The Signal, 1914-9-24, Page 1• e for nd rd- in- :W- )rn in lay the - hat on- ur- tri., Spec- ind e iea this , in few possible cloth or partment ling will with the be -roe of nab.? ials is are emcee 1 wool and t it i. Suit uits at the nth in plain este, pod eau want a Ijldeatly tr- iolstered Id I- i niture eying upboi foe you ir. 1 grteraitee koditl range ct (rem and timate` fur s Just to m the mak ' daimy Or' Alarm in new These ars ksd and the i the owMt range tram ke to $1.M 's Dresses Jnderwear worth or This it C IID ObiWee', Id pier" •f se were ILI r owe cMb's • DO YOU W ANT A ? pOSI7ION - Do You Want Help :- READ The Signal Want Ada Every Week • ional. 1I1}4'*r7 L'''' nr'' mals! DO YOU W ANT A ? POSI7ION • Do You Want Help: - READ The Signal Want Ads Every Week SIXTY-SIXTH TL1t-Mw Itat QODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER '4, 1914 A. L BRAHMIN. PoaL . E >.i ,E1 ..ansa•.-e..r.-as1111MIL x''.4.0 TuE STERUN6BANK OF CANADA T .-..... sem,_ +.•sa.sk m BE CHEERFUL Cultivate confidence, patience and economy. Heed Office, Corner King and Bay Streets, Tanga BRANCHES: Adelaide aad Simcoe Streets. nesaa St. and Jameson Ave. Cege and Glue Streets. Wilt.. Ave. and Church St. General Alarmist - - Broadview and Wiltoo Ave. Dundas and KMis Streets. Wilton Ave. aad Parliament St. Yonge and Carlton Streets. - - - A. H. Walker Some Desirable PROPERTIES for immediate sale List your properties for sale or rant with me. A. G. NISBET 1 1 OFFICE IN MASONiC TEMPLE, WEST STREET. GODERtCH • Ptaowri a 0m>r.on t Houses Ulla P.O. Brae IN • FOR. SALE OR TO 11117 WOK SALE.-BINGER SEWING r Mat1Ye; aced +MN Siwe Orme fee rash. Appb at THE 1IONAL Orrice_ Salt TWO FURNISHED ROOMS TO rent: .\ppy 1, MRS. R. NOTY. Henn .r Ter; Mit EMUS !.ALIS. -PANDORA RANGE, C ir. xooTHE NI(i- ♦.11. t F1e& Wit Po RENT. - BIGHT• ROOD 1 brick boom me W0llytea stmt. All modernco.rosls.wa Apelytf,l. B. SIGHT. 11-11 lIE•SIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR le -ale northeast men rr of Ht. Petrick and w'.v•. da. streets liberal tsar. L DOWN 1"). /CM rpt e RKNT,,-A COTTAGE CEN - 1 u oily lobate' ; mewl* dabbed. electric Itch. • and a0 • il ee convenience.. Vr A. d L$ON rl Mee. net 1,1011 RENT. - ON THE 1.X)RNKR i. of Nel.ss street and C•mbrsa road. • Li. cr •e,, roomed house .Iib modern ca eo- t,r,--. Also -table on fit. Appy le ADAM in 1 1:11. St. Patrick street- Eta REAL EN l'ATE FOR SALE. j til h .re for sale about thirty tow sets. Prim- :angina from (fie upward. o sbo three efLaces and other dwell) and • few farms. PRo(-DrUUT. HAYS k ElLWItAN. Oode- etch Oat lett UE.c1DENCKK AND FARM PROP 1LERTiEN FOR SAL I -I have bad planed wIL me for quick rade eersnl desirable a eperW-, ▪ r wen oe good streets In Dederick •deo some wr tarn, laod. within • ort dieearof went. If • want any or kayo isn't., sell. let me know. THoM Al (SUNDRY. Oratorio.. 741-11 L'Oft SALE. -- A NUMBER OF I b.dce young %wt. Tam and Ds,k ow*. In pie :o * good bear. to farrow between now cod 1.4 Ierrmber. All from good stork. Also a tee . lintre Berk. boar., ready for .mice. Prier. rrronable to mote room for Yelling ••ase JOHN 1 . Digit/T. flenmllkr P.O.. 0 olborne McNdMI Phone.) tint. L'ARM FOR SALE. -THE EAST 11 half or lot owe 4. the fourth eooeor 10,.. I:. -.taro Inviden of tae wormiest of Ash 1•44 00Ms1eing ass were. The build osw- .b.t of s frame boom and frame taw. news be a .tall orch.rd• Ten partly -Won apply to the undersigned. thater)ate► UIWOOT. HAYS a L- U*CISEHOLD bURNiTURR FOR 11. •ae.- Mule" diemand of my r.issaee 00 'AMINE 'trial. i Wei mil kr ertrals sob. a ausuitag of Hosmbose F.rwlt.n. 111011141111111 awe Alt ora Osal Heater and el a ood Heater, 1n peered tendltM0. T0..ee .mise M7 b+ssse1tra bsata sterr e N O.- JAMIESURAMMIL Mid rl ARM FOR BALE OR TO RRNT.- Let hL ass, s, ONborse, emetaledag len acres more or Iao he well watered awl kr a laver falling .pelma• dl ta. band m1. ft a barn,. the farm le need any team sad aft ala., in every resp.ot .ad la owned by t0.e es tate of the late Met O. A. Men. It Y two and • half tnlb. from Auburn Mottos and a Quarter of, mile from school Poseessioa eon beefless 00 Ape.) 4* meet w h Fey g p.1Uev os . aya Vs) i. MHS' le. L MUN11O ser JW1N ROB N, Se.. Awbefeh Oat 1S -Ms VMrr11n - MILLil/SSeY AR pU1suC IOTICZ TOWN OF GODBRCOH Take notice that tM Municipal Council of the corporation of the Torn of nonstick in- tend. to construct a $-fort cement sidewalk un south ride Eigto avenge la the., mid town. he tureen South street toad Victoria -trent. and Inured. u •-ars a poraoa of the I1na1 cost thereof opoo the real )roperryy to be Immed• ' i lately benefitted t hereh7. trootlnr or abattiaa upon Elfin avenue, affffuresald• between the sad putout. sod to snob Seal east screed - lag to th• fro tags th.ruof. by t weoq annual st:s .l wrn,ostr : sod that • •tatsmeut wise the load. liable to and propo ad's he .pedally assn e4 Ice Os said work and the , moo-.+ of the Ovalle, thereof, as tar s. the eco ran he aaoert.lned h.ru the tut revised nwens.wot roll nod otherwise. le now died In Use cdloe of the Clerk of the Nuntotpality. and 1. op -n for inspection during otaee hours. The estimated ort of the work 1. t•1.1l.o., of which • ISI.l*) is to he provided out of the reser.. ' ands of the enunlcipslrt) A (lou rt of ite.teion will be held on the let day i of October. IM4. at the best eat eight o clock In the eveninr.e.a, et the Council Chamber in the Town of t4,.derich, for the purpose of bearing oomplwtae agsln,1 eke proposed .amessent et the ace aareaaeey of frontage measuremeetr, orany other owwrplelot whits the per.on. Interested may dealer to woke and wbeh 1. by law mg- ni0bla by the your Dated the 141h dy of Septemher, M t. UN. L. L. KNOX. tierk. TOWN OF GODRRICH Take melee that the Maincipa1 Coun- cil of 1.e corporation of the Town of Oodetich inteo4. to rao.truct •.:foot cement I .Idewalk ou the moth aide of SL Patrick's 1 •trade. Is the said town. between Waterloo .beet and 4 .lborne beet, and Intends to ate. a portion of the final eo.t thereof upon the real,property to he Immediately benefit tee thereby, fronting or abutting upon St. Patrick I street. R1..re.*ld. between the .aid polots. and to levy •uch final rust nerordlna to the front- age thereof. by twenty annual -portal sac.-• rets: and that a stat,ment Mowing the 1 land- la*blc to end proposed to be •peciall• a► - meted for the .a work and the name...f the owner thereof. a far as the same can he a.- ceri.t...d front the Isal revised naso -.men: roll and otherwl.e. fit now filed In the ogler of the ('leek of the Muairip•Ilty. sed 1. open for Inspection during odic* boon. The estimated 4 .I of the w, rk i. 312(0). of which 31:11..01. 10 be provided out of the general fund. of the mamir'palty. A ('ower of Revision will be held oo the 1.4 day of fleober. 1011. •t the hour of night in the evening. at the Common Chamber In the Town of °adorteb. for the purpose of hearing com- pilation. awned the proposed sareement or tae accuracy of frontage m.rurements, or ao mbar complaint which the person. Interested may denies to make and which la by las rag- s by the 1'ourt. r.s the 11th dal of SeptembeL. r, x' Clerk. 'TWAS GREAT FAIR UODERICM INDUSTRIAL EXHIBI- TION MEETS WITH AN- OTHER SPLENDID SUCCESS The great Ooderich industrial ex- hibition was formally opened at eight o'clock on Monday evening by Rev, J. B. Fotberingham. In his address, Mr. Fotberingham said "Ooderich was conaideted by some to be 'back. water' but 'backwater' was often • very pleasant place. Some bad sug- gested that it was not rt1ggfit to hold a fair and engage in merriment et this time of war ; but 1 believe we need men and more mew of spirit and en- terprise. There iscoe thin absolute- ly necessary for England ultimate 'victory and that is that she be sup- plied with bread, and in this fair we eao show what we can do and what we can give to the motherland. One can hardly understand the warm fee!- ing there is for the Canadians in Eng- land. All hearts me open to you if you area Canadian. 1t wakes one proud of his country. The unity of the empire is its glory. and the pur- poee of this fair is to unite Semen. There are come very unreel differences between the agricultural the indus- trial and the profeetionel clauses but in this fair all join together. We must remember the gleatnees of the country lies in its agricultural wealth. To do our dirty we mus, do the thing which Iles next our hand, and .bat is develop. the fears. We must get an ideal of efficiency, few weeds and lots of grain. W. should all join to make this fair on. of the bright spots in Huron county and Huron one of the height spots or Canada.'. Mondry was opening der and all day long, and for several days pre- vious, • continuous stream of convey- ' anew of every description: /row the Targe auto truck to the old fa.hiooed I buckboard had been ht'inging /cost., vegetables, fancy good.. Ioultrr and live stock, all of which the director+ bad arranged in systema:ic i-nt.ation around the hall and in the different Meioses and pens •Ilott•d to the earning cla.•es of live .tock. On Monday evening the main at- trwctien was the inspection of fruits. vegetables and !sney work .lispl.yed in the ball. The exhibit ot fruit would be very hard to +nrnass but we believe there is room for keener com- petition as a great n her 04 the prises went to enc man as will he seen hy a glance a' the prize list. The exhibit of Wrote was exception- ally good. Pumpkin.. squash, man - golds and sugar heats being worthy of special mention ; corn also made a splendid *bowing. some coke of the yellow variety bring 141 inches in length. while white cobs were to ice *eel] in abundance a foot long. Po- tatoes did not miniver to he quite up tit the average. The display of flow- ers, both plants and cut. wan the ad- miration of every visitor. There wars • great variety and an abundant enp- ply, occupying the whole of the centre table hf the .ontheru wing of the main hall. On the second floor ladle. and children's rook pad the pre•-.ruinence. On the 'tables were displayed some of for finest fancy j work it has ever hsrn nor privilege to inspect. There was knitting ..f every description from the prosaic men's sox and winter mitre to the I,dies fancy fascinator and the baby's coat Crocheting and art needle work also held a high place in the exhibit guilts, e (oilers 2nd bed spreads were a ruaavrl of Nolen: and untiring energy on the pert of the housekeep- ers. In the baking depottwent it wire an act of refined cruelty to display such , a tempting array n( eatables and' thee, to bar one front even a taste. The exhibit of cold lunches made one appetite keen for the opportue- ity to prove by experience which was; Ibe hest. Calms. pie., cookie,. tons and breed seemed to do their beet to make one feel as if they had not est - en for a week. In the pre.ervsol fruit department, while the. quality. was` good, there was considerable roori for I improvement in rtttamity: soc0. of I the housekeepers around town will have more preserves in their cellar than were nn exhibition. A similar statement might he made about the cheese and butter exhibit. especially cheel,e. The display of paintings and crayon -work drew rnnriderahle attention and terry favorable comment. Our private opinion b that the execution of roost ofthe .fIaihits was welt up -to the &vevag. bit there is room foe S wider range of thought In the miscible of subjects. One monoebrwme was e specially geed. the Melanie( a mother and hate There were several well executed sketches, and marine views in rotors, while animals and fruits also sad received ennsid.wn*hl. attention. Cbildrons work In the shape of pee- tmansbip and junior art exhibits re- ceived Alae prominens. They aro also to be /ommended for the exhibit of flowers, fruit and vegat•bl.s grown by the pupils of the p dime *awoke The edkctinn of bogs and 'meets baneA- • to and injurious t0 plant life wap well worth isp.cting The woole hyl tbrougbrut was made heigfit and cheery looting with Hags and basting. a patriotic effect being worked ort In red, white/and Mtge decoration*. Great peal.. 1. do. to these who had charge of the hall for the systematic way In which every- thing wee arranged and the neat and tidy .ppaaranee of the general aspect : the directors evidently had done their Part On the mals floor of the hall there were cess cores exhibits. not Inc men - petition, which displayed the winnows spsckkldes oldish the. merehaet• of the town have to therms of. in peening r11pWN OF GODERICH TENDER* 4'OK CEMENT SIDEWALKS T4(Swfweeesa -The Maatepal Gowned of tae Town of a:onerlc\ Invitee tenders for the esemtr otIon d .pprozlm.tely 12,1A3 *goitre feat of cement 000wats sidewalk. Inside tae tree- on Elam *.soma, M. Patriot .erect and Srltaae,s road In the town of (toderieb. Spe.ifica' lone own be sew. en application to tae •ed•fined Tenders Is '.-sled seven. marked "Tender. Fen (Smoot Walks- and aoserpa.4ed tel a marked obegoe fen S pen .. ret of their .mount will he reorIved ■p ane s'.- k m. os Friday. September tab 1114. wee. .alta L L KMr Nero (,7trk. Om. 'tlty lowest et N7 IwN0 ,.d . esewarty .e- ae0ei ILE tlaly, cwwytt0." d' r 111111110. IL B ..• rr r FARM - fel'_1r Mould '^ - Si ea le saav♦ use. SII.. ten lett .."lti` t"c t omi rswz LOST ON FOUND . r tes AND DOMSSf17OI trzMe --A PAiR OF tiPNCTAdi.ES NK SA f1 HB fur fit HALTER FOUND.= HEAVY u berm starer: bR at Air O,ea.d. Owe- , Mc/ AMP tbil• meet. Awe alewrrrt Yt i. I sen QnATI.lw VACA JT .1 ,I KN AND WOMEN WANTED est 1.. e10... gs slre r a U era Jt:= list ^4)40PR t•• AN FSS SALM 44seolog settles Iesa st hoe mildewy ► Y 14fi --eat-or-11Th TAXES --1914 i am now prepared to accept payment of 1914 Taxes. DIHOOUNTte Two October I lfa t. off. payable One per ees. t. off. peyabk November Mal , ADDITIONS Two per cert. added after December lith. Five pee oust. added after Jeremy let. Pay reely amid save diw•ount.. WM. CAMPBELL. Rept . l eth . 1014. (:. d leMor. a -. dm -The Welsh Gte.rnmenr has for - 4.14410. tis. Importation of ringer from Holland. se tis. G.r.sea s.rehants ace still disposing of thele Mega Geer*. through the main entrance one was imotedletely confronted by the toots - telly arranged display ot Mr. /rood Hunt's plumbing sad hardware es- tablishment. Great pains had been spew. oo the decorations which were an attraction in themselves, showing off to perfection the line of it etre, beaters and sanitary fixtures which were displayed. Turoing to .be right eo interesting collet Lion of the many end varied needs of those osing gaaolins engines; end all the needed repairs for bkycies and atiemoobilse was exhibited hy the East Street Garage Co. There was also a dewuuetrstioa of the volcaoiz- ing process of mending automobile tires. snowing the r riginal blowout and the properly finished repair. The next in tine was an exbibitioo of Purity flour by the Western Can- ada Flour Mills Co There was did - played Hear in every description of re- ceptacle from the large barrel down to the five pound beg. Messrs. Hodgins Berea. display oc- cupied cousidetable space at the ex- treme north end, where they had an altrective showing of imported Wil- ton and Axminster carpets, tapestries. t'tetoones, ladies costumes and ready. to -weer gerwents, besides pretty de- signs in window curtain* of the Hoe.t wuslios and lace, and Penman's hosiery. Mr. W. R. Pinder presented a full line of reedy roofing, both metal and varied kiodr of the popular Brantford brand, and also had a gond showing of bath rotten and electric fixtures. The Howell Hardware Company wee the magnetic point on the west side with their dl*play of everything in heavy hardware, cook ►twee, beat- en and nil stoves of eve' y dear r.pti.m being given great prominence. while there were also aifferent styles of churns and otber articles usually found in a well appointed hardware of 9re. lir. L R. Tape, the popular Singer sewing machine man, had fixed up .a eh.rming little alcove for bimeelt, hir• he gave decuonstr.uti.':.o of the utility of the various snaked of the Singer machine. Others wi.rht very pt-ofitahly take a few lessons front dlr. T in the art ut decuratinK Aa.ar- tractive fwckgrnund go., * hong way, in the ds .y ..f goods. Moan.. U. Miller k Son ha I at pare ticularly good exhibit. It rnoluded many vet'ietiee of d.aperiee directly imported from Glasgow, Sr.41*nd. Furniture coverings of ,..vet y design, eeprcielly made fit carrying out color schemes in matching !the furniture with the wall paper. Cretonne* and mualing were also di -played, •as was al -p a go .1 line ret Brueeelnarid 5.otl•h carnet.. and lattice and children's reedy -to -wear garments and suiting.. The. whole of the allowing eras ort off to good advantage by is back- ground of carpet* interwoven with Segs. whit made a very pret ty effect. A •eleeman was in charier- all the time to give lnfonuation and to dem onstrate the features of the di•nlay. Another dieolay of hs.dwere, which was the centre of c.nsideraele at- traction. was that ,f Mr. C. C. Lee. A hull line was shown, including many v*riches of stoves, washing machines, eharns and electtical cook- ing and heating appliance+, also a *lock of carpentersand wood work- ing tool.. 'Thi4 display was in charge of Mr. Jame* Carrie, who gave practi- cal dr.nonst -•tions of the use. 01 elect - r city in the culinary department. Mr C. J. Harper also had a some. what similar display hut strongly specialised in all sorts of sanitary fltturee and brass ereawental &roods. Mr. Harper was l,y- nn means thrift♦ welt rlr. t-ir light and made a brit - tient *loosing with the reflection from the glistening Whitt- ha; h fix( res and hors. chandelier,, which drew the at- tention of many of the visitor*. Another interesting display whit -111 may have escaped tb.- notice of Rome was the brick and tile manufactured al Benmiller hy the C. Kern Co. This I was male of white clay and the near finish was commented on by several who examined the exhibit. the only uptown merchant who had I an exhibit upstater% was Mr. J. H. Onlhr.rne, who had a particularly good dlspley of silks, *fitting, deem goods. , reedy -to -wear. ladies garments and I carpets and ruga of very rich designs There was room upstairs for note merchants who might very profitably bring their wares before the public in i this manner Outside among the hones. cattle.' bogs and *beep there was much to rivet the attention of those inter ,.ted In esimal life. The showing in *beep sees bogs was w'arcely up to the ■Ter - age. One gentleman accounted for this by saying that after the 'eerie* were male prices went up and the farmers sold to the butchers and live stock buyers. Among :be cattle there were some first class specimens 1 and In most of the classy* a fair amount of entries were reed.. The horses undoubtedly took the lead both in quality and numbers, In the roadster class upwards of Al being entered in nos section The attractions provided' by the managemect were well np to the average of other years. the Lunette sisters drawing tise attention of every, one in their whirling mid-air act, hanging on by the teeth. On Mos - day evasion and T'eedav afternoon the wind was so strong that the tight wire performer was unable to retain her balance. Tuesday evening and Wednesday afternoon she gave • much better display of her talent. The humorous entertainment pre- sented by Macara Mne, Hymn a Harr was greatly enjoyed by tise younger foil. In addition thene were also half a demo wide ettraet4o .. each as shooting gallery.testl.g the ate.ngtb with the ma ball throw Mg g gasses. fortune t011ing h palmis- try and other stalls at wh(eb eon Dungannon Fall Exhibition THUJRSDA Y and FRIDAY, October 1 and 2, 1914 PRIZES amounting to 61000.00 MUSIC -Auburn Bram Band In attendance on second day of Fair BABY SHOW - Special Prizes are offered for a Baby Show, which will take place at three o'clock on Friday alterndon GRAND CONCERT In the Agricultural Hall on Friday evening. Door* open at 7.311 concert ret eight o'clock. TALENT - Will. .1. White and Jules Brazil, comedians., of Toronto, and Mrs. Geo. H. King and Miss Ada McClinton, solo- ists, of bloderich WM. BAILIE, JAMES MALLOCGH, It M('ILWAIN, President Vice -President Secretary -Treasurer could easily 'pend their small change if so inclined. The ladies .4 the Women's Institute had charge of that dining pavilion and supplied all that was nrceswy to satisfy the inner man. It was also possible to pu.chese such luxuries as ice cream, peewit., candy and soft drink', etc., horn several other stalls scattered throughout the Nu k. On Tuesday afte0Trood the crowI in attendants teas well up to the average of previous yeses, hang estimated et approximately ONE. The rasa which C1111/HP on shortly after four o'clock put w deumper on Sue proceedings and wade it very unple&sent for many of the Indies who were attired only in the rarest of summer dresses. The twain pot.liun and every other place where shelter could be obtained were soon packed to their utmost capacity. \Vedursday .Iso turned out wet in toe morning but faired up before noon. The tract was spoiled for the running recce and the horses wells not brought out until late in the after- noon. A. far as we can learn the whole proceedings passed off without a utia- hap ot any serious nature. The only thing we caw el'proui.ing an accident we. when en electric Awn Jell from the wire extended atm.e the perform - ere pletforn, and.butet witb a loud re- port. A young 4d steadies near got a small •particle of the glass in his eye but no serious damage was done. One advanced improvement over otber years upon which the .manage- ment should fir coogt atulatrd was the installation of a ladies toilet booth with alady in chergg r The bend of the Med regiment pro- vided music throughout the "entire proceeding*. on Tuesday playing al- most conunously f.um two o'clock to trio The ccow(ls which gathered around thew, either et the .laud or in the pavilion. being an eh'tluent token of appreciation. At 4 YI o'clock on Wednesday the fair came to close and witbio an hour or so practically •rerythtng bad (ren taken away, with the exception of soar of the beaey hardware. LIVELY TOWN DADUIES Reeve Elliott and Cato. Elliott Coadoct a Wordy Sparring Match 1 The regular meeting of the town council was held in the council cham- ber on Friday evening, September 114th, with all members present, Mayor Reid in the chair. Minutes of pieviour meeting were read and approsed. A report of Engineer Johnston, with regard to encroachment* on Mary and Hincke street., showing that in some places the fence was un 11... street to the extent of 24 feet seven inches wan read end retorted to Public Works committee with power G. act. A lease having heen arranged with the Dominion government, whereby the town is to have the use of the bathing leach for our dollar per year, the mayor was instructed to sign the lease ar.d return one copy to the prop- er .0 t hori ties. The following comuuunicetione' were received and dealt with :- A letter from Mr. A. D. McLean stating that the proposition of five per cent per annum for loan on side- walks wars setistectory.-Filed. A letter from the town solicitor with regard to the purchase of dehen- t•nes was referred to the Finance cone 4,4it t.ee. . A letter of thanks from the Ansel - lean Road Machine Co. for ter e1E4/1e.- '.ioh of the council at its last meeting in extending the bylaw for another year. A letter from Mr. Alex. Drysdale offering to Inspect the eonstruntion of cernentsidetvess t the rate of 25c px hour wee ie tatted to the Public Wotks committee. A request from the chief of police asking,for the usual week's' vacation. -Request granted. Acommunication from the Bell Tele- phone Cu. asking-perwi.aion to erect poles and wires on Raglan street wee referred to 'Public Work. committee with power to act. A request from the Children's Aid w rciety for a. renewal of the suh,crip- tion to the ane sty craw referred to the Pinarce committee. A report of Engineer .lohnstnn with Herald to the state of the bridge over the (.rand Trunk railway et Saltlord hill *brewed the bridge to be in poor condition. It was referred to the Public Works committee with power to act. A •tete.uent fr the town t-letk de- claring the G(elerich furniture factory bylaw bad peered WAS read and order- ed to heHle.l. Coder the head of unfinished husi- nese. Reeve Elliott said he would like to bring the matter of the salhors plot before the cauncil. He toought it was time Chet the monument was erected. Mayor Reid endorsed what Reeve Elliott mid. Coun. Elliott said he did not think it necessary' t, erect, a monument at present. If the plot wee levelled up and needed it would preser.t agocrl ap- pe.rence and in time more money world he aveiL.ble. to erect a better Monument. He thought that it was a put•up;eh toget a rertain ,arty the work of erecting the n.nntiweut. if tlbe council decider) t, errct w monu- ment it should 1.e don.• by tender, Heave Elliott again rause to bis feet and said he resented the itduuatioue of "Mr." Elliott (the mayor called him to order telling him to stay Coin. Elliott) that it was a pert-np job and he wauted him to give some moot. This Coon. t:lli eft prn••eetled to do by eteUng that certain monuments owned by a Ince) firm bad been recom- mended at prices varying from AIM to 1175, while the cuts presented by another flrm bad scarcely been looked at. Reeve Elliott arid he never gave an order Inc any monument and it was a Ile if an owe said he did. By eevimwto Lhe minute hook it was shown that • mction was made on July 141th to have the plot, levelled and that the matter of the monument he left 1i11 the last meeting in Novem- ber. Conn. Elliott accused Reeve Elliott of neglertung his dui as chairman of the (cemetery and Parks commit ter. Reeve Elliott : are lots of things you dont do," Here the matter droppoved.d. Mby (bun Laithwaite, nd- . d by Coun. M that the yor io- struct the town w kitor to collect all armors of intereet doe the town or the Doty mortgage to bre paid In SO days from date if not paid Ghia coune(I take Imediate act [)m•put Rseionv. Clark wanted ho know why lb. Doty factory had bees singled out, while other (wearies wen aho behind Coun. Laithwalt. .aid be did not consider .bel security as gexod. Mayer Reid took imus with him as this point declaring the security the hest in town. Reeve Rlllott • "if th.n's any wan to ameowapli.h what we 11/1•114 1 WOMAN NOTES AND COMMENTS. Among other no able people who attended the exhibition we would like to mention Mrs. A. Cat -rick, of Gndericb, : who is upwards of U years - of age. and Mr. Wm. Pear, of the, Lund, -.boy) road, near Clinton, who has p.awed the fibril toil ,•tnne of lit Tor baste.. torn on the greundr was Mr. J. Adel, Fowler, who generously wished tont the newspaper men were *11 heaven. Winby do nut the large induetriea in town display their wares and let the people see whet they are doing ? Several protest* weir registered in the horse judging department: Ernie Pridbaui won the 101l yards' race over a rather greasy track with about 18 inches to spare. There were four starters-.-Pridhatn, M.Dough'.I F and Pritchard. Practically ell the uptown stores were closed on Tuesday afternonr. to allow 1 he clot ►s and proem ieturs to at- tend the fair. 'I wars ire hPNgte In the i*r,,.•,s, trot, Mr. 8. G. Mc -I Ne1I. took first money with Mt. J. Mc\Ian.,. se'^ond and Mr. Jamar R -yrs• olds thit.l. , In r hr '2 4n trot or race, Mr. H. A. Yhio to hour, George Dillard. Look' Hatt money. Mr. J. Adam's Dwebdf; Brino ere Sud .end Mr. H. AU -leans! Burt Wilke thud. The ether entries' wet. Mr. W. Hutcbinwn's Mollie HAi' and Mr. T. Gritlun'. Fugit Bard. In the 2.15 trot or peer, Mr. J. ' Sheldon'. mareEmily 1)eFose'st, took 1 Mot money, Mr. J. .\dam'. I►arkey Hrino second rind s nd Mr. J. McManus Kelly third. In the green race. Mr. R. McLennan' hell first place, Mr. (1. We,ton .rc,,nd ■ red Mr. J. Knox third. The ,ompiete list of prls--winners will he forted on pages four and fire ,f this issue. RED epees MOTES I i A meeting of tale R«1 will coke place in the rouneil cham- be. at eight pm. no Friday evening.' Septettes bet Seth I1 is hoped that' many new members will be pr•.aent. A meeting for distributing material ' and planninwork will he held In the basem.nt of os church on Tnoeday, l September t , at three p.m. The 0011 .mace meeting of the Red Cross socia will take piece in the eouneil chiember ne Fridley, !(.p- i Camber lEtb. at sight p.m , when it is d sd many n.w members will h. ' added. A •seating of all wilting to assist In Red Crow. work will he held Is the basement of Koos church on Tuesday, P4.'pt.wrhsr 119th, at three p m., when mat@He) will h.dietribttt.d.I I In • heavy. but short gal. that hit Mania on Tsrsda the IH,.rnnic be- came noanalltw.t mand crashed Isco tise company a doork, crushing It in' forty feet. '10(71 like to do it without closing down the industry at present." It was the geoeral cpioioes l'bat the company had shown Zack of courtesy in cot meeting the officers of the town after they bad been asked to do so. - After the wards "foreclose the mort- gage" had been eliminated, on the sug- gestion of Coun. \Vigle, the motion was passed. A number of routine bylaws were passed en-n.aese dealing with sewer con. t roc tin n. The Public Works committee report- ed as follows: -(1) We recommend that the town porch me (teat part of St. Christopher's bench, eolith of Elgin ..venue, from the Hawley estate at a price not to exceed $2..0 and that the matter of closing the deal he referred to the mayor and solicitor with power to act. (2) That for sewer be con - 'eructed on Cameron street by day labor under the supervision of the Pub- lic Works committee. The Finance committee recommend- ed that the following aecounu be pail :-Fred Hunt, $K 19: George Rea - own, $36; Win. Johnston, 6(Ic: Ham- ilton k 'Toronto Tile Co., $880.69 ; G,.derich Star, $82.13; George Porter, $26.3(1; Municipal World, *8.40; A. Hormel, 'lx: ; Adam Thompson, $5.3:1 ; Dominion Express Co., f12; Great North Western Telegraph Go., 26e; Canadian Express. Co., 30c ; I. 8. Mc- Mntb, $15 3) THOROUGH BRITISH SUBJECT To roc EDITOR of THE 514.541.: Sir, -The tact that 1 am of German descent seems 10 have aroused in the minds of snmr unduly excitable per- sons unfounded suspicions as to my loyalty. and tbeae suspicious have de- velof"d int, rumors which I find are bring widely circulated Most of these rumors are so ahsurd that no- body rnnld be expected to believe then1 hut. other. are of *such a dam- aging char*ct•r that 1 feel it is only ,Inst to myself and my friends that I should publish this statement. it ie a painful 'thing 0, have one's loyalty celled it. queation and to t*• compelled to publicly defend it. teat 1 atu forced, ander the eircum.tences, to do so. 1 ate A British euhjeso and 1 intend to continue to 1.. a British subject for the rest of my life. My parentage is German hut it is probablyenough to say that my father sougt refuge in this British colony, as a refugee from the dated military service imposed by the Pru.aian goverment. Surely 1 bave little reason to do anything but love and praise the flag that has given protection to my people, and to my - slit and my children, the means of ad- vancement in life such a. we could scarcely have enjoyed under any other flag. Area German I should be unnatural if 1 did not admire the German people to all German -Canadians do, hut i am a Canadian above all and coy Reg is the British flag and no other. The rumors circulated about toe which its anyway impeach my loyalty are false. JOHN Sottowsit1LN. CLOSING ATTRILL'S POINT To THE F:,rTon or Toto Stole Al.! Sir, -Would you allow me a space in you-- valuable raper for a few rearm ks .n regiad'd to Attrill's point. In the first place it would be a lamentable proceeding if anything happens to deprive the people of the township of Colborne and the town of Ooderich from enjoying the lake hreeses,,r from picnic ur among parties using it lie. they have in day* gone by. 1t might he well • be enumerate a few reason why the council should throw this proposition out. 1. Thi. road May be very valuable some day ars means of ecce.. W the town by bridging the river and reach- ing elevators use indust rise ou tis. le - land, or un the, beach where the Bir- mingham plant now is le,c..ted. 2. 1t is the only way the people of Colt/mColt/mowear.. to., good access to the l '.ch fns sand or driftwood. The gravel alone there might be worth hundrede of dollars to the township for makit.g roads or building put - pores. 3. Once lcadwaya are given up it is a costly And dihHcolt metres to get polse+won again. if the value of these are appreciated later on. 4. 1t make* an ideal Bathing piece ea well es good crummier and picnic grounds. 5. The proposr'l park neer Mr. Hanelink'e has no roe.' to the beach ander thus modem for bathing or for getdbng sand or gravel, and 'widow it the leach is so narrow that yeti brave to take your boots off to stand on it. 6. .4. a park, the new preposition is ton high from the water's edge and wesid not be used. Th. people of COI. borne Arcady have Inc. orr-ewe to .Na. Hamlitfk's which has a way to the beach end root• the township nothing 7. By leaving swatters es they are there means to be many ways where the f nsbip rimy ire the gainers. aced a. .rfront privilege. are scar aha ere it may ..ared*y be rye valuahle fur railway pal rimer*, for twata of for tattoo, ries ;hat lb. future might 6ring,to our nitrite. Thanking you, 1 am. A Raelr,KM'r 1111, Cot -PORN.. r i, .a► Me. 'oaf._ iii is i1r.". ... w. A N TISEPTI(.; SII Alai NG PAftLUI; llsedwing DPW eats1 Ls Me* la Hair Dt+• 1 afi IfQAMd FIM clans Norberto, All L.best awn Me.t Upt.dat• Rvbor4.5 Mat seise W e ae. in • clam by O•emlvr W. G. LUMBY