HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-11-5, Page 6THi'ie uAY. Novel non 6. 1914 ' SIGNAL : 30DBeRICH ONjARIU 64. '477 r 0 ns Sets.�_pVl -•LIMUNIMEHl To c cmcwentus ( Jit THE OtI`INAL AND ONLY IENUINE BEWARE OF IMiTA- TIONS THE LATEST DRIES 1 SUFFERED Farmer's Vernet Following are the latest quotation for farm produce at St. 1.*wrease Market, Toronto, Wheat Ocoee wheat Oats. new Barley Buckwheat ........ 1111te11.15 1.10 0.00 by Lydia E.Pinkham's Ves- ta .64 EVERYTHING For Years, Restored To Health ,f8 ,gg etable Compound. ... .76 .M Rye Peas .. . 1.10 flay, timothy, No !...21.00 Mired and clover 16,00 Cattle ha! 10 00 Straw, butelled 16 00 dr.. loose 0.00 Ry -v, straw 17.00 SOLD ON Oat Strew 11.01 THEButter, choler dairy .28 Eggs, new laid dot .40 MERITS 01 Fowl. dressed, lb. .14 Spring chickens, Ib.16 D Q Ducks. spring. Ili .16 IINARD'S 1 Turkeys. Ib ...... .110 90 • N Canadian women are continually writ - 0 N fa[ to such letters u the two following. 23.20 which are heartfelt expressions of grati- 11.00 tulle for restored health: 12.00 14.00 1 Glanders' Station, Oat -"I have ta- u.00 ken Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Corm 11.00rte, Viz. pound and never 17.00/ Tr found any medicine x 81 to compare with it. iSi ' •:: 1 had ulcers and fall- ing of womb and doctors did me no good. 1 suffered dreadfully for years 14 until I began taking .02 your medicine. I a1 - .2e so recommend it for nervousness and in- digestion. " - Mrs. Hsa(iY CLARK, Glanford Station. Ont. LINIIENT BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. GOLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS All order. prompUyt� � oo leaving 2N hem at THF: 81UA A. E. TAYLOR. SIRATFORU. MEDICAL R Ola/. HEII.E.MANN, OSCE - PATH. *pedalo& In women'. and chu- ds n.'. see one. acute. *runic. and rern u. dt.- eye. ear. no.e end throat, tomato and mat u; wndlnoo. since f. 0111 .tr eel . third hum the equate. Uoderk:h. F. .I. R. FORSTKR-BYM. EAR. .�M tied throat only. Hone snmeo0. Sick Ophthalmic and Aural Institut... .ts.l.t., 2.x, Nowa and throat kimono,. bquare, and Muoreheld Aye BasWtel, Lowland. Umoe, SJ 8. Waterloo direct . . oppn.It. lino. C'hooch. aft /L. Yto•p.m.. Ito* Pet. Tottenham WAND ANI, MINNi16 M. GREER, • a C. Chiropractorssplrte and nerte t�elatlM... t I.rvpra.:ttc in the selrllee Mat otrre•,Ullbout drug• or knife. Ism stem.ua lisn. Unice utas aaaraiah • Ohm Mote. e0-' hence u0 Lae'. street. Pno•e 3s . .Lam a -- LEGAL PROU D4 UUT, K I LLORAN & PROUDFOOT DAKI;IBTk1t8, BUUCITORS. NOTARIES PUBLIC:, ETC. Office on the 8guare..eoatd door from lion Utes street. Uoaerleh. ell rate fun& to loan at lowest rates. W. PAM:Droor. K.C. J. L. Ytuotun W. Pnet;nrooT_OK. U. HAYS itARR18TLR, SOLICITOR,/NOTARY PUBLIC, YTt. O Uorling B•ok Block. Hamilton 8.reet, Ooderich. Telephone et-. Real Estate, loans and Inaurinds. IL�,ii O. CAMERON. K. 0.. EARRI8 11.1. Tilt. salistter, notary gablis. Oaoes- h.miltoD Mew. tiodertca. turd dem fro. Sonars. 1HARLE8 (*ARROW, LL.B., BAR U )UsT1L11, attorney, eollcitor. etc.. Gude rich . Hooey to lenda lowest rate ' - CSKAGER., BARRISTER. SOL- iclt..r. rotary Public and C'ooveyancer. *Moe -Court Home. Ooderich. CFLAU AUCTIONEER. THOMAS GUNDRY AUCTIONSRR Bur R7, Utderlch. All Ineteuotfone by mall left, at Signal Dace will be yeanalli at- . coded to. Residence telepsede lit INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. t�(s L►11L1 PRiVATIi FUNDS TO ipo,WV lura. Apply to M. U. CAM RON. Barrister Hammon .tteet. Oederloh. wR. ROBERTSON. 0 !NM:RANCH MILL/. ✓ ies IND L uatut tan : Brltt.h, C,tadlan and Anerlma. A0•,tyatr7, themes= ASD W rt.or ass' ITV : 1'00 Ooaaa AocWeot a.d Uuaisaot aorporauon llu.lred. of London. Tag. FIDuIITv AND tiu.RAtrraa Monne : The U.13. Fidelity sod Uuanuitee Company. Otaoe at re.ddenoe, northeaal ooruer of Vic- toria .ud 8t- Usrld - street.. Thome 174. UcKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE Ili 431 8URANCIt CO. -liana and teamed o va property Ineared. Oacertr-J. H. McLean. Pres..tieafort. P.O.; a. (:on.Nly, Vto.-Pres.. Uodertoh P. 0.: K. Hay., dee.-Tree&. Hcafortb 1'. O. Lnesctset.-la. 10. MoUregor. ueatuith : John iOleaOrleee, M'lnthropp N'l..rnItlao.CoosW.oe, hs Ifeu0eweb., brodtuigeo • 05mes Limey., wood ; Robert lent.. Rowlock ; Malcolu, ten Hrua.al g Agen to : J. W. Yoa Hdms.vIU.: R. t4mltb. garlsek; Wllllam ('he.ney. Heafertb; 1C Wsaklry. Kearny lf. homy holders Dail al imemems.1. and get their rude reoelpted •. IL J. Morrieb's Ctatklas lttore.t'Union. or at R. H . ('lot's Ursesty. 1LMe•tea street. teedsetele MARR1A0I LICENSES WALTER (wU CH, oNT. 18e k.LHOF MARRILAOS. LICE 481, J . 1%. M 1ID1i AUBURN, I,NTARIO. XI hi:. IIANT TAIWR An. I*BCKR Or MARRIAUk LIC \IRA Brophey Bros. The Leading Funeral Director's Sad Embalmers gees', Ib. .. .. .16 Live hens, Ib. 13 do. duck., spring, Ib. 14 do. geese. Ib .14 Apples, basket 20 do. barrel 1.76 Potatoes, new. bushel60 Cauliflowers, each .10 Tomatoes, basket .30 Onions, basket .30 do. sllve.aktns, qt.16 Pears, bark. -t 40 Pork, per pound 15 Dressed hogs 10.00 .14 .0 .1e .16 14 1.111 .66 16 1M 12 .00 60 20 12.00 Toronto Cattle Market Representative prices are: -- Choice ben vy steers .... 17.76 to 11.21 Hoody choice steers.... 7.76 2.16 Butcher steers, good ... 7.60 0.00 do. medium 7.00 7.76 do. common 6.76 7.00 Hitter., good to choice7.6000 . 4a medium to good. 7.00 T . 84 Butcher rows, choice6.T1 1.00 4o. good s 6.26 11.76 do. medium 6.60 4.26 do. common 6.00 6.00 Butcher bulla, choice6.76 1.26 do. good hulls 4.26 4.76 do. medium 6.60 6.36 do. rough bologna 4.00 6.60 Peedera. 160 to 1.100 lbs0.76 T.04 do bulls .... 6.00 6.75 Stockers, 760 to 900 IM0.60 6.76 . do. mrd, 660 to 760 6.64 6.64 do. tight. 500 to 650 4.75 6.50 Canners 3.50 4.60 Mltkers, choice. eachS0.00 100.00 do. cont. and med40.00 80.00 Springers 60.00 100.00 Calves. veal, choice9.1)0 10.50 do. medlurn 7.00 9.00 do. common 6.00 7.00 Luba 6.00 7.75 Ewes, light . 5.25 4.00 Sheep, heavy and bucks 4.00 6.00 Culla 3.60 4.00 Hogs, weig`red off can7.6() 7.42 do. fed end -watered7.16 7.35 do. f.o.li. 6.90 0.00 Toronto Grain Prices l The following wholesale prices are toted at the Toronto Board of Trade: Manitoba Wheat -Lake ports, old N crop, No 1 northern, $1.26 ; o. 3 =ern, 41 27, new crop. Na 1 nor , $1.23L1; No. 2 northern 11503(,. Manitoba Oats -New crop,.,No. 3 C,w., 41 use; No. 2 C.W., 6834o tract. say porta. Ontario (tat. -New, outside, 47c to 411o. Ontario Wheat --No. 2, ear lot.. l SLOB to 11.10. outside, a000rding to b./eights. American Corn --Fresh ehglled, Ye. ellow-, (0.- c Lf , the bay. -No. 3 41.16 to 11 26, car lots O utside. Rye- Nn. 2. Sic to bac, outside. Barley- -Good malting barley, out - co. 66c to 69c; Manitoba feed bar 68c to 66r lake porta. fled Oat. -user bag of 90 pounds. 0196 to 41.15; In smaller lots. 1210 43 30 Windsor to Montreal. Buckwheat- -46e to 680 Mlllfeed---Carlota. per toe. bran. 23 to 126; shorts, 120" to 421; mt4- , 428 to 434; good reed flour, to 632 Chicago Uve Stock Cattle No beeves, stockers or tees. Au seines, quarantine In force. Cotte Opd heifers, 42.20 to 49.40; ea1v0lh 00.25. Hotta-IdghL 17.06 to 1744; mtzed, r.10 to 47.66; heavy, 17.10 to 11.461 rough. 17.10 to {7.110; pigs, 44 to 60; bulk of melee, 17.30 to 17.50. • Sheep --Native, $1.41 to 16.35; year l Dais. 16.25 to 17. lambs, native.' . East Buffalo Cattle 44.50 to 11.60. Cattle-- Prime steers. $9.60 to 410; typing, 100 60 to 1216; butchers, 76 to 19; heifers, N to 41; cows, 76 to 17.26; ban.. 46 to 11.116; kers and feeder., 14 to 47.116; Steck betters, 111 to 16.76. Teals Slow; 16 to 111.60. ,. llosa -Heavy *ear ,uxbd. `K r. to 14.16. Butter and Cheese WMtertnwa, N, Y. (thew sale•, LillOn bores at 14c London, Ont. -1.265 bosom offered, go sales. ftldding waa tram 14e to 14%c. St Hyacinthe, Qua. -lee picks/gee butter w ere sold at 1121,401 100 laces of cheese at 111ao Soled Nay mad Straw 2erelmnts are now bIIbIIIg no tneR 1 bgito, at the following prtnee. raled hay 116 00to 116 1A do. No. 2 11.60 14.00 do No 3 ....... 11 441 12 04 Baled straw 7.00 11.01 Cbesterville, Ont. - " I heard your medicines highly praised, and a year ago 1 began taking them for falling of womb and ovarian trouble. My left side pained me all the time and just before my periods which were irregular and painful it would be worse. To sit down caused me pain and suffer- ing and i would be .o nervous some- times that I could not bear to see any one or hear any one speak. Little specks would float before my eyes and I was always constipated. " 1 cannot say too much for Lydia E. Pinkharn'• Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills, for there are no medicines I like them. I have taken them and I recommend them to all women. You may publish this testimonial." - Mrs. STt- PH0.4 J. Mutein, Cbesteryille, Ostsrio. Canada CLUED TO SHIPPING Nert Ilea Strewn With Mines -Vele s• s Warmed Against Reenter Lines The **Mrs North Rea has been de .tared • military area, and merchant eseeels enterlag It will be exposed to tho grayest dangers from the minus which 1t has even necessary to loy• and from the warships which are searching vUlgaotly by night and by day fur suspicious craft. Thl• actUou has been taken as a npJy to the laying of mitten by the' Germans W the waters north of Ire- land_ 'the Secretary of the Admiralty on Monday made the following announce meat of the %litni.% closing of the North Sea to traffic: "During the last week th Germans have scattered wines Indiscriminately 1n the open sea on the mal11 trade route from America to Liverpool via the north of Ireland. "Peaceful merchant ships have al- ready been blown up with loss of life b this agency. The White Star liner O(ymptc escaped disaster by pure good luck, and but fur warnings given by British cruisers other HrtUsh and n eutral merchant and passenger res- e ttle would have been destroyed." FISHER NEW FIRST SEA LORD This illustrates but one of the many uses to which Zam-Buk, the great herbal balm, is daily put. Accidents will happen, especially where there are children. Mothers should never be without Zara-Buk. Lanl.Buk 1s the best "First Ald." 1ta strong antiseptic properties kill all germs, preveatiag blood -poisoning and inflammation. Its rich, herbal essences quickly ease pain and build up new healthy tissue. Zam-Buk Is entirely different from all other ointments. It is purely herbal and cootafas nu poisonous coloring nutter. Take ao substitute. See the same on every box before pa) Mg. • ZAM-lIIK NEALE, EETEME CMT Mee. J. S. aierwirth of Varadulf, Sisk., writer' • "My little sou rut the end .11 his linger. As it was such a severe tut, 1 was going to 1..1r him In a dot.O. but a the taeantiIne to ram the pain, 1 app6rd 0411, 14111 BUIL. Thu Ill the blesdiag and gave him such relief that he osassd ailing and seamed quite at ease. I therrlurc decided to we of Zoo-Buk wuuld heal the wound. Nest day 1 replier.) Ole dressing, and .untiuuedtoduwea.h day. using noih,n'', but /.am-Buk. Civnpktr cure rail trd.' YOUR HOME NEEDS 1T! Z.. -wk ams k. all ....rim ..4 awe. or Zam-sea Co.. FREE ..me sae rye ♦•1 It • i m, for Ire* i, • lderem k C••,7•. .t, Prince Luis Resigned as Result of Newspaper ` '°'� ScrantonWhite Ash HardCoa Adm ., Iran Prince Lours of Batten - berg, First Bea Lord of the British Admiralty, personal aide -decamp of (En tang George and • relation by mar- riage anriage of his MaJ.•ety and of the Oer• Emperor, has resigned. • reslgnauon is attributed to the very freak objections raised by news - psalm' and influential individuals to Sayoae of German origin remaining Mg nested with the navy or the army. Outside of the fact that he was bora 1. Austria. the chief argument hL opponents made against Prince Louis Vas that he L the brother -la -law of )Since Henry of Prussia, who hods b somewhat slml:a.r command In the German navy. The appointment of Barron !Maher. lral of the fleet, to weceed Prince NORTHERN MESSENGER �dm T.oab of 13atte.berg, as First Sea Lord was announced officially o. „!day. Baron Fisher held the post beton. prevlou to 1910. Religious and Illustrated Story Paper of Large Circulation Our good old Sunday "story teller' friend. the Northern Messenger, h .• been for nearly 50 years a favorbe with the Canadian peop'e. it gives splendid value for the money, and con - spent as to bring tributes largely to a Sundayani well a week of content. A strong ally !tithe temperance cau.e and eves v other nom al refor in, and truly a chat actor !milder. It is such a flue paper that wally of the largest city Suod..y a Ii ole din tribe:e it as their regular Slut day , sehs,,l paper. For they realise that a paper wbleb triers a0 much for the money and interests the older mem- - bers of the fatally as well as the youngsters. give* the parents an ad- ditional incentive to see that their children attend school every Sunday. And through the weekly visits of the Northern Messenger the church -helps to cheer and hearten many who can- not, and others who .will not attend its set vice.. The Northern 6less.nger is about to celebrate its golden jubilee -50 years of usefulness in hundreds of thousands of homes. Will it have r welcome in yours this year? On trial to new subscriber 6 -To in- dividual addresses. 12 months for :111 cents; Sunday schools, in any requir- ed tuantity, three weeks free trial ; clubs of 10 copies* week toone ad rheas for 12 months for 42. Larger clubs pro rata. The Northern Messenger is publisL- ed by John !hugan & Son, Witness block, Montreal. Canada. Try it fora year. GLAD TIDINGS FROM QUEBEC Sure Relief for Suffering Women is Found in Dodd's Kidney Pills Cap Chat, Gaspe Uo., Que., Nov. 2nd (Specia11.-The secret of health for women is to keep the kidneym strong' and healthy. Healthy kidnrya mean pus e blood. abundant energy, and a clear healthy complexion. The one sure way to keep the kidneys healthy. is to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Mian Antoinette M. Roy, of this place. Writes as follows :- "l wish to tell you 1 have never been , ver well. 1 was always listless A9., took ^ no interest in anything. i was very nee oua, wy heart .leo was bad and my back pained me all the time. 1 tried many rem*dir• but without good effect At last 1 d.•ided to take some of your Dodd's' Kidney Palls. I have taken ooe half drxen boxes and they have transformed me. I am in fine health now. If any person wants a good medicine tell them to use 1kodd's Kidney Pills." -Considerable feeling is being amused at the Ontario agricultural college. Guelph in rerd to e-a4N- tude of Latlog Ntwpth ident 7.svits in re- fusing to allow a military officer to ad- dress the student body in regard to the formation of a corps of engineers at the institution. The student, aro petitioning Hon. Jars Duff for per- mission to organise the Corps. -At the i.latowtel dairymen's ex- change on Friday the offerings' of the patrons of the different factories t�- woods the patriotic hind, ronslsting of the cheese trade from one day's milk supply, were auctioned 01T, the bttyt re paying one-half cent mote a pound rot the product. which will mean 154 rent., as is portion of the IW4( obeys ixoarded that day went fen the street at 16 cents. 11 ie rxpeeled that the conulbutinn will amount to $13111. The British army on roll. and drilllag is the ('ratted KIngdom, now. amounts to approximately one and al half mllltos men. - Hon. P. S. O. Maek.asl., 'Prnvin• I Treasurer of tdttebec, died sad - leafy at Qwebec on $aturdae. • Two little children of 1. O St.ven)I iwere fatally burned when • bora was' V4trot'4 1111 Irrl.taaa. Alta ,gChaldj QUICK NAPTHA TNS a• WOMANS SOAP CANADIANS IN BATTLE Death et Montrealer First intimation That Any of Force Were le France Wwlam Ooekhill, of Montreal, was killed at Lille , In Prance. while 1n active service. Cockklll had been • chauffeur to the employ of Sir Preder Ict Williams -Taylor, and went with the Canadtan overseas expeditionary fore, bertag joined the mechanical transport sectloc of the Army Berrie* Corps as a driver. The majority of this part of the contingent at once proceeded to the Continent and joined the allied army to serve on tete transport section. At Lille a shell struck the car CockkUl was handling and the gas tank ex' ploded, the driver teeing Instantly t illed. INVESTIGAI'nta RUMOR Germane Reported to Have Gun Plea forms on at. Lawrence Island The alleged presence of concrete platforms deeply embedded la the ground at a point on the Isle of Or- leans. dominating the citadel of Ilea bee and the entrance to the 8t. Law- rence, has been brought to the Wes - than of the Militia Department It V stated that a German company has been manufacturing concrete blocks at 8L Jean. on the Island, Sad the "report is to the .Leet that out Plot - farina bare been constructed flee iewltaer siege batteries. It 1s fnrtbW /fated that the same company has leencnte plant at the bead K the Mkt ,at Port Arthur. As investigation is being made. Three Canadians Dead Private Albert 8m110 of the Mom trail Highlanders was killed by d All from a waggon. making the .tatJA `Relent death in this Comedies Ms Itlonary force rises its arrival t0 lad. to Ridley Thamaon. of tho Prtaoses PatrtolL Iolllaatry, died 01 Vphold Saturday is the Ply ospitatl. He was a yeas.'gf man who bad emlgr+w to British Oolam bia. Alexander Ogilvie who sainted waft tba 14th Peel Regiment at Thresh" ago Succumbed to Illassa. He wed a acotehman from Aberdeen. Klieg's Cousin Kilted In the Wee Prism Muriee et Bsttenberg, Ida M filth !dlate-reboil the dof Sea of the to Hairy Hry berg. Sad 0 bream .t tad at Spats, diel of weaa& r. end on the battldel4 r 5 O ee ofRoer .f a0 I* 01 ,4s.e 9 (terga Two jgetMra of Maes oleo west M tae treat Thu l• Roo argil mepiar ar RaBal Wally to 011ailma th b le war 1 T1s Evade* Amy "gala (lemma anima it nd•a e' Jyymaraw lag. sad dtagtrlse4 w a441tlen et a fourth emek.sted64l Cfeed Penang. • asttlsk Straits Settlwltoste, 04 dS oes which sash tae er0lser Jeentehug amd • TrencR4.. strayer Two officer. sad N4 •eamee 1111 lie Jerelebug pevtabe4. TT• Snyder escaped theoug$ lbs Strait .f MalaCrs. Mews Singh. the ssifoniifoseed slay er 0f Immlgratlee iwspsetor W. (k p.pklason at Vsareseer fouled guilty St reorder and sestsared to be lmaga4 54 'smeary 11. He wean we dental the 'lines. , aAMailman was .eattsae'd y to tweattomato,ya m h pool tor saitotamOtor hi oh. adw RJasa - ILEI 9e I H A P P Y T H 0 U G H T R A N G E 5 We handle the celebrated White Ash Scranton Coal. This is a coal free from clinkers and burns to a clean white ash. Cannel Coal and Blacksmith Coal We always carry a large stock of the above coal EGG COAL $7.75 STOVE & CHESTNUT WOO HARD WOOD $2.50 a Cord SOFT WOOD $2.25 a Cord . drib The Happy Thought Ranges and Radiant Home Heaters have no equal in appearance and working qualities. They will do more work on less coal than any other Range or Heater on the market. This is a strong assertion but it is true. It is backed by thousands of satisfied users W I1 We have a number of second hand Heaters and Ranges in Ai repair 4/W Our stock of heavy and shelf Hardware was never more complete 0 For Plumbing, Heating, Troughing, Electric Wiring, Etc., let els figure on your job. All work fully guaranteed. ' STORE PHONE: 22 CHAS. C. LEEPHONE R A D 1 A N T H 0 M E ar PERRIN'3 BISCUITS ARROWROOT, MALTO CREAM SANDWICH, OPERA FINGERS, WATER ICE WAFERS, LEMON N .CTAR These and other Perrin's Sweet Biscuits are the very acme of deliciowoesae V1 -!.•P -?1, them i s nor SPECIAL` "SX1x1PLE'R�' PACKAGE so that you can sample them readily. We will send this delightful assort- ment of our fancy biscuits to you for 10 Dents in ooin or stamps and your grocer's name. Some of them may be entirely new to you - you will probably like them all. Write for the saampler" v.ckase to -dad. ,w De S. Perrin & Company UMTrBD LONDON . ['�►NAnA • JOB AND COMMERCIAL Printin . the %tnaL Our Poster Dopa tomat is Coraplris Neale* Tee Lave • Teo Setoff Prompt Service. R.s.ss.W Prieto r