The Signal, 1914-10-22, Page 8• Tefelliellae. (>,t -Toss. ala 1114
Hallowe'en Decorations,
Diener Favors, Etc
W. have a complete new stock
of Dennison's Crepe Pape( spec-
ial Hallowe'en Decor*, ions,
Bleck Cats, Mark Witches,
Pum``ikitoo. Nr , mite per full
!erg th fold. Nor.
Hallowe'en ween Ntreamese and fire
I.ttwf Crepe Paper Festoons',
et i -se 1(k: each.
Hallowe'en forst color Crepe
Paper Tahoe Gore's, rine MOB,
pt ice 31k each.
lfalluwe'eu Table Napkins.
Pumpkin. Hiatt Cat and Black
Witch decorations, special IOc
i•.•r doyen.
Helluwr'ru tans color Paper
Pieter. 31.! per dt zen.
H.tlluwe'er Place lards, 26e
per dozen.
Halluwt .is' ('ale, 750 per dos.
Hallowe'en Dinner Favors, IOc
ch. $1 dt per down.
tfailowr'en Seal• for Letters,
, los! per box.
Hallowe'en Yost L'ards, lc each
after line. 2 for 5r.
as W'arc•h show wind, w for a-
h ove noes..
The aoderich Book 6c
Stationery Co.
(:KOtU.1 PUl'TMC
Cure that
Syrup of Tar with Cod
i,iver Oil Compound is an
excellent Remedy for Coughs,
Colds, Chills, Sore Throat,
Bronchial Troubles.
Good for Adults or Chil-
C.L. Coultis, Phm.B.
sucar,-oe to 1 ..1. Hotta/At
awta Side el Swan 'maw If
• _•
i1tap�e Genf Grocer*
Week -End
Peaches, Drapes, C -ante-
lopes, Cranber rice,
Plumps, Apples, Banan-
as., Ornnge,..
Fresh p o^r k sausage,
Frankfurt.., Ring Bo -
logos, FteshTenderloin.
Cooked Ham, Jellied
Teuderloio, - Special roll
Bacon, Breakfast Recon
and Cottage Hams.
A complete assortment
of all seasonable vege
S. J. Young
ita)A)iMeTJ Si. •
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Students assistedto posthaste College
is session from Sept. let. Catalog*
, Westervelt Enter any time.
J. W. Wsdsrv1115, Jr.
'i'i �[3�►il
n nt! r,ontr'e• A.5 Ter oar INV NM-
O.t'11 AUV1E} tt,wb►M w111 be sent nee.
IIIA HTfli R 111AR1011.
PA university 9t. Nerstrest.
Leading man in the Sarah Gibney Stock Co , who are :meeting with crowded
houses and will remain at the Victoria Opera House until Wednesday
evening of next week. •
Mr. and Mrs. It. Y. Cox visited Mr.
John Pickford, of Thedford, last week.
The Indies Aid will meet at the
horde of Writ. Rutledge un Thursday,
October 29th.
Mir Mona Johnston returned
home on Tuesday from Trowbridge,
where she has spent a couple of
months with her sister, Mrs. Lorue
We are pleased to hear Mrs. Sam-
uel Eneereoo and Miss. Erma Jordon,
who were operated on in the Clinton
hospital last week, are both recovering
as speedily as can be expected.
Mr. George Fender is visiting on
the 1&h non.
Dr. McCormick spent a few days at
the riorotage last week.
Ill eieorgtrens •Rernhrell wen ine
week -end with Clinton friends.
Miss Maud Pickard is spending s
few weeks at Mr. A. J. Courtice'e.
Mr. Blake, of (aoderich, visited his
daughter, Mrs. John Schwa/atzt over
Mrs. Will Jenkins and son Frank
spent the Thanksgiving holiday at
Mr. George Holland held a auc:ess-
ful sale of cattle in Ooderich on Fri-
day laat and left again on Saturday to
secure another load.
We notice our genial postmaster
lighting the lamp at the station these
dark niglits. This is very acceptable
to travellers stetting off the late train.
Miss Florence Hugo of 8eaforth, is
visiting Miss Mary Hay.
Jack Craig, who recently returned
from Ireland, •irited Kippeu friends
Ibis week.
Mr. James Jo. roti, Sr., of the town
line, was kicked by • horse and bad
his leg broken below the knee.
Mr. and Mrs. Alden Jones and
daughter have been visiting in the
home of his brother, Mr, M. J. Jones.
Miss Mabel Whiteman, of Toronto,
is spending a few days at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John White-
Mr. Thompson and Miss Kate Mc-
Donald motored up from Landon and
spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac Jarroth.
Mr. and Mrs. Mondale and Mrs,
Harrison, of Parkhill, were here this
week attending the funer*l of the late
Mrs. Dinedak, which was held on
key. A. McKibhon. of London, spent
a few days with Mr. and Mw, Henry
!visor) neer hate. 'sod conducted an-
niversary service. in Staffa on Sun-
day last_
Farmers of this district are taking
full advantage of the splendid weatb•
er to lift roots and finish up their fall
work. Ali farm work is in .:salient
shape all through the district
Mr. and Mn. Nigh and family leave
this week for Varna, where Mr. Nigh
bas leen engaged to aid Mr. John Raid
esa dim lave. 1140 the lastvC
be has served Mr. A.. Mon 'J!-!
fully. He and his family will be 'mis-
owl by their neighbors and Mends
herr, who wish them all success and
happiness in their new home.
Loot Friday morning tits late Mrs.
Thomas Dinadee. departed this life on
the old home.tea4 here. now ncn)pled
by her eon Robert. The departed had
reached the ripe age of 97ears. Rbe
and her Froben, wbo died a few
ears ago. came hero from Yorkshire,
gland over 69 yeses ago, having
two children at the tiaw. nam of whom
died soon afterwards. They landed
here with five dotter, as • t•apital hot
by Industry and honest thrift they se•
eumulat.wd a ronsideraNe portion of
this world's weslth, as can now he
seen In the floe farms oernptrlleedd by
their aces. The tau, Mrs. Moedaf*
erns of s eels% unassuming diapwl-
Ilies h•dptul le • wife and
tuather. •7R'ttMlOton rise op and
sell hsrtYtillss1." The funeral to the
Rw..E wakes cemetery on Monday
was wen &needed. Her husband diad
Is.. years ago. Rbe leaves to =oath
her Ices ten eon., John end Robert,
sad eels daughter. Mrs. G. 1'. Peter,
G lie seatl.
-Am Mp'�iaohem SWIM e has hee to the
wend et. Marys tavern sights Pis
Miss Maty Durnin has resumed lar
studies at the continuation claw in
A car for the relief society was filled
at Lucknow on Monday from this
corner of West Wewanasb.
A good number of relatives and
friends minuted the funeral of the
late Mr. George Grant at Whitechurch
on Thursday,
The Miller store is prepared to take
fowl every Wednesday and Thursday
mornings. All live fowl must be starv-
ed. Highest prices paid.`tf.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Webb expect
to move to Lucknow this week, where
they intend making their future home
for a while. We are sorry to toes
them from our community.
The 8t. Helens branch of the
women's institute will be held on
Tbarad .f..Octobec 28th, At 3.3).M.
at the house of Mrs. J. B. Rutherford,
Pub'ectr : "Square Deal for the Girl
on the Farm.' "Preparing Poultry for
Market." Roll call: "eltoring of
Vegetables." Question drawer. music.
A general invitation is extended to
Another of the pioneer residents of
this section passed away on the Ptb
inst., in the person of Mrs. James Fer-
guson. at the home of her son, Mr.
Matthew Ferguson, following an ill-
ness which extended over two months.
the deceased lady was born in Sire
lane, Tyrone county, Ireland, in 18211.
On the 13th of December, 1952. she was
married to her late husband and
moved to Glasgow, Scotland. to 1866
she came to Canada and settled at
Woodbridge, Vaughan township, and
rtmained there until 1861 when the
family moved to lot 41, con. 10, East
Weer/tomb and later moved to lot 42,
con. 10, wher3 she remained until the
time of her death. Mrs. Ferguson
was a woman highly esteemed in the
community in which abs so long re-
sided and had lived to see many changes
in the community. She was& Presby-
terian in religion and had been a mem-
ber of Knox church, Belgrave, ever
since the organization of the congre-
gation in 1864. There was a familyof
two daughters and three stns. e
daughters, Mrs. James Williameoo and
Mrs. Wu,. Bone, passed away in 1890.
Tbe some, Matthew, who resides on the
homestead, and Andrew and John,
who live on adjoining farms. The fun-
eral to Brandon cemetery on Monday
afternoon of last week was largely at-
tended, and the services' were conduc-
ted by her pastor, Rev. A. M. Boyle,
assisted by Rev. W. T. Wilkins, of
Trenton, and Rev. J. A. F son, of
Norval, former pastors, and Rev, Dr.
Fraser, of Owen Sound.
Amides F. PER it W v
We tam a mond betimes, sregerYe fsv
• reliable mreeet to-•lereens her t,ys dor
:teat te.wee fretnem teem l.wee
lee shrubs. Me. Per eejWy, bee,
sederrealm. W5sets ems '-�41..
set to the . very
of frobow Our
pare relaabM reams( of w . rvmf a we
taY1M end �y�1iitteMA MAW/ MNlla{.
.1v Ow, Terme. OM.
P.e. Baaemeve estalag.. • omens
Mayrbe erWemero sem wheibm Nuel
err Bet
ST. AUo JST11It ! •�alrO�r•OaIreO�■_O
[stiffen Orshd and Mk Deas are is
nankin freak,
111t. AThtl.eti,ae best riot will sloes
this week ler the eeawrs.
Fame. Is' tats .why ar.t bang
Mies the A�pl.gs9►
- f. visits&
with Cairene Meade I week.
Mr. 0. Rehires btu returned from
a two month.' trip to wasters' Canada
Mie May *bobardsoo, Wyoming, is
visiting at the borne of Mr. Wm. Me -
Mr. and Mea John Shanahan, of
Hullatt, were visitors at the boon of
Mr. Joseph Boyle last week.
The members of the 8t. Augustine
wumen'r Institute wish to thank the
people in this vicinity tot the liberal
contribution to the Patriotic fund.
The amount received was •115.
The reveler sneering of the weaken'',
tostUute was held last week at the
home of Mrs. J• eph Boyle. The
�'eines in the diving contest were won
y Mrs. F. Thompson sad Mn. H.
Thootp.on_ ---
Mr. Georg. C. Naylor; who passed
away os' Risher Sed, was born at
Feint's MiU's Waterloo county, on
January 3Let, Dila, When he was
shout 18 years eki, the family moved
up to Kan Wawanosb and settled on
• farm. Out of a large family only
four survive --Mrs, Finlay Anderson,
East %Vawanoeh ; Mrs. Duncan And-
erson. Pittston ; Sidney and John
Naytor. Klgio, Manitoba. In 18tei be
married Mile Elisabeth Tayor of West
Wawan.rb, and they lived on
various farms in Fast and West Wa-
wano.b. until 23ears ago whew
deemed bought the McCoy farm. con.
8, where he lived up till his desth.
His illness Castrol three months and
was biome with great patience and
fortitude. to pontes Mr. Naylor was
a Liberal and a Methodist in religion.
His boneety of put pine and never•faii-
iug courtesy made him respected by
all wbo knew him. Tbe funeral to
Wingbam cemetery on Tueeday after-
noon, October tlth. was largely attend-
ed. Service was conducted by Rev.
Mr. Conway of Auburn. Those left
Le mourn his loss and cherish the ten-
der memories of a hwbaodn and
father's love are his widow, five sone
and two daughters - Dare, Coulter,
Manitoba; George, William. and
Milton. East W.wanoab; Alfred A.,
8eefurth - Mrs. Wm. Lougheed and
Mn. Stephen Wood; Elgin, Manitoba.
All were home for the funeral esoept
Dave. The pall -bearers were the four
eons who were home.
Mr. W. Welsh. G Winnipeg. is
vialtiog friends in Auburn.
Dr. B. O. Weir is We proudest and
isi man in Auburn. The stork
bis homer few days ego and
left a baby girt. The doctor says she
in the finest girl in Auburn.
An entertainment under the aus-
of the Epworth league will be
bead in the Methodist church, Auburn,
on Seined* evening, October 241b,
kterrelt • . ' The • fee tsars'• nut.
Wan Jubilee°Singers will have charge
anniversary services of the
Auburn Methodist church were held
on Sunday last. Rev. F. J. Ruther-
ford, of Benmiller, conducted the ser-
vices in the afternoon and Rev. W.
H. Hager, of Goderich, in the evening.
Both services were well attended and
the musical part of each service waft
conducted by Weettleid choir.
Mr. Robert M. Cummings, a former
resident of Auburn for a number of
years, died at the family residence, 21
Ardmore street, Rochester, New
York, on the 10th inert. Duffing his
residence in Auburn he was a highly
respected citizen and a member of the
Presbyterial church. He was E6
_years of age and is survived by hie'',
wife and two sous, Hugh H. and,
William K., and one grandson, Janne
B. One sister, Mrs. Margaret When-
heyins. of Wingbam, also 'survives. H.
was a member of Oeneees Falls lodge
No. 507, A.F. and A.M., Rochester.
and Court Maitland No. EYP, I.O.F„
Brussels. The tumoral took place
from the family residence in Ronhes
ter on the 12th int. and interment
was made in Riverside cemetery. The
many old friends of deceased In Au-
burn and vicinity are exceedingly
sony to bear of his death.
Minutes of commit meeting held on
October 14th ; members all present.
Minutes of last meriting read and
passed on motion of Coitus. Currie
and Buchanan.
Buchanan -Currie -Tint the trens-
enr be instructed le refund pro rata
the balance of meney on hand due
the several parties on the Toll drain.
fftoamboue-Irwin -That the en-
gineer be notified to Inspect the Tung -
Mut drain if the portio' of same now
its dispute is not repaired in the stated
The following &caseate were paid :-
d, Ynagbint, repairing wunicipsl-
y's portion of Yesgblut drain, 61;
W M, eoemutegoe statute labor
31-. rlhr, cellinnattde swamtea. er r Me•RI, cleaning out
meth branch Hegelian drain. 941;
A. IRMere hall rent for voters' li.t
exert, *6; W. Wlgbtme°, attendant's
at voters list amort and electing
jurors. *9.16; J. N, Campbell. elect-
ing jurors. A3 ; A. Porterfield. select-
ing Jurors, 96: McKinnon Brom.,
sgreamv.lttng ou eon. 14. *7197: Win.
M.e.ora loepeetisg same, 96.16;
Manner n Bros , gravelling on con -
sessions 4 and 5, $117.70; Wm. Mc-
Gregor. inspeotiaa some, 96;
Meg inner' Brea., gra veil' nit on
meows boundary *91.95; McKinnon
Bros.. Riling at culvert, ride line AD
and 31, eon. 13, 92&.90; Win. Pardon,
inspecting ftllins at culvert. aide line
Aland Al, con. i3, 94; George Pocock,
ouUet across sloe line 310 and 40, non.
14, *10; Fur `ravel -Thos. Bradnock,
9i.9t1, R. Mel3urney p8g.EO, P. King 80
rents, Wm. Pot hergil193.1i0; R. Anil
94 E), R. J. McGee 93. W, Bentett
1111.1211 R. Redmond Oink R. Frletry
OE Wm. Niton 91,90, W. Notlrery
6O, D. Beseroft E0 rent*, J. Martin
N), Bert Jackson 9P 40, R. Wight -
sem 916.15, Wm. Purdnn 75 sesta,
Herb 9hieR, shovelling gravel, *LED.
After sMillisteleis on the hest retin-
ae isre keel patriotic fond
by to tat one. potatoes sad
apples the tine payer. e( the
Fur values vary. This Is because there can
be no uniform standard, for the "Best" of one
lot of the skins mciy' be only second grade,
or even third, in another : .
The Fur buyers best safe guard in buying is the store the buying is done
from. It is almost safe to say that unless you are an expert there is no othtr.
Buy from a concern that puts "Quality" first always ; one whose first care is
for "Value" and not "Price" only ; one that 15 willing to unhesitatingly guaran-
tee the quality of every article it sells ; whose "Best" is "Best," the highest
grade that can be obtaiued. The Fur business is one that receives close and
careful attention from us. Our sources of supply are the best in Canada and .dI
garments are made to our order from carefully and conscientiously selected skin..
While we do not claim to be the only people selling good Furs, we do say that
never have we had so good a stock of Furs as we have today. We can give y au
as good Furs as you can get anywhere, and at as close prices as you will get for
equal quality. That we are sure of.
Our Furs are good ; good through and through. They are sold at close
prices ; close enough and low enough to make it worth your while to see our
stock before doing any Fur buying. Will you do it?
Penman's Hose
ZSc, S0c and 75c the Pair
Just received direct from the Penman mills, a
big shipment of these famous Hoge in medium weight
Cashmere for Fall and early Winter wear. These
Stockings will he found perfectly comfortable, soft
smooth finish that will not irritate and there are nt•
seams to hurt the feet. They fit like a glove. We
show them in four qualities, in each the best Hosiers
value for the money you are likely to find. We have
one line at 25c, two at 50c, one light. the other medium
weight, and a very fine quality at i$r per pair. All
sires in each quality. .. '
A Suit of Serge
We are showing Ladies' Tailored Suits in extra
quality all wool Serge that .are etceptional value.
They are made from an imported cloth lined with
silk, cut in one of the best styles of the eeeaon.
Come in black or navy, perfect in fit, will give ex-
cellent wear and veil stylish in appearance. Our
price for this Suit in any sine is $16.50
y w • ,.r... �Jll
"Out Size" Sults
These Suits are designed speciallyfor ladies who
require a garment a little away rom the standard
range of mesa. They are cut on different litres
and are particular) adapted for stout flguree.
We Chow them in black on navy. Made in good
se nes. broadcloths or $16.50 and $20
Showing Some Very
Handsome Plaid Silks
We are showing some very handsome Plaid Bilks,
suitable tor waist•, trimmings, etc. These come
in a wonderful good assortment of bandeome color
combinations, either dark or light shadings. They
are 36rto 40 in. wide
$1 *50 10 $2.25
d JV
Ladie' Leather Gloves
for .test wear, P. K.
sewn. tan only, ail .izes
at per pair - - *1.00
"Jay Bee" White
Have you seen this beautiful White Flannelette
it is far sad away the best Flannelette we have
ever sold for aeythinit near the money. Soft and
velvety in finish, free from dressing of any kind.
It is an ideal material for the many uses to which
Flannelette is put. English made. White only
a t the threei
prices per yard. 11 C. 1 22C and 15c
A Serge at 60c and One
at $3.00
At IOc per yard we are showing • splendid French
Berge, extra high quality, made from pure wool,
guarsoteed Indigo dye or the best black. Quite
the best thing we have ever shown for the money.
Suitable . for anypurpose you can use c,
Serge for. Spen
per yard �J
The line at 93.00 is a heavy Suiting Serge of high
quality. This line is used fur men's wear hat
makes a splendid tailored suit for ladies. Abso-
lutelfast in the dye and pure- wool $3.00
Per yard ............. •.... \JV
Wi.b to
Tbe N
that eau
Had se
sole re. •
er MMU be
The uod
y, w"',its
1 bs folio
l sew..1
sr) . row•
ow.. g ,0d
1 titas -
.no ani tN
ion; note.
'alt and o
ono be r•
t:. Hut.LA
11 LAN
1 oder a
dated ebb
now bt4
. atloo br
(•oenty et
h olt at lot
the Tow
land eft
municipality the 000neil adjourned on / to that clerk notify the township
to have this work examined
oompimaad foetbwitb.-Carried.
Mr. D. i eringtoe also was present
asking that • drain be o.sstrttdea
Yhis ccerarigib* Fose wler.
was heare.taL tom sea tetywltl t.e aseinsesy
kepi forme se that *tweeted parties
shall try to asst this ss•aerbetween'i
Mr. Jobs Boyle. collector, having
tserdered W resigsatios, which was
•eespted at lest sooacU meeting. sev-
eral applications foe the vateeey were
received. Mr. Geos RetNdge was
sppolated os tootles of Cleves John-
ston sad M•llough.
Amounts for emanate sad ppa•tlh-
mestese gravel, •monngsg to 911209.
were pained aad paid oe motion by
Courts. Naylor and Purdon.
(council adjourned to meet onOetob-
er t91d at one p m., which, owing to
His Honour Jodie Doyle having taken
that day Inc revision of voters' lists,
°omen will upset on tiaturday, Geuth-
er 84th at one p.m.
motion of Ooona Buabaoan and
Stonehouse to meet again ns' Moe -
day. November loth, at nee o'clock.
A. Pottrsartcto, Clerk.
vri W&.WANQJM.
met le w
16th at the cull pot Reeve
Murry as per Met ad journmeet
member all press i.
Minute& of last meeting read and
pawed on motion by Gonna. Matloogh
and Pnrdes.
Mr. P 2. waited on the
council the Pollank award
drain, that Paris of UM,
work had not been crimple ed as per
Motion by Court. Naylor and Mal -
Individual Instruction Permits you
to enter any der at
enemies! ber�srts Masi (
the 'saMeeda -
Report tuetrwetesa
Our owe lase* ether comes 5.1Ylsa.
Koury pod two ewaraatsd • pe14ss.
Ont ser *seems Beet.
O. A. Funnies. F.O.A., Prieeipsl.
l4. D. FtAinies, Seem Lary,
Special amens, of conseiL heli on
Orkney llth,w es the on.t. of Cortef.
Malinestrong e0ent(ttee
was to leisst Wetness' Can -
4.1. 'a Myittee is seeeritg a con-
Mtt . ._ wesihy Grilse county of
Ise Vie
Om= pppotatoesn and
sewn will be esswe oe0aw on
October With and Aebtra os October
W. A. Wruotr, Clerk.
-Tbe grand jury at Brambridge as-
s.i... found a true bill against Peter
and Andrew Morreau, charged with
Ibe murder of Robert Heyde at Honey
Harbor on March *7th.
lac w:ft Estate
exclusive a&esb fax
for Goderich and District
Egg Coal, $7.75
Stove and Chestnut.
$8. oo
Per toe
Anyuantity bast all Maple
Slaty Mid Woad. Hemlock
and damendling iOder or Pine- I
TELRPMUI11111, lie0 i.
reddens ars et le