HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-9-17, Page 8• TavelN MM. MldDrta — 11. I1I4
Monday. Tuesday and
Wedoeedayp. September
S1 s t Send and lard.
"Special prices for the
above three days.
Four down China Coke Plates.
pretty Floral d.00ratioo, special
I • "irked for Mosley. Tuesday
end Wednesday, 1 So each.
worth donbte the sncerey.
Mix doers pairs Sugar arid
Dreams. revers' decorations to
sels°t from, speciallydriced for
Woodsy. 1'u.sda� Wednes-
day, SOo per v.ir.
Ten donen Ones and Saucer',
Cream Juge, Bowls, Children's
mug., ate., specially priced Ss,
10e. 111143 and !do
Half-price Sale of Hand Bags
Our entire stock of Hand
Bags offered at exactly or.e-ball
price during three days sale.
The Ooderich Book 6c
Stationery Co.
Stylish young 'nee will admire
The latest thing in Shoes
manufactured by the Hartt Shoe
Style combined with terrier.
end comfort.
We beep just received a ship-
ment. Call in and look them
over and note especially the ma-
terial in Velour Calf, the Re-
:eede Toe the Low Heel. the In-
visible Eyelet.
Try a pair, you will like them.
they are goal.
J. H. McClinton's
Repairing promptly attended to
Cheaper than a
makes the blades last so tows.
props, shaves, deans with
out detaching blades. Five
buudr.d shaves graerustesi
front IA bladestiet se
Ant. Strop Safety Iez•r
on a SO -day Trial
1f not saddened return it sad
looney will be cheerfully reload-
James A. Campbell
PM. B.
North at. and Square. Goderich
—Mrs. J. H. Marshall is vtsitisg
friends in Moaktos this week.
—Mr. Wm. Lane is bevies a new
restdeuce erected on Oabdosia ter-
—Mi. and Mrs. Wm. Waits were
visitors at Toronto exhibition Iasi
--Twenty-five cents will pay foe The
Signal for the balance of the preterit
—Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Weller are
away an it visit to relatives at Port
Hope. - os. J. Walton Little, Trafalgar
street. will receive ori Thursday.
September 24th.
— Rev. Dr. Meldrum, pastor of Old
Stone Presbyterian church, Cleveland,
is visiting in (l.derieb.
- Mrs. K. Olsen and Min Olsen. of
Montreal. were guests of Mrs. J. R.
(:raigie, Rant street, this week.
—Mr. D. McMurcby bas returned
from a pleasant visit with old trieeds
at vara ,ua points in York county.
—Mr. and Mr...1. A. O.rriek, otToes
onto, were visitors this week with
Mrs. A. Garlick, Newgate street.
—Mr. R. J. Mcllaw tett on Monday
for a combined business and pleasure
trip. He will t rateably be absent a
— Bulbs for the members of the
Ooderich Horticultural society have
arrived and can be secured at Use reg-
istry office.
—Miss i.illie McKay returned to her
home in Kintail on Monday, after
several days' visit with Miss Carrick,
Newgate .treat.
—Mrs. A. I%. Colborne and Master
Ambrose returned home Saturday
after a pleasant visit with friends in
Durham and Flesherton.
—Mr. 11. C. ;tenoning' sold a resi-
dence on Trafalgar street this week to
Mr. Oliver Clark, of Auburn, who will
shortly become its occupant.
— Mr. and Mrs. • R. .1. Smith, Mite
Hester Smith, Mrs. A. O. MacDonald
and Mise M. Male! MacDonald spent
Sunday with Wingham friends.
—Mr. Thomas Tilt. s former pro
prietorof the British Exchange hotel,
and now s resident of Guelph, is re-
newing old acquaintances in town.
— Messrs. John Edwards and Robert
McLean shipped their race horses to
London ou Monday to take pert in
the racing events at the Western fair
— Mr. J. I'. Ryan is erecting a new
residence adjoining his own on Cam-
eron street. It will he of frame con-
struction on a solid cement founda-
-Mrs` J. Andrews has returned
from her visit with Kincardine friends
sod will receive with her daughter,
Mn. W. J. Daniels, the first Thursday
in each month.
—Three of the (loderich men. mem-
bers of the contingent which left here
as volunteers for active service, have
been sent back from Valcsrtier as
medically unfit.
--Ahmeek chapter, I.O.D.E., will
meet in the court homes on Monday
afternoon next, September 210. at
four o'clock p.m. All members are re-
quested to be pre.ent.
—Mr and Mrs. J. 0. Ienrence, of
Philadelphia, are visiting at the home
of Mr. (f.. Moore. East street. Mr.
Lawrence is a stockholder in the
American Road Marble, Co., of Gan -
ad*, Limited.
—The seedy which is being sold this
(Tburedayi evening at the Star theatre
1 kinefit performance was made and
donated by Maple Leaf chapter. and the eetire proceeds will
go to swell the Red Grose fund.
—The statue Wee by the General
Drongb chapter, , in aid of
the hospital ship win be drawn for at
tee C.P.R. omen .t seven o'clock o0
Friday, September Istb. All ticket
There s a ret( ia..cination fen
young and old in picture tak-
ing. The Kodak way makes
It as simple as it i.. fs cinating.
Ko.d.k clef, the pleasures of
picture -taking indoors or out.
Flee instruction cheerfully given
Get your work finished by an expert
R. R. Sallows
at the
1M tn.ght ieetrscsers
toils& be "/iia- - C .ge
11e11\ alar sot' im&
as MOW tart a S.
ossesdr si Mesewetiew Permits pew
se sow see day at
emus owns. onve so
seteL biancmmrwws Ubed.
Ow sows mire "peens tbslbibss.
&mom m.•asm . earns..
..et sr sees° Cel
C. A. Ikesslrg. P.C.A., Primielp.l.
Y. D. riaeM11. MesM.ry •
Canadian Clothiers
The store eft the corner of
Montreal street mad the Square,
until heestly occupied by Mr.
David Beows, M sow under the
management of Messrs. Levits
k Utra, who have planed in
stock goods that are entirely
Some Bairias.for
A full 11se cf Ladies Goats
ad Suits. We take ssewres
for special orders
We have a new stock of the
latest styles sad shapes i.
A complete line of Men's
Ke.dy•rnade ekthIng in stock
the very last. We take meas-
ures for Suits made to order.
Perfect fit guaranteed.
We have them in all lines--
Lbe very latest styles -- guaran-
teed waterproof.
holders are asked 10 to t.
—Good -progress is Mdeg
.•ie with
the Metsassla road !Meer. The work
from Waterloo tinea t feseb street
has hese completed. The ressainies
parties 1. mei as deep by about six feet
and win not take lung to S.1.b.
_Wards. °ani iso has called tbe
wards.'. sesemittee {p erect at (11i. -
to. os Friday of Iiia week for the
purpose et eonaiderift ways and
means to provide kw Huron manly
poor amid needy durlag the person
—A large box kite wed by Kr. H.
S. Esam ins been the esrtre of aft na-
tion foe many this week. both spew►
and at w_ agricultural park.
about he wad t It
he seen
The long *veiniest of fall and
winter with more Uses spent in-
doors suggests to our minds
Manic for the Home.
A Heintsman & Co. Piaoo
with its beautiful sweet quality
of tone.
A Victor Victrola or an Edi-
son Phonograph. all the highest
products of mechanical .kilt.
You need something in this
line and we have what you need.
We have also some stood
sccood-hand Pianos from s.tr0 up.
Call and we will be pleased to
show you bur goods.
Mwtic 6r Stationery Store
a My MoWe week '161140•° tie aid two
ishat la
`melts . prsesrt. Mer. (hank =Hots
took of tr=sir!
!the ▪ akviecici pates weer ai to
u.�e�e� .n....tlen to h. held
▪ Teruel. es ottteber kb to IOIh
Mra.kk E��ottt rood the preeidest.
with .111 t'e11e as pkeesste. were
°hoses delegates. thdu
TIM! ee.donsl
half With was taken sp by the prsd-
dest. 1b44c : Anti-earooties.
—TM members of the Godeeiek
b. aeon of the Women's !esthete p.u.
pose givingeasels at the agnl
dieing badating fair days. Proceeds
M re gwards the Relief Aasociatios
lead of Lowe. The time being short,
it is impossible to aanvam the town
properly by members so are taking
the Ubsrity of the prom for soliciting
donatleos of plaie baking, moats or
vegetables from all families of town to
halo us • good nesse. The members
are sow sewing for the hospital WV.
Any farther informsLios ran be ob-
tained from the president, Mrs. R. S.
Cralgie, or the secretary, Mks M. E.
Salkeld, phone I ori Jdta.
Neighbors i. Oat I.eo!ll` Make Ise
Readkerebi.fe ter, Soldiers
The msnbers of the Red Ocoee soci-
ety met is the smart homes on Tues-
day aftersouo with Mrs. McDonald
la lbs chair-. It was reported
by Archdeacon Jones -Bateman that
the Britannia junior branch bad
been organised, and had mads ar-
rangement' for aoandy booth at the
fall fear. Mrs. Wart reported that.
the M'wekas were ready for work, and
Mrs. Phelan annou.eed that her
group of girls had started making
handkerchiefs and sock.. The presi-
dent reported that 150 bendk.rcbiefs
had been made i• her locality, and
that the movieg pietism theatres had
each promised the society a benefit
n ight.
It was (herded that the farmers eel
the vicinity be asked to assist in the
work, and that *Norte be made to
have apple. secured and dried for the
soldiers. A eommtttee consisting of
Mrs. Taylor. Mfrs. Eliot and Mrs.
Orris was eppdnted to Sad a sWt-
e ble place for the meantime of the
society and to arrange fur the distribu-
tion of material. Several offers of
awistasce were made by individual
moseb.r., Mrs. Taylor promising to
=eke head's/pre. and Mrs. Wigle to
provide ngw and dressing.
The next business meeting of the
society Ito take place In the council
chamber on Friday, September ISeb,
et eight p.m.. when it is hoped many
sew smoothen will be added. A meet-
ing of all willing to assist in Red Crow
work will 1.e beta in the basement of
Knox church os Tuesday, September
211111, at three p m., when material
will be distributed
The following telegram which was
sent to Hno. Robert Rogers, minister
,ot public works at Ottawa. on Monday
'luH) explains itself :—
Hen. Robert Rogers, M.P.,—I re -
7r/ally urge the immediate exten-
01 south breakwater, 'as employ-
mebt would be given to a number of
idle men, several factories having
oe, I*•wn. (Sired' M. 0. Oasrn-
rooldrot Goderich • Beard of
Reply from Hon. Robert Rogers
follows — '
My Dear Mr. Cameron.—I beg to
acknowledge LI., receipt of your tele-
gram of the 14th inst.. urging immed
iate action in the matter of the erten
*ion to tbe south breakwater at (lode -
rich. You tan rest assured that this
question will have the most careful
consideration and that no unavoidable
delay will be permitted. ):Signed) K.
the society, with the exoeption of the
here running expenses of the theatre.
—Mn. Douglas McKenzie returned
Saturday night from a two weeks
trip on the steamer Yorkton, of which
her husband is chief engineer.
—Ooderich branch of the Red Oros'
society is inviting all contributors and
competitors who bring fruits, vege-
tables or other artifice to the Oodsricb
industrial exhibition to donate these
articles to this society, who will dis-
pose of them to the best advantage
and give the proceeds to the fund fee
the aaaistauce of our wounded soldiers.
--Enquiries at the brand Trunk de-
pot and the uptown cable elicited the
Information that 75 tickets were sold
for London on Tuesday, which was
Huron day at the Western fair. A
great ninny more: attended the fair
from here, taking advantage of t.be
good roads and going down in their
—The third monthly organ'recital by
Mr. F. W. Robinson was held in St.
George's church on Sunday evening,
when the following programme was
given : "Ioocate (Kinder); So
shall the lute and harp awake" (lien -
Mrs. O. H. King ; "Evensong."
(Johnston) ; "There is a green hill far
away" (0ouond), Mn. U# H. King;
"Occasional Overture" (Handel).
—On Ratutday last Mrs. Won. Doyle,
Essex street, entertained for Mrs. A.
H. Seaverus, on the occasion of her
birthday. Th. gueMs waw Da J. O.
Heilemann and ds.ugbter, Dr. M. 8.
Hanaeu, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Dean
and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Seaysree.
Mr. and Mrs. Heaveses@ left on Tse}
day of this week for Heir home is
Canton, Ohio, after en enjoyable visit
here of tone weeks.
—A meeting of the W.0.T.U. was
held In the Teesperanes hall on Mos •
rived batik hi Ooderisit Om a trip to
the Old Lend whit& be bed met visited
deeleg the prat sine ream He te-
�.eM tb.t the war has met .Reefed
ktesie.r° eosditiose manly se mesh
there keys heves ae tM g-wrsommst
presim11e1ie d. setting the
e( the yee.e�tles el line and aalsoo
beet Samuel of the Whim res Poch-
orkosboo . wM le e maths of Motlemid.
ani West meet et hie weaMns la that
1s� y�,� else speed a false! 1. He MLT
Miss and etelsity.
SW plates near
M e�seeedeq. sthale
of w jeaweds will be given *Inv 4.
Now is the time to buy School
/Chose for the boys and girls.
They will seed good, droeg.
servioeebie Shore, the tied that
wnt stand the trot in •ny
weather. 1s this line all past
°"mets hate been eweplled and
yon win Sed •t your eoantaad
the most eompieto stock erg neat
reliable Footwear at the lowest
possible psi.
Ilar&1111240 — 1w
_ r
The Great Serial Picture
"1ke %illion 9 ollar
23 Instalments
`i' Yip
8e• Abe fns instalment at
Lyrie Theatre NEXT WEEK.
The leading RoilyPlowio On-
e t Oet.ei°
!lows ars the Foetlift
and Deaver Ores srDaEty.
WO Save Cows and KM taw
w �..wo•l
Mos. Ooabh.11 Dlse
..d Pirelatsse Dies thesis Dein..
11rM Mee of tiwaiw sed lbw
yrs w l.si
Herbert F. Morris
Ha.iltos strait
MilliAery enirt
Display of the Fall
Fashions Commencing
Friday, September I8th
and continuing Saturday
and the following week
WE make our formal Opening Display of Fall Millinery for
the present season commencing Friday at 2.30 p.m. and
continuing Saturday and the following week. We cord-
ially invite you to visit the show -room on Opening Days and in-
spect the latest styles shown for Fall. You will find the new-
est and most fashionable shapes and materials that will be worn
the coming season. No trouble or expense has been spared in
gathering together the Millinery that is in our show -room today
and we invite you to view it, feeling confident that it reflects the
favored styles of the large fashion centres. It is our wish that
you feel free to come just as often and whenever you find it con-
venient. You need feel under no obligation whatever to pur-
FALL Opening commences Friday, September i8th, at 2.3o p.m.,
and continues throughout the following week.
With the Millinery we make a Spec-
ial Display of Coats, Suits and
Furs that in itself will be
worthy of a visit
Every garment that will be shown you is nett this
season. Although there will be scores of styles, in fen
cases will there be any duplicates. As much as possible
we show but one garment in any particular cloth or
style. We are sure a visit to our upstairs department
will prove of interest and Opening Days everything will
be arranged for you to look at and examine tt ith the
least possible discomfort.
Our Special Tailored Suit at $16.50 .
These Special Tailored Suits have been made to our order bs -ne of
the best manufacture's in Cauada. -Made in Berges and fancy mat»t lab is
black or blue to to had in several distinct styles which are ammo
the beet shown for the present season The materials are all wool ami
the linings throughout are bf the highest order. Altogether Lt is WS
that is exceptionally good value at this very popular price.
Coats at $16.5o
We are making a special feature of both Coat* and Suits at this
price. In Coats we show an exceptionally large s.sortment both in phis
and fancymaterials. The garments are cut in a half-dozen extr. pod
styles, while
ile the materiels are high-class throughout. If you want a
good, serviceable. stylish garment at a medium pt ice we eogpdeotly re-
commend our $16.50 Mpe'lals W you.
The Showing of Furs
and Fur Coats
This is the season when early buying of Fun and Fur Costs Is
particularly desirable as the prices are already advancing and there
Is every indication that they will continue to do so throwghout the
season. We are in a splendid position to give you exceedingly
good fur value as our provost stocks were all contracted for and
made to our order early in the season before there was any disturs
bane* in the markets.
In connection with our Millinery Opening we are making a
Specie' Showing of both Small Furs and Costs and will he glad to
have you see them.
In Persian Lamb. Furs
This serviceable and popular Fur promises to he as moth in fav-
or as ever this season, and we have a stook of it today that is better
byfar tkan any we bays ever serried. Both In Neck -pecks and
uffs we can give you a rasp of styles and value, you will not
easily find.
Come and see the Furs on Opening Days, whether you sr*
thinking of baying at protest or not.
Furniture Upholstered
11 you have any old f',.: flitter
you are thinking of having uphol-
stered. we will do it lot you in
heel -class style and guarantee
..tisfaction. A .pltodid rasp
of material to select from and
prompt service. Estimate. fur
.1.hed If desired.
Dainty Collars Just to
Just received from the mei
mss: • shipment est daissy Or -
greedy and Lawn Collars in nes
and popular styles. These are
very mach is demand and Lb.
styles we show are the newest
obtaln.ble. Prices range free
!M 1., $1.01
Clearing the Underwear and Dresses
The big clearing sale of Muslin Underwear and ladies' and children's Dresses
will continue until every garment is sold. You can buy odd pieces of Underwent
and Dresses for ladies, misses and children at a fraction of their actual worth a
value. It is our policy never to carry them from one season to another. This i'
the reason for such absurdly low prices.
Os this table will he found ladies' Waist. •ed
Plain sed fancy Drowse and Underwear. The
regular priesa of them gare*.sts wee. 51.75 up as
high .a stun. All ns oar table it your diode* for
oe)y II/So
A Tableful at %tc
On title table will be found m or S1 Cb'Idr*e'
Oetees amid Mesita Dreams and odd pt•t'es e(
tales' nederwear. TM melee prism wen s1•0
be KALI Aeerieg these sot M row own choke