The Signal, 1914-10-15, Page 8• TsOaarse f, Otwomas L1, 1114 ANOTHER 1 Locos Lawn Vim Initial coneepondenct Card I'•peteris. The best yet con- taining 25 gilt 'inhumed fait• is/ oardr, Lotir" Lawn qual- ity, 25 envelopes to match, wonderful vo ue, price 23c per box. Lotus lawn Imitiwled Note Paper with envelopes to match, per box ''Sic. I)essieo&'s Crepe Lustre !'aper. A new material for crepe paper work. Fur the itr.t time in many years a radical change has been made in crepe paper. You will find this new material pro- duces Dew and wonderful re- sults in table decoration, cos- tumes, buotb., flowers and all aorta of art work. 11 is hold in a packet told only. Paper is 10 feet long and Lei nachos wade. Price 15c per packet or 2 for 116c. The Goderkh Book 6c Stationery Co. tiKOKIiK PORTER ••••••••••111110 i i Cure that ou Syrup of Tar, with Cod barer Oil Compound is an ei cellent Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Chills, Sore Throat, Bronchial Troubles. Good for Adults or .Chil- d ren. C.L. Coultis, Phm.B. DRUGGIST AND CHEMIST loom Huccew.or to 1. J. Hutt., 1 Nutt as .1 gear. 'Phew* Ir its •• SCHOOL SHOES Now is the time to buy School Shoes for the toys and girls. They will need good, strong, serviceable Shoes, the kind that will stand the test in any weather. In this line all pail efforts have leen excelled and you will find at your command the most complete stock of neat reliable Footwear at the lowest possible pricey. - :— REPAIRING —:— GEO.MACVICAR THE SIGNAL GODB1RICH ONTARIO JL— DANIEL DANIEL iN THE LION'S DEN One of the beautiful "Creation" pictures now being shown at the Lyric theatre. WILL OF KAISER WILHELM It is rumoured in Germany that the Kaiser Dow realizes that his number is known and is accordingly making his will revoking all other wills. The will u said to read as follows :- 1 This — This is the last willaud testahent of me, Wilhelm, the super-swanter and In/ler of i he sausage eatery, reoogni . 1 fog that 1 am fairly up against it and !expecting to meet with a violentdeath at any moment at the bands of brave Joon'? Bull, hereby make my last will and testament. i I appoint the emperor of Austria to be my sole executor, by kind penuis- sine of the Allies. 41) i give and bequeath 'to France the territories of Alsace and Lorraine. es this is only a case of returning stolen property. 1 dont deserve any credit for it and dont expect to get it ' either. (2) To Servii I give Austria. (:3) To Russia 1 give Turkey for the Tier's Christmas dinner. I (4) To Belgium I should like to give all the thick ears, black eyes and broken noises she presented me with when 1 politely trespassed on her ter- ritory. (5) To ,Admiral Jellicoe 1 give all say dreadnoughts. submarines, torpedo boat destroyers and fleet of Funkers generally, what is left of them. He is bound to have them in the end so this isomly onti.;ipstimg events. (6) To John BBB I give what is )efts of my army as his General French seems yo handy at turning my men in- to sausage meat. 1 suppose he means too finish his job with Kitchener the champion (lerman sausage cooker. (7) To the British museum i leave I my famcus mustaches as a souvenir of ' the greatest ■wanker of this or any other age. (8) To Mrs l'ankhur.t and th" wild women 1 leave fey mailed list. no doubt they will find it useful when they resume their militant tactiee. (9) To Bir Ernest Shackleton i leave the pole, i have been up it on long that i regard it as my own property. (Signed) H. I. M. WILHrstnt, Lord of land, Rea and air, not for- getting the sausages and lager beer, (lerman emperor. Signed by the above named Wil- helm as his last will in the presence of us, bib ministers and keepers, present at the same time, who in his preeence and in the presence of each other have hereunto Ruhscribed our names as wit- n e,.eR. (ttgd.) HAnne Vole NAQ•RKRUI'T. (Sgi 1 GRAY VON MUXICHLAURHRIKR. RHEUMO CURES RHEUMATISM No matt -r how long standing your case may be, don't despair. get a bottle of Rbeumo today. C. L. Uoult1s sells it with a guarantee to benefit you. itheum° is wonderful in its quick ac- tion, the pain ceases, the muscles and bones are rid of soreness and stiffness, and very soon a Rheum() patient L able to have the dame strength and vitality of youth. Rbeumo builds Mond so rich and thick that uric acid cannot. possibly exist. Rbeumo costs only $1.00 for a large bottle from C. L. ConIW or direct, all c6ar'lpie prepaid, from H. V. Marion Co., Bridgeburg, Ont. MUSIC FOR TILE HOME The long evenings of fall and whiter with more time spent in- doors suggests to our minds Music for the Home. A Heintsman & Cn. Piano with its beautiful. Rweee s truth, of toot. A Victor Victrola or an Edi- son Phonograph, all the highest products of mechanical skill. Von need something in this lute and we have what you need. %Ve have also Dome good se•:omd•band Piano, from ICA up. Call and we will be pleased to .how you our goods. JAS. F. THOMSON Music 6' Statiotbery Store SUBSCRIBE POR TER SiGNAL —$psrim from a threshing engine falling upon a straw .tack. residtod In a dl.n.t,nu. fire nn the farm of Mr. F. N. Talbot, one mile east of Raflymot., Io London tnwwehlp, Monday after. Doom. Flames from the burets( stack sosmunicated themselves to the bare, sod althm ith a large teres .d mss was M heed to fight the blew, nothing glibe done to save the .oscines, was intuit. s lope. ed. smgstber N. eeasr.m a crops 111 tirveeb- eel& was wawa fres the bure- ilrn fwssthsry emilasser but ihremia. the twain had Wads bummed is MN Hasps. The Duty of the Buyer Editorial from the Toronto (Mohs If the patriotic manufacturer doss his duty to Canada by keeping his fac- tory open, holding his employees together, end doing without profits till the dip of depression is over, be has • right to expect that the buyer will stand loyally beside him and buy Canadiap goo& where're% .pos.ibie. aid' BAtH6 goods in preference to those of foreign nations. The instinct of self-preservation would teach the Canadian people that this le no time to Import things that. can be made as cheaply and of as good quality at hems. The pniat is so eleariy .lade in a letter addressed to the Globe by a oanufecturing concern In Ontario that space is gladly given for it : "We note flow ymurexoAlcnt journ- al that you have been endeavoring during the past few weeks to Impress upon Canadian m•nufoctursrs the duty of keeping their planta running to the bottom possible extent. You have pointed nut that by so doing the manufacturers will be contributing lareely to the country in this present crisis. With this we are quite in ac- cord. We would, however. draw your attention to the fact that there le a limit to the possibility of any sanu- 1 cturer keeping his plant muses*. " W e are a small consers, smso- fa.tsrin` small tools. Throughout the wbol. of lest winter and trip to the end of July we ran o••• betory fsU time. nntwith.tasdisg /W fact that our pr.dottbs was esssidesbIy In advance of our eater. Lst mouth over mal.e took a tresm.ndnoe deep, and we hay, hsd to slightly redoes our work- bag O te .4.4.4 le *rifle, to yy.s prior n.A .bel eves Is them casae tri al esi.•a hs flu . re :. mote g�� •et bo•.. ... M o se hoe to keer0 tm waning fon t in.e. We are the maty e•,rMrU .t .Icy sasssf em, hatIlg la !lar min IdOw sossipstiiire. .._ sr. eserashd to sacra seems to us to be no and .effi- cient reason for anyofthis business to he sent outside of anada, yet it is a fact that this is being done. We mug gest to you that you couple your ad- vocacy of keeping the factory running with that of the duty of Canadians to hay only Canadian -made goods, a1 - wage providing they are competitive in quality and price with foreign goods." Thia is a most reasonable request, and it is to be hoped the readers of the Globe will give it favorable con- sideration. The buyer naturally wants the beet value he can get for his money, but if Canadian goods are as cheap and of as high quality as foreign goods be is • very thoughtless Canauian who under existing coadi- Gons does not give the preference to home products. In this connection Lbs Globe may he p+rdoned a personal word. Many Canadian manufacturers making standar,' lines of goods do not know the meaning of the word pub- licity. They expect their goods to sell tbernselves. They never give the pub- lic a chance to learn the brand or the quality of the artiolee they make. The greater part of the foreign articles sold in Canada are sold because by constant idvertiaing the buyer is taught to ask for • certain brand or trade mark. In yesterday's Gioia scarcely a dosen manufacturers of the thousands in Canada thought it worth while teling the people about their goods. Two-thirds of the apace oc- cupied "sty'rt-artbtketarwre• aorneanee- ments was purchased ray Canadian branches of linited States concerns that know the worth of publicity. The buyer's duty is to give the pref- erence to Canadian goods. But the manufacturer's duty does not end wben he makes the goods. He can- not hope to sell them in competition with well -advertised foreign products unless he let. prospective buyere know that Canadian goods competitive in price and quality are on Ne market. Sunday School Conventions The Sunday school forces of Ontario will meet tbis year again in dual con- ventions. It i. the 49th anniversary. The two sections for 1914 will be sec- tion A at London, October27th to 30tb, and section B at Kingston, Novemher 4th to 6th. Thee* conventions of the Ontario Sunday school association are becoming so popular that 82 applica- tions for credentials (delegates privi- leges) were on Ale in the aseociatlon ofTce before any specific advertising material was issued. The plan of programme this year is calculated to undertake fewer things and do them more thoroughly. Four phases of the work of Sunday schools is t i be thoroughly dealt with : - The Elementary division (under 12 years) : the Teem age: the minister, and the superintendent. The general tone of the programme is strong on lines of evangelism. The provincial talent available is supplemented 1fy Mrs. H. M. Leyda, who tor over ten years led the Elemen- tary work in Illinois state, and Mr. John LAlex'inder of the international Sunday school force, Chicago. Mr. Alexander We recently mooed three books on 'The Sunday School and the Teams," and is recognised as • leader without superior. HARBOR NOTES The Mesmer New- ona unloaded a cargo of grin at the transit elevator lam Friday. Au rivals this week were tits North Wind with flour foe tseO.P.R. (,eight sheds, the SeottMb Hera tint Empresa of Port Wlnlam, and N. Maoist* .4th prais a-4er .ibv trwmai',etnee set The last named is a new boat owned bY g slo the el to o repBassett lace the the i as Wexford, which west down in the Nowt of November La of bet year. FOR TWINTY TSARS Mn. Averse Had W- eary Trimble bat Dsdd's Kidssy R'iBs Cared Her Faith. Alberta, Oct. lith. -4Special! —Mss. A. Ateron, of this place, ha. vetoed the ..etlttaest of the people of cal. ppasrt of Alberta "Zoeloer,4 please lied $2.50 fee whir& weed me ex boles of your valuable Dodds Kidney Pilo. 1 sever wast to be without them," earl Mrs. Averon. 1 am an old lad . cl eight years old, and have M Killen troobi. for twenty years. My hM�1 sa bothered e. Mrwa mussiee wsW cramp. my backand wss added to my trouble*. Yosr.sDsdltm Kidney Pills are the only meediase that haw helped me t ennose re- .omssnd Nem too highly. if you care to nes this letter you say as 1 feel It on duty to toll my trhsb what Dodd'. idn.y Pass did for sew" i • .rp.ri.nce et King Said with the Wit.rh of Endow the BIMe trag- edy of the slaying et the fret -taw's of . the Israelites' deRvereom from botondage. y sayy�erdt la le "(hosting" at the =theatre at them said .tibt �a em.. ssrtow Sal sena. NOOOgigsMw.d EffECTS Of ALCOHOL Myelolan Deserlb.s Its Settee ea Var/eae Organs el Body It I. dldeult. If not Impossible. to draw • &rialto line and say what would be • moderate and what an Im- moderate tee, for the quantities taken 1> temperate drinkers vsry so much. The body h able to destroy but a very e mail Quantity of alcohol. and the balance is eliminated from the cyst. -id as speedily as pos:.ibir, showing plain- ly that the living organs have no us* for the poison. Leven the small amount of ,.loohol contained In • giaas of light beer 1s soon perceptible is the breath. When larger moonlit' ars taken, the alcohol is also elimin- ated through the skin and the kidneys. Alcohol eve n In strictly moderate quantities on account of Its preserva- tive properties render V e food more difficult of digestion. Furthermore. the preepnce of *Icobol In the gastric juice Inhibits or retards the work of lks digestive ferments. It also causes as Increased secretion of mucus. a viscid slimy substance which is poured out of the gastric glands as a pro- tective against the Irritant effects of aJooboL The habitual use of alcohol gradually, but aonq the less surely, injures the glands lining the stomach wall, and clunes an Increased growth of fibrous tisane. Ultimately these changes lead to a very obstinate form of chronic dyspeieda. There ls also reason to believe that the habitual ase of alcoholic drinks sets up an Irritation which may produce gastric ulcers, or even cancer of the stomach. The characteristic hardening and shrtvelling effect of alcohol is well Nen to the changes set up in both liver and kidneys. The fibrous frame- work of these organs Is slowly but steadily Increased in quantity, and In proportion as this takes place the ac- tive glandular functioning substance is gradually encroached upon, and Anally destroyed. The hardening of the iiver is known as cirrhosis. • not uncommon disorder of moderate drink- ers. in the case of the kidneys, chronic Bright's disease Is the ultimate goal of many moderate drtnkers, a disease that la incurable.—le B. 01- sies, M.D., D.P.H., In "Good Health." rib •11111111fi0 O 0 0 •• Japan Has No Birthdays In Japan no notice Is taken of the actual anniversary of a birth, but evi:ry one adds a year to his or her age on the Setaubun, a movable festi- val which occurs either late to Janu- i ary or at the beginning of February. Thus a child 1s said to be a year old, that is In its flet year, directly It is born. and on the following Setsubun it will be two. although In fact. It may be only a few days old. The feast is not kept 1n any marked man- ner, except that akameshl trice boiled with small red beans which give 1t a red colors Is Pates, and In the even- ing parched beans ai'e scattered about the room from a square rice measure. to the cry "Fuku ga ouchl. One ga .oto!"—"flood fortune Within. Out with the demons!" Every one Is sup- posed to eat the number of beans corresponding with his age, and one over, for luck New Movies Targets Targets of various kinds mounted eo trucks and drawa over tb field by *abbe on electrle*Ny-drivsn drums stere German soldiers a very realistic dummy nervy tor gee praettee. Th. lr>sltatloss of tafantry and cavalry are ample silhouettes, aad these ars male is carry out various manoeuvres, an - der parfait eleotrls control. The to- testr=. - far lastanos, Hueck slowly .at. fhb break 1.to a ma at tis arse Ira, sad drop aatomatleatly Into the fret tremolo. wltb °sly tike leads visible. Preserved Per Ewer A •Gnaw ;rot'waif 1ss' lavestea s process of slverl4Wag dead bodies, se se to convert them tato metaIIle Iimages of the tudfvtduals as they were when to life. Geld-glate eon be used It the relatives ma afford It Bat ea the expense of ufl *plating a body ti 311,1 411. tiers are probably M relateves who would Mem themselves lsstlfM to *quandaries the deces..d's estate ea yeah a memerlal «ales Jaw ea Crocodile A °reeedlts at the Frankfort foo 1W bsea fitted with aa $tantalum Jaw. In. crocodile, whish originally owns from the Ganges, fractured tum Jaw M Me reeks 1n its Main, and every eller. to get the bows reset proved inefectnal Aeoorrtagty Bergson. Meyer Man Ieefled to operate, and trsscsedee repludag the traetsreg meadlble by owe of .iuml.ltan. Hew N UM Pacolota ren ' i? the boles le the asp of a Wilms used toaslala pas be plugged le limp eat the air the Mk A the fns w1fl tthet 4,y se ra.4dty. Septa bas 1rrWda the *ops Wes elf ttdtsssti0 sr 411sre yob. per tris the sissies Assl/e. MILITARY STYLES! Special Showing in the Millinery Department .Oh -Saturday HE Millinery Dep?rtment will make a special dis- play of the popular Military Styles on Saturday and next week. Many new and effective shapes all embodying a touch of the "Military.' will be shown. They have been specially prepared for this occasion and reflect the very latest ideas in Millinery for Fall and early Winter Wear. Our Millinery Department keeps in touch with the fountain head of supply, and from week to week you will find the styles we show are those that carry the very latest ideas as produced in the fashion centres. T Coyne and See the new Military Hats on Saturday. They Will Interest You. This is a Good Time to Buy Furs We make the statement without aqqyy reservation. It la good in two ways. Good b$cause we are showing today a collection of Fun of quality and style that has never been equalled in our history. Rvery article or garment has the stamp of good Nyle and good quality upon it. Tte other rwrou is, because Fur pricer are somewhat lower than they bare been the past few seasons. While in monis lines the prices may stiffen on account of Um usual souroe of supply being cut off. you will find the priors this season rtowewbat lower than in the put. If you have any thougbt of buytog Fun this season, we are prepared to offer you as good values, quality for quality. as you coo get anywhere. Our souroes of supply are the very beet. We guarantee unrearvedly every article we sell, and before you definitely purchase we would like to have you make comparisons. h. The Black Silk Sale Do sot forget the Bale of Black Silks bow in full swing. We are selling Black Dress Silks et 90c. ' 111.8S; 1?:?0 sb4 11.40 that aro aetu*Ny warts coo- siderably more money. The qualities of all ere Rood and we strongly recommend purchase while they can be bad at this price. English Flannelette 121c Just received a big shipment of Engli-h Flannel-. cites at this popular pier. Plain white 3l -urban to 34 inches wide, soft velvety finish. and • splen • did emortment of fancy stripes. All fast colors. Witbout • doubt. toe best 12ivquelity in the trade. 3 Pair Ladies' Cashmere Bose for $1.00 Of course we will always have Cashmere Hose to sell at this price. but otter the prevent' stocks are exhausted we will not have ss good quality again for many a da. These Hoer are made from govt quality, soft. fine clubmen. yarns. either plain or ribbed. &teamins fret. will give excellent wear. A11 Pisrs, per pair 40c, or 3 pain for $1.00. Another Good Stocking at 25c These ere w ribber!Cashmere. splendidweight for Fall wear. They are im rtsd from English m:. ken and cannot he bought now to sell at anything ntar S',.oc per pair This is the last shipment from *contract placed nearly • year ago. 9110 peirv. When :hey are *old, no more as good for the money. All suer, at per pair 25e. New Gloves Just Received Fresh stocks of Kid. Leather and Casbmerett.- Gloves just received. staking our stock full and tibptete in evrry deratt Oar Mondani irnve of - Kid Gloves at $l tsr, $1.26 and $1.50, In blacks and colate, • complete range of vises. - Ia Cashmere and ('bgmoiaette we have blacks. browns and natural shades in all sine.. Get Your Upholstering Due Now Now is •good time to rites your old furniture np- hobtetrd, and we are prepared to do this work in . a first etas manner sod guarantee satladactioo. A gond assortment of coverinfts to 'elect from. Pi pear,Iwdtw.. ltamt.:. 'a.kmere and Cb•mni-rt �. learing at per 1...' !so t Glove. c 0611111•111111111101111.1111111160411111111111•11110 Red Cross Partial List The following is a partial list of Red Cross contributors and workers : — Wriebu's Auxiliary of tbeY.M.C.A., W.M.H. of Nde Methodist church, Goderich Township Patriotic society, Staters of St. Joseph. Women'. Insti- tute, Victoria .obool. I Is' sA Mesdames Wilmer Smith,. Matiougb, Hume, Carrie, Jansen ()lark, W. L. Hotton, M. Baker, R. B. Smith, Charles Eels, Hall, J. h. Col- borne. Robert Young. Ale1. Taylor, James Mitchell. Wigfa, Lane. Uluttoo (Leebare). 8, Shaw (Labiate). Wil- don. (faeburn), McLearmld, W. T. Mersey. J. koberteoo, Staaeoen►e, Moir, McLeod, dePeedry, James Mdl, D. Sproul. R. C. Postetetbwaite, John Thosspeoa. Hes. Evans Mousey, Wort. Hager, "M w. Mousey,e. Lee, Robert ()lura W. F. Clark. U. Reid, Ooultbsret, Sambas, Mcl.eaa. Hay- den, Field, Otsdbll'. Somerville, Davos, Aitken, Armour, Brown. Plunkett. Drennan, James Brackenridge. Hog- Young, Duey, Mvetr, Mau - Maga, Witmer, Steep, Hasaihua, Oar - Set, Rester, Hays, /throes, Nairn, Diso.idtH we imply kidney dleerders. 11 Mew the lased of al this sa+trt111't $ts then. The Meed passe live gt t . YtL sere every flew mimosa. V tri. WL . sal=work sr e' cease 1 is remits is the insisiya Imhger time that than T erethre Blew Meed le.f angler low `Ad la f mob They me hove seed e1 Oas iiYsf de eathesiler las ad mss! Whose/ blood them etimidatlen, V Dodd's Kidney Palle WneWaite,Wni Pn.telethwaite,('Iot- ton, McDonald, Mahlon R. Young. Gordon, Jones, Thomas Bell, Handy, Armetroog, Haliday, F. Begley, 12. Carey, D. H. Rosa, Harrison, Mc- Carthy, Bates, James, George Drew, Wright, Robert Thompson, D. Thompepn, Mitchell, T. Clark, Swaf- fi.ld. Porter, Horton, Longm4,e, Hoffer. Ed. Clark, McDairmid, Sesseth, CapL Mcleod, Strang and McKim. Miscues Bingham, Baker, Chandler. McDonald, Walters, -A. Andrews, IlInrwy, Reynolds, Skimmings, Whitely, Vabetnoe, Malloo°b, Mattel, Fraser. D. Mcleod, Swaffield. Mayr, Mersey, Barratt, McCabe, McIntosh, Halmos, Walter, Doyle, Dark, Ethel Handy, Nellie Young.M. Clark, A. Andrew,, Prigirmtm, . t'Ifark, Pb. fair, Robinson, Buchannan, Baker, Me- Viear, B. Pier. Messrs. Sharman, Millar, Thome" Hawkins. John Sproul. George Ed- ward.. Robert Mellwate. Wooten. .. 1.......1111Miuredil MSS SARAH OiBNSY toadies lady la the Nar.b lllh.ey Oo. now *sprat fag is Victoria *Vert bones —The Bi mimeo wad histo -r are liarssdesd is the ffa01 Ofand" med, "PbM he 'hews the Wile at three and eight Ase. PATENTS ::ti:.1J 1>`1.i4t111:13i. In MI cev�1trlea Ask for our IN\ "- TOit's ADVIssiRwb41 will he sent MARION 41 MARiON. 114 uwtverNb at. Moatrdal. IlecEwan Estate exclusive *goats for SCRANTON ;COAL fpr GocletigAtpod District Egg Coal, $7.5o Stove and Chestnut, $7.75 per ton BERT OuAL MiNED Any quantity best all Maple Siebe Mired Wood, Hamann and Kindling (Oedar or Pine TILBPHO1f*S,. .s M Isrldsia sig et tit OVtN M VICARS' tZPtwlINCS