HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-11-12, Page 1YOU CAN'T OVERLOOK THE SIGNAL IF YOU Nish to Make a Mutinies of Your jlolineea The Signal Is the newspaper to use if you wish to roach the Manes. Itesults with the people that ono fry is wi ,jot' want. Read and y from 1e Signal advertisers. • ADVERTISING 1S THE LIFE OF A RUMNESS. It saner money. 'The moose.- ful amr.baat believes in adver- tising, knowing OW by keeptog ki.ad moods before the public the business and mosey will come big wry. See that you save mosey by advertising io The'ligoal--sues into the bows alt Ce SIXTH TEAM -14e. SIM QOI)ERICH. ONTARIO, THUR$DA Y. NOVEMBER 12, 1914 --` THE IIIONAL PRINTING CO., LIMITED, Po guineas THE STERLIN6BANK OF CANADA SAVE, because— Better retrenchment now than privation later. No. 131 Head Mice, Cerner Kis[ and bay Streets, Toronto A. H. Weikel A. Pater, Manager General Manager - Gedetich Branch 1 A. G. NISBET 18 THE DODERICH REPRESENT4TIVE OF The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada "Canada's only Mutual" OFFICE IN MASONIC TEMPLE, WEST STREET, (JODRRICH Puoens : Oeeten ID; Hovels 160. P.O. Hoz 864 AUCTION SALES cVTION SALE mer or orinceI( .*d; AND N eitvELLINLI AT GE ian, introeMILbl:.R.HkLL terl: by public ■actloo. at the t'nlon Hotel, in the tiodioh, on N ►'IOero Nyst/DDAY NOV EMBER Imb. 11111 at I. 0 Wien .harp : ppaerett Hi. property at £tog•brldge. being pert more ed Io ti, v .. e, towa.bly e.1 A.bddetd. e ainta erre• of land. om Iwo. .. Upor tb th- re 1. • trams 1 storey .tore 4Yltigabrfdl{w ty pet .mor, and a li stony re.deraoe t. mitt' tarhedl. a .et of parka weigh .o.ls, a good comfortable stable and t, be.ring trait tree. TM. I. a geedin ie.e of tee bag farming dt.trk:go in I. A 2aad Asada and the .tae lbw Al..). hada Rod t auonagr. Ti ow. - Ten percent of the pureba„r money W be paid at time of ..le. balauoe withal thirty day. lir .. portiuu of the money may remain on awe tease, bearing a reasonable int.rsat. **either c.rdetsoeie of .ale will be made known se date of sae. or may be had bum 6.It. HELI. Kenheetth, Ont. St-'Lt- tgi e . u t' N DB . Auctioneer. Ooderlen. Ont. efOKT1i/ADE SALE OF VARY 01 LAND I ',der and by virtue of the power, of oak contained to a osemln registered sr.rlgage• dated tits November MR made by Wil/len lerl )tet ttle to H. h.ta.tfaed. executerand now held to (1e be= Titers win he •tires for ase ►1 Dom' au tem by Themes Orale,. aooUooeer. at the ( olboree Hotel. le the rows et O.derinb. t runty of Hone, so Saturday. the ices day of %member, 1121. ht one Ansa p.m.. the Beeth half of lot ho. 11 In the eleventh ce_Msiiee of the Toweeblp of Wert wawsserlq Cees' M Huron. oostalatar Dee bemired ewes more sr Tbe building' omen of a hear.. ern and •hed About b) acres of the Md are cleared. Land .heated sheet 1 mai.. hoe. Loimeer. Property will be alio ed s.hleet to a reseed b.l u,d iks diet. to withdraw Mdse. belet Maned dews ie a perebewe. Terno, of siemoset Per Dent t*ab o• dere d ,.is. balance le ! Y►* therw1Jer wIUtwt Interest. ► urther terms sed oo.dltime oe ear mode Luawa oe day dime mid es ap.tleattes to the THda I2U. DET. FRASER a 1(OOtL. Aoatls.e,e G.t sLeeb., tet listed Mad ( 114.,. Ml H•« FOR SAI2 OR TO RENT eriek Mese es wattages street. sea reaviereasa& seedy er J. IL 10110 PUBLIC NOTICE WHO'S THE NIGGER? WHY WERE PROCEEDINGS NOT TAKEN AGAIN PUBLIC NOTICE Owing •.o a number of eerie of niee.le- being reported to the Board of Health. all per -on, are hereby unified t hat mama conwiuntcable dla.e..r must be lmm.drtety reported to the ur.denianed. Neglect to do w renders the homoioidet liable to a peo/lty under the Publle Health Act. A. t.. HUNTER. 1d.D.,W.O.H. !sated Nov. Ilth. Mil MYt RENT. -TWO STORY BRICK teem the eit Nene Meet mid with osiers ass home reetaietei MI 'miens eneneinees net of Soling Alleeel MAW" Arr le pianos ro ClitEDITORS Latest War News , McMILLAN FOR SOUTH RIDING Lynduo, Nov. 13. -French otllciel ST J. W. MOPES? anuuuncemeuta issued at midnight) report the Allies bevy resumed the neLIBERALS CHOOSE WELL-KNOWN R had crowed the Veer and nave driven FARMER OF MULLET r wer An Interesting Letter from Town Solis. thew back at all polaris except [lir a o enbive against the Germano woo rT O THE OITIZENS OF OUDERICH rim Belief Canaanite, ef the Lown WNW be pleased to receive dooetlssd of either ..M or seeds sad provisions to aro them to aei.tIag the peer et oar tomo daring tie c W1n- ker. Any mousy may he beaded to . A. Potter. Treason, u the Hterhee Baok, or artery. may Ise left at the Public Library building with the Librarian. If your parcel or Rood. °moot he readily dellsered there. let o+ know and we will .erd for them. 31-tf Hy order J. H. Yu) LINTON. Chairman. JAM2$ MIICHALL. l;ecr,tary. tine Garrow-ProeeedinAs at Latest lett bank. to the centre tee German, F. Meeting of the Town Council - attacks have been very rerluue but Complaints that Tax Notices Were have cows to nothing and we have Not Received by Ratepayers gained some gruunu. South African Rebels Defeated ( two baodred yards uu the i - - — F. Pardee, Chief Liberal Whip at Ottawa. Gives Fine Patriotic Ad- dress and Emphasizes the Political Truce -Yesterday's Gathering at Clinton TO THE SIGNAL READERS Owing to continued ill -health 1 find l of The Signal. 1 have never fully recovered from the illness that laid few weeks after I had entered upon wy new duties. When 1 aKain re- turned to duty last April my physical condition was weakened toe much to withstand the heavy work connected The town council convened in the I A despatch from Pretoria states with the publication of r paper like Wet myself compelled to relimyulsb contro me low for four long months last winter, and which commenced only r It loo coulee' ehawber op Friday evmould near her wet the rebel leader 11r The Signal. Although I have atuel! It looked fora while as if there would liana W 'flour'', Otauge River, and di. Clanton \ov. llib he no Waitress for lack of a quorum ; praised his commando' taking two bun- mioeoD Parliaweot p.hsed gamely to the responsibility I now but by H.St enough were present to dnd end dfiy prisoners.t And myphysical cooditinn too weak commence transactions. Reeve Elliott 1 po political division y P y .nd Couoe. Elliott, Morrie, L►ithwaite 1 The Residue Stall Advance laniard u[ three a. formerly to continue. ani Wigle were .11 that put in an ap- , A Petrograd despatch *ayee_Naeleiao It is with considerable feelings of their.pearance. Mayor Reid occupied the forces brve occupied Juruioaisbinglways „ regret that my poor health compels chair. i and secured eunu'ul lit the railways to rradjwt their inion Thr minutes of the previous meet- ;running into the interior of Peoria.I nor he convention was well attended, been connected with The not received notice of the •mount of weans rrpreeeut tum the xrrteol.ond- u..Mhafi being occupied Hiav ownabintdHe has Alread been ..,,t bar the taxes doe. Mayor Reid wanted Coun. a Elliott -to give the manes of throe waking the complaints. Coun. Elliott Botha to the redistribution Dd since and ed I r.o 'he sexton's repot t for October esu . presented and referred to cemetery ' ed w we w the eli lit lie degree that been ped K N Mill+° was 1 like the people of Ooderich and and parks cumuiittere. I the evidence which 1 pointed out w available as to -day -When the Do - the redis- tribution act it Materially altered the of Huron coup ridings, there are now only two. and the political amocietions findit necessary eom • a the last general election the Liberals West Huron oomioa Mr. linnets town- ship. The riding of est Huron hiv- ingwi out,r.. c candidate for the new Huron and was selected as the linen too me tugive up my duties as editor and als Were read es approe r+ were of ted publisher of The Signal, for 1 like the also the October n the special meet- et eriticized (a any way the mugger'. Thomas McMillan of H in/of *dobe '''1 d Poor which 1 have verde, our indicate W newspaper field The Signal affords and 1 Oc he VOTERS' LIS rCOCRT Tones orOOI' ItI r! Notice a hereby Oren that a oourt will be bold. perouant to The leNreo Voters Wats Art. by Mb Honor the Judas of the County Court of the lonely of Huron at the Court House, Ooderich. on the twenty fine CLAW day of November. W11. at lis Dock a.m.. to Mer arddetermi . complaint., of errors and lein in the Vetere LW.tot the Municipality of the Town of Ooderkh for IVO. bated the lto day of No. ember, ILII 1. 1. KNOX. clerk of the Municipality 33-R of the Town of 0odarlcb OTICE TO CREDITORS he Huron county, who have shown me The treasurer's report was pre- them could be got, would nut be sumc- riding of tiouth sensed and referred to the finance .lent to wake cwt a prioir facie case, 6 i w choice eve kindness and consideration committee. wbicb is all t.ba1 i. requited for erirad- fur the next federal elrctioos. The every A letter from Miss O'Laughlin, itioo purpc»e.. I am wrung the Dr- mases of Mears. Owen Geiger, Hen- lin THE LABIATE..., Mont lit •s, LATE Or Tilt Tin it truniucei, Milkmen Worm's. Discaarien Notice Is hereby given that all pereone hav- ing any choke. airelmt the &Kate of Mary Item. who ated es the 17th day netember. fere the ith Me et Remember. MI. to geed br 1MA at Geibettelt, Ont.. are nigaired an or he =et Never t• imieralmod eileitere Mt Patrick J. Kra* the of the estate 04 the mid illeseemilM"="lehn het erealleaed date the rad adianiettetee reels=md to diarists the mom of the sold "mem the prem. entitled testate. Meng regard only to the Halms of which he Mail Mosher, hed nous. wet teat Ow mid arewallwratat will sot te liable fig the Raid lemma aey part thereof. to my purees et , where Ann he Mall itot tees have resetved Dated at (Bedeck+. the 13rd day at October. MIL essieten ter Attend Water. nit eo- during wy residence among them. Cambria road. was read, .owplaining prytmeot rgrin, althcwgh Ido not ere all,,.nd Jacob Kellerman, pamlbwood, Mysuccessor in the editorial chair that she was over-a..eseed. Coun. what more !cru add ti ares 1 have al+u went to the h►11ot, and on Mr. Elliott said he bad received other coin- already written. Mc3lillam'e election they waved the will be Mr. W. H. Rohertson, who was plaints of • similar character, and also You will understand that the copies re.nlutjon of unanimity• also my predeeewor. Mr. Robertson many complaints that taxpayere had of for letters 1 and you du not by any them cbieley to indicate my own peent and Um following others were nom - gave a -couple of names and seed be oieftievirew, and to shorten this present Mated :-R. Seldon, Exeter ; M. Y. could hunt up twenty more. Gardner, Usborne townehip : Wm. to regard to the claims agrinst the Moved hy Reeve Elliott. seconded lee° u General T C by Conn. Mtirrii, that the complainta he referred to the court of zevisiou Carried. A request from the Canadian Free Iebsary for the Blind, asking for a grant, was reed and referred to the finance committee. A request frorn Mr. A. M. Glove' of the East street garage, for permission to build a garage adjoining the town hall and a cement driveway across the boulevard. and to have one shade tree removed. was dealt with in iraparate claueee. The first chaotic with regeed to the building was sent to the fire committee, with power to act ; the second clause dealing with the drive- way wits mut to the public wen kip committee. anal the third disuse with reference to the shade tree Wan passed on to the parks committee. A letter from Solicitor Orerrow with reference to debentures was ordereo Another letter from Mr. Garrow addressed to the town clerk war as follows : sale PILSIDINCE AND FARM PROP ateernee YOU SALS--I have 1.111= nr 'Met tab awarel siLualall es Neel Anew la ; else NNW hula Wok within a Wien dielarle owes. 11 cir,i,rxmlA1sTuirotaeariell let tee brew. 704 mimed dam emeMeate. the Now Tear. ISMke `4•11 relennel. Adams bet tee sr fee Hein? hen. the extiester W the o rate of the raid deosimed full partioilitte iied that attar tlie mAd last mew dale the wad maim wr will pressed to the mots et the wed ihreariesd w iring petelse sante 'twee, hoeing re LATE Or Tat TOWN Or 1:00EIUDII, Rona- en bee MIMI lama the ...tate el wird who oi the :norm ef October, OM.. are ri ti abed ea or Were ef Newman,. Put. to Need to= mt. the riefiereign wiletror DEAFt. Slit, —I duly received yours of the 24th inst. rerineeting a report as to the progress made in the. matter. First as to the prosecution of Moyes. It occurred to me that the shortest way to explain what bad been done was to "end yuu, I do herewith,* copy of some of the letters I hwy. written. You wilier.. that on the 19th of May I wrote the Attorney -General mediete proceedings. I received an acknowledgment of that letter on rend of May from the solicitor to the Attorney -General, Mr. Beyly, , in which he asked me to state exactly what. offences in my opinion bad heeu committed by Moyes which would ceedings'. I wrote Mr. Bayly fully on the 27th of Slay pointing out that of. fences of theft, obtaining money or valuable securities by tale. pretenses, fraud aa • member. director or officer of the Company, and perjury. had &II been committed by eloyere 'arid that all of these offences were in my opin- ion exteeditable. In the ardentime Mr. Proudtoot bad also been having interviews in Toronto with the Attorney-Generaes depart- ment, I believe, and with Mr. Corley, Crown attorney in Toronto, and it was arranged that detailed informa- Lion ebould be given to the latter re - yeas ding tbe offences which we contend bed twen comeliest& end the evidence which conk' be produced to est&blish our contentions, and Mr. Proudfout, Illeersielia about to leave home for the West, iseliebe ma to tbrough the evidence again cerefully, aad write Mr. Corley. I went uvulae whole of the evidence taken before the Rail- way Board, &nil wrote Mr. Corley on the IfIth of July reperating practically wbat I had said to Mr. Bayly, and giving him the names of the witnesses who could he procured for the purpoire of establishing • prime facie cage. Mr. therley. I believe, handed my letter to gomeone in the Attoroey-Oenerales De- partment. I wrote Mr. Bayly after mien,/ again to Mr. Corley, on Sept- ember 10th, asking him what wad being done in the matter, and to nay whieh he mates that re far the Depart- ment hart received 'absolutely no aleiet- f tag= &erne te thank Moe church next tionstit !tee. A. W. reuld hoPe to eliimellir Notre.. I *ewe thew la *dr meet Ibt September, pointer/ out to him eareamemet is tee moot • kind and taw- at nnin rnrvirr.' °111 "hskinir thr NnUnna and be of whatever assistance I could. and 4:11e the 'Woos which be shall thee wad &meta ar any see that As mid mentor — Ellatbilre•LE•aar WA. of whore Mire he THAOHER FOR =ft avb.hricafte: besesses6. Oat. OF MAXIS est tiw Wire remiss notice. • We& et 1•11011 thlo Ear of November. 11111 M. flosigirRON, CHURCH CHIMES and A. Odler, I underetand from r. Proudfout tbat formed demands were, Air. rr. F. Pardee, i Splendid addreeses were given by made upon Mr. Otte' . and upon t he 'I .04ndi:sid.t.e. lir. p&rtiee.. pate knee Toronto Generel Teets teorporation. Mr. fdilone. solicitor of the purport'. , references to the united front of the tion, who has been away from home, Empire were warmly received. The was to have had rin interview with 1 hest traditions of the Empire, he said, Mr. Proudfoot in which the 'natter , ' were being exemplified to -day, and he was to be gone inte fully. I do I was never prouder of being a Cana - not know whether that interview basil dian. In observance of the party taken place or not. Mr. osier through truce Mr. Pardee did not dwell on hie solicitors repuei&tes the claim contentious political questions, and which has been made amentet. him. pointed out that, although that truce and unless it is adjusted litigation will was being violated by the Conger - of course have to follow. vative press, the Liberals purposed to keep their p&rt of the pact. Yours truly, ' FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE. 5Ioved by Colin. Wiges, seconded by - Elliott, that the letter he re- Dr. Clark Requests Vigilance in 'letteping leered to tbe 'specie' committee. It Out of This District Moved in amendment by Iteeve Dr. W. F. Clark, V. S., hes received that the matter he haid on the table. the following telegram dated Ottawa, November 11: ' Elliott, seconded by Coun. Morrie, Upon division tbe amendment was "Tbe foot and mouth outbreak in tort and the ruction carried. ' the United States has assumed a very A number of accounts were pi -e- 1 ("Primp( aspect. It G therefore emelt- tented and referted to the finance eel thitt this department exercise ex - committee. 1 treme vigilance wit.h regard to the The.report of the thence committee, 1 condition of our cattle. sheep or hogs. Would therefore refine -1 you to tele- graph this office if at •ny time you of Coun. Laithwaiw, seconded by have.reaeon to. suspect thr eIietvirM Coun. Wigle, wee adopted. 'of this disease an your district. :1 our The report of the flre committee assistance in ehis connection will be , Signal at a high standard, sad to this was read aod on motion of Colin:, much ePPreeieted. , . magistrate and with the consent of the Wigle, deconded by Reeve Elliott, was! "Fneneeti K TORRANt H. end we invite the co-operation a its father were made wards of the Socie- adopted. eChief Veterinary inspector for llo- friends, in acquainting us with any ty. They were sent to Stratford Ethel - The fire committee recommended as mtnion Oovernmente• news happenings whicb would be of ter for a short time, then pieced in follows: (10 Thet the fire hall be re- I As Huron is a very important cen- good homes in tee coute.ry with b interest to readers' of the paper. recommending peyment of a number of accounts. wad read and on motion Signet for fifteen years reputation of being one of the most capable newspeper men in Ontario and under his direction the good old Signal Will continue ars • foremoet ex- poneot of public opinion. Since Mr. Robertson severed his connection with The Signal last ye&r he has done considerable travel- ling, but found no place be liked as well as bloderich, and upon his return a few weeks ago made me a business proposition which I have since accepted, hence this week I bid fare- well te Signal readers and friends. A NOBLE WORK HURON COUNTY CHILDREN'S AID SOCIETY SHOWS ACTIVITY Homes to be Found tor a Number of Belgian Children -A Suggestion that Municipalities in the County Might Extend airreater Financial 6 Asieistance -Mr. A. M. Robertson Appointed Secretary. The annual meeting of the Huron county Cbildretes Aid Society met in the Court House on Tuesday afternoon. There eves a very good attendence. Mr. James Mitchell, the president, occu- pied the ctmir. Rev. %V. K. Hager opened the meeting with prayer. The minutes of the last annu&I meeting were accepted as cm recL Mr. O. M. Elliott, County Agent, then presented hie annual report, as follows : Mr. Pi esident, Ladies and tient lemen - With thankfulnese we present our repert on the work of the Society for the past year. It will not be necessary to go into details regarding the came dealt with, which have been gone into at our meetings from titue to time dur- ing the year. The Society hes. through your County Secretary, been able to accomplish considerable throughout the county in the way of preventing neglect, in 'Amoy cases by advice &nd warning preventing children from getting int, the criminal class, and in some cases saving boys from bein sent to prison. This part of the wor hes been very encouraging. We heve also been the means of helping parent.* into better positions, en th&t they might better provide for their children. It is only as a last re- sort that children are removed from ehe guardiansbip of parents. Notwith- standing this fact it has been found necessary since our Met 111012ttal meet- ing to take charge of 20 children -14 boys and six girls. Theee were all given over to the care of the Ceildren's Aid Soeiety by the order of • judge or Ten of these children were pl&ced in good private homes without being first sent to • Shelter: four were sent. to onlv for a, short time, but one boy re - A. E. BRADWIN. malted there five months two were given hack to perents on probatien. and one gel wog sent to the Industrial With this week issue The Signal school. Three were placed in privet e again payees into the control of The homes for 0, short dim% then w, re sigma .preetelig yompnoy. Limited. given over to perentsalter * reconcile n effected and the h with the undersigned as manager and lireta-PocnitahadhliAhheyed editor. -It will take route time to get into touch again with local and coun- ty sifters, and with the business of the effice, and the special indulgence of the readers and patrons of The Wine' is desired for the next few It is our intention to m&intain The First. a boy of 12 without parental control drifted into evil habit until at holt heAppeared before the judge, who gave him over to the crop of the Sock*. y. We became respensible for his future conduct and immediately placed him in • gisod hemp in the country, where he ie giving splendid sratisfrac- eon aud et being well provided for. Three little boy. wham mother had forsaken them were brought before the paired by giving this woodwork a coat i tre o t e ii -I g of paint and the walls kalsomined or' utnowt care should re exercised to whitewashed, the doors have iron Protect the herds from infection. Dr. besets" and the windows new glans. telark urgently requests thee anyone (2) That the bose aod ladder wagons , IP this district oboerving any 'quip - and fire engine be washed. cleaned, toms of the dreaded disease notify him etc., to give ebe apparatus • tidier and igemedietelY by telegraph or tele- heeter sesPeterenre. ell 'Fleet the re- Pn°e". pairs he made under the supervision Patriotic Concert of the chairman of this committee, and that the amoont to he expended The petriotic conceit in aid of the be not more than 115. (4) In • re. local relief fuod Ir eld in Knox cburch pert of your comeatitge listed pies), lama 'Mundy evening was of a very will be bele et, North eteest method's, formulated • charter on "'Ake we h that I Nut already. she early as May besbend sod halm.. itev• 411' Wriillbtr'n nrrne- leth. toed my views and offered to AGENTS WANT= ANT2D.--A ARIA A RLR MAN r".H.Tr !WM *A sell ow Nerdy Oseagiail staked hint b, let tOr knew anything further that might h" Sulltir"."d 1 'Ilan. Elliott thenerht there WPIW and alien delivered an adhlrees. The 15th, it. was reensemended that the high order. 'rerY "'bee ism the In' water and Hint eprormiseion he re_ Famine was in keeping with (be quired to have the town hydrants bnildiee in which the concert was flushed out four naive • year, • re. held and nothing occurred tl. jar the port of sect* flushing to be furnished feelings of the mine causative with the council. Not having received a reference to t.be use of the chinch. It report your committee recommend e Tim Pil . . . that the oummission have all hfdranta which were the best items nn the r.b..p.. these gaud without. Mr. Braderin bas The Signal Job Department also will be continued with a competent staff and & good mechanical equipment, sod we solicit the generous patronage of tbe public in this line. Mr. Bradwin leaves The Signal &fee • period of fourteeo tnonthe in the editorial chair. We do not know his pitta's for the future, but in whatever ephere he may he he will have our cor- die' wishes for hie success and happe 1 A eirl of 13 Tsars 01 sere. surrounded deems's-, wee taken charge of and pier - (molly have made during their cons- od under the care of a wise tooter paratively brief sojourn id Guiderich mother in n splendid bome. She is in getting good trainirig and the results will, we feel sure, join beartily are very satiefartory. sway weed mother. getting a poor chance in tbe world. was taken charge of and placed in it childless borne. with wcil cared -for and eery happy. 1 A little motherless girl, eight years of age, wee given to e ledy of means 'Continued on page 40 people who Lave no children of their own : they are now well provided for and all are happy. trolled and in danger• of becoming • criminal, was taken charge of by the Society and pleated with good people & born under agreement. He is now marmite' wages and giving the beet of satirfactionto his employer , has cut out the cigar*, te habit, /aimed' clanrch and Sunday school reitulerly. in fact be is • changed boy. nem. The friends wboin he and hia bY nnd hum. milleeneei end in great flushed lo fore next connei meet- IlTonium when all were rio good. Intr. The object of this to to have tbe addreso given by Rev. .1. li. Ferber. newspaper held in Ontarto, &od in due fire -fighting accessories in proper inshore was one ot those we Me:. Lime. wuji unproved badatb. be will D0 doubt teaks & gibuis toe hinnailli is leis iolionow profession. grope hefore t he letting in of cold , u weather. OtaraL of a pas use wit n gen' ed t he with reference te repairing the G.T.R. t at he had gripped his aireience and won tbeir sympathy. Tbe vocal solo - had an intervieW with Mr. *Laurier weigb scales and Mr. Lauder had ista wore Meedames 0. H. King. A. promised to have it attended t.o, bui nothing had been done yeL He said Misses A. McClinton. Hattie Beleber. Mr. Lander had told him tbe conneil and L. Lytle. 11 ewers. Reg . Black - had no power to make the repairs. stone and leen Written. gave A cornet as the town peid rent for the stock duet, and Mr. elid. Beater assisted hie sister in a vocal duet. A number Mayor Reid said he was mistaken, log they liked. Colin. Morris waii he yard and they could do what repair. of tbe members of the band of the Wird regiment were presort road gar* a 'eructed to see Mi. Lauder again and few selections, including ••It's a Long. get the work done LonCsay to Tipperary:" Rev. tied. A request te have several loads of E. wow the chairman of the cindere put on Klis&beth street was evening. The at itil t orinm of the referred to the peMie work, corn- elmech w" we'll Mewl' mates Mr. John Young, of Lerhthouse The Gunpowder Plot street, was prevent sued asked to have There was • pleaaant time in the nr"" °°""ertilma guide with twe Oddfellowe hall on Thnrsday evening Messes ha ba• erected. The matter last, when fully 50 members of the was referred to ptiblle work, ennamite loam Oranue lodge, No. 11e2. accom- tee to rePort palsied by tenet wirea and familiar, Moved by fJotin Wigle, serionded by newenhiee to partake tb, good Reeve Hiliott. thee tbie council MOM- things nen illy provided at an oyster mend tbe water and light commie- ! mapper. tn addition to the supper. non that • light he placed at the v I ober* sddresere Were given In the Baptist church. retion of South and Bennett streets. Mr. John Millian waa t,he chairman. OP Pre • . bay. r•reived n ti i roily what ever to phrase IMO needed lights far more. other sperthera were Mr. T. W. Nicb- - Ruy your Christmas gifts at tne ail, hue., The motimt carried. Shier et.* e and Wia taw 11146"° IP ark 11 As I et &UM t n Mr. Wryly 1 do not Reeve Elliott mid he had almost got (44°nFrenIt' in"Fierintt of ittOhle INdr". : HCA'aurryp. machine given sway ebeolutely free. see a ha. ment.nouid bb don... 1 „atm Me Tea market le still advancing in May last what I tbooght the evid- and fine Was are hard to pot at any mos would mitabli.11. mod gave the LOW 02 FOUND eSALADA" is still acid at BSc. swag& of the whose's' that would teeirowr, Label, 45e for Bine L&1104. ' eidablhell the allergen. lb. Department gait—Iserwingx 1(1"8- fie for Red Label and Slir for Odd Le- '171:611::: mores hod oe emmising the 01111 Loft. A LintittgratulA mown are tspil. sad of the same high quality es that the charges might not they re sever Oiniecil then adjourned. week with Hamilton friends. •thek 'n th• b"'" which won" *0 Mcereata the latter giving a humor - plentiful et the hack of the rime:ping owl outline of the Ounpowder Plot. station and be thought they • Id lel The evening was one full of piessure eat. Orion. Elliott advised the Reeve wed enjoyment for those who were to wear gime." and take his boots off present IMiss Pearl Good is speeding the • • 111=1111 NOS North Huron Liberals! A Meeting for organiiation purpases of Liberals of the New Riding of North Huron will be held in INDUSTRY HALL, - on 01 LYTH TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 17th, 1914 at 1 o'clock p. In addition to business routine MR. F. F. PARDEE, M.P., OF SARNIA will be present to address the anating He is well worth hearing. All Liberals will he welcome and are urged to attend, as it will be an important gathering owing b, the tr hangee in the boundaries. W. H. ROBERTSON, M. BLACK, President pro teni Secretary pro tem. 0 • • 1 •