HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-9-17, Page 71 to 1 Sr )' re of Ill te Id n wledged Fit roe* le fore- (Ind orr(Ind In elor of nferrsd. 81117 fairing. Opt. 14. Address 1, flee\ of lir 0pp.r wt. Her) OSA •e.+ maim 1< to lyes nn School IA* actual borough's Offioa ";- dr r.ter Pee tint IONISlall bo l- 10- AMMO aro 1saro IN 1. hMOWa.W » ( linos redoe Lit 4 Moon. send.• ter taore wks e..tlr • ▪ for 114 1s goats♦ tlm.. rather earbf al oil: be roteocoart Ube ward 'IlI• ism i• e sad reffbil They c arid which es ad Over w Ilse 8woe's seek a 1116111 THE SII A L GODERIOH ONTA R I O 1ieleSOOinT, ihervest s 11.111111 1 to lay in necessities. Da, not forget that injuries, skin diseases, children's wounds, piles, and sim- ilar troubles are best provided against, and most quickly cured by applying AMBUK. pRICE ISNOTRbISED The Advantages to the Estate of having a Trust Company administer its affairs arc many, yet the chargee are c , higher than those allowed a private individual acting in the same capacity. This strong, conservative Company, unlike an individual executor, will not fall ill, go abroad at a critical time, be- come a defaulter or pass out of existence, neither will it ' neglect your affairs for its own, because its very life de- pends upon its fidelity to your affairs and those of others. Consult us regarding your will and the administration of your estate. The London & Wester. Trusts Co. Limited 382 Riehmeed 8t., Loonies, Ont. Bir Om. O b.as. LC. Pr. M..t Ka. Jae• 8. .., Muscat ill <: se7Gr'm is®e:(i ®m A STOCK REPLETE tt ith correct wear for feet tl.lr Shoe Stock is completeti Kith the reason'. creaons. Eve' y de.ral,le 10,1e in high end low shoes for both men and w mien. Our line of Oxford., in tl e most desirable colors andinternedleather, will interned and pleats -on. Ample provision has been made ado for the tots and nest tots. SHARMAN THE SHOE MAN awwran. Operating Against Russians Also Driven Out oPound-- 1110,000 Austrians Taken Telegraph IC advices trent grad are to the effect that the 'swee- test days' battle of the Russians against the Austro-teerman force, ended with the following re,u:t: Prisoners taken l4u,bwi Field guns capturrd tb� ortreee artillery capture). pieces 1,0 'e Transport weaoes take 41,11e0 Aeroplanes captured - i The Russian Kmh•asy la Rome 8a7s that the German Army commaudcd by General Von Hindenburg has been defeated near Wawa, Russian Po - laud, and that the Gentians are evacuating Poland with a loss of 60,000 mea. The Ambassador adds that the Russians have assumed the offensive In Prussia. and have com- menced to lay siege to Koeatgsbery. A deepen. .i from Copenhagen says Berlin messages received admit that the chief Au. trian Arn.y has suffered an absolute defeat. but claim it 1. retiring in good order. "General Von Augeuburg's army." the correspondent continues, "Is Bald to be in a dangerous position, being cut off from the main army. The Auatrlaue have bad terrible to<sea." Despatches from Petrograd say tis. Russian forces In Fast Prussia are retiring on a new defensive posttiar to meet an attack by • large Germs t army which has just arrived from the west. The Russians are retiring slowly to positions previously selected. and the War Office states that • great battle is Impendlce. Russian reinforce- ments have been sent forward, and that the Russian right army is to be strengthened immediately. A t Investments WE shall be glad to assist you is cboos- ins those that are safe aad yetP Cssraspsadeaco Led. Ueen mopes' we aiial b. Amend te suggest waia- .Y. moose monis 1m raw. A. H. hisrtans &Co. 114.4... Ammo Omsk Eacbasee IMO end MIANL • cF.R-suaaelgq TORONTO < • 1444 1 INDIA GIVES NOBLY Loyalty of Native Rulers Shown In Most Unmistakable M In the British House of Commons last week. Captain Charles Roberts. one of tht' C'nder-Secretaries of the Colonial OC:ce, read an important statement from the Viceroy of India, In reference la offers of service from the native States. "The rulers of the native States of India, who number nearly seven hun- dred In all, hare with one accord rallied to the defence of the Empire and offered their persoual services and the resources of their States for the war." said Captain •itoberts. "Twenty-seven of the larger States i of 1 11411 maintain Irrperfal service troops, and the sen Ices of every corp,, were immedtate'y placed at the disposal of the Government of India on the outbreak of the war." ABANDONED THE WOUNDED Fleeing Ger-rant Unable to Take Can of Disabled Men .A foreif,n (*(firer, who visited the seen. of Sa':.:day's fighting. when the allied army Navas pursuing the fleeing eft wing if :he Germans at Beret', just south i.: So••sone. Leeerlbes • terrible ser,. • of ' image. The welds and woods were thickly strewn with cad; sever..: tho':sands had fallen 1h net dirty:. ;. The Germans fought a Stern rear : hard action, keeping Cs! aides at a ..+, ectful distance. They left all th- -••ounded where ttuy fell to become-isoner$ of the allies. ):Lich a: material lay In confusion gra a hl,t: 'red houses In the neigh- borhood wrr.• wrecked. the furniture lying in broken heaps. In the shelter of the wa.ls nun.l:ers of wpunded were propped up awalting fly.: arrival of ambulances. a I . Coming to Goderich o. TIBIAL SlYTEIIEI 2-2ad Prof. Dareawend TORON la) .v 11 be at Hotel Bedford with a opeeiel sample stock rat all the latest style, in hz-it.g(.04. FOR LADIES: -There rill be shown beautiful braid., .witches, transformations, pompadour, waves, fronts. full wigs, etc., of the finest quality hair and work- manship that cannot be excelled. Thee who are desirous of seeing something that will beautify their appearance should nut. mise this op- pirtunity of calling at the hotel during the visit. GENTLEMEN: - "Are You 'Bald?" Come and have • FHKE DEMONBPRATION of the DORFNWEN[) SANITARY PATENT TOUPEE which it the only structure of its kind. They are featber-weigbt, in. detectable, hygienic and wW make you appear •:A years younger. Worn by Mea in all Statbas of Lite and Over neon* ono is Use Yeo rennet do better than at tend to Bribe► A.arisan Colfsge TWIN leraigneweb POol um a, beam FOUGHT MAGNIFICENTLY General French Praises the Conduct .t His Officers at Mee. in response to the British public's demand for fuller information the War (Mice last week made public the ' text of 81r John French's report covet, lag tis. Pritish operations from the time of the arrival in France to -lsgnst 18th. Teareport shows that la the fighting •rtwed Mons his troops bore themselves heroically, fighttag night and day stalest overwselmlag odds. With tot over 00.000 fightle men be held off for four days the determined attack of ave Berman &Mr eer/s -taat$tw iSS,7da-- ?v .eh pall high tribute to the courage gad resoereettelne.s of Oast. els )(strongly. Allenby .ed Smith - Denies. 110111 LOYAL TO TIEa01t1 Ten Times Ratner M Uwd.r ar+Wl. Than oennan Flag, says Betts la • stirring speech to the Assembly of the Ualee of south Attlee, Pre- mier Botha entombed the whole- heerted support d the t'otos to the Imperial O.veratmeet In the present at hAiet hiadAteet feerir "e ._. gslaatees �o 'i.eTit lstya. tMhT�� integrity of the tSptra, is sano4ai.d that the Government tad enaertake• to gang through military operatl as w ■ Southwest Afrlss. 'Al ttt'sre may be taw her. wire la past have Irma beadle te the said Premier Sethi. 1=1= " te4ay tea these rather I w wader the IttIY *has flee Nee . alas Rag." 'the Hetland-Amertaaa 1/ae /assn er Neordam. bred fee Rotterdam ; frees New York. with German re , *rvie s has base ee5iered 1. the &A. 11liMt and takes iiiiltammeimen,L7 • 1101/to t ' l r. n'sirr'''fl°''% THE SIGNAL'S CLUBBING LIST 1914 The Signal and Toronto Daily Globe $3.75 The Signal and Daily Globe to persons with rural postal boxes the price is.. The Signal and DailyMail and Empire The Signal and Daily Mail and Empire to persons with rural postal boxes the price is 3.50 The Signal and Montreal Family Herald and Weekly Star 1.85 The Signal and Saturday Illustrated Globe1.85 The Signal and Weekly Sun (Toronto) 1.75 The Signal and Toronto Daily Star 2.25 The Signal and Toronto Daily World 3.25 The Signal and Toronto Daily Nevis 2.30 The Signal and Toronto Weekly Mail and Empire 1.6o The Signal and Farmer's Advocate 2.35 The Signal and Canadian Farm.. 1:85 The Signal and 3.50 3.75 Farm and Dairy New 1.60 Renewal. 1.85 The Signal and The Country Gentleman 3.25 The Signal and Canadian Poultry News1.35 The Signal and Grain Growers' Guide 1.50 The Signal and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press 1.60 l'he Signal and London Daily Advertiser2.90 The Signal and London Weekly Advertiser 1.60 The Signal and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition 3.50 Evening Edition 2.90 The Signal and Montreal Weekly Witness1.85 The Signal and World Wide 2.25 The Signal and Presbyterian • • • . , 2.25 The Signal and Westminster 2.25 The Signal, Presbyterian and Westminster 3.25. The_ Signal and Catholic Register New 1.70 Renewal • 1.85 The Signal and Saturday Night (Toronto)3.40 The Signal and McLean's Magazine 2.25 The Signal and Home Journal (Toronto)1.75 The Signal and Canada Monthly (Winnipeg) 1.50 Therm prices are for iaodddreesses in Canada or Great Britain The Signal and `N tt's Magazine..._ . 3.25 The Signal and oman's Home Companion (New York) 2.75 The Signal and The Saturday Evening Post 2.50 The Signal and The Ladies' Home Journal. 3.00 a ••• 'wok/whir pour. i!f trg.adt..a efrOserticdee • t*e The above publications may be obtained by Sig- nal subscribers in any combination, the price ifor any publication being the figure given above less $i.00 representing the price of The Signal. For instance : The Signal and The Family Her•Id and Weekly . .. Sur Advents (� T be Fanner's Adv.35 has =a.t$1.85e) 1_3s -making the price of the three papers The Signal and The Weekly Sea. The Tomato Dai y Star (=a ss less 'too) RIM $3. 20. $in i.rj 13.00 -the three papers for $3.00. 'if the publication you want is not in above list, let us know. We can supply almost any well-known Canadian publication. Send subscriptions through local agent or by postoffice or express order (not by bank cheque) to A. E. BRADWIN PUSLiSNIts Tl1B siallAL ..+ - ..v ... ... '.MM/aM► - - - /4~ tM %....--�+�...r.. GERMANS PREPARE FOR F1NA1. STAND After FteMleag Flight Before Allied Armies the Kaiser's Legions Turn at Say on River Alone The French War Mee official statement lased( on Moeday midnight Nays tbat the Germans are making • .laud on the River Aisne. The statement is as follows "On our left wing we have every- where caught up with the rear -guards and even the main body of the enemy. "Our troops have re-entered Arnhem', abandoned by the German forces. "The enemy appears to be making 1* stand on a prepared front along the River Aisne. "On the <enue, slmll.rly, it would seem as 1f the enemy .•tends to resist on the heights to the north-west and to the north of Rheims. 1n the region between Argoune and the Meuse he continues to retire. "On our right wing, In the Wit uvye district, we have succeeded in re - /loving the tort of Troyon, which has been stubbornly attacked time and time again during .the last few days. (Troyon is 12 miles south south-east of Verdun.) "In Lorraine our pursuing detach- ments are kceplug, as everywhere tome, In touch with the Germans. '"rhe morale and sanitary con- dttlons of u.ir armies continue ex- cellent." The German R • 1 An official statement Issued at Lou- don at midnight on Sunday said. The sixth week of the war between Germany and Frarce, Great Britain and Belgium. has brought • vast transformatlen. The pursued are now the pursuers The Irresistible sweep of seven German. armies through Bel- gium intd• Franco met an immovable force' at the Marne River. i The army of Gen. von Kluk, which so long haloed to tun the allies' western flank, was Itself slowly and .readily outflanked. Its retirement before the small, hut hardy Rrttieh army, turned the tide of battle. It the French official rt ports are correct. all the German armies except that facing Verdun and a few miles southwest are retreating. Gen. von Kluk's army, which a week ago was a few mile. to the southeast of Paris, has retired more than 60 miles to the northeast, while on the extreme right the army of the Bavarian Crown Prince,' which was attacking the french eastern line from Nancy to Bipinal, has fallen back to the fron- tiers to Lorrefne, permitting the )t'renrh to reoccupy Lunevllle and several other towns. ' General Joffre, the French com- mander -In -chief, pictures the retreat as hurried. if not disorderly, with the Germans abandoning prisoners, wounded and supplies. German Plan Failed The battle of the Marne, which was decided in a week, 1s regarded by military critics as the most mar- velous reversal of roles of two armies known. in their view it nppears to have decided the first phase of the war and to have made impossible the ' plan which the German staff is sup - :posed to have had of rmashtng the French by one comprehensive stroke. and then turning the bulk of the Ger- man forces eastward to confront the Russian.. The military experts. however, are still cautious. While recognizing the possibility that the German armies may yet rally and draw a strong defensive line. they recognize Aire, the possibility of the almost com- plete evacuation of France and Bel glum. Paris announcee that the Germans have evacuated Amiens. The where abouts of German reinforcements of 60,000 reported to be" marching south on three roads in that neighborhood is unknown. „ The Belgian army le credited with the determination to reoccupy Brus- sels and claims to have rut the rail- road between Liege and Brussels, thus severing an Important German line of communication and to be pushing the scattered German tortes, composed for the most part of reservists, to wards the southeast An oflfetal report tuned at London Nays. "The third French army re - porta that It has raptured the entire artillery of a hostile army corps, a capture which probably represents shoot one hundred and sixty guns. The enemy. thus In retreat along the whole Ilse west of the Memo, has suffered gravely in morale. besides encountering heavy looses In venue - eel and material." "Thr main portion of the enemy's right wlnx was attacked frontally eye nemdisttbis •roti .)iJ l) Aga .fleese transferred from the north to 111e Beat of Parts, and by • French corps advancing alongside it on a line be- tween Crecy. C.ouloummlefs ORS So mn Re (Uremia Coe.eter+flacks Fall "The combined operations have. Nap to the present, been completely see csaefel. The German nu ter Saab was forced back as tar as the Ilse a is. Oerra River. There it made a strong defence and executed several ',wormer c.wnterettaeka, but was un- able to beat off the pr..rni w ort the Meeh advance. "The main body of the enemy's right wi v tahy (ndee_vrtr�e9d tO. ddee lllvif. 'zteonst to Of the r Of t Morin. Plisseed hack over both of thee, tivpyre psi threatened on its hl, ening to a defeat. of the rtnfr4,,,,, a allied haft, trio 1t«atmdavl•rfewMars* nnrater. ti These Vieng Men Dr.wwM Three yeseg Relteville men, Trod Owen. Jimmy Wblte and Clare Jew. lase. were drowse) ,t Senday by bale* buried tree. S Tr. -'tor beat In iollks Bay rat ou1Ne vis.. the loft med. a sudden awetva owls[ to i 'r'eros. tetilas Ro. pji1 t, ffN Fall Weather Wearables AS leading men's outfitters our stock is now complete in every line. Here are only a few of the many useful articles which every man and boy will find essen- tial. SHIRTS Thr celebrated W. U. R. brand. GLOVES Perrin's are the hest. We have a full line of these. SWEATER COATS In variated colors: HATS All the newest idea. io contrast hands. SOCKS The heavy all -wool Hanson Sock is very popular. They sell at 26e, :ibc and bflc, according to weight. McLean Bros. The Square, Godercb SEMI -READY TAILORING eats for Carhartt Overalls, Stanfield's Underwear, Fitwell Hats, Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs (1 -•Y `c 3' Fdre$3oQ ea .CTWCCP4 LIF PALO der ' LEVE LAN THE GREAT SHIP "SEEANDBFB" l..gd WO twit tr.Jrk M a..e, s l.dwt tie .w..ar=• emel p..tw ocomom i L._ ISN pram - Gnarl' Is ewe -lenge 1..11 b nY appiYa..r-'8.. wry 0••••••• ••• rr sed w.t... of Jr .wl& 1. yory Imo Uth. MydR..N E6•000•• -1UA1(DSQ." "Bar 1 Tai." and 'Car el adzes " Daily - BUFFALO and CLEVELAND - Mas 1.t t. Dec 1sa Loewe ail.•• PAD- e P. X. La.. (].w1104 544/544/P. lis rm A.. Oend10d • 1:I11 A. Y. " Arrive Hna.la - - 1.30 A. N. lyra tarn la d Tor) • Came.eei10. of O...l.nd i • ha -In -Rey. Tell, D.ualt sad al robots Wa/mad8.raww .. onasee1 0611.0. moans 8...ee. Rei{...d(]..e1awd .w seal r.m er..epa.••00. on over .s_..+. A.k row ti'Aat •aw fir tide,. ,i. C. a IL time. Vests we foe 5..d....' ar..o.ed boo/1.4 6..-. THE CLEVELAND A BUFFALO TRANSIT CO., Cl..cl..d, O. Banish the "Blues! 99 If have that depressed feeling it's more than likely that your blsod is out of order -impoverished or poisoned. There is only nos thing that win alter par present eooditloa- that's to restore your stomach to normal health and strength. ver s• weak or diseased stomach cannot make good blood 1K digestion is bad your food will not make the good blood whir nourishes body, brain, heart and nerve. I)r. Pierce's Golden Medical Disco t'1 '9' helps the stomach to de its work naturally and pmprly. fitimu:atee tars liver. The system is freed from poison 'lt,sblood is par Mary organ is rejuvenated. Instead of the "Blues." yea foal 1 4 mad strong, equal to any task or up to any pleasure. This gnat remedy has proved its worth year after year for over !•bkt7vara .r Let It peevor e Its worthforon. box by dsto bold by medicine alars liquid form send el)e msLL aNai u . .sat e•� e.. bee �px�r if p� 7)f .ens lose Y•iml A/ets•w leM we•.. olaih.•ai Addrsr R. ti V. Ftwo`ls/sie. Rev. and Mrs. Richard 'folder, of Toronto, rnnotince the engagement of their daughter, Miss Laura May, to )lir. T. Orville Southcott, of Rx(ter. The marriage will take place about the middle of September. BEST MONRY 111 HAS EVER SPENT Was What C. Hansen Paid for Dedd's Kidney Pills Mona, Mao. , Sept. I tth. -- (Special) Mr. Cornelius Hansen, well known and highly respected herr, is telling his friends of bis simple but compl.I.• erre by t)odd'e Kidney Pills. Mr. Batumi says : - "1 was troubled with oily kidneys for six or seven years," be .aye. y back was so sore i couldn't get out of bed in the morning(. I tried medi- cines, but they did are nn good Then sianA,. n.agbbor. and be advised me to try 'l R)dw•p PIA(v.. ogid he had trent them in his family fir long Unser and they were a great medi- cine. "1 bought six boxes of them, and by the time 1 hid taken three of thea. 1 was feeling much better. Now 1 slot, quite well. and 1 think the beat nione ever spent in my life wen what T. 8WART8 paid for llodd's Kidney Pills." 'Phone 107 lion ntreat fairest - Mr. Gin Rinehart has sok hie --1 farm or the Mill read, Tuck.rsnotb, r T. Swarts 'Bus, Livery lad Back Stables MONTREAL STRAIN I* Jori OWE THE SQUARE BUtiRS MINT ALI. THAMNM AND : PAISRNOBR : BOATS Paesestgers' ealled for in any part of the town for all trains at O. T. R. or C. P. R. depots. Prompt ssrviee and careful eahem- ,ks.islse '...i ,W ► , Our ira Beek ser.ielwain ra�leaai to -sial'. i• eoOr�r Tour , west of Rgmondvllle. to Mr. Noah t7onsigne . The prion paid was $70dl. Mr. Eberhert will remove to Reafnrth. -Another death orcnrrsd at the Valcartier camp` Adolph Oslisot, a hnmbardler in the 21.t field battery and A Nova Scotian. succumbing to tonsil diapers. STOP THAT ITCH Stop that itch in two seer ondh with D. b. D. No resnerly that 1 have ever sold fou F.esot.a. Pinnies* and all other Mee eaeosi of the skin has givers more thor- ough satisfaction than the D. D. D. Prescription. Jaren. A. ~sal .tore, ooasrieh, °viol xis vows' ammaiessa •