The Signal, 1914-11-5, Page 1VOL' CAN'T OVERLOOK
Wish to Make • Ramses of Your
The Signal is the oewepaper
to use if you wieb to reach the
homes. Results with the people
that can pay is what you want.
Read and guy from its Signal
11 msame mawq. The eeoeer
ful merchant believes in adver-
tising. knowing that by keepiog
his name and noodle before the
publics the lousiness and Cooney
will come his way. See that you
@ ave moosy by Advertising in
The 9lgnel-;tree into the homes
A. L BRADWIN. Perstmene.
SAVE,' because-
No. 131
That money you have in our pocket is earning
no interest and only offers temptation.
Head Office, Career King and Bay Streets, Toronto
General Manager - - A. H. Walker
A. Porter, Manager
Gettericb Breath
Some Desirable
for immediate sale
List your properties for gale or ,eat with mr.
Paowne; Orrice ID; Hao= 150. P.O. Buz I164
I au, Instructed te sell 10 public aaetlse at
Th. t' e us Harm, braaurs 4. Urdeett b. oe
'ATUSDAY, hUVLMHI K 71b. 1911
osmmeacine at 1o'alet* Mare.
I pate bud, reretered. rherthoro bull. 17
wuuth,. • Id. A good root. Hied by Mr. K
W iw O'tintoe P.U.: 1;rade Jere) cow. I Team
old. will frisbee about dote of .Ale: pure bred
.Jerry heifer. rlJog years .d, des in tJseem-
ow : pure bred Jersey heifer. due In "April ; 3
roof rr,.de Durham heifer.. due to calf In Jan-
us'). w calf to the bull mentioned above; 1
✓ ood grade heifers. about Po Ib.. ear. w111
e ra. rood bourbon ; 7 good 1. u1114 hlfm.'
.pr n,g•al,e.; Metra good steer.. About 11tH
Its e•t .. pure bred ethetlen.t pony mare an
fo.l). wit b hems.. and ppnnnl b. y complete :
n ew r,bti.•r-((red Pt.n,ho ni by a'rmp_
h.11. ani n.r hors, a dot. r .Coat; r
rat of .u.,[le dr l• lett nue... nes re . set
of double defy ne baro+.
I be . at tle are all home iced sod . tight
good lot and see being .,k1 •• proprietor hao
not .,obk room
T.o'... --'fir mooth• c,eddt will les insert on
huu,,bu.g approved joint Notes. A di.oeant
.1 rate of soxrroeeerat allowed fee era
:et -It. Q4.'NMRY. Asetfws.r.
w ill loll by psblle anetlea at let 1T. coo. K flat Relief Cenmlttee of the town would be
ILD.. 1 elburw. pleased to reedve donations of either cam or
PIDAY. NOVLMBER Wil, frit. goods and provl.tens to aid them to •-l.tlag
amwdRag at II o'clock .harp :
the poor of oar 1000 daring the Cronin` oIo-
u,11B.-keelot , 1 years ofd. Word by Brag- es
An) moy may be asbded to yr. .L
Peers Treasurer +t tie Steil' ag Hank. or
attacks. may be ie at the Pa lc Library
building with the Librarian. It your parcel or
Cr:masa be readily deli. ered there. let w
ew arid we loll send tor them. 31-:f
Hy order
J. H. Mtt'LINTON, L'halrman.
JAMP:'i MITCHELL. secretary.
Almada Chapter Will Receive Supplies
at the Oddfel1owi Hall
A* many kindly disposed citiz"ns of
our town beve expressed a wish to se -
slat in the relief of the poor people of
Belgium the Abmeek chapter,
1 0.D.E , have made arrangements
with Mrs. Turner to receive at the
Oddtellowr' hall all donations for that
The following is an extract of a let-
ter from the headquarters of the Bel
giuut relief fund : '2Rveryihing in the
she pe of clothing and Manu are needed
for men, women and children, especial-
ly infante and small children. Money
10o will hr of the greatest aaaistancr.
The railways and exprees companies
are giving free transportation to all
parcels marked Belgium relief fund."
We feel erre tbere will be a beery
atld generous response to this appeal
for these poor people, who have shown
such determined bravery and who are
still bolding nut though their homes
are ruined and their wives and chil-
dren starving. They are our staunch
allies and they are suffering unspeak•
Mile misery and we should show our
sympathy with [been in some practical
way. '
Ultder and by •totss of the power. of .ale
eootaloed In a oer:atn mortgage
dated/di November, l . made by William i
MoCrattle to Hugh itoutberf.rd, execetor. .nd
pow told by the weirdoes.
There will be offered for dale by publi,
aae.l•.en by Thome. Uundry. auctioneer. at the
l '.borne Kael. Its - the Town of Uoderino-
('eanty of Huron. oo deturda the (tot day of
November. 1911, at use oclock p.m. the south
bait et lot No. 15. in the eleveoth oonoereiou of
the Township of Wait Wawanoeb. County of
Huron, containing one hundred acre* more or
The buildings consist of • honey barn and
About fel acre. of the land ■re• cleared.
Lard net d.1.414mile. from Lucknow.
Pro wlllbe offered subject to • reserved
bid .ad right to withdraw before being
knocked dose to. purchaser.
Tar., of peymeat -I•. per...rot 00.44 on dare
of .ale, balance lo 3 days thereafter without
Int ere..(. ,.
► urtber terns and condition• of mile made
known on day of .-*Jr and 4. application to the
Anetiooeer. Vanden' solicitor..
t:oderich. OaL London.
Dated fled October, 4914r ILO
dee 1•tea.vrah. ►'eegw'. hers*mare. 4
• old. d. le Mal te Mer
ataeld. McMichael'.
aero; mars. 4 yeare:Md. /n foal to tit Mat-
ta... alou teal ; mare. 1 seero old. to foal to St.
0 A LL -1 rows,. 3 years old. der In April;
ro.. 1 1sr. Md. dee he Mares: cost. S pears
"I. dee lo MAY ; tame 7 year. old. simmered
:0 s r in calf: 1101.... r mars eld. ••eppo-ed to NO TO UKBDITOR$ mo RENT. -TWO STORY BRICK
'e in ca..lrt;r1tgsteers. 1 year .id;1 ieif.n. t rear A heave eonuiAtng All seders *say_____ r
old . t M selves :tee, 9 m*atM old. ---- d East and Albert .urate smile or
HOOP. Ow Aad . Water* ... 24 lg TON I.T.T.itY MAN? 11 1,41N. I,ATg Or .0, W. A. RHYNefi •_ 17 d
K ENS, to flamed HoM, hens- iS Harrod Tus. OF UODKII H. MARMILD wor.a,
Hoek pullets S s/ Ironed Rea k tooter... Igo cAuiw G1pR RENT. - ON THE CORNER
Iryl.sw a,`1H. Mame) - Haub Mader. Notice 1s hereby given that all person. ha.-- `
nwrly N.w; l sewer, nearly wan: disc fag any maims agaio.t use Reale of Mary of NeMoo .trait sad Cambria reed, a
blowsy -Herne :ass loader.
Ryan. who diad on the 17th day u( bptemher, ge leo-eoaaad Mow s Ila loaders eeslr*n-
hart+.w, auhfvler,
fteeri. wAq. r.rsy a ran : Maamy-Httrrl. MIL at (roderioh. Unt., are required oo or be Neem. Alm AAM* ea let. ANIS t0 ADAM
M1 take. Ma+wl-Ra..i•• awed lrltt t%ooaekutt hoe the loth day of November. hes4. to read by I(JIT&R• 9t. Patrick sotreet 11-11.
Whole . new, IMAM parent foes lift: pair Ie.r er deliver W fess uod.nlgaed .Olkitorw
WIC esu, d.moont. pole and siatte: for {'.trick J. Ilya.. (Jun administr.tor
wad eagle set . pbowghe, of the en ate of fir ..rad dreamed. 1111 particu-
lar. Paean; skittle Plow. w te las et their chins ; ed that atter Um said
1 hrrow Raaamw pt* - last rnenuooea due the said .dminterator
Former Resident Used
Mr. John 14. Bain. whose death we
announced last week as taking place
in Marquette. Michigan, was well
known in Goderich, bis parents having
lived for mann nears in the house on
Brittannia road from which the
funeral wok piano. About five years
ago Mr. Bain removed to Marquette,
where be was engaged witb the Ander-
son Fish Company. His death occurr-
ed suddenly and waa quite unexpected,
the cause of death being diabetes. The
deceased was unmarried. The other
members of the family are Mrs W. E
Fox. Mrs. J. G. Simpson. Mrs. R. E
Trout and Mr. Wm. Bain, all of Wier -
ton, and Mr. Hugh Bain, of New Do-
ver British Columbia. The funeral,
which Wok place on Friday atter0000,
was 000dueted under the au. ce. of
1.0.0.F., No. ft, the deceserd being a
member of a lodge in MillyIlette. The
local lodge attended iu a body 30
strong. tire. Geo. E. Ross was the
officiating minister. Many friends
and neigh tors gathered at the house
to pay a lain tribute of respect to their
departed friend. Mr. Bain was 44
years old. interment took place in
the Maitland cemetery.
-Remember Burdette's cream .*r-
meisnow being made at the Balmor-
al Cafe. 31-1(
- Stanley Dupo.. a Servian working
on the Welland canal, died after tieing
struck by a falling derrick boom.
l thank 'he people of (ioderich also the neo-
nate .
for the
RED CROW NOTES North Huron Liberals to
The following are the names of those Organize
wbu bare contributed money to the --
Ked Cruor rucirty, either as member-' Ata nae- ting held at Winghaus on
►hip toe or theist -ion :- , Tuesday, acd attruded by members of
Ilasdamee McOo•lakt, Taylor, Holt, ,
Csnie. W. L. Horton, Halter and a the Liberal executive. of East and
Reid. Strang. Sinclair, Elliucr, West Huron, it was decided to com-
Murnej, Colborne, Wilmer Smith, ' verse a georr..l westing of the Liberals
Megaw. Hot too, James Clark. Coats,
Hunter, Eliot, J.J. Doyle, le, fie each. • of the new riding of North Huron at
Magmas Sharman, Hodge M. Strang, Blyth on Tuesday. Novewhei 17th, for
D urnio, H. U. Staling. Roberuuo, E. the purpose of organizing a Liberal
M. Strang, J. Strang, L. C. Masson, F. '.a*oclatinn for South Huron. Mr. W.
A.St omits. itcooper. B
McDonald, Doris Hay.., Eleanor Hay., i H. Robertson, of Uoderich, was ap-
Muriel 054. Elsie Gals, B. Davis, R.' pointed president pro trod, and Mr.
Stoddart, E. Hues, P. Fraser, M. Ar- Malt'ulw Black, of Brussel., secretary
incur, A. Armour, R. Hamilton, A tens. It it expected that • mew -
Saunders, E. Williams, J. Nairn, E. Pm
Nairn. N. Roberts, E. Pridhem, O. her of the Lieral parlirmeotry party
Field. M. Bake', C. Visite, N. Whitely. at Ottawa will be pi meet to eddresa
M. Tom, L. Prioe,O. Porter. (4. Soothe, the Tweeting on the 17th Met.
M. Clifford, Walters, $'2 each.
Messrs. 1i R.'v.olds, G. M. Elliott,
Preston Strang, Holten Macfarlane
(Lenox. Mas anbusettsl, George Por-
ter, M. Robertson. J. J. Doyle, J. L.
Kalman. Dr. ignitor, Dr. Taylor, Dr.
Holmes, Judge Holt, Archdeacon
Jones -Bateman, 42 each.
Mesdames Work, Galt, Clark, Jor-
dan, Tom, Kelleher. James Wilson.
Field, Coldhutst, Smith Pridb*m. J.
L. Aitken, Millar, Hayden, ball,
Jo.epb Currie, $1.
Misses Bliut, Pi-audfoot, Jordan,
Bingham, Whitely. $kitnmingv, Swa-
fleld, Frasier, Morley, Millar, Harris, toes, 9'2 barrels ; oats, 13[3 wicks.
Naltel, Galla her, Hutchison, F. Centralia -Apples, 127 barrels ; pota-
Hutchlsoo, S. l aUough, 4) each. Goee,'211 barrels; tau. '237sacks; beans
Messrs. I). McDonald, H. Mot ria, 1 sack. le., 151 Carrels : pots
mesh rth-App
L Mr. Oswalbell. al d tech
Carey. Mr. Oswald I tome, Ai11 banrL. ; taus. 1Wsrcks.
Carey, Mn. Mclllurs (Bayfield road!, Clinton -Apples, 7J barrel.; pota-
Mra Nattel (Haytleld load), Ill cents toes,241 bar, els; ea. s, 410 sacks; beans,
each. 2 sacks. lee, 3K barrel*: poa
Mrs. Sale, Mies Fotd, Mrs. McKim, . WmzrLei -ApP
Mrs. Wigle, M. 0. Cameron, 3Cr .cents toes, lirl bars els ; crab apple.. 1 barrel ;
each. flour, I barrel.
Messrs. H. E. Rodgens, Wyville Mil Brussel,-Potatoes. 2118 bat oris; oats.
lar, R. J. Achesono, $'2 each in supplies. 011 sack.• , arrels : pots-
Meesn R. F. R. Hodgens. Millar, Col- Beige are --Apples,
borne, dl each in supplier. toes, 158 (►ler rel.. lee, 71 barrels; potr-
Mas. Fabenrtook (Lenox, Masts- Wiogbam-APP
cbu.ettsl, Miss Brute (Washington). Gans,DliJbarrel. ; oat s,3t6escks;beans.
$10 arch.
"Chose .ubscriptions were. almost Fordwich-Apples, 15 barn -le ; pota-
without exception, unsolicited ; and toes, 2243 tooled, ; oats, 340 racks.
the officers of the society hope that I Brucetield-Apples. i 1) barrel*: pota-
there will be an squally long list of toes, 176 ba rel" ; oats, 317 sacksattyes,
new The Daughters of the Empire have 1187 biarrela esu. 158 sacks
decided to sena a bale to the heroic Blyth -Apples. 41 barrels; potatoes,
Belgians, who have loin 10 much in 94 barrette; oats. 193 mess.
retardingnutuskithe ng possible the succerogress ot the ss toes, 187 Walton-Apples,
arrels' oau,198 sacks. ta-
of the Allies. With the approach of Gorrse-Apples, 14 barrel+; pots -
winter this will be doubly acceptable tore, lfi7l barrel. ; Gate, 140 sacks.
and all who can do ,.o are reyttested to (iodericb-Apples. 34 barrels ; pota-
cootribute clothing. Clone, ions will toes, '22 barrels ; oats. (18 sacks.
be received in the OJdfelluwe' hall This tikes a total tan tae reported of
and should 4.. runt in as •-).)n as pc» 1491 barrels of apples. :Mb barrels of
anis potatoes, ' f i *scar of tate. six sacks
Morita County Sends 7 Cars of Apples,
Potatoes. Oats. Etc., to the War
The following is a list of the contri-
butions of the farmers of Huron count y
toward the empire, as supplied by Mr.
Win, Lane, county clerk, who had
chsrge of many of the sbipmeots:-
Exeter--Apples, 31(4 barrels; pota-
t es, 425 barrel.: oat*, 285 sacks.
Hensall Apples, 109 barrels; pota-
The regular someone of the public
school board was held in the buwrd
room of Victotla school on Monday
evening. Present Chairman (,♦allow
and Trustees !launders, McLean,
Craigie, Acheron, Parsons and Cutt.
Tree minutes ui the la -t meeting
were read and confirmed.
The treasurer's tep.•rt fur October
was read as follows:-Hoggartb &
Putt, work at Central school, $7 ; Bell
Telephone Co., Central and Victoria
school phones to December 31st, $1'2.50;
R. Fuller, wood for Central school,
$5; 1'he Signal, school reports and
hank forms, $19.'25; pry roll for
month, $795.79: total, 440).54.
On 'Motion of Trustee" Sounders and
McLean, the trea.utrt's report was
received and Sled.
Mr. H. R. Long reported for Vic-
'otoria school as follows: -Number of
pupils on roll : Boys, 199; girls, 190 ;
total :ilk ; average attendance, 358.
There was M. 07 deposi ted in the Penny
bank during the month. Cadet drill
was held regularly. Mia Allen sup-
plied two days for Misr Vesta Wat-
eoo, who was ill.
Miss Sharman reported for Central
school as follows :-Number of pupils
on roll: Wry,. list; girls, 105; total,
305 ; average attendance, 195. During
the month there wase deposit of $o7.(f9
and in September $I16.. 1 in the
Penny bank.
On motion -of Trustees (Saunders and
Craigie, the reports were received and
A n1•wlwr of accounts were read
and proved to Finance committee.
Mr. R. H. Cott, chail•man of the
Coutingemt committer, reported on
the matter of cadet drill. The twitter
was discussed at some length and the
Contingent committee were to report
again at next tweeting.
An application four Au increase of
salary was made by the caretaker of
Central school and fully diecu.eed by
the hoard, and the mind of the hoard
wad that owing to the existing condi-
tions at present they could not see
Their way clear to wake any
in salary.
Motion to adjourn peered.
GERMAN MENACE IN CANADA beans, use harmful flour rod one bar-
a total 0[
_ rel it corn app K
'li car loads. these supplier were pack-
are ad Germans in the United .•d and shipped to the drpartweot of
klndnes-,hoa-a to m1 wife while to the States Waiting t0 Raid Canada trade and commerce at Montreal, to
do and M.rtee hospital. Helot • From the Tore Globe. Nrst•clase condition, and added l0
r to most d you, immure jou I apps- three n[ the other mutate* will make
CAMPS 1tLL summer -Are we sing to kerb on talking
dote t much more. T. 3! tt R • wt•st welcome gift 40 the empit fy.
YamOtonian about, unemployment and matter* o[
` local interest while the Germans THE RIOtiEWOOV ROADWAY
FOR SALE OE TO BENT across the line are preparing to invade
Canada? 1 teal you, the Germane in
lI1U RENT. - EIGHT- ROOMED the boomer clued ars meeting regularly To THK EDITOR OF THE StoNAL :
1 brick house on Wellington *crest. A9 and not for nothing." Sir, -1 noticed in a recon[ issue •
modern conveniences. Apply toJ. B. KNIGHT. Tbla was the startling statement letter signed "Resident 01 Colborne
ill-tt made by Mr. Frank Wise at a meeting Township, io regard to the roadway
of the Committee of Municipal Re- in front of Ridgewood, leading to the
search oo Tuesday afternoon. cluff on the river and for which Messrs
"The male German population of Buff- Fleming and Uadwrll, the purchasers
alo is about 8004' *trove normal," de- of the prnperty offer a straight road
*dared Mr. Wise. "and if they have from the latesbore road to the beach.
gathered there they have gathered at 1 1 am told the "Resident of Colborne,
Rochester, Detroit and Port Huron Township" really resides in our busi-
and other point* along the line. nese circle. I thine the residents of
Throughout the United States there Colborne township would be making a
are several hundred thousand Ger- 1 good ha un, at the same time en -
mans at least, thoroughly trained in ! courage these men to go on and make
the military movements of the Der- the developments they contemplate.
man war machine. Where are they' Mestere. Fleming and Cadwell are in
now? Does the ['dollen/re of militia touch with large capitalist+ in the
koow? Is the government prepared i United Sates and intend to spend
sale, street,.
be tear censer or m. &.DOW V
INO.rLeo street. L il-tf
w ;11,P, that samess. ti saerths' credit will ae Leg elaisis maim& tee estate et want 1 =117" es • awned seem A diereniat of 1 , wheeled me the And ay ellive por eeat. efkreed tor coMi on MIL at Hort* Oat.. am r. gelled Wier Man 111) H• Intla.M__.____11.1 alVittleratrir. ; rums. et the seld Illihil_ .. Th71111 nu= a i I OST ON THVIMIDAY, OCTOBER citizens who weir fortunate enough toMA Asetieeeer 1 meir chess ; and 4ist anon the mild km* moo- 1.4 Mb. b100,40•11111411091 obi 0•11111,39b. • Illem hear them with their rendering ofUMW SALA - I =ries'''. Newsisseramsf Nies Irmeassim""detemsnedt. I twitt• itbilmtekralVis yirty°61"R ..r.'" 1611'^' raspy of the iilil favorite mumicalthe mese= entitled Immo. having we "141. ". selections kr well as the British eol-
lel linty te the Maims of eh ebad Detect, aod Met Jae mid executorb. luble ym. rim, ..rg porstaL es sal 1 .11.116T. -A YELLOW COLLIE DOG Long Way to Tipperary." The ;re-
aler' marching wing. "It • • Long,breast sod • Mel, el wills fotestance at the i. actor's' opera house. to •ov parrot, of wawa Maimmei na.• reeelved near aitimm,"Ing Illisarehr",,Zosers til, preyed them worthy of a firvi pleisVast gasorloa ilia. tth day of November.MO if Mellised emetery. Salt 1111hOng entertainment no impair kw.III-34 M. G. CAMILRoM,!lobelia, for Isecuter_.
r7 former. 1 ---'" will proceed to dittribel• the reels of the said
inaelilm. seem eagles, , _eight home ; malbee. 4......4 ...bung Liw, psr .m. ..w.k4 ameto.
water inrush ellit manoww. rii.o bun' bevies reeard 0 ly to the riskier. of which he
root Efajuse. rename mut and baggern aet
eaes.,- oss Me.. unreel dont levee. 1M 68"1
err simperer. _
Ha RN Hit --doable beem seousted est bat-
tler. ; illieehie est bareeis. so arty see • double
est demean home" eel* sere* meranteri, wog
about a year : steals wet harass, Idesicaa
MALI PING 4 and MUM ' ete.e.NetrUe.-hse
bore. 111•11; hieedurota ill.
•thry, awl Wein ; &firma SIMIn awn
to abosalma.
"Inniggr. - An (Arm at lie wad eadee. omit : Medea le Weft given that an •
I se
`I1..wehf bbl* a G. L sW Oohs Motel. he
u LAI Velem* Merl,:
y at
ftstint'Ills t' ailleell w eaw M a Mwtrrl- D. -HO- USE W ITH YOUR $4.00 CLEVER HATS $4.00
Ik•ty halon 1 tdany *
plot sad • 1
1eiMA .et a poloW wsitk maks. • mesa er /'lvf. R(X1M8 and venseter. by
? stat fled wearies trek eaap ammo -forty at Tim SIGNAL of Threw who have been paying 1(1.50 to 410.isi, are par-
t Is
I. OW else* nCIL lett ocularly invited to vlew the exhibit of 44.01 Hats on die -
i I
( eai• play Saturday, Novsmtwr 7th.
were. o Aay pan thereof. to say person of
err clean. he roll not (ben here Received
Dated et Ooderich, the Lint day of October.
Plkul:Dlt)t/r. KILW-l4AN k Pitot DFtrff
Weaker. fur wiliaia1.U*sr. 31S
ri Lowey Lersta 05 gp0•RD emirates
an. eawe or leaeiaalai- esSltua. Rona
}Sooner and Prominent Resident of Horse
County Dees at Seafurtb
The death of Mr. John Beattie oc-
curred at Seaf.•rth on Wednesday, the
21st ult. Mr. Beattie had reached the
good age of el years. He bad been
all his life • remarkably healthy man
but early in the spring he felt his
bealtb failing him, but had been able
to be about until • few days ago,
when be wan confined to his residence,
WI was only confined to bed for a
few days before his death. Mr. Beattie
was a native of County Fermanaugh,
Ireland. He carne to Canada with his
tbotber and other members of the fam-
ily In 1842. His father died coming
across the Atlantic, for mother beim
left witb a family of two sons and
two daughters, the deceased tieing the
eldest. Mr. James Beattie is now the
only survivor of the family. The sisters
were Mrs. John Thompson and Mrs.
William Shaw. The faintly settled near
where Seafortb now *tends. Mr. Beat-
tie has been an active and useful resi-
dent of this district ince. He took
a large part in the making of Seafotth.
Fur over half a century be had been a
leader in church, business and muni-
cipal life. He was one of the first
justices of the peace appointed in thio
district and he continued to act in
that capacity until a few years ago.
He was also a member of the first
council of the village of Seaford), and
he was mayor of the town an the
time the present. waterworks system
was established and had the chief sup-
ervision of that work, which was con-
sidered • somewhat advaoxd enter-
priser in those days, but one which
has Herr one of the main springs of
Seaforth's prosperity. He also served
tor 'wirers' years as police magistrate
fur this district and also as division
,curt clerk. He had a natural apti-
tude for law and was conside.-id sn au-
thority cm legal questions and was fre-
quently consultees in that capacity. He
had been engaged at different times
in farmiog, grain buying and for sev-
eral years he owned and conducted
the Meatorth flax mills. It will be seen
by Chir that he led an active, useful life.
He was a member of the Methodist
church and a strong advocate of tem-
perance and every worthy object was
always sure of his active support. He
was Thoroughly conversant with pub-
lic affairs and was an active and en-
thusiastic Liberal in politic.. His wife,
daughter of the late Francis Scott,
of Hsrpurhey, predeceased him about
seven years. He is survived by a family
of four soon and four daughters. Mr.
1 he onlys•
J. Wesley Beattie, being the n
resident in town. Mr. Beattie was of a
genial, cheerful disposition and always
had • cheerful greeting and pleasant
word for all whom be met. He leaves
behind • worthy record and his weut-
ot y will be lona and kindly cberisb•d
by bio fellow arising. The remains
,were laid to rest in the family plot
in the Maitlandbank cemetery on Fri-
day. The pall bearer. were his si=
nephews, Messrs. James, William and
Thomas Thompson, Messer*. Frank and
Hobert Hogg and Mr. H. R. Scott.
GodenckHorocultural Society Held Their
Amnia" Meeting oo Tuesday Evening
The annual meeting of the Goderich
horticultural society, was held in the
secretary's office on Tuesday evening
Lot at eight o'clock, those present be-
ing Dr. callow and Messrs. Hawlink,
Coats, Hume, Laithwaite, Warnock,
Mornrngst :r, Mitchell, Naftel and
Dr. Uallow was elected to the chair
and the minutes of the last annual
meeting were read and 'approved.
• The tt ensurer presented the ttbaocial
statement for the year ending October
31.t, 1014, which was received and 'was
rent tib tv the auditor,.
The following officers were appoint-
ed for the current year :-President,
Mr. J. P. Hume: vice-president Mr
U F. Hamlibk ; directors, Messrs.
Warnock. Laithwaite, Straiton, Horn,
Harrseton, Nafcil, (3albw, Morning-
star and ttev. W. K. Hager ; secre-
tary -treasurer, Mr. Wm. Lane ; audi-
tors, Messrs. Reynolds and Seeger.
Messrs. Coats and Hamlink were ap-
pointed delegate* w the Ontario
horticultural association meeting to
be held in Toronto on the 11th and 12th
of this month. It was decided that
the society affiliate with the provin-
cial society and pay the regular fee of
The pieeklent and secretary were
asked to arrange for regular monthly
meetings of the members for the air-
cussion of horticultural subjects.
The president and Dr. Callow were
asked to award suitable prizes to pub-
lic ecboul children entitled thereto, for
pansy elbibitr at the tall lair last Sep-
tember, expenditure not to exceed 41').
It was decided to set apart 2.) as
prize* to be awarded public ',hoot
children for exhibits at the fall fair
of 1814, the aegount to las divided : $iia
to be awarded for collection of flowers
and 410 for collection or garden vege-
table.. The secretary was asked to
notify the pubbc 'school teachers t
that effect.
(4.C.I. L.tere.ry Meatine
lWe have foe .ate about tktrty town Leta, to say that Count Bernswrff has not , large sums of money on the pmpar ty
prism r•ogini (tam 119 "'nit"'aloe tares carried on • mischievous campaign and water front, if satisfactory ar-
.. .t,ttaa gesar sed other dwellini end a 1.w farina net C•nwda:%' r•ogeweou can be made for the ex-
PRp>zW'UU't. RAYS t Ll[ ♦)4_ Oe4.. stat
rich oat iS Mr. Wise contended that CanadaIchange of the roadways. The road -
should have ten thousand armed ! way down the front of this property
RESIDENCE AND FARM PROP troops oo this border. it was of no use does not give access to the beach but
uiti r 1>MFUR*Al1'1=M"trsdg t esdwty to look to the United State* to defend ends abruptly on the iiver bent, and
Ar li •. s us, h. stated. He also declared that has not been used for the peat 50
(tem leads within a.iert dlm•roo el to sa- If the Oermans net a holding meetings years. We have enjoyed tbw use of
ryee.el et•@y or hery aaru.dL let a,e kaow. in a building in Toronto which mai the beach as long u I can remember,
T607sAe 6l MINT'S' taH being watebed l,y the police. "The but it is private property rod did
ArRM FOR SALE. -THE EAST situation is critical and we cannot Messrs. Fleming and Cadwell wish
I` yHd Let res 1a the .re.m afford to ignore 1t," he concluded. they can prevent anyone from mien
ma pyid..., ./ Ail the beach, 1 trust the Colborne pvtdw of d Ask the (leach, 1 trust the Colborne town-
tdie& me IIs Citizens Were Delighted a .hip souoril Gill. show tbemsalsem ptu,
. q. p y s sins,11oughetey ,(tie Jee.(aesed mitt- greasiest,, and epcouraRtl than owt3ere of
DFOOC, HATit a-Cta strel troupe, received • good recap- Ridgewood to go on with their crea-
tion last on the oecaeion of templated improvements.
their visit to Golerich. Their band ALC= Sectoortua.
paraded the Square at noon and again -- - - in the evening. and delighted the • Social Evening
- .0.-s-..-..s-..i.-•0444.114.••••
veiled • gee/ pa to gly M HELP AND DOMESTIC
to g sM at owes-Vollywwt.M VA ares M e
"rim • st the mew m'f teeml• so jj unoversieset
nent."' Le•iN.o•1•1s• massestNarAdlteetrs aweL tLe ft D.
dQo w irNi may, MOOIye. St .Mw.. Ont.. reeves tf
ra.6 ► ♦eretOct. sa
WANTED -A RBI42 ±•EtheMAN... ....
.i 4>
Three r.ew models are most unisons/41y low priced and
there is a variety of the newest It lemmings to choose
from and all have been designed on the smartest new
Senors, Turbans and Tans.
At this price there io much satisfaction awaiting you
in Millinery this week.
E. M. CAMPBELL - - Kingston Street
r-_... ..
The regular monthly meeting of the
G.C.I. literary society was held on
Friday evening last in the assembly
hall of the collegiate. The usual large
e umehwet standees were t and
after the pr.Adent, MIR* Jean Nairn,
had taken the chair, the meeting
The first item on the programme
wan an instrumental by Miss Jean
Bogie, which was creditably given.
A very enjoyable ..ocial evening was Next foil .wed "It's • Long, Long
spent in the Mundy ubuol r.•om of Way to Tipperary," by the files Hui,
the North .beet Methodist church oo the v.1ve being sung by Nies Ksrie
Tuesday eyeaiug. 1'h. evening was Hume. 'elide the boys, with the at-
speot in the playing of carpet bell,
putting pulse's together or sitting
around matt table. conversing.
Mae] beautiful selections' were igives
on the piano by Miss Lases Elliott.
while those who knew them joined le
the chorales. Many game. of Mind -
man's buff were indulged in About
111 n clock a dainty lunch was served,
after which all joined bandi lend
walked In • Hustle sing; the horns
' finance of the girls. sang the cboru..
The Journal was uezt read by its
editor. Mr. Wilfred i)ancey, and
,one very good items on the war were
read. Hey. J. H. Fotberingharu then
gave a short but very interewtimg •tl
dress. Miss Elsie. Stoddart very
prettily rendered • st.lo. Miss Mary
Tom gave a very Interesting reading,
entitled: "The Cremating of Stam Me.
Th. tate Wm. Habkirk
Mr. Wm. Habkirk, whose very sud-
den and unexpected demise we an.
nounced last week, was born of Scotch
parents on the Base line, Mullett, 48
yearn ago. He lived for several years
in Blyth, Auburn and Dungannon,
and six years ago removed t • Gode-
rich. He was married on July 24th,
1805, to Miss Ten& McNevin, of Dun-
gannon. Of this union there are six
children, all living at home. They are:
Joe, Katie, Orace, Jean. William and
Mary. The mother of the deceased
resides in Saskatoon, as aleo does •
e ider, Mrs. J. W. Walters. Another
sister, Mrs. Robert Habkirk, resides in
Neepaws, Manitoba. Two I. rot hers,
inc and John. reside at Fort William
and Fort Fiancee, respectively.
in midi, ion to the above 'nowhere of
the family, most t.t whom were pres-
ent at the funeral, which took place
on Sunday afternoon, there were
many other relatives loom • distance,
including Mr. 14. Johtaston. of Galt.
uncle ; Mrs. McKenzie. .,f Stratford,
cousin ; Mn. Dunbar, of Newton,
cousin : Messrs. Robert, John, Wil-
liam, Matthew and Tom Habkirk, and
Andrew Scot, of Seafortb, cousins,
and numerous otber irWod• from
Auburn, Blyth and vicinity. Eighty
employees of the Western Canada
Flour Mills Oo , attended in a body
and walked to the cemetery.with the.
funeral cortege .es a last tribute al re.
•pert to their late fellow workman.
The pall -bearers were, Messrs. Wm.
Tait, lames Wilson. Rohert Turner.
Benj Young, John Newcombe and
James Corwin. Rev. (ler.. E. Rom
conducted the funeral services, the
deceased having been a nietuber of the
Presbyterian :hutch.
Much sympathy is felt for the ber-
eaved widow and children who are
bereft of a faithful huatand and •
loving father. As noted las; week
death came with such suddenness that
the moose of the great lose is scarcely
folly realised yet. Interment took
pl•:e in Maitland cemetery.
of "Its • Long, I.obgWi to 'ripper• flee •
ary,""Auld Lang Syne" and "(iod Save , Thr field day prizes were then (bir-
th. King." After this the meeting' teibute,l. To these who won • first, a
broke up. The wtocess of tb' evening gold pin, oval in amps, with • blue belt
is due to Misr Sharman and her claw and • wreath of laurel nn the mashie,
of young ladies, in whose hands the I with the initials G.C.I. on it. wall
evening was in charge. given along with • hue and white
hedge For second, just the badge.
--Masan. Urban Bros , of Strath. The winners of the medals then Te-
eny. have wild one of their silver foxes e.ived them. Hier Mari. Weieh won
to a New England firm for "JIM the girt' medal : Mr. Ram Brimi-
Tbe sniffiest was • male. Torre pellet combo, and Mr M. Plunkett, tied for
of choice patches were alien will at 1 the senior Cloys : Mr D. McDonald
4014) per pair. The pn rchsse was Ithe junior boys and Master Maitland
made after an inspection had toes' Ptidham for boys under 15 years-
earsmade by the Auuy.ra of wartime Prince I The meeting then closed after sing -
Edward island and eastern ranches. I fag God Save the King.
Mowing and Reaping
Everyone / interested in Sunt y
school or temperance work bhwld
present at the mass minting in N h
street Methiet church on Sunday
afternoon at three o'clock. Th. gen
eral thought of the service is to bre
"Sowing and Reaping." Brief ad-
dressee along this line ane to he eiven
by Rev. taro. R. Rose and Nev. W. H.
Wri`hton. A Cwt t service of sone.
in which all may 141. part, has beet.
arrsng-d, and M.. K. C. Belcher will
be prwnt and sing a solo. Sunday
next will he temperance Sunday the
world over; let everyone do their
part __
The quote of 80 men from Timis -
kerning district received an ovation all
along the line of the T. and N.O.