HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-11-12, Page 3TTTE 8.. NAL : GCDERIOH : ONTARIO
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Goderich Ontario
1J1' NW I In reply to • p.regraph appearing
AT Penes MckMraua
tiu many b are now sbogtias'
"Rat w app or ,Have ou +alai 1
your apple today r that tae props
method of .•ting apples bag brouus+ • Lase Atllaaf5 ptrsap5ete
•tetter of the first tmpo taooe. There �Ya
are tocol timid people who would eat .sus-Lwy ased Sumo bees
.pplee H left ato*e witb team. but a funded by Glarus
L6ey are foolishly sh about sating I -
them In public. Uke gentle ladies { e tOrttSea d 7Mng4•a.
of ages tad who always carried sissies sad chef settlement se
or•nt;se to their prhate rpartm.sta so arwtgbold • dhaa-
that they might suck them at their ti„ 501057 of Riau -Chas. in t,
leisure. far from the elgh;htl e prying
�g �rtac• of Cidea. Ma auma-
.ye.. they want to carry to apples Med to the J•pasw and BAtMh
away with them and enjoy them
mums S�
alone In this way a large number of borne., e000telag to omct& •anuses•
potential apple-eatere- nalupb•gi•ns, moat ease to Tonto.
1 might call them it the b:iongrapkrs .� lust .tap In DAnglna about the
wW permit use to outn • ues wurd-
an lost to the tr-rdr. Apples are of- aanSnder of the fortress °Deis d et
fend to them publicly and because albinism rraday when the 101501ry
they lack the courage Lu eat diem ex• ��" sad occupied the middle fort
ceps re plusur , they decline the •t the first Ilse of defence. Two
proffered luxury. Everson tells w htssdted prtsonen wan taken Dy rho
that the apple h l r 'social fi let" s rl and allies to Ibis operation.
acertain char many an rnS
apples M •proper part uhf •n waning'. '11e O.rturans hoisted the white
en1.ertaimmrnt. ,Vhen the guest• ate Beg at seven o'clock Saturday morn -
met and the fire marina they 1•rinR out fig at use w.ather observance bureau
• plateful br perhaps • basketful to be et Ttiiag-tau. Th• quick apltalettes
eaten during the cons•r.ati�� Th. env ser sed toy to rause
e men o1
more hardy souls in the nom tall
W .t nose and munch 1be app es W Ib. army sad navy openting spinet
their bearer' content, but mole timid it and also to the people of Tokio.
nature* •blink tom the exhibition Tri. obars• asalnst the k,iddle tort
they iuiagire they would be making � • brilifant one. It was led by
of epesasrlve. and In that way lose an O•moral Tormlml Yamada at the head
important part of the eveuti.it s •5- d •ompaaf.s of lataatry and en-
jo mess.
�:ntortunately 1 have no book of The •amiss of the Gorman and
deportment by we rod 1 ase unable JYpiSf.e. fosse• wblch wen largo.
to say whether then is soy dainty r' sot Dees •which .
way of eating apples approved of by
tar beet isms of good society. Aa Tho •pture of Tiling -tae lose• to
for myself, I hold that • man has r Oss•y her last foot of posaes•looa
right to eat am apple to any , way that d a. Asiatic mainland. as wan as
please. him. eo long as be doer not try her Iaet steat.gtc position outside of
to talk with his mouth lull. Must the Osronan Lmplre In lllnrope. Tor
people begin by taking a huge bite out ' asrly three months the Oerwan gar -
of the apple as an opening. and then , Mee amoe.ntl*g to •bent 7,000 m•D
they bite oft pieces of convenient edea bee bald wt against the land and sea
Trow the sides of the chaeta nude by studio co tis. Jap .ase and of ones
the tins bite . in ibis way they p� uta British detachmeata of both white
ceed until nothing is left but the cont. I add ludas troops that found tJozs-
Theu they sal around the core with ' tits. to China at the outbreak st
dainty bites until their bust passe the • (�
plate and they mike a traria start.
There an other, wbu always
le first
knife and either peel t he app
and sat it in slicer, or art it in slices
without peeling it. All authorities
agree that the choicest flavors are just
under the skin, so Lbe custom of tak-
ing it off lion is not to be oomsrend.d,
e5en thou�tb some people are so expert
.l this that they cau take off the
whole peeling io a twig spiral, without
',awaking it. This f.at always please•
the children un accowi1 of the des-
in ooe of the local p•pere last wawa
with regard to the meeting called for
�emit•aMet tt1{rtlpga i atM•ns In the council chamber on
-! *�me Bondy evening,• Xovomher md,
1A hd mega► red Councillor Prank Elliott says he was
1us w nut the originetdhr of the meeting. hot
M ~Mar he wY Yked by citix••M to s.k for the
tamerr .boson, but it us nevertbelsss to
be depioied. Among the old there
are many who take a spoon and scrape
the apple to • cutely pnlp. Judging
trout the gusto with which they rat l
imagine that thud method has its sod
points, but 1 am not ) et old enough to
try it.. Wbile soy teeth continue to
be good and my under -jaw flexible I
shall rontimue to eat my apple with
straightforward bites even though 1
may make uty muouth "look like • stab
in the dark."
Speaking of the under-j*w reminds
me of the fact not known to every;
body that it s with uur under -jaw
we du uur biting. if you take a
bard apple, such as a Klr.g, you will
be surprised to flud that you did not
bite it where you intended, but lower
down. The teeth iu your upper jaw
merely serve tai^ hold the apple in
place while those iu your lover jaw
are plunged into it. But no muter
how you eat apples you should never
tail to est them plentifully. All doc-
tors agree a hat they en excel leo t for
the digestion, and John Burroughs,
our most lite, er y authority on the
apple. says : "lt i. the natural anti-
dote of most of tis•- ills the flesh is heir
to. Foil of vegetable acids and aro-
matics, qu•litie. which act es refriger-
ants and antiseptics. what ro enemy
it u to jaundice, indigestion, torpidity
of the liver, etc. '
By all mean. eat apples. Eat them
wbenever you feel like it, in public or
in private, and it you have more than
W can est, "ROLL THEM T'O THE
�� oke of the ball. A lades pecker was
WG/ bave bees peasant from London,
`► r •fuse a/ Iles- _ lea m� `eg tot eaaoefed the engagement atter it
min auk as
late tui put a notice in the
NI rt
� lint Ifiwg
pus �gitw6ey16r7rt
titins at en t eat&
as rim as si.
ami ri atL fes' p ipere. Mas were notified that no
Mei �t eg ist metals' wou he held and it was
I thought that. it was suf iciently well
ewe it say
ether Isown that no one would 1r present.
idil ..ey it Is expected then a speaker will be
erll h� secured in the near future, whey a
011e' poblic meeting will be rained
ineedes Ilse.
OUsbr ted Seth Birthday
Mt tis •sew k blosto 4 Mr AM:. Davidson, of tieaforth.
thee sus memo celebrated isle 84th birthday on M•tur-
itle di• of day la.t. Mr. Davidson Ie remarkably
M d smart and well ved for hie alta
visa its atm,* mai how,
pwr i der les pure dies a and his ..rn he spared tontis esjr will wish heSWIM
r.. Dred Ravi•. of
sem ts?le d anniversaries.
� Ooderich, i.. daughter of Mr. David• J The nesse vied I• se wanes hal
w bmeetrs the settee mak-
seed lar tee al emee essi si eslgth� I -A slight warthquake shock wee la d °d livertheme •a/
I California ori he.day is Nb�tr wasting ys stay
Kdesro Troops Defeated Al.., the
River Warthe
]Russia has definitely begun the long
pe�iemd invasion of Oermaay. A
�aastaa &dvaao• guard bee broken
Ile German defence at the River
Worths, and has penetrated tan miles
wI the Provisos of Posen, hold -
Ma a position at Plushest. wblcb b
16 =flu northwest a Kailas and *3
U. northeast of Breslau'. Por the
Met time sines the war began the
Lsaws troops have set foot 15 • pros- {
Mee where the groat estates et the .
Berms& skobtes are located. At nae
putt the Russians have taken HAM
Simultaneously the Russian drive
at mast Pruesla has driven the Ger-
mans from Wlrballen, their last poet
tion In the Russian Province of Su-
walki. and has overflowed Rest Prus-
sian territory from Stallnpon•n, 10
miles west of Wtrb•Ilen, to Lyck, a
distance of 60 miles. the Austen front
being from 7 to 10 miles within Eaat
Prusala. Cossacks are raiding to-
ward Oamb'tunce and Inaterburg.
On the southern trout, Southwest
Poland an' Galicia. the advance of
the Russians has been usually rapid
and trresiattbl•. An advance guard
whin' drove the Austrians and Saxons
southward along the left bank of the
Metals attar the great victory of Oct.
11 to Oct 25 has reached the River
Niflglea, leas than 16 miles from Cr.ssww, and the closest • Russian army
has ever ere to the gateway Ot
This movement has had two results.
It makes the capture of Cracow a
probability and k bas oat off the two
Aastls. armies, unmated with their
Ssisaa supporting ••ups s about
NON mon. 'thick bare been operat-
ing *t tis. River Sea and ,oath of
P +sea al.
Three Want This Man •
1t will not be Lbs fault of Mayor
Euler. of Berliu, if the eu year old (lit -
ford termer, who wrote to the Mayor
asking assistance to flud a vette, does
not sucued in his quest. On Saturday
the mayor received three lettere from
women who want to spend the rest of
their lives with r wall -to-do farmer.
Two fit them are Toronto widows.,
while the thud come Irvin a maiden
lad in Galt. Ail of the applie•tloas
will be forwarded to the C1t usd rano.
Told in the Following Letter
by a Jackson Man Who
Knows from Experience.
His Word Is Good.
Jaekme. Mks-" t ere • aerometer,
end the grippe let me set say with m
.kreek esr�h, bet 1 wee
were eat sad weak. I lack all kind
sough wraps bet ('ley did me es seed.
I Anally fates weak t wits sot art
do a days west, ad es mureli 1
was alarmed *bent One
evade( i reed abort end derided
b ri Behr* I W token a quarter
et • beads 1 telt butter, end otter tak
two bottles my sough is sa10ey ear
all the bad symptom be
dean) I boos gaited thew viea beeergy. -
--Jomr L. Doses, 711 Rtreet,
ter dist lag t1q aanLin & !DO eaeb,�Y
Min ase pseud 0. tie 1M sb� TM felt e i strength endvigor
pot seed to hesitate i it. beemse The itinerant vendor of a hair =e1 es whs. the twit ken mad
/1!win and NB* restorer holey pleaded at Bow Count sole. ow" the rd rerpase.e of the
d1se�•1 dhl ti wMoil
B w4 wlp it 1+oi� N the �as unaM. to P•y h • Meed M
dsaan'tine th' war h.g•e ittheuslgft
.barbod ddstrfitts
�'.s�"'�1Pa11f !debts
ter whether they war. ammo Avila tr lb, ''"""
bbtMM fit ensues M load perviously �� eel the body.
PPerrin's Gloves
McCall `Patterns
Special Values in Blankets
and Comforters
Exceptionally good values in Blankets and Comforters in Canadian and
Imported, and bought when markets were much lower than at present.
Finest Unshrinkable Scotch Blankets
made from the very best pure wool,
pink or blue border, size 68 by 86, per
pair $7.50
The Woolatone Unshrinkable Wool
Blankets with cotton mixture, delight-
fully warm, pink or blue borders, size
6o by 8o inches, per pair $•3.5O
Special all wool silver grey Blankets, pest quality Canadian wool, extra large
size, per pair OO
Cub Blankets, all wool, lovely quality, per pair $2.25 and $2.95
Special values in Sateen Covered Comforters, extra large variety of colorings,
extra large size, each
Turkey red Chintz Comforters, extra well filled, size 66 x 72 inches. Exceptional
value, each
Quilt Special
Special value in imported mercella Bed
Spreads, extra Targe size, will give
splendid wear, each ..... $ I.25
Pillow) Cases
Special values in Embroidered Irish
Pillow Cases, beautifully designed, suit-
able for initialing, per pair... $1.25
Plaid Blanket Coatings
Special values in the popular Plaid Blanket Coatings in grey, cardinal, navy and
green, a beautiful heavy quality, S4 inches wide, per yard
See our special values in Ladies' and Misses' Coats at
$8.5o, $ I o.00, $1 2.50 and $ 1 5.00 and upwards
'Phone 'Phone
pillar's Scotch Store5
Ppeak1g at tis• Guildhall tangent
ea 'Iu ay •elft Premier Assenith
sail les past
"There le eertalan aelafag to tit.
sonless of these Modred days to
damp ear boos. N aspires. ear wart
beta.-.sa Immix • ern resolve. want
eamseerested M lase tbra►-•gasearn
elesettvee�.' namely. Parts. Warsaw
and Cialab. Arses .ssh le terra tbsy
retired beetled, frustrated by the
tav1Nble ateadtastaees of the allis..
Oda is not eaougb. We shall not
sheathe the wordswhack we have act
nektly drawn until Salgl i recovers
le fall measure more than all that
she boa unlaced. a•tfl Tana M
adequately secure against the m•taee
•t aggression. .adl the its of the
tlitaDer nationalities et >I1r'eps are
placed on an unassailable toaattation -
wsdl the military 8enduatios of
Presets le folly and /folly le.truy.d.
"TIM 1. a great task. worthy .t a
great oaten 1t scans ger its seam
ylt.behest that every moa smug us,
aid or yoasg. etch or poor, busy or
Muer.. learned or stapls, sboeld give
wb5t he has and do wbat tt. can. -
ease sola•/- It e did mot care w It
aler T� t` sew= WS . )teen SAI. 'to earn mot. three I u to bap res, w salsa
;gtR . el tar • pounds a week by meow d bps row mow
I eiAe.
tl.1. C. leash. ialte i. Dun fid
B. C. Dunlop, Mee. B., druggist.
SAL Bedford bleak, Bedside, Ontario.
Iear Mse01.d Regita.wb to be Raised
For Peters Moods
T1s DctmInlee Government has de
aided to forestail expected romans
turf• the War OSee later on. and
will mobilise at once four regiments
of Canadian mended rt$e•--ons 15
Oatael.• probably at Tnroato; ciao to
Maaat.ba and Saskatchewan. one 1a
Alberta and ole M Bfltteb Columbia.
Cosi Carriers /link
A /.•pees% fieri Odeees 5575 that,
MM.* Tartish and Oersna trace
iambs Basal have been suet
`p_all -Eti, es lira deet el
A delicious, oddly -
shaped biscuit, wild Ire
delightful tint of imbed
milk sod a rise seems
At your grocer's.
le elim a desele...,Aisori♦
serpriese: used 1M. ramie'.
ars) sed se gra e;.s
suis. ter 1.
D. S. r & Gemp.gQ
of Music
In one of the strongest auticlee that
have come under our observatiou, in
connectins with the war and the
causes which led up to it, Mr. James
M. Beck, asistsnt attorney general of
the Caked States, in the New York
Thos. of October 21$th, sums up the
whole situation, and though of Ger-
man extraction be does not hesitate
to demonstrate by the clearest logic,
it not absolute proof, that Germany
and Austria delihsrately planned the
pre ant atrocious war. We reproduce
below the prelude to his argument of
too case and the questions be asks and
answer, :-
••Let us suppose that in this year of
degree', nineteen hundred and tour -
teen, there had existed, as let us prey
will one day exist, a supreme court of
civilization, before which the mover -
Aga nations could litigate their differ-
ences without resort to the iniquitous
and leer effective appeal to the arbitra-
ment of arms.
Let us farther suppose that ascii
of the ounteoding Delius bad • rot -
Behest leaven of Christianity to have
it. grievances adjudged .st by the
ethics of the mono* ea the siilar+b s,
by the eternal criterion of justice.
'What would be the judgment of
that august tribunal ?
"Any decoration of the ethical
merits of this great controversy must
start with the assumption that there
is such • thing as international mora-
'Chis fundamental axiom, upon
which the entire bosss of civilization
necessarily rest., is challenged by •
1 small clue of intellectual pervert..
"tome of these bold that moral con-
siderations must be suMrdinated
either to military necessity or so-called
manifest destiny. This is the Bern -
herd' doctrine.
"Others teach that war is a benefl-
Dent fatality and that all nations en-
gaged In it are therefore equally insti-
1 teed. On this tbeot y, all of the now
coftending nations are but victims of
an irrniatible current of events, and
1 the bighest duty of the state is to pre-
repar•. It+alt for the systematic exterm-
ination, when a of its n.igh-
Notwithstan og the clever plati-
tudes under wh cis both these doc-
trines are veiled, all morally sane
rep. minds are shrewd that this war 1e a
e great crime against oiviligat.ir n, and
the only open question is, whieh of
the two oontendin ova of powers
Is morally reepnn.lhle fax that crime P
"Was Austria justilled in declaring
war against Meryl*?
Psstded In 1111. AcIm.wl
by the NOW su.Iolan. of Ito
.ad Asoma sa . hs on. of the fore-
>•..t boo or Ito kind f
Aleerte., of Bachelor
Whole and Doctor of Mrelc conf0rrsd
every B Taught Bitty
thoroughly akt1IM1 Instructora
Pubifo Ikhool Mule and Droving
Aeadetnle Dona rtrnrnt
l'nplh rood res astir.
Tear lust on rrq.e.•. Aed rose
Jeans .14 0.11, Secretary.
1013 Woodward Ave , Detroit, ?Ash
as German justified In declsr-
Ing war against Rwi. and France t
Was Rnalwd joeti4sd In dashes
Ins war against 0erw7."
-Witte the ski aw hat first
In 1784 it was worn .sclmelstrut
1 �
T. Swarts'
'Bas, Livery
and Hack Stables
Jim or? Talc SQVARI
0 Cr -----II
Passengers called for in
any part of the town for
all train. at O. T. R. or
O. P. R. depots. Prompt
.ervloe and careful atten-
dance .
Unr Livery and Hack
service will be found up -
to -data in every respect.
Your pat rooms solicited
T.. $WARTS • -
Photo 107 Montreal Street
Individual Instruction Permits you
to enter any day at
it V mongoloid no efts moot thoroii,1
►adneo..obsel le l
pr'aedieal ..ad..
Cohort In.troetera I
Ow own three Airy ('eller. Bulldlnr.
0 e.ry rraduat. eaarant.ed •a po.ltIon
Got il.eosee Beek.
('. A. Pi.antwo. P C.A.. principal.
14. D. newton. ll.eretary.
li Bldijeets Meet by xpert entr'actes*
! at the
T. M. C A. ata•
LONDON. wit.
%Mete to Callers
assisted prelines.
he Aum Sept. les. Catalogue
tree. Mater my lie.+.
J.M. Wi0Modt J. W. aWyes�t,wer.ve•.let. ht.
Mead to wsr�lari•t