The Signal, 1914-9-24, Page 6• TeeneD•T, Martinets= !t. 1114 TRE WON AL : GODERICH : ONTARIO THE OtIiINAL LTHE LATEST MARKETS IAD ONLY �iENU1NE BEWARE 0? IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON THIS MERITS OE FWD'S LINIMENT BOOKBINDING MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. 0010 LETTERING 0o LEATHER GOODS Alt order- promptly attended to on leaving hem at Ill K SIGN AL. (lodortcb. A. E. TAYLOR. NI RATRORD. M&DICAL ili:. GEO. 113 1LEMANN. •OSTB- JJ PAM. Su women'e end ch,l- lNu'.• d,-ca.e.. +cuts, %runicand uervou. r! order-, eye. ear. nomu,d thrust, lumbago and rheumatic cuudl. iunrt JMee North sweet. thud lour.frou, the rynare. (loth rich. lid. I,. J. It. FOlt.9TSR-EYE* EAR, .1J nme end throat only. Huuse sau'f.oe4 Nes- Toth Uphthwlu,ic and Aural Institute. 'infe>al .1.elet., lieu. No.eaod 1 hroet Hospital. ()seem„ square, sod Mnnrefl••Id Frye Hoepilel. tandem, F.,utlend. Onioe. 23 y. W eterloo !duvet. 9tretfu.d, oppuate Knox Church. Hors N. -u az m.. 2 to p. w.. F toil p. m. Telephouc et w '1. ANDf .MINN11: 51. GREEK, tv . 11. C.. ChiroPraotor., spine and nerve q.eceirsl.. ' Chirop ran tic I, the .ciente that c..r•. without deur. of knife. Free exanuua tcn.aussL..I.streWhoa over ifiernian Phone3111. Store. rlegm LEGAL DROUAFOOT, HAYS & KILLOR- .L AN. berrloh ne, solicitor.. notaries publk, mature roil is Montan.. Court, etc. Private fonds to heed at lowed rotes of town* VRIJUDF )l)T K. seq. R. C BATS. J 1. KiLLORAN, fiv. PAUIIDFOOT, Jr. G. CAMERON. K. C.. RARRIM . TICK, solicitor. notary public- 0 os..- u,l'too Street. Uuderleb, third door fru Square. Toronto Cattle Market Represent:lr4r, pr;c... are' Butcher cattle. cliotco. , .36 40 10 61.16 do good 7.36 6.26 do. medium 7.00 7.71. du. cunt mon 6 00 6.75 Dutcher cows. choice6.15 7 25 do. medium 6.75 6 --et do common 4.50 6.26 ('ants'rr 3 53 6 00 Cutters 1.75 4 l Hotelier bntla. eget**-.: 6.75 do. good . • 3.70 do. common 4,76 F••cJe-h. chuf:o 6 00 du ,uedium.... 5..5 M i l kers. choice. earh mediumINe do. common. each 40 0e Sprit:g:•re, each 50 n4) (',Ices, eholce 3 60 do medium 6 50 do. common 6.00 Sheep. owe.. light 1.11* do heavy 4. tie Bucks 1.114 Spring iambs 7.76 Hogs, weighed off cars. 1.60 do. fed and watered. 1.16 do. f.o.b. 1.00 tilAHL1'.M OAI'4ROW, LL.D., BAR lel 1tIdTKH, ,torso), ed/oitor. etc.. Gale r t.. Money to lead at lowe..t rates C• BEADIER, BARRISTER. I, leiter. Notary Paddle and ConngaaDOr, Aloe Court House. Uoderich. I..1A AUCTIONEER. IHOMAS (SUNDRY . A'VC€3ON5RR: Bog k(:�et "lana) Office will iltre prou,ptly •.11 endo, to. ltoaideutx Leh:piton, 114 INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. ," ,UUU Pit1VAT.it FUNDti TO V lows. Apply 10 It. G. CAM: IWN. tweeter Hamilton meet. Oedericb. 7.i.o 1.2. 6 :,• 15.111 60.00 95.00 11.6' 7.fw 6.60 6.35 4.64) '4.60 6.34 .tt0 6.36 .M Toronto Grain Prices TM following wholesale prices are mooted at the Toronto Hoard of Trade Manitoba Wheat --Old Ne 1 Nor., 1141111, track, Ipay ports; old Na 1 Nor., 6114, track, bey porta: new No. 1 Nor $1.10, track, bey porta. Manttoba Old Oats -No. 1 C.W.'., 34o, bay ports; No. 3 O.W.'a, 61c. bay ports. Supplies practically exhausted New 3 C.W. oats. 66c to Esc, Take porta. Ontario Wheat-- Winter, now, 31.12 to $1.15 Ontario Oats -46c to 54c. outside; 63e track. Toronto. Corn- No. 3 yellow, 84c to 85c, bay porta. c.i.f.. sec to 07c delivered. Tor Onto Peas 3115 to $1.20, but price is purely nominal Rye -7 -No. 2, 75c to 76c. Barley -For good malting barley. 65e to 70c, o,tslde. Rolled Oats --Per bag of 10 pounds. 33.15; In smaller lots, 53.26; per bar rel. 56.30, wholesale. Windsor to Montreal. ' Mlllfeed-Manitoba bran. 324. track Toronto; shorts. 526 .to 527, on track, Toronto; Ontario bran, $24 to We. in bags; shorts, $26 to 827; middling,. 329 ton: - • R. ROBERTSON. INSURANCE AGENT. lila As ft ratan : Brithd, Canadian and A 0It,61r'r 8 a 10aNe• MND a.arrl.OTKna' LJA•11: err •''►e Ocean Accident and linimentee ;urpofatioo• Limited. of London. knee. ra., i Tr AND UOARANTICK Bort*+ : 7I,. U.S. Fidelity sod Guarantee Company. OfBoo u rs.idence, northeast oonn:r of Vio- tarts and W. Davide streets- Phone (76. lie tKIIJ.I.P MUTUAL FIRE IN r G Id A N C E Cti.-Farm and I elated ow .• a op..r.i insured. (udl•-.,,-J. (4. $crier'. Pre-., Seaton h P.O.; hot t ,.only. y'roe•Ihur.. tioderich 1'. 0.: lees: „I E. hay..24etre.-Teta+ . 8 .4ortb P. 0. Morten-It-ItE. .tirecer. 4.storth ; John G Or'. we, N-Unthrop Wiliest ttlnn. Conga nor Join Ikilol. dei , W004,4,011; Janine kvY..'. Raoul wood Robert herds. Garbo*: Malcolm •olio., ,circa li� ♦.Ile ; R. Skeen, i balloote: ek; 'e taMeit Yla•hl.t1. tera1s:Y Policy Cn ere pop ��rrwwea� sero and Ines their awed" rreels•ted at t!, J. b i'orru-" Clothing ShWr Shue.' Raton, .rot R. Y. Cult. 4., ) K tomato, .0 r.•et. 0.4414101.. MARRIAGE LICENSES • WALTER ODERI( it ONT• I' IN5)LR or MARRIAOIC L1CLN8L8. A Position Far Fall W Winter We have a sound bu.lnnwwy.y 4wpo.alloa for a reliable energetic .aleeQeo far the 41. t Witt to sell .hr.b.'. ort[ luPay week'mall ' flower , outfit free. +echoic, t.rrltory. (WWII 4100 wcwcs W haft and Drnwmen:el dock under *sill 'yatlon. We sell through our .*knee dir Mt 1.0 the ransomer and guarantee delivery of flesh. high-grade tree.. . Our *goo et+ are e.l04bl, by waves of the 'orrice we 6�11, a and the volume of bo.Ine.. done. IC - (shinned IS roars. write P[LI4AM mots CRY Co.. Toronto. Get. $. P,Headroom sata4gae 041 req'„st either to applicant or tbo-e wl.bingNun- err /Ronk. aTItATFWtfl. ONT. N • steeme with a eoslirwatal repaca ides tor kiwi redodrdrarea Mter o men of Ito es, . ,peri r room awl 40.trsrlsea wt* give Individual stispliew 1. fAssasig not 'Manhood era T pwrtewete Why Weed M•• wh.a there 4.M1u et w tarp enter at py 14 '. IAM Ne ear lass he* satabegwe D. A. Met.AMILAX, tPeles`at East Buffalo Cattle Cattle ---Prime steers, 39.60 to 510.00; shipping. $8.60 to 39.25; butchers, $7.25 to 59.50: heifers. 36.25 to $8.25; cows, 56.00 t0 3..'d'; buffs, 3600 10 37.60; stockers and reediest, 36.26 'to 57.76; stock heifer,. 35.25 to 35.4)0. Vests -Active and steady: 35.00 to 5,12.60. • Hogs -"Heavy. 59.50 to $9..;0; mired and yorken, 33.60: pigs, 39.60 to $9.60; roughs. 38.35 to, $`1.50; stair. $6.50 to 37 75. Merl, and 1 :mbx Lambs $5.00 'o 38.40: yearlinge. 54.50 to 37.00: awl, ere. sti.°S to $6.50; ewes. 32.50 t $5,75; nett cop, mi' cd. $6.00 to 36.25 WOMEN FROM 451o55 TESTIFY To the Merit of Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Com- pound during Change of Life. W astb reek, Me. - " I was t ps•siag iniu� the Ap ls saof ilayd baadd pains in my back and side and was so weak I could hardly do my bouaework. I have taken Lythe L Finkham'e Vege- table Compound and it `es done me a lot at geed. I will re- esmmeed your mod - Woe to my friends sed give you permia- Wom to publish my -Mrs, LAWRENCE MAa- • 12 King St, Westbrook, Mune. Manton. W. - "At the Change of We I suffered with pains in my back sad loins until I could not stand- 1 also bed night -sweats so that the sheets would be wet. I tried other medicine bat got no relief. After taking one boe tie of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I began to improve and I continued its use for six months. The pains left me, the night -sweats and bot flashes grew leas, and in one year I was • different woman. I know I have to thank you for my cootinued good health ever since." - Mrs. M. J. BROWNE L, Marston, Wis. The success of Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound, made from roots and herbs, is unparalleled in each cases. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. }esthete Medicine Co. (conl- 44'ntlal) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a Woman, and held in strict confidence. Chicago Live Stock Cattle ---Reeves. 36.85 to 810A11: steers, 56.25 to 59.15; stockers and feeders, 35.10 to 58.35; cows and 1 heifers. 33.6e to 36.20; Calves, 38.21. to $12.25.' Hogs -Light, 58.90 to 31.65; mixed, 89.45 to $9.50; heavy. $8.20 to 59.35; rough. $8.20 to 38.40; pigs, $6.25 to $9; bulk of sales. $8.66 to 39.15. Sheep --$4 °i to 36.60; yearlino, 36.90 to $G.a5; lambs, pative, 36.75 t 38.10. Farmer's Market Folioolog are the latest quotations for farm produce at St. Lawrence Market. Toronto. Wheat $1.20 to 30.01) Goose wheat 1.16 0.00 Oats ,... .64 .5e Buckwheat .76 . h0 Harley .70 .04) Rye . .10 .00 Peas 1.3'6 0.00 Hay, timothy, No. 1111.00 22.00 Mixed and clover 10.00 18.00 Cattle hay 10.00 13.00 Straw, bundled 16.00 17.00 do loose $.00 11.00 Rye straw 17.00 18.00 Oat straw 16.00 17.00 Butter, cho(cedairy 10 .36 gilts: hew laid. dug.30 ' .35 Pow► dtvt'od. Ib .16 r IB Spring broiler.. Ib.20 ' .23 Docket spring, 10• - -. - -- .11 12 rnrkeeys,- pound .20 .26 Live hens, Ib. .14 .17 do brrllen, each.35 .60 do ducks, Ih. . 14 li Apples. basket ... .10 .4:) do Alexander, , bbl . 8.0) sent) Crabapples, basket .o0 .16 Citrons, each .10 .00 Potato*., new, bushel.60 .70 Cabbage, each .03 .10 Cucumbers basket 80 .65 Cauliflower*. each .10 .15 Tomatoes, beaked .10 .26 Onions, per perk .71 0.00 do. green, bunch .01 10 do. ativenktns. et16 .00 Pork. per pound .16 .20 Sutter and Cheese St Hyacinthe. Que. -221 packages of Metter gold at Ile. sad 4114 bosss of cheese sold at 1213*. Watertown. N. T. ---Cheese galea. 6 600 bre:es at 14%c to Ile. Cow.nevillr Quer --Twelve toenails,. offered 646 packages er better; TT%c- offered. No sale. Awllevlllw 00eringa, 1.311 whtla• and 601 colored; galea. 676 at 14 Xi, highest pros. affwred. 131 at 14 1.1ee; Wears retooled. Landon, Ont. - Nine taearles offer e0 1.106 Donee *sired obsess; Md' dung, tithe to 14 %e. ms amiss lIr Wirer& Melee% was taMrMd M Tbuteaay lest at WIRgemego, bow Pet. sot to Mies Rebs. Irreirma a siker e' ibreess F4ewr. IM s1MM 11MIIM 44se Ail expert STEADY ADVANCE OF ALLIED FORCES Remains soft on the hottest joint. That flexibility gives it the necessary "life" to withstand the highest pres- sures. A perfect packing for all joints and is immune to the effects of steam, alkalies. ammonia. Q ,. /flyslo•1 erhauethn of Troops Cause. Lull in Tremendous Struggle-- Sritl.h Slowly Gaining A despatch from the battle- front on Monday night said: The western wing of the Ger- man enman Ilne has been swept back about *even metes during the past forty fright hour* as • esquel to continuous fighting night and d•y. Roth armies. despite almost superhuman fatigue, show the Ut- most determination not to yield an inch of ground without a ter- , rlbl• struggle but the fresher troops at the disposal of the allied commanders has gradually forood the Germans to recede. The unparalleled struggle which commenced a week ago Saturday along the River Aisne hes developed tato siege operations. The two armies strongly entrenched. are carrying On an artillery duel, while the Infantry make attacks and oosnter-attacks whlcb are In the nature of sorties tram a besieged fortress. Occasionally one or the other gains a little ground, but 11 is so little that the opposing forces remain la their trenches or take up positions In new entrenchments immedtately behind those from which they are driven. It la now becoming the conviction of military men that nothing but out tlanklag movements can have any serious effect on either army. The Germans have. according to their own , official report. been strongly re- inforced both on their right and In the centre, where the Germans are making almost superhuman efforts to recapture Rheims. A despatch fromthe battle front lab Sunday night said: The bulk of the allied armies re- mained Sunday to the trenches. wait tag while their artillery exchanged a furious cannonade with the strongly - placed German batteries. Overpowering fatigue and priva- tions, resulting irom Ave days of un- relenting struggle, brought about !Fri- day l- night a temporary lull in the com- bat of the powerful armies that are face to face along the Rivers Oise. Aisne and Wreuvre. The roar of cannon, machine gene and rides died down early Prlday evening, and the presence of two armies. composed probably altogether of 1,000.000 or more men. within touch on an uneven line and ready to spring to a fatal grip, sanely could be conceived, so Intense was the still- ness, broken only by an occasional vagrant report. WaterefiDeri Trenches The soldiers of the aides and the Germans alike were snatching a little rest huddled up in the strong en- trenehme its In some places the ltrenches were half filled with water, as equinoctial storms conttnue. The French sad British. like the Germans. h::ve now entrenched and tett!ed down for the stern fleht, which threatens to be even longer and more sanguinary Allan the Battle of the Marne. Progress is being mad" et some point. by the allies. butt very s cwly, and the developments of the past twenty -tour bourn are not dm- ' portant. except that, It f. racially iconfirmed that the Germans have. re- keived reinforcements from Lorraine. } There were a .few isolated entente tem on Saturday, but both aides ap- ipear to ha••r abandoned the rash movements across the open which marked the early stages of the war. Obviously. the deadly machine guns have taught a lesson. Some brilliant feats at arms . were perfumed at various points In the linea extending along the Oise. the Aisne and Wo uvrc. Wood For Sale. lie. Itoder. tArntare asst" o4'itrrg• g ,ted 9 ef. Stab 14 • � •. i..tt and de)' 101 immr,;1•t u•,', -m red m•xee( eat Il an t •4 1,,r0.. 'egg. forte Ir. sibs M 11 le he. 1.•' b - cord and three o'nt*b. of I1 i•,r1 We rete a morn .; n lac it -es and u.alit 4" tor the mun.v that. ewe, b• pa 44)- wkryefrrrite. ( tir.....4'u; ti..e.1 •er f a y. nr'0 t. lir r.• and e^•. Our pr er. promptly auks.. Sett.f We save got. the !Anima's W. HILL do HENMILLE Burst Phore0rR. microbes in Your Scalp AatfforltieW 667 flet a Lafn'So causes baldsioN: R yea els lesket stair try our restudy at *ter tisk. • • PsFeaer t)asat dOingne}1r.eb Dr. Sabouraud, the treat f1 Dermatologist, claim that • mi- crobe muses baldness, and Us* Geary has been vended berases' em= 1etie:,tista This microbe deetrtgkyes the hair follicles, in thew. e•usini - sratlp poxes to cher and the p M become shiny. Then, it is bel aothi wiU the revive e growt✓!L 11 0004.4 bdore this moue, b•Idnnis m•y be overcome. We know of nothing that lase given such universal rtrfartion is treating the sealp and hair u p3" Hair Tonic. It has b.re signed after long study, to overflow* aha rause of tailing u hair discovered by Prof. U Dr. Sabo rand eel other scalp end hair aparWida, and we believe it wil do more Una soy - thine else ran to remove dandruff and stop felling hair; and 1f say bow agency sag pweawM a NOW grow* of hair it wet do that tea We want you to make 11=1. We wet y for • mostb'a el Rata 9t" Har Took ward dm'• r1 • taga. Y you will me it am mediae to devotions. mol nn not thoroughly ll do this, roe should s w eas0 set lis N Se at less try It. abort the treatment today. w tYs aVI 6 61. 1 ye wastnem rorivietes it Twooddns0. OIs Tee .as bey ilassg "N'' Nab Tittle Is Nis *men nlle .sbr st lot *toes M. O. Dwane, Phut. N., Druggist Dsdfc.d Blrres. n de•irh. 111. M Ile On/ libmsessmisehmelltab tr_Isel British Troops Prayed incidents of Saturday, of the when the fled.. fighting was awful to its sacrifices,' was widely recounted d toay. A Hritleh infantry regiment upon rsostring an order to advance and take a German position. knelt for a moment in prayer Then the men. knowing that their charge was to be terrible In cost sprang to their feet. and. with Axed bayonets, clam- bered out of the shelter et the trench b short and rapid rushes they ad- Vanced In wide_open order. alternate i' lying down and then making an - ether dash of 15 yards. Prom the lie an position came the thick hail tr tee machete guar,. The attacking soldiers hurrahed and ,sett J•a they pressed Reward. Marti tell with es. of determinatfen on their Ftp* Malty those who rntnatned of use saglment reached and took the Gar- age arMas position after • desperate tined- 6trband encounter. The British Advance tch Rom Pada on Sunday Righ "The l 'toady aQvaace by the Bettbl Pooch on the lit is hlgbty boa as the Oerman General Von 'a brant to now exposed." nee oMeda l Moon' stab test itsads of prisoners were lam by allies In the centra betwdss and the forest of the Asge es. following atnearnalMmt ass isidle by tee British OMcial Intone Berese no Olinda:- b 10 change In the idteateon Ttalee). The weather I. bed. Macke delivered yesterday althwaoes tad dwdai Um sight wipe melts rwpabed with for ID the 66sny" �sw�r African Loses+ heel urs Sietg.dlerOewavwl Arial., Boyers. Cosnisieudeutesseralof Mites of Babb Africa's defense Iles realgted his poet because ,*1 ►l. disapproval of lbs settee of Ores, Rrltitle In pestling commandoes 4o congener Gershon Southwest Afrlea A■ order In Comet' has been booed hneitteg airship trim flying with Is ten miles of say of the t'Jtlef eines er fortified points la Osaaaa. Jesepk lanb. taunted with wifw Mr woo •egs/tted M fllsaeNket Iry0 eddisml1 Sb Mar* tsgli SAMSON FARM TOOLS Takes Heavy Lifts Out ef liatoieriag One than can easily swing rep a 100 -pound butchered hog, without straining his back if be uses a, Safe Hoist Stables one man to change wagon boats. lift gas engines and handle heavy loads easily. It elevates, lowers, locks and un- locks with one rope only. Holds load at any point. Heavier the load-tightertho grip. No. 3 (illustrated) -Capacity one ton. One of • doses sites, 400 pounds to 4 tuns. At prices from 11.00 to 17.4)0. �s COME /16' ANT) SEE ONE IN ACTION 1\1SON 1•t.\Rel TtX)LS are not a discover„ hut an excellent examptb oT *Volution in the S staking of labor Saving Tools. The manufacture of each Fork or Hoe is as carefully watched as a I'iano maker watches the quality of in;;te ials that go to make a superior. i,iatio. We -try and do everything in o::r forcer to get a ,eliablertool. This means Quality, Appearanee and Adaptability, and if the t'a,,t sales of the S.1:1 SON Brand aro tin evidence, we certainly have achieved our purpose. We are authorized by the manufacturers to stand hack of SAJIS(,)N Farts Tools to the fullest extent. and you pet this assurance when you buy. FOR OLD TIME RELIABILITY Who'll' there that is not willing to gives little more for a Fork or floe . that has selected .Ash Handle, Oil Tempered and Thoroughly Tested Steel Tines, put together by cotr..petent leer, who have been trained in the making of reliable tools 9 This is just one among many reasons why you should he willing to get the best. for in the end you certainly save more than the difference, We em- phatically urge you to.use " SAMSON " Farming Tools.,tor we know the measure .,t real satisfactic>i you obtain, and it is hound to mean more and better }wiliness for us. By buying the article ,of your ch:gioe you may he satisfied, Buy. " S.'$.M' ()N " and you are hound( to be satisfies', for we guarantee each d evegool. LET US SHOW YOU Chas. C. Lee Hardware Plumbing• Eavestroughing Electric Wiring Coal, Wood, Coke, Cement, Etc. Momeseekers' Excursions to We -tern ' Canada The Grand Trunk r.i;w ay .) stem 1 issue totted trip bonteseek rt e l e trete at very low tare. from rate ,••• in Canada to points an Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan. each lute ay until October .t tb inclusive. via Chicago. St. Peel to Duluth. and are good returning two month* acne date of i.sue. Through Pulluran leeriest bleeping cars ate operated *garb Torre day, leaving Toronto 11.l- p.m. owl t. •ng tht'engb to Winnipeg without change. Reservation. in tourist sleepers may Fe obtained at a nosninal charge on application to any (:rand Trunk ticket office. Tee Grand Tiuek Pacific railway is the .80,1 ►1 and quickest route between Wihnip` Saskatoon and Edmont.ut, with smooth roadbed, electric -lighted eiee.. ing can. through the newt -.t, tmoet picture/pie and most rapidly develop- ing section of sestet Canada. Before decidiug nuour trip ask Grand Trunk agents for full psrti4.ulars or write C. F.. Horning. district pas- senger agent, ISoeye station. Toronto, _ 7bit'. -Police Magistrate Kerte had • bevy time laot west d..Iiek.wttb a number of caae7 of infir•ae-eion-et'thU liquor law. Most of the charges were for being drunk in a public pl.e'. me cases we!* tried under the amend- ment to the liven law wbieh deals with places !Maier, not wader local HEART DISEASE is • minima of Klieg Olwae. A weleinmwe doctor baa said. " 1 seem yet madea eun• swidesties aG eas*.4dna& hem Head DiwMs with- out Y►out 6silog the helot s wwesahi." T sEld ey wsdielse wbdth wag bat ca the mrtet, most smssee tel for Heart Dleates mod Kidney Troultbsi and weer widely 41.4 bl Dodd's Kidney Pills option hue where no licenses are i.wu,-d. The u•ngt.Gate was of the opinion hat the defrndgntb welr' int -ntiuraIly 'necking the 1.w and! inrr0-ed fine. in each case of eel and Clinton School of Commerce cost.. the aggregate of tines amount- Are70u maids/ t1. -be' u.e of roar op:.o ing to well over 314*). License in- Ii s telettw hhe you here therm spec:. r Johnston Was the proeeeutor. No'niltot oboe > our w.14) In liV every In.n'. Meet Of Libra Board 1 end wan .n err1: • t�io . ugh buetne.+ t'atn. Ing We The beet way t • .hlatn that 114 to hays There were onle two sheen. ees at betel' be'enre••xtreriv"ee. This you will Id. .Jr* at -the Clinton S. hoot M r. ontmrrer' nnr • •al.,t"w me•.N rh. a'-tuwl II. convenient. and delWe.1.. of the thoroughly DDDLc-dale nine," mar. We have Ie. aU.rt the Mite Actual Geier r'y' y tem of 0. oYkeep,,.*. 44.. le the only ")"I.1 published widely ,lcoolie en office Prn•'1ee Department. Thi Itl.•••• dydem- rn..og sure. 1ro.1k,sr1 Attie- or tr*J:.actton.. all.bu►t. Mitchell & \'matter, palating, ne..betagperto...edover tbe counter face to $1,•1,7:., faoi. WWII a WI*,eyeteee endue, 4..ra., A circular wastrreived from the .ehaaitotakewsuu'.UonItrs)rtstthe. me Ontario Library aseeelet eon ennortn- ('4'ng from ono.Itaat4n to anoJtet. he hoe hell actual offlcr eaperience, ti^g the herein', of the S'rstfard in- 8.,.M'. thh busing.. course the ('linter ,•titute mreti at Walkerton r>o Nov- Oc I. of l'ommeree offer. tbo tollnalrs ember 1'2t h .0 1 i:f h. Deer ales to Typ.'e..: tInv. i 444 t. (►.otk ��tdrrir �Mti�a .' K Type rirlteR• elegrwyhr represent the Ge.derieh library w ill he the Civil aer,la. Exams: Again for those wh' appointed at the next meeting. iC dMyely wl'h to Impr"re their education. a wan decided to obtain the rveain eprrlel Y*rmer.'t 0un,a 1- est vdueed for the R winter month. editions of the T,.nd.,n Foe Press The t lentos >S hor,l al Common•+ [saran and Advertiser ler tine reading room. tees leulliee. to¢„dnct•'.. The,.rhool 09" Mr. H R. Lan w*. *centre to In• i Sept: 1s:. but yens n,.r enter any :lair. Foe (��t. those whocastat tend .ohool. we give a thor tlrevi... -lbw 'Itdfru r:f oeth i ri'• f t 'aeih- eptn AIT' r ,,r.eeeerver•aswree,' kr . stiteM tsM► r.wwrei to teeth impost s.t.. (tor the use of th- room la the hast•- MI-•tr.•►. Mae. R t.. the Prim -mot wi1i M �syto� by ec:s•rt owl exp'rten.M tn4rwe.ere pteweannee sir eseKiu�._...... -,. - F..te ppsr 14 w;ttaal- pert II st ieettle i . The librarian reported rsoiipt, of 'Mit ierpert triert0er•e)f. • p.ee during August and an lase of . 1715) honks and u.agasinfo during the _ --- - - - *atm period. the meeting, of tie board ou Saturday evening, Mayor lteid,and Mr. Joe. Kidd. The ecennnt. 'passed were: Geo. Porter, boo ks, $t00; Paget Grain Dist, Co.. repairing lurk,. 32.10; lndividwl instruction Permits you to enter any day at THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE On•[M 60160. ONT ANI° It r riplorid an tn. meat themagb. practical De.iswe school la (',sada. Snail lo•trwetam (Tor owe times day Collage Building. y eery irred.wte gaarsateed a amities. (wt our 9loser Seek. C. A. Putman, F.C.A.. Principal. I!. D. PLx1n'n. Secretary. i Brophey Bross e GODERiCH Tie Lead's! Fanxal Direclsts and Embalmers Orden esrwftelly Weeded to et all bloom 1111110 w day DetroitConservatory of Music Formad 1. Inc Adknowledted athe limiting musicians of sures. nd Amerces tO be one of the fore- most institutions or Its kind to America. Degrees of B*.Delor of hassle and Dotter et Meese centered. Every Branch 'Taught Silty thoroughlyskilled instructor Poblfe a bool Musts and Drswins. Academe Department Net. ll- Fall term !resin• Monday. /. e11. Tsar book on reseest Address emus L 6.tt, MGL, 1116* Weeewrd Ata, flat. 1. Susi.