The Signal, 1914-10-15, Page 1DO YOU *ANT A ?
Do You Want Help :-
The Signal
Want Ads Every Week
Do You Want Help: -
The Signal
Want Ads Every Week
✓ _
• !•‘1/LTH TIELS-Mo. Mil
wow wseeweenelellesonewoolOOMMINIIMPSene
SAVE, because
No. 128
Many a partnership bee been cheaply bought by capital
available in the nick of time. Your money in a savings ac-
count is always available.
Head Mee, Canter Lisi and Bay Streets, Toronto
- A. H. Walks
A. Porter, Manager
General Macaws -
Goderich Diem* -
^ PRowIle: Oesscsi ID; House 150. P.O. Box Mt
Some Desirable
for immediate sale
IAA your properties tor sale or tent with me.
JI .1 roam. eamer Albert wel Brack
street. Apply le IL C. MUNISING& IAD
frit RENT. - -ROOK RD
1 bruk boom ea Well*Stai Meg. _AP
wader,' romersimess. Applir to J. XL
1I 01 'SIC TO 811114T. -WITH SIX
11 looms sad all saes amillare esinenieeco.
Mk Se WPM stmt. deem le N. W. NOTT,
Mistral* greet. fit
futwirei=a:. Puwmg
rpi, RENT,T21111101E 0045811 w I T H
1 1111i$ sew et Kis&
ar=se. Apply MRS.
CI. J. t 0.1L6P4 1:-tf
WarA borne oil 1111111141Meeemaisseer
w. Aii. seeseta Aptly to
OR Mem .ad Cumbria reel. •
tea ebb modem ceavon-
WM.. Ake se La. Apply to ADA*
Merv:R.N. Petvask street aztt
We /son tar age obeet Mart) teas Ms.
Pee* marries trees 10111 merseds. dm Woe
garAirtblrAVS.ellerilelk= =
WI tet lag
LIERTUIM !OR SAL IL -I Save bed goose with
S S Or eget sale seeeral &mirage
gaged ea peed streets la Setteriel="04,
bre togs gargle • siert dimes* er U. ir
M, 7418•1141 Ws= ist assAatseet
VARM FOR .8A1.11. -THE RA81'
1 hal t st is ese• m hunk own.
W s. Lagers pewee so el A86
Mt oessabang MO wla me'l„,
dad • trams pews awl ....,...-
a mall webant..per . antiarZ
MirAllretieriets. Ski
sere. mere er lees, le eat •
loner Was, .pram, all dm ..__."..
• Lo1 11. see. 11.
elm in eves,
Maw tiot loess Is dead rrg •""`"
Me et the lase end lig Ms m-
e- le ewe sad
a beit mass Med treseker
of • Male bele
le A is d
Enthusiasm and Success Accompany
Annual Dames of Goderkh
ate Institute Students -All Event*
Keenly Contested and Some Track
Records Establisited
. , . 13104W,t E. ROLLAND
wIS be la Seilorlob ea
sal will sell at tits Usiee Hotel Stabler.
at UP o'clock Nara
10 beatlimetitsbeimessers sag lisiters, 14 mon. milker,.
aad spriepers.
Titage: w tow lasath.' credit wdl be
VONA fersiebto=se gist DOOM bear-
er. per lAntula.
bz.z.Vrsite emit or mote for same will be
Proprietor. •ectiesiser.
Friday last was the annual Field
day of the 0 oderic b collegiate institute.
The morning broke cloudy end damp
assd it did not look as if it would be •
eery good day for sport, but tbe rain
kept off and towards noon tbe sun
broke through and everything wee
lovely. The various evetits were well
contested and the long list of spore,
were ail run off with the exception of
the half mile race for Deplore, whicb
was pulled off on Tuesday afternoon.
Throughout the entire programme
peat enthusiasm was displayed. each
successful competitor receiving an
One of the ruoet popular events was
tbe Captain Ball game, played by
fourteen girls, comprising two teams
of seven girls eacb. The game is
rather difficult to describe and muse
be witnessed to be fully appreciated.
Principal Hume and Mr. A. M.
Roberteoti wale in charge ot the pro-
gramme and made • most efficient re-
feree and timekeeper. In the after.
000n • number of the citizens wet*
I ass lead by
. Olp:trAGE IlloINTTRE
To es11 by pekoe &acme at lot Lt, tea. t. A..h
Aild tea nails ea
("Intumescing at see o'clock odors :
2 bonier, pum bred fithertliere cow. s years
old. dm January Int; peg bred latertbern
heifer wilf. beater aiuf. by. cotter, cow.
4 years dd. doe in January; see 1, roan ow,
one Is Joly . cow. I years old, ogre la Feb-
ruary ; eow. 3 years old. stew riga" 3 years
std. wane rigor 1 years old. better Haag 2
yearsold. 3 own calves, le store bees, sow, to
tweets Is November, sew. to !arrow lo Doom -
bar; set doable bernees, en toeing Sanwa.,
•st farm hareem. set kazoire•. wagm
mad steel rack. pair In, cultivator, rot
randobarraws, waildng . wed drill.
mower, 01111111, grindstone.
larks. shovel.. cedar .ad sameres. r saw
snsamas VACANT
• HeMineint. weeks
mare.. tst.,..414E4
combs*, 7 feet 84 inches; H. Currie,
W. Babb.
Rustling high Jump (juulor)-Mil-
ton Bradwin. 4 feet 6 inches; D. Mc-
Donald, H. Boatsmen.
=0 yards raise (eeniorl-M. Plunkett,
25 2,5 seconds: W. Bebh, S. Brimi-
Throwing and retelling ball (Oriel --
C. Welsh and 1). McManus, Me.
Manus •nd J. Nair., E. Hicks and J.
Standing high pomp (junlor*-D.
McDonald, 3 feet 9 inches; J. Bowler.
H. Buchanan. -
Querter-mile race (under 15 yeers )-
M. Priditatu, J Mose, IL Fienderson.
Putting *hot (junior) -H. Buchanan,
25 het 8 inches; Milton Bradwin, 11.
Riley race (girl.) -J. Oriffin. G.
Jeffry'', R. ilayo, E. %Veneer, K.
Goldthorpe, E. kfurney 2 minutes 24
seconds; M. Welsh, C. Welsh. J.
Nairn. E. Nairn, A. McLean, M.
Holty ellee I upwol-84echlev, Leuder.
Swart& Pridtottn. 1 minute 37 secoods;
Bradwin, Babb. Currie, Plunkett.
Half -mile ries (*entre )-M. Plunkett,
S. Brimiconthe, W. Babb
Half -mile 'woe NJunior)-T. 0.
Glazier, 2 minutes 48 second+ : W. M.
Dalton. J. Bowler.
Relay race !junta )-M ilt on Brad -
win, H. Buch.nass, H. Waiters, El.
PuwelL 2 minutes 34 seconds : R.
Clark, H. Curry, H. Edwards, G.
Death of Mrs. Middleton
From the Brandon Timm we take
the followicig reference to the death of
Mrs. Chas les Misidkion. • former read -
A. II. SNADWIN. Postainsis.
ht intzsatilznproizeirriciit Sun& App,.. WANTED IN THE WEST
peony, who haa been engaged in Sun- To rns trirroa or Tag !WAN Al '
day school work for the part 13 years, Sir. -In looking over the home
expressed himerlf as well satisfied paper, The Signal, I see that there is
with the day's proceedings, while chola farmer on the Huron road wbo has
representauon was small the intetest 3OG barrels of •pplee that he bee no
was keen. He said he has wen great 'customer for. Now, Sir, I think that
. results spring from a niuch smaller ' is • very unsatisfactory position to be
Enthusiastic Sessions Held in North beginning; he hoped that within five in at tide season of the year. In • few
btreet Methodist Church -Sixty- years there woukl be touch • repreeen- , weeks frost and snow will be on and
s.tation thet North street church woukl if not dummied of must be 'almost an
sea Huron Courity Boys and
he taxed to accommodate them. metre loos. The old story of ”In
Forty-seven Huron County GirIS
Outsoie the Sunday Schools
The meetings Of the Centre Huron
Sunday school convention opened' in
North *tweet Methodist cburch on
Tiseeday morning. Rev. J. E. Ford
led the devotionel exercises, wits&
were Doinewhat out or tbe ordinary,
comietAng Mpomilre ro.djuito, dew_ You MY interstate! and you ate oot
Mg with statisticv its gatbered by the a• "aims 14be KeY emay• You
ptoeiocial Sunday school organisation, •re nit ti. bums.
The potion, of tbe church of • gen-
es well as familiar hymns and portions
triton ego was that of • big fire in -
of scripture. The balance of tbe morn -
Durance compan y endeavouring to
lug session was taken up hy confer-
ence led by Rev. E. W. Ha'penny, save people from • great big pit of fire
dealinisrl:rgely with county organiss- and smoke.
necessary to organize, to take *lock of If you want, anything from • new
(11121 V ILOTIree 24 OTIlln.
Below are a few atriking sentences
culled from the various addresses of
Rev. E. W. Halpeony :-
This place is not fuli because people dsre say this QUM had a good idea two
don't care • contisiental (whatever I mon ;ha ago of about the amount of
that i*) if 67 out of every 100 tie go 'apple! be would have for sale on the
You people hers are doing t he work. fithrolstUgti°ei your prepellir"hishferullaiitdw.°ouldtbehne
to tbe devil or not.
on the wry to market now. There
are hundreds and thousands of people
in tweeters Canada who would be glad
to huy front one to five barrels of
Times of Peace Prepare for War" in
the apple business is as good • in any
other business. Any man who will
let the first of October find him in this
state has almost a right to suffer. I
The adult Bible clang should say:
tion. 0 speaker showed tbise it was I
results, to see it the Sunday school was building to • pottage stamp. let us
making inroads upon tioderich or
Goderich making inroads upon the
Sunday school. He said all but
eighteen districts 1n Ontario were or.
Remised some degree. These
eighteen he termed "dead beats."
Rev. W. K. Hager waoted to know if
tlentre Huron wits a dead beat, to
which the am-wer came yes! The
The herdsman on this continent it
speaker adding "The most unkind -
he finds a sheep ten n by dogs thinks in
present as spectatots, many mere dent of Astiarsid and Colborne town- est cat of all.- The attendance
would be present if they had any idea ehiP0, .4 westing wi. 001 large. terms of dollars and centa and repro, -
of the splendid progritmene prevented. Ann Bogie was born in Kirkcaldy, c^fleistInif of those who ere al. see himself in oaths and curses.
It is good to get to the place
The girls participating in the lap- Fife/shire, Scetlead. February 11th tively engaged in Sunday school work.
thin Bail game were: Aileen Armour, 1887. and came LO Canada with het: A committee on organization was alki- «here we would rather go to our Sun -
Baker, Evelyn Pollock, Mane Welsh rioted. consisting of Mr. W. . dolt wheel class 9214a stay. at home
Dollie McManus, Jean Nairn, Man parents *ben she was 11 years of
end Laura Price comprising tbe win-
ners, and Agnes Saseadere, Doris Hays,
Gladys Plaid, J011/3 Belitie, KOMI Mc-
Arthur, Mary Tom and Camila Felts.
wbo were the contenders. The score
ended 19 to 17 and showed that the
trains were well matched_ sod the
game closely contested.
The senior champiooship reenked in
• tie between M. Pluukett and 8.
Brimiconibe, with 17 points e•ch.
The junior championship was won
by D. McDonsid with Is points.
Maitland Pridhans captured the
medal for those under 15 yaws. and
Christine Welsh proved to be tbs
champion among the girls eventa
vrith 13 points -
The list of events and 'successful
contestants follow :-
Running broad jump (Denior)-W. R.
Cunningham, PS feet: M. ilunkett,
W. Babb.
Running broad jump juniot I -D.
McDonald, 15 feet. 41 inches; H.
Powell, H. Buchanan.
Running broad jump (soder 15
yean•I-J. Moe& 13 fort 11 in ches ;M.
Pridham, W. McCluskey.
Running hop, step and jump (senior)
-M. Graham, 34 feet 4; irches ; W.
R. Cunningham, W. Babb.
Running hop, Hop and jump (junior)
koow ; instead of hogging his beet
parlor in the church and taking the
stove out of the ',Unary HMIs to make
tbem eel yes co m foe Wee.
The Sunday school interesta of
the kingdom of God are your. and the
other fellows, and with all it. trial&
lesrlohips, and difficulties it is worth
"Con taloa wIll be disposed ef
• •-wil ..sumo et Ste aad seder, owe ;
seer Mg rewsat twelve imetas credit 'nil
be eves laraiviilast as= Met scam
•iiWsestefseer toot tor care es
kt 1111CU. Mel N'T 1,
MOS iit71;4180,tiragiorrser.
sen by pales sestise at lot & 14.
Calberea tee
essintaastas et en* o Piest sharp .
Mars. $ Sem& 7 years eld.
sew. IP yeses sow, initione. ft=
.45,..ers. yeses sM.1 stams. 1 aid.
years Md. steer. I yaw eiC 1 swiss
ligmeless. mod Inc. wage weprei
JU imunwo • Nag
lillerhittlinninWeepaega re-
rime anus
(IIVIIIIII moTionlystIrlitirr POST -
k iNti oft Tot
.rns v • oftwason. esersimr sr Drums
iot is Melt hav.....=rt
a dell
attics ley rne Mk -
IV Ada.
lit M Mee
6.4 I 111=r 12:Ier
1 beseles. army-
gs44 ay Newer. weft pew. map51ls.' P51157
mks. sew el barrows, esftleabe.
po.piser,, seed 0a..0811 111 doable
walSpiew, miler, sap ketUabo.pgr
ef flita said mese •earut
inst.seso mos ruminate" reenteved
sealm. 12 boadrid. wattles . •
awaher et wages tee riemerees to
and take the conscience licking.
„4". father, James Bogie, was. of Liodesboro; Mrs. James
Millar. of Clinton; Mr. Janie@ Young. Do our Damian .ay: "Teacher, we
of Godetirb ; Mr. A. T. Cooper, of know that thou art a teacher tome
Clinton, and Revs. J. E. Ford, from God. We know that thou haat
W. K. Hayrer and Geo. I.:. Ross, been on tby kneee, for no one could
have the patience that thou haat and
of Goderich. This committee met irn•
the care for u& unless God be with
niedistely after lunch and completed
the orgstnithtion of Centre Huron,
thus taking it out of the elm* of dead
beets. Red Grose Sates • •
The afternoon session waii opened The Goderich branch of the red
with • service of prayer and praise cross society has now been organized
conducted by Rev. Geo. E. Rose. in over a month. Eighty three persons,
tbe •bsence of Rev. W. 14. Wrighton, 70 women and 13 men, have joined as
who was in Toronto. An address on members or associates, peying 11110.25
"The Graded School in Principle and in cash and MI in *applies. In addition
Pratice," by Rev. E. W. Ha'penny and to &hie contributions cf material have
an address by R -v. Andrew Laing, of been wade, and many women have
Auburn. on "What Should the Ses- given what is equally valuable, work.
non Progrunme Bring to the Sunday The sum of ir30.75 were received horn
School, and How ?" brought truth the benefit night* at the local theatres.
Dome very spirited discussion. In his IV from the 1adies Auxiliary of the
rentsrits Rev. Mr. Laing pointed out Y.M.C.A., and $4 from the W.31 S.
that 67 out of 100 of the boys of Huron ;of are Ade Methodist church. nutting
county between the ages qf 13 and ' a cash total of $145.95. Of this sum fee
were outside of the Sunday schools. as have been spent for poetess • 82 for
were also 47 ont of 100 of the girls. !printing. and $67 87 in the eireig stores
The question was how to remedy his. 1 tor supplies.
I was largely due to indifference in From the goods purchased and con •
the home and to the lack of convic- tributed the following articles have
tion and courage on the part of minis-
ters who were afraid to sprat out for
fear of being invited to move on.
Those who took part in the discus-
sion were Rev. Dr. Routiedge and Rev.
an old ma -eptain and they lauded st
Quebec, going frogs there Stratford.
Tbey set led in Ashfield and removed
front there to near Goderich where
sbe was mar. led to Mr. Charlet Idled-
dletoo, January 7th. Het Of this
union eix children were boro. three of
wires& wetW tbe hasheala, servive
Mary, Dow Mrs Geom.+ Dalrymple, of
Wsupun ; Annie, now M rs. Bausch,
of listen& Montana, and William,
who lives on the home hum on Round
Prairie. For a term et purr they re-
sided in Weapon, and over 20 ;veers
ago purchased the farm on Round
Prairie that was their home until
coming to Brandon in the fall of 1912.
Mt.. Middleton primed on to the
better country on 'Tueeday evening,
September lfah, 1014. after many weeks
of intense enftering patiently home.
During all these weeks ebe was loving-
ly caned for by her husband and child-
ren. She was a woman of many ex-
cellent traita of cherecter and made
malty seem friend, wbo sorrow with
the relarivee iu their lois
Funeral terrices were held from the
home at 11 o'clock Friday morning,
ronducted by Rev. H. A. 8r031e of
tbe Congregational church. Hymns
were sung by Mrs. L P. Palliator and
Miss Lulu Sherwin. Her remeins were
-H. Powell'. Xi feet 2 inchee: D. Mc- taken to Waupun for interment in
Donald. H. Buchanan.
Running bop, step and jump iunder
15 yeare).-M. Pridham, 21, feet ; W.
McCloskey, B. Noble.
Putting shot tairloi-Marie Welsh,
16 feet 81 inches ; Jean Nairn,
Christine Welsh.
Standing broad jump (senior) -M.
Plunkett, 7 fret 101 inches: W. R.
Cunnimiluto. 8. Briesicombe.
St&Wing broad jump (junior) -H.
Buchanas. 7 feet 11 inches ; D. Mc-
Donald, H. Rdwarda.
Chestnut race (eisial-Reatte Levey.
Christine Weiss*. Jean Griffin. •
Running_ high jump (under 15 years)
Psasm, B. Notate. tie 4 feet
Inches; W. McCloskey.
Vault with poie (junior) -11. Clerk,
D. McDoneld, J. Beeler.
100 yards daub '(onder 15 years) -M.
Pridbasn. Mose, V. Kers/Ake.
Umbrellas race (ghis)-Emil Mc-
Arthur, Ella Hicks, Obehattne ash. she L soar theatres were wen
Position alio(' ilibegsea. peasealeed. there Wine het few pem
fs•t 1 ina "rinuwinbe. M. toes the street during the evening.
Menke/A *upper and evening
==liat Victoria et rest
elsurch were well (wended,
quite a number from other denomina-
deo_ atipmdispor • and iseZirje teat
Intermiesim whfcir
swat 'tat iunesnt twelve nreatb's arelit
A tee 3 per emu glowed mob es
ere* astood&
grortsyr will bo meid an emptied, lo
We biril Di
NCI et/fli.iti. T111011 0 UNDRII.
Proprietor. A maleaser.
-A number of the farmers about
Ormetance are having their buildings
rodded as a protection against light-
nitm. Mr. Thomas MeMillim has had
IWO feet put os his barna The con-
Senetor wee Mr. Gordo. MoDossaki,01
Bimessela. who made a very satlifvo-
tory Job of it
TAXES --1914
1 1 ens now prapanid to accept
payment of 1414 Tease.
Two per cent. off,
°doter Iiith.
Oe. per etusL olf,
November 15111.
Two per sant. addled after
December llith.
Flee per mat. aided after
Jaanary 1st.
Forest Mound cemetery.
How the Honda) was Spent
Thanksgiving day passed off very
quietly here; quite few of the citi-
zens took advantage of the special
tailway rates to visit friends in neigh-
boring towns. Not a few of the young
men shouldered their gnus and went
hunting rabbits. During the morning
'me might bare counted severol hun-
dred ant&teur fishermen and Heber -
Women lined up along tbe piers at the
harbor. BoWilag entbuslaete spent
the day on the West street green.
Others whom work dose not, give them
much time around the house took ad-
vantage of the holiday 10 dean up and
put things in shame for the approach-
ing winter. In the evening 1 b. hand
gavots serenade to the Sarah Gibney
Co. at the Vicariala opera boom. Ap
psrvwUy the Victoria opera bosses and
lialf-edle bicycle race (seniur)-0.
MacEwan, mile, 1 minute 24 seconds:
M. Plunkett, M. Graham.
1 tinsreit SI sue=4:71V-Iseastr. , aal
100 yards dash (open) (bandlcap)-
K. 11 seconds M. Plunkett,
F. Haeobler.
220 yards nice (juniors-- Milton Brad
win 2'7 mooed@ ; H. Buchanan, D.
Three-leorged num (Oise -Christine
Welsh ani Edith McManus, Jean
Bogies aod Rmily McArthur.
Standing high jump (sehici.)......n.
Brindoombe, 11 feet 11 inches : W.
Babb, D. MeDuardd.
100 yards dash (junlor)-D. Marne.
aid, II 4/5 imam& ; ft. &schusses,
Milton Bred., in.
Reunion high jump lopani-J. E.
Swart., 41,51 11 i nelma Detail-
oombe, W Own Ingham.
.50 yawls race ( Griffis.
011.• Mark. Marie
Vault wits pole (sseios:)-.11. Brien'.
mews 40040.10
•Pose •
g.I.Losetri. • Maolgas.
le Mae 111110011046mt
Mae et trrourbem
0111. 1188•14-4
11:3ersZt erruZ
been made and forward*d to the Red
Crows receiving station :-Day shirty,
fi; night shirts. 6: hospital night elbirta,
16; sheets, 34; towels, Ildi; pillow
cases, 106: pillows, 48; slip re0
apples if they could get them at •
reasooabla figure and the fruit put up
as it ought to be. I have sold Ontario
fruit in this town at $6.50 tor No. 2
and 57 for No. 1 winter fruit (or at
lewd it was marked No. 1 and No. 2),
tibia was a disgrace to the man who
packed and sold it and brought no
bon°. s to the province that grows the
beet fruit on Abe face of clay. Why
dont farmers who have a caro( •oples.
my 2011Am-eels, make their own sales
and not leeve t1 to the middleman.
E. 0. Powell, of Mateo ; Rev. J. E. pairs; bed incite, 8 pairs ; Pitted
Ford, Rev. W. K. Hager, Mr. A. T. articles-eocks,'79 pairs; wristlets, 50
Cooper and Rev. W.. B. Helpenny. pairs; bed eocke, 1 pair: sleeping cape,
The main point upon which, ell seemed V; cholera band., 6; scarf., 5; bos-
un' eupplies - beezdkerchiefe. 715:
ndages, 3'.0 : gauze pads, MO; gauze
sponges, 150; abeorbent pads, 140.
After sending the &130•0 articles,
valued At $45, the society still ha. on
hand $74.38 with which to continese its
work and. if it is considered advisable,
make • cash contribut ion to the cen-
tre' office.
'I he members of the society sincere-
ly thank those who have helped dur-
lug the first month: the women who
have geoerousaly given time. labor and
material ; the managers of tbe Lyric
and Star Maitre, ; the town band,
looking after the children of the home and by no means least the newspapers
meoy parents bad been won into the that have freely given the use of their
ebuich. He strongly recommended opium:is.
Cesull• Rolls 111011 Hnme Departments. It is hoped that the society will coo-
lie thought that the strong business tinue to receive new members and
men thou were most needed were ad- be thus provided with the recareary
voiding the . Sonday school. • lasy• tuna, fat Niirrythig se this wash as
man could ask another layman to long ae the war lama.
come, and succeed where the minister In sedition to toss artocks moot by
woukl fail because the layman thought the Red crows society, the Oodericb
the preacher was after his eatery. bale contained pillows, pillow cases,
The erYuillft 0110"" oPeued with • handkerchiefs and handsome sent by
Pereira -et praise led hp Nev. James th W '. inetitute
Renraleer atdicAseielt, VIM Weet-N1-
lowed hy an address on "Reasonable
Fruits to Expect from the Sunday
Srbool." given by Rev. James Argo,
of fleaforth. Ile made seven Feats
which were as follows • An intelligent
knowledge of, an later -mit in, aod •
kw* for the word of God; enlistment
the army of t he Lord Jest ; service
to agree was that what was needed
most was the inj-ction or Infusion of a
new spirit into the community ; that
organiz %Lion and machinery would
not do the work if there way no spirit-
ual power; that more time for prayer
and restful meditation would help.
Mr. H. E. Rorke, of Clinton, was to
have given an address, but was unable
to be present.
The closing address of this session
wae given by Rev. E. W. H•lpenny on
"The Suoday School and the Com-
munity." The speaker said it had
heels proven time and again that in
This part of the wean has suffered
very nsuch this year through dry
weather; very few have any thresh-
ing to do and times are very much
hardei then anything i have seen for
the inset seven yeate, but I do believe
that if a man had it car of No. 1 wine
ter fruit bete today he could get from
114 50 to $3 per bat rel. With the crop
ot apples there is in the east they
could be sold here for much less and
then nett the termer a very good
price. British Colnnibia fruit is
handled here In boxes (as all apples
should be). It is put up neat and
trim and as good quality as they can
grove There is no fruit that has the
flavor the Ontitrio fruit bee, and could
be sold in boxes in preference to any
other fruit. There'is oo oar shading
inferior fink out bere thinking any-
thing is good enough for the west. I
sew a people who are more
anxious to get a good article and also
willing to pay the price than tbe
people of the west. A few days ago I
wished to porches's sonie grapes and
bought four beekets put up at St.
Catnarinee. The fruit was just splen-
did. hut the beeket instead of having a
wire fastening at each end and eitzb
side had only the fattening at the end.
This allowed the cover to be lifted in
the centre (and you know the rest
yourself). The consequence was I
bed to buy five baskeits to put up the
amount there should be in four. Now
we dont mind paying 45 centa and 50
cents for basket of grapes but we do
like to see them- protected so we get
them as they leave the shipper, and
the same applies to any other fruit.
%Lisle Creek. Bask. Oet.A.10.13:49D17. vie"N.
Landon to Lister**, Radial
Mr. W. Elliot, mayor of Mitchell,
was in Toronto lest week and inquired
at the hydeo4liseirie offices what head-
way bad hew meads with the London
to LIelloistel radial line and was inform-
ed that the only on why engleasers
bed sot bees elver the line waa that
the Men seunell bad not passed the
laaesta_trt ....•MitaillItion To this answer
the miteneu MI& : Will
mina see Madly wake them castle -
nos= ril:potj are afraid thaws any
bitty would be incur -
wed by push* the resolution they
might do as bee been done by sneakier
emonsil, add a stars. station that the
miquieltion was pimeol mintent to the
LI.=that se part of the east shall
by I. flir Adam Mesh
has mould Mute after thee that lam
surveys Imola he made "khan may
soot to the mustielpalltles end Mis
h,ydreadeetele irghliselen 1111119.11se Mat
Om east oil times surveys dial be paid
by Om provieelal goverweellet but stia
a few don bums tom to fear dot to
some waezpseted way the tetrad*,
*111 4*. salted on to foot the MIL
Pal 'arty sad NM Alleemsaist
Sept. 10114*. 1914.
ooat ammo:
-Mr. Alm MeNashree,
township, while haltd06 •
Miele a bar% silpp•d end
csitatrith land rendes.
end was
of Mimeo
was In
pitmen lb*
the roma far rhaneels a arch se-
t wit] ; increased interest and en-
tbusiasm in mission work; a revival
a fatally religion a revival of chutch
attendance by the young: an enlight-
ened christiaa citizenship.
The dolling eddies* of he conven-
tion was given by Ree. R. W. Hail
penny ad was • maeterpleee. It was
an sot esdastie commendation nf the
i.aeber whose heart le in Moir work
and a kathlng condmansition of the
teacher who taaehes "because it is the
Meet non -committal way of appearing
Mode ehristian work."
The follow's( are the *Meows admit -
ed by the anplaination ternmitm• :-
President. Xi. Jetta M. Wilson, flea -
forth s rise-oresidssi. Mr. W H. Lyon.
Lsodashisro 1 superintendent Maumee -
Miry grass' Miss KAM' Wig.
eeperleteedoet sae-
122cgirtatif dilviiise. Mr. U. B.
CIMMs• i samirlatowdmit
math duitielipsitt. Mr. A. M. Robert -
e au. Glediedillseeperintendwat hese.
V. Jebasteu. Oar-
less t
6. Rorljdross mustang Veil be held
the council chaasber on Monday. Oar..
berliith , at eight p.m when arrange -
moots will be made for continuing the
work of Um society.
Demonstration Well Attended
Mr. W. J. Th000pson, stove expert
and demonstrator of the MeC4ry
Stove Company, who wee in town last
week at the Heats!' Hardwire Com-
papy's • tore. demonstrating the ad-
vantages of the Pandora cook stoves
and heaters, made some statement•
tbat were a surprive t-3 three who have
no connection with and very little
knowledge of the stove business. The
McCiary Co. make and piece upon the
market 136,000 stove, of all description
every year. Mr. Thompson fully ex-
pinined the maisufacture and composi-
tion of their Hoe of stoves and beaters.
He drew especial attontion to lb. fire-
box which he claimed wee a big im-
provement over the old firebrick con-
etroction. 11 is made of piste, of
metal which ie composed of .even
01 ber mese& run together at a stollen
beat with 40 per cent of hearth etas'
molded to give it the required strength
and salability, these pktas are three-
quarters of an Inas thick. The lining
of tbe oven is made of cold roiled
nick's steel one-eighth of an inch
thick and is Lon-ruistable The reser-
voir is made of enamelled Instal with-
out joint or rivet and may be used se a
en:inlet • 'Ms reqrf dfreaolidetVejlt;'
little attention to keep it dean. Mr.
Tboanon was well pleased with the
sittinee at the demonetration and
all who attended were tre•ted to •
light lunch of coffee aod cake, in ad-
dition to which Mr. Howell treated the
morning viesitors to • pseket a toilet
Leticia., made by the Wisner Manufact-
uring Company.
Warning to Lutheran Pastors
Owing to the many complaints that
(Jarman Lutheran pastors in Ontario
have been prayInsi for the @mete of
the Gersten armies, the deportment of
juetios at Ottawa has been asked to
decide whether these ministers ere
guilty of treason or not, The depart•
moot bee turned over the compkeinta
to the Dominion police and it is under-
stood that they htlIVO WILIVIKI the of-
fendinethat if they are wise
tbey wilnirrellautious In their suppli-
cations to the Almighty for the Me-
nem a Otanada's enemies.
Ritual foe Methodists
Fur the first time in the history of
the Methodist church in Cona4a, some
ritual will be embodied la Um sew
hymn hook for the church. The fres
end confereeee has derailed on Osie.
The ritual will lode& the Lord's
prayer. the ten etisemalideleellite, tbs
Apostles' ems., the gimutiess and the
amorars of the reeeption survise and
*he frassel essfeasims of swiss 011b
Imre* sullesc
-Mr. in. A. Terranes, son of Mt
James Tomensa, hi.P.P. ter North
Perth heis Masi likwallthaiimresiment
Me s fleet with
teem :these. wad M DoW OS
We bank
Being in the Hews
Do you appreciate The Signal t
Would you like to see more news in
your popular home paler? Would
you prefer more detail 'lin the news
that is pahlowhed P If en, there is a
way in which you He reader of this
family yotirnal can help to ..k.
11 to your liking. It take*. a lot
a running Esmond. mut* time and
some inconvenience for a newspaper
to gather smell item& loch as tenon -
els, notices of small meeting., (social
leathering*, etc. It is the business of
a reporter In do fhb*, of roues.. but
Peels wben he does his best there ate
always • few Items left 01Ve because
be haw not wot in touch with those
soncornad or drawl not bear of thews
ustil too late. Now, the way in whieb
you Sala help The /Signal le to eall no
up. drop.. • line, drop in dad tell oe,
or eflet you weight as conveniently
writs It sot and mall it to us. Any-
way 1st in bars sm intimation of say-
thisufzers...=.1.4 as seenj_ie
Toe with IL We
will appro.'s** It and you will be
satiltion yews popsy that awash betker.