The Signal, 1914-10-15, Page 21
• TSO.pAT, OcrossS 16. 1164
Emtro• Alam itreijengg
Tag SIsaat V .vsey Thereds
antalus. Aort�
�tregt, T PIU No. s►
ne bed nay
ow roar:o y to .. 0ao
will be asepted : t. es !'i the
Mame oke awe Dao
Covets etre fir a a/wawa
` I s as�eareeu
wenn* a;,asamba
tame.;•.hays el addre�
the new address sheekt beOven.
-Moy slwk 412.1t tet
. K
t sag
ar sad
tautest advrtimmes4 will be edam v.ea ap
canna either ar
orare adveitismenta.
toe .seta per Ilea Por Brit i•.arttoe and four
cam me Hee tee melt asteweeirat
1and byscale oa
seUd .p.i tI -t e
lines to an inch. Dadaism Dards of •ti lines
and under. Ptvs Italia. pass year. Advet Ws -
mem. of Loa nerd, Strayed. aftwfon-
V.oaat, at ttatters+ t cmud. IS, 01101 for 8als or
to Rent. Farm.• toe Bale or to Rept. Articles
fes tate. eta. not esce.d4tg sight lino.. Twenty.
live Cent. each lumalee ; one War toe gist Fifty ('troto for each+obs !sent mouth.
Larger .dtertl-etaerHO in wopwt t .
n eunoeateotr to ordinary imam"
Caracole line. No •odes 1.41.1 then Tensor.
8ve Geta Any .pedal two toe, the ob).ct ot
which Is the pocunluary Moak of any Indira -
oater ameriattoa. t.. be o.n•Fdered &n eaves -
t meent and Monad .oror+itngh-
To Coaasatti,%uaant -1 he ce opacities of
our rtlrr•rtbet. and reader` 10 cordially in, it -
ed toward. nuking Tom Pio a • t a w eeklj reword
d all dosed. tenet! and dietr.r•t doing, No cum
osnioation will be attended to notes ot an,
taint the name and address of tbe writer, net
o oe.esrll for peak -ales. but s en .. ammo
faith. New-
Ae* , later Wednwam
of owe week.
ttasd the resides of pestwise. Tb.
News silesld hair* seppleneest*d the
statent*at by Willem es who offered it
to him The News also tells as that
Hoe. T. Q. Fences has sot had sofa -
dent for the naso. The
News •heuld also have told us why a
scan with still kw expellees* is re-
garded ar score eligible. The Mail and
Empire discourses o° Von glue's pn-
dicameot and on greenbouss vege-
tables in winter. but says tsothlog
about Hoo. Ur. Pyne'• predloameot,
or how W get • premier to an open
tell. Papers like the Brantford Cour-
ier fay whoever may be chosen
the choice will be hist of the mem-
bets and the perry as a whole. But
what has been dour to arena upon the
aseenthliog of the 'nowhere in caucus?
There is no Winking the feet that
the members ate being pu-bed to one
side in the choice of a premier. and
thereto'e the democratic status of the
Coneerv.tive patty i. attacked. We
bave already pointed out where that
attack bee coin. from. We are `lad
to see that the Evening telegram air
recognises the Jaeger.
Torre is reelly no general disagree
meat about the matter at all, but
those who age agreed seem aftaid to
express their 000vi, t one, and the
choosing of • prewier 1.4 Ontario is
beiop allowed to go by default. Eerily
ntiniater iu the future cabin. t will 1.
under the same stigntw that must •t- _
The Private
t>J IMS gives the best *Chia
time to an estate in his care, of
therefore it frequently induct
iatates have been diagram&
through inefficiency,
and sometimes actual
*sty on the part of private la-
divlduals acting as *=***torn.
This strong, soundly man-
aged Trust Company is always
available, never ill, never
sway. Its officers are export
in the management of estates.
The faithful execution of
trusts is their one concern.
Consult ue regarding the
handling of your estate. All
information cheerfully furn-
TN Lulu & Wester*
Trrsts Co. Limited
382 Richmond St, Lo.dostfOet.
Sir Ge.. Gibbers LC., P, .Meat
j ea 5. Masse, Macaw
tech to the new premier cho.en in
stash a way, rind when the next we
.ion of the horse is c Jled the whole
.reit day 1.r the Literal government will be panicululj and
par'v in Ontario, says the Totonto uonece.sarily 511 eeptil.le to critleoIIt.
World, whose editor is Mr. %V. F. -- s--- -
McLenn, ('ons.rvative member tot STATEMENT FROM A FARMER
gut Tock. The Conservatives. who y� the rano Journal.
Imre the strong.•*t representation any We (n resets nerd nwakening to the
WIT could hoi.e (ut toger, h ,t r de- (net that we h+ere un•n"-I kket it
thrown aw ty their advent- rs{ nhe period whrre we must think
age, ding •stud their inenibet . mad sal plan. 1 art eine of the slow Ger-
gown in the (Ace of ail t'unservativ .tad sin i farmers t at hail to be shown,
w giving e
party Drinctples by went t ug to the that aLheum.flon•emy xp.rtenro
y profit, for knowledge
dictation of outside meencise, and fail-
ing to t°alat upon • caucus for the
choice of a new leader.
at the school of experience is mite
exfwre'.ve now than ten year. ago.
Twenty-nine veers ago i 'began my
firm career. i had an nld team and
'She death of Sir James Whitney fifty dol'w. O •r fornitr[re was most.
lett the party in an unusual position. ly home -trade --chairs, cupbo.rde and
lunnge made from dry geode boar.;
neatly covered with ten -cent cretonne
by my girl wife. We rented 80 acres. Be-
ing • hey of good bedsits 1 got 111 needed
machinery and *enemies of nor hope
merchants rest coedit. notal fall aro
I wet. sold. Tb.•firet year was a wet
bas nu recognised L niter in On- season and I didn't Mahe enough to
tario and the proper thing to have pay creditors.f went to each on date
done wculd have Iteen tb call the of promise and explained conditions,
"Itemisers together and let them de- paying as much to each as possible.
and they all carried the halance over
cide upon a leader. An inner circle, another year. Tcontinued to ac -
On coming into power for the fleet
time after en election. a pnlitieal perry
always has* leader who is neutrally
recognized es the logical pr ,mler. In
the influent case the Con.ervative
however, decided that the would not cntnmtdatn me untI w I as shie to buy
a40.acte piece of my own.
Assoon as I owned these few sere.
the mall -order houses hegkn trending
me catak'�de.. and gradually 1 began
sending my loose change to them. let-
ting my accounts stand ip my home
towr., where I bed gotten my accom
modation when 1 needed it
We then had ono of the thriftiest
little villages in the state -good line of
business fa all branches, merchants
Rho were willing to help an honest fel-
low over a bad year, and a town full of
people who twice a week to trade
and visit. Our little country town
supported a library, high school, band.
bell tram, and we had big celehtations
trust the wombs', that is, that they
would not trust the people. and set
shout carrying out their own wishes
independently of either members or
The members have not bad strength
enough, or perhaps a sufficient nucleus
of opinion, to enable them t'f come out,
in the open and say what they
wanted. If brut the members had de-
clared in public what they have been
thinking In private there would bave
been a caucus summoned immediately
after th• funeral. No action wag every year. A farm near a live town
Wheel. The city members ,at tlahr. soon doubles in value. .I .old my 411
acres at a big advance and bought an
Wbacre Perm gradually adding to it until
1 had 2100 acres of the hest land. I then
felt no need of caking favors, and
found it easy to patron ze mail order
agents That cattle .31.1104 weekly to
Our door. i regret to nay that 1 was
the first in the cnut try to make up a
neighborhood hill and send it to•mail
cyder hour. Tbough we got bit every
MOO in a while, we get in the habit of
sending away for sluff.
and the country members ran around
Ottawa sent down word what it
wooled, and the thing was put through
ie approved kaiser fashion. This over-
throw of popular government methods,
this infringement of the rights of the
members of the Legislature, this sweep-
ing aside of all the honorable prin-
ciples of government for which Sir
James Whitney established a tradition
in the province. can only mean the de-
cadence and ultimate break-up of the
Conservative party.
We shall be told that it is rank
treason to say such things. It is fat
ranker treaat.n not to say them. To
allow the Conservative party in run
Its train into a hroken bridge and
keep quiet while the smash is coming
is a poor idea of loyalty to the party..
Seery Who' who bite the ietsrrsl est the
Conservative party at heart should he
out with • rad flag waving off tbe
t;rorrreeient by nose se- 4ty -ch.t
of by any forts of kaieer(sm fi-utterly
foreign to the 'emit of the ('ons
tic. party and the CAmeervativy voters
of Ontario. Certain .elf -appointed
leaders may think they know better
than all the political .ages of the last
hundred yea' s. But they do not and
they will learn, as others have (earned,
when it in ton late to put the lesson
into practice.
The World has taken its stand on
this democratic principle, and the
♦Vbitney tradition. It has not sup-
ported nor opposed the claim of any
men to office. it has declared that
the cboice of a weak man will he (stat
to tbe party interests. It bolds that
no man should be chosen without tak-
ing the views of the party In caucus.
1f the holding of Inch opinions is
treacb.ry to the l•oneervative party,
then there are (.w loyal seen in It.
But such views and opinion are the
strength of the party. and without
them the party will he weak as water,
and the *termites" man appointed to
represent the abysses of mach views
will have ..ober Ieeenaee ser astbrie.
Hy with the tteember, nee ie the mem
We lien htfertnM by the Tdeeltne
.... s.,.....,,.*Me Pr• J. - iil• de►
(iradually our tnerrhent• le.e.ened
their stark of goods -for lack of pat-
ronage. Finally we Mean to reelise Chet
we needed • bolt quickly for machin-
ery. cr clothing for sickness or death.
we had to wait aml send away for it.
which was not so pleasant.' One by one
our merchants moved to plates where
they were appreciated, and wen of leas
energy moved in. (irsdu.11y our
town hen gone down ; our businees
houses ars "tacky' in appear•nee. •
nu tither are empty: our school..,
churches, and walks are going down,
we bare no hand. no library or hall
Leann. There is no business done in
the town. and tb.ref tee no tattoo to
keep things mop. Heel in closed, for
lack of travel. Ut down to the depot
If you have $100
now loom.. tlo bra ss l pee
VIOL 110 poor.* iesr�,t e� i•
ssw.eper la•el ..wes•sa e.wkb
totatr.. dw
sr. Of •411
�n.�t ret day
it MoitiggigiCogigoiligg•
Per Cent
�1T�aime . cis Russ shr worse. nee boo
ass" a Me ssd `s.w.s
a rw �_e manes sad wear•wwtkts .neer*•
PaiAsd.ap Capitaleeeetwee =
prasa esenM Deo nusM fa
meanie% rt soar iniulew
W. L 140R -rot . e,a,ek`
wslNest (tllseyss
He Fesegbt Withthe Snitch TriodeTrne I
diad Canadian VsIeMsers
James Fraser, who fougbt with toe
Caaadlaa volunteers at Fort tris Mir-
ortag the Vealan uprWag. pec stly
celebrated W eightieth birtkday la
the Soldiers' Home at Milwaukee.
"1 have fought under four Saga,
including Canada's and France's aad
I am ready to fight again betore I
die." be bald.
I "When tits Civil War broke out in
1041• between the Mates 1 enlisted
and fought till 1865 in the Seventeenth
Vermont. Then 1 wan discharged.
Litter the Fenian uprising broke out.
So 1 Mired the Canadian rolentee•s
sad fought at Fort Erie. Attar the
war 1 went to Manitoba with [hi
Canadian troops and helped put due u
the Indian rebel, Louis Riel.
"In 1370 1 joined a party of Can-
adians and enlisted In the Britian
Army that went to relieve Kartou u.
There I helped shove a bayonet Into
the brother of the Mad Mullah. We
used to sing this ditty: 'Mad Mullah
on a summer's day burned Khartoum
In Afrlcay.'
"After that w ar we returned to
Canada. Than ee heard the French
were having trouble In Morocco a
group of us enlisted as • special com-
pany of expert sappers. We were :n
commission about three months, atter
which we returned to Vermont. Later
I went to Manitowoc, where I was
employed on the streets."
Fraser is very spry. for all his years.
can dance the tango, too," he- re-
marked. going through several glides
end dips. His one yearning is to
marry, and he declared that within a
year he would have • better halt to
take care of Mm.
"i was to have been married once,"
he said, "but my bride was taken
from me -she died." .
when tic+ freight pull. in and you
ore the sequel in uta„ . .ter p tekagee. 1
Nine ye are afro ,oy faint wail worth
8195 an erre: 'o lac 1'.I h tee a heed
sum 1er to .elf n a 11(17 an acre. It tk
"too f.r front • t twit" -so every h is said that wan`. to bur.
He naive a piker near schools and
cltu•ch-e, where hitchil tten cin have•
advantages. i have awakened to the
(tot th.1 in helping to pull toe t 'ern
down it has coat me $ fI1iI in nine
years.. Like the utajnrite ot fat in 1
didn't Retire far enough ahead.
This sort of business rneaos the do-
ing away with country t tens. What
will it wean to farmers 1) hove only
a few large cities at a disten-e of five
hundred to a thousand miles •r
What are we going to d•t wi, h our
childt en who are demanding even Let-
ter advantage than we had p
Those Otiose we help to build return 1
00 favors ; they take our tootles, but
offer at. credit in time of need. If we
want h gb schools., etc., we must raise
the money and huihl near our farm
bomee, or semi out bays and girls to
to the cities at ere..t expense, am dei I
temptations of which the farm has no
reveal. Neither am 1 the only awaken•
ing farmer Tkeatail order sweats.
that come to nnr Routes every week
are beco n•ng a n,missnce and making i
it unsafe to leave won) on and children
alone on the f.trm. With farm cor-
diality we take these strengere in•a.
our homes, often as on. of the family.
and we aresotnetime. paid in having
tbem entice our girls to the city.
These err some facts that need con-'
sideration, and t have decided that the
safest proposition all around. is for
the country people to Inok atter their
own interests, and build up their own
enuntty towns that bring value to
their farms. Let those who want to
patrrnize the city mail order houses
.o there to live, getting their living
reber. they give their patronage. The
remainder of my life will be given t•
hu lding up the home town that I
helped to pull down. Beother farm-
er., yon can take my advice or get
your knowledge the way I got mine.
Farmer's Good Suggestion
A farmer from Downie township
to ted to a representative of the
SL Mary's Argus that it would he a
goad plan for the unemployed men of
St. Mary's to Rn to the cnoolry and
pick apples. There are many ferment
who will gladly give apples for the
picking and if .omethiog like this ii
not done many barrels of good fruit
will go to waste. Surely it would
even he a gnod and eharitable piece
of work for the collegiate institute
students to spend a day or two among
the farmers' orchards and pick apples
ter the poor people of our towns.
This was done at London sed many
people were greatle helped thereby.
Merely in our towns people do not
wish to see valushle fruit go to waste.
just for Lack of a litth effort and self-
sacrifice.. Think it over and see if
something cannot be done.
When to Stop
An English journal rrqur.l.d
• number of its largest adver-
tisers to give their opinions con-
cerning the beet time 10 stop
advertising, and the f,-llowing
replies were received :
When the ptpulatino retiree to
multiply and the generations
tbat crowd no alter you and
newer heard of you stop coining
When you hat., eonvinevd
everybody whose of. will touch
yours that you bare better goods
and lower triers than they ewe
get anywhere else.
When you clop making for-
tunes right in your sight solely
tbrougb the direct use of the
talent! agrnt,
Whoa Too can forget the
words of tbe shrewdest cud
most sum/awful wren coaeernleg
the main mum of their prole
petit y.
Wiese vouog.r and freebie,
keesee la your 1111. tealo start-
etg wp and using the trade
inursala is Winne the people
▪ w mesh bettor they can de
for them than yen esu.
Whim yen world Huber have
Mtn, away and fail iotas to i
Wendel -Ail Iulldings• With Good Air
But no Windows to Open
The latest wonder In New York is
a sealed skyscraper which, when com-
pleted, will be 78 per cent. glass, yet
in the building there will be nY win-
dows that may be opened. The en -
tin twelve storeys will be tight as a
drum, the glass walls being set In
steel framework. There will be plenty
of ventilation, however, and abundance
of fresh air the year round supplied
at an even temperature by a new
ventilating system.
H.&Mlaess In Steck Maintained Only
1 by Diligent Care and Seedy
1t Is now generally recognised that
dlarrhtws among young calves is dub
ike a bacterial tatectloa. Several din
lomat kinds of bacteria lutes been
tease to cause the disease. The gnat
majority of oases, however. are caused
by carious forms of the common ootl
bacteria, or by • nearly related
species, the paracoll. These species
of bacteria are found In tote intestines
et all healthy animals. Ordinarily
they are perfectly harmless. Swim -
times. because of Improper feeding. or
other causes, • calf becomes so weak-
ened that thew bacteria are able W
set up a severe inflammation In the
alimentary canal. This produces the
diarrhoea or scours, and usually re-
osults in the death ot the calf. Atter
• passage through one or two such
calves, these bacteria acquire • great-
ly Increased virulence. They are
then able to attack healthy calves and
cause their death. When such • viru-
lent strain is once established In •
barn to another on the shoes and cloth -
1t. The infected` calves are daily
pawing billions of these bacteria
with their droppings. These are
carried about from one part of the
barn ti another on the rpoes and cloth-
ing of the attendants. by the bedding
and even by the dust In the alr.
The calves may becomro infected to
various ways. Infection through the
navel cord happens occasionally, but
this does Lot ocour so frequently as
is generally supposed. A much more
frequent method of !ntetion is through
the mouth. The calf bring* its nose
the mouth.
To Prevent Disease
A knowledge of the cause of the 1
disease renders methods of prevention
much simpler. On farms where the ,
disease 1e not serious it 4. only neces-
sary to see that the calf is born in 1 --- - ----
• clean stall and is kept well supplied ! Starting Tree Distribution
with clean bedding. Such • stallthe UThe nited depart`hatmesentb of age iculture of
pre am ing to to- I
sDould "be thoroughly cleaned and dos- f
itrees me a system o dtstr•btaion to
infected each time before 11 1s used. ihwe' in the western states s4,114.r 101
After the calf Is weaned careful attea- :that being carried on by the totems y
tion ahiuld be given to the milk. ft rhaenrb "Lb. depemsat °I the rater
for in Canada. r. W. A. Peterson,
is necessary that the milk should bis i super intend. nt pf the newt establish -
handled In a cleanly manner. The led 41.11 station at Mandan, North I
milk must be fresh and should las IDekota, bee reeently visited the forest
warmed to 95 deg. F. I; should be
given in clean palls which are kept
especially for that purpose. Attu
use these palls should then be thor.
oughly washed aad scalded. it would
be still better 1f all the milk used
In cold weather tote fresh atmos-
phere sucked in from without will he
heated; when the summer comes 1t
will be cooled. At all seasons of the
year it will be tree from disease -
breeding germs, being carefully puri -
fled. The ventltating system is unique
in its thoroughness. Air 1s sucked in
through a special duct on the second
„floor, because air at this latitude has
been found to .be less Impure than
at greater heights. The air passes
through "shower" chambers, where
the Impurities are washed out of it
after the manner of a rain shower.
At each floor there are Inlets with
ducts which guide the fresh air Into
the interior under regulated pressure.
whereas the foul air Is sucked out
under the ceiling through ducts con-
necting with the main flue. This
system obviates the use of windows.
which only let to draught and noise
and dirt.
Independent of the air supply, there
will be • hot water heating system
ensuring In the coldest days of wittier this disease. The serum treatment fs tmnet ttusemry-sompautmeo
Asmlelty. Me Dower pleat will now t-or•enva
a constant, healtkfal temperature and tine carr, rlernrie•ligbred .tntJ .d
b used extensively and with et..oleepers, tatgMbrr with stand rd dnt-
°silent results to Denmark and la :Tillman, car swiss h*twsen M nor«,1.
11* all that an engineer could posalbiy to-t»troit•QbIr'get, via Cee n-
wfsb for. More than 00.000 will be ma." W> 01 Germany. mita PadIc aid Michigan ('*moat
expended on It This "loft building1
�e preparation of such serums mile nods, ate known as "Thr Cern-
de a gnat amount ort labor and dian," and operated daily tbrt.ugb the
de laze" will cost 411,600,004 and 1t I Micblgan Lentral twin tubes between
scar ears if they ate to prove sueeeast." Kid d I>ti tteti
Ws root will M a no parlor for the
strains of both coil and parcel' No. !SAS a.m.. •Hiving Toronto 5.40 p m. ;
tecta wblch can cause oke dlawe tt Ta onto 010 p m., I.awieg
women empioyea, where they tray Lntd..n D.3i pm., attiring R'indfuot
tape their "niton rest amid the moat is always necessary to exaatla* naves12 10 a.m., arriving Detre it iI.Yh p m.
itb*.rinl sad attrsetive surroundings. from each farm fn order to gad oat teentrsl time); leaving Doiroil
lust which atraln of these organbms 11.56 rets., arriving Chicago ; 46 a rn.
'a caudng the dlataae. Then •serum B p.aiwod: lwmei; ('bies10
t{nest; ■rtivinK [1►
appropriate for •given form kas been (Miehigas Cestrsi dap t►
obtained tt fa only necessary to inject 11111•.m. : tearing Qetrdt (SI cbigae
a small quantity of th1s wader the 41
skin of the calf Immune to that pats
ticnlar organism and usually no far-
ther trouble will be experienced. Dr.
Jensen has carefully shown that Deck
methods will both prevent and cote
the disease -P. M. Surface io Breed-
ers' Desalt&
w. Aafir kRT 8 it t i ilo
Cotton Blanket Offering
Fifty palm large double bed she Outten Blanket* la grey Daly,
with pink anal blue boedes's. Sett. heavy, gee quality.
Regular pries 51.76 at per pair . ...
Wool Blankets
%Vhite, pure, all wool Blankets, ohms beastUully whipped and
purest Canadian fleece. Sip Wain Mabee Regular, worth
Wildat per pair .................... • ... ..... IjS.po
Carpets and Rugs
Our tall Carpets an all to new. Noadvaace on prices (1nt,t
former purchases.
Tapestry Carpets in neat patterer., heavy clew frill. Pattern.
suitable for any room or hallSpecial values at per yatd
.•... ....10o, 41041, Aso. Yee
Linoleums and Floor 011 Cloth
All widths up Us 4 yards wide. Llss/Mtas ......... Boo and e00
Oilcloths, per square yard
Ladies' and Misses' Sults
12 Ladies' sample Sults of serge', whipcord and wonted, 'dick..
nary and fancy. Coats ere silk (toed and tailor made. very
stylish and highest class material. We invite inspection n1
thew very *prelatic Priced at each $1l.00,0ad 118.00
Separate Skirts
Five Dozen Ladies' Tweed and Serge new stylish skirt., tuil,
made, all sines. Special at each 02.78
Butterikk Patterns for November and Delin-
eator on Sale
25o and 300
W. Acheson 0 Son
nursery station at India* Head. teas
katcbrwan, in order to get it,forma-
lion as to the tuetbod of handling the
work in Canada, as it has now been
definitely decided that the United
Slates should pt opg
nate and t.Istrib-
uate trees from the Mandan station
under a s)etem similar to that twee -
were pasteurised by heating barely to datonting in Canada. It is interesting t
1 140 deg.
haiF. for twenty minutes. Such Iced rhest:et yn this respect Oanads ban
treatment w•141 kill all dlarrhaet and , - -
,tuberculosis game. Such precautions 1
if carefully carried out, w111 prevent
the disease on farm& where" It L not
a serious infection.
On farms where the Infection has Needless- Use Parisian Sage
gained a strong bold, prevention Is
Now that Psrirlan Salve can iw had
a much more difficult task. On such tat any /hog counter it is eerieinly
needless t . have thin, brittle, mat ted,
farms' the virulent bacteria are spread jariin.y or faded heir. Noyt atter bow
throughout the barn and the yoeag Itoneightly the hair, how handy {t is
calves become Infected t:.rough ths.�falLng, nr how such'dandrul, P;. i.
clan Sage is ■11 that es ..wird. Fre-
straw or even the dust. At such q.feot applications and well rubbed
places it might be possible entirely Ionto the scalp will do wonders -it acts
to Isolate the young calves Ina new `liksbe .d wanda/ticetitlaThe hair to roots .row arneew ahalnrr
stable, where with special attendants ,Itching scalp, dandruff and falling
and a careful attention de
to talls, ii.,n
. hair cease- nr heed feels fine. Beet
disease might be eradicated. Such 1 t all, the air becomes wit fluffy..
abundant and radiant with life and
methods. however, are usually not I beauty.
practicable. not
will be surprised and delighted
The Serum Treatment o-
!with Patisien Sage. Try rot least our
fifty tent *voile float B. R. Wigle.
Dr. C. 0. Jensen, Copenhagen, IgHe will rr(umi ,It. purchase price 41
mark, has devoted a great amount of ; you so e lout ia' i fl -1. -
time to the study of calf. dlarrbQa.
As a result of his work he 1s able to Fast Montreal -- Toronto - Detroit -
produce a serum or rather several Cnicago Train tiervice
serums against the different forms of 1 I There solid de luxe trains. catrying
wflt 1N the- ww.�i le $.w York > n eor as l t.
built entirely of st*N nod Clans. On ; Mae there aro s -number at MleVelt Witftbnuan r Btaeteg . Hoolttewl
The fictive►-LSMtar
]Mrs are the measurements of a
lobttter caught 01 the coast of New
>trenewlck: its Irving weight was 3g
leeeeda. or peselbly more Maximum
Isagth 14 Inches. tip of tall to claw
Mid; tenon aad rostrum. 20% lashes;
tampers. 5% lashes; girth, 1t !lichee.
Crusher claw. girth. 14 1-1 inches;
Imgtk, 11% taches; width, 8X inches;
depth, 3 1-5 Mabee; w14th. 4 inches;
depth. 1i6 inches.
Casting Pales Teeth
Two AsIs 1 t. eaglaeen haus layout.
el a proems tar castle( tales teeth
la metal by which the neessssry sai-
lers" density 1. obtained.
Heirs Odsb Speeders
All the light from a sew rear lamp
Mr automobiles le emmeetrated
yeas through a perforated plate .hew.
iw • mei teams SISe1W.
()Petrel depos) 11 am.: leaving
Detroit (Fort streets 11.41 p.s., lam -
lag Wlntl.or (C P.R.) 1.10 ■.nr. (east-
ern One ). leaving Windsor (Michigan
Omital depo111.10 a.m., keying Lon -
dos 616 a.m.; arriving Tn. onto
B.Ipass. ; kavfss Toronto D u) a.m.
arriviag Montreal I1 10 p.m.
Pell particulars from Canadiaa
Peelle ticbet agents, or write M. O.
Mrphy district psassng.r .gear,
Tooted ).
Diminutive Flrearss
A revolver which hu hues designed
fee the nervous woman to carry h
her vanity bag 4. probably the mall -
set weapon of Its hied la the vim%
hem the ftp of the bummer 10 the
Mid of oke bared it immerse about
three laches. aad 1t Ores a steal lel.
1st about the also of a plies head. TTN
wawa. whisk la the latent prelim
0.s eta leading gesibeberas=
ten, • use.. wits saA
000 Reword 0100
The maderg et its saw M M
Meet twee to ssteeless{ ane se,ei
has O e s, Wes
•t]ssr?a heir are r
ep the,
N}em s
tt meN ang►
Absolutely pure; Letter mid
cheaper thin any othrr. \1'e
are preparing to do custom. work
making Cider arid will Alen h.tre
Sweet Cider for sale.
are of teeny kinds, but
luxury 001 of a mensal).
we tl.:ea
we nee the greatest precaution to is
Men only the latest and moat -unitary
from this shop ie the he -t ohlainab4•
Mstiefaetory retimlRtes nn new orrs•
pair work.
I t1
aad ler
of canoe
Jrdesls always
Sbaltipa/It les
Is leastipmdlewDIMUr
Autumn Session
/:n.t.g'.`� Moa",
Saar ie Temp