HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-9-24, Page 8• iR'IIIIID•Y. Merl eprnttta 1M. 111!4
War Pennants
TH11 &CLOWN PENNANT, very popular, black ground with
Belgium Flag in gold odors. with motto, "Our Hero Nation."
UNION JACK wad Ttttoowtt oe blue grounds with mottoes,
Shoulder to Shoulder," "United. Calm and Resolute." ate.
Papular British Pennants, WHAT WS HAYS WK LL HOLD!
Huta BttrrwNNlA, TUN DK&&AUNOUGHT..tc.• etc. ; pretty red
and blue grounds, relieved with white lettering.
All One Price, 25c Each
War Canes
Long. thin. full length Ownea with Pennants attached, in
i•talon red and blue. with the following sentinteata, GOOD OLD
(mauls, UNITpD WK WrAMU, ROLA Ha. rAlrn1A. WMAT WE
eavr. WE'Ll. HOLD, UANAOA TO THk FRONT. etc., eta.
Popular Price, 10c Each
D1.NNI8ON'S 'W LUMTRK ('HSPS PAPYR see Pose 73 of October
Ladies' Hose Jourtt.al. Feu nook. Price. 13c per parkas* r tat be.
Full Stock of the October Magazines
LAUIICIN HOMY JOURNAL, moire lame aurlber. r/t► Poet) feat
,.over entitled The Water H by." Special feature, fall feebler. with
tewdlna artily. ea Danes llres..e. '"What 1 Bus on 5th Avenue.- "Mann NVtie Inlsr,- •VbUdren'. Cut (Sut Pollee... "HaLowe'es p iurs," ale.
Trios 1.5 suns ear copy.
' for October. Article. of vegetal lutenist by Hider
Kipltoe, Jobe Tempts Drawee, etc. Several abort atone. by popular writers.
ppnnssta�� °over dewr,i1e�med by d Fisher, 10 mats. RMUMMY,�N. MAIaV BLss.
A 140104Y price
K Cull P SATURDAY SYDICIliitt en t!', aLneo
The Colonial Book Store 'Tr"
Announcement !
afAVI NG purchased the business
heretofore conducted by Mr. F. J.. Butland,
known as the Goderich Pharmacy. I announce to the citi-
>•ens of Goderich and vicinity that it is my intention to con-
duct this store and take such particular care of the wants of
my customers that it will be both pleasant and profitable for
you to deal with me.
it is my desire to supply every one of your wants in
the Drug and Toilet Article line, and the experience gained
as Manager of one of the best drug stores in Toronto gives me
confidence to say that I will be able to take care. of your-re-
quiretnents in the most acceptable way.
To those whom i had the pleasure of knowing when I
ivas formerly in Goderich, I would like to renew that acquaint-
ance. To those whom I had not the pleasure of meeting I
trust tfiat f may have the opporttrrtity at an early date. To
all I issue an invitation to
September 25th and 26th
A Souvenir to Every Lady Customer
C. L. COULTIS, Phm. B.
"ion 1. the time to buy School
�hae. for 1111' toy. and girls.
i'hey will nerd good. wrong.
rrvi.rablc Staic,, Lhe kind that
will stand the tenet in any
.:1'ath••r. in this line all past
effort# !rare Isvw►-ineeliad sss.l.
on will find al yarn command
t h.• most complete stock Of neat
r••Iiable Foot ei ear At. the lowest
possible price-.
Mr. A. J. Court ire mems in London on
Tbnroda .
Mrs. N. W. Trewartha it visiting in
Mr. and Mrs Will Jenkine, were in
Londlast week.
lNorman Holland spent the
week tebd at London.
Mr. nd Mrs. Joseph Jervis visited
in Goderich last week.
Miss Verna Jervis is attending the
Cflntnn collegiate in.titnte.
Mr sat Mrs. Jame Ford. of Clin-
ton. visited In thin vicinit nn Sunday.
Mr. W. Hnutledge and Miss Ella and
Mr. Fred Ford were In London on
Rev. Wm KetUwwell, of the Oneain
Mn alliance. visited at the pste..nage
over Sunday.
Rev Rleetwao1 Pickard. of Ink.,
Mod. Monde, preached in M Me r..,
dist chnrnh here nn Runde, se note
Th• reverend gentlesnae lu..k bin Deet
from M. John Ties. A. and was late.
ed to with rapt attention for ne-Fly
an hour Ile Iii an Maltreat speaker,
showing a. close study of the Bible
and a joy in the Master's se: vice. Mr.
Pickardis a first cnu•in of Messrs.
Kara and Will Pickard and Mt. W.
Jenkins, als3 Mr. F. Pickard, of
Porters Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. McMath, of Goderich,
visited at Mr. N. W. Trewarthi, fur
A few days last week.
Miss laud Pickard, of Toronto. and
Rev. Fleetwood Pickard, of Llakeland.
Florida, visited at Mr. Will Jenkins'
last week.
Mies Jennet Mei)onald was in Lon-
don last week.
Miss Colena Clark spent the week
end with friends at Kintail.
Mr. W. K. Gordon and Mn. Aalk.•Id.
sr.. went to'Inderich on Monday.
Me. rklsj Ms,« Own* Kew utas -al,
Hamilton, are spending • couple of
weeks with Mr. Davit" Errington of
the lith concension.
The woalree's Itntitnte have collect-
ed Iffr and have SW* it 1* Rte Red
(hose society. Toronto. They Intend
sending pillows, etc., later nn 1f re-
Mr. Will Humphrey, Miss Eva Hum-
pphrey, Mr. Roma Murry. Alias M.
'funny, Mr. N. Rutherford, Miss M.
Rutherford and Mr. W. 1. Miller at-
tended the (iAerich exhibition out
What tuight have been serious hap-
pened on Tuesday when •_Fire broke
out on the roof of Mr. J. Thom,'
dwelling, while • heavy Wind storm
was raging. Through the gallantry
of the teacher, Mr. Rubinson, and the
scholars, who were passing at the
time, it was anon eatingnieh.d.
Mr. and Mrs. John Boyle attended
London fair last week
Mr. F. Boyle and sister, Mrs.Hit-
ford, spent Sunday In tioderich.
Quits • number front this vicinity
took in Goderich fair nn Tuesday.
Mies A. Brophy. of the (aoderich
cxrllwgiate ;Rackety., watt home mrsr
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hoyle agent the
wort- d with Mr. and Mn. J. Shan-
ahan. of Clinton.
Mrs. Wm. McAllister and MISS
hi +phi's. are •Iletin friends in the
41'e•10 y town ibis week
Mew H. Elryls, who has been Omit -
i. g her *deter. Kra Troy. In Goderieh,
• ..reed Anti nu 1wa4a
M•014111.!Robert and V►Aitam M. Me
♦Il eqr a/Mndsd a sale of thorough
tress eatth w1'Ippon two ler4Aey.
Die. nal M. John $cboeofuls, of
Otsoto°, visited friends here un Sun-
day and Monday.
Miss Mary Armstrong, of (iodericlt.
was the ,rust of Mr. ,trd Mn. H.
Hayden. et rr Sunday.
Mr. David Martin left oat Wednes-
day for Port Huron, where be Intends
spending several months.
Mr. and Mrs. John Oliver and chil-
dren, of Staaa, ere staying at Mr.
James (Hvsr's fora few days.
Mr. Sad Mrs. Ira Webb and chil-
dren, of Coleraine. Minneapolis, are
the guests of the lady's mother. Mrs.
Shen Burrows.
Mimes Grace McKenzie and May
DIickwo and Mr. %Vallate Cunning-
ham. of the (iodssieh collegiate in-
stitute. spent the week -end at their
hoes* bete.
During Tuesday afternoon's storm
the newly erected horn telongiog to
Mr. James Oliver was blown over and
completely d.snoll.hed. Several wind-
mills iu this locality were •ls° wreck-
KIN 1 Alt.
Mr. and Mrs. D. McDonald took in
the circular U.wo one day last week.
Quite w numlet• from here took in
the Goderich fair this week. and re-
port a splendid show.
Kintail Manch of the w,pmen's in-
stitute will hold their monthly meet-
eteIng on Tuesday. October tkb, instead
of October 1st, at the home of Mrs. R.
McKenzie Ladies please dont forget
the ,..hangs!
ideating of the Ez.e.tive Held to Form-
ulate Plass
The following members of the execu-
tive appointed at the meting to or-
ganize a local relief organization, hell
on the lite inst., met in the council
chamber last Monday evening : Mayor
Reid. Comm. McClinton and Proud -
foot (the former as chairman(, and
Mesas O. M. Elliptt, B. C. Munnings,
John Callen and A. Porter, with Mr.
James bluebell as secretary pro tem.
The first business was to form perma-
nent organization as follows c -Coup.
McClinton, chairman : Mr. A. Porter.
treasurer, wad Mr. James Mitchell,
Some individual cases needing. or
likely to need, attention were discus-
sed, and the best plan of meeting the
situation likely to arise during the
coming• winter and the decision was
that eo far as possible woe k should
be given to those applying for relief
by which they would ix• at -Ie to earn
An appeal will he ret tee 10 the gen-
eral public for donation• of clothing,
provisions of any sort and any help
they may be inclined toive. Mr.
Jame. Holland hail .4fesed the use of
hie store, corner at Brace and Victnti.t
streets. as a storehouse and 10 attend
free of charge to receiving and disttib.
uting on proper orders any assistance
The following name. were handed
in rt• repereebtiug the different
churches to fond the investigating
committee :-
Knox church -Rev, b.o. E. Rosa
and Meadawra W. K Kelly ani
141. tient Re's --ltw J. 11. Fotttering•
ham and Men.tani.w (Carrie •and Holt,
North street Methodist -Rev. W. K.
Mager, Mn. J. 1'. Brown and Miss
Victnti:t street Metho•Iire --R-v. J.
E. Ford and M. -..Lours 0. M. F:lliott
and Fred Hunt
Itaptiat -Rev. W. H. WI and
Mesdames Cameron and J. H. Mat-
A general meeting of the executive
and the investigating committee will
ise held in the canneil chamber on
Tuesday evening next. SehtemberZ►tb,
at which it is hoped the pltit of opera-
tion.- will completed.
Rally day will let nb;ereed in North
street Methodist church on Sunday
next. There will be special services
and exercise. for the children of the
Sunday school. Rev. (inorgw Jewett,
of Myth., will preach morning and
In Knox church next Sunday ser-
vice• will he of special interest in the
celchr•ation of Rally day. A full at-
tendance at public worebip and Sun-
day school is expected. In the morn-
ing Rev. OPO. K. Rosa will adders@
particellarly the parents and church
officials and in the evening the young
Rev 8. R Rare., H A.,1). D , of TAr-
ooio will preach in this Hage a• church
on Sunday night 110 Sunday at
three jt.m. the annual Rally day ser-
vice will 1.e held. There will he spec-
ial singing by the children and an ad-
dress on "The Worll'a Sunday Mokool
Army.* A hearty invitation le ex-
tended to all to attend thew 'services
The pastor will preaeb at 11 a.m.
Worsen Can Help in War
Against Drunkenness
Metaera wire. and eaten ewe 11 to theme
Goer to them to help them onp aNrkltsg
Deestaseew 1r a al-ar, and the lu(lamiad
=lor.wes M cls etwaeA mot 1r boated
•ed Ilio craving rsseeved las trenMl.R
Sarno &catbed and vsetsred before tie vie
tYewn •tot drlwtlwg
Moms M RRsaraMeed to Alive natIfa.ttea sr
*seer to Mewled. it Mgie ■�uls
sed rent dieesateret Ott 11 Taws
ssoayV seism .P11 pm A1.ses tie vest
a t 1.
tvi�l• Sse w hsd. *uses Nw t 1t
vMSNa. f tseatare•rt AAla roc bee Ale",
cMc�missa Isle. A. t - • M /t1E LI. D.uagtrt.
fall rtes
--(treat baagal s are belsg obtained
at Harriaoe's auction eals.
-Mr. R. S. Cott and MIM Jeal at-
weeted the western fair in London
I.at week.
-Mn. &snit and her dearehter. Mn.
Horn. will leave nett week foe thsit
home in Windsor.
Mies Isabel McDonald, of Kiotalll,
was • vIMter this week with Wise Oar -
rick, Newest* street.
-Mn. R. Pbaleo, Britannia road,
was called to Kincardine by the seri-
ous illness of a lady friend.
- (apt. D. H. Tretheway has re-
turned from a business trip to some of
the wlnne west of Port Artbut.
-Mr. James llowssaa. M.P. tor
East Huron, was in Goderieh today
and gave The Signal • friendly call.
-Mr. and Mts. Frank 0. Wetmore
and daughter. Ardis, of Buffalo. are
visiting at the home of Mr. J. O. Mar-
- Miss Adelaide Nairn lett last Oat-
urday on an extended visit with rela-
tives at Windsor, Waikervtfle and
- Mn. Bourne and little child. of
Seattle. are visiting at the parental
home, the residence of Judge and Mrs.
Doyle, St. Vincent street.
- Mr. Harley C. Harley, of the
l'hillipine Islands. who visited tiode-
rich this week, was in Paris else day
before war warn declared.
-Mies Blackstone left last week for
Calgary. where she will be the guest
of her brother. Mr. Charles Black-
stone, for two months.
--Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Mutebrre
removed from the Bedford block tot
the house on Elgin avenue formerly
occupied by Mr. J. E. McKwan.
-The ladles auxiliary of the
1 M.C.A. will hold their first meeting
for the season in the Y.M.C.A. rooms:
on Saterday, September Mb, at four
-Miss Gracie Duff has recovered
from her late illness at Alexandra
hospital and has returned to her posi-
tion as assistant in the ofhce of Dr. J.
B. Whitely.
-Mr. and Mrs F H. Munroe, of
Winnipeg, who are at present visiting.
the forwer's mother in Auburn, were
in Goderich on Monday calling on old
- Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Horton. Mr,.
Harty lir(:ier and babe and Miss
Carrie Rye. of Toronta, are visiting at
present among old friends in Goderich I
and vicinity.
-Mr. Harry Watson is to he eon -1
gratulated on building • fine new
residence on Warren street and re-'
modeling his own late residence on I
the same street.
-Mies Charlotte Cuff, late of Dr. A.
T. Kmmereon's office. Snow • nurse in
training at Alexandra hospital. Miss
Loretta Austin now tills the position
vacated by Miss Cuff.
-Mr . Vicker+ and babe, site!
spending a few seeks with her par.
eats. Capt. and Mra. T. H. Trethe-
way. Elgin avenue, has returned to
her home at Port Arthur.
- Tbe regular monthly meeting of
the Ooderieh branch of the Women's
Institute will be held at the home of
Mrs. T. K. Sweets on Thursday atter-
no.on, lfctober fat, at three o'clock.
-Remember the W.('.T.U. meeting
nn Monday, September 718th, in the
Temperance hall. The superintendents Ij
will give reports of all work done the
last three months in their depart-
-Capt. Chris. and Mrs. Tretheway.
of Port Arthur. have returned to their
home, after spending emote time with
their respective parents. Capt. and
Mrs. 1'. H. Tretheway and Col. and
Mrs. J 8. Varooe
-Mr. and-Dirs. Joseph Mutch, man-
ager and matron of the house Of
refuge. drove up from Clinton oe-
Tueday to visit the Ooderi. h exhibi-
tion and were the guasta, of the for-
mers' brother, Mr. M. H Moteh.
Ahmeek chapter, 1.O.D.E., wish
to thank Capt.. Babb, of the Ocean
house, for the money which has been
enllect.ed in the box placed in his house
for the hospital fund. The total
amount collected there during the
past five years has been *12.4').
--Mr. R. H. Sallow., portrait and
landscape photographer, returned on
Monday evening from a picture -taking
expedition into the French River
country. He succeeded in obtaining
mine very fine views which will be
Owed by the Canadian Pacific Railway
Company in its advertising literature.
-Mr. D. M. Henderson, the well-
koewo jewelry auctioneer, of Toronto,
has been giving ensue great berthing
in jewelry. clocks, watches. silver
ware. etc., et Harrison's Jewelry
store for the past week. He will con-
tinue this sale Friday and Saturday
afternoons and evening.. Be sure and
attend this great ale at Harrison's
jewelry •torr
.-A freak Aeotws-'wbiclris molly we
phennm, min niay be seen on the east
side of the (Central parr in the form of
a cbesnur tree which is in bloom,
stbl1F the surrounding- trees are all
shwrtling fftti' braver se wwial na tale
time. of Lite year. This wceentr:c
specimen i. clothed in its June dress.
Our attention was drawn to it by one
of the merchants living opposite.
- A most interseting event will i•
the "Flower Social" in Knox chur:h
lecture room on Monday evening, the
:44th inst.. under the auspices of the
Christian Kndeavor society. All
young people are invited Many
intermitting features will add to the
social enjoyment of the hour. A mus-
icel programme will he given and re-
freshments w ill he served. Admission.
15 c.nte.
Literary Society Reorganized
At the close of school last Friday
afternoon the pupils of the
met and re organised the literary
society. The following were the offi-
cers elected for tie present term
Hon.pprwldant, Dr. H. 1. Strang :
president. Miss Jean Nairn : first vire-
prsaMwmt, Mise Mary Toni : wooed
•ice-prresideet, Mr.Naie. Brimicoobe .
teary. Mr. Gents• Meat wen :
traalwer, Miss Amy Werk : editors,
Miss Marie Welsh, Mr. Wilfred Ilan-
rey and Mr. (;Wffo rd Willlaees :
plantae, Mies Evelyn Pollock : esw-
ecillors, Mises Agnes Saunders,
CMtrHa Fells bad Muriel Johnston.
The aaelety'e epss.tne event will he a
promeaode la the arwthly hall of the
eolleglate mi Friday evesi&er of this
week. The esweuUve hot lireanged to
Introduce some sew filatures which
eheuuld make the *wet an latersetieg
O ME 0 UMW 0 arall p alO1111111.6%
The Opening Display of Hats, Coats. Suits and Furs will continue
throughout the coming week. It is a showing that reflects the latest
fashion favorites in the various lines, and we feel sure you will find much
of interest if you will visit the show -rooms during the week. Several
new lines have been added the last few days that give a touch of newness
to the display. You are heartily welcome to examine the new styles
either in millinery or wearing apparel at your convenience and need feel
under no obligation to purchase.
A Large Shipment of Dress Goods I
and Suitings Have Arrived This Week
We have just passed into stock this week • large shipment of Dues
Ooods and Imported Suiting* and are now showing • remarkably
collection of the latest Fall Fabrics both for Dresses and Suits.
The Suiting* received this week are particularly high clans and will
wake handsome tailored suits for Fall and Winter wear. They corse
but one suit to a pattern. ate decidedly out of the ordinary. and the
prices range from
$2.50 to $3.50 PER YARD
With the Suiting* there came some very handsome (Cloaking..
These are decidedly uncommon and will make handsome. stylish
and serviceable Winter ('oats.
Our Dressmaking Department
Our Dressmaking Department is now running with • full staff
and we are in a position to take car' of all orders promptly and
.ttarantee wtisfaction in every detail..
Satin Skirts $1.25
Colored Satin Petticoats
pleated frill. Good quality Satin
excellent wear. All the wanted
special at each only
with wide accordion
that will give
shales. Very
A Sale of Vests at 79c
Regular 51.15
These are Seconds from the famous Watson mills.
(bat account* for the difference in price. They
will wear just ut, long as if they were firsts.
'•leconds' ramp!! mean, that there has been a
etitch dropped (which ham been carefully repaired
or there is a ep. t of til on the garment from the
machine,. This is enough to brand them "Sec.
odds" for the Watson Mill will not send out
Underwear unless it is absolutely perfect. if they
were not "Seconds" we would have to mark them
51.15. These Vests are made from fine +oft wool
in light cream shade, buttoned front, well finish-
ed. We were fortunate in geaing a limited quan-
tity and while they Not we will well them at..7fio
Sweater Coat Bargains
-Tbe hig Sale of Sweater Coats for ladies and chil-
dren will continue until every garment in sold.
Ills a chance to buy one of these comfortable and
serViceahle garments in most cases at very- little
snore than one-half Regular Price.
Here is the way they are going :-
Ladies' .sweater Coats $1.65
Lndie' Sweater Goats in white and cudinel aril
nearly all colors. V shape or high neck. Half
dozen good aty'ee. Regular values up to ltd 50 at
least. Special. . .. S1.1115
High Grade Sweater Coats $2.98
High Grade Sweater (Costa in white, grey, earth -
nal, tan. etc. Regular $4.5ri to jo.tsi. V shrine or
high neck. Beautiful garments. Special..112.Yti
Children's Sweaters 88c
A big lit of (Children s Sweater Coats. suitable for
boys and girl•, in nary. grey. tan. err. also white
Amended sizes, regular up to 1►1. Special thio
Better Coats $1. 1.3
Buy tone of these popular and useful (Children's
Coats when you can get them at this price. Fifty
to sell. regelar $1.50 to 'M.o. Nearly all eoksrs
Assorted style suitwhir fns gels or bo*., JApert-..,y
ial ..$1.1tSd3
Our $16.50 Suits
Again we remind you 01
the very special values we
show in Suits at this populat
price. They come in serge.,
broadcloths, etc., black, blues
and color. In styles that ate
particularly iecoming and
serviceable as well.
A prominent feature are
the Suits that we show for
elderly ladies and stout fig-
ures of which we have ex-
cellent value at this popular
The Vogue of. the Velvet Hat.
A prominent feature of the new Fall Millinery 1.
the Velvet Hat. We have made contracts for a,
literal supply of these very popular Hats and are
showing a stock that in remarkable for its style
and value ars well. They are -shown in many
shapes. all new and correct and ern give Vail them
trimmed in good style st Item. . .34.00 1'1'.
Re -Modelling Furs
We have made arrangements for the re-
modelling of Furs which are better than in
airy- former season. if you have a Fur you
wish tc hare re -modelled, if you will bring
it in we will give yoti an estimate of what
it woul 1 cost to have it made over into any
.tyle you may select (t -ow our large aseort-
nient ..t stylish Furs.
Now is the time to get your
Furniture Covered
Becan•• most of the Furniture Coverings come
from France and when present ,focia are ex -
haunted it will be almost impossible to get the hest
French Tapestry until things ate normal again
We lustre a large assortment now. can give all
orders the heat of attention and guarantee prompt
delivery. Estimates cheerfully furnished. All
work guaranteed satisfactory.
600 Pairs of Cashmere Hose
at 25c
Thin ir the last time we will be able to offer Home
of this ynality at the price. The English Mills
have notified us of an advance In price that will
make it absolutely impo..ibl. to give as good a
stocking *gain for the money. This shipment has
jure come to hand from the British mills. It i• a
high ;;rad.• Stocking in every way. Good e gh
in feet to well for 357. It is by buying in �y ndicate
quantities direct from the twill alert evtabiss us
sell them at this prisv...8is.aM, M.P. At Per
pair only -Ise
Heavy English Flannelette
Mews.stripews. Eagtlsb .iitetrUi a .Ii' 0114'
.*. Special at peg Teed - • 111441
1111111110 0
MAPS FREE mento with the FatallyHerald and
Weekly Star by whicour melees
To follow inWligeetly the European
war situation and keep in touch with
the lightning mnvwpoet* of the troops
• eoesprwbendve war map �of Europe
giving all details Is essentW.
Of all the maps issued there is but
nee that Si). the bill. sad that te the
one issued .tweiully by the celebrated
Lmaker. .0. W'. me 8 HaeOo.,
Landon. England.
The publishers of the Family Rel-
ate mid Weekly Ater, of Montreal4,
always alive to the best interests sf
their subserlbere, the mntnwnt lbs
map wee leaned, trebled an offer fee
Casadian rights of the map. MOM
offer has hese aeesphed, and Family
Honda sehseribere heel bare the bast
nap avallahle.
ittw Signal has eoweladed areaway
rr oge
ay also see ore the map fres of charge.
In this issue will be found a cluhhi
offer of the two papers. ineludisg
map Tbe offer is oast that ever
reader of The Mlgaal should
Newspapers are paying el= Ese
the war. The pries of paper is inky
op. up, up ! The Dost of telegrams
11 I
end ',shimmers has Increased from
thirty to fifty per coot Reiss 01
aewapepers hove eeepeeded publica-
tion. and hundreds of others have
raised the subscription price Foe the
lret the Family Herald and Week-
fear. of Moa t foal, beteg i n an ex-
septiooally steno position is able for
the present, at alevents, to keep it.
este as formerly, bat an Wormer later
ora may beams eeeseasry. la tie
*swedes, during the nest thirty
days, our rsedereare offered the great •
set bargain to the nswspaprr world
today. Read over Ynounomsent er'
=Wet. er of tole lupe MM The Signal.
order at nems.
Weird hos beers rsedved of the deaths
of ter James Whitney, prouder of
Ontario. Sle demise was not nest -
peered by IUs Immediate friends.