HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-9-24, Page 4r
4 ILtiOrsO* 1, alliressemsa !t. MS
The Ideal Cathartic
VON KKR, wotrgN
Chew It Like Candy
James A. Campbell
Pim s.
Central fest Stere Nese 90
Stvl•sh young men w',II admire
Th. Intr.t thing Ls Beam
manufactured by the Hart tShoe
Style r•'n'hinid withservice
and comfort.
'V. have just reeelved a ship-
ment. (:all in and hank them
over and note eepectelly lbs
terial in Velour (.Il. the i{• •
•cede T. the I#IW Hee,. the I,1-
visil.le Eyelet.
Try • pair, you will like then
they ate stood
J. H. McClinton's
Repairing pron.p tv- i'terfiie,t to
The long evenings of fall and
momeet winter with re time in-
doors suggests t • our .winds
Muse for the Home.
A Helot:man & ('a. Piano 1
with ita beautiful sweet quality
of tone.
A Virtue Victrela or on Edi-
son Phonograph. all the highest
product" of mechanical skill.
You need something in this
line and we have what you need.
We have alar• some good
Second band Punes from S30 up.
Call and we will he pleased to
show you our goods.
Music & Stationery Store
The leadiug Sulky Plow in On-
tario. Other popular Riding
Plows are the Ontario Fo otlift
and Heaver Gang nr Sulky.
We have Crown and Kid Kan-
garoo Walking timings. Frost &
Woad sad Uock•hut t .
Walking Plows. Disc
and Fertilizer Disc (:rain Drills.
A full line of repairs and Plow
Point. always on hand.
Hamailies atm!
Omni. of Mrs. Hannon °Hereon
The following •rect of the desta
of Mrs. Sam•uGrierson, formerly of
Oodericb, is takes from the Saginaw
Dolly News of Thuresky last :-
Mrs Elisabeth GrieMoo, resident of
Saginaw for 14 yearn died at bee
home. 1518 Jaws avenue, at R.16
Thursday mroroimg of rheumatism.
Shop W k... sick for three years sad
hail been co.ered to hell most of the
time for the last year Mrs. Orie•rsoa
wail hers is Ooierirb on Novv.abi t
.1b. 1ftfi4. sod was married in (ioderleh,
omens. bon that eity to t.egimaw. She
we. a sesenber of the Prc.hyterlari
ei>oreb. Her hu.hasd Mr. R. J. tirfer-
sem, sod the fallowing children sur-
vive : Mr. W illian, L. 4 Cleveland :
Mtte Mt. Mary. of Detroit : Mr. A K.
Otlersoe. M Penland. Oregon. ted
Mimes Charlotte and Rosie sad Frank,
at home khr is also survived iy •
Wstb.e Mr. Thomas Rate., et Brant-
ford. sad foot bleier.: Mee. A. Nap-
ier. of Bra•tford : elm W. Rack and
Mac. ebbs Ma.aeay, both of Detroit.
Mrs. WICSfl of »..sa'tee. Mew Beim
wing. There are also tout gt.od-
. aiYdeea, The fltlmal Will take
_ t-MM111. Mwomiell.
^iX'►: w::• ,'.'p'pt .s:!^ .a.' ac..11.,-,?- s Ik'• 144!„;44. a.:vi
Stallion, any age I age considered i,
oven three yrair old. to be shown In
harness. G Troyer. A M Polley.
Filly or gelding. three yrstw old, 131
hands and under, to he shown in bar -
nem, W H Cameron, N R McMath
Filly or gelding, two years old, D
McDougall, 1V T Pelluw, I) l.lcPhee.
Brood marc, 131 hands high and
under with her foal by her side, A
Goldthorpe, Win Waite. DMcDougall.
Foal of 1911. D McDougall, A Gold-
P.tit of horse,. mares ur geldings. in
harness, 13• hands high and under.
T (i E:Ilion, SI M Davis.
Siegle horse, mare or gelding. in
harness, 151 hands high and under, J
1. Aitken, 1' M Davis. J A McHa:Ay.
Moues or geldings, li Laithwaite, E
T. Morrow.
1' AHItI.\I:E.
Filly nr gelding, three years old,
over 151 bands high, shown in harness.
A Betties.
Folly or gelding, two years old, A
Yearling, filly 04 ge'Iding. A Betties,
i) McPhee.
Brood mare, over 151 hands high.
nab her foal by her side. R Porter,
Flick Bro..
Foal of 1914, R Porter. Flick Bros.
Pair matcbei c.rtirge borne,, tn'ies
or geldings, over I hands high, T M
Siol;le-arriage horse. mare or geld-
ing. over IN bends high, .1 Connolly,
1' Whitely.
UENEItAL 19.13130m1,..
Brood stare, with her furl by side,
Andrew (item, Ja.m•s Fenger].
Fills-. Deo years old, N. R. McMath,
F. L Young. Flick Bros.
Filly. one year old. A. & E. Fisher.
4 ieoega• G leo.
Matched teem. nates or geldings,
in harness, J. T. Thompson, Edward
C. Johnston, J. A. McHardy.
Brood mare. with born foal by bee
side. A. k E. Mbar, Olen Cornish.
Gelding. two vests old. Robert Olen,
Jaime. Feagon, Jatnes Yearn.
Filly, two yenta old, Gleu Curninh.
Holding, one year old, Janie. Yulll,
Filly. one year old, Jamie ruin,
Robert Andrewe.
Fuel of 1911. Glen Cornish. A. & E.
' Team, roans or geldings, in har-
ness. James Foley.
Stallion, any age lege considered)
T. McMichael, V. Fear. T. W. Bell.
Brood mere, with foal by her ride,
Andrew Young.
Team, mares or geldings, in harness.
1st prize by W. Proudfoot, M.P.P.,
Jame, Foley.
Gelding, two years old. Glen Corn-
Filly, two yenta old. Glen Cornish.
Filly, oue year old, F. L. Young.
Foal of 1914. ist. prize. goods by
Brophey Bros.. Andrew Young.
Special prize by the Godericb Signal
for hest sniwal eligible for entry in
classes 4, 6 or (1, stallions barred. A. &
E Fisher.
The bewt halter broken ,olt foaled in
1911, exhibited by a boy under flttreu
years of age. Special -A. & E. Fisher.
Heavy draft stallion, two years and
under, A. & E. Fisher.
Bull. two years old and upward, R.
Been & Son.
Bull. one year old. Isaac Salkeld, F.
L Young. A. & E.• Fisher.
Bull calf, under one year, Robert
Glen, Ww,-Hill & Sun. Isaac Salkeld.
Cow, in calf or giving milk. Isaac
Salkeld, Andrew Young. Robt. Olen.
Heifer, two yearl old. iwasc Salkeld,
Robert Glen, R. Bean A Son.
Heifer...no year old. Robert Glen
I and 2, W. Hill &Son.
Heifer calf. under one year. Isaac
Salkeld, R. Bean & Moo.
Herd consisting of one hull and four
females, Isaac Salkeld.
Bull. any age •age considered 1, T. G.
Cow, in calf or giving milk, T. G.
Elliott, T. F. Quaid.
Heifer. over one year and under
three year". T. F. Quaid. T. G. Elliott,
T. F. Quaid.
Heifer Calf, under one year. T. F.
Quaid. T. O. Elliott.
Bull, any age lege considered). John
('lark, S. R. McNeal.
44w in calf or giving milk, Jame.
Heifer, over one year and under
three years, A. & E. Fluffier, F. L.
Young. R. k. McMath.
Heifer calf. under one year, James
Bull . any -age (agr•'eoosider,di, (lee.
Cow, in calf or giving milk. George
I.althwait. 1 and 2. C. W'or.ell.
Heifer, two years old, in calf or giv-
ing milk. George Laithwaite. C. Woe-
Heifer. under two years old. George
Lalthwatte 1, 2 and :i.
Cow. giving milk or in calf. milling
and heelingpt qualities enosidered. Rob-
odert Glan, Wm. Hill & Ron, James Glen
Heifer, two years old. .1. A. Me -
Hardy, Wm. Hill k Son, James Glen.
Heifer, oneear old, James Glen.
James Yuill, H. nnL. Salkeld.
Heifer calf, under one year. Gime**
Glen i and 2. T. (sundry.
Two-year-old steer, F. i. Young,
Wm. Hill A Son 2 and 3.
Yearling steer. Jame. Glen. Robert
014i., John Clerk.
Steer calf. Robert Glen, James Glen.
J. A. Mc Hardy.
Heed. consisting of three females
and two steers. James Olen, H. L.
Salkeld. f
Pat cow, T. G. Elliott, H. 1. eat.
r.at r I .mT*aa.
Ram lamp, Robert Gen.
M, two .hoar, and erne. wblah
h Tait "FtmN-a-fives
SIP C!pte Seem
Life is very miserable to those who
suffer with Icedtigestiee Dyspepsia
Sour Stomach and Biliousness. This
letter from Captain Swat I one of the
best known skippers on the Great
Lakes) tells how to get quick rend
from Stomach Trouble.
PoitT B('NWKLL, OST., May *la, lett.
"A man las a poor chance of living
and eajoyiu` life when he cannot est.
That was what was wrong with me.
Loss of appetite and indigestion was
brought on by Constipation. I have
bad trouble with these diseases for
years. I lost a great deal of flesh
and suffered constantly. For the last
couple of years, I have taken "Fruit-
a-tives" and have been so pleased with
the results that 1 have recommended
them on many occasions to friends aad
acquaintances. I am sure that "Frnit-
a-Ave+" have helped me greatly. By
following the diet rules and taking
"Fruit-a-tied"according to directions,
any persou with Dyspepsia will get
benefit". H. SWAN
"Fruit-a-tive."are sold by all dealers
at 50c. a box 6 for 112.5o, or trial (rue
25c. or sent postpaid on receipt of price
by Fruit-a-tives Limited. Ottawa.
raised a lamb in 1914, Rober-a
and 2.
Shearing ewe. Robes' (ileo.
Ewe larch. Robert Glen.
Ram, two shears and over, B. .V.
Ram lush. E. V. Lawson.
Ewe, two shears and over, wkleb
raised a knit) in WIC E V. Lawson.
Shea' ling ewe, E. V. Lawson.
oxpolt esHIHK Is. DVN,.
Rau., leo shears and over. John
Sower by.
$brnring ram. F. ',. Young.
R un luul . 1' L. Young I and 2.
Ewe. two .bear.. and OveC. which
roved a lamb in 1911. F, L. Young.
Ewe; lamb, F. L. Young.
Best fat sheep, ewe or wether, E. V.
i aw*en, H )ixrt Glen.
Boar, over one year, S. R. MicMath.
Boar, over one year i,ld, V. W.
Fisher. A. & E. Fisher.
Boar, littered in 1914. A. R E. Fisher,
V.'. W. Fisher.
Sow, Ane .'ear old and over, haring
littered in 11114. A. & E. Fisher, %V.
W. Fisher.
SOW, littered, in 11)14. A. & E. Fisher,
W. W. FH.hrn.
(1 MI t)Es.
Sow, li'tered in 1911,
Sons I ane 2.
R. Bean &
POs' i,TRY.
Dorking. any other variety, bee.
Mn. J. S. Howrie.
$aii.burge. spangled, cock, Bates
& Beacon,, R. C. PortlethwaJte,
Slack Spanish, cock. airs. J. S.
Leghorn*, brown, sinele comp, cock,
Wee J. 8. Howrie, 1V, C. !hazel.
Lesbos -or,. blown, single comb, ben,
Mrs. J. S. Howrie, '1': F. Quaid.
t.rghorno, brown, roar comb, ben,
Mrs. J. 8. Howrie, T. F. Quaid.
Leghorn,. white single comb. cock,
Arthur Jones..
Leghorn", white,
Arthur Junes.
Leghorn", whirr.
Thomas Hoggarth.
foghorns. white. 'rose comb, hen.
R. C. PoetletLwaite, Bates &
Polish, any variety. cock, F. C. Mc•
Polish, any variety, ben, S C. Mc -
Plymouth Rocky, ks, barred. cock, Mrs.
G. J. Shaw, R. (1. Postlethwaitr,
Plymouth Rock.. barred, ben, Mrs.
G. J. Shaw, R. C. Postletbwaite.
Wyandotte*, white, cock, W. H.
Doak 1 and 2.
Wyandot tee, white, hen, Oliver
Pennington, W. H. Doak.
Wyondottev, silver laced, cock, Mt..
J. 8. Howrie.
Buff Orpington*, cock, Mrs. W. H.
Buff Orpington*, ben. Mn. W. H.
TremWhiteOrpiOrpington., best, Mrs. O. J.
Black Orpington*. cock, Bates t
Beacom, 8. G. McKay.
Black Orpington*. be., Bates &
Beacom 1 and 2.
Aodalu.iana, cook, Nt. J. 8. How
.J laic argon.►
Minorca., black. sock. Mrs. O. J,
Shaw 1 and 2
Minorca•, black. ben, R C. FostJe-
(lame, Mack breasted, red, cook, 8.
O. McKay.
Game, black breasted, red, ben, 8. (1.
Game Bantam.. hen, Harry How-
Bantam., black Africans, cock. W.
C. Sneer!.
B.nt•soa, sly other variety. frock,
R. C Po.tletbwuite.
Bantams. any ether variety. iten, R
C. Postlethwalte.
Meek Lang.han. nock. Mn. J. 8.
Bleak Lang ban, hen, Mrs. J. S.
Rhode i,ka
9pauisb, hen, Mrs. J. M.
single comb, hen,
roan comb, cock,
• red, rook. Arthur
Josses, Harry AowanL
Rhode l.Iaud. ted, hes. Harry How
Any other variety of fowl, cock,
W. 8. Doak. C. H. Rance
Asy Scher variety of fowl. ben, W.
A. Dash. C H. Ramo.
1 Aetbrr James. 0. Laithwaite.
Gess.. Ray other variety, goose.
Arthur Joules O. I,Jthwalle.
Ducks, Pekin, drake, T. E. Morrow,
1 and 2.
Ducks, Pekin, duck, T. K. Morrow
1 and 2.
Rouen D.l)ks„dr•ke, O. Laithwaite.
Rouen Ducks, duck, G. Laltheraltr,
O. F. Edwards.
Duck", any other variety, drake,
Oliver Pennington, Mrs. J. 8 Howrie.
Ducks. any other variety, duck, Mrs.
J. 8. Howrie, Oliver Pennington.
auntie Fowl. cock. Arthur Junes.
Guiesa Fowl, ben. Arthur Jones.
Brahma., light or dark, cockerel,
Mrs. J. S. Howrie.
Brahma.. light or dark, pullet, Mn.
J. 8. Howrie.
Hamburg*, spangled, cockerel, R.
C. Postlethwaste.
Hamburg*. spangled, pullet, R. C.
Black Spanish, cockerel. Mrs. J. Y.
Howi ie
Black Spanish, pullet, Mn. J. 8.
leg borne, brown, single comb.
cockeiel. T. F. Quaid, C. Worssll.
Legliorno, brown, .Ingle comb, pul-
let, C ‘Voreell, T. F. Quaid.
Leghorn*, brown, rose comb, c eker-
el, T. F. Quaid 1 and 2.
L••ghorue, brown, rose comp, pullet.
T. F. Quaid 1 and 2
lrghl.rn•, white single cotul•,
M^kcrei.TUJm.e Hoggattb, Mn. G.
J. Shaw.
Leghorn*, white, single comb, pullet,
Thous.. Hnggerth 1 and 2.
Plymouth hocks, band, cockerel.
Mr.. S. J. Shaw. •
Plym' uth Rock", .barred, pullet,
Mrs. S. J. Shaw.
Plymouth Rock*, white. pullet.
Oliver Pennington 1 and 2.
Wyandotte*, white, cockerel, W.
H. D•tak, C. Worsen..
W.yat.dntte,, white, pullet, W. H.
Doak 1sod 2.
Wyandotte'. silver laced, ooekervl,
Mee. J. S. Howrie.
Wyandottee. silver -laced, puler,.
Mee. J. 8. Rowels.
White Orpington#,• cockerel. Mn.
G. J. Shaw. •
White Orpington,, pullet, Mrs. G.
J. Shaw,
Black Orpington', cockerel, Bates
k Warms, 5. U. McKay.
Black Orpioiinns, pullet, Hates A
Beacom. 8. O. McKey.
Andalusian•, cockerel, Mrs. J. 8.
• Andalu.isee, p•,Ikt, Mee. J.. 8.
Minorco', black. co-kerrl, Mrs. G.
J. Shaw,
3linorcas, black, pullet, Mrs. J. S.
Hnwr•ie, Mn. G..1. Shaw.
Game, heck bleated, rets, cockerel,
Arthur Jones.
Gado, black breasted, rets, pullet,
Arthur Joon..
Orme, bantam..his.-k breasted, red
coekerc. Harry Howard.
blame, bantams, any other variety.
cuckerel, R. R. Sloan.
Orme, hantau'•, Any other variety.
pullet, R. R. Sloan.
Bent:'",-. urn• o, her V41irty. cocker-
el, G. L,
Mantas..-. any a her variety, puUet,
G. Lith. . it
Black L '..-a..o•, cack.•rrI, Mrs. J.
8. Howrie. • •
Meek La„.et.a..s. pullet, Mrs. J. S.
Rhode island Red, cockerel. Harry
Howard 1 and 2.
Rbode island Red, pullet. Harry
H„ward 1 and 2.
Any other variety, cockerel. C. H.
Rance, W. J. Doak.
Any other variety, pullet, C. H.
R.nce, W. J. Doak.
Turkeys. bronze. cock, G. Laith-
waite, O. F. Edward.
Turkeys, )'mnze, hen, O. F. Edward,
G. Laithwaite
Geese, Toulouse, gamer, U. F. Ed.
war d.
(i-ese, Toulouse, goose, O. F. Ed-
Geese. any other variety, gander,
G. Laithwaite. H. L Salkeld.
Geese, any other variety, cover, G.
Laithwaite. H. L. Salkeld.
Ducks, Pekin, drake, J. W. Salkeld,
O. F. Edward.
Ducks, Pekin, duck, J. W. Salkeld,
U. F. Edward.
Rouen ducky, drake. O. Laithwaite.
Rouen ducks. drake, G. Laithwaite.
Durk*, any other variety, drake,
Mrs. J. 8. Howrie.
Ducks. any other variety, duck,
Mrs. J. s Ho rel..
HKEEI •1 N(. PRNR-(11.1. 1)R YUCNO.
Wyand..tle-. W. H. Doak.
iwngshan•, Nn. J. S Ho.. He.
Game, any variety, S. U. McKay,
Arthur Joao".
Orpington., any variety, 8. G. Mc -
K(bllection of pigeons, not lime than
three pairs, 4. G. McKay 1 and 2
MI.CEri.RN wore.
Singing unary G. Roes.
Largest collection of insects injur-
ious to plant., names attached, G.
Largest collection of insects benefi-
cial to planta, names attached, G.
Ow. doses. heseles '.inele yolk ben',
eggm, O. F. Edward, James McChukey.
UnHectioo of rabbits, not lees than
four. W. ('. /enamel.
Pair rabbits., any other variety. W.
C. 8naa.l.
Fall wheat, white, T. Gundry, J. K.
Fall wheat, ted or amber, J. K. WI.s,
Spring wheat, any variety, named, J.
K. Wise, tad.
Rye, Jas. Glean. J. K. Wise.
Barley, any variety, named, J. K.
Wlee. R. Be.m.
Large peso. any variety mimed, J. K.
Whip, Mira M. corrals.
Small peaa. Lay 1'ariety oarued` J. K.
Wise, 2nd.
White oats, any variety named, J. K.
Wise, R. Bean A Sows,
Black oak*, any variety named, J. K.
Flex Bred, J. K. Wise.
Timothy seed. J. K. Who.
White beano, Andrew Halliday. Jas.
Turkey.. bro.w, cock. A*d Arthur Three bead. ,u.ower seed, beand
Turkeys, twos,. bee. O. F. Edward, ►raYoilvasiat, Mrs. Rm. Tremblay. Jets.
O. LJthwslu. I Largo* Rad bent onlleotios of said
Omer Timings.* . gander. T. F. i grapes. (Me bo bel of each, samed
Quaid, G. Leith oaf I the growth of the ezhiblew-.s
-t of har-
Oeeee, T .moss. "ream, 0 F. ltd- row., vain 510 by Americas Geo& Wink
ward, O. Leith waits. I Ms.ib4.ary Co., J. R. Alae.
Aeese. cry claw var4.ty, g.rdr, Long rad smogilla wtltilesk lana.
t 1P L it ‘,17.4.1.:41';' s. i-is"rrfip j( p
t ►..w'v4:#;hiss"
,-„Lor.yF5 • 1~ . ` ° it ,t
The New Fall Goods
Dependable Fall Merchandise at prices that mean a big saving to
you, if bought early. We never had a stock so wisely chosen, so liberally
selected, and so surprisingly low priced. You can rely on our values be-
ing right. You will find this week's short list well worth reading.
We want everyone'io see our Fall Coatings.
We never had better values than now. 85 cents
Lo 5.5, 3 in plain weaves, checks end diagonal
We are st ill selling 96 inch, black and colored
dress Silks that will not cut, 5110).
U. & A. Corsets have no superior in 111, ma-
terial and workwanship, and can he adjusted to
any figure. The wearing quality we cau, safely
guarantee. We also carry an American Corset of
very superior gitmlity, in prices 51.60 to 51.11).
W. B. Corset+.
Pert in'a Gloves
We never bad so large a mock of Dress Vel-
vets, 113 black and colon, in plain weave., stripes
and bedfo td tib,. Prices from (Inc to 51.11. These
velvets are Warrens fest dye, and silk finish.
About 209 yard, of light Prints, spot patterns
regular price 124c, sale price 1Oc.
We are showing very excellent value, in thes,-
goods and • large stock to select from.
99 Hose
Standard Pattern,
Globe Mangold wnrtxel, ll. Barker.
Intermediate mangold wurtsel, T. F.
Quaid, Isaac Salkeld.
Sugar mangolds, for feeding purposes.
Andrew Halliday, H. L. Salkeld.
Swede turnips, (leo. W. Andreas, T.
F. Scald. -
Nine ears corn, dent, J. W. Salkeld,
T. (Modes'.
Acne ears corn, field. any other var
lety, T. Gundry, W. T. Marney.
Largest pumpkin. W. II. Murney.
Mrs. Wm. Tremblay.
Largest squash, Alex. Young. H.
Largest turnips; G. W. Andrews, T.
F. Quaid.
Largest and bete stalks field corn John
eowerby., H. L. Salkeld.
Sugar beets for sugar ptlrpoaes. Mc-
Neil Pros.
Ten pounds table butter salted for
use. rolls or prince. Fanners only to
compete : creamery butter to be ex-
cluded. Prizes given by the Rank of
Montreal. Oodench, 0, F. Edward, Mr..
R. W. Ryan. Geo. Lalthwsite.
Ten poun.l, table butter, in crock,
salted for present use. Farmers Rely
are to compete : creamery butter ex-
cluded. Jame. Yuill, u. F. Edward,
John Fowler.
• Cheese, not lens tban 12 pounds, home
wash. Geo. Lalthwaite.
Tab or crock of putter. not lass than
4d pound,. Farmers only are to 0001-
peto : creamery butter excluded.)
Prizes are given by the Bank of Mon-
treal, Godericb, Jas. McCluaky, Mrs. A.
J. Goldthorpe, G. Laithwalte.
Butter, five pounds. one pound prints.
Special prize by C. Pc. Reil. value 56,00,
butter to become property of donor, G.
Laithwaite. O. F. Edwards, Mrs. Jas.
' PP1.Ca
Ten varieties, :mined, 4 of .,ach con-
sisting of tour summer or fall. and six
winter, H. R. Shan. W. W. Fisher, J.
W. Salkeld.
Six varieties, named. 4 of
each, cook-
ing, two summer or fall. andfour win
ter. R. R. Sloan, Mrs. J. Salkeld. J. W.
Slx varieties. named. four of each,
desert, summer or fall, and four waster,
R. R. Sloan, J. W. Salkekt Mn.. J.
of Oldenburg. R. R Sloan, J.
W. Salkeld. Jas. McCltswky.
Alexander. It. R. Moan.
ISt. la .v react. .1. 1'. 1:,1 W .ars, V. BiRg-
G rave:atein. .lea. 1' .s.: i ,
ward, G. f,aith,.aite.
McIntosh Red, R. H. Sloan.
Cayuga Red Streak. I0 -or.
R. Sloan, Mrs. Jas. ('lark.
Fall Pippin Alex. Young, R
20 -oz. Pippin or Cabenbos., H. R.
Sloan, John Rowerby. John Fowler.
Rnow, Jas. Yuill, H. R. 8loan.
Wealthy, ILK. Sloan. Alex.
Ribero. Pippin, R. R.
Salkheld, Robt. Andrew,.
Grimes' Golden, Robt. Andrews.
King of Tompkins County,
O. 1'. Ed -
apple, R.
R. Sloan.
Sloan, J. W.
Fick Bro
R. R. Sloan, G. Lalthwalte.
Cranberry Pippin. R R. Sloan, John
Rowerby, J. W. Salkeld.
Pewaukee, W. Flaher. John Newts: -
Wagner, it R. Mom, Mrs. J.' BalkelR:
Weetneld'm Seek Nn Farther, Alex.
Young. Geo. W. Andrews',
Rhode i•bbed Greening. G. W. An•
drew•, Robt. Andrew,, John Rowerby
Baldwin, R. R. Sloan, (4 W. Andrews,
Jaa. Toll).
Talmaa'e Awe**. G. W. Andrew*, R.
R. Woes.
America& Golden Russot, Jas. Mc-
Cla,key. R. R. Sloan. Rohl. Andrew,.
Canada Reil, R. E. Sloan, Mrs. J.
Fal later, Jaw. Tnlll, Robt. Anel
?Pre Phoenix, Jas. Yutll. R. R. Blow...
Motto' Ro.Aet, R. R. Sloan, Robt. An
0t,tario, J. W. Saitteld, Jan. Noting
key. R. R. Sloan.
Swasse Positive Grine, Alex. Young,
Mts. Jas. Clark.
Northers Spy, R. R. Steri, Jas. Mc-
Closkey, T F. Quaid.
Mann, R. R. Rios. Jas. TutIl.
Itkabeim Orange Plppia. Rohl. As
drewe. W. W. Fisher
Colbert, R. R. Rime, Mrs. Jas. (:lark.
Stark, R. R RM.aa, Alex. Young.
Bellefinwon, Jas. Ynlll, Jun. Rnwerby.
Seedltag, 0 worthy of introduction, O.
F. )idward. R. R. Moos. John Rowe rby,
Asy other variety, H. L.lthwslle.
Mess M. Cnree, O. P. Alward.
Plate of resit. Jansen . Ynitl, T. P'.
sone. Bart. Andrews. R. R. Rlosa.
ash stealaard box of madam alt
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To folia` V i''e war situa(i(yn inlelligel•tly the
Famil' 11erah} W:.: Map is nec-ss3ry. It ?..:wild 1s- iu
any variety. to bcopenu.l in the presence
oe the judge. 11. R. Sloan, W. W. Fisher.
• • PP.Alt11 -
Rim %arteries . mimed 1 of each 1st
prize by Parson% Fair. water not, W.
Warnock, W. W. Pieter, 1:. R. Moan.
Throe varletiee. oared, 4 of each, J.
W. Ralkeld, W. W. Fisher, Chas. Wella.
Bartlett, R. R. Moan, Jae. Yulll, Robe.
Dncbesta U'Aogouleme..1. W. Salkckl,
Andrew Hallklay, R. R. Swag.
Look Reese De Jersey, John Rower
by. Wm. Warnock.
Benno D'Aajos, D. WaPbee. W. War-
Beurre Dte1. Mrs. A. J. (iol.lthorpc.
Retiree Bone. Robt. Andrews. W. War-
Mahlon. R. R. Rios., Mn. Jan. (lark.
Winter Neill*. F. Rhgbaai. 2nd.
Benne Clain/eat, W. W. Fisher,
Chas. Wills.
Seckel, Jobs Row.rby. R. R. Swan.
Elapp m Favorite, Net. 3. Kidd.
(:ham. Wells.
L.wresce. Wm Warnock. W. W.
Jo.epbh.e INMa1tsea, F. 1 ham.
Relges., W. W. Flsber, R. R. .
Ilendllag. If worthy of Ii rndnrae,
Jas Yonl.
key mime vanoay. J. A.
Buhl. Aadrewm. eslkoltl.
P1,1 Vtt
Wsablsgt.m, Wm. Rtewart. tad
laradabaw. Wen. Mlewars.
Pard'. 5 adn.g, Wm. Swierset.
Visions, rim. Stewart.
Rmltb's Orleans, Wm. Stewart.
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