The Signal, 1914-10-15, Page 5estowv
1 Lames' Itimeirea..first-elms shape, ith oftener broke ps.e0
1 oralslimmewilehand Wheel in good mooing orde,. tires
movie hew add
• Dumber a rem Wheels, +with Hercules Coaster ...... ... • 5.75
A Dumber of flint Moeda
All three Whittle ate brand Mew amid fully guaranteed end arty.
on. requiries ose ej seen kin4 we will Kir* thew the two for 7.60
Our stock of Auto mid Bicycle Sundries is • little too heavy for this
time a tie year trod we will bend out the goods at the right price
It will pay you to bey goer whet you will require next *moon.
Best workmanship at J. DOIG'S, Clinton
, Doig imports direct, he is able to give quick
delivery at close prices.
Designs and prices on application.
To the
lot Patriotic Sale was
good succour but we
thwt tusny could
/i..t avail themselves of
hi,oppiirtunity as the
srowber WAS very Warru
‘tid unseasonable.
We will still offer so
the public souse of the
I tetyttleI4 V•Ine in
Men's Weer ever offered
in biodetich.
Opee Utast 1-.3e
Every Emmine
Agency for
Soeth Side
of Sonata
IA Potties Fir Fall sad Winer
e • '414 1A140•40 Ile*Olatties for
1re' t'..- monastic sabres ter tilts &G-
ino • • -.11 trait time, mall fralto. Mower -
la• .t.rabo. eta Pay ersthlr.'oolaf tree.
ruchi...,t •ermary.
ovum slow Acacia
of tr.) /GA Grimmest& aork ander culti-
vator Ws Asti tamest ear .aleol000 Ste-
w to • ie. , unmans', mei essrastes delivery
et fre.1 Mei-grads were. Or rateselso
eni ,‘. r..ble lie rause, et ties siorrito we
CO. 4'..i flte roles* of bearrome tinee. E.
„calc„._"!ot ts ,ertra WA** Piti-wara NUNS.
Mel Co.. Too..,, 0.1
p,.ttind.ome catalogs* en roveet
Other to • pplioaat or taws • wtolo of :!, UV.
fry tittock
of Music
P•rad•il ta 1174. Acannotearre,
/fry ‘t", anast,etaae of
.04 amulet' to be ..o• tior tort'
A fee• ei of Sepreselor
nowt Moll at tome of Ito tea fn
Deetor of Work taittar".0.
r`•••‘' Preece taught otxty
thor•arhIr beintroPtora.
Ir' • ."
---at444"ftwirsd Seer,. .
' slat left se 'seem. AAdeow
Joon*, hi Sell. Secretary,
. 109 'ffongertgit item, lbetrieiVillsen.
altRATP0110. OtfTe
1. • echo& with OnelheSatal repose -
bee far Iiige rafts warn awe ter the
18T05. el 4. evetteetee • seismal with
oopersoe eoterale sad iseentaire. We
Ch• amegbea is faiernee-
(Is/ saartinag arkt teherp ihi-
potweete Mk). etite.d heti
When WM" Mtn heti we may
atter at MINI nom Wessels, aise Suss
kat wolves*
It0LAC111...tX, Prfloolval
lee dual Inetroction Permits you
to enter any day at
°wen IMMO, Oirram0
- "SsWeteral, es the Mat taereage.
Prank -0J rotelasee aelhaal la Oareadlo.
lttert itietreistant.
01,owe tam start (SWIM IlkildbeZ
User sratesos misraused • Pm* ma*
fat ow Seem. Seek.
Cs. A. PLUUS, r c.a.. PtiselP•L
4f- G. Pulltergth. Setwohary.
-Mr. Roy Walters, of Toronto, wars
a Thanksgiving visitor to tioderich.
-Mr. Frank Glazier, of Colgate• iti a
v isitor at t he parental home, Eitst
toreet. .
-Mr. Doc. t 'oh:lough. of Myth,
*petit Sunday with his brother, Mr. N.
- Mr and Mrs. W. ii. Orebro) leave
returned Lout their vioit with Heard -
ton ft lends.
-Mr. and Mrs. Fratik Hodgent have
i•losed the cottage lie:opted by them
f or I he summer.
--Major E. N. Lewitt, M.P., .pent
the Theiskegiviog maroon at his resi-
dence. Not folk street.
-Mr. Robert McLeius is having a
DPW cement floor put in the barof
the King Kilwerti hotel. -
is. Duncan COneroir *peat the
holiday 'biting her daughters in
Het a noun and Palusenston.
-Mr. W. H. Robertson returned to
Goderieb etre. week, after so emended
tour through write' u Canada..
-Mho teem Copp, of Clintoo, Tient
the Thanksgiving twaeon with Miss
Jeanie Foster. eli. P..13 sck etreet.
-Mast. ilatikirstir Matto. wbu is at-
tending Lonit normel ecbtiol. ePeni
7'hertkrgiving witer parenta here.
-Miss Lie At.Poliey, of Alvine-
too. was a guest at her old home on
North street for Thankseiving day.
-Mr. Jack Tufford eras • visitor to
Myth over the holiday. Ile was the
;meet a Mr. Harry 3ohnston of that
-Mts. J. ii. Emigh and Miss Alice
Eurigh, of Blyth. spent the Thauks-
giving boliday• with' Mr. end Mrs. A.
E. Bradwin.
-Mr. rind Mrs. %V,*. Briuley, of
Port Albert, spent Thanksgiving day
with Mr. rood Mrs. N. Colciough,
Kinston street.
-Mr. A. R. Ford, of Ottawa, spent
Ole l'hanksgivime holidays with his
perencor. Rev. arid Mrs. J. E. Ford,
'I retort* street.
-The teachers of the public schools
should warn their pupils not to do
damage to Anyone's property tin their
way to and horn school.
--Mrs. Magnus Swartion, Bruce
street, lett on Tueoday of lest week to
visit her friend. Mrs. E. C. Rosati, of
Walkervint and friends in Detroit.
-Mr. Fail Elliott. principal of the
Molesworth public ocbool, was • visitor
at the home of his parrots, t.7ciun. and
Mrs. Frank Elliott. for Thankeitiving
-Mr. W. Spahr, of the %Vaster')
Cam& Flour Mills Co't. office, Toron-
to, was a Thanksgiving •isitur at the
home of his parents. Mr. and Mfg.
John Spahr. Nelson *beet.
-Among many others who spect
Thankego ing with friends in Toronto
Weft Mrs. Fred Hunt, Mrs. H. H. Cute,
Alit. t'. H. Huntber, Mrs- W. L Hor-
ton andAlies Lillian Whiting.
The erieisterial ositociatiati of
Ooderich, at • recent mottos, de -
[tided to Lek, • religious reclaim of the
town, Vbith a •iew to finding mit. why
Erre ;ail thedum
citizens err not atteo
You remove do better t uan a15nd to
Sirs& Vaagica4 .coNe
Yealre no0411 it.. Toronto res a awl.
mot se illitemisoW tutus, yen Term ft
a,a, open. We ads yea to yr, e• for poetic -
alma T W. Westboro, Prtotlial.
Clinton School of
Al, roo cooking the. beet *or .q rner eeetr
1•111liev .5lle100 h., r thew.
N• matter whit tam walk ie life every Ewe
see email emit. • taoimira km.hts.• tribal-
ly& Tao bow worprori= that le la Awes
arCI,lie•tweee e s
'Mt will ofitalo at the listoe SOlbeel
Ot 001131100lee. tar treats, image ISP seteal
e inweremete sal elowasao of t as thareaarbir
Tiriliteigeljal gr. le the eel, gram
.tet o/ Sjo
aa °Mao Proellios
Brawl remptime
Pieties se Wasewetteso, an bowl- were
I-Miss Semi Blinks spent Meeks-
tiboragehoiliare with friends in Lea -
1 -Whet alma that Liberal cash
LM wee Wien el Wet Jess P Now
W gait dont* pet, It
-Mr. and Nem Vat, Tbdor. 01
Medford, spent Maakegieiss at the
boats ot Aim. Stirling. Mr. V.
Seiler% of Nish*, meat the week -
mid at the mem home.
-A meelleg 01 ale W.Q.T.U. wUl
be held Moselay, Oo 114 dump
Cr., Se the •1111.1410tio• will
p.a. la t. T.-.... hei11 oboe re-
-liteelleeergis Illelleneems %easy
tertakied Melinda, wheel deem to a
Ws so Lake Roma in his IpeoRne
lauseit. rat, suit, lade thegeniellily
eajoyed the outing.
-Mrs. Jalnela A. Campbell and
daughter left last, week for • two
weeks"' visit at her wettest home in
Stoney Creek, near Hamilton, and
will aim vane Mr. Cantidadro home 81
Mountaburg on ber return journey,
-Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Wrigh
l'ete appointed delegates 10 att
Ole Baptist convention of Oatario
Quebec, which commeoced in Toros
this week and doom next Monday.
-Rev. and Mts. W. H. Weigh
left on Tuesday for Toronto, where
they will remain a week in attitude
upon the meetings of the Bee
convention of Outset) and Quebec.
-Mr. Arthur Boyce. a third y
student in medicitie at Tortola u
towaity. &pent his Thentseiving h,
der. at the residence of his pares
Mr. and MFG. Thome& lisyce.
- Harry Grail& And her w
mime little twin daughter-, Cath
Loraine and Margaret Aileen, Irk
Monday of Let week for Turouto.
tiered having decided upon living
that city.
-Mayor Reid hee received arkoo
irdgetuent from the treasurey of
Catiedian Women's Hospital el
fund of the receipt of 11402 15. t
amount collected atid forwarded fr
- The fell distrist ineeting of the
fil-Alericli district of Methodist church-
es meats in 1Veoley church, Clinton,
on Tuesday, October 2ti.b. The after-
noon session will take the form ot a
* pi ri taw I cuntereoce.
- The opecial revival services hell in
the Baptist cburtb last week closed on
Ftiday night. Pastor J. K. Fearful,
ol Chown, eralear ered himself to tbe
people of tioderich by hit personality
and clear gospel forebear..
- Miss elowlity is spending her
Tiiiinksgiviug holidays at Victoria
*beet parsonage and on tbe evening
a the Thanksgiving dinner is Viet it-
ia street chureh delighted the large
number of guests with her warbling
of ale songs of many h rdr.
-Mrs. AleeKie and her daughter.
Mts. Moore, and little son, lock,
Hamilton, spent the week -end wi
her bitted. Mrs. licHaetie, Sou
street, hoeing for ber home on 1
afternoon of Thankagiviug day.
-The old, partly Awned building
which hay steed • oe tbe tomes td
Good Morning
We Are Introducing*
Americas ei
Annerimui (Weimer*
Animism Cokes- Lleie
They hay* seised the test. Glee
real to eumisitt. No maim to
rip. Newer beeotne loom or
baggy. The shape is knit la -mi
premed in.
GUARANTIED for fiteesses,
style, superiority of material
aad work ataiwitip. Absolutely
etainkae. Will wear six =oaths
without holm, or new owe free.
to every one nsiltliutt us 011A10
in currency or postal mote, to
oover advertieing and shippiaa
charges, w• wW moo potit-paid,
with written guarantee, backed
by • five million duller compaay,
3 Feiss of Onr 5C Vellat
American 8.1/llosirry
at 4 Pairs of oar yoc value
American Ceehmeee Hosiery
or Pairs agar sec mime
American Cotton.Lisle Hosiery
ot 6 Pairs of Cluldren's Hosiery
Clive t he color, sixes. said wheth-
er ladies' or genets hosiery is de-
DONT DELAY Offer ex.
pines when a dealer in your lo-
cality is Detected.
46" Tal IlfTE1111T1ONIL IOSIEtY CO.
P.O. Box 241
Tree et Sere Nee OM
Ilboada7s the safe aid Meet
• Ibitbli,s•PlejL P9
re real.
Dnit7Ps ef bertha ba*
emary year the work et the prelim -
demi safe breaker lomintos border
ined mime dasigerem. Actual, Emile
must new farm pert ef b traialaa.
The latest type of safe km an locks,
bees or keyholes. lastead, there Is
a tiglktty-etretcbed wire, which ow
spends to lea owa ingsloal sota. mit
wire le ociammted with aa eiectrie
battery Inside the sate, aad to °Pon
Mae meet sound a tuning -tort, or •
sote on bugle, organ or trumpet, la
precisely the sante key as the wire.
When the Dote Is sounded the eensi-
tbre wire vibrate*, and turns on the
current which operates the locking
Thies wires are used In acme In-
stances, aecessItathig, of course, three
trumpet blasts in different keys be-
fore the mechanism will work
me obvious danger to this appar-
atus 1a, of course, that one of the
wtres might get out of tune, in which
Mae the safe would remain snugly
locked until the right Itey was struck -
Kingston arid Victoria !tercets, has
been pulled down. We could men-
tion several other building.' around
towti which deserve a similar fate.
-Mr. mid Afro. Arthur Beevers and
family have returned to town, aft
h.•ving Pero weeks' trip, denim
nritich they visited Windonr, Detroi
Ileinilton and Toronto. Mr. Beerrer
is employed in the freight depart:oleo
a the C.P.R. •
-Mira. Alex. Davidson sod Mrs
Frank Elliott attended the mortis)
of the 37th annual proviunial eon wen
Doc of W.C.T.U. ilo Toeunto last week
They report oue of the most succeesfu
conventions ever held, with nearly 300
delegates Present •
-Mrs. Maio', of Toledo, Ohio, wh
has been mending the Thankstrivin
holiday it ith her parents. Mr. and Mrs
A. M. Poliey, left for her home o
TdesdAy, aecoutpanied by Mrs. E. bar
nest. of Detroit, who has been a gues
at Ow Park house during the mann*
-Mr. aod Mrs. Jos. Kidd have re
tureed from their what 10 Chicairo
where Mr. Kidd wow elected orotund en
of the Caniutieo Ticket Aeenta' estimi
ation, whit held their annual conven
tion in the Windy City. The Signal
joins in, extending or ogratuhitione t
our genial fellow citizen.
-The nuonagement of the Lye
theatre deities to thank all those wh
so liberally roopoorted to their tipper
on behalf of the Red Crows relief fund
abro to the member. of the :On) my'
went bend for their kind and rolun
Italy attendaece during the evonjng,
enabling the management to'give
for t his door vine obis. t.
-Two of one local auttneta came tf
gothee In eollieion on the Huron road
taro Sunday afternoon- No pereirma
were suet iined, Mit both ears
received minor injuries. The driver.
toe both very niodeot citizens and
have no /treat aspiration to me their
oaasteaw Klatt. hetet they are omit-
-.Me. Hush Hill brought an auto
k hod tit Remain/sr eitiron• to
erotieviaben ilotedissf. eviipiret. Icv t he
1 tors of the Cenadian expeditionary
,!11 force should bit sent to them, without
t• delay, to Selisbury Plain, England.
6 The postmaster will so* that all letters
politer, at his office, or pulsing through
his office, are redirected as indicated
Food Supplies
During War Time
Rumours are in cited/Won
thoi, we are unoble to supply
orders owing to wiir demand.
This stasetnent is absolutely
incorrect- We are filling
our orders as usual. Insist
On gettiog what you ask for
‘,S` CLARK, Limited
-A good specimen of squash is on
view in Mr. J. J. MitEwen's store win
ffow. It wire groove alt the farm
Meows. 11. *aid F. Barker. on th
routheriy limits of the toon, an
weighs 130 pounds.
-Postmaster Galt is informed tha
all correspondence Addreated to mem
Ole youngest woman Laoyer In the
United States. She passef. the state
bar examination in Oklahoma City
and was 'tainted to practice. Be-
sides practicing law, Miss Fuss, who
of' hi cal, ill years skk. holds. the aloe.
e of general secretary of the Arkansas
South western Women's Aar Ass°.
t dation.
-Britannia botnch at the Red Cross
, society will hold • sale of home-made
dainties on Saturday, October 241b.
•1 the store on the opener of !footrest
street and the Square hy kind perinit-
o *ion of Mr. Robert McLean. Cake,
g Arend, pies, madies, ate.. twill he sold
throughout the day. Your patronage
o is solizited.
- -Another pleating organ recital
t was given in $t. fisorste'e church on
✓ Sunday Me number* played
by Mr. F. W. Robinson, the oreenist.
were: ••Orand Cheour °hideout."
. lOirrouti: -Andente l ti" (Batiste):
t ''Jerurialern Use tirilden," with eerie-
- tions (Spank); "Marc), of the lertel-
- ites" tOostai. Two same. "The Ninety
and Nine?' and "Heaven ie My Home,"
o were prettily sung by Mr.'. Frank
Next Sunday is the Epworth League
. anniversery in North wrest Methodist
_ church Rev. W. K. Heger will preecti
on "Life's. Opp irtuniiiee." In the
evening Hew. V. 3. Rutherford, B.A.,
of Henniiller, will be tbe sweaeher. An
. especially attractive service will be
held next Tuesday eveniog.
I Victoria street :Methodist church on
Senility next the pastor. ReV. J. K.
Ford, will preach morning and even -
reg. The morning subject
Raw Material of Toringht." Evening :
"A Prayer for Humble Life."
Evee7 Prefihyter so ift town should
be at Koos church on Sunday to hoer
read tbe pastoral letter from Ors mod-
erator01 the general smoothly. The
'object 01 1.10 nmening addressor/ill be
"The lira Behind the Raggilger'`'
Rev. Geo. K. Rces. In the evenine
"The Call to Doty' Will be tbeeubtect
Mr. H. M. Merry. • Haptiet leyntan
of Westford. will c Adore the nerwi:,.o
Is the Baptist chitr,11 oe Sundey next,
bith morning an.) «vening.
purpose of * t • ending the Serail !Vib-
e*, CO. perforroanee in the Vietoria
opera home They w. re lilt delighted
with the Roe formanee arid returned
home well pleased with the evening'.
rtuti ng.
°wine: to the reviler meeting day
01 11. General firough dewier falling
045 Tlionskgivine day. so groveling wee
beid hot • meeting will lei held on
Tuesday next. October 20,h. at four
o'clock in the (smart douse. All mem-
bers ars urgently renovated to he pea,
out , when the wieter's work will be
-Nino tams* mot nor OOP Weet
effeet howlinp 'men on Monday to
play fOr wordral atreetive prism nf
eye and some The game* played
heotch doubles. The first (meat
woo hy Mr. D. Sheiu-er •nd Dr.
• piesitue. skip. The ...outlet *vest
won by Mr. C. Griffith and Mr.
• Humiler. skip
Me Salvation Army ball was fill -
LO its capacity on Thumb/ay .V.n-
01 week when Captain Ven
Van de Vesper. of Toellni.O. (*Re
Ihrittrated lecture on Holland The
er was bore In that military and
shred the cheese -ter arid eustoms
De people with wrest eistarners. at
et he la at the bead of the Immo-
km work of the Salvatine Army
Caeada. Re mid he bad twee In
mustriee aad wield speak four-
• Silas
wheal fir Mks& alfeedsirlo
VOW/ tarigresedteigi=801. to
wens* Me
•••••••• Wren ma
to saa or Ier mg
Tairairigitlitervies vim& Arpin ter them wb: der
merral rangier. i OWNS le efifilld1901ellagrthe ani
amoraly wish to Improve thole eit
winter meetlw I speak
Tao 1 Sates School es COM reel.:Zurnele- .10
tarin.11= trel. Wire enter ear theaM; 'a t
tam whe emit speed im elm a term .
iamb mermWe Morremesewees mere Ire ;it -a --
Wool 111.4 the Primer) will b• In
wrtro=r tall at the UAW
ki salon awl ••••stoefwa es= muss.
IMMO. he
Public Library Soard
At the meeting oo Saturday even-
ing the anemone ordered yield were
the helenee due Masora Mcnoriagh &
Gledhill on W1 tons of cool, anumni Ong
to *117.511, and sloe inansioner renewals
of SUM) tri Mr J. W. Cralirle and
17.0) to Me. O. F. Carey.
Menem Long, Elliott end }fowler
woro eltPnintad eoussesitfee lo cooler
with the ladies of the women•• insti-
tute with regard to the use by the
latter of She mem is the hammiest as
• place of tweeting It sae also decid-
ed to alit toe tenders for patine it. a
Tbe librarian report -II receipts dor•
rftiptembror of Sala earl me issue of
1408 boots and ni g softies.
-"Oreation" ha+ hear trathusimtie-
ally rseeived in kleadrede of cities:
I 1511eLreo4traturned awallnrion`roda tire
A onus et
first night it wee exhibited there. See I
to the
Is tratirely tree at the Lyrie theatre.
Daily imbibition al Owes and siert
Troublesome Twirui
Twins In the French army are emus
ing the officio/a a lot of trouble. TheY
so closely resemble each other they
can fool all the officers, and when
one has a privilege he will trade it
with the other for a reasonable sum.
This Interchange has been the cause
a a great lack of discipline in the
Ore day one of the brothers . woe
cotinned to the barracks, but by chang-
ing hts cap with its regimental num-
ber for that of his brother, the de -
haulier was able to pass the guard
with impunity whenever he wanted
to go out. The colonel or the regi-
ment has now issued the following
"Tbe soldier Bonhomme (e% en nutn-
ber) will wear his hair as long as
Ole regulations, construed with the
utmost leniency, will allow, and will
shave his beard and moustache. The
D oldier •Lionhomme (odd number) wUl
allow his beard and mousteche to
grow full and will hare his hair
regularly cut ea closely as poisalbfe
by the regimental barber,"
The Chinch Bug
In the United States the losses due
to the‘ ravages a tail Manch Bug,
during the last sixty years, consider-
ehly exceeded $340,000,000. Portun
ately uo very serious outbreaks have,
as Tel, occurred In Canada, but the
basset has established itself ha Middle -
gm Writ/ la Ottario, ae4 hes beast.
reported also from Nova Scotto':
Invented New Word
Wrench scientists have adopted the
'wood "frtgory.- meaning the amoent
a cold necessary to reduoe the tem-
perature a a kllottrant of writer oate
degree Centigrade. aa a milt of male-
warm:tent for refrigerating and allied
Indust ries
Coshing by Ges-jet
Per cookie* small articles • Wes-
tern Inventor has palmated a pre,
adjustable at vary; 4111ghts along
a 1-04. to he clam a Oa ilsbt
Sinictocies as ilitteewlere
ordinary spectacles ten toe made
tn eery* as tihmoulare by the Inns -
Ono of a frame koldlna an aralitary
pair of leases to he fastened fa from
of to. others.
Hungary prohibits the was tie osier.
lag extracts in beer.
You brow bov everything
CANAJDA costa mays rasa you have to
Ibuy co credit. Why not
practice sell-diudal a virile if anceasary, ogee a Saviap Account
in the Union Bank of Canada, and, with the money In hand.
buy at Cash picas? The dlacount3 will help So swell your bank
balsam and you vil liars made a good Mart towards fiusula
C.adi he las lamk
Tin Can So is
Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager..
F. W. Roblosoa, A.R.C.O.
TEA( Urn Ofkr
Pianoforte. Organ sad Sine*
Statile ever Themeses Reek Siete
oonanttli -:- 0:imam°
Successful Thanksgiving Supper
This Thankagiving "'upper and en- '
tertainment in Vietria street Metho-
dist chinch on Monday was considered
a great success. The attendance was
good and theprogramme given was of
a very high Order. It included shat
addresses front visiting ministers,
musical selections and vocal solos by
Mrs. Oro. H. King and °there and also
borne good recitations by Miss flowlhy,
of Windsior, who is the guest of Rey.
J. E. Ford.
First Literary Meeting
The fIr5t meeting of the literary soci-
ety of the tioderich collegiste institute
Was held last evening. A
varied and intereating programme bad
been arranged and Was successfully
carried out. It consisted of the piesi-
dent'. inaugund addrem he Mies Jeroi
Nsirie, an Andrew; by Ret. Geo. R.
ROW, ruusiral iselectiour hy Mies Plor.
(Ince-Smith and Misses May Hod Edith
McManus, a reading by Miss M. Clif-
ford, and a debate: -Resolved, that
toriodicithi do mote harm than good.''
The affirmative was upheld by Mr.
Cytil Dalton tool Miss Jean ideEwon
and the negAtive by Mr. Maithinds
Pridhain and Mies (have Pinder. The
judges dtcioion rims in fevor of the af-
ar tive.
The meet ing closed with a good lous-
ing chorus by a number of girls and
the singing a theNtitional Anthem.
- - - -
Jubilee Singers Coming
The famous Canadian Jubilee Sing-
ers are coming to lictlerich and will
give a conceit in Victoria street
Methodist church on Friday evening,
October 3rd, commencing et eight
o'clock. The admission esti' be 26
coots And 15 cents for children.
Rey. K. B. Marie, prom a the Bap -
tat church at Baraboo, Wisconsin,
has the following to say in reference
to them famous singers :-It affords
me great pleasure to bear teitituony
to the efficiency of the Canadian
Jubilee Singere in the art of entertain-
ing. TbeY appeared before • large
audience in roy church on Saturday
e•enioe, and delighted their bearers.
The following timidity evening they
gave a sacred concert to crowded
bootie 14.4, he oime place, and every
nutnber %as highly Orman,. We can-
not say too numb in their favor, and
would gladly arrange tor a return en-,, believing that they would be
greeted by a much larger congrega-
Children's Aid Lecture
Mr. C. Mortimer Bezzo, of Berlin,
will give his popular lecture, entitled:
"Recalled to Life," In the Temperance
hall on Mond .y evening, October 19t11.
under tile auspices of the Children's
Aid society. A merle quartette will
sing and there will also be in at 'open-
tal duet,. Mayor Reid will he chair
mac and the adtuission will be a silver
Mr. Brum recently lectured in Wis.
terbourne and a Nietoo despatch makes
the followine refererice to the mime :-
Mr. C. Mortimer liezzo delighted a
large and enthusiastic audience in the
Preebyterian ehurrh here 'last night,
when he delivered him popular lecture,
"Recalled to Life." For an hour anti
a half he emnpletely coteried the trudi
dence with him as he unfolded hit
wonderful story, couch of which is laid
In the time of the French revolution.
The lecture is appropriately interspers-
ed with humorous anecdotes which
were greatly appreviated. Mr. Henna
was tendered • hearty vote of thanks at
the c ue on .*ni the aunikrance tbat
hie return at a future date would be
Giving Great Performances •
Local theatre -goers have hero
entertained this week by the Sarah
wisuflitiney....0o,udaintegat`. *Koha,prageorgove been bro.l.moding
forth at the Victoria opera house,
night. Every Itilliblerr of` the, MOW'
rAnY ie •0 artist. Their work is not
vf the rheap kind but high clam in
every respect It is a long Ilene eines
(inderieb ims been favored with such
stage work as has hem seen here this
M's* Gihney has Irv, epee). mi an
mimeo and the gown' worn by her are
mexivhi of the dreeineakees art. The ,
gowns worn hy all the lady inroibers
of the vonspany are beautiful in de-
sign end style. of moth member of the
cotnpany is so good Ulm it is hard for
any (fee to speeialise, but the work of
Mr. Welker Wileon le excepUonaily
Tomorrow night Um oompany will
mweent "Me Reset of s Princess,"
fiaterday Wahl, 'MA Girl with tie
(hetet Rym," Illiewilay night. ',Paid in
Pull," Merit* night, "Me Two Clri
Waaamodac night, ovisapity
flsfl,Tbareiley night, •Tivelesis„" anal
Friday nigin,, "Peg o' My Hese."
IMaple Leaf Grocery
Week -End
lopes, Cranbei•ri e •,
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as, Oranges.
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Cooked Ham, Jellietl
Special roll
Bacon. Breakfatit Recoil
and Uottage fisuav.
A complete assortmen:
of ail se...tamable vows
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