The Signal, 1914-10-15, Page 6• t Opesua t, 0t rosea la, Mt Amami. THE DMA IND ONLY RHINE BMWARK OP !MITA - TiONS SOLD ON THE MERITS OF THE LATEST MARKETS Toronto Cattle Markel Representative prices ars:- Choke hoary steers N. 29 to $.N Handy peaty steer5.00 8.16 i)uteher steers. good7.76 • 1.16 do. medium 7.44 1.11 do. common 6.16 7.N Heaters. good to choice7.60 8.40 I do. medium to good7.00 1.64 7.26 8.76 6.26 6.60 7.26 6.76 4.26 6.N 7.60 6.26 7.26 6.16 6.60 4.66 6.00 06.40 16.00 06.00 10.60 1.04 1.44 8.16 7.64 8.71 6.26 6.28 4.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 IINIRD'S LINI/ENT BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or re(iajred. Butcher cuws, choice4.16 do. good 8.26 do. medium 6.60 do. common 0.00 Butcher butte, choice6.71 do. good bulls 6.26 do. medium 6.60 do. rough bologna 4.00 Feeders. 95J to 1.100 lbs. 7.25 do. bulls 6.26 Stockers, 750 to 900 Ib6.75 do. med.. 660 to 760 6.25 do. light, 500 to 660 6.60 Canners 2.60 Cutter ..... 4.60 Milken, choice each 76.00 do. corn and med40.00 Springers 60.00 Calves, veal. choice2.00 do. medium 7.00 do. common 6.00 Spring lambs 6.00 Yearling lambs 7.00 Duck Iamb. 6.26 )Owes. llglyt 6.26 Sheep, heavy and bucks 4.00 Gull■ 2.00 Hoge. weighed off cars8.60 60[.11 LETTKRINO do fed and watered6.25 on LKATHER GOODS do. f o b ' • 7 90 Allntdsr. pr,r aOod M sa IMVU,g bas at THR SIGNAL, O,4..tpk. A. S. TAYLOR. th •Aswan, MEDICAL R. GEO. HKILKMANN, OSTK- P x. ATIII, eesslallse le wanes s.nd obit11 {[•Baru, some. Mosaic and a•rvoua alt. ear diumuS rad Iumbedo and t Jam free [Mee deems, at set. Mira nR F. J. R. Yu10 TKR-MYK. KAR, .1l mese sad threat eels. Reese�wgerr�r1eeoo44 ew York uplitaalnttc and amid =tag: "(Utsnke,N .t.44.. gar, Nor and 1 trait Meselw. a4eUn•teats. and Mows•[.• ay. Heepital: ( wine/tee on.LugM d. .. maWraeSire.[.' ora. eppedes Rees Chaste. Maass 9. air s. mi., t tat a. a.. t as p. sa.:1slu ince• a. Toronto Grain Prices The following wholesale prices are quoted at the Toronto Board of Trade: Manitoba Wheat -tike ports, old crop, Mo. 1 northern. 11.17 i4 ; No. 2 northern, $1.14%; new crop, No. 1 northern. $1.15%; No. 2 northern, $1.12%, Manitoba Oats -New crop. No. 2 C.W., 66c; No 1 C.W. 12c. bay ports. Ontario Oats --New, outside, 46c to 44c. 1 Ontario Wheat -No. 2. car lots. 11.05 to $1.0i, outside, , according to freights. American Corn -Fresh shelled. No. 2 yellow, 771(0. c.i.f. the bay. Can- adian corn, 78c to 790, Toronto. Peas -No. 2. 61.15 to $1.26, carlots, outside. Rye -No. 2. 78c to Rec. outside. Barley --Good malting barley, out- side. 63c to 66e. Manitoba teed bar- ley, 63c to 66e. lake porta. Rolled Gate -Per bag of 90 pounds, $3.05 to $3.25; In smaller lots. $3.26 to $3 40; per barrel. 16.76, wholesale. Windsor to Montreal. Buckwheat -None offering. Mtllteed-Carlota. per ton, bran. $33 to $35; shorts, 626 to 027; mid- dlings, 628 to 130, good feed Emir, {tot to sta. H: AND MINNiE M. GREE/t,ti D: c.. ('hlr0Oraotota, spine sad nerr• +releis44 Chnvprwotic w W science that MOM without di ens or knife. Free examine. MOW (Juice ovw 8baran's 8bos more. en• Traria ue MAI +Ueet. Mame 3t1I. W:o1 LLOAL PROUL)FUOT, KILL41RAN k PROUPFO01' HARI:lea KRA, MILK twits. NOT ARI ►_4 PUItLic. kTC. t 0 a..0 the Boasts. seco•d door from Ham anklet. ulwrieb. reivate reeds 10 Was at lowest rte. W. Panni'our. ILII. v. 1.. K11.1.09ua . P1WYDYOUT. Jn. RC.HAL'S w i4ARRlaTkx, BW.It'IT0R. M T.%HY PUBLIC'. k'it. Mee *siding Book Block. donator 8 rest. OodeMut. Teknptione rte. Real halal.. ..0an. and Insurance. O, 0AMIsKON. K. C.. HARRIS . 'rmR, .Miator, notary paten. Omo.. Strom Uvder(ek, gaud door fru (Aauf (ARROW, ,.R.,BAR attorney. mentor, etc.. Clod. Meet to Mud at lowewt rata. V. BK*DER. BAItRIBTlifk ODIEr leltor, \.Nary Public and •waCoo♦eyaa.er. r -Curt How. O.,derich. =I�t AUCTIONREL THOMAS GUNDRY AUCTIUNLiLR Boz a, Roderick. All aiteucU as by mail I114 see slats• smog will bseeir .r. ..6.d to. Itestdeneo alepkon. li IPSUkANCR, LOANS, RTC. ) )1i W* PKIVLTK FUNDS TO �+V000 lee, ApAly le M. O. Call. f HON. ilarrlsar Hamilton attest, Oe4.riaa. wR. ROBERTSON. IN8URANCS AOre'I Tuve exp Lwsrrgtae : British. Caseates and American. a.0otnaNT, 8toxX Urn •avlOTana''SLAM - ITV : 1as lagan Aooident and Usarsat.. ..moor.[ on L1.Jtea. et Leaden Kee. moat tee •11111.11:•111A971:11 Boats : Tb. U.n. Fidelity era Uusraawtmoo ay. Mice .t reebnoe, Dineen' denier et Vie M. David.Lena and David. streets. Plum. Ila 1I ct ILLOP MUTUAL FIRS 1N lel NUR•NCE CU.-Yarw W YWW cora paparts 1a.•rea. c ..rw-J. $. la.tw..,r Pati. Seabrth P.o.. .► laoetaelly, Tsnw. YM.Aaa T. w.; B. laom, ars.- r n..... +,••lest• P. u .afe..-Il. F. Noureyo.. against► ; Jena rlev., Win .... w .aa dank/Jsm.t'-g.; . B.&•ew.la Jesaw avowL"'weed; Retort, 1•. Oarlock ; Maloal o Me wr'. Nam..a.id. Waco : J. W. Tow Bo1sa...U1.: It. thdt•, •:lee t; • Wildman Choosey. L Chey, Most rte ; p , �.,, PI hellalse&•• ilesniMalasgra ea J. Murree% C1 ag 7r•t!t. [,'wit•s weeny. a meam 141.01. LABII/OS LIMNERS to e WAI.TRR B. KRLLt, J. P., OODCJUCH. ONT. ISSUER OF MARR1A01t L1CLNOCK. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND So'j.cta ta.gbt bye pert instructors kik/4dd" T M C A. M.00., LONDON. ONT. 8bdents assisted to positions College Htror. any bra 1st Catalog.. J. Potaeelslt J. 11 ivel t. 1100-911em. Farmer's Market Following are the latest quotations for farm produce at St. I.awrence Market. Toronto. Wheat .. $11. Goose wheat 61 1.1012 to 61.1:. 0.00 rate, new .63 54. darkly Buckwheat .75 .60 Rye ' .85 .00 Pen 1.25 0.00 Hay, timothy, No. 121.00 22.00 Mixed and clover 16.00 18.04) Cattle hay 10.' 0 13.00 Straw. bundled 15.51) 17.00 do. loose 9.00 11.00 Rye straw _17.00 16.00 Oat Straw 16.00 17.00 Butter, choice dairy .30 .33 Mgrs, new laid, doz. .33 .4t1 Fowl, dressed, Ib. .16 .18 Spring broilers, lb .. . 20 .23 'Ducks. spring. Ib. .10 .22 Turkeys. Ib. .20 .26 Geese, Ib. .16 .00 Live hens. ib. . 14 .16 do. , ducks, spring, Ib. .14 .11 Geese, lb. .14 .00 1 Apples, basket 20 .26 do. Alexander, bbl. ..1.76 1.00 (*steeples. basket .25 .35 Potatoes ,new, bushel.66 .60 Cauliflowers, each .10 .16 Tomatoes, basket .20 .30 Onions, basket .26 .35 do. 'diversities. qt.11 .40 Pork. per pound .18 .20 Last Buffalo Cattle Cattle --Prime steers, 69.60 to 310, shipping, 88.60 to 18.26; butchers, 17 to {8.76; heifers. 34 to $; cows, {4 to 7.26; bulls. to 37.26; stockers d t en, to 37.50; stock heifers. 31 to Vesta -Active; 36 to {13 Hogs--ftwrvy and mixed. frog to 35,66; Yorker, 60.11 to 33.60; pigs, 33.26; roughs. 67.26 to 37.40; stags. 34.60 to 37.26. Sheep and lambs -Lambs, 36.60 to 37.00; yearlings. 34.60 to 36.60; wetk- ers. 66.76 to 64; ewes, 33.30 to 34.00; Mum mixed, 36.50 to. 36.76. • Chicago Live Steen Cattle -Beeves, 34.60 to 310.90; Texas steer,, 34.16 to 39.10; stockers and feeders. 33.30 to 311.30; cows and waters, $3 40 to 39.10; calves, 37.60 to 311.26. Hogs -Light. 37.86 to 31.30; eased. 37.30 to $.26; heavy, 17.06 to 311x; rough 37.06 to 67.20; pigs, 34.71 to 31; bulk of sales, 37.40 to j8. Sheep--- Native, {4.88 to 31; year- lings, 31 00 to 36.64. Lambe, settee. 34 10 to 67 96. Sutter and Cheese London, Ont. -748 beam atoned: 1126 .old 14%c Bidding was hem 14%c to 14%c. Bl. Hyacinthe. Qin.-1N packages et better .old at 2414e; 460 hoses of cheep .old at lie. Cow*R•vll1e, Qse.-all factories of - feral •222 packages eel better. A11 .old at 27%c. Belleville --White, 1.296; colored. 162; .ales, 6410 at 11 1.16c, 4111 at 11%e, at ; faace refused, 16 2-14c sad 1614c. - Capt. Reginald Vetw, of DM rbeen appointed evened ed)essetef fp Uie 1Ngat agkttig tka Raids" Muth Canadian battalion naw la 40 love takm 10,000 pelssasr, aid gess. 940 16 1-14e ba • I. THIS SIGNAL, MOTHERSOF OEUCATE CHILOREN Should Read the Following Letter -Mrs, Slack's Story About Her Child's Recovery Is Entirely Reliable. Palmyra, Pa -"Three yeah ago my little girl had black measles which left her with • chronic cough and so awfully thin you could count all her ribs, and she coughed so much site had no appetite. othing we gave her seemed to help her at all until one day Mn. Neibert told me how much good Vinol had done her little girl, so I decided to try it for my little one, and it has done her so much good she is hungry all the time, her cough is gone, she is stouter and more healthy in color and this is the first win- ter she has been able to play out in the snow. coasting and snow -balling without an ill effects."- Mrs. ALFRED SLACK, Palmyra, Pa We know Vinol will build up your little ones and make them healthy, strong and robust, therefore we ask parents of every frail and sickly child in this vicinity to try a bottle of Vinol, nue delicious trod liver and iron tonic without oil. If we can induce you to try a bottle of Vinol as a bgfjy-builder and strength - creator for your child, and you do not NO it is all we claim, we will return your money on demand. Som. Good Advice • lbe following is taken from the 1nit ham l broricle : -(fur reedits* may of oeurse toe 1h.•1r own Judgment U. t what they do. but our .olemn advice would be to steer clear of any person or collection of p --teens who offer something for riot king. We under ►land time is a smite .if canvaraing s..licitors going the rounds now and Ho. methods they are adopting are nothing short of frauduleur, if reports that come to our tars have even a modicum of truth in them. Signa- tures to documents of any kind toe always serious, at d . hen very un- ary. It is a good pien to refute your signature obis•• ahsohit.•ly Bute of w hat you are doing. acid have bill con- fidence in the person yovare dealing with. A word to the wise ie sufficient. b'AUE: ANI' ' HANDS t'OVERRU WITH SORES z.t N•nl'K W($RKRI coiMI'I.kTF 4 rag Mrs. P. Wa'so" htumnwnd. of Thetford Mine.. flue . wtrte.: '•tits•,• fall foe three ye:u., as soon as cold eat bet set in, my daughter's face a. d hands would be coveted with e ough watt ry patches, which before 1•.ng would tut n into neety some. Thaw .rtoulditoch t.yd sewn t tat eib(y, and .he would gullet in this way from fall to boring. Noihii g we could get did her any good until I started using Zino/ink. This wonderful ointment quickly ,telietetl the irritation. We persevered with %+nt-Bak, and to our great drlight it woi ke, a r' tnplelr rine. 1 have al•o i d 7e un -Hak for cilia anti burn., and think there is nothing t compare with it ." Ftr eczema, p.lre, shecesaes, ulcers. cute, horn., hrui'e., or env skin dis- ease or injoiy. usrHnk is unequalled. As soon a- applied, it commences Ida wor k of he.,ling, quickly alleviates the pain, and b;'ilds up new healthy tis - 1.01V. At all druggists and store., or from un-Rtik Co., Tor.nto, 50;. per box. See the name nn the box and refuse ■l1 substitutes. -Mr. Neil Gdchriet, of Glamis, who is mentally deranged end who was confined in the cell at the Walkerton town hall for the peat three weeks, was taken to the 'London asylum by an attendant and will uudetgo treat- ment in that institution. -Sixteen nurses recently gtadusted trent Chrtity hospital, Cleveland, among them being Mien Klizelwth Niobolapi, formerly of Monkton. Mir. Nicholson WAS awarded float prise, 1190 in gold, and • special prize of a hypo- dermic set valued at $2& This clever young lady &leo received many valuable books in nrcognition cf her brilliant course. a PERRIN'S IQ @*AM _ WAN Just about the daintiest confection imaginable for hot -day teas and evening parties. Made in various flavors and sold, at your grocer's, in ten -cent sealed peekalges t h a t preserve all their tood- stlas. l07 b.cbgg. ger t:1,age will *meal se yea seem- peassd teiempbs el ttr baker'. see. *sad Ib. (eels oe stomp) sad, yews power's sable ted It. B. l purl* i Cstt sere wow Leatlee. Gentle 17 , • • SHOT EILLOW SOLDIER Monsen' et Welland Canal •hard Killed 8K. Catharines Teeth Private Freak Hartley of the 11IY Regiment faces a charge et warder at St. (athsrtaes as a result of 11e abootlag .1 Private Theodore Bar goyue, • fellow member of the same regiment which was acting as guard along the Welland Canal. Hartley claims to oe as Eaglabman but had been living in the ratted States; lits victim was a nephew of Alderasaa Burgoyne of St. ('atharines, proprietor of The St. Catharines Gaily Standard, and was employed In the St. Gather- Ines branch of the Beak of Toronto. Tho tragedy took place just outside the lock shanty at lock 9, near Ler. rltton. That Hartley, after the shooting. admitted kitting Burgoyne. and stated that he "got the wrong one," was evidence given by Chief of Police Greene at the inquest. The "other one" apparently was Sergi. Burgoyne, brother of the Ileum, who • foie moments previous to the shooting had tent Hartley to his tent because he answered the roll call late and was Improperly dressed. According to the evidence of several eyewitnesses. Hartley later left the teat. complaining of 8ergt. Bur goyne'■ treatment of htm, and saying that the .oscom. was sot treating him right. The deceased, "Teddy" Burgoyneoverhearing the remarks of Hartley, 'denied that his brother had a pick on him. Neat came • bout from the prteoaer that he was an Knglishman and he could lick say - body on the canal. "Teddy" replied that he was a Canadian and that he was proud of tt. "1'11 shoot you," re marked Hartley to the deceased, to which Burgoyne, drawing himself up to "attention," with itis hands in the pockets of the sweater coat which he wore. said: "Shoot." Hartley fired Immediately, the ifdl- let entering Burgoyne's eye and caus- Ing death In seven minutes. The murderer was at nneo overpowered and held for the police. ROUMANIAN KING DEAD May Have Been Murdered -His Coun- try May Now 8.d. With Allies The most extraordinary rumors are circulating as to the circumstances of the death of )[[Ing Charles of Rou- mania. which occurred Saturday. It is Bald that he waa either wisoned or assassinated. Such reportieannot be confirmed, but they are not sum- marily dismissed by persons well In- formed as to the critical altuaUon at Bucharest. There is reason to believe that the last hour of the King were Intensely bitter. 111s refusal to aban- don Germany , and Austria encased if Glisters and subjects Intent upon accepting Russia's . offer of Bukowlna and Transylvania If Roumania would join the allies. The death by • lolent or natural causes of King Charles seems likely to project Roumania at once into the field of war. most definitely. probably as an ally of Russia agalnat Turkey and Austria. FOILED LN ADVENTURER Italian Officer WTnted to Involve Hie Country in the War The cruise of t444. Italian-h.:tlt sub- marine which ieappeared 'row the Gulf of Speria Low.' days ago and later turned up at Ajaccio, Corsica. has Tome to an end. Tile French author- ; lttes of Ajaccio, who took possession of the Teasel asked Paris what dim position t;r.•y hould make of her Paris communicated with Rome, Italy sent a destroyer to get the submarine. and there is reason to believe that Ishe 1a now on her way home under this convoy. This submarine was under the cow• Imend of a retired naval lieutenant, Angelo Belton.- who len a letter stat- ing that Italian neutrality was a Ode- ' take and that he was going to take pert in the war. &UUIUTAN CRUISER Los? Teepedeed 1s* the Baltic Sea by Ger- man Submarine • Aa oaclal commusicatlon Weed at Petrograd announces that on Sunday the Russian armored cruiser Palled* Mag torpedoed in the Baltic Sea by a Gorman submarine aria sank with an ter Crew. The Palled• was see of three ships :Mkt down to 1906. Her coefY2..6st lite gel men. Bhe was completed hi 1010 and her Irengtl wu 442.9 feet by T7.6 fest width. Her •rtmammt ata provided by the I(rapp.. Ven Me,tke SUB 1s Fever Apparently there L some Ints- Fad issioaOM .....• as tY polatmaat vice@ .•y that he has bees [Bade Quarterm&ater•Qenersl le Naos et Gemara' Von *ter. General Bost - her woes{• vdgta-$hets se caw of OUR of the 'imperial Gaard. Rattler reports were to the offset that Volgta-Rh.tz had amegaeled factors] Von Moltke as Chief a Ossessl stag. Sepal de.r.4arr Deed Cardinal ?errata, the ' new Papal Sseretary. appo4ated a short time ate, issued awpo at Rome. A despatch frons Tondos says that. Cr* Pres** torpedo heats. collided off the sates of Performe les to the Wsdlterreseaa .ad wk. The crews et kith easels were saved. Leadsmen ars tendeg against a visit from lteppellaa, it havieg hese repeated that an attack by tho Ger Inas airships 1s to be attempted shortly. The Allies toot 1,000 German Vilenors is the reales of Rape the terpart .f Mat work. Two British aviators May heals es as airship shed u D�sb dart teat friday, deatroytsg a stow as t j Prepare for Winter Now1 About the house, the barns, the outbuildings, there u always the the barns, the there is always plenty to do to fit up for cold weather. Come in and let us show you what we have in the way of ROOFING, SHEATING, BEAVER BOARD, BUILDER,S HARDWARE, PAINTS, OILS, TOOLS OF ALL SORTS and a hundred and one items, like nails, screws, locks, etc. True economy is not to allow thirgs to go. "A stitch in time saves nine." Do it now. Keep the folks at home, and the live stock warm. It pays.' CHAS. C. LEE Hardware, Pt..M.g. E•veslroughiag, Eketric Wiring, Stoves Hard Coal, Caanel Coal, Coke, etc. 4 sad Ranges, -Dr. A. I. Colville, a doctor hailing floor Hamilton, was summoned to the Mitchell pol'ce court on the charge of, having practiced medicine wi.bout having registered. He pleaded guilt when a line of 0611 was recorded against him with WS costa. -Mr. Janes Hamilton, of (Tinton district. is probably the lamest grow- er of beans in that district, having no less -than 70 acres. He says bis yield seems to vary from 30 down to less t ha0 15 bueheta per acre. He expects tram bis crop of beans alone to realise over 05DOH. -The gad and unexpected death of Mrs, John Redmond 1 nee MiM Ke01)y 1, formerly of Dublin, took place in Cal- gary o0 8epteiubes 24th. Deceased bad lived in the west for several years and was a tato, ite among old and young. Her body' was brought home for interment, and the funeral took place at St. Patrick's church, Public. •0d was largely attended. Mimi L. Holland sang "Dwelling with the Angels" ver y appropriate) during the offertory. Much sympathy is telt fur bar lausbasd and taro smelt chill-. diets. ill-- die0. and also for her father, mother and sisters and brothers who lire at Dublin. -Mrs. Edwin Johns, one of the pioneer residents of the west end of. ITuckenmith, died at the home of ber : Ton -in-law, Mr. A. Beeley, t4 (Tinton, on Monday of last week. Mrs. Johns Ihad been 111 for some months and was confined to her bed for some weeks ppaesat. Mn. Johns was • native of I Tlickeramith, being the eldest daugh- ter of the late. Robert Lsndsbtaodoh land a sister of Mr. W. U. Lands - borough, Kippen roto. She leaves • grown up family, Mrs. H. Leveson, Hallett ; Mrs. Allin, Saskatoon ; Mrs. Seeley, Clinton ; Harvey raid Ira, Tuckeremith, and Addison, Toronto. Tbe-funeral on Wedwesday was large- ly attended. The remains were laid to rest beside those of her husband, who proceeded her 20 years. Word "Semi - ready" Means Many Things Descriptive in the First Place the Name Em- bodies the Product of One Nouse Like the wend "kodak" which is mistakenly applied to every snap -shot camera. the nam. "Semi -ready" is •s often applied to a system, whereas it denotes • trade name of the product 01 one particular tailoring house In Can ads. Semi -ready tailoring can always 1e known by the name and price label Nan on the inside pocket lining of every genuine Semi -ready gamest W itbort that label the name "erne►• ready" menet he applied ems la a 1.. seriptke seam, for no other Mesa 1s Canada melees amd sells mon' 411Mliias on the came principle or posy se these clothes are tailored. The beak met of a Segs) swift Ie 1 is thm prier per pound paid fair 010 wool oo the Bradford Woo{ Widow -a few blocks trove the British sagas ot She . 8Ua'F reedy sults and outmost' at 018 sad 018 met half sr ,arse& eke do the mite at Sip sad 006, beesnw of the dine tee t value of the tamarisk. 'gage is Mule .sriefioa in the cert of labor. Messrs McLean Well have (11. only Nebulae 8en,i-reedy tailoring to be seen in Goderieb. Splendid now snits, Snicked to order, for frost. 016 rep. 014(0 Ms wirer (aStideleos ATEN'rs Thgamme eM Rs•�1�� t JOB AND COMMERCIAL Printing? tbe % ETAL, VOR Disease germs are on every hand. They are In the very air we breathe. A system "run down" is a prey for them. One must have vital force to withstand then. Vital force depends on digestion -on whether or not food nourishes -on the quality of blood coursing through the body. D8. PIERCE'S Golden Medical Discovery Skis the weak •(smack- Gives good digestion. Enliven. . sh liver. Feeds the starved nerves /16gsaairntdmfull health and strength return. A g�� upbuikjing swigs" the to like an engine running in o-iL The vital force is ales more sited to full power. Year In and year out for over forty years this peat health -restoring remedy has been spreading throughout the entire world -because of its . ehRtty to maks - the sick wet end tba mask stenog.. Don't despair of "being your old self solo.Give this vspsterta remedy a trial -Today -Nem You will soon feel "tote newest*.' Sold is Ift std or tablet form by Dre ggistsort�riall boa for fde�byy a(L Wilt* Dr. R. V. PMree, Buffalo. N. Y ra= asst! a it s ew will pay for THE SiGNAL to the 20 Cents end of the present year. ••••••••N•••••••••••••••• •• FreeWar'Maps• •• • •Eve Reader of The Sinal i • May Have a War Map Free • • • A Map 3% x 2% feet, showing clearly every • • boundary, every city, every town, village, hamlet • • and river in the whole European War area. Each 1 • map in a cleat folder of convenient size. 1 • • The Family !Jerald and Weekly Star of Mon- • • treal has secured excltsive rights for the War Map pre- • by the celebrated map firm of O. W. Bacon & Co.. • • •Limited, of Logsdon, Eng. It is beyond question the most • comprehensive map printed. . • The Signal has completed arrangements by 1 • which our reader. can secure a copy of this excellent 1 • • 1 • • •• •• •• i • • •• •• •• • reap free of charge. • • • •• •• • • •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• HERE IS OUR OFFER .Good for 30 Days only The pprice of the Family Herald and Weekly ClfrsfM 3'Gttiattet r y Star. Nlwspttpt . 0t .max dollars year(' The price of The Signal, the Brightest and Best Newspaper in Huron County is one dollar a year. We now offer both papers for one year each, including a copy of the Family Herald's War Map, size SO x 40 inches, in • neat folder of convenient size for only • This offer applies to all subscribers, new or renewal, who pay for the two papers inside next 30 (lays from this date. To follow the war situation intelligently the Family Herald War Map is necessary. It should be in every Canadian Home. ORDER AT ONCE The Signal WORT' i` P° oW* tiIO • :•••••••••••••••••••ioo••�