HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-11-5, Page 5tr THE BIG UL 6r►DSKIO$ : ONTARIO Tgene Haat. I$oss.rnaa S. 1014 • r."--- every arnicas we sell, w• ettlde+vor to Include Arm Ustaotlou, It we don't give It isn't a to.oils. That's the way we heirloom heoom at this plates. We don't do it merely to be generous., but leagues we be- lieve that such a policy in the loog run always wipe. It you don't get what you want, covers hack and "kick." You've a right to your eneney's worth and we Waal you to bave Its EAST STREET GARAGE, Goderich, Ont. 1 9anges and Yeaters i Before purchasing your new Range do not fail to inspect the 9eerledd `dorm Range The Corona fire box burns all coal gas. Grates fcr coal or wood. Reservoir, 1 ox 10x91. Saves 10 per cent in fuel. Large oven, 21x21xi.}' Peerless Leader Ranges Peerless Oak Heaters Cream Separators, 3oo pounds capacity, special cash price, $45.00. Harness, Churns, Washing Machines, Wire Fencing. A full line of Pumps and Scales. Gasoline Engines, i3 h.p to 20 h.p. Lowest price. Best value. ROBERT WILSON it Hamilton Street Maple Leaf Grocery Saturday Specials %eats Fresh pork meusage,e Frankfutts, Ring Bo- logna, Flash Tenderloin, Cooked Ham, Jellied Tenderloin, Special Roll Bacon, Breakfast Bacon 1od Cottage Hams. fish Fresh Finnan Haddie and Filletts. Alto fall line of Canned Goods. fruits and Vegetables A fresh supply of all sea- sonable Fruits and Veget- Atlee arrive daily. Give III a trial order. S. J. Young Hamilton St. !LOCALS— PERSONALS i Special Patriotic Records on the Victor Victrola "it's • long, long way to Tipper- " al" "Soldiers of the King. Buys nt the Old Brigade." "Rule Brittsnnia," "Ye Mar- iners of England," "0 Can- ada," "'standard 0' the Braes O' Mar," "British Cavalry March" 'The Deathless Army," "Red White sad Blue" "Veterans bong." *The Yen - men et itigiig- d-," A/Private, Tnmo yAtkt.a" Just received a fine new ehip- roentofVICTOR Vi(:TROLAS from Sip 00 op to SIfiM1.00, fin- ished la Mahngany and Wrath - ..red Pik. t you can 'sake it onnvesienl to all we will he pleased to let you hear the new Records and Marlin.. JAS. F. THOMSON Movie 'Stationery Ston spent for Heint swan &Oo.Pianns -Misr' E. M. Campbell has s. adv. full of interest for ladies onpage one of this none. - Mrs. J. as Long of London. is viaitmg her motber, Mr,. E. &snowy, Bruce street. -The annual tu.etiug of the Child- ren's Aid Rociety will be held nest Tuesday afternoon in the Court house at 4.15. - -Mr. Ruben Wilson, the well- known implement agent, invites our rsadet. tc Peruse • his adv. on page five of this ',rue. -The regular meeting of the W.C.T. U. will he held in the Temperance hall on Mondry afternoon, November 9.h, at three oclock. -Mies Eliza Robineoo, of Goschen, was • visitor at the horde of her friend. Miss Marjory A. Aitken, of the public library. lest week. --The reguler meeting of the Canad- ian Order of Chosen Friends will he held on Friday+evening of this week in the Temperance ball. -In spite of the fact tbat lake Huron wasquite rough on Saturday, the McKay fbbing boat went out and brought in about 1000 pounds of fish. -Mr. Eroest Pritchard and Mn. Maedel were delegates from the North street Methodist church to the Sun- day s.:bool convention at tondoo last Week. RURAL SCHOOL IMPORTS HOLMESV ILLS. The follotritllR M the report of the IV. clave of tt.tevtlle public school for the manta of October : - timlle Fred 51.6, Dan. (Bidden 78.4, Milton Galland 75.4, Willi. Marshall 74.8. tribe Jerrie rt. Harry Ford 71.6, Clifton Proctor 70.5, Alt&lind McCart- ney 69.11, Edna Miller 6g, May Henson 69, Stewart Maim 57.6, Willie Alcock 48.2. 8.5. NO. 1, COLBORNE- The following is the report of school section No. 1. Colborne, for mouth ut October, based oo weekly testa and general proficiency Me. IV.-Haael oung, Emma Snell, Kralena Brinley, Vette. Fisher. Jr. IV. -Charlotte Potter. Sr. III.- Nancy Gliders. Frank Clark, Jean McOabe. Vero. McCabe. Sr. II.-Iwb.1 Clark. Sr, Pt. 11. -Elia McCabe, Pearl Wil- son, Mildred Fisher, Clifford Brinley, Lorne Ashton. Sr. Pt. I. -Roy Ashton. Jr. Pt. I. -Johnny Tabh, Percy Mc- Bride. Hazel Brinley, Gracie Gilder.. Most perfect lessons in spelling : Sr. 1V.. Bezel Young: Sr. 111.,, Nancy Gilder.: Pt 11., Ella McCabe. S. P. K I R K E, Teachor. -_Mrs, George Johnston was tilled away by telegraph to her home in Que- bec last week where ber father bad jest died. Mrs. Johustnn will remain at the old home for several days. - W. are not in • positinn to Aug• gest a remedy but many of the mer- cbanta on the Square complain that they are almost smothered in their stores some days by the em, ke fro.n the horning leaves raked oft the Court House park. - The Star theatre closed its doors on Tuesday night it is probable that this favorite entertainment resort will ire open again in • week or su under new management. Like many other businesses, the general financial de- pression affects the "movies' &len. - Owing to tbe lack of water mat- ure there will be no organ recital io St, George's church next Sunday even- ing. These recitals had become very popular and it is to be regretted that the new hydro -electric pumo is not yet in thorough working condition to enable it to provide water and power for all purposes. _ Colborne Rifle Association intend starting fall practice on Saturday, November 14th. All members and any new members are &eked to he on bend that day. Anyone in (inderich, or any where. wishing to join or lrres- tice are invited to do eta Mr. C. R. Roheitalon is the captain and M. W. McLean the secretary.. - Lieuteoant-colonel E. 4 W isle, K.C., of Windsor, who ha. heen given an important eommend in the second iso overseas rontingre.t, is • first rondo of Cotrn. E. R. Wigle; of Goderich and Mr. R. Wigle, aeon of Windsor. who holds • lieutenancy in the British army, send served with the South African contingent, and hr's now volnntend for active service, is likewise a cousin of Coun_Witte. S.S. NO. 5, COLBORNE. The following is the report of S.S. No. 5, a)oltorne. for the month of Oc• tote r, ba -ed on weekly test exan.tus- tions and general protieeucy. Thorn marked • absent for one or more ex- aminations :- V. -Terence Hunter. 1V.-Eeatrice Chishnlul, Mary Bogie. Philip Barrie and Olive McCann (rgrtal), Minnie Tburlow Sr. 111.- Lillian Morrie, Louella Mc. Whinney. Jr. 111 -Helen Chisholm, •Elmer M. ore. se. II. --Agnes Morris Jr. 11. -Earl Bogie, (+rlee Morris. Roderick Bogie, l.illienThurlow, Rob - hie Bogie. •tVeeley Moore. Ir. I. -Grace Bngie, Charles Moore, Willie .McCann, Benson Chisholm. B. -Jean Bogie. Nellie Morris. A -Olive Horton. 1.ACRwrrE E Ktee it, Teacher. 4.9. NO. 1. (*ODERICH. The following is the report of 8 S. .o. 1, (loderich township for the uontb ending October 31st, names are in order of met it :- Sir. IV. -Orval Steep, Edwin Mont - genial p, *Jack Johnson, Maitland Driver. •Arnold.Lsithweite. Sr. I11. -Edna Driver, Bernice Shaw. J.. 11. -Dolores Lait bweite, Howard Hicks, ('hatch. Slaw. Pan 11. -Bele. Bell iprgtu.tod to Jr. 11.). •Beulah Jardine, ',Howard Jardine Part 1. A. -Morley L nington, Wal- ter Hieke. B. -Howard Aldous, Jew. Aldous, Retia Jardine, Irene Jardine. C. -Jean Moore and Billy Leith- w.ite, (equal), Helen Land. Those worked with an aaterick • have missed two or more of the week- ly examinatione. Number of pupils on roll, lt: av- erage attendance, 16. B st attendence, Edo& Driver and 11 •Ian Bell (equal). Parents are earnestly requested to lee tont the children attend asRu- led es possible and take an io rest in the school work. Maisel' F. Co.orstt, Teacher. C.8 S. NO. 1, ASHFIELD. -Mr. J A M. Patrirk. oatT or of Torkton, Ssekatebeer an, a interim Landoll townebip toy, le wiaitlsg tMosg friends In western Ontario. -Roc seting in a dtsordwrly manner NI the street • young limp was was 'igto appear before the Rt. Marys Magistrate. At the time Leet fort the ease a number of witaeeses Pts* tint t b. Lean was eerie Bene by absence. He has sot yet Mee loomed. • • F. W. RoMs.oa, A.R.C.O. TLaCaSS Or Plaaelsrte, OrgM mod Uses ever Tbs.ses's Basis iters eeOD[Rle't1 , -i• U!ITARI(i • -0 The following is tbe monthly report of I.B.M.'No. 1. Ashtleld, for mouth of October, brssd.00 regularity, punctu- ality and daily work and examina- tions :- V.-Boward McNee s 1, David Mc- Diarmid 447. Adeline Smith 417, Mar- ion Ryan 345, Loroie Pentland 801, Muriel Smith "12. Jr. 1V. -Alms Sbepperd t;tl,Edgar Shepperd 712, Isaac Currie 819, Violet KerrS00 Sr. 1I1. -Cyril Willens 931, Henry Matthews 801, Beua Young 753, ,Flor- ence Mc Whioney 719, Lantra Kerr 7(10, Frank Mellwein 64), Seamed Currie 6.rt, Leonard Christilew 5:I5, Olivet Smith 422. J r. 111. -Irene Thomson tffi, Stanley %Valium 3115, Leslie Smith HS, Jean Jones 12- 11. -Amelia Hetherington 191. • Sr. pt. 11. Leone Willens incl, Al- bert Glen 180, Mary Kerr 102. Florence Jones• 25. • Jr. pt. Il.- Robert Echlin lid, Cel - vin Rutledge 142, Calvin McIntyre Sr. pt. 1. -Ruby Kerr 138, Robert Hetherington 111. Jr. ptl,-Elgin Rutledge 83. Georgie Currie 71. Most numller of perfect spelling les- sons, David MeDiarmid. Number oo roll, 36: average, 111. C. M. JOHN,rroe, Teacher. 8.13. NO. 2, WEST WAWANOSH. Special Invitation to Ladies Mies M. T. Frishie, of New York, represe.tative 01 the manufacturers of i.sdies' Home Journal pattern.. will he in M'sers. Hndgens Bro.. more on Returelay of this week. November 7th. The ladies of Godeeich and vicinity ere invited to visit the store that day and see the newest and Iatmet *tyles and hring their ristilsrn and dtw making problems with thecal. All ladhm will he webese. MAGIC )'Lai BAKINGLARFI .44 11M POWDER Al A Gift to Strengthen Friei.d- ship—your Portrait MAKE AN APPOINTMIENI'TODAY The Sallows Studio CHURCH CHIMES TALE OF TWO OM PEN PICTURE OF LONDON ANO BERLIN DURING WAR Boren Correspondent of the New York Sun Paid a Visit to London -State- ment Made that tlerlin is in Nearest Normal Condition Reminded of Christmas Shopping ''Weathering Life's Scoriae" will be the .uhject of discourse by Rev. Goo. E. Ross in Knox ebueh. ueit Sundry eveoir,g-the anniversary of the great storm on the lakes. in the morning the theme will be "Judged According to Oue Light." The subjects spoken upon by Rev. Win. H. Weigbton in the Baptito church next .Sunday will be: "The New Era in India" in the morning: and "The Tent•Maker of Tennis" in the evening. At • meeting of the God- mgch ininisiterial association, held on Monday efternooa, it was de- cided to hold a sioultaneoue coma reunion service on the first Sunday in December, at the close of the morn- ing service, All the miuirters will ad- dress their congregations that morn- ing on one subject. The preceeding week will be observed as a week of special prayer. - Played Hallowe'en Pr . Hallowe'en is again a thing of the past. The usual' quota of children's pranks, such w removing doorsteps, overturning flower pots, and so on, was the order of the evening. The fact that it was a bright moonlight right saved maoy citizens from the youngsters tricks. As Ar as we know no serious damage was done. On the south side a party of young girls in masculine attire kept things lively for is while, but the householders took their depredations in good part. it is reported that a number of boys had • long chaos of several blocks in the north section of the town. The chase was combatted by two men, a dog and en automobile but the boys, who bad a pretty good start, and the fact that a few back yards and aide streets came in handy, soon threw the pureuees off the scent. • High Costtof Living The following is the standing of the pupils of 8.8. No. 2. West Wawanoeh, for September and Oetnbrr, hawed on weekly tests and genet al proficiency :- V. -•Hazel Finigan 71. Sr. iV.-•Lillie Hutchins 71, •Frank Washington 71, Lo.11a Johnston 70, Hannah Fluker M, Olive C ig 57, Pearl Finigan 54, •B.n.nn Finan ffl. St. BP -Ethel Wesidastt.aiolRt. Olive Finigan tad Sveset Fiaittaa%. •Rua-. eel Mills6B, •Agnes Cousins Ifi{i,, •Rurt- on Mille 52. 8r. 11. -Nina Johnston OM. •Viol. t Moss 141, *Stewart Plunkett Ml, R.gaa Finigan tat, W (wusine Edith o1. Jr. 11. - Harvey Andrews ill, • Wilde Moss 74, Eddy Johnston 71 Miriam Johnston 71), *Charlie Hallam 45. Pt. 11.-1,eta Bose* 7e. Myrtle gen 75, Hary yi F.nigan 7>3 •Arthur Johnston 010Pt. 1 B. -W et Andrews 80. John- ny Finigan 75, Chat lie Hutchins 75. Pt I.A -Marl Scrimejour fill, Jack Moss 75, Elwin Yung 76, Johnny Hai- lem t15, Eddy Mills 'JO Thous whoop name. gra markeel thus • missed one or more of the examina- tions. Scrimegootr 59, •Leslie Halle I. H. BA RR LIT_ Teacher. -"Each one helps or hieders." You are helping yr+ursalf if you boy ;Oyoor clothes from P.ridham the Tailor. n are hindering yourself Irou do am. We have special prices this sea- ass. eweats. Solt or overon&t, 516.00, 51E00, mid 522M to your measure. Take & Mak &e eimplw. 15•1t 1 Berlin, by courier .la Rotterdam to New York. -1 have just returned train London to have a look at the war frost that Angie and to see Geroaay and its side of the titaaic struggle from the pntaide. A comparison of the atmosphere of the two capitals is of interest. 1 found Lordon dull and at night the city in darkness with street lights low and searchlights sweeping the heavens for the dread Zeppelins. Squertes and vacant place. were being used to drill the "new army." Many of the recruits were not in 'form, but they sec'•'ed camera' and serious in their woe k. In the department stores 1'sew mothers', sisters and aunts buying equipments for sons, brothers or other relatives whom they accom- panied and who evidently had enlisted or were *pout to enlist. As 1 witched them somehow, 1 do not know why, the impression made upon Inc wag that they were Christ - mos shopping. The realization -the teiritle reality of this titanic, barbar- ous struggle -had not yet been driven home to them. With all the speech- making of Churchill, (trey, Asquith and others ; with all the thousands of signs, "1'be CaII to Arnie"; with all the culunine of war news in the papers, of against pregraphs in the German not vet awakened to the full meaning of it. And therein lies the great difference between Kerlin and lon- dl..n. Every chhld in Berlin knows what the war means. There are few home. in which the rut my's bullet or shell ha, not struck. England is deceiving herself or de- ceiving her people. At least that woe tbe superficial impassion ant a two day. stay there. 1 heard talk that the Bavarians weir becoming dissatis- fied and that Bavaria may Recede (jest as in (i••rmany you hear vague armors about uprisings in Egypt and India); that the Socialists will get weary of the wet and revolt ; that there is ter- rible suffering in l:ermany ; that the deetruction of her commerce will force Germany on her kneee ; that an industrial and financial crisis is ion - pending, etc. Vain hopes, if England relies on these means -at present merely rx- pectations-to win the war for her. A nation which can raise a loan of more than a billion dollars in feu days is not at the end of its resources.. \Vrth- all the efforts of the London press to tuiniluize it, the fact remains that it is the most gigantic loan ever tithed by a nation and stands alone es a asancial achievement. Just in proportion. that war news ire par's. in Germany it is plentiful w the London press. Whether the lat- ter is less or more ac.•urate than the German I cannot say of m7 own knowledge. It did make the unpres- Ilion on me that if 1 did not hurry the French and English might be in Ber- lin before I got hack. The Gerfmtns are called Huna, vandals and cowards. 'She German fleet is spoken of con- temptuously. Churchill, 1 believe, said that it would be neceaaary to drag the German fleet gut like "a rat out of tw.urge who will appear in the v le- a bole." The morning I left Folke- tori• opera house, liodericb, on No - stone one of the rats came out. Three vember39 h. No other musical artists cruiser's and more than 141)0 lives went equal to them ever appeared here and into the deep, everybody should bear them. Self-deception on the part of Eng- e land and Germany will not win the Quietly Married war for either. i find leas iilasions Avery quiet wedding took piece in ab rot England in Germany than 1 St George's church at an early hour found about Germany in England. last ,Thunrd&y morning, when' Mr. Germany may lie crushed, but not as H&rold Blackstone was united in the quickly or as easily .e the atmosphere holy hoods of matrimony to Mine in London i would indicate. Laura Credit. Both of the r'ontracting Berlin ie more normal than at any parties are well-k.own and very popa- time ranee the war began. The sus- lar around towo. Rev. J. B. otber- thef, oppression and depression of in ham tied the nuptial knot. The Pother - the first weeks lave diecppeared and R p the city bas settled down to an air of quiet determination and waiting. The feeling that it was a sacrilege to trench a piano or sing or play anything but religious or patriotic airs is rapidly passing away. The concert, theatre and opera season is well under' way again. The Philharmonic concert Sunday night at which Louis Perdoger, an American. was the soloist of the even - in had almost a full house. The in. ,city of concerts, over and above tont of orchestra or artiste, are benefit affairs for artiste in need or for the. families of enldiers in the field or wounded. The result is that for once the concerti. "pay" and net more than the meetly do in nortnel seasons. The Deutsche and the Royal are totb giving op:ras regularly. In the farmer the artists are either on one- third or on. --hair regular pay. In some instanpes thim is an low es 112.; a month. There ham teen no reduction io prices and tie normal prices pin- tail. prem. Eng and, certainly London, ham The high cost of livingstill remain. high, 111 far as it was afected in any- way by the citizens meeting coiled to discuss it on Monday evening. About a dozen gathered in the coun- cil chamber hut no one having been appointed to direct the meeting, after a little deenitory discussion, the meet- ing adjourned those present feeling somewhat disgusted. -Master Wilfred Whiting. • Mit- chell lad of 12ear• of Sq., picked up $6 front the sidewalk the other day. He at once hendrd it over to the editor of the Advocate. and it was not long before it was in the bands of the owner. who rewarded the lad with 50 cents as reward for his honesty. .BUSINESS ANDI SHORTHAND $objects taught by export iostrtafers at the *44414/1(1j TC. A ILDQ, Lit). LONDON. Ol'tT. Stedman assisted to positions. Cadge litmon IBA=or CANADA i personal Savings Account Canada, with opportunities to save regularly, and training in how to expend money wisely. Such an education in thrift and saving will prove invaluable in later hie. Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. Are Soar dices leea>riag le Save Each maturing son and daughter should have a In the Union Bank of MONUMENTS CHASTE AND ARTISTIC DESIGNS Best workmanship at J. DOIG'S, Clinton As J. Doig imports direct, he is able to give delivery at close prices. Designs and prices on application. quick HARBOR NOTES The steamer Turret Ci own unloaded a cargo of grain at the Big Mill on 4at- urday. The steamer Ti -tet ( ipe has been tied up here fur the past two weeks through lack of cargo. Private launch owners have had their boats lifted nut of the caster and tutored away for the coming winter. Had a Leg Broken Mrs. W. J. Dahiels, who is well- -known around town, because of the fast that, although a cripple, she often made up -town visits on a self propelled bicycle, had the miwforwme to fall one day last week and break her crippled leg. later reports may M... Daniels is 1.ot progteeaing toward recovery very rapidly. Her many friends will be sorry to learn of her unfortunate accident. Lone Tourist Arrested Last week it valuable motor boat, the Loraine, put into Goderich hatbor with a single occupant, who. upon roming aabote, was arrested ou a charge of theft. He gate his name as Paul Jaequet. He was taken back to Port Huron, where it is understood other charges against him are also being investigRated. Toe boat, which was In that etree shape, was left here in charge of Customs (Nicer Hays. The Hambourgs Coming A despatch from London, England, dated October 27th, eaye that Mr. Mark HAM 00011Z. • famous Russian pianist, whom the London Deily Mail called a German, sued the proprietor of that newspaper for libel and wee awered $.5i10 damage.. This is a brother of the fatuous Ham - Police Court Doings Magistrate Kelly wa. called seen in M mein 5'-104. Catai'<sa pthe police ewnrt oe Weda&dsy mora. fres. E'tsti a ing indeed* upon a case of unlawful J.w. Nsetlrvelt J. w.wMtwvelf.h wounding. It appeared frena th- evi- Medea'dense that a perty of vnung neve tsChal=ami started an •rguenewt in tic. Chinese restaurant after leaving the r-.• tsnrant, divided while walking down we.t street as tar e. the howling grope some on either sieie of lthe etreet. Throe on the on• side elsi.,.*f thorn en the other •farted neing ted lanruage toward them and • *cuff% enened. In which J Hoberta, the de- fendant, was said to have need • knife send stabbed A. Posed In the 4.g. After listening to a lot of ro ntradirt- oi y evlJene* the tuagistrste, who seemed to he ( the opinion that R•rbert.ectad i .4t defence. dbmiss- a.1 the came. Crddwn Attorney Reager. on behalf of the crown, reserved the right to appeal. Mr. 1. E. Deemy app Peered for the defendant and Mr. J. L. K-11..een Inc the plaintiff In the aft •rnnnn of the memo day • ease of Meech of the Neon law was called up, hut owing to the abalones of • metterlal witness, was adjourned un- til Tuells y eget as 10 a. m. It hieing a ease of monied elbows great interest was displayed, the eon.ell chaeber being crowded to the .bore. Specials -FOR - Saturday Robins £4peeial liege of Mee's Firer Underwear. toclear at 40c per garment. 50 dozen nreo's all W "ol Nome, . to clew' at 'J'U: per p.ir. 15 men'.. all wool Suite, regular 810 and 1412 value,` to river of 118 75. 10 dozen wen's Braces, reg iter :t3':, to clear at 35.'. M. ROBINS Open Until 5:3s Every Evening Agency for Soule Side Peabody s Overalls of•.•Squarc happy couple lett on the early C. P.R. train Inc their honeymoon trip. The Signal joins with their many friends' in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Blackstone a happy and prosperous married life. Baptists Hold Social Evening A very pleasant evening was held in the Baptbt church on Friday last An entertaining programme of musical eels ectione, songs, read ing.. recitations and addresses was enjoyed in the auditor - tum of the Abp: lt, otter which every. no. adjourned to the basement. Here the Sunday school room had been dec- orated in true Hallowe'en style. Corn stalks, pumpkins. wit.rhe , hats and black c.c. were displr).d iu marry conceivable position. Tables were ar- ranged and d.00rwted with pumpkin lantern., which pre.ented to the au- , dience vomer grotto.' 1. c wntfny011 Rae'h guest war' provided with a airnu card from which the were allowed to order what they wisbed. An order Inc Irishman's delight with dressing. brought potato salad : fate of the Jack o lantern was pumpkin pie tnystery was Sally : witehes brew, cof- fee, syrup of dried leaver, tea and so ode On the first order some getwiwed a toothpick and an apple with told wat- er. It was not lone. nwever, before the feu.ters were wise ate to whet to order &od everyone present was treated to a good supper. Many nice things were said of the rnwmitlre who bad charge of the arrangements for the pretty der- oratk.ns and the enpply of gond things to eat. TheYours People's o Union e.sidered it one ofR the most successful socials they have yet held. MARRIED st.AogrtroNg-- a Hato_ In PL N w. caeca Oederleb. o., k"pB b.r th, Him J church. .thwrin[he n, Mr Flamed Rack •t.eee, ma of Mr. and Mr.. 1 barb Mack dem to Mao Lao% •'raft dtet of Mr.. LAb ('t sag. all of uederjaeeb eh. BORN Henna* -1Y Jarvis d " Whom., on October )(tat. le M sad ) t. r. r Rtdr o. • sae. AON w, al N) IAbV. m. (KdAgo, neen w, /leteberoMssbtartied, t.1h .nd li . IM.rie.as /4i rMal t. Wet'`1114IITH. I, Trenro, es natant awl at res. .rt H. ' clic tW1f1•111•rtkr asartmsal w • daegt .t (Ms ig&rat r. ---Sarnia Is agitati q for a elty regi - sent sew OW she Ws boldose www - &ted tress tM comity of LaMtea. I 1 In buying your rubber foot wear for the fall and winter be sure and get the famous LIFE-BOUY hand. They are without ex- ception the best rubber footwear remade. All the light rubbers have a patented Mather inner heel that insures double the wear of any other. The heavy Hum Rubbers fur the fare have the hest repute tion and will give satisfaction. Prices are right. Sole agent far (loderir. h. 1 1 Geo. MacVicar Special Crate Fattened Chickens 1.1tesised and Deiiwred To Your Order Moot zS5 r to. lit R. EsELL411111110 Ind.vidual Instruction Permits yo,i to enter any day at THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE Mein iOOtW, OrrTA'sO It 4 tenegaLee as ate 'meat taerenab pr•cdeal baptisms OA.el le (:aaada. Expert 1i.rae.etam Ow owe 'bras .tay a otiose 1 nditn.g.1 Beery t .Legis gareatad • pealtk.a. ('wt on. •seem MM. C. A. F in, F.C.A.. Pt inaipal. (1. D. F -ow*. Set'eetary.