HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-9-24, Page 3• THE SIGNAL : GODERTCH : ONTARIO
aT, ats11a�1ar 1M 11
Roasts retain their natural flavor --
bread, cakes, puddings, etc., baked in a
mcckt s
R.1,2always come fresh andasweet
from its perfectly ventilated
oven. See the McClary dealer in your town.
That Were Unavoidably Crowded Out Last Week
Away to the North
Mr Ft. R. Mallows, ;ortsait and
lend -it -ape pbotograpber, left for
northern Ontario on Monday n( this
week. At various pistils along the
Freugh river he will take photograph*
whit'h are In the used in for advertis-
ing literature of the Canadian Pacific
t atlway. Mr. Mallows his made sever -
e1 trips iO4a this section of county on
previous occasions for a similar put-
pose- He espeeta to be away about a
sahib -
Held an Intereatine Debate
The debate held under the auspices
of the Vuung People's union of the
H„ptia church on Monday eveeityt
wa. pp•rticulerly interesting. l hr
attenti.nre was not a. large as rad
hers anticipated, but the interest was
keen. The /object : "Resolved. that
there is more joy in giving then in
getting," wets very well handled.
\'hilts the judges' decision was ill
(sem ret the affirmative it was won by
the mode of presentation rather than
hy the ergumeet preemies'. The
affirmative was upheld by Miss Elsie
iitanedge and Mr. E A. Warner and
tilt negative by Miss Dora H.•pkins
and Miss Viola Jobuston.
Liver Spots, Pimples,
Dark Circles Under
the Eyes
What is Wanted
The fn11,min,', taken ft OM a let ter
by Mrs. Donald !thaw, written from
Ls -via audit*.y ramp. floe►w:, may be
of inlet eat to l hu.r of our reader who
are prrpee its article* for the' bestir
boys et the front. !the says : 1 bear
that the •tar offfce has stated that
they are very short of rucks, and lust
Canadian tsoope should he well sup.
plied with them. Aecorditig to men
who have ted much marching to de
one pair of hard -knitted socks is
worth three pairs of woven ones, as
there is an elasticity about • hand -
knitted cork that 17antiot to rivalled.
Moreover a tock of purr wool can be
cleansed Iy ha' gin, It in the air and
drying it tho,uisehly and then rub-
bing it b. -tavern the hand., when it
will be quite soft and flesh. The bust
wool for mar. -ting socks is three-ply
yarn which the Scotch know se wheel-
ing. i found an excellrst habitant
wool in a hrcal store herr of tbe same
quality. Light grey or brown are tin-
niest color,. If anyone cares to write
to me for a simple pattern I .-hall be
pleased to Rive them one which 1 have
used for year., and . which can be
adapted to any sire.
Motors Maks Dear Tea
Says London Paper
Tea. all except Chula. h,L+ gone up
is price from twopence to totem -bee
a pound sines tine time last year.
The finest Iridian has gone up tour -
pence. ordinary Indian and Ceylon
teal twopence a pound.
Tbe GI ious tie it may seer).
reason, r
are :•11 signs Of the system being dog-• to ib. fact that mote slot it ore people
ged. The liver end bowels ere i'n-hate buying rnetnr-cs.s every year.
active and the Stomach is weak /rim Brisk selflnu in the motor world
undigested foods and foul game. means a growing demand for /orbiter,
for wheel tires. Misled in the time
FiG PILLS of the tubber Mum Ino eherp vier in
the great fruit remedy, will make you the price be rubber. It s., happens
R yr y that rubber and few as.. two crops
War News in Brief;
For the Past Week
SrnesAL t►saraersten ru THE Slut4AL
London, M -pt. iltb, it.:I() a.w.—Art
official communication issued in Perla
late last Melo. says: On the left
wing the British and Preach troops
have cr,se sd the Marne between La -
Fort., Sou., Jourre, ('barley and
('bateau Thierry, pursuing the enemy
who b in retreat. During the course
of this advance the British fortes took
a comber of prb.srsns and captured
Mitrailleuset. During the tour days'
battle the Allied armies have In that
section of the theatre of operation.
37 gained more them i10 kilometer., about
nide*. Between Cbatrsu Thierry
and Vitry 1a Fs anemia the Prussian
guard has been thrown back. The
action continues with great severity
in the region between Clamp DeMsilly
and Vitry la Francois. In the cenLe
and on the right wing their has been
no change in the situation.
London. Sept. i lib, 3.05 p.m.—The
British official press bureau today is-
sued the following : "The general re-
tirement of the enetay continues.
The British forces yesterday captured
151e) Niemen, including wounded, and
several guns including maxima and
large quantities of transport. The
eurwy is tetreating rapidly east of
!luiwons in some dieurdet."
A Paris despatch says tbet east of
Paris the Germane at some pointe
naive retired from 37 to 48 mitre. A
despatch Irian Copenhagen seys Clea-
eral Von rseneckendrxff and Von
Hindeberg has defeated the left thank
of the Russian army- in east Prussia
with his eastern 'Limy and thereby
opened for way for an attack on the
enemy's rear. —
feel like a new person.
Winnipeg. June 27, 1911
After takipg three bozos of your
Fig fills for stumaeb end Herr trota,lry
1 lee! strong and well and able to do
my own work. Mae. A. H. M.teLTEtt.
Sold in G.sdrrich, by E. ai. Wick.
Relief C,orwn►lttee Formed
tin Monday evening. at the invila-
tiow of Conn, Mc(linton, repte.enta- 01 tea is going to tier fat thee. ton.
tiers. from the various ehureber, the
ti of of l'rade and the i.O.D.E. met HIS TWIN BROTHER
in th• conical chsmher, and after TOLD H111 THE CURE
thoroughly disru-.ill` the eitu•tiun in --
own eaur.,•d by the sear. proceeded to Why ). C. Map, Praises Dodd's Kidney
fern. a committee to deal with the P(Ys
rebel of any prevailing 'dial -tees. Ant
investigation committer to consist of
the wren winister...f the town end
two representatives from each chnrcb
was formed, and also an eserutive
c(.wmit tee ..•nsi.ting of Mayor Heid.
Conn.. McClinton and Pt(u,dlo,t,
Sheriff Reynnkle, Mr. A. Porter, Mr.
B. 1'. Munning.. Mr. G. M. Elliott.
C A. Nairn end Mr. John
len. The executive committee will
hold their flr-.t regular isw,ilng on
Monday evening. September 2Ist.
The plan as outlined hy t'oun. Mc-
l'lintun and reported in the minutes
of the town council met with general
that moire exactly theeansr erudi-
tion. of soil and climate, with the
result that ever sines the beginning of
the rubber boom more and Mote tea
pianters have dropped tea for robber.
The effect of the shorter supplier of
tis is just b. -ginning to b•' frit in the
present rise of price.
So that 14I why our tea 1. •dear. If
your tea nler'ehant is not raising his
price he is giving ref p-strrr Mu•lity
for your money. • The ens of )tsar cup
(,iris ani women of all triose want to
be beautiful and attractive, but un-
sightly, thin and lifeless hair destroys
halt the beauty of a pretty tace.
II your hair is losing its natural
color is failing out, dull. streaky, full
of dandruff, too dry, or if the scalp
itches and burns do not be alarmed,
use Parisian Saw. Rub it well Into
the scalp. It will go right to the hair
root., nourish them, and stimulate
the hair to grow king and beautiful.
It removes dandruff with one applies.
tion, stops Itching wale. falling hair
and.asakes the bead (eel NM.
Parisian Rage supplies the Bair with
what is 'seeded to maks it soft, fluffy,
thick and glorious! radiant. It is
sold in fifty pent by R. R.
Wigle a.,At
sai drugrGirl
count , Look
for the the Auhurn Hafts." Attempt no other.
Bolkau P.O.. Prolamin., Quebec,
Supt. 211t. --i peciall--"]ly trouble
warted aith a cold abut Ave year.
ago," Mr. Mapp. of thin place Mates.
"and developed into lumbago and
rheumatism !bed it Niter Dilate in my
mouth In the iitorning. and 1 was ter-
ribly net V11114. 1 wee depressed and
1uw epiritrrl and Cartel it diMcult to
collect may ?heights, while at time. 1
isa+ tmolded with .tiff,es. In the
Joliet'. My appetite was fitful, and 1
bad bete t Moto -tires that added to
my fears My twin b-toth.r, who had
used Dedd'. kidney Pillsand got. great
bend' from the.u, advised nor to tier
theta. The first two notes did Ain s,
much good that i got two more, and
the comparted my car.. Dodd'.
Kidney Pills are the tight remedy for
kidney troubles."
Gutting Down the (karats
Mr. J. Loeklr Wilson. superintend-
ent of fairs and exhibitions for the
province of Ontario% has written to
the secretary of the various agrieul-
(ural societies as follows s --Owing to
the outbreak of war and the general
i(nwnetal conditions 'moulting there-
from. i am Inetreetad to adelee you
that the government will be unaMe
to furnish expert lodges for the tan
fairs this year, and will nese he unabM
to pay mere tlw fifty per egret of the
regular greets Seat year. This deal -
non Mut hems rerlerstently strived at
after careful epeeeidaratioo. and 1
would saggwt tier yes 'tutting year
direetnn at ease se that they
make whatever
ON7�ari enender the seeesomses
Tou ismm agree that the situation le
onnepreeedsened is the is .iory of
�1ts+IMr earl salla kw eanr4Rew
Al tar part el elk sad roar ro-oew -
Wen le enedl-
Uea to the meeting
est advanteat age tage�
swill be
smally emoseelated.
Rev. Wm. iL Wrlghtnn will preach
on Sunday mooning in the Baptist
Murch. In the reining Rev. Dr.
Abraham. of Torontwill preach.
Mr. Ru,hvin Nee-foho,ald .'111 sing.
The weekly prayer se. t ire Is t., ire held
at 7.45 on '.V.dneed+y, nights, instead
of eight o'clock.
" in Kao: ebureb. ne - • liewda being
Field day for the it •,ion spinner.
tbe monde' serelc... 1 he conducted
by Rev. B. H. Spent--, t Toronto. and
in lbs evesin;, by Rev tV. H. Weigh -
ton. Mr. Rat hest. M .-Donald will
Rev. J. R. Ford elii p each le Vic-
toria streel Method •.' ,,•„red, on Sun -
d amorning. the si.,.j. ' tieing 'The
Un whit Use of taw ” In the even -
lop Rey, B. H. Spence will speak and
Mr. Matheson MacDonald will ging.
Nev. Dr. A(waham, of the Dominion
allksnee..111 peeaelt at North street
Methodist church nett Annday morn-
ing. Mr. H. Muthren MeeDneaid will
sing. In the tweeting Rey. R. J. Mo-
Oorw,lrik. B.A., of Holmr.vilk, will
London. Rept. 12th, S.4. a.m.—The
following French t Metal communica-
tion war issued bate last night: "On
our left wing our surer%, m"reases.
Our ativaner has continued north of
the Marne and in the direactiun of
Soissons and Compiegne. The Ger-
man. ab+,ndoned to us a considerable
quantity of supplier, wounded find
prisoners. 1V.' captured enrollee flag.
The tiriash army took 11 cannon, im-
pet rant supplier and fr 12011 to 15t1I
prisoners. At the centre the enemy
retreated along the whole front he
twee,, Sez'nna end Bevigny. In Ar-
gonne the Gentians have not ea yet
retreated. Despite our troops splendid
effort during the last flee days' hattte
they still have enough energy lett to
pursue the t0eu,y."
grata VonBuelow and VunKauser', the;1
duke of Wurtemherg and the Clasen
Prince are falling hack to at.e.ghten'
int the front fur the next hitt tattle.
The liernsane doted.* their had puut.b- p
men: maintain oobeetoo. The tier-
utan report that Verdun ie heing bow
barded by the Crown Prince is flat)
denied. Fort Troyon was bout herded
but the attack failed. There isa rumor
that Maubeuge bas been relieved and
twelve thoustttad Germeos have been
London, Sept 171h, 8.27 a.m.—The
French official communication hewed
last night announces that headgear -
tern sends no details of the action now
being fought along the Aisne river.
"We know, however, it adds that up
LO six o'clock tonight we have not
weakened on any position." An
Amiens despatch declares the Ger-
man right wing is now encircled by
the Allies. The British official prem
but eau issued the following announce-
ment last nlggnt : "It is stated from
Russian nMetal source. that the rout
of the Austrian army in Galicia is
a,mplete though full detail's have not
yet been received.
London. Sept. 17th, 3 p.m.—The
French official communication is*urd
today says that on the Allies left wing
the resistance of the 'truly on the
heigbts to the north of the River Aisne
Mae continued in spiv of the fact that
the enemy gave back slightly at certain
points. On the centre between Berry
au Bac ou the Rivet Aisne ar:d the
Argonne, the situation shows no
change. The enemy continues to
fortify along the line previously in-
dicated. Bet ween the Argonne and
the Meuse the German. ere entrench-
ing in the vicinity of Mnntfa-teon. A
despatch iron' Maastricht, Holland.
says informatipn received there front
Cologne, Deeseldorf, Weisel and Duk -
burg indicates that these points are
strengthening their fortification to
nseet po►sihlr invasion.
London, Sep:. 12th, :1) ({,.sit. --An
announcement announcrrnt front Pat is this.
alternnon +wee that on the Attie. lef'
wing the Geruunns has', 1e gun a gen.
eral retreating movement twtwren the
Vise end the Marne. Yeetenley their
front lay hetweee Mois.a„ne, Braine.
and Funse, and the tuounain of
Reims. Their cavalry _seem. to he ez-
Wonted. The Anglo-French forces
Which pursued theta .yeste•duv en-
countered oily feeble resistance. On
the Allies right wing the Germane
have eves -mine' Vita, -le Francois,
where they had ',retitled tbrrur.lvea,
They ha%. alto evacuated the valley
of the Saul: river. • Tb. German
torero which have been occupying the
Argonne region have begat t.. gic.•
London, Sept. 14th. S.OF a.m.—Gen-.
real Jotter, etrmmender in chief ot the
French forces, t sported . fast night ns
follows : '•Uur victory is confirmed as
,note and ' more complete. Every-
where the tiermens are abandoning
priwnere, wounded and *munitions of
war. On our left w. beer crowed the
Aisne'below Soiss'n,i. Our at mire of
the centre are already north of th-
Mame, while those of Lot rains-, end
the Vnages are arriving on the tion.
The Belgians under King Alpert have
defeated the Germans with consider-
able lope et Terusnnde, Ghent and
Lierre. (putting off communication
with the German (tont in France and
alae checking the sending of troops to
the French battle hoot.
London. Sept. 14tb, 313 p.tn —It
was officially announced from l;aris
this afternoon that the Germans are
.1111 retiring everywhere. They are
abandoning all the positions they had
erected to cover possible retreat.
Some detachment. which heti been
beld at Amiens hsve now retired upon
Kerronr and Mt. Quentin, much north
of Compiegne, and only 40 miles from
the Belgian border. from Nancy to
the V tsges the retreat is general, The
French territory in this vicinity is
now totally evacuated. Report, from
German Pourer. nay the Geruran
Crown Prince captured a fortified
position 'southwest of Verdun and is
now bombarding the outer tort• lying
to the south.
L rmdun, Sept. Mtn. `t.27 mon --The
battle now proceeding .•n and to the
north of the River Aisne ie the largb.t
and most desperately contested of the
The Germans have slightly given
way at certain point-. be, they err
fighting ever• foot .•t the ground
The comman')ers ot the Al ire speak
confidently of the prn.perr'.
A telegram frau, P• Inti t. Switzer-
land, reports vi'den, righting in Ai-
mee with French gaining ground.
A Petrograd dreputch sei4 the -
rumored news of dieastrr to the Ger-
man fleet ill the Baltic is conflrwed by
information received herr. The Ger-
Man warships Bred on each other in
tuistake and immoral were badly crip-
London. Sept. 18th, :tis p.m.—The
French war office announced this
aftternoo n that the battle continued e1/41.
during yesterday along the front from
the River Oho to the Woavre without
any iwportagt changes in the situa-
tion. "On cur left 'wing. on tbe
beights1 to the north of the River
Aispe, We made slight progri si'ag•.inst
certain points. Three offen.i"e min-
ter attacks by the. German. against
the British arms' failed. Front Grimm-
ne to the Rheins we our'•lv.s re-
pulsed some vrry violent counter et -
tacks. The enemy- tried in vain t.•
take the offensive against Rheims. Un
the centre from Rhrim+ to the Argon
ne the enemy had reinforced himself
by constructing important fortiflea-
e-lfetions and ho. ado:ted s purely de-
l. fensive
n'ive attitude. --
London, Sept. filth, M,30,a.m.-An
official cotnwuutcetion issued in Paris
late lost night said : "There is no'gen-
' eral change in the situation, except
1 that we have continued our
Ii�lidays and Exhibition Overf
WITH Holidays and Exhibition now over we stttle down to ali
tive Fall and Winter Business with the best assorted stocks
we have ever shown.
The New Coats
In our new Ready to wear Section we are showing the newest Cafe Coats,
Tunic Coats and the new Reding Cote. Many of them just to hand this
Ladies' Coats from $7.50 to $35.00
Children's Coats from $2.75 to $12.50
The Family's Underwear
Our Underwear stock is bigger this season than formerly, in Turnbull's Peer-
less and Tiger Brand. In every weight and styles to meet every re-
Special showing ot Union Suits which are becoming more popular each season.
Now for the Fall Cleaning
Large stock of New Curtains and Curtain Materials, imported direct from
Scotland. We carry the largest stock of these goods in this part of the
Oilcloths and Linoleums
Oilcloths and Linoleums in all widths at old prices while present stock lasts.
Carpets and Rugs
Our stock of Carpets and Rugs is most' up-to-date . and
new, at most popular prices.
Ion the left wing and that a lull in the
battle is noticed." A despatch from
the front describing the fighting of
Thnr•.dry and yeacerdep ear the
• British carried some o1 the attmac ed
Derwin positions but at a ten tide goat.
A Prorogued deepu►tch says the Get-
man offendve movement baa been de'
finitely ehecked in treat Prussia and
that the Germane are falling back and
shifting to new p''ition.. A great
hattie is now being fought aloeg the
Cyan river.
London. Sept. lath. 5,80 ate.—The
folk/wing French otheial statement
was issued last eight : "On oar lett
wing we have everywhere caught up
with the near guard@ and even the
main body of the enemy. Our troop.
have re-entered Ameins abandoned by
the Osrm►n forces. The enemy teems
to be making a stand on a prepared
front along ` e river Aisne. On the
metre similarly it would seem as If
the enemy intends to resist on the
height. to the northwest and to the
north of Rbeims. 1n tbe region be-
tween ♦rgoone and the Meuse he con-
tinues to retire."
London. Sept. iMh, 9.(16 p.m.—The
occupation of Rhein). by the Allied
troop was ennnunced by the nines
purees bureau thle atm -anon. The
enemy are still in a atrnng position to
the Borth of the Aisne and fighting le
going on along the whole line. Te
Crown Princ. • army has been drivers
farther hsek and 1s now on the Hoe of
Varones, ('oaseeveye and Orem. All
hundred prisoners and 12 gone were
cape fired yesterday by the carp. on
the right of the British. Rain has
made the roads heavyand h Income -
ing the ditflealty of tOsman army
in i1* retreat.
lnodoe, Sept. Idth, Ran ism —Oen-
seal VosKlek's army barn made a
stand north of ohm ries Aber es the
i ne marked by the forest of Vein%
and (barnsto while the armies of Oea-
London, Sept---. 8,15 p.m.—The
French war office 'mesal statement
is -sed this afternoon declares there
ha. been no deci•n•e result on either
hide. "On Our left wing on the right
bank of the Oise. in the direction of
Voyon we hare wade progress. We
hold all, the height* nn this line and
also along the right hank of the River
Aisne, in the face of the enemy who
has been heavily reint.*cr.d by troops
brought up from Lorraine.
At the centre the Germane have not
moved from the deep trenches they
constructed. On our right wing the
army of thaaCrown Prises. ennttutes
its retreating movement.
Inter news say. the German right
wing has been di teen bark pis wiles.
London, Rept. 21.t, R 3) am —Last
night oftieial communication from
Paris @tooted that nn tbm left wing and
includes all that is
Vacuum Sweepers Carpet Sweepers
' :11cCal1's Patte ns and Publications
Pbmi* 56 Millar's Scotch Store
'hose 56
north cf the M.o.- the i''• ench, attack-_'
ed by the German-. w is compelled W
g ive ground 1e5' rec..ve• ed it mimosa
issitnediatrly, The Frrneh- eontiuued
their advance owl uu, th o _t Rheims
tepnlsetl all German attacks: In the
cents. east of Rhein,* the i•', one!) a1.o
gained ground. Rhrim• i+ • in name.,
following the fireman bombsrd,urnt.
The British admiralty reports that the
Campania art„at1 as AD auxiliary cruie-
e r sank It Gertneu armee euerchar.t
crui-rr also that the Brandt h¢ht
cruiser Pegasus. while rrpai,ing her
machinery w Zsnzitsur hat bar, wawa
disabled ty a Get men cruiser,
London, Sept. 91e., :1.13 p.m. --An
official envenoms -men! gn•rr. out in
Pati. today Says: "On oar lett: wing
on the tight bank of the River Vise we
have advanced as far as the heigI.ts
of Lawriegy. west of Noyan. To the
east of the Aier and to north of the
River Aisne the/ Germans baveiven
evidence e 1 rrcrildeatrnrr of activity.
lu the regieu of trannne there Mire
twcn Viol-nt ereceinters but the en.
en) has been everywhere repnleesd
wit considerable Instar. .Ott the
(-entre, in the Champagne country
and on the western slope of the
Argonne river wr have takes) Mesniel
les Hurlus and Messignea.• In the
1Voevre di.triet the enemy still bolds
the region of Thiaucourt and has can-
nonaded Has.onchatel.
A delicious, oddly -
shaped biscuit, with the
delightful tang of malted
milk and a rich cream
At your grocer's.
is • hex of aelieioe. bieeait-
.sseriees. Seed leelapis et
Nares) sad year green's
same ref it.
D. 5. P & C.■ ester
of Lauigny. On the centre in tbe
♦Vnevre district. to the northeast of
Verdun, and in tbedir.ction of Shiny
and ,Dampier re. the enemy undertook
violent attneks which, however, were
repulsed. On the right in Lorraine
and the 1'oages the Germans have
evacuate.' tinn'eny and Arracourt.
The curers. 1.y the Russians of the
iortres.t:f Jaeo slaw, in Malicia, is an -
flounced. A Petrograd despatch says
the Germain cdutpne which crossed
the lttts+ian frontier at Mlewe on
September 211th have retreated north-
London, Ilept. 22nd, a.
8.30 ns.—The •
Rritl.h official press bureau announced STOP THAT ITCH
Isar esenlno : "Shure the last report
tvu rr0a,ived from General French
further counter attacks have been Stop that itch in two sec -
made and stacceesf till y repulsed,"
TheFreneh tore oel cornication onds with D.D.U.
issued haat night nays : •' 1'hr engage- NO remedy that 1 have ever void for
acute today bavr been, Pisa violent. Ketones, t'ebrtaais• and all other dis-
We have made apnreciatle progress eases 1.1 r.;ie ekin has given more thor-
notably between Rheims' and tha ungb setiefactir.n 'thanibe
SAOParts despatch Saye : "The west- D.D.fO. Prescription
stn wing of the German line has been J• A. f'amph'iI,'Druggist, Underfelt.
swept back about *even miles during
the prtet 48 hours as a sequel to envoi ; No increase in price. Notwithatand-
tisious lighting night and day." snit heavy increase in nest of import -
A despatcb fwtu Nish, Servia, says not ingredients prep. remain.; the
that alter ..vend days of halt), near same.
ii tupiet d: Il Isa * I land. inpante _-wt nersee berg Mt Kingston- for
eumplrto deteetasd are flylog In pante-
from the hanks of the River Drina.
London. Sept. rand, 8.05 p.m. --The
official pretty bureau announces that
the British eruiored enlisters Aboukir,
Hoene end Cressy have beer. sunk by
auhma,into in the North sea. A con-
siderable, weather of the crews *ere
eared. The Aboukir was torpedoed
first : the Hoge. and the Creasy drew
in close to her end were standing by
to save ber crew when they also were
An Ostend despatch says the Ger-
mans in revenge for an alleged attack
nn them by civilians have completely
destroyed the town of Harv, in Bel-
gium and an adjoining village. A
Rome despatch says the rnmhinecl
tiler visa -Montenegrian armies have
taken Manj.ve, capital of the Austrian
provinces of Bosnia.
London. Sept. L't'd, R,:1111 a.m.—The
offfcial announcement issued in Paris
last night merely sayys the eituatlon is
ng.. A ap.ei*I despatch. how-
ever. r.porta the German right bas
been turned by the *111.. between
Rheims and the Argonne seems to
show the greater (tan of the German
army in in retreat by way of Oeleium.
it nom nod that 700 men from the
t(rp.do.d British cruisers Aboukir,
Oreesy and Hogue were saved out of a
total of 2201' Two of t he Osman
submarines were sunk.
London, Sept. ]fled. :i :D p m. —The
French official annonnnement this
eftevnoon says "Allies, after severe
fighting advanced on their left wing
on the hank of the Oise in the regio
Valcarder to go on active service.
—The campaign in Brant musty to
raise a Patricide fund of VOWS* was
inaugurated : ueeday.
KPFiCiEN''1' are, tag arse alt the toms Is
the eller Acture of Ike seen*+ al In-trectlon
to tba
' 4.IiOTT
\once and ('ba,le. Meseta. Tomato. Yes, oar
tsrrasdeeatrs *rre*.d. 'trey have rani habit.
Writs far Catalogue.
OPP Mel fitkv reiauhe�.aa, ,'.