The Signal, 1914-10-22, Page 1FRAM—No. &Su
Do You Want Help :—
The Signal
Want Ads Every Week
242, 1914
A. IL IIMADWIN. restates
Yeast People of Neste Street Metho-
dist Church Hold tioe
N• orth 'meet Meth st church on
manner. A urine bad been
prepared bat 4n •ery conch.* man-
ner laid helot e audience, in three
three minute dresees, the work ac-
te• nipted, and the work of the future.
Thee* achieves's were clean by Miss
Mai jory Aitken*. Mire Edna Robert-
son and Mi.. S. Attire respeetively.
It w .s shown that the Nest Canadi
I.:ague wee oemmenced In Berrie 25
yes,' ago. There are DOW 1263 Ep-
wot th leagues with an active member-
ship uf 3l4.210 &nil en associete mem-
bership of 13.876. ,Tbe obirct and
aluisof the league time pointed out
and it was shown that many had been
led into larger spheres of christian ac-
tivity thrituith the influence of -1.he
Epwortb League.
These add, rears were interspersed by
lumpiest' 'elections, ineluding • well
renderei solo by Miss Nellie Colborne
and a quartette by two ladies and two
Another reries of three-mint:to ed.
cheeses were given on "Our Stan-
derth," their relationehip to the in-
dividual, the league, the nation, and
the kingdom of God. These were
taken hy Messrs. C. L. Coultis, A. M. tem now has
Relhantson, Ernest Pritchard end Rev. L"al Waterwcw
W. K. Hager. Hydro Elec p for Service
Another pleasing feature of the The new hydro Petrie pump. which
evening's programme wee t he pees- was recently installed at the town
(rotation of the boveliall championship pureeing station, was given ite trial
pennant to the winners of the Sunday tests this (Thu' eday) morniug. The
school bluebell league, which were tbe pump was built and installed , by the
hoys of North street Sunday sebool. AlliseChahners Company. of Twonto,
Mr. A. M. Robertson made the pros- and has a capicity of Rio gallons of
entation and Rev. W. K. Hager re- writer per minute. It is embedded in
(wive(' the pennent on behalf of the & solid cement foundation 'event' feet
champions. thick. An expert engineer from the
Representatives of other churches firm which installed it wag present
of the town had been invited to at- when tbe power was turned on.
tend this meeting and these witie each Everything was apparently working
called awn for a brief address. Rev. quite satiefectory and with the reeve -
Geo. E. Ross spoke for the Perish,- Non of • few minor alterations, whirls
t-rians. Mr. C. M. litobertoon for Vic- can be esaily made, the pump is ready
toria street Mr thodista. and Mr. E. A. for permanent operations. The old
Wainer for the Baptiste. At the steam pump* which have done duly
dose of the meeting refreshmenta so long and feithfully will not he Mo-
wer, banded around, consisting of carded completely Nut will be kept in
pumpkin pie aod home-made caody. coma -Anion and Ladd as auxiliariee
The esening proved to he most en- when needed. It only requires now to
joyable and prodteble everyone have the inteke pipe extended to the
wisa was privil to attend. The eouth-west breakwater and Goderieh
protested that the programme bad which it might well be proud sad r -
been hastily erranged and not very baps not equalled anywhere in an -
carefully prepared, but to each visitor ads.
it appeared to be well planned and
eplendidly carried out. North street
[sewer members have reason to be
moud id their efficient executive com-
SAVE, . because—
No. 129
Though tom 'nay be able to rave but little.
you will al:quite in•shiable habit ter more
prireps tout da) 5,
Heed Office, Career King arid Say Streets, Tweet°
Females : Orrice ID ; Hones 150. P.O. Box Mk
()Some Desirable
for immediate sale
Let your properties for sale or rent with me
Oat. Orders lett witk it. D.
.tt• wise
esirpleyesisel. ;re
WTI= by 1Cliectriong. Machine
deoleiat to hors naisswgios
awl heir dreads( done at thar homes
emu wake anew menu at our ,,hop
whew orders will be given prompt at
tamalls.niatiniale mod by a• are of the
.0 i 1, r. eltit4•L 01 t II. ICI receive re- 1. eseek betas ea Wellington Wrest. All
"mei SU. media twisamiallasseis. APPLY op./. IL KNIGHT.
.I./ oak. northeast etweer of tit. Patrick and
Waterloo street, Liberal terms. I. DOWN•
1.rul.4cialk" tillir wawa meetimes well „,e5 11 rums see all ether weilern eenvesiseete.
held dunes the Met, la NOTWIlber OW. es Nevrgate street. Apply to N. W. NtiTT
rt. Ths et the Geese,* Newigga eiceipt.
be bold es
1,.eeday krd at sides*. se MO RENT.—TWO STORY BRICK
menden' are eretwaLe41.11 "14004. ef Rea and Albert wrest.. Amity to
nederioh, Oat. lika 1•56.
Pc7i.t•tere tee els . delivered Wally part et
&OMR. Phone Ma
AUCTION SALIM teen ; costa ref beeb•L Apply to J. J.
or Ea Nelms street aed Cambria read. a
t4 HEAD us' CATTLA tea-memei bones with modern course-
- M...A.1.1"kgteris int- AVMS lo ADAM
I he undserler place es Gabe at Me. C. so... Pt. stunt
J. %1•LIJor am P. CUSIWO, •tle'elieek OD
Robert Mum/rove, of Dluevair ; Mr.
and Mrs. R. H. Farrow. of Ottawa;
Ruch -gen, Mr. A. II. Muserove„
Bell and Mr. W. F. Venstone,
Winghani: Mrs. McInnes end een,
Donald, Mies McKenzie and Mrs.
Poulton, of Ripley ; %I Neel, of
Walton • Mies Downing. of Brume's':
Mr. and 'Mts. Win. Bray, of Durigait-
friende,.the house be.tig entirely in-
adequate to accoruneidaio. all those
who attended t he laic sad riteri.
It -v. W. K. Hager .1,itotucted the
service and Mrs. Geo. H. King very
sweetly sang a polo. The pall-beerer •
Downing, James Yetes, J. Harper.
many and beautiful were the floral
tributes presented thot necet-
sary to use one conveyance entirely
for the purpose of taking them to the
The Signal joins floury other
frieoda in tendering expressions of
sympathy to the sortowing reletives
in this their hour of bereav7ent.
OUR TOWN DADDIES .1,1'21, 31.m ;in Tgeire voi, I
' voiy, ineearsge, 3.5 vents ; item' Truett Teachers and Scholars a the Central
92d; C. C. Le September Accolint,
A plearrant affair took place in the
certifioates to the students of that
that. the re • t Mel A. Fowler 'school who succesefully plowed the en -
First Installment Shows Over 1127,000 '
for 'spoilt* plat,,, h.. reter red heck itthaenreceweLonniti.iitortieltst,eant.dainnicrle-soutur purnpeirls.
and patents. Mc. Alex. Saunders pre -
("allow, chairman of the public school
Trunk Depot in oor o
Gland Trunk .1010n h 111.4 41 en re- board, wbo Was unavoidably absent.
, paired ataiordeted arid shippers were The progi 41111t1h- Was a lengthy one,
complaining tie'', they v. otihl ship ethheoruflorDbt nusemhbefilear:ei(n)r otehnooln!
This Wilt. followed by • recitation by
Miss Laura %Vetere' and ascii° by Mas-
ter Willi* Sturdy. One of the nicest
numbers on the programme was the
eddrees given by Mesa Jean Griffin.
wbc won the Park 'silver medal at the
entrance examinations. Solos were
given by Miss Ekes Stoddart and Miss
May Stoddart and were well rendered.
Addresses were given by Hee. J. H.
Fotheringhato, Rev. J. E. Ford, Dr.
H. I. Stratum, Rev. %V. K. Heger, Prin-
cipal J. P. literate and Mies Sharman,
principal of the Central school.
Inspector J. Elgin Tom preeented
the "diver medal to Mies Jean Griffin
and the chairman preeented the di -
Toners to the successful graduates.
ev. Geo. E. Roes prevented the prizes
to the most tucceseful pupila in grow-
ing dowels, gairden produce. etc.
Several choruses, including "Red,
Long, Lovit Way to Tipperary," and
"The Maple Leaf" were well sung by
echolars ef the school.
Miry Sher:nen and her able staff of
essistants and the @cholera of the
school are to be congratulated for the
well prepared programme provided on
Friday evening and also for the great
etweess that has attended the school
generally during the past year.
1 salw•y. freight on 'oar of sewer pipe, 1 , School Entertain Freed'
the fearering : We bays ter sale &beet thirty town iota.
ery. $ cows due le Marla or Ap it, 6 farrow maim. me amnia. mei a few tams.
t Mos dee le Debrjober, 6 /owe d eta Jess- femme rani...hem Me eseirearCi. ialee three
roe.. else leweekerease Mows mow) , RAYS & ICILLORAN Oede-
Tines. ' Of ULM 1.00.116. week with dab Oat att
,totet saw beating seven per toot Ply earwa.,_
Irma ....vv". Itillerefi AND FARM PROP
..t •neterna.—oey sew relerlvistee to '1" '°' FOR fial. Z-1 bays bad planed with
cs i 4 and nix peseta& se to by house" let. OW air Ink orrerea 4014.0610. WORMIPUWIL
mae he retuned end soak se metes will be re ea Need street. ta weans& ; she seem
Puede& heeds wakes a skeet Metteees of Leen. If
I.. 1101.1AND. T. ovgDar „,, heat sal or haul arils son. let leo know.
Proprietor. AumeMeeZer.. FROM AA GUNDRY. Geeertee. 711-0
seneeeseleet at 11 ti, bet vallorip : —---•
Mee sim, ts be with HARBOR NOTES
Wikealket min& es See‘ sew,: 3 eteerk de The steamer Turret ' arrived at
Death of itavy Welsh
Mr. Ilerry Welsh, whose death we
anoounced a week ago was • former
resident of this town. For several
you' pest he has been engaged on the
boat.. sailing the Great Lakes. He
was a young nein ri years of rage and
Collected in Taxes--Thes Time to Memos commoner. 1 he re -
Last Year Only 1112200 Had Been poi t as amended Wa.4
Collected—Weigh Scales at Grand Muftis drew attention to the
• 'fact that !he weigh ay ilea at the
'The gular meeting of the town from M.Araw eitriii•li where they hatl
council earl held on Friday earning in
the council chamber, Deputy Reeve
Clark aud Coon. McClinton being ab-
sent ; Mayor Iteid in tbe chair. The
read and approved.
A di putation front the Red Croes
society being creweut, it was moved by
Proudfoot. 'het a digression be made
from toe regular older uf busineee and
the deputation he heard.—Carried.
Rev. Archdeacon Jones -Bateman
laid before the council the olejxt of
the deputation, which was to esk for
a grant for the Red Croat work.
Coun. Moil-is...aid the council would
like to know just how the money was
to Ire expended.
Miss M. Clifford, secretary et the
Red Crows euciety gave • full state-
ment of all that 6;0 been accomplish
ed during the fleet uxontb. It was
moved by Coon. Wigle, seconded by
Reeve Elliott, that the matter be re -
[erred to the Finance committee.
The collector's report as follows was
then read have paid oeer to the
treasurer the SUM of $25,550 of the
1914 taxer.. I have 1$2000 now on band
in caoh and cheques nutting in all
something over $27,000. Up to this
time lest year only 62200 bad been col-
lected. In CODSCqUel1CO of I the Ismer
:collectiona I have not been able to
notify many of the taxpeyers of the
texes due by them, and some who
called to pay I was nnable to etterid
to. I would recommend an extenelun
to November 1st be given for the two
per cent discount.
Reeve Elliott was agreeable to ex-
tending the time es suggested by the
Coen. Wigle thlught it would not
he fair to those whO Mid paid to ex-
tend the time, as they might have
herrefakie to WO their money, to good
advent age.
Coun. laithwaite thought 11 days
would be no use to the oollector to get
out the notices, he -would want six
Mayor Reid *aid there was a bylaw
governing the tinie and nu extension
could be made without rescinding Gott
Moved by Corm. Wilde, remanded by
Coun. Proudfoot, that no action be
A cornmunication was read from
T. Wallace with regard to the loaning
at money for sidewalk constzuction,
and also a letter from Dr. G. 8. Cesar.
asking that the priozipal and interest
of hit loan to tbe town be applied on
his taxes until the whole is absorbed.
Moved by Conn. Wigle, eeconded by
Death of a Pioneer
In the death of Mr. Thomas Ashton,
which took place on Saturday last,
another pioneer of this district pees.*
to bile long home. mir. Ashem was an
Englishman by birth. In the year 1846,
when a lad of It, he came to Caned's,
landing at Quebec. About 60 years
ago the family -moved to Huron coun-
ty, of which they have been continu-
ous residents ever wince. For many
tiers he was rorgaged in farming in
the news of his death cowrie as a rut- 'borne township, • but during the
prise to his many friends here. He past 12 had made hie home in
fioderich. In religion Mr. Ashton was
member of the Met bode% denomina-
tion. besides hie widow, there are left
four daughters and two sons. They
are: Miss Phoebe, at home Mary,
was recently admitted to the hospital
in Duluth, where be died. His body
was brought to Goderich for inter-
ment in Maitland cemetery, where
both his father and mother are buried.
Rev. J. B. Frotheringharn conducted now Mrs. James Jewell • Ida, Innw Mrs.
the obsequies, which where under the leesseph &Lechler. of Go.derich; John,
auwiees Meitland lodge, A.F. and in Stanley township, near Clinton
A.M. George. of Colborne township. and
Linne row Mr& Thomas Edwards', of
London. There are else two brothers
and one sister—Mr. Wm. A.shtoo, of
Colborne ; Mr. Francis Ashton. wbo
is in western Chunada, and Mies Mar-
garet Ashton, who is living in Michi-
The funeral, which took place on
Monday from tbs. home of Mr. Joseph
Beachlev, was very largely attended.
A great number from Colborns attend-
ing to pay a last tribute of respect, as
well as many Goderich friends. Rev.
.1. E. Ford conducted the services. The
lbenrers were Mr. John Rogers,
as the cent is put away offer • prayer. odericb township Messrs. Isaac
Mrs. Frank 131liott gave • most ex- Fisher, Richard Jewell and Thomas
cellent report of the convention held Jewell, Colborne township ; Meters, G.
In Toronto. In *Fuelling 01 Controller M. KIllott aod Samuel Warner. of
McCarthy's address she said you can- Goderith. Interment Look plaoe in
not build character without a know• Colboree cemetery.
ledge of (ind. That the efforts end
wort of the W.C.T.U. is the under-
current to all things good. Keep the
chlidra• tRe'hosse and MX to theta
the W.C.T.L. could not he over estim-
ated. It is the litt to humanity aod the
strength to the borne and one eennot
kamireZilettAiL=11=!esPelita ~Map Mammy., wortlitjavettbers without bses2 benefit -
Regular Meeting Held
The regular meeting of the local
W.C.T.U. was beld on Monday after-
noon. when a large number of mem-
bers were presenL Mrs. J. P. Brown
took charge of the devotionel half
hour. Special prayer was offered tor
the mix young men from the Y.M.C.A.
who have volunteered to go to the
front. The unions of the province pur-
pose to support one of them. Mr. Al-
bert Pequioant, of Stratford. bas bean
chosen, each member te give ope cent
• day for twenty days and each day
Owes. The Scottish Hero arrived with a vvetie° w" I .1:1°d wale awd we eee•-
a - fire weetka will Se Ovum f grain at the transit elevator
ferseswee swestrsi A Alespest sil . Death of s Highly Esteemed Lady
aerate et II par retA emelt. : raVuodity.
avwFtitivd will ke 444 SesPeklew dose . TM grain is opening in from the The late Mrs Asher Farrow was tbe
Da keit, au awe ever whaler. , I went lamer than it can he sbipped out daughter of the late Wee. and Eliza
AMIREW "ig:Pija.4' rill:WL GI -1,2=;,.. me Use elevator is loaded to its full Reid. of Clarke township, Durham
county She wee one of a family of
seven. four sone and three daughters.
three of whom still survive. Tbey are
A. field, of Veaorniver. and
Eirglilit'. J. Ovens, of Newtonville, at
w Mem Mrs. Farrow died. Her
del he Marsh. 1991. seed dil
bed ber mother in November,
1.48101.11alted OP years One brother was
for a tisse.M.P for West Durham.
cATTLIL ete..-4 mews. sueFeella to to ill i afterwards being appointed govenor
mutt fro* Gew: a biggpeaoppgas I roam •, a boats ars of o tyre, woo;:o con- a Cohourg geol. The demeaned wile
rear .
lir • s 6,....... weasel. tis norungoo. , married at bee home In Durham coun-
selor.. realest t
usaal ba I; N- Three moire flees of violation+ our chikiretr, of which three survive,
soelloe ter
11‘11. W UAllg3T014 OUT
et la 11 Len. 2, wog miaow% we
at ems -cheek the Iblievrias preeertY
1101t•EL- spas Wooed weans. bermes ;__W -
era) porporo m00% metes S rare ; IOW.
arrival. as Use harbor thia
week were the Turret Caps and the
Market*. both with grain for the
transit elevator.
TM steamer United Lumbermen
with schooner Jeanette frost Midland
put into tbe harbour here Friday
afternoon for shelter. linty started
out n at nridnieOt hut wore mee-
t* put heck, Lake Huron Wog
roorth for hem. Both them
t car January etas, 1873, to Mr. A.M.
mod tilreire:1 Three More Liquor Oases arrow. Of this union there were
largesthotelkeeper, Mr. Maurice Ran. of TM fusers! whieh was one of the
Zurich, wee fined 3100 and oasts for
biones., ageing*, the Onurrio Igen«) act were 'assaer A. Farrow. the only son.
handled this week by Inspector Jobs Isavisot Mod lam Mareb. Those who
Torrance, of South Huron. Messes tOellaill to mourn her lore. in editii.ion
Joseph Redour and Albert Marano to her Anshan& are Bertha (Mrs. R.
wore each Reed 990 and mete for being W Reid). of Brooklyn ; laura and
drunk in "dry" territory, and the Ethel. at home
that has
selling liquor eostrary to law. The
mese mum before POIROP Magistrate
Andrews, of Clinton.
assemari meths wean sa
Asia Wes par ant simulskt
we* referred to the Market committee
to report im tiro Ci,st of repairs.
Coon While di ea attention to the
fact that cyclist were tiding the
sidewelke to the tiangor of pedestrians.
The mayor Haiti he would inetroct the
polies to bring all offendcrs before the
police worrisome.
Cour. Wiles, wanted to know if the
mayor had any information to give
out with regard to the Ontario %Vert
Shore railvray. Tbe mayor said he
bad some rrespondence but he did
not think it Womb' be made public at
Moved by Coon. Wigle, seconded by
Coun. Elliott, that the solicitor be
asked to report on what steps have
twen taken with regard to J. 'W.
Muyes, A. It. Osier and the Toronto
Reeve Elliott dissenting.
Coen. Proudfoot said he uoderetood
that the C.P.R. had constructed a
third track front their d.pot and had
not fulfilled ',heir agreement with the
town. The •ol;citor will he inetructed
to make inquiries.
Reeve. Elliott wanted to know if
anything bad been done about radials.
Nothing dping.
Coun. Elliott wanted to have Vic-
toria park ploughed and levelled up
and made into an athletic ground.
Moved by Coun. Proudfoot, second-
ed by Voun. Wigie, that the street in.
spector get an estimate of the prob-
able cost of the work.—Cari ied.
The follow ng is .an extract trout &
letter hum Mr. C. H. Car rie, of Glade -
rich. He is at. present at the groat
temp sai...11altebtay Elaine, with the
National Y.M C.A. He says :
arrived here this morning, being
sent by the dean of my college_. He
is greatly intereeted in the Y.M.C.A.
at the camp here, having been bore
till college opened. He felt that as I
was conoected with the Canadian
Y.M.C.A. should be present when
the Canadian troops arrived I was
in London last nigat rind found it iery
interesting. The city was almost in
darkness, all the fine electric Nghts, of
which the city waa so proud, being
turned off. The ordinary street ianupe
are painted black half way down and
from various higlaways in the city
•earch lights ploy ail uight welching
for German airships. I stood for half
so hour on tbe Waterloo bridge over
the Thatues watchiog the immense
ts on the root of the ad.
Coon. Elliott, that the previous agree -
Udine. It oertainly was a
meat with Dr. Caesar be adhered to.— „Amity
thrilling sight. It seemed rather In-
CouMnov. edPrboYuCifCrourie. Wthkgaite. sewwhenrededanh; the crowds flocking into the theatres.
congruous to go from there and see
citizen during the year 1914 offers to However, there is very little danger
advance money required to consul .t froth ah. ships.
"Salisbury is a beautiful place aod it
any sidewelk for which a proper pa -
Lion has been received. that the offer is a wonderful sight to see thousands
of men on this huge plain. Every
be accepted on the following terms :
A note be given for the atnount ad- branch of the service is represented
even to the flying corps manoeuverini
vanced, bearing Interest at five per
cent and as soon as debentures can be oeeehma. The eansa wins are expect.
io hi the Teniperance hall on Monday
evasion was a treat which it is seldom
the lot or the people of tioderich to
rsipets in. For nearly two bourn
llihreso held bre audieoce entranced
as baba his clear. pure &mesh style
"RessIled to Life," hosed upon btrx
ens 'Tale Two Cities." It is to be
regretted that the hall was not more
crowded. le moving a vote of thanks
to the apeaker. Rev. W. K. Hager said
them was earsch of the pure gospel In
the lecture that had been given. TAO
musical part a tn. peogramme was
supplied lay Mr. E. C Reicher and son,
Ridney. in duets aril Nolo', and Miss
Lily Newell sad Moe Gladys Bedford
in lostromental selections. Mayor
Reid made a most efficient chairman.
sold to advantage the more be sold end ed tomorrow and will remain here till
ttbehe pripereonclopaladovtioteiheogniott.e—Creatrrurineded tA) Watching a troop of regulars entrain
after Christmas. %Ve have just been
The following rePort f_ ,vein i_,Iie b&,,^11 for the front. They talk • great deal
of Mostreal was Prceenten eau mist' about the soldiers shafting aud cheer -
red to Finance oommittee : To the ing aa they went to the front, but
those fellow" never sal a word. They
credit of the town of tioderich on Sep-
tember 30th. $8492.91 ; to the credit of were army veterans and know what
the local improvinent sidewalk sr- is before (hem.
rount, $241.07 ; to the credit of the .,Every bpdy admired an Irimh troop
, from Dublin. Strapping fellows, with
local improvement Newer account,
N492.17. On tire same date Ow' ha" beads erect and bends clenched, and
held notes from the town totalling looking, as they sey in Ireland. as if
they were "spoiling for a fight."
*be bad eeen service in every quarter
A letter from the town soliritor They had their betide cry on their
e lated that be bad received Fellwie" banner—Faugh-a- Bellagh (Dec unt of
W on from the Ontario Railway and my way). sod • retired army officer,
Municipal board to purchiure town of
the best lighters in the world, and the
Moved by Coen. Wiele, seoonded by
Coon. Proudfoot, t bet the solicitor be most merciful in victory" and one in -
instructed to invest a portion of the voluntarily equered one • own should -
sinking fund according to the Finrince ere and felt very proud of good Irish
committee's report already adopted. ancestry.
A fetter from Ole Dewey- Ragas* pft--;-,Nra key a: 4,T 4...
Death of Dr. Shepherd
The following despetch from
Ingersoll, referring to the death
of a former Goderich boy, is taken
from the Toronto Globe of yes -
Shepherd, who bad been practising
here since April last. occurred unex-
pectedly this morning. He Wall only
27 years of age, and had been confined
to his bed for less than twenty•four
hoer* His health bad been impaired
for some time, but he had been able to
attend to bin practice. Few of his
frfiencts were aware of his Utnese. Ile
came to Ingersoll from London, ipur-
clueing the practice of Dr. J. A. Neff.
His.marriege took place four months -
ago at Sherbrooke.'
'The body of the late Dr. Shepherd,
was brought to Goderich for bprial.
The funeral which was -held from the
home of bis brother, Mr, Charles Shep-
herd, St. Petrick strew, this after-
noon was largely attended, practically
all medic*, men of the town being
preeent to pay a last tribute of respeet
to the deceased young doctor, as well
as many others of Goderich citizens.
Rev. J. B. Fotheriogham conducted
the funeral eervicee. The pall -bearers
were; Metiers. Charles Garrow, Wm.
The floral tribute.' were extremely
beautiful and represented many
friends from London and Ingereoll as
well as those of Goderich. Interment
Leak place in Maitland cermet era.
Pretty Window Dispism
Our attention has been attracted for
several weeks past to the magnificient
window displays of Messrs Bodeen.
Bros. A week ag ) • marvelous dis-
play of furs were shown, which wee
the envy of every lady who ebenced
to pass. This wine the showing of
ladies* dresses and mantels would put
to shame maey of the stores in our
large Ades. It is a plessere swim foe
the men -folk le take a look at them
Warning to Cyclists
This pollee w110 received inetrnetlone
to toned riding on the
for some time, was attended by many sea the the pollee —
friends from a diatom's, among others task., fee of Cho bylaw govern -
being Mr. J. J. RMS, of Peet Hope s beg Maple&
Demons.ration Car Coming
As a result of the success which has
attended the presentaLion of the wool
and egg exhibite of the live stock
branch of the Dominion department
nf agriculture at the larger western
fairs this summer, arrangement* have
been made in co-operation with the
Canadian Pacific railway to place them
exhibits before the people of the east-
ern provinces through the medium
of a demonstration car. This ear will
leave Ottawa on or about the middle
of October and will be operated over
the lines of the Canadian Pacific rail-
way, stops being made at a. lisrge num-
ber of important igricultural centres.
The detailed itinerary is now being
arranged and further announcement
of the date of the errival of the car
at e•ch point will he given later.
The car will be in charge ef egg and
wool specielists of the poultry and
sheep divisions. respectively, and de-
Ineustratioreres will be given at snob
scheduled stop The car grid be in
Goderich on Friday of this week from
nine tetn. to nine p.m.
Works Company was read. outlining looking forward to the mating o the
their pisins for repayment of loan and Canadiens. I koaw several of the
intere•L The 'attar was °rd•ted Ried• men from Toronto and there will sure -
A letter from the public writke de- ly be souse from my bong town."
pert ment, Ottawa. waa read and
ordered Bled.
A number of aceour ts wens prevent-
ed and referred to tbe Finance
InThitt7. Flimsier committee reported
as follow*: — have examined
the following account. and recom-
mend thee they be paid : (ON. W.
Telegraph Company, tieptear her se•
must, I@ Mats Canadian Express
Company. 14.26; Dave Munro. paint-
ing signs. 81100 ; Wm. Thompeon,
repairs, !AO; Goderich Planing
pal World 'office supplies. VAS ;Gode-
rieh Star. printing and advertising.
11184.W1 : 0. P. Carey. Insurance premi-
um on Agricultural ball. $4o; (seems
Porter, ink, 90 rents ; !London Coo-
ereta Machinery six wheelbar-
rows, 1110.T0; Grand 'Fronk Railway,
for fire nali wolflostions, 1101.75: J. A.
Fowler. treve on Britasmia road and
Naomi street sklewalks, REIM; Water
and mesaiselos, lamps, OLIO;
Summer Fruits in October
MaeoMee F. Motels Orciugbt.
loaded with ripe lurictous raspberries
and which he had teken from hi•
garden in Colborne township. This
spray Was ent from • bush that bed
Crowded Heusi" Greet There b. en Pet ieit the •pring After
Wednewtar evening of next week reading of two feet of snow in the
the Sarah Gibney Stock Co. will corn- west • week ago •nd then tasting
rasplerries on the 19th of October
here. it makes us exclaim Huron is
good enmesh for ilia
Mr. J.W. Selkeld, of Goderich town-
ship, also ',ports that strawberries
plet• en engagement of nearly three
weeks in Goderich, and this to the
releiriet of every one who 11 hot the
pleasure of seeing them in one or
more of their performancee.
The plays preeented during :he past were gethen.d from his garden ems
week have shown splesdkl work by Monday of this week.
each member of the compeny. The canade, And specially Huron county.
attendant? each night has been large. i q the place to live.
showing that the work of higheissis - -
artists is appreciated. Local Improvement Work
Friday evening cif this week the The town has undertaken and com-
rompany will present their master- , platted omaiderable loci" improvement
piece, "Peg My Heart,' for which a work this fall. In addition to the
large sale of seats ham sineuty taken Britannie road and Cameron street
place. Saturday nieht it will be sewero, sidewalks below 1.0011 laid on
"Charley's Aunt,- frlionday night. Britannia road from McDonald street
Awns Rivers," Tumiday night, "Under I to William street, : on the south side
Two Mop," and Wedneeday night.' of Klgin avenue from South street le
"Katbleim Mavourneen." There will Vtrenrin street, egg cm etc pairs*
be a matinee Saturday afternoon. street fern Colborne street to Waterloo
ealwawaleialt at three 6'elock• The ted• street. 'There has also been eimeMer-
mission wilt he 10 and 2I0 Ciente and the I able repairing done to bed spots in the.
Play will be "Whose Baby are Tou r old sidewalks.