t6 him, and in a few months it cured him. To -day -over three lean after bis cure of a disease he bad for twenty- five yearn -he is still cured. and has bad no trace of any return of the eczema! All druggists sell Z+m-Buk at 50c. box, or we will rend free trial box if you send this advertisement and a lc. . tanip (to pay return postage). Ad - deem 7-am-Buk Co., Toronto. HARBOR NOTES ' THE : COLBORNE : STORE THIS STORE has a knitted goods department that we are proud of. We aim to have on hand everything that will be asked for in Hosiery. Underwear, Mitts, Caps, Gloves, Knitted Underskirts for women and children, Mufflers in wool and silk, Sweater Coats and a great many other lines that are essential to an up-to-date Knit Goods department. From now on everyone will need Knitted Goods and it will be to your advantage, as well as ours, to examine the needed lines, in this department. Coatings, Suitiags The fall range of Coatings sod Suitings is cow- l:111.0d of the newest cloths in the most fasbioo- abie color.. Mahogany, green and red have been favored oolor• tire mason and we are fortunate In having these, the latest colors hi cloths *Wields for dresses, sults or separate coag. Our Coatings are comprised of the new checks, diagonal stripes and plain cloths. The check .•an be had in blue ane black. greyand black, red and black and brown aod blac. 3lenket Cloth, 56 inches wide. in a range of colors or coatings, per yard 51.25 Neckwear We have just put into stock a new line ot separ- ate Collars and Collar and C'utT Sets. Them are the newest in flare collar. sod are made ret fine white muslin and voile, nicely pleated and each one held in position by .:upi,o, t.. Separate Collars trove.. 25o to 51.25 Collar and Cut?. from 50o to 51.50 • Llama Bose 3 Pairs for $1.00 These Stockings are Made front very floe c.ah• mete yarns. On every pair embroidered in red silk is the word Llama. In size. S1, 9, 94 and 10, 3 pain for 51.00 "i0" -The best 2 and 1 ribbed cashmere Stocking in the trade. "419" is embroidered on every pair of these Stockings. All sizes, from 41 to 10 at per pair ... 25o to 50o Little Detling in cream, pink. tan, black, cardinal and light blue. This is tbe newt tine ribbed cash- mere Socking for the batty. Every pair is wade with arilk heel and toe and can he had in Mum from 4 toe at . Ego lily and 7 250 Kharanta Serge in all colon Velvets The Velvet which we are selling this season at ttl►c is a cloth deserving of ootbttseot. The pile in this fabric is guaranteed fast rind the dyes ono be re- lied upon. This cloth can be had in any color desired sod in moat cases several shades of each oolor. it is 22 inclose wide and each piece per yard ISOs Corded Velvets are having a big demand this sea- son and we can supply s cloth 27 inches wide in cardinal, white, brown, navy, maroon and blue at the same price as the plain cloth ...... . 50e Black Velvets for trimming rind for dresses can be had here at 35e, 5(k, 00c, 75c, 11.00, 11.15 SLID and ..., .... 1i1.5o Rugs Tree patterns of the Rugs in stock Me the newest, the color. the moot desirable and the t tality 'the belt at the mice asked. Coats Our Winter Coats are made from cloths that have Oren pronounced the hest in the fashion centres. We deem it a pleasure to show our litre of Coats even if you are not iotrnding to buy at the pres- ent time. Dame Fashion is robed in • Roger gin anent. Underwear Our Ladies' all wool, fine rib Underwear in white and grey are beautiful lines at per garnaenl. 750 and 51.00 Children's all wool and union Vesta and Drawers at prices to fit every pocket book Rye to 75o Black tights in all sizes for women and children per garment from .. i5e to 51.00 J. H. COLBORNE Crest Brand Print in fast colon As j of bacon, eggs and potatoes. Give the job to • modern engineer and in three days bell work out a plan to feed Sim- coe far better flan it is fed today for not more than one-quarter of Its pm- ent cost. The Perth county jailer is an etflpjent engineer on • small scale." There is waste in it, of coun.e. The whole population of the town of Sim - cm would profitably breakfast rt a tee, and have all its cook Recent arrival,' at the harbor in- ling done 61 • municipal kitchen. able elude the steamer Winona, which un- There would he a cfood, and loaded *000 bush.la of 'grain at the la'saving of fuel, and food, and Transit elevator and then tied up for in buying and a t, somr•ble r utbey in But, rmeh 1s, or other common con the winter with' the balance of ben caro on board : the Scottish Her which unloaded 150,000busbela of wheat ■ tut oats at the Transit elevator ; the Empress of Fort William with a cargo of grain for the Big MtU and tbe collier Huron City, which brought a load of coal for the Transit Elevator Go. Grain is not wovtng very rspidly and the elevator at the harbor is practical- ly full. The Canadian government steamer Lambton paid one of her periodical visits of inspection to Goderich harbor on Monday ; while here her crew took the opportunity of giving the boat a thorough clean up. Contractor Birmingham has been awarded the contract for the south- west hrrakweter extension, and is al- ready making preparation for com- mencing work in the spring. A large amount of stone bas bees shipped in and piled along the nwtth gory ready for use in pontoon construction. The dredges have compietedtheir task for this sermon and have been placed In winter quarters and di.want- ied. tba Rig,M.UI by. received a coat a meta► eheettng ore alt Ma exposed pat. and made practically lire -proof. There have &leo limo some repairs tied improvements made in the equipment in tbe way of dust collectors rod other sheet metal appliances. Mr. W. R. Pinder has bad charge of the work. The Cost of Norm Life V nom the Toronto Mar. The Perth couoty jailor feeds hie priso.ere dt a cost of nine cents per day each. When the Collingwcod Bull- etin expressed the opinion that the men could not be ly fed at that cost. the pimc•,e ormer replied that many a laborer with • large family is unable to spend noire than ales coots per bead daily foe food. Tb. Stratford Bracco works out the sum in this wry, showing bow difficult is the problem of the wile of the work- ingman who earn* but 10 per week : “If ere wants@ that he has eve chil- dren, nine Bents per day for food for one amounts to fill ciente for seven, end for the whole week of seven day. to 24.41. This leaves 14.59 to pa rent, school buy clothing, boar and news• tapers, and other nesessarlee. Cer- tainly there ie not much room for lux- uries. - There is much in what the Mimeos Reformer hag to say &boot the wast.. iultras of each "emirate family pro- visioning Itself. It says : "Of all the economic waste of the world nothing approaches the wast* entailed la fording civilised man by families. The home soul tbe lawny may be the turner stases of our *oIst- enss, the sheet &nebon of our faith. two the rommisesriatacommitted 1bees with are bon thee esteavgtsse.s. 'Just think. tossotvo*e morals,. bete in Miaow one theorised fires lighted, to boil one thoesand coffee pots, and beat two theorised spiders that kind of thing will not work. No- body can cook like oneself. There is no independence about home lite that makes it worthtar more than it costs. Most women nowadays will buy bread from • baker, out will not buy cakes. She must have cokes and pies made at home bear dee none other arequite like them. And tea, or coffee -one does not get either anywhere but at home so made that it is fit to drink. It coats a lot to have a home of one's own. to IL.. your own food specially prepar- ed, to have your own piano and your own books and pictures, and your own cat and dog, but there are none others like them, and they are worth far more than they cost, even although nobody else would take some of then from you as a gift. -Buy Tour D.N.C. at the Singer stare. V e have a complete stock of D.2 C. in all sires and colon at the regular prices and with every '2S cent purcbaae you get a guess oo the fere sewing machine. TUBE (WA DATES AT IioTT01t ) J. V. Egan, Specialist of Toronto W.Merhl Method Retails Rrlt.N Withewt Kahle, Deeg.ltir Psis. 'Nd *trio sorter. I. s, nn Inns• r eAnn Genesi. w., brrbar.maawt••••fir tre.uag ale. •wayI .lth by lbw .aes er- hd Invwenke a spt-alafl t •ho ha• d..e.ted tfty year. to Mils rile $tidyT. THw mvvwteos NAV "LYRATNI"Isla Wed ed 10dge rishust no. woes R•t *.0 *__tr ulur,a It )Ie.rs 1 tertttr es fty .lin So salessi prwitt.nn. need lanae are areae*57. M.Int,Ar ,,f r9.54 ovum, .caws mid tr•tlt��� I; n -a • War .• Meeto othreo a0. retentive Asppale-Me a miess1 1 Ne awl „« Mtrsniiea(1sMis Per . a . ;hear ng ars,. c ATMs sum.% se J. T. •in 1�H1i the oiler. 're14111..s beam., 1" tn-e eon end erstshs•llta at tamentea .tea .t .der.. NONA&Ow Oodsrlch, Bedford Hotel 12 DIfuDAY,(All Dag and MOVartind bt1 Dep Orly, MOVt� A N D 0 R A ;t,Ytte'+�:'lam THE ANDO Bort constructed and bombe** rine& In the world. R A N G E S Made and gtuusnteed by the lar'tleet stove manufacturers, in the British Empire. Semi -steel flew pox lining'. Nitride steel ventilated oven. Three bar furnace grater. Special construction of flues forces heat around oval twice acrd under every pot -hole making the "Pandora Range" a perfect baker and cooker at the same time. Free booklet on "Pandora Ranges" and McClary'• F•rnoue Ease Burma Heatetw. Howell Hardware Co. -' MHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE PHONE 57 TEN PEOPLE BURIED AT SEA • 31raWad Cibals wait Rersterlyea'te•na- sYip Otranto News of the partiripitinn of tb. British eteeniship Otranto in the Chil- e an coast naval bode recently7 brought hack memories to Mr. Fred - 'rick Scally. night watchman at the Grand Trunk sbop., who was among ber crew on atone halt dose° voyages in 1912 13. At that time the Otranto belonged to the Orient line and was a Royal Mail •reamer plying between Tilbury, England. and Sydney. Aus- tralia. via the Sura canal. Mr. Scally was then employed In the laundry pertinent, Altogether b1 tray. -14a about i15,11111 ruileti nn the Otraetn. ethich distance does not include anew 511,51k1 miles aroospUwbed on other boats aftet leaving tag service of the Orient Mee. According to Mr. Scally the Otranto is • steamer of over 11,1111) tons, with • speed of trop• than 21 toots. This latter fact would probal.ly account for ber escape from the Oerrnan cruisers, after two of the British warships had hero badly haltered. Ph. had a length of 216 feet and pose re•e.d engine. of 17.11111 horsepower. The Otranto toughed at various ports on the route. Ineltrded, besides }jeyt•y1'�� M.IhnnrnAde tajja gist Tomania, is. which latter Mee the Otranto took ow hoard putts, saartloieosasa, eve of the mem M - Wee of nom Re°tt's ill-fated Mouth Rule ex who had only jam. re- ttttwi Mir Ant*retlr 1.. 44.Wa. T is woe on Mr. Realty's last trip. in 00 •snIb.r oeeaaion Mad•n.e Melba was am.wtg the tasatrag.rs on board. The et sans, carried 1011 5 ., - el.se, 1110 aeeM►d-Ariane and shut NMI tb1saclass paa•eugere. On one trip the Otranto saved the entire e,ww of • big meats freighter, *brit bed oollial- bad wiaL 111MOer♦ tsbip-to lbs s ssiAsb of I Gibraltar, .sd ►si mei within three • minutes. Mr. Reallyhad soon twenty -0v. ship - wracks durng bis two yawn se • *mil - 1 or. On one voyage be saw Ms people hsri..d at .era. The Kaiser's Iron Crowe. snearly se cheap in Load's sow as thee ey are on the battlefield. The Atter-wssebana are selling them at spangly a pleas. 1 1 In buyingour rubber font - innate for the fall and winter h. Imre and get Use famous LIFE-BOUY brand. They are without ex- eeptioe the beet rubber footwear wade. All the light rubbers have a patented leather Inner heel that Insures double the wear d any other. The heavy Oum Robbers for the farm have the best repots Hon and will give sedIslb•tins. Prices are right. Sole meet for Ooderieb. 1 1 •