The Signal, 1914-10-15, Page 7Tag worm, : GODERICH ONTARIO Mae mann um az TO SPIES' WORK ye w.rw In the Forts Respenalble ler the Capture by the lierreane-- Five Were slant FRIutaw 7amaasgit443 Is always dry and free -running because it 1s blended with a small proportion of Magnesium Carbonate -which adds to the healthfulness of the Salt. 123 tS LEAN SANITARY '4O FREE RUNNINE 20 Cents will end Pad' of the present year. for THE SIGNAL WOILD,S GREATEST KIDNEY REMEDY A/ileu s r row trader themes .,eramenL Baron Ver der tickets W bees appclated Military °oversew. it bs reported that a war tan of w less tkas $100,000,000 is to be levied a the city. Tear German oscers suddenly ap- peared before the Hotel de Ville, M Antwerp, at noon oa Friday. and N cal sled the surrender of the town. Amer a short consultation this was agreed to, and the Germans entered Antwerp through tbe gates Ira the roads from Turabout and Welryck. They entered an almost empty city with their bands playing at about 4 o'clock Friday afternoon. The first body ,of infantry with machine guns arrived at the .'lace de Moir, where tie Royal Palace is situated, and the troops at once occupied all the public buildings as barracks. The city had been heavily bom- barded for several days and much damage was done to the buildings. I British Force Cut Off A British marine 'brigade and two naval brigades, with heavy naval gran. t0 the were sent by the British Goverameal to participate in the defence of Ant- werp during the last week of tke at- tack. While retreating, after tbe evacuation of the city, one of the naval brigades was cut off by the Germans, and t.hereepos entered Dutch territory, were 2,000 men laid down their arms. Tie rest of the brigade has returned to England. From mane of them It was learned that the commander of one of the torts war a German spy. t The Belgians shot him and Lour of bis staff officers. The marines sal that the work of defence was greatly hampered by spies, who were every- where. The escape of the marinas le Considered a miracle. The Germans are row moving on Ostend hoping to capture Kling Albert .nd the llelgian Government. TuuBaDAY, Ocroaaw 1b, 1914 EMERY ON OFFENSIVE ALONG WIDE FROM Allies, However, Have Leet no arwtrwd and a. seine Palate Have M. Gains The whole German front is prepar- ing to take the offensive agate aloes • bath'. Ilhe of uo less Than 300 miles Max Germzn cavalry has advanced with- in thirty miles of Ostend; Ghent 1s threatened by the. invaders; Uhlaas. acreenn.g i heavy Prussian fore, have been encountered all through the ter- ritory west of 1411.. These all are mao(ruvrins, covering the cstabLehment Of the new Belgium battle line reaching out from sad *ow meting wl.h the German right 1s France. One report says, however. that the French hold the country around Lille safe, &ed. that east of Hazebrouk the enemy has been scattered. till wrrtl Arras and the Oise the enemy has renewed Its .attacks with increased fury; the plateau north of Sutssoub . ()Waives to be the scene of viperous onrush a movements by the Kaiser's forces, and Verduu, for eight weeks under almost Meer -ant fire from the Grriven guns, new a to be made the target of the monster howitzers which reduced Antwerp. The official French report un Mon- day went sold tat the allies had gained krtfund in some directions and at no place had they lost shy. Baffling every effort by the Ger- mans to break throhgh their linea In Northern Fiance, She allies are stead- ily forcing the hi;ilttng toward Bel- gium. • Along the southern arcs, each side impregnably fortiftc•d, awaits the de- cision of the west flank and in the north. 1 THE SIGNAL'S CLUBBING LSI 1914 The Signal and Toronto Daily The Signal and Daily Globe to persons with rural postal boxes the price is............ 3.5a The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire.... 3.75 The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire to,. persons with rural postal boxes the price is 3.5o The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star - 1.85 The SiKna1 and Saturday Illustrated Globe . 1.85 The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) 1.75 The Sig aTand Toronto Daily Star 2.25 The Signal and Toronto Daily World 3.25 The Signal and Toronto Daily News 2.30 The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire ! . 6o The Signal and Farmer's Advocate The Signal and Canadian Farm . t.85 The Signal and Farm and Dairy New t .60 Renewal.... .1.85 The Signal and The Country Gentleman 3.25 The Signal and Canadian Poultry News1.35 The Signal and Grain Growers' Guide 1.5o The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press 1.60 The Signal and London Daily Advertiser2.90 The Signal and London ,Weekly Advertiser t.6o The Signal and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition 3.50 Evening Edition 2.90 The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness. t.85 The Signal and World Widg 2.25 The Signal and Presbyteriat3 2.25 The Signal and Westminster 2.25 The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 The Signal and,, Catholic Register New 1.70 Renewal 1.85 The (gnat andturday Night (Toronto)3.4o The S gnat and 11 Lean's Magazine 2.25 The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto)1.75 The Signal and Canada Monthly (Winnipeg) 1.50 These prices are for addresses in Uaoada or Great Britain The Signal and Li" pincott's Magazine- • 3.25 The Signal and Woman's Home Companion (New York) 2.75 The Signal and The Saturday Evening Post 2.50 The Signal and The Ladies' Home Journal. 3.00 Including postage to Canadian subscribers. T) above pt(bticatiuns -ls>ay he obtained by Sig,- nal ig-nal subscribers in any combination, the price for any publication being the figure given above less $t.00 representing the price of The Signal. For instance : T1s Signal sad TM Family Herald and Weekly =r Star .145 The Farmer's Advocate (12.33 lass Sectio) 1.35 SSA! -making the price of the three papers $3.20. The Signal sad The Weekly Sat ..... it 7S 9 The Tamale Daily Star (ia s5 lass sus.)1 h• -the three papers for $3.00. If the publication you want is not in above list, let us know. We can supply almost any well-known Canadian publication. Send subscriptions through local agent or by postof6ce or express order (not by bank cheque) to 2.35 A. E. BRADWIN P1.1111.11 111101 -TU SIGNAL Goderich "Fr.ita-twos" Have Prima Tlbsir Value la Thousands of Cases WONDERFUL RECORD OF A WONDERFUL CURE Only Remaly That Ads 0a A11 Thaw Of Ti. Orgaas Reep..•ible For The Formation Of Uric Acid la Th. BIoeJ. Massy people do not realize that the Skin is one of the three great elimina- tors of waste matter from the body. As a matter of tad, the Skin rids the system of more tiers (or waste matter) than the Kidneys. Whea there is Kidney Trouble, Pain In The Back and Acrid Urine, it may not be the fault of the kidneys at a11, but be due to faulty Skin Action, or Constipation of the bowels. " Pruit-a-live*'• cures weak, sore, aching Kidneys, not only because it strengsbens these organs but also be- cause "Fruit-a-tivel" opens the bowels, sweetens the stomach and stimulates the action of the akin. "Pruit-a-tives" is sold by, all dealer* at 5oc. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 2Sc. or will be sent postpaid on receipt of price by Pruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa RUSSIANS CHECKED' Seduce I{aur EXPENSES Abandon Beige of Przemsyl But Mov- ing Toward Budapest Despatches from Vienna' and Petro- grad etrograd Indicate that the Austrian army at Przemysl, so often reported sur- rounded, hopelessly outclassed and on the verge of surrender, has with the aid of reinforcements turned on the Russians and forced them to retreat. A despatch from Rome says that LAe jivaalans , have abandoned the stege of Frrzemysl, In Austrian Galicia, in order to put themselves in a stra- tegical position to meet the Austro - German army. A despatch from Petrograd rtates that on h Russian Poland -East Prussia front, nes the centre of the long line, the Russians ha,re driven the Germans out of Vloclawek. rely 35 miles - ruth-est of the Prussian frontier fortress of Thorn, and have fortified themselves within a few miles of Torn Itself. Since the Ger- man extreme left is defending en- trenched post ions not tar from Lyck, over 150 miles east of Thorn, while the centre, under Gen. von Hinden- burg, Is operating close to Warsaw, more than 100 miles east of the same 'place, (t 1s said that the German left already has been partly enveloped and cut off from the main body. The evident plan of the Russians 1s to drive a huge wedge Into the German line at Thorn. The Russian- Ministry announces that Rusgfa has conquer d an% oc- cupied 49,001requare miles of Austrian territory. while successfully oushing her vast offensive carerations against the German provinces of East Prua- Ma, Posen and Silesiain two months of campaigning t' e Russians have I taken possession, the:- say, of all the crown land of Bukowins. seven -eighths of Galicia and one-fifth of Hungary. COLONEL BURLAND DEAD Montreal Officer Who Only Recently Received Red Cross Appointment , Lieut. -Col. Jeffry H. Rutland or Montreal, recently appointed head of the Canadian Red Cross nrganlsation at the front died suddenly in London on Friday. Death was due to angtan pleterb. Col. Kurland was known through- out Canada for his philanthropy as , well as for his activities to various departments of the militia service. i He had been In England only about a week. IColonel Borland has command( d the Sixth Fustllers of Montreal and ,•.; ..was awarded the. dllcers decorpiaop for twenty years' service to t9el. • He was a member of the small arts commission of Canada and chairman of the council of the ikeminon Ride Association Amng other benetae- tiers. he founded t King Kdward Tv - IberealosIu Institut . at Montreal. was was a member of the Ro' al Tuber- eatesls r'ornml.aion In 1409. and was a geaerotu patron of practically every hospital and ctlarttable Institu- tion In Montreal. in view of the hanl times an- ticipated clueing the cunning winter it is policy for everyone • to reduce espeu-e4 t•, a thiel• mum. One. eft (bet prigefiqa4 vi.Np to he considered is the cost of fuel aid a SAVING OF •_'O% in that direction ie worthy if consid. ration. The Peelle.* C„r,nue it.nR� c in effect that Sewing. The epee - tally eunetrur'ed lire tem, im- !unveil iy.teni .if dampers and many o her patented devices m•ke the C irons one of the moat i'eonouiical ranges on the [market_ C.Il at my wsreroorus and in- spect these ranges for yourself. 1 oleo have for male come heat- ers at greatly re.lisced prices and a number of cords of good herd wood. ROBERT WILSON Hamilton Sheet Fall Weather Wearables Vast German Army It 1s officially announced that the Germans are eiupluying 41 ariny corps, with reserve di, Whine, or more than 2,000,eilu men. The allies probably, are in superior uumbcri. The allies In their thrust toward Belgium halted' counter flanking oper- ations by the Germans, forced back the enemy northward of Arras and fought Indectahe cavalry engage- ments along the Belgian frontier to- ward the coast. Meanwhile they im- proved their aituatiou at the hinge of the battle line, in the regio u of Hoye, where the most violent blows of the Germans have been parried end where the allies In their t urn recovered roend and posftiops lost to prevlcus days. North of the Aisne the strain has 'rescued, because the Germans have been obliged to weaken the centre 'o oppose the allies' northward sweep. Along the Meuse the Germans retain1 'their, grip Oft St. 'AM11r-%-but are, maws,. than ever on the defensive. In Lor- raine and the Vosges small fora s strike at each otaer without decisive result. The nature of Gen. Jonre's opera- tions toward Belgium is ludicated by • report which specified a German withdrawal near Arras and cavalry fighting near the Belgian frontier. Allied successes at Roye, along the Neuse and to the \V oeuvre district are reported. The reports of the Freuch Govern- ment all. point to the fact that the allies strengthened their flank to maintain an unbroken front In Nor- thern orthern France while employing strong, independent forces to sere( p around the German west Hank. Germans Out -manoeuvred Gen. Joffre'e strategy is developing slowly, but with apparent sureness. Within the past few days the Ger- mans obviously realized the danger to which they were exposed by the encircling movement. By the tam- ale allied cavalry had penetrated to the vicinity of Douai, the Germans brought up reinforcements nts from wher- ever they could be obtained -the east of the line. the centre. Belgluni and even from Austrian corps. Starting a powerful flanking operation of their own, their cavalry advance way tem porarily successful, but Gen. Joffreb latest reports Indicate that the French and British cavalry have checked the Germans and ..ave even been able to throw diem back in some places. Allies Ars Confident Early diaappc fitment In the slow progress made by the allies has been succeeded In London and Paris by patient confidence. It is realized that the decision may be delayed, but, no apprehension is felt now as to the ability of the French and the British to hold the Germans where they are, at the' very least,*while the'Russtan - offensive develops,and General Joffre. with fresh , troops, plans new cam patgss, which may be briefer and quickly decisive. The principal sour- ces for cheerfulness are that the Ger mans seem helpless to drive a wedge through the allied iines; that they are weakenlag slowly at the centre, ism -tits stair. 3M heti *S.M. of the line has dwindled to nothing AS leading men's outfitters our stock is now complf$e in every line. Here are only a few of the many useful articles which every man and boy will find essen- tial. SHIRTS The Meru &ted W. 0 R. brand. GLOVES Pert are the best. We have a full line of them. SWEATER COATS In %ari&ted colors. HATS All t1,e newest Meas in contrast bands. SOCKS The heavy all Mc,355&l, Hanson •, according tpopular. They sell at o weight. McLean Bros. The Square, Godtrich SEM! READY TAILORING Agents for Cerhartt Overalls, Stanfield's Underwear, Pitwell Hats, Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs 111111111111 Help Your Fellow -Citizens By Buying Made = In = Canada Goods ROUTE ATLANTIC BATE Ne Further Deeper Frons German' Cruisers in hat Charter Agents ..f British steamship COSI- Dania. whose vessels ply between New Thrk and porta In South and Cestrsl America and the West Indies have been notified from Lnadoe that regular mailings might safely be rs- salted. The willing schedules were inter. reeled by the activities' Et the German evildoers Karlsruhe and Dresden and 1t is a.aum.d fist the German war vessels have been chased away, bet - tied wp to some pert, et bad bad Me- aatrooa ereettags with the WNW' sad whack cruisers kaisers to he la Bosh a ui ass asters. . C.] Ci; TS af=t * 1303 tun tu nnn 0011 OBI etas • A STOCK REPLETE with correct wear for feet • 41se- fibre •Iblestks is +Nt`plado with the sevida1 a creation*. Every desirable reply in high and l.,w .heron 1..r boob men and wos.en. Our li a of Ozfto t , in the most d,-ir.,t.le coker• and Mai tier, will intemet and pis *if) von. Ample pr.rvisinw h... been made alto for the tots and near tots. SHARMAN THE SHOE! MAN ,s ie .eentrtea AA fes nee neri.!1. To ' ADVI$SRwhien will be sod tree. t ADV1IRT115$ 1N TUX SIGNAL , MANIKIN • MA1iUOtf, aN Uw111erelty St-. M.SW .& TO STRUM AT BRITAIN Vela Tlrpitz Preparing to Lead the F e1.rn Hope The war against Great Britain. ac cording to German newspapers. s111 eommeare et the end of 0•-tober. atter Belgium le conquered. Relstum then will become the base of operations against Great Britain, the newspapers say. They add that Admiral Von Tlrplts• eke Ml1Mter of the Navy, wbo is sow at General Headquarters with 'emperor V'llliam, has announced that he will go aboard the flagship of the German fleet and direct the operations nt the navy. In that way, our money remains in Canada and - helps keep Canadian factories going. KELLOGG'S TOASTED CORN FLAKES is the only cereal under KELLOGG name that isi'•Made in Canada." All others are imported and do not benefit Canadi..n work people in the least. LET YOUR MONEY HELP CANADIANS Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes MADE IN LONDON, ONTARIO, CANADA v •aT WtCh UFFALO bt LEVELAN Cawadiaaa NOM In England The arrival of the tronp.hlp. carry ing the Caiadtan . ontingent. as pre vlowsly announced premature` and officially denied by the War fAce. M sow an accomplished fact. rut troop ships are now In home waters. and We work of dlaembarklag the men began Monday morning. All 1s In rem4Meas for their transportation to as roans wasp at Salisbury 'Plata, THE GREAT SHIP eSEEANDBEE" L..10. SOO 4.1.i Weald. air.. A k,.&r., 114 w.awws ..d ptt.n ...mmr.A..i.a 1,011 p.... ,• /�- r n Cromcoma- Wpm i• *II nth.. is . ,p - damn me ..my Tome", . V1oma wren of ta• wvIA. la rm.... Jew 1st► M.ns4ts0914 S4•.ra ..SIZAPtDafl." "Osv . 0 Erie tad ••City .f elf.!•" Daily -BUFFALO and CLEVELAND- May 1st to Dec. 1 et 1a... a • - 431 ..• P. W 1.C1wt./ - . se er stArrive t].. Ar... _ . . ire A.11. AM.. R.L.d- - - l• A. M. (Tromp i.31.4Tir.) Crwerme .1 (U.Jr4 kw Prim P. T.1...Orr .s4 Al pew wmr•.d . , R.Wwi tells. roans Wer... Rib rd 4]r.rard w era fm w _ .hal•... ever. rue AA y •r Dam .p.s Srtw►r..1 C. a a. U... W4.. om I. brimm. Ilar errs Wrier 1..... THE. CLEVELAND & BUFFALO TRANSIT CO.. CI•..t..d, 0. WINTER TOURS - to the Land of SUNSHINE mid SUMMER DAYS CALIFORNIA. FLORIDA LOUISIANA, ETC. 1.lmlted train. teal. Toronto .Lally, mak 1 dlr.et ananertbn .t Detroit and t•af- tar the Hoothern t tat ea. sod at Clio.** l,tiLfer.l., Ne. Thee eee t..ii rt. t tienlies • trip .t .n y natant .braid ..,halt Caa.St*u Feriae Ticket AatW. war w111 be Herod to qqe.t. Ate.. unman retrrvu Ion. and attend to all de WOW na ee.neeUow with rear trip, , er erre,. N. G. array. D{,tri.t a.A.•ut, ws aeMutt and ',crepe * Taranto. nt.. Arili. KK1011. Fawn ill.ngod TicketTicketAneaet. Mose J. H 31 !tr-wa�sts•L4 Sta- tism ta.tis. 7leke% Ago:. Parr e 1 DOUBLE TRACK ALL THE WAY TORONTO -CHICAGO TORONTO -.MONTREAL -It will he of leterest to the farm- ers residing along the routes whleh the hydro -radial, srr rpected to take. to learn that hydr. -Nwer is sow _ hoists used to 611 silty id that Itis- I ---' - --- - �- The International Limited Canada's Train a( Superior Service Lear. Toronto 4 Its am. daily. onium De. (reit 1.13 am. and t' hleaa. LM • er. MORNING SERVICE i.eaves Tomei" s •- to . arrive. Det reit 14.1 p.m. amid (11..ae s C P s. 4.417. Last Train Oat el Termite at Night Lave. 11.3. p w.. arrive. Detroit 1 am at ..lyase lot p.m. dell- .serine .t msaaseti.ee r,lta prtnoli - '••• t,• , (r4eef [Rates and (- .nada. OR Mot �ahle�ave T cots 9►aw m.. l 11 per. 1.1 rev .tiers. Nr.. - .., t . R Inlet aeon. r. F. L/i t AteIN( R �i4lkN• 411. .41)1) faqprr. and Tki�4tt A4R,r.b. Past�baww 6 aa. *lawn Tenet Aae.•L seri sttosMratloss of iia tw Wag cos -flee peon Wien of Wionetief tf Mod la West NI.sa rt. raised *AZ fee the PaIiiSSIe -a roM114