HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-9-17, Page 44 'l11vasaalf, eie reinter* 17, URI THE SIGNAL GODISIOR Um= OF CANADA. Valcartier Military Camp A fully quipped branch has been opened at the Military Camp M Vacartier_Queb—tor the accommodation of the Overseas Forces. Transfer of monies r and ire.. y►e Military Camp sill be made by all branches of the UNION BANK OF CANADA, free of ckar4e. information as to the new branch, the forwarding and depositing of emery, will be cheerfully furnished. Goderich Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. s i The People who Handle Xigh grade 15oods EAST STREET GARAGE Nest to Towo Hall GODERICH Always Open Phone 243 ti it CHANGE OF BUSINESS I have purchased the business known as the • .BALMORAL CAFE conducted for the last several year. by Mr. F. E. Burdette. and i am now prepared to cater t t .11 the old patron* of this popular restaurant and many new ones. Oar aim will be to•providc a service which will merit the ■pp reciation of all. We will continue to carry Ganong's and MetcsUe r—the celebrated lines of chocolates—and the famous Oity Dairy ice Crean'. We still have all other goods in sessoe. We respectfully solicit yourooetinusd patronage. T. J. SALKELD THE Soh.+aa ruins 61 MONUMENTS CHASTE AND ARTISTIC DESIGNS Best workmanship at j. DOIG'S, Clinton As J. Doig imports direct, he is able to give quick delivery at close prices. Designs and prices on application. GRAND RENO Was Johastn, of St. Thome*. is Molars. MoOs11un4 and Willis batt 'p"�`°""o° `; Now is the Time nes to: their hoin London on Tburs . Ulm D. W. (lollies, of Exeter, re- lented after speeding a <sootb's holi- day herr. Mr. G. K. Kingsbury returned to his hove in Toronto, atter ependine his holidays here. Mrs. 1'. W. Nichols and daughter, Rustic. who spent most of the summer here, have returned to their Bowe in London. LEEBURN Miss Clara Fulford returned home on Wednesday from Toronto. Miss Joie cocoon seta attending the Toronto exhibition lost week. Mr. Arthur Fulloid is down from Cobalt on a virit to his old home. The many friends . of lir. Peary Horton are pleased to heat he is im- proving in health. Mr. Harry Chisholm returned to Sandwich on Friday after spending the holiday* •i 1. . Misses Latiteoslayrr and William*, of the Galrrich collegiate instita'e, spent the week-ettd at their homes here. The W.e.al.S. of Leeburn church will hold their monthly weetiog et Die homy of Mrs. James Clark, of Lo'ul. on Wednesday aftet nocn. PORTRES HILL Mies Mellnous is visiting at Mrs. Hurk's. Hr. and Mrs. O. W. Putter stent a to repair or put ou sew rest. Before deciding what to leer. see our The New Coats Galvanized Shingles Corrugated Galvanized Iron and Brantford Asphalt:4;1- g of e11 w.e+lbts. iYW W. R. BINDER Phone 155 Hamilton Street bad errand faithfully dun in.t beg 1.fe, io earl years else united with the Metbotttst ehuieh and et once bream. as active Worker, continuioa to labor foto the blamer until laid toile by ill- ness. In 1M .he and her (ate hu.- tsw day. st Mitchell. - end stowed bout 6wfot tli to Blyth, Mr. R.Y. Cos was in Tu -onto attend - whets it 111.1 tor► tite!nrn,brred 11 r. 1 ins the fair Ise' week. Yourg was. renrieey engaged in the )fisc Cresste EIhott sprat a coupleof detuanu nut. 1 Sh. JI4 ty both eportidlialia teligiotely, and da Lest Peter M.- last sal tie fork an at•litr pr t'te the promotion Ars. Bald. M.uto n. a acid -ding aufterula+tad-:•, 11..e�iirr5tIt�.rerrtary cf the Pot t St Horsy and !t•nion. aro abetting at Wenn-Wt. Temper ane' Union Mee.&'. Miley. for ►wreak years, ,in the Sabbath Co)Ie aze amore the !rootlet and Howard sch..ol her wutk will be it nt.mbeted, ins are among .e num.orr •ttrttd• pall ieulsrlyamong ay young prop,. in It Rally M fair. of the resent generation. Her aotk BRally Sunday will he observed to clueing present majo,hy of there years Septet church on Sunday afl.rnaon, bring inc •. With the ptiwary September W tib. department. For $1 sear+ she was Mr. O. W. Ironer bar ich, tool Mi. the .M,irrt rrr,idrnt of the Ladles' Chgrler Barker. n[ Goderich, learn the blackswitbing. Mr. Thomas Elliott wears a broad smile, a' a little baby girl arrived at his honor thi- week. The Ladies Aid meeting will he held at the horns of Mrs. Lindsay on Thurs- day, Srptewbir'24th. All who attended the picnic on Fon- ester's Hats on Friday last agent a good time. Tbrse who did not go missed a treat but w:11 try ani he there the nett Sunday school p!cnic. LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC AND --.-- SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION, LIMITED UNPRECEDENTED OFFER OF SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZES. Write for Particulars LOTTIE ARMSTRONG. F. LINFOItTH WILLGOOSE, Registrar. Mee. Bac. t Dunelm t Pnocipal. Address: - 354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont. g¢duee idea• EXPENSES In view of the hard timer an- ticipated during (be coming winter it is policy for everyone to reduce expenses to • mini• mum One of lbs principal items , u, he nesrsieesd ei. gibe coal of fuel and a SAVING OF 2O%1 in that direction is worthy )f onsideratloe. The Peerless Corona Hants arm effect that saris. The spec- ialty eosstrarted Are bot. Im- proved syeteei of damped and many other patented devices sake the Codon► oast of the most .00somical ranger en the market. Ca/1 at niy warer000s and in spiel these memo for yourself 1 Wee have for sale some beat- en, at greatly reduced prtees and a number of cords of good hard wood. i ROBERT WILSON liamilteo Street -Col. 1te11. of lobed , present- ed `�- ed Hon. bot. Qagbrr with • m eget ebar+gsr. . -Ole Charles Nora has oprit over. trees lltaipaed the sum et 5)0011 ter t►a 1P.re+etlae turas. Is Your Roof One Qf Those in This Town that needs our attention ? The longer you delay making the rd repair, the more dam- age the weather N doing and the greater your eap•nsr. TINNING AND REi'A1R1$G �- roofs, also bsilding gutter, And leaders, 1s our part of this world's work, and we do it well. Better send for ter now aced be ready for the roan[* weather. FRED HUNT Aid society. trout the lime of its in- ception until her removal front town. She wee also i* worker and held office in the t\'nm..n'. Foreign Missionary society. Ten years ago Mi. and Aire. Young left Blyth to make their home alternately with their son and daugh- ter. While in Sudbury and Toronto she was still actively eng'i ed in every department of the church s work, es- pecially the alleviation ' ""-" icewar held on Frh!►y evening. Rrv. Dr. Hall too -d, R -v. Mr. Bright at d Rev. S. Sing taking nett. 'the re - Maine wave taken to Blyth on Satur- day morning. w► ere the tonere! .wasf»o held from the liedist church. A ST. HELENS Mrs H. D, Woods is in London this week. - Rev. Wm. Mckinto.b is in Torooto this week. Mr. John Joint is away on a bueness trip this week. Mrs. John Webster and Elwel .pent the week -end in Toronto. Miss Anna Stuart is spending • few days in ♦Vingham. Mr. Frank Todd, Mr . D. Todd. and Mrs. W. J. Todd attended the exhibi- tion in Toronto last week. Mears. H. Mannerless. John Taylor and Jobe Berry were visitor, in Tor- onto for • taw days last week. The Calvin church intend hiving their anniversary services on the first Sunday in October. Teameeting and lecture Monday evening. See hills Inter. The women's institute, S•. Helens will hold their 13eptember meeting on the lib inst. at the home of Mr,. D. Mc. Kenzie. Subjects : "How Helen Keller sees Lite." and "Preserving Eggs for Winter." Roll coal answer, receipt of pickles, question drawer, music. etc. A general invitation for the ladies always extended. Felowing is the standing of the Salver shoot which took place recent- ly :—K3Webater, 376; H. Mannering, 375: W. McQuillio, 388 ; G. Stuart. Me; W. 1. Miller. MO; J. McDonald, 358: W. Webster, 358. Profession- als—J. C. Purdon, 8ti7 ; W. Miller, :173i J. Webster, 337. f Ibe poor. An impressive eel- ST. el- BLYTH The recent rains have bad a bene- ficial effect on the roots, pastures and fruits, and s1' are looking in splendid condition. The apOes promise to be • large crop, and the beet quality in yeah, but. the markets are still both- ering the growers. Thee is no doubt the western market will be attend. d to tetter thee ever, but for all the prospects are that • greet deal of fruit will go to waste. It was with • feeling of sadness we learned of the passing away of Mre. N. H. Young, who for many years was a resident of Seatorth but later of BIyth. She was horn in Streetsville. and at the time of her decease was le her flfitb year. Her death took ghee at the home of her daughter, Mee. W. W. Sloan, of Toronto, at noon oat Tbuteday. August 27th, after an es- tend.d illness of seven morths, when. in spite of loving care and tender nursing. the surnmona cern.. She was ready to obey the call, was long- ing to he at rest. with Him wheels she MacEwaR Estate HAiRJLTON STRUT OODKRiCH PHONIC 1 acs Autumn Session footr � Osesee w w "VE handle a line of Coats which we W believe to be the best on the mar- ket, The Rogers Garment. The maker's reputation and ability to reproduce the latest and correct styles is unparalleled, abd the' people who select The Rogers Garments re- 40 ceive the proper In the correi f r s.' Dont buyikunt du have exal'nllIkd The Rogers Garments, which are to be obtained only'at The Colborne Store. seesesesessetsentee The New Coatings Large checks have found a good footing io the Fall Coat fabrics. These checks are to ler had itt Blanket Cloth. ('hincilias and smooth materials. In oar stock of Lail coatings will be found not only the new checks but many other new weaves for Ibis fall selliog. Our range of coatings is large and we Oratehave been fortunate in securing Ie scrods before the *dreams in prices. and are in a po.it ion to otter our patrons the newest cloths at a price which has not been affected by the war. The New Suitings Our fall auilingis are the newer, troll: is color and material. In our stock will he found the toner which are popular for the coming tali. These goods were selected months ago when the market was at its best, and we have teemed the latret shades in the heat cloths. For dresses the enc silk poplins have been dem in great de(nil and we are f ,t ornate in being able to otter you these goods in ail the wanted oolors. Wool crepe is another very popular cloth which will be bound in many colon at ChM story, alao neer Broc ides and Broudd:lothr. We will be glad to meet our patrons at the Goderich Exhibi- tion on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Our exhibit will be on the second floor. W. B. Corsets. Perrin's Gloves J. 11. COLBORNE THE HOUSE OF RELIABILITY se 90 Ho Standard Patterns i ji larite COP gregattoe was assembled to pay their tut teepees to nee who was 'I -loved by al. This service was con- ducted by Rev. George Jewitt, Rev. C C. Keine and Rev. J. S. Fisher. of Londt.o, a furmer.psa►or and fait hful Mead for tetany years. Those left to mown her loo ate our roc, Herbert S., of Sudbury : rine daughter, Mrs. W. W. Sloan, of Toronto: two broth - err, Mr. F. 9. Snarling. of WiuRhaan. ad Mr. A. W. Sparking, wba lives in Florida. and a sister. Mrs. W. M. !Gray, of Toronto. Many and beauti- 1 fol were the Rota: taibnrei sent in lov- ing remembrance of a life of devotion to others. Truly ''She hath done what she ?one.,, a "eleoma to Goderich esclueive *Keats toe SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District Egg Coal, $7.50 Stove and Chestnut, $7.75 per ton BERT 00AL MINED Any yea'Ut beat all Mage Be Malik nixed Wood, i eseloek sad 1tledueg Mader or Mewl TILLIIPIIRM Is .l T><LRP1IU1I IS, elks 01 eidinee all all 5 5 Per Cent. of My Entire Receipts for the Next Ten Days will be Given to the War Relief Fund and in Addition I Offer the EATEST BARGAIIS ON NEW FALL SUITS AND OVERCOA I'S AT THE OPENING . OF THE SEASON Eer..Offered.Goderichraa Vicinity., I invite everyone in need of Cloihi' . Furnishings and Footwear to take advantage of these Bargains and accordingly help to Iwell the patriotic fund being collected for the families of our brave soldiers who have left to aid Britain in defending our country. I care nothing for profits during the next ter days. This war is a fight for freedom and civiliza- tion, and I want this donation from my patrons and my store to be a substantial one. The bargains I am offering, as you will see for yourself, include all lines of Fall and Winter Clothing and the prices in themselves are sufficient to warrant your patronage. 1 DON'T MI88 THIS SALE IF YOU VALUE MONEY 'v4,446., i=1111111_ liras.. Sr the rules owl ate Wase` tey:11 I$1ig'1iMss Walsh Oats Malkin M. 4 ROSINS Opts Every Emily' TR 11.30 >~os to Aeeootoeate the Wothses aced F'arosgs. Goderich , Ontario asituraws is'... L • 11 1c p:ar f. 9. rn „i C un ui ch. Th bet )It r't M iMt "•9W eitids+