The Signal, 1914-10-22, Page 5THE SIGNAL : QnDRRICH : ONTARIO Ttoaaw*T, Ocmi•sn Li, 1914 • r WITH every article we sell, we endeavor to laclude •satisfaction. If we don't give it, thea it teat a sale. That's the way we do business at this place. We don't do it merely to be gereerows,, bet bemuse we be- lieve that web * policy In the long run always wins. 1f you don't get whet you want, corse back and "kick." You've a right to your wesey's worth sad we want you to have it. EAST STREET GARAGE, Ooderich, Ont. 1 lar ••Beet egnetructnd-and heaviest range es the market." "Wby not bear tine trwtr ••Mvw fool and (nosey.' ••Onoke and babes perfectly." 'Thoroughly guaranteed." "Praised ly all users" We have • complete assortmeut from wbicb to choose, also a full line of McOlary'■ Famous Bate Bit ser Heaters See our Use and get booklet hiving details before buying. Howell Hardware Co, SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE PHONE 57 ' THE LATEST NEWS THE TWO BEST SOURCES AT A BARGAIN RATE THE WEEKLY MAIL AND EMPIRE AND THE SIGNAL 1 THE TWO TOGETHER • • NOW TILL JAN. Ist, 1915, 35 Cents NOW TILL JAN. ist, 1916, $I.60 THE MAIL AND EMPIRE By Reason of Its Superior Cable Service, Has • • Earned the Title of '2 "THE WAR PAPER" The Merits of Our Own Paper Are Too Well Known and Valued to Require Comment 1 Order Early for the Bargain Rate iSend all Subscriptions to office of The Signal, Goderich, Ont. LOCALS-- PERSONALS -The bewtUul eutuwa we•tber still condones. -Mr. Nelson Yeo is helping haMr. apDavvidd�Okaatelso, of Cliotoa, wit - Miss L Hewett, of Auburn paid a visit to Mr. and Mrs. A. Halliday un Friday of last week. -Mr. and Mrs. George Westbrook spent Buoday aftsrsooe with Mrs. A. Halliday. Hayfield road. Mr. and lira. J. U. Stoltz, of East Wawsmesb, *mot Friday with Mrs. A. Halliday Bayfield road. -Masers. Leeks i Um, the Casa- diaa clothiers, have something speeded to tell our readase hs their adv. this week. -Tbs Cameron street sewer M new complete and with it will probably god sewer construction in Uoderich for this season. ' -Mr. Wm. Howard bas recently bad a mimeo'. foundation put under his house and is sow haring the out- ride painted. -Mise Irene Harrison of Clinton. wbo is under the docto►'s care. is stay- - ing with brr sister, Mrs. A. E. Town- send, Cambria road. -It is reported that one of tote local collegiate institute pupils defined a skeleton as something with the inside out and the outside off. -Mr. J. H. Meridian witb his wife and daughter ars away on an extend- ed vacation trip, during which tbey will visit Detroit, Dayton, Ottawa and other cltes. -Mr. Win. Alexander, repre- senting the Knight Bros. Co., of Burks Falls. was in town on 'Wednesday and gave The Signal • pleasant call, be and the editor being old friends. - Mr. James Cat ria bas recently tad a fine up -to date residence built on Cambria road. It is of red be ick con- struction and finished throughout with the latest in modern couvenien- ees. -Mr. and Mn. John Knox ao- noteuce the engagement of their daughter, Anne Jeanette (Nan), to Mr. Ernest Jay Howsoo, C.A. of Toron to, the marriage to take place early in November. • - Mr. and Mrs. Peter McLachlan, whc) recently moved into Mr. Wm. Watte's bowie oo the Bayfield road, have gone to Cromarty where Mr. Mc- Lachlan will be engaged at his trade until Christmas. -Mr. E. N. Lewis, M.P., is away to Ottawa this week in an endeavor to get more work at Ooderich harbor and contracts for Huron count factories. Be is accompanied by Mr. Wim. Jack- son, president of Clinton board of trade, and Mr. C. L. Moore, vice-presi- dent of Ooderich board of trade. -Dr. James Carruthers Masson, second son of the Tate Judeg. Maroon, of Goderich, was married on Thurs- day last to Mise Alice Marion Know- les, elder daughter of Mr. F. P. Know- keof- YPoreeatere • ]i>.seaideseMts. wbere the wedding took place. Dr. Masson is now a resident of Rochester, Minnesota, and bas many old blonde in Goderich who all join in extending heat wiibes for hie future happiness and prospetity. Patreotie Vaudeville In the Lyric theatre on Tuesday evening of next week there will be given *patriotic vaudeville entertain- ment under tbe nuepicen of Maple Leaf cbapter, 1. U. D. E. The pro- ceeds will bet in aid of the local relief fund The price of admission is only 25 centre and the following excellent programme will be given :- 1- A picture. 2-Tbere is • band (Allisteml, 'tr. Frank Doty. 3 -Recitation leelected), Miss Belch- er. 4 -Violin solo (Gavotte), Mies Grace Seager. 5-1te • Long, Long Way to Tipper- ary, Mr. 0. L. Parsons and eborus of Boy Scouts. o -A picture. 7 -Duel The Dancing L.s.on, Miss Phyllis Baker and Mts. Morson. 8 -Cohen at the Telepboue, Mr. H. Sturdy 9 --`lungs of the Allied Nations Britannia, Mrs. Huggins ;France, Mise Beleber; Belgium, Miss E. Hays; Russia, Mr. Prank Doty ; Japan, Mr. Ernest Porter. God Save the King. -- -- - RED CROSS NOTES Good Morning We Are Introducing Americas Silk American Caabmere American Cotton -Lisle HOSIERY eTheybore abed arilii►4 esu reel foot comfort. No seams to rip. Neese become loose or baggy. The shape is knit in --not pressed In. GUARANTEED for fineoee•, style, superiority of material and work ininett p. Ahsolut•-Iv stainless. Will wear six months without boles, or new ne.es free. O1* SPECIAL OPENER to every one sending ne 51.(1) in currency nr rooted note, to cover adversidne and .hipping chargee, we will seed poet -paid, with written guarantes hacked by a live million dollar rowp•ny. . either. 3 Pairs of stir 7yc vales Amertean MtIk Ho»fiery Of 4 Pain of our Sec value American Caetimere or 4 kiff of cur SOfulrisesian Anterloon Cotton- s( ii Pairs et Chddree's Hesisro Give Ib, color. site, and what& or ladies' or gent's hosiery Is AM sired, DON'T DELAY - Offer ex- pires whets in your lo- cality o- 1171111010RIL WW1 IB. P.A. Dos 144 DAYTON. on TO, U.M.A. 'I12HN(7RJRR FOR TH8 SiGNAL A meeting of the Red Cross society waa beid in the council ebawber on Mnaday evening. Mr. Isaac Salkeld altered his nechatd to the society and Mr Holland and Mt. Lane were ap- painted to superinteod the work of picking the apples. A number of boy. 1n the upper forma of the ,ollegiate bate Misted to bele, and any others who are willing to prick applss, to par barrels, are Whig so Appropriate As a Gift. or so nice. Nothing in Value so great for the Price. Nothiug more appreciated, enjoyed to the full, Nothing insure- ) ou more of a Pull. Though often repeated. al- ways a Joy --- As a present a dandy - None quite so handy, As a Box of Our iligb•erde Quality Candy 1 T. J. SALKELD Balmoral Cafe ' Phone 64 1 eMterniserargs tO r- Presentation by Chair Members Tbursdsy evening gpf last week the members of the Noe4h street Metho- dist choir were entertained at the boos of Mr. aid Mrs. C. Moore, Glou- cester terrace. A most enjoyable evening was spent by all. A notice- able feature of the evening's pleasures wan the present%tioe of a cut -glees ere•ut and sugar set to Mts. R. Mar- shall, of Battle Creek, sister of the bastes., who with Mr. Marshall. M visiting ber parents in town. As Mies 81.11* Speiran she bad rendered vela - able service in tbe choir as leading requested to ernwwee•iefttli "wiN'•Ibe mmtralto anelibe dols took advantage p evident - The The secretary reporter • balance on hand of 8137. Mn. McKim, Mn. C;01- bitne. Mrs. W. L. Horten and Mn. Eliot wet appointed a purchaaimg committee with power to spend $40 f •r yarn and IOW for other material. A meeting is in take p'.ce in the basement of Knox chureh on Tburs- dapp Oetnhter let h. at 2.83 p.m. c dle- trilwte this material, and an m. worker. are invited to be present. It was decided that the regular meeting of the society will take place on the third Monday of each wealth at right p.m_In the notated chamber. CHURCH CHIMES ref p. ibis theme press their apered*Harr of r blip. Before breaking up ell joined in hearty taof the boeplWity of Mr. and pe Mrs. Moore. R --v. Ocorge Mason, sof Pinkerton. bas arrested the call to Harri.teen P,wb terra sheens sad will he in- ducted en November Mh. "Howse Defuses" will be the euhject of dimmers, by Rev. lien. E. Roes In Knox ehurch Dell Sunday morning. and in the evening "Client's Appeal." Dean Starr. of St.George's cathed- ral. Khost on. wbo was In RngIend when the war broke oat, sod who en- listed es a ebapWn wilbont the M,hnp's enneent, has been asked to re- turn to his duties at resign. Hager Rev, W. K. Her potash et bleb services In North street Metho- di t church on Sunday. The morning subject will be " of rho IntOod e iteral "A aleses of ream. Nett week, eowweseetsg with Monday P."00* aprt•I pretests Y eervlees for bit? eswwunion Ent he j M M o►)b eveale. SCHOOL SHOES Now is the time to buy School Shoes for the boy. and girls, They will need good, stroog, serviceable Sboes, the kind that wilt stand the test In any weather. lo this line all past efforts have been excelled and you will find at your command the moat complete stock of neat reliable Footwear at the lowest possible prices. -:- REPAIRiNG -:- GEO.MACVICA.f LOCALS =- PERSONALS -Mr. R. McMatb, far., le able to be out again after I. recent sickness. -Mr. and Mn. Robert Doak •.d eblldreu are visiting friends in Sbep- paedton this week. -Mrs. Wright, 0f PAImereloo of itel, ls Ira a visit to her son, Mr. Frank Wright, of Brantford, -Mr. and Mn. Win. Lawson, 4.1 Hulick, peM••ndar with Mn. A. Halliday,sBayntflrkl cord, -Mr. A. Halliday acid Mr. Wm. Waite are assistingMr. Rc.b�et% An- drews with bis appe crop this year. -Mise A. Youngblut, of Blyth, was a visitor at the homes of Mrs. George Westbrook and Mra. A. Halliday Otte week, -Mir. • ObaeIee Wens is having hie house bricked and other gent rel re- rrogiretrade in readiness for the cum- --The --The young people of town be.. been spending quite a lot of time at Raiford gatbettng beech nuts during the peel two week's. -The famous Canadian Jubilee Singers will appear in Victoria t res t Methodist church on Friday cern rig of Obis week. -dies Margaret McLeod. cf Antiorn. accompanied by Mise May Dixon, of Pop. Albert. spent Sunday •ftrrueoa tut with Mies Mahe! Hallida . -A patriotic concert in aid of the local relief fucd will be given in Knox church, thodericb, on Thursday even- ing, November ;,th. The admission will be 25 cents. -Mr. George Sau�lt , a member of the Siurlts-Pollard Minting 4.'0.. one of the largest printing concerns in Winnipeg, was a week -end visitor with his brother+ herr this week. -De. not f• rget the patiiutic vande• vibe to he gives in the Lyric theatre on 'Tuesday everting, Oi tolwr'270b, tinder the auspices of Maple Leaf chapter. 1.0.D.E Ticket. are only c•nta. --Miss Agnes Middleton, of l'lin'on, hes an exhibit of hand painted china in Mr. l'. C. L*,r's store window this week. It is Min Middleton'sinteut.ioo of starting classes in thii work to the near ft.ttire. - A numhrr of young men were brought brio e folies. %twist'ate Kelly on `iat.rd.v for riding bicycles on the sidewalk.. After wattling them ret what woui.l happen if they came before him again the m&Ki.t4a;e let them go, - Dr. Or,eer At Greer, ebhrpractorie, have waved their offices from the cor-, ner of Emit sweet and the Sq erre to the remodelled building lb the Ster- ling hank (dock oar }Iswilton street. Th. it new offices have been specially built and fitted up leer them and sty in every way pleasant and convenient. -A quiet welding took place Tues- day afternoon At the home of Mr. Wm. Proud foot M.P.P., when hie Olt ce, Miss Met ion Jeanette Dickson, daughter of the late Mr. and Mee. `Wua.'bicEtson, Weis' tAi WM.or'Mlr. George Dixon Clagett 'of Seattle, Washington. Rev. Geo. E. Ross pep - formed formed • he marriage cerrmooy. • L. F. W. Robinson, A.R.C.o. TKACMZE OF Ptaseferte, Orjss sad Staging Stasis ever Tbssisee's Mull: Stere ItODIRIell ONTARIL. RURAL SCHOOL REPORTS 8 S. No. 3, AdHFIELD Fifth class and entrance -Idol elrif- 6n and Belle MecKenzie equal, 105; Isabella McDonald, 100; Lotto McKen- zie, 80; Berts Be:ket, 811; Will John- son, 80; Will McDonald, 79. Third rise -Lily MacKenzie, 110;' Mary Meteor, 107; John McKay, 101,; Richard West, 74; Will Benjamin, 30. Second and dratclasses-- Evelyn Bur- ton, 73; Harold Collinson, 95; Kath- arine McDonald, 72. J. 0. Ygt.t-AND, Teacher. S.S. No. 6, EA1r WAWANOSH Report of it%nding of pupils of 8 8. No. 8, East Wawanosh, fur month ending Sept. Mr. 3rd --Hugh Blair, 88; Earle Magee, de; Aggie Howatt, 64. Jr. 3rd --.Howatt ('ampb.11, tri ; %elle Cather, ted; Lily 11 11 Uook, 49. Sr. Ind -Catherine Hardesty, ti'Y D. C. Rodger, tS„ . Gi orge Howatt. 414 Jr. 2nd-Elw..od Mtarkhou•e, 77 ; Winnie Canepleil, 00. Pt. 11. -Grace W dmond. 71 : Eddie Rodger, 70: Phyllis HaMeaty, 64. Pt 1., senior Earle Noble, 76; Elea Walden, 73 ; F: neat Noble, 71 ; Eva Cook, 87 ; Russel Carter, 50; No. on roll, 27 : average attendance. 24. Guy Brothers Corning Guy Brothers' famous minstrels corse to Ooderich. am as *moors Mut es a well known attraction. This seaarn from the rise of the riirtain to the drop M one continuou' rapid err movement. Jokes all mew. Harr Prince, the silver towed tenor, *1111 sing Eoglend's new recruiting eons� "For King and country." Mer.ill. the prints of j ler., positively a Buropeafi act Wattle the hate fly durlmg kis set. Happy Hen way, known es one of the beet . t n mono- logues in the eeutnlr Tehfunny face comedian, Mr. Lwin Goy, and many other feature arta will he pre- sented next Thursday evening. Re- served mats 50 rent.: general adwis- siOe, 15 emits. Buy your Beats at ad- vents male for tiny here. Liberal IJewatioi* by Farmers Farnsers of the vicinity during yew- terday and today have beim bringing is their oreetributions to the Ranch empire 1a the form of apples, oats end Alpthe time of going to Aprrreesest tK►ere has been delivered et the Aedee4eb ree•Iving depot Al hags of oats, 31 hags of potatoes and MI barrels of atm. Mr. Wm. Lane, comelya sk le loads* after the (-looking, sad the empties will one forwarded to beedgesrters as soon Y all are reeeiv- ed. R. R. HKOMOND, Teacher. Manoml B A Nl1 'Though your salary ce Income s ell no doubt Increase. so will OF CANADA you expensar and many f Iasi that the latter more than keep pace with the former. Now teethe time to start a Reserve Fund -and the Savings Departnlent'cl the Union Bank of Cased* is the place to keep 1t -_ Deposit the extra you hove on hand now -you can open all,.. account with any sum, down to one dollar -and draw Interest colt. Goderich Branch --F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. i When wf1 Ti. Save if 1N deal Save MOW? MONUMENTS CHASTE AND ARTISTIC DESIGNS Best workmanship at J. DOIG'S, Clinton As J. Doig imports direct, he is able to give quick delivery at close prices. Designs and prices on application. THE LATEST NEWS The Two Best Soatces for General News at a tfargsin Rate The i'retest war in history is now I on. cud neer. •Ince printing wits in- vented bat.' tb••rt hee•n'Inch uuivetsal newt and demand for the newspaper. We have made artangewents by which we can supply ►11 the news of Ibe wide world, all the news of the war, and all the local news within the 'Unita of our own circulation. at • price that, from x hergnin standpoint, leaves nothing to h. desired. We will supply The Signal and the Weekly Mall and Empire -the two together -front now 011 J.rnum y 1.t, 1915, tor 35 cent., or tbe'twr together from now till January 1.11. 1916, for $1.80. This liberal offer ie good until • two withdraw it. tber'efere. se suggest early subscription for greeter value, and re root that all orders be sent to the off' :e of The Signal, Godericb, Ont Growth is Rapid There hiie leen a rapid growth in the Sunday echo.' wort of" Ontario! during the last few years. The num- ber t 1 Sunday schools has increased from 6001 to 5256. fhis is not the Early Morning Wedding � greatest evidence of growth. It lies in A very pretty weddinv took place the increased enrollment iu the schools, on Tuesday- morning in St. Peter's due to the pressing and popularity of church, win Miss Dorothy Kennedy,' the adult Organized clans movement. third daughter of Mr. Patrick Ken- the cradle roll, and the home depa: t nedy, of t. yprces at (set, Oodericb, was went. '° united in marriage to Mr. Joseph M. I The enrollment in the 5246 schools is Burke, or London. The ceremony 815,541. A cartfnl clas_itic,itiou of the was performed by Rev. Father Mc- counties and cities will be wade again Rae. The altar at the cburch was this; year at London and Kingston tastefully decorated with red car- (October 27th to 3.1th and November tions. corm - bridesmaid was Mise 4th to 11 h) at the twin conventions of C%tberioe Stapleton, cousin • of the the Ont rio Sunday 4chool associa- bride, and the beat man was Mr. Pat-' ti,n. The territory is iir•ded and clams - rick Kennedy, Jr., brother of the Hied by standards under 0.e headings bride. The bride was married in -her 1'•U Retained below St.. nd tet d," ' •Org.n- travelling drew of tailored navy blue ised above Standard," and ''Banuer,' serge with hat of black velvet trimmed besides "dead" territos y. with sass blue bandeau. The brides- I Three conventions celebrate the 49,h g maid's dress heloa tailored brown annual gathering of the provirldat serge suit with hat to match.1 associat`oo. .text yrer the golden On returning to the house the wed- 'jubilee gathering will sheet in Toronto e• ding party of fiftensat down toamost in the last week Of October. bountiful wedding huskiest prepared by the bride's mother. A generous dl.pisty of pretty and useful wedding gifts bare testimony to the esteem in which the couple ate held. Mr. and Mrs. Burke left on the lifter - MOO Reined 8100 rtss reseals of ;seen timetbees b alt `Met one . gofer ters.dett‘e tem - -gieesa..be plainest te O tw AWok amuse s.d tart 1''t"(tri, . .Carat carers tba ealy po-hive eon naw known 1. the imedleal fraternity. Catarr\ below • eon 4lteitbaal Caesar remise a essstitatteeal teea15511115. Mars o•tarel Cure M takes W- ismar* srl dl,en(woo e• Ms Mood sad et (k't ((sway tie wMt~antic .d.rlse 115 d .. ire...nd III moll pe •t serrate we ire i apt to end sed s,•btMmoire Me to preerirtere have lo merit tot In pgwsn t bat altar carer Oro Hen- . fou am nano !bat It tall. to cure. of te..t rnenlal. ,J.CdiVKYaIYI„ToMde.Q tired Rend Mese Fasi l -u 1$e. Take 's y.yutr Full. for esestlpettes. Mrs. J. B. `ichaeider, who under- went two critical surgical operations lo Toronto several weeks age. has re - owned to her home in Mits,hill and her many friend. will 1* Meowed to !POW s hat she has almost regained her former health andutresgtb. Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills are net • mew and untried cur grandfathers used tbew. s century ago, before Catlulessllsa. they versos sale M surly every or general store is the Casella et day, sad were the spare r thousands el horses Iinioswp�, BirtssessoRMsmatism aad they iris jt tt Tend .�tl nr sa leese e.gahit ems, - War dwW ea heart Mea • Travelling Bar Rooms Proapects are bright for s/me of the young fellows around town to swell the police court receipts. Several noon train for an extended trip to cases of Intoxication have been men- pointa south, during which they will tioned to us. One entIs in ,n remark - visit Detroit, Niagara Fells and other that the freight trains entering Ooderich were travelling her Io cities. After returning from heir c'tns, I,oneymoon the happy couple will reside in Loudon. '1 he Sign II juice BORN with their many ft iends in wishing ill:lin:40N. In Ooderich. on (October a)th, w them A vel y happy married life. Mr. .nd Mew. John Hurh.on. • d•ug\tar. -- - ptstiKTT. In Itoderich town"hire, on Ottlober si Hunting Trip b, to Mr. and Mr.. Con. l.. Ri s.elt, Huron read • son Whitmore Clayton). The bunting season is now •t hand, WHIITY _AtMascot hospital. Pert - the wild duck may be found feeding land. Oregon, on October Stk.,to Mr. and in tnersh and rice tied, and partridge Mr.. Jo..ph M. Whiter. •daughter. and other game abound in the woods. MARRIED Sportsmen are planning their bunting suit Kr KENNEDY. In Ooderieh, on U.r tripe and many will visit the game toter loth, by Res. Father McKim.. Dor- othy, tblyd daughter of lir. and Mr.. Pat. rick Kennedy, of Uoderich, to Mr. Joseph M. Rune, of Lon4en, lands of Ontailo. No betty r hunting territory is found in the pe ovine* than the woods and etre-ems reached by the Can..dlan Pacific railway. l'tcket agents of the company will gladly furni.b eietailyd intt,rniatioo regarding routing, hires. etc., (o v.hti.us poems, Of write M. '(f:' M\itast; clamkaiM; 'tenger agent, Toronto. :ft> -2t Great IN SO Optical Sale of tine gold filled rimmed sped -incise and eye classes with beet quality spherical lenses for only 1160. (told in regular way for 83 50 up. Eyes ex- amined free by our specialist. Mr. Hugheon, formerly of Kent's jewrit y MOVIN On October 13th at the home of Use bride'. father, a10 ) aln .treat, Weveenter, Ma .scbsaste., Allot Marion. elder daughter of Mr. F. 1'. Knowles, to Dr. James Carruthers Meson. of Rs-wise•ter. Minnesota. a.rond .on of the let Jndms Masao., of lloderich. CCA6fi1`t'-tiet• fou ciaMA*►. w ase rr.idencvof Mr. Wm. Preedfoot N.P.P. smile of lbs brill, on October t.ah l It.. s. Ti tie. nee, ltatFen Jeanette, eels dams* ter of tho lets M,. amt Mr.. Wm D1nk'on. a at tmdt MMeoert, to Mr. (teeer. 1114von t laastt, of 1eattlo, War nt.wrtoe. DIED y.tltltou la Neetonv411., on Iirrnl.1 13th. 1)1,,e A. Flesdbeloved w11. of Mr. A.h.r roue r .w, of tlederieh, store, Tot onto, rouble Vision. ram- AyH n,N. In Ood er ich, on ' `ctnber 1?th. Mr. le.s and epe•cial grout,d lenses at ^hoer?hastens M\few. In 11. fend rear. half register plaice.. !tale t ,o days SYLPH KED. 1a ingerrelli on October "Ph, only. Frid'q and Naturdcy. O• (ole( )r. Horsed M. R\e,l•ard, In \t. 1711 year. 90th and :blas, co.'', early etoiei 'r CUM alI VUIS. At the faintly re.idates. 1.1 Ater STUNK, Ooderich, Ont. :ettf Presented Orchard to Red Cross Mr. Isaac Salkeld, of Goderich town- ship, hue i'r»nuil,utrd to Ilse Ooderieh Specials FOR Saturday - AT - Robins Special line of plan's [fleece Underwear, to clear at 40c per gartueuL 60 dozen ales'' all Wool Hesse to cleat at 20c per pair. 15 men's all wool Suite, regular 510 and 512 value, to deer at, $8 Ta. to dozen wen's Ili a -se. rr irlar 36e, to clear at 2.5:. M. eosins Open Until 8.30 Every Evening Agency for Peabody's Overalls South Side of Square Ardmore .trees Koch.atet Now York. es October le h Robert M. a usamlag•• form et Ix of Auburn. .aged 51 rears Y.HAW.- At Winnipeg, en October Ml at the to.ldorre of M. \are Nr R A, We Owe, 5 loris. A. Mediae, beloved beamed of Orem A Fairfield. la Ma 37th year. branch of the Red (:rows society the - - whole of his seasou'a apple crop. The society ha. made •r.angeweats no have the apples ph ked and drawn to town. 'I'u t.htse who supply their own barrels the pt ice will he 75 cents p• r barrel and for 1110 . who wish thews Mr. Michael King, of Mitchetl,who was stricken down with meetly,ia at the home of his daughter. Niro. Hipp, of Detriot, several weeks ago, It in re- turned home. He wen ae'e p iniad by Dr. HI and Mrs. King. Mr. King ,.eked and d.ltvere I *1 per htarrel. pus partially recovered And his nes Ted le the Red Croft load. The De Long Hook and Eye I' Is Your Marna on tM MOW*. List ? pany, of SL Marys, is a firm that n,11 � I..", `sreally . hrough the I,, ,,..•n' The 1914 voters It t. for (iod,.ich 1 war. flee curt.,,; on, of theg.,v.1 .•up- uu now in the h vide of the towny nti German •mall wares euming tr. elm.k, Mr. 1. L Knott, from whom any re, ()made leas already bad es � asp[s ,cpae- el!leen can 'are •1,0011 u py. Iwwop debts e8eet on the amount oaf 1)tstl.r!as She Int and ase If your name Is on, and done by the St. Marys firm. As 011 1s not there have it Meted then I a result the fret will largely llteresee tbsk Nwher of eyewitness. be whole of the pr.a reds will be plat 1. corning each G C01ttt1ti••11 1111. .t ewer. • Bargains In Separators New Sharples Tubular Separators -- 300 lbs. Capacity -- Latest De- sign. For quick sale. Mpelal cash price $45.00 The Tubular Separator is with- out doubt one of the most effi- cient m'chinea on the market to- day. Easy to own. Low receiv- ing eceiv- ing can. Few part+ to clean. Perfect skimming. Call and see the machine yourself sod secure at the above low price what .a acknowledged to he one of the best Separators made. GUARANTEED I'ORF'VEIL! tiff WILSQN Hamilton Street El GUARANTEED RELIEF FROM All BOWEL ITIS 1‘1,,ire Lowell are out ( 1 order, Ss of trig sense harsh sit or other take a Resell Orderbe tont. and roll, you win fed great. They taste gond and act so sly that there isn't a particle of griping or pnrging, not the exevasive looseness that follows the taii•hg of sans and most pills soothe and :terns the bowels, y rekirvtng the pintail, making it ui bkely to oras again. Wedon't behetre thefts any other bowel remedy anywhere Bear as good. and 1111 the Orr c! tame so ea.ty and plesss.n• to Lee s. ' Roz ,Il Orderlies. We know ' n wilt agree. e ani believe you will Utamk es ter atlo -u about thorn if t. -e don't sat . .. m every way, conic bads sad tea, and we will combs.* year money with tet a word or quoitisi. Yon have no mann J %agitate when we give yes the nppolar v, as we hereby de, to try them sinew es • - .et In vest poet -t belle; 1, We. Y' esu bey kraal'. Orderlies aantis. Reim; e e s sed In thio Cr,m esIy et so t i •nerd iiloek. f4sderleh B., lk usggisi