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The Signal, 1914-10-15, Page 4
TRVIMDAY, OCis.gn lir •d $ZONAL : GOD1RIOH : ONTARIO -The- Canadian The_ Canadian Clothiers LEVITZ & URRA Pretreated Moony will ...refunded oo any article purchased ben that is not found to be .etiefactory. Just arrived A Full Line of Winter Coats 'and Suits In all the latest styles and shades. Call and in- spect our stock. ............ millinery \\'e have cut the juices about in ball in our Mill- inery. We are giving exceptionally good cal. ties in trimmed and un - ti Mimed Hate. 0g1N1T"lmnr DOCTORS DID tUse NOT HELP HER lir. Thanksgiving Harvey t MhabNl M. YcDwsgan and sister. el Ben - forth. are visiting in the neighbor - 11004. Mrs. John Smythe and three chil- dren, of Stratford. ere visiting her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Olen Newton. OOOERICH TOWNSHIP The tsembees of the United Patrio- tic 'twisty will bold sewing Patrio- ts.' the bosses of Mts. \Vaster Hi Huron road, on Thursday. October Y9od. and Mr*. James Rose, Colon side road, on Friday, October &led These meetings begin at 110 p.m. Remem- ber the buaivas, wrutiug at the home of Mrs. Oliver Edwar't) 0o Friday,. November 0th. Stylish young wen will admits TDE NEW YORK The latest thing in Shoes manufactured by ,the Hatt Shoe Company. Style combined with service and comfort. We hove just received a ship- ment. Call in end look them over and note especially the ma- terial in Velour Calf, the Re- •eede Toe the Low Heel, the In- visible Eyelet. Try a pair, you will like them. they are K•1od. J. N. McClinton's. Itepsirng 11,01111111y ..'tended tai BRUCEFIELD Mr. Welter Watts. manager of the Bank of Commerce at Marwura, visit- ed here teat week. Mr. George Turner and wife, of Drayton vi.ited Mr. Turner's mother and enter hen laet week. A meeting was held on Wednesday evening after the prayer meeting to form a patriotic fund, when the nec-s- eary oMcets were elected and canvas- sers appointed to canvass the coin - woolly. It is hoped that a genet°u• response will 11e given to the workers Preparatory services wilt he held in the Presbyterian church next Friday after000u, when the Rev. J. G. Field. of London. will preach. Communion will be beld on the$ullowing Suniey. ' But Lydia E. Piekballs's V.a- I listable Compound Restored Mss. Bradley's Heald* - i wbtafpcg, Canada - „ Dews years ago I wast to the Victoria Hospital, 1, Montreal, out. Aug with a growth. The doctors said It was a termor sad meld not be removed as it wonld cause Medal death. They toned that my organs were affected. sad said I could sot live mon than six months in the condition I was is -After I came home I saw your adver- tisement in the paper, and commenced taking Lydia E. Pfnkbam's Vegetable Compound. I took it coostantly for two years, and still take it at times, and both my husband and myself claim that It was the mew of saving my life. 1 highly recommend it to suffering women "-Mrs. ORILLA BRADLEY, '2114 Johnson Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Can. Why will women take chances or drag out a sickly, half-hearted existence, miss- ing throe -fourths of the joy of living. when they can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound ? For thirty years it AMI3ERLEY has been the stan- Wedneeday evening the choir of dard remedy for to Pine River Preebyierian church male ills, and has re - gathered at the home of Mr. James stored the health of Courtney to say good-bye to him before thousands of women he left for hie new hon.e in Seatorth. who have been frau_ The evening war spent itt "um" uand bled with such all - games, and an intereating part of the menta as displacements, Inflammation. Her Own Statement. a programme was the reading of an ad- dress by Mr. David Cordis, testifying to the high esteem in which Mr. Courtney was held. and Mr. Robert Steelr presented bins with a beautiful watchful,. After Mr. Courtney 'made a fitting reply all joined in singing "For He's a jolty Hood Fellow. Mr. Courtney has been a good end faith- ful worker in Sunday school and church and will 1* meetly missed by young end old. COLBORNE \l.. Charlet, Breckow it having cern- , rut Hoots laid in Lis s'ahlrs this week. •Mr. Manuel Maedel, of Norwich. spent Tbauksgiving under the parer.- 'tal loot Mrs. L Grote.. and daughter, . of 1 Mildmay, are visiting wth her par- t encs thir, week. Mr. and Mr.. M. Allis, of Anb.trn. W1rnti Sunday with relative* on the Maitland concession. Constipation is t of odd ate -harsh cath s aggra- vate, avoid them use Cham- berlains Tablets, the mildest and gentlest oft aaati ves - hest for the ;;11/41,..41,1:4: DM.ie ...d and the eel. yrbym...seau r M ran ADVERTISE IN THE MORAL We ate pleased to' see tbat Mee. M. Schunz is able to be around again after her r•eoent illness. Mr. John Ducats has pur:haaed a power outfit, consisting of gasoline engine., ensilage cutter. crusher, gt ind• er, etc. Jack believes In being up to- distr. DUNGANNON Dungannon branch of the women's institute will hold their reg- ular monthly meeting on Thui+day, October `22nd, in the Afternoon at two o'clock. A talk will be given by Mn. Gomm on "The Influence of Environ- ment." A paper will be teed by Miss Florence Duff oo "Pickles," which will he followed by discussion. it im also expected that Mr'. Kilb.ide of Clinton, will he present and will ad- dress the meeting. Arraogewenta have been made for several mu-ical selections. It is earnestly requested that every pnember should be present as plans are to be discussed as to ways and moons of peparing a hamper to be ftu•warded to the soldiers at the front under the auspices of the Red Crow work. LAURIER Wedding hells are ringing. Quite a number of the young sten spent Thaukagiving day huntio,r. Mr. Charles Marfiregor, of Sebring- ville, celled nn friends In this vicin`.ty. Mr. Fred Ross, of Duogannon, spent the week -end at the home of hie sister, Mn. J. McNair Mies Madge McDonald. of Toronto. •tent Thanksgiving with ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald. Mr.. It. McNain, who hsa been sick for snore time. is not improving as fast as her Many friends would like. Mr. and Mn. Phillip McMillan and family, of Lucknow, spot Thanks- giving day at the home of Mr. D. McLean. Mrs. Neil ticodhand and daughter, of Detroit, and Mita Annie Blue, of Amherley, were the guests of Mn. K. J. M,Kenxie one day teat week. AL AUAN - The merchants of Aubutt will dose their places of business, after the week peltation ( tettahn . Ulla. enn$i+deres• day and Friday evenings of eaeb week at 8.30 p. m. The kind assistance of all customers i. tit Neatly requested in carrying out this movement. ''here will be • Guy Fawkes con- cert in the Foresters hall on Thursday evening, November 5th, commencing at 7.8n o'clock, The concert will he given under the auspices of Knox church and the programme will con- sist of vocal and instrumental music and reciLttlone. Mr. J. H. Cameron, the premier comic and patriotic sing- er and entertainer. will be present and will be assisted by Mr. R. Red- mond and Knox church choir. The admission le only SE (cuts and • new treat ie in store for anyone who at- tends. MORRIS Many friends and neighbors of the huh eonceasioe 01 Morrie towwabip will regret to learn of the death at Aries, Mentions. on 13spbembr 113th of Jeanie Dick, eldest daroghilsr 01 the lata James DNek, of Moreli. and wife of Me. Gennep Rttnee.. ts.sarty n..1 Corrie. The dee seed 11a•ddy� was • aa- tiv* of Olaagow, leotla 4. and cease to O.tario with her parents when bet aa Infant. Her early girlhood wee gent in Morris. Twenty-six years ayo she went to Ponta s M Prairie, wtisee eh* married sad went W n► side at Arden. Manitoba. Home years t+ D disease of the heart bogy to ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc. 11 you want special advice write to Lydia E. Plnkham Med- !dine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Maas. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and bead in Wriest st confdenoe. trouble her and this war int reseed by a sevrte attack "t pneumonia last 'prima. She was a faithful meinher art the Pr. ebyterian chug ch at Arden, and an earnest wot kir in the \ 'oweu'a onart, auxiliary. She leaves to mourn her lots her bushaid. one sou and one daughter. who will .sadly wise her counsel and care. Her sitter* ate Mr -..John Jamison. of Morris: Min. W. U. L'ndslrerough, of the Kipped ruled, Tuckerewith, and Miss Agnes Dick, of Arden, Manitoba. 'Elie fun- eral took place ..n Friday to Arden cemetery, and was conducted by her paatbr, Rev. F. C. Pe.-kover. eosins and the Whim wars peweNM with an ahgwdanae of tea eery bask and bad M be reps Bebe d manly them. Abloom were &armee Argo i Revs Meese& Mc/arian. Lathe. Wes iio ret,o/ Isbell. of ▪ excellent medi a which were mac. appsesitatsd 6! .udiesse while the mw.teal esieet of Mr. Jobe Marvb. d jirinto n sad Mr. John .too• t of RsgMto, were aq that could he desired said wen repeatedly ttp- plaetded. The proceeds amounted to �$1 1The pastor, the ladles mod the •. oosgregalloa geer•ll) are to be ora- 4 gratulatsd on tb.,uarked Buenas at. cesdlag this anniversary treraaton. KIPPER One by one the pioneers of Huron county are passing to their award. lsavlog as a saosuweat of their enter- prise sad frugality, our of the grandest and most (.1411. counties i0. our Du- nrinton, The hast to pen to that realm b•M.od the bourne was Mr. John Mc- Donald, o-Lhrnald, of the Itod of Tuckerauitb, at f be age 0.179 rrears, aft er a shoe t WornMr. Mc ..I era boro in B.ederl.lch, Ann beehive, Scotland, and ewigrsi.d with hid parents to Canada in 185), settling on lot 19, coucee-io'i 2 Tooker - e mit h, and lived then up to his death. Hew As member of lung standing in the Kippen Pre-bvteriao eburrb sod when at all possible never failed to he io his pew. In polities be was • steuoch Liberal. Mr, Melional.l was en upright and c..oacieotlous man, e triviug always to do what be believed was right. He was tboroe jbly trusted and greatly respected by all who knew bim and leaves hehin•f hint the heri- tage of a hlansele.s life and a good haute. Luting his long life he wee omitted among the hardy ons and till up to his death was always able to go around and ere that things were kept in proper fader. The remains welt- laid to rest in B..ird'r cemetery and the funeral largely attended hy neightwr. and t' i'-nd■. The Morel oc- tet logo weir wf tleru,iful,showing the high tweets' nil which hr was held. Among 1hoes .e to.. ,.ttrud.d the funer- al from a di.tai •'• were Mas. Peter Murn.y, Deo -pi . Mr. and Mrs. &.'b. Mrs. Hyrant meed -.u.. Mr-. Hoppa, Mr. D. Mcol •.y auJ MI-. Murray, London: Mr. D. McKay, Hamilton : Mr. and Mrs D. aid-Co+an. McKillop; John, Aro hie and Mi.. McCowan, Stanley. ST. HELENS Ms..Hohineowtnok a trip down 1 Fergus on Satt'rda . Mr. and Mn. J. 11. Rutherford were in liudetirh on Saturday. The township council ars busy gath- ering up produce for the relief fund. Miss Margaret Miller spent • the weekend et Nile. the guest of Miss Eltna Git vire Mr. John %Vrlhue, of Ravenswood, spent Tuanksg,ving with his sister, Mrs. John Miller. lhe sacrament will be dispensed itt Celviu chmcb next Sunday, Octo- ber 18th. Service at 10.3). Rev. \Vm. Mackinto.h preached preparatory services at Lochath on Friday And Saturday morning Mise Anna Stuart lett un Saturday on a trip •o Locan and London. She expects to spend a month visiting her friends. Toe Miller snore i • pre pare, to take fowl every Wednesday and Thursday mornings. All live fowl must be starv- ed. Blithest pricey paid. Yes -it. Home for th'e bolida7s : Miss Elisa- beth Rutherford, of Linwood; Mitoses Versa Wood* and Della Cranston, and M,. Ewart McPhrr.on, cif Wingbam ; Mita Chrism Mitler, of Stratford nor - mel ; Miss May Cameron, of Hamilton normal. CJLBORNE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL 3 3 3 l',.lh,rrne township rouu.sl wet in the''owurhip hallon Tuesday of this week ; n.embe,n all present. Miuutes of lab( meeting tend. .and on motion of Coons. Snyder and liethetingtun were adopted. Proposed by (.11n. ('hisbotu, that we parr bylaw et:ipoweaing the reeve and treasurer ti. borrow 81(X10 to pee the r•unoing exp.•n.es of the council till the taxa are collected. -Carried. The following accounts were proved and orders drawn on the tr.sa.wer fur YAM/ :-Star Printing Co., bill of priutiog, $64.80; Muu cepa' World, blank forma acd .upplie., 35146. A let lee was irceaved front the county clerk, a.kiug the couneil Lo or -opt -rote frith are ether- le*trahtprt ins the county itt eroding oats, p0 tatoes or apple* to aid the Patriotic Viol in rending gifts stud necies awasour soldiers and It nes in Fraooe. Proposed by Course. Snyder and Chisholm, that the township be divid- ed,iolt. divisions Aad canvassed by the following :-- Maitland cnnceraioo, W. B. Furter; cons. 1 and 4. K.D., J. N. Keroighao : co..s. $ and 1. &D. Luther Allen ; conn 3 and 8, E.D., Andrew atillian ; mums. 7 *red 8, S.D., Thomas Roberwpa ;„ none. 9 and 10, E.D., and north b .0 dot y, T. 0. ells - herd ; from Bermilier to Saltfcwd, Isaac Fisher; from Zion church W Jeokin's corner, Alex. Robertson ; coos. 8 and tr, \V.D., J. A. S. Varcue ; eons. 10 and 11, W.D.. W. J. McCabe; o ,ns. 12 and 13, W.D., and north r•ounda.y, Jomeph Hetherington ; Salt - ford, W. bow. Bach canva.arr to see that the coouibutions be sent to Me - (Jaw station on Octohei 98th. Moved by Comm. Y..uug and Chia - holm. that we adjourn to meet on Tueday, November loth. at 1.30 p.m. R. Mil LwAis. Clerk. LEEBUHN Mise L'szie Horton was in Ooderich for a few days last week. Min Jessie I.inklater, of Crediton, WAY home for Thanksgiving day. Our tes.:ber, Miss Stella Kirk, was in Dungannon at her home over the weekend. Mrs. Wee. Ruston and little daugh- ter, Margaret. of Stratford. is visiting at ib. foemet's old borne. Mr. E. V. Lawson came up from Guelph last week and spent • few days with old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jame. Oliddon and family, of Hamilton, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Oliddon. Mies Wincie Shave, of Toronto, and Nee Ruth Shaw, at - Grand Yater,' spent Tb•aksglvine at their home here. ;3e.^aller: Relettop. %s wearing, a .road smile the.. days. A young (lamb ter came to brighten their home. Miner Lillie Loutenalayer, Ines Will- iams, Anna and Etta Stewart. of the Ooderich collegiate Institute. spent Thanksgiving at their respective hummer here. The •humid thank -offering meeting of abs Women's Mieeionary society of tee rn Prdabyterlen church be held \ In the church on • Weddeatiay night October lith, wbeu Mrs. Turn- er. )f Blyth. *111 eddies' the ladies of the society and their friends. McKILLOP The anniversary services in DuWs church on fishtail of last week wen eneoes.ful and interesting as usual The movies both foresworn and evas- ion were *Winced try Rev. Alfred Me Partawe,' B. D. M Heylled, .bo de- livered two Maraeet and abndeseoursae to large ensgr gatloas. deer* w.a apodias meek by tbe choir sad soles were rwads.ed by Mee SeaMarling sad Mies 1leFartatee, of (tor livid. On the Mondayevenisg follow'.the ea- alvereary owl g supper we. held. The weather was favorable, height stoea- light sad nee of the most enema evenings of the season and the the aatteN- onoe was the oher.b bei nd+alading d of the eon r•r'Raaoa always gsssreet: provider, were fully equal to the os For Eczema 3 i 3 3 3 Use a mild mouthing wash that instant - 1y stops the inch. We have sold many other ',medium for ekin trouble but none that we could personally recommend aa we do the D.D.D Prescription. 1f I bad Ecsema I'd use D.U.D. Prescription 4 i No Increase in price. Notwithstand- ing heavy ince rase in Inst of import. ant ingredients p.tce tea.aitie the same. JAMES A. CAMPBELL, Central Drug Store, Goderich. -Thr young ladies of Wroxeter tabard $ne.S,rfiu, the rstri'btic fot.d. 3 3 3 3 Every Day Every Week And at all times we aim to give the beetiW VALUES obtainable kr dependable sea_ amiable merchandise you can confine your purchases to this store with the satisfaction of knowing that you can 1 depend on the quality of our goods and a certainty of the price being right. Read the following items, Costs, Velvets, Corsets, Underwear, Silks, Rugs and Linoleums. The early buyer this year will fare the best. COATS Never have we carried such • complete Ince of Fall and Winter Coats. From the dainty cheek to the plain cloth. We stead behind every Coma we sell and guarantee absolute satisfaction. Now is the ,irate to buy your new Fall Coat before the Mork b all twee picked over. We feel sureif you oat g insp. et our Costa you will Sod oto your likings. Our prix's w from $10.00 to MOO. Our ebeap Coats ate aa up-to-date in cut and finieb as the cone.more expensive e. Buy • Rogers garment sad get the latest CORSETS 1f you want • corset at 110c, 86c, 31.ti, 31.26, 31.50 or 32110, come ben and ask for D t A. Nothing so good at the above prices. We a selling mores than eves of them. It is easy to guess the reason. For a higher priced Corset ex- amine our New York W.B. SILKS A fine asr'Romanenent of Roan striped alias, snort of them 98 inches wide in fancy odors used for girdles and Gin) in" �•. a ■e W. B. Corsets. Perrin's Gloves UNDERWEAR Our Fall Uadorwear if all la stock now and we ori els igt e:M ernt wakes for Ladies, Misses and fyw, What we are showing at 116c, Sls and po is quite equal to. U not better than our oAsem iige la foresee years. VELVETS We oacer bad so large • stook of Dress Vel- vet, cones, black and coes, In pial, weave., striper and boldface' gibe. Pekoe from 00c to $1.93. Tbe.e velvets ars Warren. fast dye. and silk flash.RIBBONS One doses mule of OleanRlbboo., four to nether eher wide, ooe and a half yards in earl'piece and no two alike. Roman stripe. and hr"- ceded patterns very new for girdles. RUGS, LINOLEUMS, AND OILCLOTHS In these we have a very excellent •bfw.. , this season J. N. COLBORNE THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY Soar Ho Standard Fannin, TTTTTti'tTTT*TTT*qufwtuTTTTl'tT T'fofvf Tflu'PTT �ToP it Revivalist of New Order Hers There is a species of revivalist new under the .un -{roe which astounds the worthy old divines who. with pounding* of pulpit and roaring por- t royals of wrath to come, once dragged sinners to the "u,ourm -m s bench." The photo -drama of "Creation" eloquently sets forth the Cteetor'y benefixnt de- signs for His rreatnre. end thous the progressive steps in the divine or...er of creation to its completion. Whosoever will my curve without u obey or price and learn by the medium of eye and ear how through all the ages one eternal purpose runs. At. this -oboe" no admission fee is re- quited ; at this "service'' no collection is taken. Children are admitted when acowmpenied by adults. The enter- tsioment is part of • world-wide cam- paign W arouse au apathetic race to things religious. The international Hibb Students aamociation is back of the movement, headed by its presi- dent, Pastor C. T. Russell, of the Lon- don sod Brooklyn tabernacles. The instruction is nonsectarian. Similar masibittdsaa aeaproposed ter all . drills of America and Europe, One hundred ..ud fifty audiences view the pictures daily, which can be seen at the Lyric theatre each day at three and eight o'clock. A Woman of Few Words -1 Mrs. Harry E Bye, Maio street north, Mount Forest, Ont., writes: "Your remedy for kidney, bladder and .eomach trouble has given me great relief. Have taken three boxes and now feel like living and better than I have felt for years and I give your FIG PILLS all the praise for they are the beat 1 have ever tried." At all dealers, 25 and 54) cents or The Fig Pill Co., til. Thomas, Ont Sold in Godertcb bj E. R. tVigle.druggist -Phe thrilling drama of human history is indented in moving pic- tures and strreoptican slides in "Creation" to be shown free of charge at the Lyric theatre at three and eight p.m. A young moo named George Ed- ward Deakin, aged Ili tears, was found Ed- :rill ib the gasoline pit of the Orand Trunk shop at Stratford. Evidently be bad gone to 1111c. can with gasoline and being overcome either with heart weakness or with the fumes of the gasoline had falleu while the trap was open and was aspbvxiated in the oil which was two feet deep when he was discovered by a fellow employee. -The bearing of the application n( Benet township for an order to relieve the township from the ohl,gation to repslr, or rebuild tt lith c�mcession bridge, will. a vievr W closing that redwas heard before Iles tentoria Railway and Municipal hoard at the Walks'ston court house. The hearing began at ten o dock and war no; con eluded until two pent. when the board reserved decision for two weeks. -Jrdgmewt woe on is -the divisional smart at vMat moot 1 in the case of Campbell vs. Irwin. This was the cw bs'u 0.h Mr. F. A. ()smpbell. of Mltab. 1, was shills the ie wan connection with •deal for property on King street, Toronto. Judgment was given for plsiotif7 for sin,*at and cote- The ease has been U ind in sev- eral courts and Mr. Campbell has won In every instance. -The ens of Rork vs. Weeenb.rg was tried lectors Judge Barron at Mitchell. The plaintiff claimed a bal- e en' ot-omething over 3X1.) for sup- plying materiale used by the defend- s; In 1.ul)ding two bowing In MtlCt,U. Ili. defendant tonleeded ..bat ha had overpaid the plaintiff and therefore defended the action. Me bonor found • halanee in favor of the plaintiff of $44 73. and gave judgment dor that aerostat with county noon x -Me. Fred C. Hord, of Itebell. was seumnoned to appear before Mr. Mr. W. H. Cloy. aroeonw magistrate for driving his auto on the 13th of September at more than 20 miles per hoer In the Markham towadip. Mr. Hoed wrote to him Mating that slath- er lee nor hie oar hod h.en within many mile. of Markham for w.nolha. The snagietrat• in reply Mated that hie *Mere bad evidently rade • rate take he flee number of the ear sad that nothingfather need ins dose. -Er. and Mrs. Jona Ward, of Logen. 'Plebrsl'd thele golden wed- dlag qa =�eptyenebsr tbtb. The bowie woe boa UfalIy beo.ated few the oe- 5 . sad the .wplbse Of wetly pr& . MR. W ALTIR wuaus lam/lag man is ttkr Sash Ywney 0o. now aposatteilylstoria opws R A N G E 8 11_:c. - s....."0..,:- .t.V',:r."-- THE ANDO H E A T E R ••Rest construetad and iw,Mwt rgwgw M tuba rsrket." 'tWby not bete neer " .v. beef sswrt erne•,.' "•(Lasko rod babas pg.rfeetlo." "Thoroughly gtsarantent. ' • ' • •Priele-J - by air- ammo We have a cowpbte atnortmeot from which to choose, al.., a full lice of Meetary's Fawns* Rose Bn•n•r Heate•w 8se owe Ihw and Ret booklet ilelag dotafb before bsyns. Howell Hardware Co. SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE PHONE :,: LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC --:-AND-._ UNPRECEDENTED 5CtIWL OFeo' ELOCUTION, LIMIT D L --:-AND-:- SCtIOOL OF LIMITED UNPRECEDENTED OFFER OF SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZES Write for Particulars LOTTIE ARMSTRONG, P. LINFOkTH WILLGOOSE. Registrar. Mas. Bac. tD>eneln:i Principal Address: -354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont. smite bespoke the high esteem in which the honored eoupb are held. After a social time, during the after- noon. ttern'1on. the guests sat down to a WIMP Grouts repast. The tables were desoea- tad with chrysanthemum•, and ibe good thkwge to eat were served la sbawdanse. -Mr. and Mr.. Raymond 8.1.11 who live near Formosa. reeelved Use e.411 ,.saws last week of the d.atb of their sun Lawrence, white to di place is Swift (Coervnt, YS.kdtr►ewaw. Me. 8ehi11 was running a well drigiag ma- chine sad .whoa la the deaths eft a well In the vicinity of Fox Valley, me Aoguet Slat, be was overcame by pp.,� and while heir' hnbbad to the .ste(tsoo .by hie hroebe , 1•t'rdl, Diriblrb3t' beet became caught revisiting In a tweakbsl� of hie 'pipe at the s&ulders. He was immed sly taken to the Swift Cur- rent tat where be remained ewlil his which occurred no Rapines - bee S91h. Deeeaesd, was 33 years of age was bore near Formosa, when his parents Wails rein... The young am leave to mourn his loss besiM his parents, four brothers and four ''haters. -Ontario farmer, have already of- fered lb carloads of products for Ore needBelgie's. -Portugal began yesterday a partes mobiBeation of troops,. Sick Hssdstbsa-- ar set nosed by anything wren la the bead, bet py eesseipation, bilious. mess and i.d astiw. Headache powders or tablets may deadest but caseate site than Dr. Mens'. Isdia Best Ms de cure sick head- ache is the sessile way by rrmoviag the eesstipetips er sickatomad which caused them. Dr. Mose''. ladiaa Rost t5s am= ve table. free frees say kv>•/1t1g . We dmit aekuisave. Whoa yes f.11 h • Dr. Alone.'• Indian Root Pills a►. AN -ab , 64 ;!aasyt 441 a - OI12TA1120 POOS'i.IFT Th. loans y Plow ie t to heel.. 0. her Muter Riding P1... p. r r seario Fuel* ectad crib lirrw We Mire Ceara sad bid K.tn- Wan.i wawa ( abs;trrsineM Waiting Mow.. Ceeb•batt Dior and Fertiliser Diss Grain Drift. A tai bun of (*pairs and Plow Ponta always es bead. 111. Herbert F. Morri» Haailtos Street Brophey Bros. AUDENIOH TM Lemnos Pasersi Directors and Embalmers Orders ooalN boon. eight WE IIA1 BIC1 I Wadi". Mat genu tis ret arty A Dumber of A Dumber d All these WI tow WO Our stook d WOO ofUM II will Ft EAST, OOP 1 CHA Best To Publ Our o goo . raids not a this1 wewtl And o We the p Great Mews in (10 M.I a Areniy for Peabody sO A Ppitgs 1111 Ara pate ase • relit:e ssay telt ' n -d1 (nil lee .drub+. M. •sdu.,. a 'erre cram d trek: and an art to the coons d (rah. rsinabk rinsed i M at tabeAre >a re IIT ins.. TWO P.s. Hari' eater to algae wr stock Con 0 ioundel ev ti• Ise Wen Melt New F..r I tkatraeht* -tar k netts Jams . *rxiir a, • •1'RAl . "'; ink 'oos Tr" al .r t •" r rt r••• '-I 1 .hcr A•• Mer free • ..'.tq 1 A y, Individtas t1 TH1 SUSI OWI 1' ,,..ental to baron is 0'.,owel weer en Galt owe 1 C.A.F. N. D. let © The Photo Drama of Creation 111 LOW ahowink at obs LYRIC THEATRE.. 'Illi. wonderful produc- tion courprisingsome of the fines: valentine. his- to: ice! and luhlica'l Moot and slider, accompanied by exist nations dellvet- ed by powerful phono- graphs and are .how tog ab olsitely Free of Cbirge at ibis Theatre var. daily :i old d p.m. hen October 13st to tis{ inclusive, Thursday and feleturday night excepted. 'This is shown under the 'auspices of Iles National Bible Students Aesocla- -tion. - - Special Note Thursday Friday Saturday o( -TUBER, .'laid, MA and 24th our usual programme will be resumed. 4th installment of Million Dollar Mystery Admission as Usual 10c and Bc Stylish young wen will admits TDE NEW YORK The latest thing in Shoes manufactured by ,the Hatt Shoe Company. Style combined with service and comfort. We hove just received a ship- ment. Call in end look them over and note especially the ma- terial in Velour Calf, the Re- •eede Toe the Low Heel, the In- visible Eyelet. Try a pair, you will like them. they are K•1od. J. N. McClinton's. Itepsirng 11,01111111y ..'tended tai BRUCEFIELD Mr. Welter Watts. manager of the Bank of Commerce at Marwura, visit- ed here teat week. Mr. George Turner and wife, of Drayton vi.ited Mr. Turner's mother and enter hen laet week. A meeting was held on Wednesday evening after the prayer meeting to form a patriotic fund, when the nec-s- eary oMcets were elected and canvas- sers appointed to canvass the coin - woolly. It is hoped that a genet°u• response will 11e given to the workers Preparatory services wilt he held in the Presbyterian church next Friday after000u, when the Rev. J. G. Field. of London. will preach. Communion will be beld on the$ullowing Suniey. ' But Lydia E. Piekballs's V.a- I listable Compound Restored Mss. Bradley's Heald* - i wbtafpcg, Canada - „ Dews years ago I wast to the Victoria Hospital, 1, Montreal, out. Aug with a growth. The doctors said It was a termor sad meld not be removed as it wonld cause Medal death. They toned that my organs were affected. sad said I could sot live mon than six months in the condition I was is -After I came home I saw your adver- tisement in the paper, and commenced taking Lydia E. Pfnkbam's Vegetable Compound. I took it coostantly for two years, and still take it at times, and both my husband and myself claim that It was the mew of saving my life. 1 highly recommend it to suffering women "-Mrs. ORILLA BRADLEY, '2114 Johnson Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Can. Why will women take chances or drag out a sickly, half-hearted existence, miss- ing throe -fourths of the joy of living. when they can find health in Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound ? For thirty years it AMI3ERLEY has been the stan- Wedneeday evening the choir of dard remedy for to Pine River Preebyierian church male ills, and has re - gathered at the home of Mr. James stored the health of Courtney to say good-bye to him before thousands of women he left for hie new hon.e in Seatorth. who have been frau_ The evening war spent itt "um" uand bled with such all - games, and an intereating part of the menta as displacements, Inflammation. Her Own Statement. a programme was the reading of an ad- dress by Mr. David Cordis, testifying to the high esteem in which Mr. Courtney was held. and Mr. Robert Steelr presented bins with a beautiful watchful,. After Mr. Courtney 'made a fitting reply all joined in singing "For He's a jolty Hood Fellow. Mr. Courtney has been a good end faith- ful worker in Sunday school and church and will 1* meetly missed by young end old. COLBORNE \l.. Charlet, Breckow it having cern- , rut Hoots laid in Lis s'ahlrs this week. •Mr. Manuel Maedel, of Norwich. spent Tbauksgiving under the parer.- 'tal loot Mrs. L Grote.. and daughter, . of 1 Mildmay, are visiting wth her par- t encs thir, week. Mr. and Mr.. M. Allis, of Anb.trn. W1rnti Sunday with relative* on the Maitland concession. Constipation is t of odd ate -harsh cath s aggra- vate, avoid them use Cham- berlains Tablets, the mildest and gentlest oft aaati ves - hest for the ;;11/41,..41,1:4: DM.ie ...d and the eel. yrbym...seau r M ran ADVERTISE IN THE MORAL We ate pleased to' see tbat Mee. M. Schunz is able to be around again after her r•eoent illness. Mr. John Ducats has pur:haaed a power outfit, consisting of gasoline engine., ensilage cutter. crusher, gt ind• er, etc. Jack believes In being up to- distr. DUNGANNON Dungannon branch of the women's institute will hold their reg- ular monthly meeting on Thui+day, October `22nd, in the Afternoon at two o'clock. A talk will be given by Mn. Gomm on "The Influence of Environ- ment." A paper will be teed by Miss Florence Duff oo "Pickles," which will he followed by discussion. it im also expected that Mr'. Kilb.ide of Clinton, will he present and will ad- dress the meeting. Arraogewenta have been made for several mu-ical selections. It is earnestly requested that every pnember should be present as plans are to be discussed as to ways and moons of peparing a hamper to be ftu•warded to the soldiers at the front under the auspices of the Red Crow work. LAURIER Wedding hells are ringing. Quite a number of the young sten spent Thaukagiving day huntio,r. Mr. Charles Marfiregor, of Sebring- ville, celled nn friends In this vicin`.ty. Mr. Fred Ross, of Duogannon, spent the week -end at the home of hie sister, Mn. J. McNair Mies Madge McDonald. of Toronto. •tent Thanksgiving with ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. McDonald. Mr.. It. McNain, who hsa been sick for snore time. is not improving as fast as her Many friends would like. Mr. and Mn. Phillip McMillan and family, of Lucknow, spot Thanks- giving day at the home of Mr. D. McLean. Mrs. Neil ticodhand and daughter, of Detroit, and Mita Annie Blue, of Amherley, were the guests of Mn. K. J. M,Kenxie one day teat week. AL AUAN - The merchants of Aubutt will dose their places of business, after the week peltation ( tettahn . Ulla. enn$i+deres• day and Friday evenings of eaeb week at 8.30 p. m. The kind assistance of all customers i. tit Neatly requested in carrying out this movement. ''here will be • Guy Fawkes con- cert in the Foresters hall on Thursday evening, November 5th, commencing at 7.8n o'clock, The concert will he given under the auspices of Knox church and the programme will con- sist of vocal and instrumental music and reciLttlone. Mr. J. H. Cameron, the premier comic and patriotic sing- er and entertainer. will be present and will be assisted by Mr. R. Red- mond and Knox church choir. The admission le only SE (cuts and • new treat ie in store for anyone who at- tends. MORRIS Many friends and neighbors of the huh eonceasioe 01 Morrie towwabip will regret to learn of the death at Aries, Mentions. on 13spbembr 113th of Jeanie Dick, eldest daroghilsr 01 the lata James DNek, of Moreli. and wife of Me. Gennep Rttnee.. ts.sarty n..1 Corrie. The dee seed 11a•ddy� was • aa- tiv* of Olaagow, leotla 4. and cease to O.tario with her parents when bet aa Infant. Her early girlhood wee gent in Morris. Twenty-six years ayo she went to Ponta s M Prairie, wtisee eh* married sad went W n► side at Arden. Manitoba. Home years t+ D disease of the heart bogy to ulceration, tumors, irregularities, etc. 11 you want special advice write to Lydia E. Plnkham Med- !dine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Maas. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, and bead in Wriest st confdenoe. trouble her and this war int reseed by a sevrte attack "t pneumonia last 'prima. She was a faithful meinher art the Pr. ebyterian chug ch at Arden, and an earnest wot kir in the \ 'oweu'a onart, auxiliary. She leaves to mourn her lots her bushaid. one sou and one daughter. who will .sadly wise her counsel and care. Her sitter* ate Mr -..John Jamison. of Morris: Min. W. U. L'ndslrerough, of the Kipped ruled, Tuckerewith, and Miss Agnes Dick, of Arden, Manitoba. 'Elie fun- eral took place ..n Friday to Arden cemetery, and was conducted by her paatbr, Rev. F. C. Pe.-kover. eosins and the Whim wars peweNM with an ahgwdanae of tea eery bask and bad M be reps Bebe d manly them. Abloom were &armee Argo i Revs Meese& Mc/arian. Lathe. Wes iio ret,o/ Isbell. of ▪ excellent medi a which were mac. appsesitatsd 6! .udiesse while the mw.teal esieet of Mr. Jobe Marvb. d jirinto n sad Mr. John .too• t of RsgMto, were aq that could he desired said wen repeatedly ttp- plaetded. The proceeds amounted to �$1 1The pastor, the ladles mod the •. oosgregalloa geer•ll) are to be ora- 4 gratulatsd on tb.,uarked Buenas at. cesdlag this anniversary treraaton. KIPPER One by one the pioneers of Huron county are passing to their award. lsavlog as a saosuweat of their enter- prise sad frugality, our of the grandest and most (.1411. counties i0. our Du- nrinton, The hast to pen to that realm b•M.od the bourne was Mr. John Mc- Donald, o-Lhrnald, of the Itod of Tuckerauitb, at f be age 0.179 rrears, aft er a shoe t WornMr. Mc ..I era boro in B.ederl.lch, Ann beehive, Scotland, and ewigrsi.d with hid parents to Canada in 185), settling on lot 19, coucee-io'i 2 Tooker - e mit h, and lived then up to his death. Hew As member of lung standing in the Kippen Pre-bvteriao eburrb sod when at all possible never failed to he io his pew. In polities be was • steuoch Liberal. Mr, Melional.l was en upright and c..oacieotlous man, e triviug always to do what be believed was right. He was tboroe jbly trusted and greatly respected by all who knew bim and leaves hehin•f hint the heri- tage of a hlansele.s life and a good haute. Luting his long life he wee omitted among the hardy ons and till up to his death was always able to go around and ere that things were kept in proper fader. The remains welt- laid to rest in B..ird'r cemetery and the funeral largely attended hy neightwr. and t' i'-nd■. The Morel oc- tet logo weir wf tleru,iful,showing the high tweets' nil which hr was held. Among 1hoes .e to.. ,.ttrud.d the funer- al from a di.tai •'• were Mas. Peter Murn.y, Deo -pi . Mr. and Mrs. &.'b. Mrs. Hyrant meed -.u.. Mr-. Hoppa, Mr. D. Mcol •.y auJ MI-. Murray, London: Mr. D. McKay, Hamilton : Mr. and Mrs D. aid-Co+an. McKillop; John, Aro hie and Mi.. McCowan, Stanley. ST. HELENS Ms..Hohineowtnok a trip down 1 Fergus on Satt'rda . Mr. and Mn. J. 11. Rutherford were in liudetirh on Saturday. The township council ars busy gath- ering up produce for the relief fund. Miss Margaret Miller spent • the weekend et Nile. the guest of Miss Eltna Git vire Mr. John %Vrlhue, of Ravenswood, spent Tuanksg,ving with his sister, Mrs. John Miller. lhe sacrament will be dispensed itt Celviu chmcb next Sunday, Octo- ber 18th. Service at 10.3). Rev. \Vm. Mackinto.h preached preparatory services at Lochath on Friday And Saturday morning Mise Anna Stuart lett un Saturday on a trip •o Locan and London. She expects to spend a month visiting her friends. Toe Miller snore i • pre pare, to take fowl every Wednesday and Thursday mornings. All live fowl must be starv- ed. Blithest pricey paid. Yes -it. Home for th'e bolida7s : Miss Elisa- beth Rutherford, of Linwood; Mitoses Versa Wood* and Della Cranston, and M,. Ewart McPhrr.on, cif Wingbam ; Mita Chrism Mitler, of Stratford nor - mel ; Miss May Cameron, of Hamilton normal. CJLBORNE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL 3 3 3 l',.lh,rrne township rouu.sl wet in the''owurhip hallon Tuesday of this week ; n.embe,n all present. Miuutes of lab( meeting tend. .and on motion of Coons. Snyder and liethetingtun were adopted. Proposed by (.11n. ('hisbotu, that we parr bylaw et:ipoweaing the reeve and treasurer ti. borrow 81(X10 to pee the r•unoing exp.•n.es of the council till the taxa are collected. -Carried. The following accounts were proved and orders drawn on the tr.sa.wer fur YAM/ :-Star Printing Co., bill of priutiog, $64.80; Muu cepa' World, blank forma acd .upplie., 35146. A let lee was irceaved front the county clerk, a.kiug the couneil Lo or -opt -rote frith are ether- le*trahtprt ins the county itt eroding oats, p0 tatoes or apple* to aid the Patriotic Viol in rending gifts stud necies awasour soldiers and It nes in Fraooe. Proposed by Course. Snyder and Chisholm, that the township be divid- ed,iolt. divisions Aad canvassed by the following :-- Maitland cnnceraioo, W. B. Furter; cons. 1 and 4. K.D., J. N. Keroighao : co..s. $ and 1. &D. Luther Allen ; conn 3 and 8, E.D., Andrew atillian ; mums. 7 *red 8, S.D., Thomas Roberwpa ;„ none. 9 and 10, E.D., and north b .0 dot y, T. 0. ells - herd ; from Bermilier to Saltfcwd, Isaac Fisher; from Zion church W Jeokin's corner, Alex. Robertson ; coos. 8 and tr, \V.D., J. A. S. Varcue ; eons. 10 and 11, W.D.. W. J. McCabe; o ,ns. 12 and 13, W.D., and north r•ounda.y, Jomeph Hetherington ; Salt - ford, W. bow. Bach canva.arr to see that the coouibutions be sent to Me - (Jaw station on Octohei 98th. Moved by Comm. Y..uug and Chia - holm. that we adjourn to meet on Tueday, November loth. at 1.30 p.m. R. Mil LwAis. Clerk. LEEBUHN Mise L'szie Horton was in Ooderich for a few days last week. Min Jessie I.inklater, of Crediton, WAY home for Thanksgiving day. Our tes.:ber, Miss Stella Kirk, was in Dungannon at her home over the weekend. Mrs. Wee. Ruston and little daugh- ter, Margaret. of Stratford. is visiting at ib. foemet's old borne. Mr. E. V. Lawson came up from Guelph last week and spent • few days with old friends. Mr. and Mrs. Jame. Oliddon and family, of Hamilton, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Oliddon. Mies Wincie Shave, of Toronto, and Nee Ruth Shaw, at - Grand Yater,' spent Tb•aksglvine at their home here. ;3e.^aller: Relettop. %s wearing, a .road smile the.. days. A young (lamb ter came to brighten their home. Miner Lillie Loutenalayer, Ines Will- iams, Anna and Etta Stewart. of the Ooderich collegiate Institute. spent Thanksgiving at their respective hummer here. The •humid thank -offering meeting of abs Women's Mieeionary society of tee rn Prdabyterlen church be held \ In the church on • Weddeatiay night October lith, wbeu Mrs. Turn- er. )f Blyth. *111 eddies' the ladies of the society and their friends. McKILLOP The anniversary services in DuWs church on fishtail of last week wen eneoes.ful and interesting as usual The movies both foresworn and evas- ion were *Winced try Rev. Alfred Me Partawe,' B. D. M Heylled, .bo de- livered two Maraeet and abndeseoursae to large ensgr gatloas. deer* w.a apodias meek by tbe choir sad soles were rwads.ed by Mee SeaMarling sad Mies 1leFartatee, of (tor livid. On the Mondayevenisg follow'.the ea- alvereary owl g supper we. held. The weather was favorable, height stoea- light sad nee of the most enema evenings of the season and the the aatteN- onoe was the oher.b bei nd+alading d of the eon r•r'Raaoa always gsssreet: provider, were fully equal to the os For Eczema 3 i 3 3 3 Use a mild mouthing wash that instant - 1y stops the inch. We have sold many other ',medium for ekin trouble but none that we could personally recommend aa we do the D.D.D Prescription. 1f I bad Ecsema I'd use D.U.D. Prescription 4 i No Increase in price. Notwithstand- ing heavy ince rase in Inst of import. ant ingredients p.tce tea.aitie the same. JAMES A. CAMPBELL, Central Drug Store, Goderich. -Thr young ladies of Wroxeter tabard $ne.S,rfiu, the rstri'btic fot.d. 3 3 3 3 Every Day Every Week And at all times we aim to give the beetiW VALUES obtainable kr dependable sea_ amiable merchandise you can confine your purchases to this store with the satisfaction of knowing that you can 1 depend on the quality of our goods and a certainty of the price being right. Read the following items, Costs, Velvets, Corsets, Underwear, Silks, Rugs and Linoleums. The early buyer this year will fare the best. COATS Never have we carried such • complete Ince of Fall and Winter Coats. From the dainty cheek to the plain cloth. We stead behind every Coma we sell and guarantee absolute satisfaction. Now is the ,irate to buy your new Fall Coat before the Mork b all twee picked over. We feel sureif you oat g insp. et our Costa you will Sod oto your likings. Our prix's w from $10.00 to MOO. Our ebeap Coats ate aa up-to-date in cut and finieb as the cone.more expensive e. Buy • Rogers garment sad get the latest CORSETS 1f you want • corset at 110c, 86c, 31.ti, 31.26, 31.50 or 32110, come ben and ask for D t A. Nothing so good at the above prices. We a selling mores than eves of them. It is easy to guess the reason. For a higher priced Corset ex- amine our New York W.B. SILKS A fine asr'Romanenent of Roan striped alias, snort of them 98 inches wide in fancy odors used for girdles and Gin) in" �•. a ■e W. B. Corsets. Perrin's Gloves UNDERWEAR Our Fall Uadorwear if all la stock now and we ori els igt e:M ernt wakes for Ladies, Misses and fyw, What we are showing at 116c, Sls and po is quite equal to. U not better than our oAsem iige la foresee years. VELVETS We oacer bad so large • stook of Dress Vel- vet, cones, black and coes, In pial, weave., striper and boldface' gibe. Pekoe from 00c to $1.93. Tbe.e velvets ars Warren. fast dye. and silk flash.RIBBONS One doses mule of OleanRlbboo., four to nether eher wide, ooe and a half yards in earl'piece and no two alike. Roman stripe. and hr"- ceded patterns very new for girdles. RUGS, LINOLEUMS, AND OILCLOTHS In these we have a very excellent •bfw.. , this season J. N. COLBORNE THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY Soar Ho Standard Fannin, TTTTTti'tTTT*TTT*qufwtuTTTTl'tT T'fofvf Tflu'PTT �ToP it Revivalist of New Order Hers There is a species of revivalist new under the .un -{roe which astounds the worthy old divines who. with pounding* of pulpit and roaring por- t royals of wrath to come, once dragged sinners to the "u,ourm -m s bench." The photo -drama of "Creation" eloquently sets forth the Cteetor'y benefixnt de- signs for His rreatnre. end thous the progressive steps in the divine or...er of creation to its completion. Whosoever will my curve without u obey or price and learn by the medium of eye and ear how through all the ages one eternal purpose runs. At. this -oboe" no admission fee is re- quited ; at this "service'' no collection is taken. Children are admitted when acowmpenied by adults. The enter- tsioment is part of • world-wide cam- paign W arouse au apathetic race to things religious. The international Hibb Students aamociation is back of the movement, headed by its presi- dent, Pastor C. T. Russell, of the Lon- don sod Brooklyn tabernacles. The instruction is nonsectarian. Similar masibittdsaa aeaproposed ter all . drills of America and Europe, One hundred ..ud fifty audiences view the pictures daily, which can be seen at the Lyric theatre each day at three and eight o'clock. A Woman of Few Words -1 Mrs. Harry E Bye, Maio street north, Mount Forest, Ont., writes: "Your remedy for kidney, bladder and .eomach trouble has given me great relief. Have taken three boxes and now feel like living and better than I have felt for years and I give your FIG PILLS all the praise for they are the beat 1 have ever tried." At all dealers, 25 and 54) cents or The Fig Pill Co., til. Thomas, Ont Sold in Godertcb bj E. R. tVigle.druggist -Phe thrilling drama of human history is indented in moving pic- tures and strreoptican slides in "Creation" to be shown free of charge at the Lyric theatre at three and eight p.m. A young moo named George Ed- ward Deakin, aged Ili tears, was found Ed- :rill ib the gasoline pit of the Orand Trunk shop at Stratford. Evidently be bad gone to 1111c. can with gasoline and being overcome either with heart weakness or with the fumes of the gasoline had falleu while the trap was open and was aspbvxiated in the oil which was two feet deep when he was discovered by a fellow employee. -The bearing of the application n( Benet township for an order to relieve the township from the ohl,gation to repslr, or rebuild tt lith c�mcession bridge, will. a vievr W closing that redwas heard before Iles tentoria Railway and Municipal hoard at the Walks'ston court house. The hearing began at ten o dock and war no; con eluded until two pent. when the board reserved decision for two weeks. -Jrdgmewt woe on is -the divisional smart at vMat moot 1 in the case of Campbell vs. Irwin. This was the cw bs'u 0.h Mr. F. A. ()smpbell. of Mltab. 1, was shills the ie wan connection with •deal for property on King street, Toronto. Judgment was given for plsiotif7 for sin,*at and cote- The ease has been U ind in sev- eral courts and Mr. Campbell has won In every instance. -The ens of Rork vs. Weeenb.rg was tried lectors Judge Barron at Mitchell. The plaintiff claimed a bal- e en' ot-omething over 3X1.) for sup- plying materiale used by the defend- s; In 1.ul)ding two bowing In MtlCt,U. Ili. defendant tonleeded ..bat ha had overpaid the plaintiff and therefore defended the action. Me bonor found • halanee in favor of the plaintiff of $44 73. and gave judgment dor that aerostat with county noon x -Me. Fred C. Hord, of Itebell. was seumnoned to appear before Mr. Mr. W. H. Cloy. aroeonw magistrate for driving his auto on the 13th of September at more than 20 miles per hoer In the Markham towadip. Mr. Hoed wrote to him Mating that slath- er lee nor hie oar hod h.en within many mile. of Markham for w.nolha. The snagietrat• in reply Mated that hie *Mere bad evidently rade • rate take he flee number of the ear sad that nothingfather need ins dose. -Er. and Mrs. Jona Ward, of Logen. 'Plebrsl'd thele golden wed- dlag qa =�eptyenebsr tbtb. The bowie woe boa UfalIy beo.ated few the oe- 5 . sad the .wplbse Of wetly pr& . MR. W ALTIR wuaus lam/lag man is ttkr Sash Ywney 0o. now aposatteilylstoria opws R A N G E 8 11_:c. - s....."0..,:- .t.V',:r."-- THE ANDO H E A T E R ••Rest construetad and iw,Mwt rgwgw M tuba rsrket." 'tWby not bete neer " .v. beef sswrt erne•,.' "•(Lasko rod babas pg.rfeetlo." "Thoroughly gtsarantent. ' • ' • •Priele-J - by air- ammo We have a cowpbte atnortmeot from which to choose, al.., a full lice of Meetary's Fawns* Rose Bn•n•r Heate•w 8se owe Ihw and Ret booklet ilelag dotafb before bsyns. Howell Hardware Co. SHELF and HEAVY HARDWARE PHONE :,: LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC --:-AND-._ UNPRECEDENTED 5CtIWL OFeo' ELOCUTION, LIMIT D L --:-AND-:- SCtIOOL OF LIMITED UNPRECEDENTED OFFER OF SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZES Write for Particulars LOTTIE ARMSTRONG, P. LINFOkTH WILLGOOSE. Registrar. Mas. Bac. tD>eneln:i Principal Address: -354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont. smite bespoke the high esteem in which the honored eoupb are held. After a social time, during the after- noon. ttern'1on. the guests sat down to a WIMP Grouts repast. The tables were desoea- tad with chrysanthemum•, and ibe good thkwge to eat were served la sbawdanse. -Mr. and Mr.. Raymond 8.1.11 who live near Formosa. reeelved Use e.411 ,.saws last week of the d.atb of their sun Lawrence, white to di place is Swift (Coervnt, YS.kdtr►ewaw. Me. 8ehi11 was running a well drigiag ma- chine sad .whoa la the deaths eft a well In the vicinity of Fox Valley, me Aoguet Slat, be was overcame by pp.,� and while heir' hnbbad to the .ste(tsoo .by hie hroebe , 1•t'rdl, Diriblrb3t' beet became caught revisiting In a tweakbsl� of hie 'pipe at the s&ulders. He was immed sly taken to the Swift Cur- rent tat where be remained ewlil his which occurred no Rapines - bee S91h. Deeeaesd, was 33 years of age was bore near Formosa, when his parents Wails rein... The young am leave to mourn his loss besiM his parents, four brothers and four ''haters. -Ontario farmer, have already of- fered lb carloads of products for Ore needBelgie's. -Portugal began yesterday a partes mobiBeation of troops,. Sick Hssdstbsa-- ar set nosed by anything wren la the bead, bet py eesseipation, bilious. mess and i.d astiw. Headache powders or tablets may deadest but caseate site than Dr. Mens'. Isdia Best Ms de cure sick head- ache is the sessile way by rrmoviag the eesstipetips er sickatomad which caused them. Dr. Mose''. ladiaa Rost t5s am= ve table. free frees say kv>•/1t1g . We dmit aekuisave. Whoa yes f.11 h • Dr. Alone.'• Indian Root Pills a►. AN -ab , 64 ;!aasyt 441 a - OI12TA1120 POOS'i.IFT Th. loans y Plow ie t to heel.. 0. her Muter Riding P1... p. r r seario Fuel* ectad crib lirrw We Mire Ceara sad bid K.tn- Wan.i wawa ( abs;trrsineM Waiting Mow.. Ceeb•batt Dior and Fertiliser Diss Grain Drift. A tai bun of (*pairs and Plow Ponta always es bead. 111. Herbert F. Morri» Haailtos Street Brophey Bros. AUDENIOH TM Lemnos Pasersi Directors and Embalmers Orders ooalN boon. eight WE IIA1 BIC1 I Wadi". Mat genu tis ret arty A Dumber of A Dumber d All these WI tow WO Our stook d WOO ofUM II will Ft EAST, OOP 1 CHA Best To Publ Our o goo . raids not a this1 wewtl And o We the p Great Mews in (10 M.I a Areniy for Peabody sO A Ppitgs 1111 Ara pate ase • relit:e ssay telt ' n -d1 (nil lee .drub+. M. •sdu.,. a 'erre cram d trek: and an art to the coons d (rah. rsinabk rinsed i M at tabeAre >a re IIT ins.. TWO P.s. Hari' eater to algae wr stock Con 0 ioundel ev ti• Ise Wen Melt New F..r I tkatraeht* -tar k netts Jams . *rxiir a, • •1'RAl . "'; ink 'oos Tr" al .r t •" r rt r••• '-I 1 .hcr A•• Mer free • ..'.tq 1 A y, Individtas t1 TH1 SUSI OWI 1' ,,..ental to baron is 0'.,owel weer en Galt owe 1 C.A.F. N. D. let