HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-11-5, Page 7THE SIGNAL : OODERICe ONTARIO
T1sv•snay. Novatssaa a, 1914 7
Wnte for Particalars
LOTTIE ARYSTRO�NgGyuar F LINP Mus. ac.W!Drumlin!
r llnij?E�ipal
Address: -354..6 Dundas .St., London, Ont.
eiXOZ.Olive Oil
plehelee WI In Favor of British.
French and Set i.ne--cath Sides
•eine Reinforced
From the North Bea to Alsace the
armies of Belgium. France and Urtt•be
Lad distinctly the bettor tit the hard
lgating of Monday. The official re-
ports show that the slues made pro -
pees all along the Use, and that the
German effort weakened perceptibly
Pince Monday.
The German armies attacked des-
perately In Flanders, In Northern
Prance, along the hills of Champagne
and along the Meuse, but tailed to
break the allied Zine at any point, and
lost ground in 4etermined couater-
attat'ks by General Joffre's troops.
Aa formerly, the increased violence
of their offensive was useless.
The official repor's by the French
Government indicate that iu Beige=
0a Sunday the allies successfully de-
fended ground won Saturday while
atsadfasUy holding positions north of
the Aisne and making s•rme progress
In the centre and in the east
Powerleas to make progress In the
extreme north the Germans strength-
ened thler attack near the binge of
the old battle line northeast of Sots -
eons and along the hetghtt of the
Alone. They were beaten back at
(dhotis-en-Santerre, l.k Quesnoy-en-
•anterre and Vaillyeur-Aisne. In the
region northeast of Rheims• where the
French have developed a powerful
offensive, they continued to bene
back the German line north of Souain.
R'his seems to show that the German
centre is breaking.
At the east of the battle line the
lighting was severe. The German
army in the Argonne forest renewed
Its attempt to approach Verdun from
Mita northwest. and was checked In
the forest of Orurie. Simultaneously
the French made progress to the east
of Verdun and captured the heights
Around Sainte Mirle.
There is unofficial news that Ger-
Many is determined to break the atited
line 11 possible, even at the cost o1
ber offensive In East Prussia and
Silesia, and L sending army corps
westward u rapidly as paatable.
This report causes no apprehension
because complete confidence is felt In
the ability of General Joffre to detect
and defeat every effort against the
Allies' lett. This confidence 1s sup-
ported by a review of the operations
In Belgium and France.
For bitty days the Germans have
struggled with ever increasing energy
to put in motion a new advance, and
are actually in less favorable positions
now than they were on September
11. The allies have matched rein-
forcements with reinforcements,
manoeuvre with manoeuvre. while
slowly gaining strength to
numbers and in confidence. For
seventeen days the Germans have
'ought to profit by their occupation
of Antwerp and Ostend. but are as
far at least from Dunkirk and Calais
as they were the day after they
reached the Belgian coast. The
nptnlon or the military writers, there-
fore. 1s that the Kaiser has lost every
advantage counted on from sudden
attack and that every day is a gain
for the allies even though the battle
issue s Indecisive.
Whenever your system beoemes run down,
Whether through sudden climatic changes, over-
verwork or excesses of any kind, you leave your-
ourself open to contract any contagious disease.
To build up this weakened condition there is nothing
equal to Rerall Olive Oil Emu/stow.
It ht a res' nerve -food tonic and quite different from the ea -called
"ionic•” which re-rct os the system and either have no tea! food
value, or. it they ha' e, are loo unpleasant to take.
Resell Olive Oil Emulsion is pleasant to take,—the hypo-
phosphitea is it tone the nmer-the Olive oil nourishes both
serves and blood. -"
This preparation is guaranteed to be absolutely free from
alcohol or say daagercws or habit-forming drugs
Said hero aact.aivaly by tau, las Banal &tore,.t 11.00 per bottlr, also
at veer 1M ether Retail Mens. the Werld'. dr.s.e.t Dry Wore.. V Cuda,
tae Uild Wass and Great aritaia.
H. C. Dunlop, Phm.B., The 221fSa Storrs
Druggist, Redford Hlk , Gtmierich
W. Raitesstaes this Remedy. UR /si4 te satisfy les will reran yew so.er.
• The price of the Family Herald and Weekly
• Star. Canada's Greatest Newspaper, is one dollar a )ear.
• The price of The Signal, the Brightest and
• Best Newspaper in Huron County is one dollar a year.
free War Maps
Every Reader of The Signal •
May Have a War Map Free •
A Map 3'3 x 2% feet, showing clearly every
boundary, every city, every town, village, hamlet
and river in the whole European War area. Each
map in a neat folder of convenient size.
The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Mon-
treal has secured exclusive rights for the War Map pre-
pared by the celebrated map firm of G. W. Bacon & Co.,
Limited, of London. Eng. It is beyond question the most
comprehensive ,tap printed.
The Signal has completed arrangements by
which our readers can secure a copy of this excellent
map free of charge.
Good for 30 Days only
•• We now offer both papers for one year each,
•including a copy of the Family Herald's War Map, site
• .1(1 x 40 inches. in a neat folder of convenient size for only
• as. $1 s
This offer applies to all subscribers, new or
renewal, who pay for the two papers inside next :10 days
• from this date.
To follow the war situation intelligently the
Family' herald War tap is necessary. It should be in
every Canadian Home.
, •
The Signal GNORTHiST
■■ ■0000
■■ ■ ■ ■ 0000•■■0000■■■ ■■■ ■ ■■ ■■
• Make Women •
Look Ol ■
■ and time, show the &deet el unnatural aolloriyw---d bvadat bee, beck- ■
lichee. diedsaea, bot flashes, pales to lower Hasbs. Pskov ■
II everywhere.
• Them sisnapbews Isd1Me rat liaise sands belga Owes -work, ork, sang dyer- •
■ ,„117kMP wwtts`beide.* r mew •sir nd atrasglb. lee i'
• Dr,P '$!avo !!!! tion ■
■ •e�ave .s�.essasssvessme� �" ■
■ wlLe ♦ .ski ss dYb&�ntst symptoms
stewe to
■ ■
• ter ewer tasty yews ■ baa base basad with ware sail Llleow Ti •
hely, l fir hem or
11 Ills
mud R V. IL lll:ab aj�ilrw Y.w eee.ts+Iladleles � he WWI oa W lest II
.,n�' wa:"d= I
i ■7ritssrarmIss
Germans Believed to Have Naval ■she
on the Belgian Coast
The British cruiser Hermes, Cap-
tain C. R. Lambe, was sunk on Bator-
atorday by a torpedo fired by a German
submarine in the Straits of Dover as
elle was' returning from Dunkirk.
Nearly all the officers and crew were
paved, but about 40 lives were lost.
Q'bot toes of the vessel 1s of small
military .it ntftcance.
The dermas was a comparatively
old vessel. and from a naval point
of view was of no great value, bet
the fact that she was attacked ea
Dear home Indicate% that the German
submarine* must have • base some -
whore on the part of the -Belgian
coast, which 1a occupied by German
troops, from which they ran menace
ships of the allies passing between
England and France.
It you were told of • new
discovery for the treatment of
coughs, colds and bronchitis,
as certain in its action on all
chest troubles as anti -toxin is
on diphtheria, or vaccination on
small -pox., wouldn't you feel
like giving it • trial ? Especially
U you cool l try it for fifty cents!
Peps is the discovery
Pepearelittle tablets, neatly wrap.
ped in air and germ prod siker foil.
They .oat.in certain medicinal two.
dt.nta, which, w hen pt .rd upon the
tongue, inisseltately turn into vapour.
and ars at ewe breathed d..was the .jr
peerages to the lungs. On their journey.
they a „tis the ',teamed and irritated
melahrisues of the bronchlid totes. the
delicate w alts of the sir pommies., and
Aa•lly enter and carry relief and health;
te the eepsUaris and Way • r oar u. the
la • wart, while s•, lupus' er •olid
e•s gs to the lu ice rind air` fwaag• .,
these Peps fum.s gm there direst. end
at owe commsees tneer a„rk of haling.
'ceps are entieely disquiet from the
old fashioned liquid on•g!+ tarns, watea
are merely swallowed Mao the stomach,
saki never reach the Issga Pri.s treat -
meat of os.g... sad olds is dot- t treat-
It ye's he.e sant vet tried i'.pa. cat
out this sudrk write across 1t
the name a,•d date of this paper,
and mad it (with le. stamp to
pay rimers pastries) to Pepe
Co.,jbrontn. A tree tried packet
will thee bo sent your d
sleeve saM Peps
Sibs. hos.
TURKEY IS iRF,MB12lc L—�a�r�
I 000
Flee War Vermeis Committed Hostile
Alta For Which More Than Apology
le Necessary—Ejypt Threatened
The Grand Vizier of Turkey has
apologlwd on behalf of his Uoveru-
Mont for the warlike operations of
the Turkish Deet under German com-
manders 1n the Black Sea, but 11 le
Mated authoritatively that the Porte
will have to go very much tartest
than this before the powers of the
Triple Entente will agree to remote
trisedly relations with the Ottoman
Oov.rnment. The Turkish Ambassa-
dor to Great Britain, 'reedit Puha.
was banded his passports on Monday.
The Ambaanadurs of Britain, France
and Kusala left Constantinople Ami -
Play night In conformity with 'untrue
tions from their Governruenta and
floe 13er'vlan Mlulster Is alms leaving.
According to reliable news. an
Anglo-Freneh fleet on Monday enter-
ed Tccheehnle Ifay, Asia Minor. about
forty mile, west of Smyrna, where
the email Turkish gunboat Iterak Kele
and the Turkish steamer Kablll-Adds
were authored The commander of
the Turkish gunboat sank the 'steamer
and blew up his own vessel to prevent
their capture by the allies' fleet.
A Rome despatch asaerte that Turk -
Mb gunboats are reported at the en-
trance to the (lull of Suea. Numer-
ous detachments of Turkish (xvalry
according to the name despatch, have
reached Aakabhe a fortified village of
Arabia on the gulf of the same name.
News despatcher from Treblaond to
Rome say that hostilities hate already
begun between the Russian end Turk-
1ah frontier garrisons In Armenia.
Without any formal declaration of
war • Turkish cruiser last Thursday
bombarded the station and elty of
Tbeodosia, Crimea, damaging the
cathedral, the Greek church, a pier
and some sheds. One Russian soldier
was wounded. At the cono'luelon of
the bombardment the cruiser lett in
• southwester/ direction
Oa the same day the Turkish cruis-
er Hanildlch arrived at Novoroseuck
to f aucasla, and demanding the sur-
render of the city and the Govern -
sent properties, threatening in case
—Mitchell has reined i1N)H.:a fur re of refusal to tomhard the town. Aa
lief of the B.•Igianx. Novorouusk U an untortlfled town
the demand for its surrender was
—Mr. Peter Pyne. a native, of S'. granted and the officials were ar-
Nuy., died in Buffalo on the 2411 ult. rested_
Heleft St. Mat ya to year. ago and fur A despatch Irmo . Kortch. in the
some tirseFleet has been suderiog with Crimea reports that neat Takol light-
en afT.•-tion of the heart. - bonne the Russian steamer Yalta.
—The day might orate when you from the Caucasus, was sunk by a
eouW not get "S.Irda' hilt that will torpedo launched by the Turkish
he only whenever we find it impossible cruiser Goeben formerly a German
to get tea of the quality that Rite cruiser. The crew and paaaengers
with the "1441.da" hrand Hrowh were agved.
labii:tic, Bit. L•hrl 4.i . Fief t...b''i The steamer Ka*beck, which went
3iic—Thand oqlduor i eltel liof lc • fiopdounnnd. the rescue. was struck by two tor -
men will pm
and sank. Many persons were
up a vigorous fight against any refine- weed.
Don of license -8 and arr•ogemrnlw a e The Russian gunboat Donets was
being made for petting • attong re- mink. a part of the crew was drowned
raniz*tion in the tl-ld to combat the hod the others were killed or wound -
efforts of the terms -ranee people, who ed by the Turkish torpedo-boat which
have petitioned Ili. city council f.•r a raided the fort of Odessa.
vote to be taken on Janna'y let. With Turkey In the war zone tt 1s
That the cute will he granted s cum -
likely that other nations will now
ceded, a■ more tb.n • niMc env num- cease to remain neutral. Greece, Rote
her of names have been ar'uttd ti rhe mania and. Italy may join In the fray.
petitions and the council has no alter- ]sly. Roumania and Greece will
native but to arrar.ge for the vote. likely flRht on the side of the silica
If they deride to go to war. Bul-
garia has been weakened by the Bal-
kan campaigns, and shows no Its -
position to withdraw from her present
attitude of neutrality. Her army
numbers about 400,000 men.
The Lerman Foreign Office announ-
ces that Turkey has formally annex-
ed Egypt; which, In strict technlcal-
1ty, L a Turkish protectorate, "tem-
porarily" occupied by • British army
of invasion since the., year 1882.
The problem both for Britain and
Russia is the attitude of their Mos -
Rebel Boers Failed to Accomplish
Anything -Meyers' In Plight
Colonel Conrad Brits, who has bean
engaged In suppressing the rebottles
started by Ideal. -Col. Merits in North-
West ('ape Province, reports that eve
Invasion of the Cape has finally bees
broken *N(.rdlee to a Oapetown de-
- Abeth.twarepabeh tower. Vat* Tetra.
otys that Genera) --Ilothe.-enratsanine
of the defence fort's, reports that the
rebel General Reyera' commandoes
have been leattered, and are not lidde
ly to reunite. General Beyer' W
aid In an unknown direction
The Official Press Bureau Bays:
"241 rebels have mirTendered al lima&
vie/ General Mackenzie has rnaedsl
up all the rebels in the distrtet ()—
killed one wounded, aptarsiL•
German Bombs Kill Worse.
German aeroplanes galled over Dale
44.1t last week, dropping two bomb.
n woman end '44114 were killed.
bombe were, alae dripped •t
hone, emit of 1s Aaesee, a Orel
failed to explode. bit the reeved tell
to • group of women to the market
place, k1111ng nineteen and wounding
forty others.
Canada'second Bartle
Canada's se'nnd rtprdttlnnin
forms Ie to be restricted 10 14,00(1 mea,
according to the regnnet of the *Mist
Army Council. which -vas ra0ved at
Ottawa by the ()over' moat on lies•
Always g, Keep Them j
In Th" Hr...e•a 8
• That's what Mr. II.). Ea: t,.00.:.
of Carleton Place, Oft., says about
,.in 1'::1s.
"1 haw arae. G.. Pala ad. fi..1 them M
[..J i... pm. a• the J. ,..r. %.,•, . 11. V
and t..bi -...d all ...yaw* ,.( K.J..ry and
011.Jdrr T.nvw, t -.r alwaya•L-:p tbrnt
s,s t4 am....
tri itis
row ewa�(cwregYS
If you are feeling belly. perhaps
it is roof tKi.lnrvs or Idl:.!sl: r 1h 11
is causing the ,n.u`ile. 11 tai re h
'fain ovcr the Mani :rr—it the urine
Is hot and scalding—too free or
scanty --if the urine shows brick
dust depoeita or maces—Ii Stere IF
constant pun in t!.e hack -restless
sleep and lows of appetite --then
you certainly sent'.'* Pills. (-.et
them to -day and (eel better b
(aa Pills are «.td by all .ieslerw
at 1l . s boa, 6 toles for WL50.
Free trial treatment if you write
National Dreg and Chemical Co.
d Canada. Limited Toronto
We were never better prepared than at the
present time to supply you with a new
Winter Overcoat. All our lines in Men's
and Boys' Overcoats are 1:omplete and the
prices are remarkably low for the value
received. Take a look at them, anyway.
Boys' Overcoats Range from $3.5o to $7.0o
Buy while you have the first pick of the
lot. The first buyer always has the best
and most varied collection to choose from.
The Square, Godcnch
Agents for Carhartt Overalls, Stanfield's Underwear • retwell Hats,
Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs
YR114 iture11146
Isn't this the Salt you have always wanted
-a Salt that stays dry and free running,
all the year round and especially in
damp, rainy weather ?
"Regal" Salt is the finest grain of
Windsor Salt prepared by a new process -
under perfectly hygienic methods making a pure
and perfect free running Table Salt. 126
��+stow oar
Clinton School of
Are you making the 18.1 use of yoor oppor
t unit ieo wail. )ou hate them.
No matter what your walk In lite every man
and woman n.*.1, • tl(o:ough bu.inew train-
ing. The best way to obtain that is to have
actual bus lne-. experience.
Tile you will obtain at the 4'1(nton School
of Commerce. Our iralni' it meets the actual
requirement.+ and demand., of the thoroughly
up-to-date office man.
We have Installed the Hli.c Actual Office Sy.
tem of Bookkeeping. rbia 1. the only system
publishers which require an otfloe Practice
Department. The 111,,. pyatem recognize.,
imaginary pa.tles or tran•+ctlona. all bus'.
now being perfomred over the counter f.os to
face. When a 1111". 9y.tem gtjr•adu.te leave.
.school to take • Ail nutton it i+,J'umt the same as
going from onoatuatloo to anotherhe hax had
actual office experience
hem subjects, who, undlr ordinary He..tdw Tsai.' buslne.- tounn- the Clinton
dreumetances would prefer not to School, of Commerce otT,r. the tollowing
t against Turks In this war, ooerwe., stenography Iboth Gregg and PitmaM.
fig's gal y. Typewriting, eleipw by and prep•ratiou for
however. they have rallied to their the Civil service Exam.. Again for tache who ,
lag. and care 1. being taken to ex- merely whh to improve their education •
np.rely roawi. h to
1 ounce i. ,their du for t he
chin to them that 1n this
cane Ter- winter month..
key, under the direction of ()ermany, '1hc 4 Ilnton School of commerce eosean-
has been the tee, pos.itlons to graduate. The school open.
aggressor. Sept. tat, hut you may enter any time For
theme who cant attend •school. we give a thor-
ough up-todate corre+•puodence oour.e by
m.' 1.
Ml.a B. F. Ward, R i.. the t'rinclpai .111 be
..elated by expert and experienced Pipit ranters
For information write u. or call at the school
and 10spert it for vour.elf.
Terrible Loss Inflicted on Germane
In the East
The, following mmunicatlan was
bested Monday at midnight horn this
headquarters of the Russian genera
''On the front in Eastern Prussia
ear troops have repulsed German U-
LNA* directed, against Wladlslawef)t
(Suwalki Province. Russian t'olaad),
driven the enemy from the eastern
edge of the Rominten forest, and ad-
vanced to the north of Lake Reigned.
"llayond the Vietnla our troops toe.
Owe the alleppwa wlt44ngt being ft
massa Tisso•Owswe attacfm is 84te
effectlon of Rakalarz.vo have ceased,
allowing terrible leases suffered by
Ate enemy "
When Parliament rwas.es►les es
Novenabar I1 Prwrniev
arra a . .
as amulet of the .ea. '
yeart •ansae anent• ars
0ea e" ewy
Cansntae AId Foe •.Igise•
Laden 1,• the hate11 nearings with
vpp4les for the gallant Belgians. hoe
cargo Ming between tour and nye
tleesand tons, the steamier Tremorva4
.cline Preen Halifax Mend for Eno.
lead no her voyage of mercy. TEs
Trust's -rah le not ailed by Nova Rootlet
=�s9pp11ea. but . ontalns also shipvmail%
{lath Yaw Rn,newlek, Prince P4dward
Wand. Owyhee and Owtarle.
Neapltal Ship Wrecked
--Bonnycastle Dale is the"leaading
contributor to the Novrmbei issue. of
Rod and (tun issued by W. J. Taylor,
Limited, Woodstock, (Int., writing on
the ,object "Trapping in Ontario 1913.
14. In "Wai.deiings `a the Winter
Woods" W.. Dustin White describes
vividly the joys of the winter camping
trip. ' Bear Trapping and Pack Car-
rying in B.C." tell. of a hunter who
trapped a husky bear weighing some
loin pounds and then carried him on
Ihie vhack for a distance of ten mile.
l 'eF` as wteww ,woods► .trait. "llilf ,
wad bier sad eMa" is a well written pe- .
count of • canoe trip in the northern
wilderness. The remainder of the
magazine is replete with interesting
articles and the various dep.ritnent.
are well maintained.
When to Stop
An English journal requested
n number of its largest adver-
tisers to give their opinions con-
cerning the best time to stop
advertising, and the following
replies were received :
When the population ceases to
multiply and the genet 'tions
that crowd on after you and
never heard of you stop cooling
When you have convinces)
everybody whose life will touch
yours that you have better goode
and lower prices than they can
get anywhere else.
When you stop making for-
tunes right in your sight solely
thiough the direct use of the
mighty agent.
When you can forgot the
words of the shrewdest and
moat successful men concerning
the main cause of their pros-
Wien younger and fresher
bosses in your line cease start-
ing no end using the trade
journals in telling the people
ow much better they can do
fur them than you can.
When you would rather have
y, -nr own way and fail than take
advice and win.
N., matter how long .tnntlit.g your
case may be; don't despair, get • loot,
tic of !the today. 1' 1. 0,11104
.ells it with a guarantee to benefit
you. Mb. b wonderful in its
quick action. the pain ce•atyt, the mus-
ician and hones are rid of entente'', and
g ( oras. •n ver s
'the Rritlsh hospital ship Roh111a
matted o.} the rocks of the Tort. I
Abe roast near Whitby and la
a total wreck, having broken
he two while life savi.rs nn share
Wore shooting Iles and trying vainly
to make one fast to the Ili fated ship,
'One hundred add forty of those en
%nerd were saved. hat the Inv. of Ills
1s believed 1n have been heavy.
Awful German Limos
The (:swish casualty lista for the
peat week amnesia n( MI gen, accent.
twig to • despatch hew Rar(1a. The
OMat to date is about 410,000
tR J ygpmaHhe pa-
tient is •Ale to hav tb. Lame strength
and vitality of youth. Rheumo builds
blood go rich and thick that uric arid
cannot possibly exist. }throw) costs
only goo) for n ' r,. bottle from C. L.
(Willi. or direr' .111 ohmage• prepaid,
from 14 V. ?i.rton Co., Bridgeburg
-Mr. Jew i •,brio, wbo with hie
brother Find, l .fined thew Med Huron
tontlneent at t'lintns, wyltew to Mr.
Frank N'alker t t.•mdon, express-
ing his thanks to the ..noir and to the
quartette, which ,nMI.• a presentation
to him b.font his departure. "Lots
to eat and s good levet" was part of
his deeeriptioe of life at training
Martel a
Now is the Time
to repaid or put.'ti a new 'Poi.
Before deciding what to ttse,
.tee our
Galvanized Shingles
Corr bated Galvanized
Brantford Asphalt Roof-
of all weights.
ichor,• tab Ilamilton Street