The Signal, 1914-10-22, Page 44 TMOe/D♦T, Oen) >1l. 1014 -TM -- Canadian Clothiers LEVITZ t UREA Proprietor. Great Bargains SHOES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Friday and Saturday All -i,e, from S uiwtards. Rt gtiLtr prices f I ...11 to $2 51) SALE PRICES 90c, $I.00, $I.25 35 pair Ladies' Slippers and Shoes, tan and black, regular 13.00 and 13.50 Sale Prices $I.00, $I.25, $I.75 Special Sale of Ladies' Millinery A full lire of Ladies' Winter Coats Special Patriotic Records - on the Victor Vietrola ass. "It's a long. long \V,1', to Tipper- ary. '•8 I.I.ere of the King." "Boys nt the Old Brigade," "Rule Hrittann•a," ••Y.' Mar- iners of England." "O Csu- ada,"'•y'sudard 0' the Braes O' Mar." "Rritisb Cavalry March." "The Deatbleas Army," "Red Wbiteand Blue" Veterans Song. 'rhe Yeo - moo of England," "Private • Tommy Atkins." Just'reoeieed a fine near ship- ment of VICTOR V IC MOLAR Wein t•wpiStd9. Rut - lobed in Mahogany and Weith- ered ()•h. If you can make it oonveoiset.to call we will he pleated to let you hear the new Records and Machines. JAS. F. THOMSON Music 5P Stationery Stora agent for Heiotttman dt Co.Plaam s IIIVINGAISWARMIN6 BEES A Okapis Solution te-0...e the Mee Vexed Problems el the ae•- keep•r 1111ss-keePlag, •o Interesting sad sot by one means unprofitable pursuit, is avoided by many farmers on account el the many perpleatog problems the of the busy workers presents to IAs uninitiated. A few practical Lints ea how to properly look after the natural steamers may prove hslPful. When • swarm lasses nal forms tato cluster -1f In a warm sunny t prinkl• the bees with water with any hair brush that is available. will make them cluster more ree••ly and be leas Meitner* to fly away ie you make preparations to hive ferShould the swarm be settled tis bough of a tree, hold • straw any ny substitute for It, with Lad, we/1 ander the bees. and 4 them tf possible. and with tn. hand glee *the bough a sadden. shako. which will cause the hoes tall la a tans into the step; 11 • bough L be/thy a few quick jerky might be required to dislodge tis bees. A vigorous shake dowse wards stopped suddenly 1. very .ant - vs. Now quickly place over the skimp board or cloth large enough te cover Then turn it, mouth downwards. pians It on the ground as nearly poeslbl• under the place the bees cm. Raise one std• of the step task or more upon a stone' or piece wood and If the queen has been the stragglers will soca nota Mmes to the alts,. If the sun te ins on the ahoy, shade 1t with a boughs or .n open umbrella, se- the s-the handle toe stake. Nothing need be dons until the lot have entered the skip to the 000l tie •vnlag. when the swarm can trahsterr•d to • movable frame 1N •a • permanent position. abould dollowing day be warm. the hie mid be shaded and the entrance to the Lull extent Veen to • height of the honey season. sad the best of bee-wesibse, a swamB r vastly improved by getting a pint thin syrup daily for three oe iS�rft aye, but In Molise weather which I confines (Mee fa their hives for this treatment le absolutely to keep r newly hived war's from starving to lea New food Dome. A comb of honey with 'brood and eggs, from an old k, wcs&d be a gnat advantage to swarm starting In 11ta This le a very dealrab:e plan In the case of eoond swarms or ossa. as they trs- uently leave the blv.'never to return n company with the young queen in er mating trip, but white they have sang brood red Kgs to the hive they ve no desire to leave It. 1t will not do to delay the hiving of the bees too long after they have settled In a clus- ter, for If the scouts. which have bola Previously sent out to 11nd a suitable n ew home, return in the meantime the swarm w111 rise and follow them to, perhaps, parts unknown. t. Penslar BEEF, IRON AND WiNE ..........----- A Standard Taint Ressah whore value in all debilitat- ed and anemic conditions is univereally recognised. Penslar Agency Only .........,.•a,...................J. ......--.—,--- J.A. CampbnIl, Phm.B. (Retro! Dreg Store, Ooderkb Corner North Street and Square Phone 90 Residence 328 0 Detroit Con8ervatcri of Mum r, nit d in 1'-I 1„e te•.!mg r. .•• .1 t,• Puplls received daily. Tear besaln'rrgee.t- Addrrw. Jam N Oen, Secrrtarv, *013 No, 4 .'t Ave . Detroit, Mtcn Have You Bilious Attacks? CJraberlafn ?shims keep Om Uvrr right up to err - real all the Naw --sad that's why they are se ehedvs 1• cure of Stomach Disorders, Perrnentatleee, Indigestion. sod .11 silo eats which are the fore- runners of biliousness. Try themtee. a bode Draggles and Dealers or by M. asembeele n Cstemps r CHAMBERLAINS TAP.LrTS TAE SIGNAL : GODICRICH : ONTA RI O CAUSE Of FLOODS SHOWN DV SCIENCE LYRIC - THEATRE THE RXCLUmIYI PWTCRt MOOS* Showing only the eery brat aid up to -date pic- ture programmes. 6111 Feet of (Motion Pictures peak sight, alio the hest of music •t.d singing with a Complete - Change - Every Night - ti Thurs. Oct. 29th Fiftb installment of the greatest of all serial.. the Million Dollar Mystery DON'T MISS IT Admission t a all pet formatters, 10,• and Be THE ANNUAL AND GUAR - ARUM) ATTRACTION GUY BROTHERS Famous Minstrels nl'KKA HOCnE 4,4OEKl('H Thursday Oct. 29th ooe night only A Day on the Congo A new departure in min• stress. Everything from street to stage is new. (iraod street parade at noon. Prices: -Reserved seats - 800 General Admission - - 880 Plan at Imperial Cafe. Beata, on side Wednesday 9 a.m. k CURATE'S ADVENTURE alien For • Foreign Spy by a Devine shire Constable How an tnnooent curate was sas- by a Devonshire oun.table of a foreign spy when be had lost Is hearings to tis• dark was related y the eentrai figure In the incid•et. • iRev. I. M. Seabee -Jones a Sua- Ingdale, on his return diem a toddy Devon. At ten o'clook one night Mat Snakes - left his oamp for a wa11t. He t his way, bet eventually oasts* tap- • poiUs•min and two oder idea; asked to be dtreot•d to a certain bridge. This request appeared to false the eonatable's sus$ ee. Hs 401 - wed the stranger. sad asked lint for Sia name and address. Treating tb• matter as a kegs •, the curate said. "MY same Y out Smith. and my address is Wand- enr Dottie But that 1s Neither sty correct name nor address. 1f 1 toll pea ooreeeily yea would he ease ilio wiser.- "Toe atts. ""Toe must eome to the 'tattoo VIM - said the polleeia.a, "and mats seplacattoes there,- nod la spite a protest lir. Bonk. Jones was em three miles to the Dodos stales. 'Kier• de dtaoovered that the see table waD•c•t•d be was a eereiga spy for • bridge *tides mien to dosser of helag Mows lir. The .•rg•ant•tmeharps wee also tall that the aerate lad been look lslg al telegraph poles very .Uptuloes- 10. 110 curate we. detained for some hove for Inquiries and them ilb.rMet Clinton School Commerce Are you making t.h- M.•t use of your oppor- tunities while you lave them. i No matter-whetyearwalk in life every rase and woman needs • thorough badness train- ing. The best way t, obtain that 1. to bets• actual bus .nos experience. This tor: w111 obtain at the Clinton 8 •hod of Commerce. Our training meets the a• teal , requirements and demands of the thoroughly up-to-date office man. We have Installed the Blies AActual, Ofnoe 87-- 1.m ad Bookkeeping. ills 4 the orgy system pubtisheri which regain an office Practice Department. The Blow System reengnit'. imaginary Iraqi.. or traa+.cUoo.. all bad- ness being perfomred over the counter face to face. When a Bliss iydoesoats leaves school to take a dtuation It is J� the same as gong tram wordiest o. to another. he hu had l.dactu l Ogres exd�71n�pr�ammo•a tide la.lew ammo the Clint.. aoboel ef O•mmwoe offer. the following oosreea,Ste a'ky (Dote Oreg.and Pltmaet Typewrinag. phi and preparation fur the Clrll 8.ntes Again for those who meal(y' wish a Imr eeoe their ednratlon • 'i 1aJ Ysrrn.e.' t ewes Ir Introduced for the winter month.. The (listen Subset of commerce guaran- tees peon len. to ry duMes. The school opens rept. I.t. hat yea may ester my time. Foy th sr wise caatatteed seised, we glue a tMoe- oagk op-tsdate oor,e.e. desce mar.* by ms l+. MM 8. Ir Ward, 8 1., the Pondpal will be assisted by expert and experienced lest meters yor Informal lea write M or coil at the seboi and leop.rt It for vo.rself. of Starter shot MUM dog-vscisg was la Frogmen OS Oeetlrfde4 Ma M. C. Mose. the e�.1N .asset, was aneldsatally snot by fibs MOO going o(1 Prematurely. !ter useets lobed to hti tigiti wa 'lis res wag mita reist Ila/ • r.. Soma Results of Deforestation In Canada -• viewed by Forestry arsnc h at Ottawa Science am general experience agree in saying that white oouatry 1• covered by forests the water runs oil it more slowly and regularly than it does after the forest lux been re- 1 moved. Tikbi is due prtacipaUy to the tact that tba (creel stems and ground cover offer tl mechanical obstruction to the surface run -oft, while the dt roots of the trees keep the soil loose, thus permitting the surface water to percolate Into the subsoil In Western Canada, forest surveys conducted by the Dominion Forestry Branch furnished considerable evi- dence of the evil results attending forest destruction by repeated ares. The forester 11 chugs of • recent survey made of the Swan Hills :n Northern Alberta states: "Of the 7,33u square miles examined only about 23 per cent. have been preserved from fire during the last ,hundred years, and only 250 square miles could be con- sidered as bearing a mature growih. No one will ever know bow many million dollars worth of the national wealth in virgin forest was turned Into ashes, non being washed away. with the best of the soil, by the rapid current of the Athabaska river." This area has since been Included in the Lesser Slave forest reserve, and, llks other Dominion reserves in the West, will be administered kith the double object of proviiing timber for the set- ler,' needs and of regulating the flow of the great rivers of Central Canada so that navigation may not be hin- dered by the dlliug up of the river -bed with eroded sell and debris, and so that an even flow of water may, be insured for power -developing plants. In the older settled , regions of Eastern Canada the relation between floods and Indict rtmluate Ceforestataon is even more clearly evident Mr. W. H. Breithaupt, M. Inst. C.E., says: "With deforestation stream -flow in the Ontario Peninsula. has .greatly changed. Spring floods are very much higher and there are floods on heats t rains, while during the season of mini- , mum flow many streams which were formerly considerable throughout the year practically disappear. The dis- charge of the Grand ,River at a point above the outlet.of the Speed is now only 80 to 100 feet per second at low water and 10.000 to 30,000 feet per second at flood." Similar deforested conditions 111e- wtae prevail on many of the water- sheds atersheds 1n Quebec, and the Martlm• Provinces, and, by causlcg extremes of high and low water, have a detri- mental Influence on navigation and the development of electric power. It has frequently been urged that tbs Dominion . Government should assist the provinces to the reforestation of these areas or in their protection from forest fires. The Commission of Conservation, in a report on forest conditions In ton Trent River Valley, urged that on the 160,000 acres of practically desert land on this water -shed, the result of repeated Ares. a policy of conservation be carried out under Dominion, pro vtnctal or municipal control. In order to regulate the water -supply of the Trent Canal, on which upwards of $10,000,000 Ls been expended by the Dominion Government. -The Junior rooms of the Mitchell public_ school are being poorly attended these days. on acrosnt of the children bring affected with measles Since Ib. outbreak some one hundred houses trate Amoy geaeastl MINI .. • s • CURE MIS DRitiKniG It Caa be Dos. sad WsS Save His Putere-His Wert -Nis Life oftee est bee and cleverest are tbosmi ori whim the drink dimes* trees Its dtNele.. Itis a abeam. tau t►. Io8aared etetwaab .R• op kat terrible craving .net makes men fergR 'heir preude.. aid all that ►. sear and dear to t Mm. Mews tr ga.rimood to air* saueradtes er mean reloaded. 11 remove. toe craving ,nr ,nibs. the eer.e. boiler u the aimem east modemmodemdrink diets tut Ab Abeam cm Ira bad at err atom 111 M per hos. Abeam Me. 1 1. testate., and .dtnrts aad ma be gime meet . Altwn Malt's the vel0Mary treatssst. Try It today. Ask ter fro. ♦{o.r. bWIR. JAR A. l' A M PBELI,t lir sag let. -A earner ee.l enc. has been soM in Mitcbll for g588d011 -Rt. executive end office's of the limber, and West %,wti Rmt Copse so - rho y met "n Thnr.day evening and decided to seed $140 to the Red Cross work and also r e-ol ganized for sewieg and knitting deirind the fall and win- ter. PI Roue tie tl/ ilii r Zeg. R BMW Os Wit WI .w. Plessisrea*VIIIMA:IM : ems 80m 11111fastpm, ,It1) fit!}+ THE COLBORNE STORE COATS ! COATS ! 1 COATS ! ! ! EVERY GARMENT MADE BY EXPERTS. FASHIONABLE MA TERIAL ONLY USED. NEWEST SHXDES, MOST EFFECTIVI•: TRIMMINGS. CHOICEST WORKMANSHIP. NONE OF THE NICETIES SKIPPED. .IDE -AL Fog THIS '.SEASON'S USE, 1N FiNE ►A tROGER'S COAT Underwear Our Fall Underwear le all in stock now and we are show - lug excellent values for Ladies, Misses and Children. What we are sh.sw- ina at asc, lac mid sec l• quite equal to, if not tin- ter than our ufeeriogv in former years. . tt All wool fisc, $1.•o sat $1-21 Penman's natural wool, In two prices..lt.se. $teas Combination, ladies ,sees. =t.00, $t.so, $3o0 anti is -SO Just a few words about Dress Goods them but notice: Black and white (becks. Pricre zsc, see, 35c. 50C and 6oc. A .mall lot that we dropped on. it ii scarcely necessary to say that they are extra value. W. B. Corsets. Perrin's Gloves Hosiery sale alwadabtR ys a 5pea1losole5117 at tial. 51.4(1 rasp d from. A Rood plain Oasbassrw Hose, et, 1, 9 and 10, Neatl a1 wool, an .... asc A i ih Cashmere, same .ices, 84, O. 01 and 110asc Llama Hoer, all wool, 39c or 9 pain foe, iton Also ss and 1i gttabtie Whits Flannelette Night demi,., Gowns {fit:, $t.es, I$t as and $t.so. This is a spaced politest and extra value Some choice values in cel,,red Coatings Coatings. If in need let us eh. w you our lot. All new weave. J. H. COLBORNE THE HOUSE OF BF:LIABILITT Whose Standard 1'attet - Living Without Seale Before the Academy of Sciences, Prof. FArnond Perrier cited the case ora man who !teed a year with prae- tieaMy me bra hr. He way et ?gm old and had slight t•uua: trouble. but no alarming symptom, neither paraly- sis nor convn!sloaa, all his senses re- maining normal. Atter he bad died from a sudden attack of epilepsy an autopsy was held. and the doctors found that his brain was simply a thin 'shell 1)r. Perrier stated that the tease seemed to disprove the theory that special parts of the brain control all the functions W the body. Huge Canadian Park Canada's new park of ninety-five square miles to British Columbla Is big to our Ideas, but Is really small compared with other Americas "Play- ground.." Until recently the Yellow- stone reservation, Wyoming, compris- ing nearly 4,000 Square allee, was the largest park In the world. but Its glory has been scllp.ed during the last five years by the r tion of Jasper Park, Saskatchewan, which boasts 1.000 square mllsa-elmost as large an area as Yorkshire. --Pall Mall Oaestte. ESM Per Hate Ing Rigs 'bat are, wanted do set al- ways hatek ea well as these wia.b aro shwa wl•w takes elves isle teeth. white .5.w. that It Mae to beep Mesa www sod .lana a Babe's Hand Cut Off Mrs. George Wreftd, of Stratford, recently received • letter from ber niece in London, England, a pars - graph of which is as follows: "It i. heartbreaking to sde the Belgian refugees over here. There it one poor little baby in long clothes. and the poor little thins, bar had one of ate hands cut ed. That is only sue ea..e. There are tbous•sds of others" Mrs. Wreford has a nephew with Geo. French's troops to France, while another is on one or the British vessels in the North sea. 5100.00 IN GOLD We will give one hundred dollars iu gold to any man, woman, or child that cannot be benefited by Segeine hair tonic. We ass auzioua-t c. hese exeey one try Sagetne for we know it is the greatest hair t•OOic that ban ever been discovered. Sa,teine will pouit.ively cute an itchy, scalp, bring life into dull, faded hair and add inches to it. length. Sartain is now obtainable in Goderich and is sold under la guaran- tee to please. A large bottle of Sage- ine poste bin fifty coots. Be sore to go to C. L Coultas' drug ante for other stores dont have &melee. Generous Grant in btratford Thirty-five hundred dollars will be placed in the Sttatfoid city treasury from the funds of the Stratford light and heat anuuaission, to spirt in eat - ing for the families' 1 threw who hive gone to the fount. This was decided at s •peniel meeting of the commission 00 8atuida afternoon. A special act Of the hydro cowmitation has made this disposition of funds possible and the members felt that, a. they bad a substantial surplus on hand. they could not appropriate it to better ad vantage. Two hundred dollars will .fro be given the B.Igi.•0 r. l e' f .nd. THERE NEED BE NO -UNEMPLOYED= -- 1 As long as Canadians do their duty and buy Canadian -made goods in every case KELLOGG'S TOASTED CORN FLAKES Is Canadian -made, and the only cereal under the Kellogg name that IS made in Canada. All others are imported. Spend your money on Canadian -made goods and help Canada's work -people Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes MADE iN LONDON, ONTARIO, CAN.\I'IA elk MiS8 SARAH 0i8Y$T Leading lady is the Sarah (Ahoy tir•ek (:'.. who ere MOMS IOW 011 11 Ai ....Mad hammy sod w111 rs s•aln at the Victoria Overs House nstil Wedoe+day evening of Rest week. 20 Gens end will pay for THE SiGNAL to the of the Frisson year. STRATFORD. ONT. 1. a wheel with. 000ttnestal tion /.r Wb grade work and for the . asoma et iia graduates. a wheel wnh e ee.ehr .suraea sad leerseter- t+• Sim dal. and e' o-er Tetrer• pplk itr eked .Lettarie .r pthem N roam hereYon mer ester et nay time. Wilts rx our I.'r• true ealalegv► D. A. .1t.LACHL.A' Prlarlpai You cannot do heti r. !•- • ' te' Walsh AI►erican College Tains it Y.Otll fits-. fes Per Term r sew •r ttbortlaad t%eest . 8 fes erm • sow Woo W e atm rite t• mite elm, M.. T. W, WsslMps, Prlaelp" Rhoumatism� le Uric Ad in MM. Nowt - UnIwN6y kidneys ors the .base Mr the acid big Stern If tido kidneys eater as they ,bald they would Meals the Uric Acid est ef the systems and Amor tem wouldn't ocean. Riess statism is a Mike, M- eese. Dodd's Kihq Iii have mad. • great prt of thelR��rspstateoe met iieeew► M ai •loads tbe ewe et Mose and stilt Jetts aching Tera le but erne sere may- Dodd's Sidney Pills IS Tse am NA I . O