HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-9-24, Page 5• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• • •• • • •• •• • • •• • •• •• • •• •• •• •1 • • • • • • •• • •• Wm. IC 1. )1g tg )f- ret keen THE SIGNAL : GfDERiCH : ONTARIO Tl e11r0•T, t seveatans SI, 11114 IS The People who Handle Jigk frade 15oods EAST STREET GARAGE GODERICH Next to Town Hall Always Open Pb... 241 G1=IOICE CONFECTIONERY Jest as we aunt is Ice Cream. so de we excel in Faacy Castles, be& or package. and now that the cod w•atber is scar. the demand for these lines will king oar assortment lets greater prominence than ever. GANONG'S CELEBRATED CHOCOLATES METCALFE'S DELICIOUS SWEETS QUAKER MOLASSES CANDIES ALL MAKE THE FINEST TREATS Try a box of Metcalfe's After Dinner Mints T BALMORAL CAFE Wbippiag Cream a specialty J. SALKELD. Proprietor 'Peons 64 LYRIC THEATRE THE PRIi,j11mK PI(T-HI Hot•$E Special Attractions von Week of Sept. 28th Patriotic Night Monday, Sept. 28th A first dans and appropriete programme 1a being arrang- ed, tlrbleh will include the LATAST P.ATRiOTIC SON(. The Call of the Motherland TOTAL RECEIPTS IN AID OF RED CROSS FUND Everybody come and help make Ude s bumping success. $bow commences at 7.30 sharp. TUESDAY, SEPT. 29 A special feature in five parts In Search of The Castaways From the great novel hy Jelse Verne] WED'SDAY, SEPT 30 The A1I Red Weekly of all the Interesting and peincipsl events. *NI the Canadian T rooips at Valcartler This is of sp•eW tnteeeat to all British s of the h Impir THURSDAY. OCT. 1 - 7U! m% pOstailmelle: nh the. - greatest of an serial picture e Sew Xigst^1 This M shown every noon- day only duties the aunt i weeks. We invite you spin dal attention to gas Sim isetallmset, realise saes that tbi wlf be lemoseesery aft- erwards, as 1t is, without doubt, the mart yields" and btere*Us[ aerial you ban ever seem. Although eoaaNMrble a - peen Am bees miiet that Iso.. � pro- gramme til M he pweest- sd so extra ebar ge wen. be men. rTTe stamagge=est is Weiei mrd oa pyouroseao�n-- to suable them to p3... tie very beet Were at all limes The Mawi-iemmw- esir tarsh Wahl at 7.10 sheep. Nora. -_The variouseast bead p,d.1s shotes tof sae Admission, 10c and Sc GODERICH FAIR PRIZE WINNERS Year toimmens bangles. reseed, W Slevre rt, Mas Sown., Beema' re, not lees than two var- ieties, ohne w.n.. poor timbres. varieties. la Bower, W Stewart. Four varieties $owedae boors plains. W Stewart. Chas Weld. Throe varieties lollop Oasis, snared* tram other varieties. W Nowsre.Oeo SIewaa rt, Chea Wells. Oae baolpaagg flower basket, W Stew- art. Chas Wens. CouecUoa of nasturtitmas, Chas Wells, Malcolm McKay. Collection of sweet peas. H Barker. Two varieties of asparagus. H Ed wars. (:has Wells. Collection of stocks, single spikes. Malcolm McKay, Mee Hewer. Four varieties begonias. other Shan tuberous. flowering, it lots, \V Stewart, Chas Wells. tAIATEL It Collection of cut flowers, Malcolm Mc - Kap, Mrs. W. *Wreath, W. Stewart. Four varieties dahlias. tour blooms of each. Malcolm McKay, W. Stewart, 0. F. Edward. Hand briquet in aot over 2.1a. vase at mouth, Malcolm McKay, Mrs. W. Mc- Creath. Mies M. Canna. Table bogoet to net over a•Ia• vase at mouth, Mrs. W. McCreath. Malcolm McKay, Mrs. A. Foster. Two tuscbias In bloom, W. Stewart. Three varieties geraniums. single in bloom, W. !Stewart. Three varieties geraniums. double in bloom. W. Stewart, Malcolm McKay. Hasg,ng basket, Mrs. Howrie, Mrs. Foster. Cactus, W Stewart. Three varieties begonias. W. Stewart, H Edwards, G W Andrews. Colksaion of sweet peas, 0 F Edward. GARDEN A'EGETABi•ES, MELONS, 1.1" t ant.uuraf trona Pato e. Tremblay. Lombard, Wm. Stewart. 0. F. Ed ward. Coe'. Gokk•n Itrop, Wm. Stewart, 2nd. Seedling, If worthy of introductloc, Jas. Mc('luskey, Mrs. Wm. Tremblay. Abundance, Geo. W. Andrews. Any uther,varlety. G. Lalthwalte, W. Stewart. German Prune. Jas. :McCloskey, .1. W. Salkeld. I'EseHEM Four varieties, nautod, dve of each. H. R. glom. Fitzgerald. Malcolnm, McKay, R. It. Sloan. Early Crawford. Jas. Yuill, 1t. R. Sloan. Yellow St. John. Isaac Salkeld. Late Crawford. Wm. Warnock, Isaac Salkeld. Elbert*. R. it. Sloan. Isaac Salkeld. Any other variety. Jas. McManus, \Vur. Waite. . Seedling, If earth) of introduction, It. 11. Sloan, 2nd. •RAPF.s Twelve varieties. grown in open air, 2 dusters of each, correctly named, Wm. Warnock. Eight varieties named, open 'air. 2 cluster of each, J. W. Salkeld, G. Ialthwalte, W. Stewart. Four varieties. named, open air: 2 clusters of esfcb, G. Latthwaite, J. W. .r'alkeld, Mien Sl. ('urwen. Three bunches Delaware. J. W. Salkeld, W. Stewart. Concord, 0. Laithwaite, J. W. Salkeld. Hartford, W. Stewart, W. Warnock. Moyer, Wm. Warnock, 2nd. Moore's Diamond. G f.aithwalte, ( has. Wells. Eaton, Wm. Warnock, Chas. Wells. Early Victor. Win. Warnock, 2nd. Virgennes, J. W. Salkeld, Win. War- nock. Clinton, 1. Salkeld, Win. Warnock. Campbell's Early, G. Laithwaite. Massasoit, Rodgers No.:i, Wm. War. 'nock. Wilder. Rodger's No. 4. Wm. Warnock, .1 W Salkeld, Lindley, Rodger's No 9, J W Salkeld, Mrs J Salkeld. I Gertenr, Rodger's No 14. Mira all Corsica. Agawam, Rodger's No 13, J W Sal- keld, Mien M Curwen. Merrimac, Rodger's No 19, Wm Stew- art, .Vm Warnock. Salem. Rodger's No 22, G Malthwaite, Miss M Comm. Herbert, Rodger's No 44. W Warnock. Niagara. 3 W Salkeld, G Iatthwalte. Empire State, Chas Wella. Jessica, Wm Warnock. Worden. Miss M Curwen. Chas Wells. Moore's Early, G Lalthweite. A Bettie.. Brighton. 0 Iaitkwelte, A Betties. Wyoming Red, Win Warnock, G Leith wake. Natter*. YAK& wrn -wi tweh. • 1 Amy other variety, Alex Young, Mrs J Salkeld. FLOWERS • Collection six varieties of potatoes un plates. five of each with name, John Fowler. A Halliday. Peck of early potatoes, any variety named. Medi.; Ralkekl, G I.aithwalte. Peck of potatoes, any late variety pawed. D Proust. T I' Quaid. Summer squash,, I' Barker, Mrs Wm Tremblay. Hubbard squeal, G Lalthwaite, Mrs Tremblay. White or golden celery roots, Wm Warnock. G Laithwalte. Ited celery roots, 0 Laithwafte. Winter cabbage heeds. named, A Halliday. G Laithwalte. Savoy cabbage heads, G Laithwafte. Rad cabbage heads, 11 Barker, Chas Wella. Turnip, blood beets table. F Barker, Ales Young. Long red beets, table. H Barker, Chas Wells. • Radishes, Chins Wells. W Stewart ('arrota for table, Mrs W McCreath, F Barker. Parsnips for table, Cites Wells, Alex Young Red onions, Weathersfield, 1) Freese. Win Warnock. Yellow onions, Danvers, Mrs W 'Mc- Creath, Chas Wells. Yellow tenons, any other variety, 11. Barker, D Proust. Silver skin onions, j1 Barker, Chas. Wells. Largest onions, any variety, 11 Bar - Six oars of corn for table, any var- iot)': named, Mrs W M.Creatb, T F ljaaid. Fane cushion alias M Curwen, Egg' plant, two spemens, Chas Y [ Wells. d • Mrs Howrie. Two heads cauliflower: A Halliday t wt's shirt; linea front, Miss Ryming- Chas Wells. Collection ripe capsicums, Chas. Hemstitching, plain, Mien Curwen, Wells. Mrs Fowler. Colleens of cut Sowers, Mx varieties sawed. Wm Waswsok, Chas Wille, Mr iWho:Siam Dihlieekasejtat IMS.. sI. Ca.. Wer., w= Cdleseloa verbena, Malcolm McKay. Mrs A M0Oareea. Deanna of r.ethtts, set Mas 111•11 toe v htdlse, Wm Newest, Mae Wells. Sat hermee4 is mw ever bin vase on mouth, Geo Stewart. Wm Warwick. II Basher. Table bo.gaeebe sou esu 5 -Is vase at at.alh. nee Stewart, Moe Wells, Wm Maniock. Oesea-pt.es her 1.bIS darallos, Gee Stamm'. Floral dn.. Geo Newark Cons Welk. Contains Mains, donee. not leas than two ~Mein, lideslm Malay, Oee Siewert. -The Canadian Clothiers LEVITZ k URRA Pre.isters Spelaal Prices in Mii/nery for SATURDAY We have • perticiderly ,attractive lime of Ladies' Shapes. They Include the SAih.r Hate e• velvets *ad plush. You will find Omen to be popular goods at Popular Prices Do not tail to take ad- vantage of our special her - gains in Ladies' and Gents' Footwear We have the lines rhea cermet fail to rd. s... Spe- cial pricer for katnr•d..y_ selling. Embroidery on two towels. initials or monogram, Mrs 'Yee -anon, Mrs H S Baker. Embroidery on two handkerchiefs, initials or monogram, Ml46 M Curwen, Mrs Howrie. Hardanger or Norwegian, Mrs Howrie, Mies Symington. Venetian, Mrs Howrie, Mrs Stevenson. Embroidery 1n lace. stitches, Mrs Stevenson. Miss Syostngton. Embroidery in modern cows stitch, Mn Howrie, Mrs Seevensoo. Centre piece, Mrs McCarroll, Mrs Howrie. Any kind, collar and cuff net, Mae Johnston, Mn McCarroll. Pillow : ltP. Mrs M Curwen, Mrs Johnston. Mounted Sofa Cushion, Mrs Joh.gton, Mrs A 3 Goldthorpe: Embroidery on bolting cloth, Mrs Stevenson, Mrs J A Fowler. Portiere or dupe any kind, -Las Mc- Clnakey, Miss Symington. Sewing, hand -made lilies' shirt waist, original design, Mrs Howrie, Mrs John- ston• Sewing, plain, hard, sample five varieties, S 1dwarde, Mrs Johnston. Sewing. hand -made ladies' under- clothing, three pieces, Mrs Johnston, Mrs McCarroll. Ladies' fancy workbag, Mrs Mc- Carroll, Mrs Johnston. Twelve tomatoes, any variety, Chas Twelve buttonholes -four underwear, Wells. .A Hatt lday. four dregs and four tailor's, O F Ed. Largest cucumbers, 1). McPhee, D ward, Mrs Fowler. Fronee. Darning, straight, biased and three - Collection of garden herbs, Chas Mcornered, re t vcllings, Wells, Mrs. Tremblay. rs Johnston, Miss Symiagton. Collection of garden produce, Chas Mending ane patch hemmed, Miss Wells, H Barker. Canoes. 0. F. Edward. Salsify, Chas Wells. Wm Warnock. Mending, one patch top vevral. 0 F Water melons, Jas Yutll, Edward, Mies Curwen. Musk melons, Jae Yulll, Alex Young. Klleben apron. Mrs McCarroll, Move Citrons, Alex Young, Andrew Hall- Curwen. day. Foy apron, Milos Curwen, Mrs A HOME MANUFACTURES J Goldwethorpe' Boitt designed and worked quilt, any sten. Point lace. H. Edwards, Mex. Joh.. pattern. Art Jones,' Mrs. Stevenson. Irish crochet, Mrs Johnston. Mrs Fancy gdilting, speclmen or. Mb" Stevenson. Symms. Honitoa lace with machine made Counterpane, cotton. knitted. Milo braid, 0 F Edward, Hiss SymiagWm. Symington, Mrs A Johnston. Duchess lace, Mrs Stevenson, Mrs Rag mat (booked), Mrs A McCarrol, Johnston. Mrs A Johnston. BaMtenburg lace, airs Stevenson, Mrs Bath towel (waah cloth) motto. knit- Fowler. teed. Mrs J A Fowler, Mabdm Mc- limited lace (thread), Miss Syneng- Kay. ton, Mrs R Stevens,, Carriage atgbas (WSW). Mrs A Tom. Mn Jobhrto.. H Edwards. Jobaston, Mn. R. Stevenson. Drawn thread work, doilies, Wm Ku nWg fancy wool sbawl or cape, 0 eyashgton, Milo Stevenson, F Edward, Mn Johnston. Drawn Meted work, centre piece, Come pe& tine wool stockings, Mrs Mrs Fowler, Milo Rymiagto.. Sothis. Netting, Mrs Stevenson, Mrs Fowler, One peer Doane wool sox, Miss M curves, A. SaRlday• PRESERVES, BREAD, ETC. One pair flss wool sox, Mr. Jaiselsa, Assortment of boweenade preserves, Purity Floor. Prises by Weyers Caw ataMills, D Prone, 3 YeC7nskey, Mee Layer cake, Yrs A Foster. D McPhee. 0 F Edward. °Weenie of baling Mrs R W Rya's, Mrs A Footer, Mn A 1 Goldthorpe. • Leach, beet cold, Jan MoCauakey, Mrs A Mo(aeroll, Mn Foster. MI newer and Na bans, Mrs Fatter, Mrs A J Goldthorpe, Mn D Brookes - rides. 71NE ARTS PROFESSIONAL LWT. -011d Laa".eape, soesery, Miss E Hayden, Mrs }Lowrie. Marine, lakes, Mee Howrie, tad. Animal or Anne, Mies Hayden, !d. (31111 life, buildings, etc, Mime Hayden, Yrs Howrie. Flowers os Ault, Mae Heydon, Miss Howrie. PROFe:uSIONAL LIST- -W ATER COLORS Landscape, scenery, Miro Hayden, 3 A Fowler. Marine, lakes or river, J A Fowler, Mies Hayden. Still life, buWtng', etc.. Mies Hayden. Drawing in waver colors, any subject, Miss Hayden, J A Fowler. Landscape. korai, `Mrs Howrie, 3 A Fowler. Figure or animal, subject, 3 A Fowler. Flowers a.d,fruit, 3 A Fowler, 2nd. Monochrome, any subject, Mies Hay ries, J A Fowler. AMATEUR-IJIT --01111 Landscape scenery, Misr M Curwes, Men H S Baker. y Marine, Miss M Curwen, 0 Y ksI- ward. Animal or figure, subject, Mrs Steven- son, Mrs Baker. Huron fano 'wine, Mrs Baker, Mien ' urwe.. Flowers, Mur Stevenson, airs Baker. Fruit, Mrx Stevenson. Inanimateohien. Mrs Stevenson, Mini Baker. Original, any subject, Mrs Baker, Mrs Stevenson. Laadreapc, Mrs$tcvcnson, t) F I!1 wand. A tATr:t•It LIST WATER COLOR Iand.caa•, Mise t'urwen. Mrs Fow- ler. Marine, Mrs Fowler, Mrs Baker. Aninial or figure subject, Mrs Stein - Noe, Mrs Baker. Huron farm send, Mrs Baker, Milo C urnen. Flowers, Mrs Stevenston. airs Pow er. Fruit, Mr. Fowler, Men. Baker. Inanimate object, Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs Fowler. °ligised Huron Co. subject, Miss Cur - wen, 0 F Edward. Mosochrome,lcopy1. Miss M .Andrews, Mrs Fowler. CHINA PAINTING Hiagle piece, MSI. Howrie, Mrs Ste- vene00. Figure •on chbna, Mrs Howrie, Mrs Stevenson. Three plater, Mrs Stevenson, Mrs A Johnston. Collection not lees than six pieces, Mrs Stevenson. Mrs Howrie. WOOD t•ARYINni Collection of wood carving, Mn Stevenson, 2nd. Collection of pyrography, Mrs A John- ston. Meallerv.•asa' ens i.ti.R of ail- .-nollee named e 0114101141Pair plain silt. mftltblt, ]Cie, of each to beOmegahoe our of tbdels 'fol- Slevstasoa, NYS Bowyer: pears, peons, peaches, rasp O.. pair cane plain wool gloves, berries, cherries. strawberrleo, - plat Mrs Johann, Mies Sywl.gtoa.�pplK Sooseberriee. Jar MoCluakey. Driving goa, ,MI.. $amts Mrs McCarldl, 0 t' Edward Farcy wool mittens, Ikon',. Mn Peaches, ase. quart �r Jae Mang- liofam. Ls>.: ha' Maar iieCar,g4>` Q HcKay.- Bedroom slipper, Mrs Joiesittor, hiss Bteawbcruies, one ,itiart jar. Malcolw Sy=ISS1ces• McKay. airs Goldthorpe, b Ptonrao. Bowers. MJohnnie.r Johnnie., M. Moves. glee, arc goonjjs.rr,� Jae me_ sea. Chishey, 0 F Edward. MrilcCarroll. Crocheted work is cones, Mr J A plums, ear aeon jar, Ju. Yulll. Mal. Fowler. Mr Johnnie. cors McKay. las. McCloskey. Table mals, endue, A Sal1ioy, Mrs Fears, ens quart jar, Jobs Clark, Chu Jeheseos• Welton Maisel= McKay. H Bahl'.os ro- Mss UMvemroa, MrCherries, marl ear jar, Nr. Md1M- e. leasenor, M, Jehmslem. Rake's'roll., dor, Trio. an McCloskey. Nn p$,OS, one rt jar, D Proust, 0 F Mikitnigli.rpass. Mrs Howvle, Mho Slur* Sy - 4 l lyse quart jar, Mrs McCarroll. Imesam. monionmenSAppllee eases quart, Mrs Poster, Mrs MaCLred1, A Halliday. Embroidered table teen le white. maim. ems jar or pot, s s, ated, eomoieleq et table clone de wine, Mrs Tremblay. Mr*. inds.m r*. Johnston.JMee One coning cloth, one key dab. Fleet McCerreil. Colleens truss emssloms. �7erme erine dorsa retest phww b� Sower, Chir Were. l Fowler, Ifrs H� elm, Nn J 1 Collection Irmo /� Embroidered gee e'ele ck tea teeth. Orr ' Concede tkal xi., am sl. a rr.Embroidered Seee Bmrbo'clock ea la, Meek= Me Y. rib. B Edwards, Mrs B 1 Raker. Gone) oe gladiolus (tea. WeUn, Iger S=bsvi wed lane emirs pions and A McConell. elx dense e. Ila.., NW M Corns. Colleen= awes, Malaga Hely, fan Symtsgesa. Close Welk, Wes Warnock. E=Molda.d tray doth le whit. to.. Oollswtsa peersa, Wm Mammoek, sum er rotten, Mdse Cerwen, Mrs lehnrbm. Stewart, Mr Bowels Iigsheaeas..s rdebennd scarf, any Canons ,-Mnmlrs. ring le, F Berber, Mod. Mrs McConnell. Mks Syinimpon. 0 Mimed. Mrs Heinle. Mr Howhle u.msRmro bldm.d tea coq, wiser mlmi, leaves bome-sesile white kneed. Osilselies pMrslrs, desbe, Mrs A Mm Joh memo. Mrs TawUr• sees with Pertly Litre, Pilsen by McCanW. Sentwo aired Maslow ws.rk, Metre ': 'este-I, r in•,r :1.11a, Mrs R w Ryan, Odleeil= wenn. not 3..m them nix Mem. Mn u►ev.is er, Mrs ,ions tam. n Mrs Mrs Porter. Mixed picklesore j .r, Mrs MoCar- rol, 0 F !Alward, Mn ()Meanie a< saoorlt, for Mode, e ased, 0 F Edward Mr' Rowels, J ae McCtssbsy. Twelve tea bierslns, Mrs. McCarroll, Mn doidthorpe Mrs lower Cdlentes of pion. all Nlo than tor. Mrs Geidil srpe, 0 Ldtbwa*W, Mrs D Med doses tame tart'.. Mr Ryas, Jae lileCleshey, Mrs Oss dome ort malas, r. Goldthorpe, Ulm= OP CANADA i ori Cai k le Bait Tea Cm wet M Advariage You know bow everything coals more villa you have to buy on credit Why not practice sed -denial a while It necessary, open a Saving Account in the Usim Bank of Calends, and, with the money in hand, buy at Cash prices) The discounts will help to awes your bank blame%, and you vii baw made a good start Inwards tinseled independence Goderich Branch -F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. himself lo„e-. A business built upon dishonesty cannot prevail. Not one of these pirates, and they have been coming and going for twenty years. will Inst more than two •years. He would nett last that long but for the encouragement he gets from those who should know better. Meson. McLean Bros. of Uodeicb, have for years roil Sean -reedy tailor- ing, and they carry the only repre- sentative stock of these fine garments in the whole county. Dominion Alliance Meetings Sunday last was Huron field day for the Dominion alliance and Joderich was honored by having two f Its strongest representnt i.ra, in t he per- sons of Rev. Ben. H. Spence and Rev. Dr. Abraham, to fill theipulpite in this town. Iu addition to speaking in four of the churches a muss meeting was bold in the Tewperarrce hall during the afternoon. when t he hall was well tilled. conclusive evidence that the temperance •entiw.nt is not dead in Goderlch. air. Ruthven MeeDoeald, the well known baritone, sing at Knox church and North street Me. ho - dist church in the ,Horning and et the masa meeting in the afternoon, and was scheduled to sing at the 'Kappa. and Victoria street churches in the evening but owing to an affection of the throat was unable to fulfil hie evening engagements. .'RAYON %ND CHARCOAL Any subject In crayon, Mrs Howdy, Mrs Stevenson. Any subject in charcoal, airs Steven-' son, Miss F: Hayden. Any subject pen and ink sketch, J A Fowler, Mrs. Stevenson. Any subject pencil drawing, Mies Hayden, Mrs Howrie. PENMANSHIP, DRAWIN(s AND OTHIJR SCHOOL WORK Specimen of writing, boys, Leon Andrews, Benson Weston. Specimen of writing, gide. Jean. Bab - kirk, Wfn.ie Gledhill. Specimen of drawing a maple leaf in outline, boys, Jact Marshall, F: Prid- ham. iiamen of drawing a maple loaf in outline. girls, Helen Shaw, Marion Ryan. Composition on the Town of Goderich, Olive Tabb, Helen Smith. Sterling silver medal donated by the Northern Business College, Owe. Sound, Ont., for the best specimen of wrfti.g exhibited .t the tat our by any school chid in the vicinity of Godertch, Beatrice Longmire. SEMI -READY MAN TELLS DIFFICULTY Answers Pointed Question on progress of Semi - ready Ideals. One of the officer- of the een,i ready Oomptn7 was til ,•.1 with the gueg- 400 : "Why dr es n •t everybori. mese Semi -ready clothes if they are a:l you teem for them?" H • said : "'No ween seed. ever hope In .ueiww 1 m000poly of virtue. ler. were ,t sot for the &shoddy ' ' ..bons ..f MICRO - ready . I rad tailoring which have been put'. on the market during the put Sftee, years we had long ago co=pkt•d the evolution of the tailoring trade. The harm that is dons to Semi - ready by a shoal of chem./john Mee in C�re the od balt.ma minensign Atli. are a goat marry mister is the le country. but then were five thousand fakes foisted on rho public. Holiest miming gut o Meek eye tbrough the week of the fakers. "Oso great drawbsek has hese the millirem of dollars sold every year by smeotb salesmen who will toll his customers that a gannet Is 'Heusi - ready" when be knows 11 le set. f1e prey os the buyer who will never leafs to look for the, teed, mark we the gannet -Me label in the peeket. Seery day la the week. In large cites like Toronto, Windless", Jfostreml, and Vaseonv.r. tier ere beadiede of g arments sold ae 'Ssssl.reeady' which a» 'rsed shade•'. The esste- er Leese roam ms ; owls rarely does be Sad out that be lose bees hone swiveled by a dollen pirate. The pirate waited until dammed foe Neuel-reedy tenting was crated by marl, by elle furor of bettor vales, Through • 7 Ude MAIM leen.�a� elme to- - tots,,., the *Aventine the Then 1. more Catarrh in thin ovation of the ceeatrr tams all other diorama. pet tel,ether• and until tae dart few years was supposed to b. Isesrane. tear a great many years doctors p.n.s scud H a Ideal disease and peenertbed steal raa•d1en, and by constantly failing to cora with local trwatmd.4 pton.anoad 1t in- curable. Saimaa Ma peso*. eatarrb to be a e.asUtatiooal disease and Op -refine requires odwt1tsUodal treatment. Hall'. Catarrh Can, manufactured by te. J. Cheney It Co., Toledo. Ohio, is the odd ortltakonal can as the mk tart. k le token Isternatly. 1t eats directly on the blood and m&:013' surfaces of the system. They after ods ba.drad dollars for any mask faits to care. Pend for etren4rs and tesUmoalala Address: V..rJJ.. CHEM EY kC)..Toledo, Obs Take by r Yampa PM. for c.s itlpaUed. Neiie n ( lift Ar -c4 0 • a Messrs. William Neilson Limited, of Toronto. offered to supply the goy. erment with 65,000 bars of cb000late•, for use i. whatever wanner tbe goy. erment anted choose - This offer has been grateful) accep- ted hy the minister of militia, Col- onelLiam Hughes, and the chocolate is to be shipped to Valeartier, and from there will be transhipped with the Canadian rommis.ariat to Europe. The several hundred members of the staff of William Neilson Limited, have oleo donated one full day's pay to the Canadian Red Cress fund. RHEUMO CURES RHEUMATISM No matter how long standing your care may be, don't despair, get a bottle of Hbenmo todry. V. 5, Rutland sells it with a guarantee to benefit you. Rbeumo is wondertul in its quick action, the pain ceases, the muscles and bones are rid of soreness and stiff - nem, and very soon a Rheum's patient it able to have the same strength and vitality of youth. Rheum') builds Mood so rich and thick that uric acid cannot possibly exist. Rheumo costs only 11.00 for a large bottle from F. J. Butiand. or direct, all charges prepaid from B. V. alnrion Co., Bridgeburg, Ont. Union liank at Valcartier The Union Bank of Canada, who opened a branch at Valcartier mili- tary camp three weeks ago, and who have been transferring remittances to and from this branch and any of their other oMcse without exchange have now moved into a permanent building located next to the staff quarter. varieties, In est 3-reco tires lelash leen, Latbrrld=M erne dila w.M. Mee t These Mayes keenests bread, two pub u 'sons. 11.e to 1 l . �• ...., ClemWi l's. i dMt.e Mw Sinn+.. � brows all AS einsM. made with .ad mat sestain of all. Um .tmtaanat To the Public Our Patriotic Sale WWI a good success but we realise that miny could nut avail thrwvelves of this opportunity as the weather was very wartie and unreasonable. We will still miter to the public some (f the Oreateet Values in Men's Wear ever uffer.d in (4udericb. M. ROBINS Agency for Peabody's Overalls South Si of Squaw* de Open Until fi Every Evemng -Dont fail to attend tbe great auc- tion sale at Harrison's jewelery store on Friday and Saturday afternoons and evening*. SUBSC'fi11B13Pf1R TllHRIGX411. -' HEADQUARTE RS FOR FAMILY Groceries 1f you have not tried us with an order for Household Supplies do sq NOW, and see how we do it. Fruits sad Vegetables io woo., and we- rise to please in quality and proem:Knre of de- livery. Anytbing in either line to he had will be supplied for you if not in stock. China and Glassware How is your etock of Olin and Glassware? We carry large lines and would like to show you our goods. A Call in Aay Line Is Solicited J. Young Hassilton 3t. MONUMENTS CHASTE AND ARTISTIC DESIGNS Best workmanship at J. DOIG'S, Clinton As J. Doig imports direct, he is able to give quick delivery at close prices. Designs and prices on application. li,... LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC --t- AND -:-- SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION, LIMITED UNPRZCIDINTSD OPPRR OP SCHOLARSHIP AND P1433331 Writs Is Pmrtie:Wa n LA .11 ARMSTRONG, P. LINPORTN Vt'iLLGOOS Regt.se.r. AmtaL Moo. Roc. a O.3.) Addre$s:-354.6 Dundas St., London, Ont. 4. f•