HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-9-24, Page 7stn lay. !mat rtdy gip. u lee va bu.i X to see. e 1• hod etee Blear ✓ eq. t« who n. th1 Iran• n For taw eters Mosel_. IPS reps ere - se la▪ ir neg. 14. 'eve ilea• s id• • r IPIII e,l•1V 1.1:11,r111.1 li 01•1141 1 QlL7�tr3m tZ9®O O ¢ T. i NE a:taC:t7iOl� ilor Nov ■ cum' B DCit] o0'7 00 aoCIE'scs. 0nEIAri a 1:-.11-ICKS C310 MOO :iii 00'O ni I4 rtil 11811'1^Mein 17Mali ISI@! A STOCK REPLETE II frith correct wear for feet Our Shoe Stork is e.•ntpl••t•• with the seasou•1 creetinos. Frei y desirable s•ylr to high Ind low shoes tor both maim and women. Our litre of Oxfords. in the moat deviraLle •esker•• and leather. will Interest and please •note. Ample'provitioti has leen made also for the tots and near tots. SHARMAN THE SHOE MAN 1 to i •t -v j r ;. ; Sell, •.'It There's a reel termination for e..urg and okl in pie' me. tak- ing. The Kodak way wakes It as simple as it i, fascinating. Keel.k offers th t ple.snte. of pint Ire -taking indoors or nut. Free instruction ober' GIN, given. (het Tone work searched by an expert - R. R. Sallows Reduce our EXPENSES .gym In view of the bard times an- ticipated during the coming winter it policy for everyone to 'educe expensed to a mini- mum. One of the principal items to he considered is for cost of fuel And a " SAVING OF 20% in that direction is worthy it consideration. The Peerless Cornea Hinge can effect that saving. The epee - 'ally constructed fire ttoz, Im• proved system of dampen and many other patented devices make the Corona one of the most economical ranges on the market. Calla my warerooms and in- spect these rssges for yourself. 1 also have for sale seine heat ers at greatly reduced prices and a number of cads of geed bard wood. ROBERT WILSON • Homilies tNueM• CIDER VINEGAR 11 TRY OUR • Absolutely pun : , better sod cheaper than any other. We are proparing to do custom work Making Cider and will Oen h... Sweet Cider foe ease. D. F. tIAMLINK NAVAL MAGGOTS IN DISTANT WATTS Comma% Sash German Merobaid Ceutee ,4tts, Cruiser nMabled --Owlet 1a North Sea There las sot been • gun fired to the North Sea for days. so tar as flee Bring public karma, bet the Ad nlraity Issued Sunday night bulletins of important eneounters la tuo4 waters. 8yceem.es sad misfortunes were both chronicled Impartially" The Admiralty report ears that sines ile outbreak of the war the British light cruiser Pegasus. under command ct Jabs A. Inglis. had _bon working from Zanzibar. and had ren- dered very useful services. including the destructlo0 d Dar-es-Salaam, a seaport t0 German Hast Africa. the sinking of the German gunboat Mows, and a floating drylock. "!Early this morning." continues tbe statement, "she was attacked by the Koenigsberg, while anchored in Zan- zthar harbor cleaning boilers and re - machinery. The Pegasus. thus taken at a disadvantage, was completely disabled atter suffering • lose of twenty-five killed and forty wounded. The Admiralty report eontlnues: 'The British auxiliary cruiser Car- maela, Captain Noel Grant. Royal Navy. went into action oft the east coast of South America with a Ger- man armed merchant cruiser sup- posed to to the Cap Trafalgar or Berlin. mounting eight 4 -inch guns and pompon's. The action lasted one hour and tcrty-five minutes, when the German ?hip capsized and sank, her survivors being rescued by an empty collier. The ('armanta is a converted Cunard liner. RUSSIANS HOLDING FIRM THE bill:AL OODERIOH ONTARIO German Advance Stocked and Huge Muscovite Armies Advancing . A commun.catle•n leaned by the Rus- sian Chief of t'.e General Staff qp Friday said: ` "On the trent in eastern Prassia otic armies v..f Gen. Itennenkampt de finitely stooped. on.September 17. the offensive Tn.reme.tt of the Germans. At several points the Germans are falling be -el; at:d shifting to new positions. -On the ' ostrian trent the dttrsu.it of the eaetny continues. The Rus - stens r.re approach:ng the defensive positions of Sicnawa. Jaru.lav •ud Prsemysl (Galicia)." The Ru:•Sian army now in Galicia will be left there to complete its work. for. neeo-Jing to a Rome de - "'patch. an army of 1'00.000 Russian• is marchlr,-; Into Central Poland, fol- lowed by anothc r army of 2.nO,.,O4.e. while a third astir, also aggregating 2,000,000 strong_ is coming from more distant regions and will reach tho front in Octcbcr. There already SP. Skid to be a million Russians in Gal- icia and a half -=million in East Prussia. While these nl:mbers seem enormous. they are considered probably a fair estimate of what Russia soon will have available for beginning her war. it is said she will soon hare 7,00e),01tt men on the more. WD le continuing the offensive In Galicia, Russia is standing on the deo festive on the East Prussian fron- tier. her army having been driven back by the Germans. This army, bowever, is said to be intact. GERMANS FLEE BEFORE LAPS Mlkede's Forces Conducting Active Operations in East it 1e ometally announced that the Japanese expeditionary land forces attacked the Germans thirty miles north of Kfao-Chau bad defeated them on September 18: The Germans are said to have abandoned a fortified position and fled in disorder. -The Japanese Imperial troops. co oper.Ung with the Japanese fleet, landed at Lao -Shan Bay, September 18, according to. en ofcial announce- ment_ The cavalry on September 17 cap- tured KisoChau station and seized • train. BALTIC all BAWL* Russian and German Fleets Clashed In Naval Fight News has reached Stockholp that the expected Sante is battle has tumor .0.0 0,• • - ;;11, .1a reported- that a number of Ruasiaa warships hate arrived at Helatngfors to • damaged condition. A treat weather of wound- ed were Masted and taken to the Mar- ginate. o►pltate. Terrltle cannonading bad been beard to the neighborhood of the Aland bleeds • day or two previous- ly. rev musly. 1t 1s believed that the Rankin iivlsSrs have ben 'imaged with the german fleet near Soraksls. MORTGASORS PROTECTe Owirle Ow+rnt %Swt Meese te Provo* Ponslesww la Donate CMM TABLE SAIff t,�PWG t11uasoAY, ltttrrtmness f1,1814 7 25 Cents' will pay for THE SIGNAL to end of the present year. ft Will. BE LONG ONE K IbM•Mrs Vls:ve as f_xpres'ed In News s1 Lords -Britain C.ontid_nt Speaking la the florae of !r -•t4 last Thursday. i•':cld Marshal h;•rl Klitcbener said there were already in Prance rather more than six div!s one ei Hellish troops and two divisions d caval..-. which were being main tatned at t'•-ir full ,'r.0::'. Thin' mesas n • ' .1 fon e o re r. • u I. u nes. h'•r;her rcr:.'ar t .eis1oos and addlth••!:•t cavalry were being oe ' salted !,--,m units Cr., '9 from over- seas venseas garr'so'ts, w".I. t. ': are now be ing occupied by terrltorL:'t: ant volun Seers. . Ref(rring to the . t " new ar:nl, e, the $eer-'tary said t:'t. t est t;l risi •a were no: being mal• •• • .1 at the train ing quartets. Me;t . Indian d1.1 Mons w.re on tl;clr chener r;tokr in the !. • tit terms regarding fair .lobo British Commander-in-ChitI. u'tu, 1.• said, han met every difficulty present eel by the efu:atlon in a manner tha, proved his worth as a fiddler. On the subject of r.•crultins, Rar1 Kitchener said: "A country wb:cb pride■ Itself en outdoor . port a- do P -t Britain should have no difficulty In finding men cspable of making oM cera. Whl'^ Brit tin has rood ground for quiet conederce. it should to borne the in mind that the struggle 1n bound to be a long one, and it behooves us t0 develcp tamed forces to carry en and bring the mighty conflict to a succein't:i , . s;on It will he necess nary, tc c:1 • . , 'c-ep the atvny at its full etre' :.t t. maintain a steady flow of reitfere:n'nts." s THE SIGNAL1 CLUBBING LIST f 1914 The Duane Os.el.a elft las ss sostsed Its 4eee» to adopt at the .est seesld5 a partial fens of mstw- tlmrl.m to protect progeny -Swages from first usher. fl.m.etal 414 soler arlele&hem rebs war Mean tie pre'vs t Il��smm MMN•R up Tparmesan e is enables will .p- qty sty to psyseeta se prteri al, sell will b made retreestive by Mils - Utica neat *melee, which sows that th. rename» 1..410.47 affords'. la making Lows this fact the Govern- ment sok vis NrIpee end the NON pMenlon M 9191111.10 gene sof it. Lest -0d. 1H. C. Lowther, et the Sees. Guards, mad 1 M1y ntpdry seorstary is ohm Debi) of C.tttleng:t 0011.w.. lei blies vaeee•ed In a r Ptie` ms. The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe $3.75 The: Signal and Daily Globe to persons with rural postal boxes the price is. • - 3.50 The Signal and DailyMail and Empire, 3.75 The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire to : j persons with rural postal boxes the price is 3.50 The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.85 The Signal and Saturday Illustrated Globe1.85 The Signal and Weekly Suss (Toronto) 1.75 The Signal and Toronto Daily Star =.25 The Signal and Toronto Daily World 3.25 The Signal and Toronto Daily News 2.3o The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire t.6o The Signal and Farmer's Advocate .2.35 The Signal and Canadian Farm • r.85 The Signal and Farm and Dairy New 1.60 Renewal. . . . 1.85 The Signal and The Country Gentleman 3.25 The Signal and Canadian Poultry News.... 1.35 The Signal and Grain Growers' Guide 1.50 The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press .. 1,60 The Signal and London Daily Advertiser... 2.90 The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser 1.6o The Signal and London Daily Free Press • - Morning Edition • 3.50 Evening Edition 2.90 The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness1.85 The Signal and World Wide 2.25 The Signal and Presbyterian • • ' .. 2.25 The Signal and Westminster 2.25 The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25 The Signal and Catholic Register New 1.7o Renewal 1.85 The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto)3.4o The Signal and McLean's Magazine2.25 The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto)1.75 The Signal and Canada Monthly (Winnipeg) 1.5o prices are for addresses lo Canada or Orem rain The Signal and Lippincott's Magazine 3.25 The Signal and Woman's Home Cowpaaion (New ioili) TborSigaal anti T) SStarl3a E eningPgst 5o The Signal and The Ladies' Home Journal. 3.00 lm.....1 sg 1 -..tags to CanMisa st'pscrlbe.- The above publications ,nay be obtained by Sig- nal subscribers in any combination, the pr.t:e for any publication being the figure given above less $i.00 representing the price of The Signal. For instance : The signal sed The Family Hasid and WONT 11.r....,e.... . AS Tb. FarmerMs . eses M ;B Ism pas) ... �i•Ig sssr -making the price of the three papers $3.20. TM Mogi sod The eil/ Sue79 The Thema Doig SerW ( ag Me *IAN .:.fit -the three papers for $3.00. 1f the publication you want us know. We can supply al Canadian publication. Send subscriptions through postoffice or express order (not h.« inot in ab)ive list, let gt any weU-koo�lfn local agent or by by bank cheque) to A. E. BRADWIN PUSLITIVE1 Tit! STRN1L Goderich Ontario GERMAI:S DESi.IOY CATLEURAL The Westmint'.r Abbey o/ the Fratieh Notion %la -steely Ruined The Freoc . P1.- .- •r of the Interior announced tur.eiiy :gat the l'ath.w':al at Rheims l::.l III .•n destroyed. and that all tbe other historic and p.•bli, 'buildings of that city had been de. stroyed or seriously damaged. The Government, he said. had dctid(d to address a note of ptote•st to all tha powers. Official advices stated that the city or Rheims was in flames followtu the bombardment by the German ar- tillery, and that there appeared to be little hope of raving the city from destruction. r The Cathedral of Rheims was one of the greatest monuments 'of the Middle ages. Upon the site on which K stood Clovis, King of the Franks, was baptized a Christian. In the great cathedral.. built between 1211. ' and 1331 the Kings of France were crowned for almost six centuries. It was the Westminster Abbey of the ?Tench nation. ARRESTED AN EDITOR He Criticized Arrangements at the iSig Camp-WIII Claim Damages After spending three hours unde guard at Fort Osborne 'Barracks. Win alpeg, Koos. Magee. editor of The i Winnipeg Saturday Poet. wbo war Itaken into custody on order .from lb: • Militia Department for publishing an article criticizing Col. Sam llugbea. Minister of Militia. and the anis. e i menta at Valcartter for the despalcb of Canadian expeditionary forces, wan imet freeafter signing a paper that he would not make say farther refer o nce to Valcanter (amp for the time l being. The arrest was wide at ibe instigation of Major ii.a*less. teebaree of the mtlttary district. 1n tb rb- ' mace of Col. Steele and Major Ret- eben. Adjutant at Valcart:er. Mr. Magee threatens an artioe for beery damages and aware oat a war fast for the arrest of Major lawless. which, however. could not ke served as the oMeer bad left for Vateartter. OORPEUSATION BOARD Fall Weather Wearables AS leading men's outfitters our stock is now complete in every line. Here are only a few of the many useful articles which every man and boy will find essen- tial. SHIRTS - - r The celebtat••.1 W. G. R. brant!. GLOVES Perrin's are the Leet. We love a full lin, of t li••M. SWEATER COATS In ',minted colors. HATS All the newest idea. in contrast bands. SOCKS The beery all -wool Ranson Nock is very popular. Tilley sell at :6c, 3iic and blk, according to weight. McLean Bros: The Square, Godencb SS:11-i!EADY TAILORING Areata ler Carhartt Ov.:al_s, Stanfield's Underwear. Fitwe.l Hats, Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs Final Appelntnteate Snag Executive Selly up to Full Strength 71. anaosecemest of the appo4at- meat of Ile two remands. asssbers e f • the Worhmee's ('.ompeseatlon Hoard seem• to set at rest any doubt about the operatt'* of the mew law text Jaaury. Mr. Aiai. W. Wright rf Niaga arms the labs sad Tomas ✓ appalsted as Vis. -Chairman. mad kr. O. . L Klsgatos of the Dates' 14x4 0.mwy. TsreNw r armed as :he •tided member. Mr. Wrtgbt at ti>Smast ear was -cillos al The r,-tprpt, *M fM Tie " 111181,10.,ler. W. tr. Ave d k ffraispe mss appsta4 * s>♦4rrnao sr ir limit Mme liras saw } 1111001ID CANADIAN t'O*OZ Lobes Thelma. Most a Re1Mte Pbet Gwelagent 712 Violator d Malta Meted M !R noon :tMt u.:M Ewe. Sas .PR ilehasighorr ..4 egdgliennt attest M the map fie fonsead an41`'land as Dean ▪ trsaoperts •a4 convoy slope ecoid le prv.Md. R has bees decided to rain torth- %Rh a seee.d co.d.l st .t O.a .dlgp. 14,11* strong. ny.ktag WHO b s11, whit the 31.11 tats 1a the pelmet e.ittllgs.t. The .mooed eon dos.st 1s a 40 ready to son for the et (mauler by November 1. Ne.. Nude SUd Sywtd The nag en Friday attaek.d lin ' users e r tbp Nemo Role Mil win•b thug gags epee the Metals Serbs. A NS its. aimed, bees passed. however, whisk will delay the rotting Mee eglrutsw ef the meson• M at le•ot a year. Tr0slig Slip Pesnilemd The Brtti.b training ship LitaareloneirtyMe dgaelg. SIN i iia.. t ' - • -r', r -w womb mid ff smiem- bars e: ..t( 4.tw a.►.t J:•... _ci rusteeshirs Often :oar a, Last hroug hl.:r: •• every et....denci tr.-L.0? frie4C 21!1^`n you apt. brit ns.the orvirat -Mts�� t;ta. fa•a have any L f etiiines 't nc .eei.. ;nt th�ce cthitc- • '•.a ' n;.•• •uccei',urf. ` i hi; rtT•:.:}; Tru:•: ",• :_ , . p - :., : th t ..J guff1- it; d1ae+ tl far rroro-elle:lively a:a i i� 4) . l•Ic- in the c::^( of tt 1.-ivate exec.i-- I tor. It is c.rr en :AC! 7,c:ca I' .he mitre..: ; of its :runt., .,':•I hro^gh-its Of'tctra rind his•.I- e:nent it reel:: the pulse c. at. f.•,ati- .hal world no j.r.i...c i•-divi,ICAI can. i Ca'I cr crit- Sur :••'I -;:oris:: z ip LONDON & WESTERN TRJSTS CO. LNN1TED :a:iiVUND STREI T, ?•:)(:X, OXT. 7.7". C"_:':0 1. C.C. r-..tbeat J.nert S. MCO:_. 1:420... •i A "Helping • Hand" Extended to the IiilddleNELd Woman TDB= HOases a time is every woman' e life when she undergoes as t change. This fa a critical It is a time�w.bee w as woneeds fall. health Pre your own sake you �: 1d aadelpale this. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Th. Westin mod- leaf eileaf release is esnsdad Ica De. IiimoofCommon Sonia Meshes, Su - has beta redast•snded for ever forty years as a Wale for memos. It is helpful 1a the ague/laa- tioo or um( ciroslatioa of the blood and in rise - the action et the bowels. lternmengin mad hew spirits disappear. Hsppiaem sad oar- . Midmost take their place. 11011whada w/mad ferns s,Modisiis !maters• -e i .oast 5. scab Ar maw& ism , s- ass Jr veer Xsvt- 1s. 4 111 1e' Fares 3oo a3, O vat-TIOVI:Cw. UaiFAL O 6 • LEVELA N THE GREAT SEW '1RAIS' Nib Gm{ b aaa w Il ` 1 �t ise sseGM .5--■eem alakise + relies �rri.s 17016 .. W ▪ .aaa. d t- b wig J. Ugh. �/r��� �I IhuoilionntilArams• '111111AdOIMM"'s11S a awl ""ea 01 Sather Ddyr-■[JFFALO amts CLEVELAND - M•, tat 1L Dec. les LIMO nr► • eM P. L Lowe - • sea P. L Aw..• fi.ii - • US CIL aa,t.• nib - 1.1 A. IL r.....-...' e• r',•ohnol .. 'r TM -:a -a •. .1.1r`i .t1 ar.'ww. -whew*. • elkee• aai•s Memo= Magas sad C.weaMi 011 t - • M/ 11•.00pa.aIII1.r + WIN •••-r. A.) ,.- .$.011111V ei.. 151. Rik tan !►,. c. II.P.L Luendr a,.......r 1116 L gees theVa*►AiD `eLsFA.LQT SAWtr Co.. r1...(.. I. 0. s COLONI S T FARES (Ons -Way &mead Gass) From Matisse is Calorie to certain points to ALBERTA BRITISH COLUMBIA CALIIiOSHiA MONTANA 4JR1N40N WASHINGTON ABIIONA IDAHO, RCC. Sept. 94 ..MI Us1 s t eh.y "wslM 11.°0. YV'RP"MY, 11 .A., COs dfOD. ♦ tame. Autumn Session r � Y4 • It Bia . 111 - w.. Ur.�'. GRANO TRUNK SYSTEM COLONIST FARES use -way .eusaai Llai `em ed diasie.e % is tater te eau" relate ALBERTA BRITISH COLUMNIA ARIZONA CALIFORNIA COLORADO iDANO MONTANA NEVADA ORZGON TEAS UTAH WASHINGTON, Ere, On ask sept..t M Oct. S isdeswe. TAT partl..we nem agnate, • write C. 1H0SD1 O, DMtrlet P---.psr Aam , Mesa tisanes. Teeease. oat. r• lot WR1C71Cs lr i10541 Tows Feerstt . aerial Tkhat Aaeels. Tamar & a a LAUD - OIL Steele. Than Age. -1. Fame ih Yosemite( do better tan attend to Iliritisk Aelsrisaa Copses =06 .81 '44111111116.11r 16111111"It =MT. W. '"..ai ie, ' ;tingle