HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-9-17, Page 5$apk Loaf Grocery HEADOVARTSas roa FAMILY. Groceries If you have not tried tee with an „Aft for licemehold litipplie. go SOW.iand see how we do it. Fruits sad Vonstalbasn' in nfite..,I1, and we olio to please in vatic y and promptettre ot de - Anything in either Sae to be bad will be supplied for you If oat in stock. Chins land Olassivarn How is your stock of Chime ind Ars? Wei name Lima Imes and would like to show you , .r good 4• A Call in Any Use h SOlitildei S. J. Youn Hamilton St. 1 BENNILLER Mr. iteiiiien Walter. of Inetzber ; Mr. ,1 Mrs. It Welter., Ur. B. Alien I Mies Gibson were the Karsta of and Mrs. P. Mosidel. Mrs. Koppel will take charge of the ADA service nest Sunday MOM at lit a.m. in the Rvaestelleal urch and .the congregatift of said ureb will celebrate vialdree's day itsreert bowe on Sunday, October at seven pin. A suitable pro - ;will be givers by the obit- • Ever) body welcome. LA URIER needling is the order of the day Mrs. D. McLennan is ON svisit to is Toronto. Mr. Gordon Jamieson and deter ite friends in Luckoow ors Sunday. Mr..). Kuntz vein the week -end at r. K D. McLennan's, Lake avenue Miss Marion Hanlon. of Detroit. is isitiog her aunt. Miss Jennie McRae a week. Miters Isobel Welke met May olsoston have gone to Hiricardine arbor L Mr. Thomas Walker. of Chicago. is Ming bis brother. Mr. 3..Walker, I a few weeks. Prayer service 'la to be held *Ash- eld rrestiyterian thumb midi Wed- etday el el noon and event's. MORRIS Os the '2;th ult. another of the woe - y pioneers of Uri* township war to- ol from tbe scenes god activitiee 1 this life, io the perroo of Mr. Allan may. He was born in Lachine uebec, and otter a sojourn in Gles- airy county for • time be came to eirtein Ontario, when 25 yeses of e. As • millwright and MI excel- areebanw. be was enspioyed la outran placer. arriving In Morrie woabip in ISIO when be bought the %sere fano upon wbkb be lived and isd, north half lot • 23, ofteeedoe orris, from Mr. David Haat. an *cm r so beieg cleared at the time. Two ears later be was married to Mies am Maris, of Vliihnoit toweship, stsrloo county, and they lima ft fano continuously until coned W$ y to the better home. Mrs. Nam - away li'ortrary 191h. Ison. 61 years. He is marrived roes and four daimhtere. Li - r. Ranteey was bllad for the siT years be enjoyed oftsparat tee - Pei beskb the most or the thee sad die to be out of bed • few tle” taws iirs demise. Oid age wee dm ef dead, the esti e mites pease al. E. see was 24 yetse eoe eftefte••••••••••••••••••• Huron County Field Dal, • Olivia' ist7der.the anopmessi'.. of Mr Dominion Ammer INS be ia OUDERICEI. cm Sway, September SO. ea Mem : Esse Petsbyterbe Cbweb—II speaker : Rev. Be.. 5. spook geseral lisek Street Reid seem**. 11*..., peaks, : Roe. Aire- Ilictstie Street Nethediet Chard' -7 Pas, speaker Sim Ow M. lialtiet Chitral -7 p.m.. speak - it: Rev. Dr. Abraham. ils• %nitres MiteDdeldill. tbs sralliteenni be/Bose. MR shy at es* of the above aweless nod 11"...,s Mew filetibe Se be held nuiPsNotat Moll IA 4 eAle-. sislime: Bre. Kw M. Opearo. weft belitellwe b attend. eversasn, • - 4 LYRIOTHIATRIE Special Attraction Timidity sad Wedeeeday Sept. 226d, 23rd Vesta rearm**, aroma* "Ms* 1Plake" America's most distinguished se- ttees. le Tessa the Durberrilles a superb production in tour parts DON? MISS PHIS Admission as Usual 15245. First show ehinureefte TAO Second " " 9 111 Patriotic Night Monday, Sept.28th A First-class Programme will ft giveo. Special and appropriate spills and music. The Entire Receipts of this performance will be donated to the Red Cross Relief Fund Everybody Come Admission as Usual 10o .54 5. Comment tog 7.1J sharp smooth and ten days. The subject of Ude notice was a Liberal in polities., a Presbyterian in teligion and lived a Quiet life dining public office. lie was. great reader. Mr. Rummy was the last or his generation and died en- ellial.Mth. respect of all who brew After • life of 54 years in Nor- rie few of those who were his neigh - Isere and associates are left to tell the story of Use hardships sod toils and irpritadeer ahr and the kindneeees of those WINGHAM Farmers all through the district ars very busy thy/shirts, pickleg apples. and 'pettiest along with their fall plow - lathe members of the load Red Urns society are making a large quantity of articles which will be useful for the soldiers, and they will be seat shorUy. Several young as who did not pees the Seal examinatioo in Quebec have reunited sod worse to their reepective positioft which they beta before they maimed. Mr. R. N. Beiroo. writing from %Tel - t -sailer, states tbot he bad bees pro- moted to the position of sergeant of a company of IS *h.0, abd le expecting wire to Serape. Mrs, Thomas baker, of Selmer., and her see, Sheidoe. were badly teuised by toles thrown front their rig Sen- der eyeelog. 'leo their bottle ran into • wagon as they were driving beam. 11, . Richard Coulter, aged 46. of I/Mood. died At the home of his orrebet after an illness mteolling over mew time. He woe • lifeless Liberal. sod expeaber of the Presbyterian elmweb. IBRUSISILLB Costreetee McLean is ratable( this Terelattry street sewer aloes, so as to haft it eompleted this fall. INIMpl loud beesenter. see tisk weed* •Fie reale et fell fade oe Ustober 101 5.4 fed. The pew Presbyteries anorak is now reedy fee she Waters. Drielwork is itempiete eseepties the tower, which is vow beteg befit. Nest Sewiny will be Teinperseee vi aide ill sit &womb es well Illeidertirre w lime" amity. wed est. as Mom Obese in the programme • lame nuelber from this locality will vlak Lobate this week sad at- test' Use Wasters bk. The trip will be wed( by MOW 1* aussieress ease.. Mr. Memos R. Runoff bbeer' • 20fieere form te Mr. N. Ifitwease rod will remove to Wintibeek wits. be sesatiess ib. Mesesy.flerrie effeesy. Nest Illeedry se erKewisatios new wattles will be held la Wiagboes Ilsp- tert seereb for the pompom of reser- einsStsg the oft -time tar tamed Owe- ,/ Sebeel wrovestirs. IMearir tory Nelpenoy will be nee et lb, speelterw MeKILLOP Another of the esely *Owe et Me- ek, tie et Mr. leans W. • • :t.itt" /T7 4-1* ItartatMe" THEbGAj Ot...j:..jprAp,gafO :•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••040: 1 GREATEST AUCTION SALE OF I • - .. • florrammen 17,1911 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • HONESTY IS OUR POLICY • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • In the History• of Goderich IP !Milli! 19 'IC 26 TWICE DAILY ---3 and 7.45.o'clock We are NOT going out of business but are here to stay. Our stock is too large for the present time .of year and we are taking this method of reducing same. We have been fortunate in securing the services of Mr. D. M. Hen- derson, of Toronto, the best Jewelry Auctioneer in Canada, one who ha.skhe reputation of being honest. • • • • • and you can depend that what is sold will be as represented. guarantee of satisfaction goes with each article. There will be Tremendous Bargains in WATCHES, CLOCKS,. CUT GLASS, CHINA, SILVERWARE, RINGS, BROOCHES, BRACELETS, LOCKETS, in fact everything to be found in Our Large Stock. Don't forget the dates, Sept. 19 to 26, inclusive 3 o'clock and 7.45 o'clock • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 e e• 0 • • 1 • • • • • Our • • • • RISO • • • • • • • 0 • 0 4 • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••- ••••••••••••••••• Literrestee was a remarkably *olive well man He sot oely prow A- id for a Canal, but leaves be- lated for them a eine erosible end well provided homertead. Ile wee a faith - fel seember of Ilse Methodist cheerer awl a Memel supporter of emery good came. lie le survived by hie widow wed a fastaily_ ef four roes and fear daughters. The sem are ihrbort, of Santiago, Oallfetraia ; Fred, la Vaa- mover : Matthew. In Kdineetos, sal ; RAMC as home. The doeghters *re Amok In 91ftbarchtwae, Pearl and Lis ' de ie Sdnioeton. and Mrs. Webater nu bbs well testa I e T inheres* b. eteramometrammineftwesermiseam, , The remaies were Itid I.) list th the t illaitiandhaelt rometery ma Tuesday I_ __,-____ _ , ., _ - _....44 ad tee feetwal was keg tottemileti , IT these who embed So • bet death. He bed reselted tbe eon* mos tobiwe a mosisi isod• to a etrafte. at Me beset es the fab ot 711 Team. altbenartt be lostedoresti mood mos( as( sehibm. sereeelles of Ifeillbe es thwrist. the lac sib ines, Ke. Lowness. brd wet ew bed, bet nem to Cassia with lah0 —The aloe term amber the trouble jeered good hesith for lb* pest year or pewees is INS. They resided for $, is Set es mash what .1.s., ..._ = 11=Illbstrs°61 warbislinni :is 'Ilwarsid ilti. 7/91:111‘4"111”"itil"th.l." .4:.: Cli!?1!1:ti.ir"bill. '-'1:7...ev.- ,".1.1:1- 17.1S, I. heliP5. ro i . . ..••---e---7-•-ii. =MI willwe ft fe- • r - ebbesdIsi to lie *MAL • 1 I. • 1 — — —: — - TRY OCR CIDER VINEGAR Absolutely pore: better and clasper thee any other. Ws wo rime to do apneas work saklug Cider and will alio have Sweet Older fee sale D. F: MAIRUNK Wood For Sale The fteseteastare mote wase we er.orseirentra. we • omr. wilk god 111111144:3 sad 141 Iwo, hew issetis t=ths toed mid amiss Issolbs Ze give mere Ic:111, s..WrilAse isitilirss.reir oilstones' sae sgr neasi seem' 7sti=assala We awe 'Os UM s•MISsuosit OWL W. MU. it SON BESIIILIAR Rert1 There il.11.1111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 GRAND TRUNK `i STEM COLONIST FARES isoosso .01s54-elsv I IV= sit 1110m1ssi ts Oldssis to ammo peke* ALSILATA" BRITISH COLUISINA AMIZONA CALIFORNIA COLORADO 10•110 MONTAIIA NSVADA OR110011 TURAS MAX WASIIIIIGTON, Bk. O. sea Soot. se se get. II lesteelee. ran swesuria. rem sessr. st twee C. IL NOSSIO. teoriet Peaosager east them ilbsiems. Itwoolos Ches ?.V. itaWmgetolt iik SOM. lees Panes. 11W)11010ellite iseesess. hem & 5.5. WM- SW Miss film Homeseekers' Excursion MANITOBA, ALBERTA, SASKATCHEWAN Zee% Dewy Oseeller hoolisews WINNIPEG and Return - 534.00 EDMONTON and Illeftere - 4,1.00 V aillati&owS Stallsos et t"is Itsters Limit Two •=P'"•"":,t'ItTekalrirr 1*."` OM LIM). lost mot, skim5. ,Au,,relPtike