The Signal, 1914-10-15, Page 3THE RiGNA 1 isonrinri! ...----- ,, your home merchlint will back up OW iiiittr.w, .11:11`b" yt.'"1,0,41.b""L h.:. splendid range. Ask tO 11011 • bio empire roe a bio est 00. 11044 a guarantee on 1 big men -well, lone legs hav• i beir Cltr advantage in a retreat. (Hear, beat, and taught., 1. Fredse irk the Geist chose his war - riots, fur their beiglit, rind th.t t edi- tion bee lascome a policy in Orrniany. i Geremey applies that ideal to netioeut She will °oily allow ale feet two nations to mend in the make- (Litsugh- ire )-hut •Il the re.. 11 owes emelt to ' -• -, ttie lit. le five f• et high nations- IChr ri ). The newt veldts, idm 11 em- otes of the *4111 cern* flour little 'n • nation-. The greatest literature of Eagl4041 CAUle Ir on her whom •tre was • nation of the size of Bela. light - ring only, ality, 31.35 and let him demonstrate its i,1.114.7.:=1:iieci:d1:4i.Th ye o y toroahg.. ger ..I , 1001 wet e. the many exclusive features to dee& of it tle notionfighting for their freed . ra). A.: ye... and you. A McClary dealer in every town. • a little 1.41000. But bleriumny the eal vat ion of mankind t rough SOLD BY HOWELL HARDWARE CO.that this is an attack by • low civilise. tion ution a higher. (Latightei ) Well Jo, a matter of (mit the attack ww• begun by the ci•ilisatIon which calls itaelf the higher one. Oro' made man in His own insege, high of pur- pose. In the region of the epitit. tier - man civilostiiin would re crest him in the image of • theater machine -roe ciao accuraie, powerful!, ten h flI orti for the sold to operate. That is the higher rillilit4lion. What ie their deniand ? Hare you read the Kidoer'n speech. • ? If 711 have not &copy I ed - vise you to buy it ; they will weir' be out of pr itt-tiaughterl-alad you won't have tiny more of the same amyl again. (Renewed latighier and cheers). They are full of the elst.er and bluster of Oerman ntiloarbits -the mailed list, the shining armour. Poor old meiled ti -t knot -kids are getting a little bruised. Poor shining arinnur-the shine is being kiiimited out of it. (Laititht.ri. Here 1. his peeeh to hi. • 'tidier. on the way the (tont : "Remember tit •t the German people are the chosen of God. On me, on me as Germen Bailor o the Spirit of Clod has descended. I ant His wearion, His sword, •nd His vicegerent. Woe to the disohodien•. Death to cowards 11l041 untelievers are only serape of piper. (Applaiteet There bite been no. hing like it sinee What are they mgu made of ?, Rags. the dare of Moh.nied. The new obit - (Laughter) Whet are they worth? coophy of Iiermany is to di -tarry christ The whole ciedit of the British em• -•ickly sentiment disiu &hoot Ire! (Applauoo. ''Scraps of paper sacrifice for other., poor pap for Ger- man mouths. We volt hove the new diet ; we will ((dee it on the world. It will be 'made 1.0 ratan y -(laughtei 1- 1 flout tter Ira yatil ISo 7110 1 60e and 300 'lecke, very ;ion of I $115.00 haiku 22.75 Delin- Son t. qEGAR better and ot ha r. We mit ((((( wok ill also have LINK -TO THE MEN OF HARLECti ! Rousing Speech at Queen's Nall by Lloyd George -- Mailed Fist to be Broken for Ever Priceless Scraps of Paper P.. Die Sews elf the Warw. yet it was the interest of Prance to Thalia barbed with deadly wit, totk the treaty. 8be did not do it. woo, which should pieree ilee It is the intereot of Prusisits to tweak IsiseC• or tttttt le of vanity punctueLed the treaty and abe hes dove it. uova Oeorge's great sfurech at ',Shame). Well. why? She avowed toe 4leyll hall yesterday. i1 with cynical contenipt for every 11eD The iO•ncellor showed how the Principle 01 justice. She says tree, ies Woo* "-rap pewee" was cf price- only hind you when it is to your in- lets worth, that. with it. ati with an terest to keep them. What is • treaty? Moiler obligations, was bound up our • Ye the liftman chancellor. "A 'bee civilization and ail that. it im- scrap of paper ' Have you any fire pew in every domain of 11?..pound notes about, you ? (Laughter). The object of the nisei ing was to I ion not csIling for them. (Risewrd promote enrolment to the artny a- laughter). Have you any of those the young Welshmen of Lon °e - at little treasury LI notes? ILaugh- mango dem Its ohjeet was promptly attain- ter" If you have, burn them : they teil tot otter the nreetiog there seas a rush to the recru iiug *Preempt.. Never before hat the Prtheeisto junk - 11..'! mathingly indicted. The clancellor'• picture of the military bully 'talking the earth a• • denii-god,1 have been dealing with scrape of clearing out of his way corouton hum- paper within the lest month. It was salty and every obligation of honour, soddenly found that the commerce of was • ruthlesepiece of platform roma. the world was coming to a standstill. ei-y that should be worth neitay & gal. We discovered that the machinery of commerce was moved hy bills of ex- tent recruit to Lord Kitchener. change. I have seen route of them - Pelletier( ROAD MOO. (laughtrr). wretched. crinkled, *craw - Tempestuous cheerieg greeted Mr.', led ovet, blotched, frowsy. and yet Lloyd bleorge when be roe,lir .aid:1 them wrenched little 'crepe of paper Hy lords, tidier and getii Innen. I have , moved great ships, laden with thous - route herr this afternoon to talk to ands of tons of precious cargo from my fellow countrymen about this one end of the world to tbe other. great war, and the part we ought to (Applause). What 11/116 the motive take in it. I feel my Imre is easier power behind them? The honour of after we have been listsraing to the contmercia men.- Applisuset Treaties greatest hattleemerg in the werid., are the eurreoey of internaltooal (Cheer, This was • ref. rence tot statesmanship. (Applause). But if tbe "Nen 1 ilarlrch" which waa sung he- I currency of 'iet man commerce 111 to be fore he lose'. There is no man in' debased to the level of that of her this molt who has always regarded statemnitioebip no i ceder the proepect. of engaging in si great ! traoki SHANDSAI To VALPAKAitot rat with greater reluctance', with Anse/bout the whole of my political &gain. tilieerd 'tepidity of return Them, . t,„ wan was the great bierman meet. Thei e is either or outside of this room a. greater &met f• r a Dation than d hou t n'rtRTO TlifflarareiT, Or:Maas 151 1914 WE'LL SEPID THE FIIIIST few doses of Gin Pitts to trre-if you have aiiv Is. .!r, or Molder Trimble. A r ) see how good tbei t the 50c. Ms* at your doder nadestied Item Clooriket el Comae. roisored Tesoase rIcCall's Patterns Perrin's (loves IIIMME04••••=11. if ut we in tie a ty. )0M S vicauti.s ta in d most "itiotary ALL PLUMB - 104. oldain•hie. MI 00 Dew or re UNT • GODERICH las rester repognimtett, than I have done will ever look et a German signature A DIET OF ttl.Doll AND 1S4oN. Hive you followed the Promnin pinker end itio doings? You know his pietensions. They give theinuelves the airs of demi gods: walking the pave- ments, civilians and their ',rem are swept into the gutter. l'hey have no right to stand in the way of • great Prussian soldier. 51,n, woruen. na- tions have all got to go. But this is all he bas got to .ay: We are in a hurry. This is the answer he give to Belgium : "Rapidity of action le Ger- many's greateot amet." 1044,0,1%, '•I am in a hurry, clear out of my way.' You know the type of motor - let, the tetror of the road, with • 91 horse -power car, who thinks the roads were made for him. Anybody who impedes tbe action of his car hy a nutie is knocked down. The Pr oaten Pinker is the road -hog of Eutrope. Smell nationalities in his way ate 14.11. We? r011,1n,ed that we coati not • raPKI flung to the rood -ode bleeding •nd bare avoideo it without natioriel dis dealing. Applause). Onefinteresting broken ; women and children thrust fart -the cbencellor revealed :- under tbe wheel of his cruel car; litiewsit l ion fu ly aliv. 10 dist whenever • nation was engaged France offered Belgium live army is any war 'Wham always invoked corps to defend ber trout attack. Hel- der 'tarred name of boomer. Many a gium reused. "I hnve the word of the crime has been committed In itemise: Ki..r," she replied. "Shall Caesar dere ate 11011IP crimes being commit- ifil • I" r ted now. 1 iii Kr. beau) But all i he Beigiuto has been treated brutally, mew. national honour is • reality, bow brutally we shall nt t yet kouvr. rad any natViion, that diaregiudt it i• • W,know' alreadytoo much. What damned (t1ear. beat). Why is our had she done? Hundreds of thous - • a 4 eountry involved In this aids of her people Wire had their mu , Itorstuse, in the Ent pine... ,,,,, quiet, comfortable little homes burned are bound in an honourable „totgation , to tire divot, and are wandering bowe- ls) defend the indepeedence, t he less in their own land. libertythe integrity of a smell neigh- ! What is their crime ? Tbeir crime tour-(otes of "Quite richt !-)._..tbni, I was that tbey truited to the word of km lived pcooentoy. boo be ennio net • Prussian king (Applause). I dont bete compelled na, because she 'nisi know what the Kaiser bopee to Mak. The men wbo declines to die- schters hy this war. ( Laughtet 1. I Merge his &rot becorsoelor reedit" i, have a shrewd idea of what he will Itre poor to enforce it get, but ore thing is made certain, 1 Diet no nation in futurs will ever cone IP A RI.ACILHOARD, 1 mit that crime again. (Moro. We entensd Into this Ire. ty I Item not going to my that all that --a solemn treaty. 4 full tins y --to dr- I has been stud it the way of tales of bad Belgium sad oer integrity. Our pottage must necnearilly be true. 1 shastures are attaiehed to the docu- will go beyond that, and say that if w ish- Our sigstedalrise do not stand you turn two millions of men forced, di)" tlete lids was not the only 1 conscripted. and compelled and driven swatry to defeed the Integrity of Bei- into the field, you will certainly get Oen. Russia, 19tegmo. Anatria. and I amongst i hem a; certain Lumber of Prumoa-thiesee)-4hey ate all there. in.. wbo will do thlogs that the 11 io weggeeted that to .mset. this patios itself will be **hawed of. 1 trot) is Purely so *loam eill eM part. ant nig depending/ on them. It is 11 15 our low waft sod Jere to enough to have the story the Germans licek our jetdomy of a Meth- themselves avow, admit, defend, pro - mien -ileuitistirt)-wei we attempting cleans. Tbe barflies saRd massacring. al destroy. Our answer la the action the 'booting down of harmless people 55 too 41111979 tEllreent. What woe -*by? Because, according to the Lon? kir. Gladetetee--(ebeires)-l-wh( Germany, they Arne ea German Uwe prone winotec. Lord ttrasiviLle, soldiers. Whet buidnees had German 1tillik, wet then frentina weeretary. solelliers there et all? ;Cheers). 15)0el- ; , i we 'tithed the bylligereata to gluon wee acting in poreuturee of • "le thet they bad ao ito intim of moot sacred right, the sight to defend Seating Belgian territoey. What your own home. Bat tatty were aot was the answer , elves by Baimorek ? in uniform gi" OE Straight • a 4 sere•th waterwai WOO! ▪ and lei ef mane Ille lkigelit I e s 54 ambes j. of Briton r oleo d out of hi- road. All I say is this : If the old British trpirit ir alive in British hearto, that bully will he tot n from his see!. (Great cheer- ing). Weir he to win. it would b- the greatest catsotrophe that had befallen di m cracy sane, the day* of the Holy Alliance, and ita ascendancy. They think We cannot hero them. It will not he 'say. It will be a long job. It will be a terrible war. But in the eni we shell march through tetror to triutriph. (Applaties). We shell need all our qualitire; • very quoin, that Britain end its people proems - prudence in council, daring in action, teriacity in purpose. courage in defeat., moderation in victory, in all things faith ; and we shad win. Applause). snug, oitufortable, sheltered by the inouniaine front all the bitter blasts. It twat vet y enerveting ; and I remem- ber how the boys wine in the habit of elimbing the hills •bove he village to have a glirupse of the peat mountain, in the distance, and to be stimulated and fresheued by the hemmer which came from the hilltops, mid hy the wrest opectacle of that great vain -y. We hie•e ti -en liviog in • -haltered val- ley for generatione. We have hems too cotnfot t able, to) indulgent, Mealy. perhaps,. too eilfish. the merit hand of fate haa 'congeal 0, to an ele- vation where we can ere the great everlasting things thet nietter for a notion. the great. peaks • f honour we bad forgotten. duty and pa, notiein, clad in slittering whi.e, the great pinnacle of sacrifice pointing I ke a rugged finger to heaver. iNe shall de- scend into the 'valleys again, but sa et% long as the Wand women of the, general ion bot, hey will cart y in their hearta the image tho-e great moun- tain peaks whose fingers. are unshak- en, though Europe rock and sway in the convideions of a great war. (Loud cheers). The speech lasted for an hour and a quarter, and the chancellor esucned hit seat amidst cheering. the audience shouting itself lionise. The choir sang the inopiring tune of Hyfrytiol, and afterwaids cho'r end audience made the roof ring with the chorus of the incoruperaide neOonal Anthem of Cymru. "Land of my father." 11' 18 A oltitAT.OPPOitTCNITT. It only coiner once in niany centuries to the children of amts. For .nost gen- erstiono sacrifice comes in drab, we/ei- nem of spirit to men. It has come to- day to tie all, in the form of the glow and thrill of • great niovemeot for liberty, that impel* millions through- out Europe to the tome end. It is • great war f.o- the emaricipation of Huron, from the thraldom of • mili- tary caste, which csat it• thadow upon two genet atione of men, and which has now plunged tbe world into a welter ot bloodshed. Some have al- ready given their live*. There are some ho have given mom than their own lien. They have given the lives of those deer to them. I honor their manage, and may Qued he their com- fort and their strength. (Applaueet But their reward is at trend. Thom who hat, fallen bate consecrated deaths. They bay* taken their part la the making of a new &trope, a new thint.th't a Id. I can ite4:, of it catnip/4: STORYETTES "Be Loyal to Your Orpn Community" SPLENDID SHOWING of LADIES' MISSES' and CHILDREN'S COATS Not during the present season do we expect to show a better variety of Ladies', Misses and Children's Coats. Now is the best time to make selections and secure the best choice. The new TUNIC COAT, the sea- son's latest style. New CAPE COATS. New FLAN COATS. Special values in Ladies' FUR TRIMMED COATS, in FUR LINED and ASTRACHAN LINED at most moderate prices. New ,Velvets and Silks Velvets are more popular than for many seasons. We were fortunate in placing large orders before the war, and they have now all been delivered. Almost every color in our special 22 -inch, at 6oc per yard. These are extra close pile velveteens and for Ladies' and Children's Dress and Suit Wear are unexcellei. All colors in Corduroy Velveteens at same prices. She waa n widow and bad buried three husbands. 'Twaa leap year, and sbe we -t inspiect the graver. of the deputed with the mau who bad paid her mark.d attentoon in years gone hy. fter contemplating them in mournful silence for • tine rhe tuined In her companion ancdsighed “Shure, Pat, we ould love. ye might have been in that row now if yelled only bad -Hishismore ehatraile. . He was big rind surly, and be mi- tered the quick lunch place and gave hie order. Hearing another patron ordering country siturage, he growled, "Oimine • oboe o' that sausage, I,00." Al. that moment a dog, which by some unusuol ebance bed .lipped into- the hitches' was cted rearward with a kick. It gar e vent. to a few staccato yelps as it went. "Here !" yelled the surly one to his tetreating waiter. "cut that older for sausage. I didu't know you had to m ike ir. • • • Some year. ago, when former Speaker Cannon was • plain member, be took one of his constituents to dine with bins at • rather good hotel in Washington. lt was in the fall and Mr. Cannon ate very heartily of that American edible, Indian corn; in fact, Almon his entire dinner cons•sted of corn- The westerner looked at him and sold '''Say. Mr. Cannon, what dose it cost you to board here r "About $5 • day." said Mr. Cannon. "111 be dinned,' drawled his constit- uent, ''et dont thisik it would be cheaper for you to board at a livery stable. Weald it wee semecillammistasik --IC' be' lenire' or hatkffel(1. s onestion in view a ta. Irma« i• 1."=.0aust•To• his furniture, moos will gain more by thine struggle furry Prance ears a similar enewer. hot down leliservaist• ruined his art in al land. then they comprehend •1 A Nub later the ' !Womb envoi virtire „1"0"1 Igo assess% the metier. KrrIVI 111011110 of means .but ,v10 by a ring Sante from; Premiss 111181100, there woo 01yso. way of el- •••• What wee that I By • esiteality Wilittit: they do? Tbe Mi Ural, areamer- shle occasion rain, buesilio- dm, to the of their Wad. Ate French emperor. wiershiale. WO" alias' Prearlideseek ening to he earned eapMee .,11,1rtn•ii" lend of ibele enemy rather dabonoue the same of their MORO!. It was 'helmet rewash hr.,' "to. Had they violated Illele aistrality the *bele halo, y of that Mel would haw* betme elegieged- A" - tssion =aim i• tge keChi/ rdJ QUICK NAPTHA 4 'YOMANS SOAP treamwee•_ 'Specially those be made hiemelle-pagatter aod amine -burn- ed hie swede= manii•criptt, do you third& be would wait until be Not into imam before be shot bias down' (Leachter). They were dailies with thole wbo had broken Into their boundsolda, hut their perfidy has al- ready failed They entered Belgium to save time, the dun has gone. 10heimil. They have aotfinised time, bet they have io-t their good same. But Elehrtum win not the only tittle teatime that hes been attacked In this war, end I make no **Cued for referr- ing to the tam of the other little makie, the cam of Setviet Mr. Lloyd Insane them paused to rite oir 111811T1 sod a criticises of the intentionally iinpmattile character of the detrain& made by Awetria. Serer"' faced h• sitaatien with dignity. Rossi^ WM* deeply ititeneted in Hereto, and tler massy insisted that Russia eboutd stead said. while Morels erne siewly Waggled by Attitria. Tin Tear gent the -"tidy meets r that becomes a owe." He mid to Austria: "You lay heads on that little fellow, sad leer your ramsbaelde empire limb trees Ilmb." And he's doing/ lt, said the ehaertellor. That le the story of the little naticiaw.-(elamers)-•ed to the provost nu ment. May I 700. In • simple parable. whet 1 think he war is doing for tie ? I knciir a valley is North Wale., between the moun- tains and the Ve.l • beautiful valley, For the Fall Cleaning EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN CURTAIN NETS Cream and Ecru Curtain Net, newest designs, scalloped edges, six different de- signs, 10c per yard. Special value in Coin Spot, beautiful imported Curtain Nets, in white, cream, ecru and arab shades in all the newest weaves at 25c to $1.00 per yd. Spot Muslins, extra quality, 36 inches wide, 15c per yard. Silk Madrasses for overdrapings. These rich Silk Madrasses make most beautiful overdrapes and hangings in all colors to harmonize with any color. 50 inches wide, 9oc and $1.25 per yard. NEW CHINT?„S. NEW ART 'SATEENS. Special Values in Blankets' Special values in Union and All -Wool Blankets, all :narked at old prices while present stock lasts. Union Blankets, size 6o x 8o inches, $3.25 per pair. Wool Blankets, all sizes, $4.5o .to $7.53 per pair. 0 Niagara Batting Niagara Batting, the recognized standard of excellence for the home-made Com- forters. Niagara Standard style, each bat unrolls, 7 x 3 feet. Two qualities, tec and 15c each. Niagara Comfort style and bat unrolls 7 x 6 feet. $1.00 each. • • • An old bttot :h worthy was in the habit of welling each evening at the village inn For a "drop o' the best." When he had gone one night the londlotd dimovered. to his horror. Dim be bad aupplied Donakl out of the bottle of sulphuric acid which be bad been using for cleaniog the trips. Every moment be or pened to hear of Donald's death, and hie relief wire great whet. the old 'toothy arrived inn tevesing. "Donald, what did you think o' the whiskey ye got last night r "It Wu. • fine dram, • gold warted& drain, but it had ay. faii't- din! I coughtil it set tire to ma • • • lea es ideally ozatniasel tbe gotd sleeve -links which were tat hefore her, and then requeeted the clerk to show her another line. She decided on a pair, eatirsourieyi to herself, "Yea. Urn sum bell like these.- "Do you etre 'sloe emo. -fotnielkeemaititor waseitatlbitiee, clerk "Ob. yii• forgot,she said. "I think ewe his rst Initial this time. You may engrave the letter 'LT' on them." "I!", repeated the clerk. es be wrote the instructions down. "May I inquire the namt., Miss, if 11 1. Uriab or Ulises ? Names crommenting with •13 am en very rare." "Stages', ' replied tbe young woman, proudly. • • • Ben Poster was noied for his shift - lessees. If it had not been for hie wife he would not have done a Menke of week on his little farm and garden. It was all his wife mold do to get bit to work, for be preferred to sit sad read all day. One evening. tifter be detil laterest, he iloated the and had trees reading Freneh histlwith eald to hie wife. "Do yogi kaow, aria, what I'd 'a' done if I had been Napoleon r "Oh, ye.. I know well enough." his wife responded. You'd have settled right doe n on • farm In Conies sad let it eon to ruin, while yoa grumbled itbout your hard lush." • • • Labor %mimeo were *none in bis city Oe H•llowe'en he boys pulled a lot of pie/kegs off the tepee of the union barber sod made a beeline el them Tbe barber hotaght some new et. and nailed them on hie bade Whoreepou be was ptemst McCall's Patterns and Publications for November, All in Stock. Phi" 56 Millar's Scotch Store The" 56 doing carpenter work that should hese been done by • union man. The barber thought this over for some Joie. Then he preeentsd the carpen- ters' union with • bill for $1375. "What's this for? asked the chief of the carpenters' onion. "Why." the barber replied, that's whites due the harbers because the carpenters *bare themeelvee. ' His fine was remitted. Women Can Help in War Against Drunkenness Mothers., wive.. and sisters owe It to those dear to them la bele them soil, &irk= Drunkameis is a disease, and membranes or the stomach mest be Isealwil and Ms waving removed -the tiesstilloet serves soothed sod moored -hiders •lit• ton can Aim drinking. Alosra guaranteed to eye eittasettea mem, is trimness,. It builds up ow sorters wed residers drink distasteful. OM It 1e4ay tatruitar IIILMWeir boa. Altars No. 1 IN *04 edorkm endows ler • lc rafrethee veleotas.y treatemet. AA for tree Akins booklet. J• A. CAMPBELL, Droggiat, ood woo. -The new public school at- St. Mikryt wIffilai &town de the OtnOal echool. A BMER REMEDY THAN NASTY SALTS Few people like to take ph• specially malts, became they an so; thavemble to take and because of the ' and pains ir?ing they cause. Retiall • enable you to take less physic, an I without ;utg, purging or exceneive SAM and harsh physic* witielly glee only temporary relief and often leave the bowels mem aff than before. R An Orderlies more , the bowels hral prom all, and soothe, tone and strengthen the teatistal muse -lea, least% them y and regular in action. They taste hire candy, and the movement 'they ohms is as eacy and nattind at though yrsir bowels were in perfect hoolth and you flever had to take any physic at aft We have tempt* faith in Resell Orderless that we urge you lin try thorn with the twidentanding that, if they do not satiety rot, in every way, an have to do to get Tow money back a reef) rut W. honestly believe them bn be the beet hnwel remedy made. In sat pocket tin bons: Inc, Ur, Pie • Yon can buy Rewall Orderlies only at The Rasa Storm, sad in this tows may of ea H. C. Dunlos, Druggist Our Glorious autumn Weather From the Stratford iteroon. During the past few days we have bad some glorious weather and it letings to our °dodo the fact that taken all in all we have one of the most glorious climates in the world. Italy and southern California may have their mild winters, and the spring of England may be moo e beautiful than %bat of Canada, but there is a peculiar glory about our Canadian auturun whit& is to be found nowhere else. The 'staples with then variegated Imes ere 001 excelled in their beauty, even though it may he • dying beauty. We iliave various other native trews who.. beauty is also tnagnifteetit. The toady settlers of woman n Ontario and thidr immediate succenoes, removed prob- ably more of the original forest than weadvairable• cooeidered simply from the aesthetic standpoint. We know mow Mitt there are otber remeons why the hunts should Lave not been so largirly destroyed. but these men had not utirocy atdt oot bereiteetymeehons; tedwalegberith thee. , preservation of tbe forest. It was to them a tieing to hs hot rid of. I However, they left pieces here and Iat this season of tbe year should make there the eight of tin beauty of which our hearts died when we t iew thew ln the older cities arid tows, of NA- ada there has beim more or lees of ins planting done oil the streets and in the lawns. sad they impart a heats y during the summer. hut still more glorions in the autumn. ; Theo wit hays in Canada in the Gill • an atmosphere Goo is generelly clear. The fogs of the morning ere sorm it ted hy the rising sun. The touch o cold that le imparted to the atingle* pion, by chilly winds bee its common - Italian in the •igne which it Wpm re, ; sod the added vitality which it gives to the people. The ripening/ fruits land vegetables renelnd us of tbe ,inopiebesetifiunl atthors mpoothat (teaottadwaelbi ass. for t let 1 strain which has already been gartme- ord. Wit may rejoice In the fertility of ger themillan sell. wed we nosy also et/ileitis le the autumnal beauty of ilia landecepe and its in•ixorating 'math - Pr. -Flee Brumele (Stinting were ogees& ed aso and costa for being drunk. Reeve Leckie wee the presiding main - trate and Inspector Johnston was the preeecatoe. T. Swarts 'Bus, Limy and ilaCk Stables fy fined fifty dollars by the tiounee Bedford Hirsh °boyish. MONTRIAL Brits= JUST OPT THr &WARN • 1.) BURRS MEET ALL TRAINS AND: PAH8RNOKR : MATH Paw/tenger. called for ia any part of the_town fog ail trains at G. T. R. or C. P. R. depots. Prompt esevice and careful atten Our Livery and Hack service will he found up- to-date in every reepeet Your paitrynagegolieited. Ta SWARTS Phial* 107 Montreal Street Wood For'\ Safe Tbe seder. hinted are agate Eigity 6/ task We de. treed=1/rr; laweediate me. met sisaili=jin mad ts hwhire lam tour tolls. reed sod thriie Issmithe et Nett., We jive more quasi it 'e• and mail, im fer Bat sewer OM., ewe bw Mit tor - w hope Mee. Our ovodwiWars warm. Try mated MO ter reer•erlf or.ltewsnre arld, git oar tertimAll enl el W.... re. roisidlessea • Oreas• W. HILL & SON BRNM I DIX R Sherd Memo r