HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1914-9-17, Page 1.1. • Ooderlch industrial Exhibition Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday SEPT. 21-22-23 Th. Or..t Sant of the Year tonal. Goderlch Industrial Exhibition Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday SEPT. 21-22-23 The Great Event of the Year 13I1TY at1TY TI A -Me. MI6 • GODERICH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 17. 1914 A. 3 IIIRADWIN. Poati. THE STERLIMiBANK OF CANADA .rearearreParesereer WORK HARD. KEEP YOUR COURAGE. BE THRIFTY. Head Otos, Career Ring ad Bay Stremla, Taranto BRANCHES: A/elaido sod Simms Streets. Broadview sd Waco Ave. =St. sad passes Ave. Delos ad Reek Streets. sad Glace Streets Willes Ave. ad Parliament St. W4tse Ave. ed Client St Yoage ad Caritas Streets. General Maaagge - - - - - - A. H. Walker f 1 i PROPERTIES Some Desirable for immediate sale List your properties for sale or root with m.. A. G. NISBET OFFICE IN MASONIC TEMPLE, WENT STREET, GODBRICH Pmotri.: Orrice 30; Hove 150. P.O. Box 964 rr11momE. BORN 1'Al.trw'RLI.-L Oederyk, es Mstowb•r MM. to Xr. aid Mrs Vasco O•Mwe 1. • VdrtbeK. . FOE Ula OB TO BEET I$L RNIMBED HOME TO RENT. 1 Apple to Idle. Il C. RAT/. . tw .treat Mit flp0 RENT. - EIAHT•ROOMED 1 brick homes se WNUsetee etre•(. All issaenewvmtmeea ApWt*J. B. ENt0ltry. sow 1li;$IRABLE RESIDKNOE FOR iJ sato, .mtasesm sueorr .f et. Petrick •.d wawa* Liberal tome IL DOwN- I Mi. 1141 f 1) RENT. -A OOTrAGE CEN - 1 treaty Mootednewly finished. •le•iric lights and all Bodes oonventesa e. W. A(-tlr.'luN 1 PUN. air VOR HINT. - ON THE (AR.' ER r et Selma street end Cambria reed. • I..•ee tee -teased boom o lib modems moves - tenet.. _ Alm stable w 1x1. Apply to ADAM yt * T r. tit. Patel.* street. Wei f. REAL ESTATE FOR SAL&. a • sive for wale about thirty ree town Ioa Prices ns`rand from MOupwards. rind to am P�tWtaUPWT. NATE t fiILLOR.1N. Odsd•- deb see Iatf U ESIDENCK AND FARM PROP LLERTIen POR SAL 11,-1 have had planed wltb me for /slat .ale sersrel (bearable proportion. iterated on good straits la Ood each • Wag 60113e Mods od. wlthla • short Miura, of mtown. If 0r. want anyor hare anyto.sll, IK me knew. THOM LM 1112,4DRY. Oodsrto.. 70.11 holt SALE. -- A NUMBER OF I' • beim young Yore. Tani and Bort sow., In pre to • Rood boor. to farrow between now And 1.1 livermlesr. All front gond .tock. Also . few choice Berk. boar., ready for servlet. Price- reawnabl. M estate room tot round wort. JOHN 1 . DURST B.nmlller P.(). :t. .t °Iberia, Me.tctpal Phone.) Ont. ('OK SALE - VALUABLE RESI- T DLNTiAL PROPERTY m Tart street. (iodetirb ; brat boom( nearly new with all modern Improvement& including het water heating. Any mew thinking of purchasing this desirable prep•ety my •za.4u.11 el nay warmtime. J. W. 4MIgest rawer. Ooa.rlet IOU L'ARR111FOR SALE. -THE EAST et let ass fourth osmore (low Data* Maslow d the karookM et frame e of • ram. YDme bars. sr to . small PU*UC 10T10E • TOWN OF tIODERi0H Take Naos het the the �1C.rponatr:.the T n •t Ghripal aleria' o- es& M osertreet • lifoot osmo*t sidewalk we meth side Elgin same' In the rad tows. be- twee*Horth area ad Victoria streetaria lst.ad1 to oases a portion sf the dual ort (awes( sem the rv.l y to be Immed- iately bsnedtted t rosting or ab.uiog m O�s�ltaa •*rasa between the id plots, sad M levy sash deal met asoord- log to therapies. thereof, W twenty animal ��pgo.ssifsalI a.soeemest. ; .ad that • sfatase•t ahewlag the Iasi+ liable to and ptot the aidrototo Ito • sstaMy thea �tho irtisr• thereat, .s for se the *asked from le 1 w led io W wW V now ales 1• the rAeo of Clerk the IIunlearn/it y. sad is sspho+ww ler I.woas. (lariat ream hear.. The emtfmMes cwt of the work 41Mrt-sr •f what' $pUtLLN la to be ppreoeaded mot of the general haM •t tae msslslpalit. A Owl of Revision will be bold on the 14 day of Oet.h•r. Mit. at the hoar of eight o'clock In �serep, alrie. at tam Conseil Clamber la the Tess• of Gagerie►, for the purpose of bearing eompl.ea against the prepoasd armament or the accormy of hostage rrua'arement., or any other eampblet which the person. Interested may desire to snake sad which Is by law oog- ala•kts by the Court. Dated the Nth My d September. tall. y1st. V V KNOX. Mork. TOWN QI' UOUKPIICH Take tato that the Municipal Coun- cil of the corporation- of the Town of O.NMiob Intend. to °mistreat • Sfnot Dement akiewalk es tae meth aid. of 8t. Past ek'. west. In the .aid town. between Waterloo street and 1'atborne street, and intend. to •+sora a portion of the foal vont thereof spat the real property to be 'mined lately benefitted thereby. frononr nr abutting upone+t. l'otrlck street. afurreeld, between the said points, and d to levy ,uch final cost according to the front- al thereof. by twenty anneal .per101 names - mento: and that a statement .bowing the d lands liable to and proposed to be ,peally- ae- mewedt for therstd work and the names of the owners. thereof. so far •- the same can be as- certained front the la.1 •carload wae.smsnt roil and otbemie. I. now tiled In the office of the C&.rk of tee Munlclp•lity, and 9 t open for In.pectios dorms oSee hour.. The estimated cost of tbe wt rk m IlletI1I, of which $1:5.00 be provided out of the general funds of the municipality A Court of Revision will be held on the 1st day of October, Mni. at the 1011, of eight In the evening. at the (Minch ('bomber In the Town of llodertch. for the purpose of hearts, nom plaints amain.' the proposed aw.ewm.nt or the encloser of frontage weasmas ar.aat., or other complaint *Melt the hereons tatm( t.t aid may dears to make d which Is by law cog nimble litho Court. Dogma t HO day of September. telt. ISM 1. L. Loos. Clerk. gnttliAaftlett i1tARM POE BALM OR TO MIT. - Let _ Me warred sae bee • aver ▪ �serr lam is ratbge estagi m11 esed1 are /rear. Ike lean Y �rar 1 0* saR- Asn la every tersest sad M ew.$ by the m - tate of the tats lam O. A. BMA,. 1t le two tied • halt en �gsYr • A dens. tied •.otiptg arts flare etaM slew Idt *mat a� p se JOtM _ OR Y 4TOST OR FOU1D 14 -01f .to lest w bR w UT.��.�.y. -11t aTtWO i►Ot11110H�aI�Ds a.w a4 rirwailA1, multi baa feat!. . essS fi.i. ton* w.lflRD.-i! tat sinriiinnia it.D w w W'Irb ts:k10AN us. ad :1 Z ill WEST WAWANOSH FIkE INSIIRANCECO. One of tis. beet 1a the Prov- I Ines. Fixed rate of awesement Rive Stock insured at its full seam weather on the farm or acit. No towable to stake adjust- i halals J -Or. sea It listiwlrMlf Agamt M Colborne. pp. jr r TAXES --1914 1 am sew prspnevd 00 accept pa7mwit d 1V14hs I DIAOOU TIS • O jogrper sent. 0. payable A Mab. One= oast. et, Norms 15th. payable ADDITIONS Tope per seek aided after liitlr pa r east. added after 1JatwrF Lt. M aloft mid save discounts. WM. QLMPBWI, Shpt I$Ii, 111111. OaM11sl.th famoonmemarra - THE RIO OIROOM APPEAL SIG MAJORITY FOR BYLAW TOWN OOUNCIL MINUTES Gsderick Raarpayere Sheer Appreciators A regular meeting of Ooderich of Least Meow/lecturer mbald on council was bon Friday I evening, 4th Inst. All the members With Lly little or no enthu.- pre•est, Mayor Reid in the chair. At • time whets the British Empire le involved la • colossal struggle with an .egressive military autocracy for the pesvarvstion Dot only of Its own freedom Bbd Integrity, but also for thee of Its democratic allies, Cana- dian@ are proud of the fact that this nation has shown its appreciation of the blessings of British protection and civilization by its prompt offer of as- slstoaee in food and soldiers. But while the Dominion .s a whole and the different provisoes are doing their share in striking os the side of right In this world struggle, the individual is not s.Wf.d to sand aside. Hundrede are going forth to war. previews that tho' all that • man bath be wit give for his life, bb life Itself he will give for his freedom and honor. west he baser ds woo weak thohmome That Shakespeare spoke." An important task in the defence of that freedom is to be performed, too, by those who are remainiog at home, reaping in peau what they bays mown, those abase fields are not blood stained, and whose tows* are not in i1•rue., timer to wbout, isded. the war is bringing added prosperity in the form of higher prices and • keener demand for produce. This task re not to destroy. but to gave. Rio.. the day when Ploresoe Nightingale led her band of berosaes across • contin- ent to care for the wounded and to minister to the helpless. the example of "The Lady with the Lamp" has been • beacon ligbt in each succeeding struggle. Her successors ale going forth today under tisre protection of the lied (hoes to .nateb from the val- ley of the shadow of death as amity as possible of the battle -scarred warriors who are shedding Iheir blood for the defence of their brother.; and caber succreens at base, nada that beanie of the arae Red Cross. may do a work almost an great in providing them with mats al flu their task With fifteen thou.asd in the British tesuelity list in one munlb, and the prospect of messy desperate battles before the derisive victories that must precede • permanent peace bave been won, the work is one that mile for the united efforts of the empire. To ten- der those efforts of the utmost por- sibie value. "to examine, eystetualise, and co-ordinate all oQrts of help. to prevent waste and overlapping,' the Red Cross society has been incorpor- ated by act of parliament, and branches are being established all over Canada. The local branch, though but a week old, is already well launched upon its work. At the meeting on Wednesday over 13Il in membership fees were banded in, and many groups had al- ready been organized But it was felt that one thing was lacking. The farming community. second to none in loyalty, and with a reputation forenerositt-. was not represented. The purpose of this article is to put before the men and women of the farts the object of the society, and to invite their cd -opera - Orin. This rimy take different ,toms. As many as can do so are cordially invited to join the local branch, and by the payment of a member's fee of In or an associate's fee of 11. help to supply the money that is sc urg ntly needed. Members, or those willing to assist with the work. could form junior hiancher, or group., in their own localities, where much help could be given in making many of tbe arti- cles asked for hy the central council. The list includes: Sheets -cotton, size 90x00 inches; pillows, size 18x 30 inches, 16x24 inches, 16111) inches. 10:14 inches; pillow slips -cot too, corresponding sizes; shirts-Huurel, giey nr khaki, all sizes: undershirts in various sizes ; bediackets ; rye t• R1118 : handkerchiefs. 18x 1i4 inches: cheesecloth, 18118 inches ; knitted night caps, 20 inch, 21 inch and 'l1 inch; knitted comforters, size 90102, grey or khaki ; woollen gloves, suck., dressing gowns, towels, blankets, bandages, darning wool. linen thread ; donations of *nosey. or of articles that may be converted into cash will be thankfully received. Anyfurther information required may obtained from Miss M. Clif- ford, secretary of the Red Cross society, Boz 649, Ooderich, Ont. 1t is hoped that, with the co-opera- tion of the citizens of town and noun try. the district of West Huron may occupy • worthy place in the list of those that do a noble work in helping to amen the suffering at the front. and in motoring to health tbose in jawed in fighting the battles of the empire. Drug Business Changes Meade The drug busbies' oa the north ride of the Square. mediated for the last seven years by be aro bbyJ. Morlar Battered. h Mr. C. L On.ltie, Pim. B , of Toronto. Tea new prepristoe took po.mrsiou this week. lir. Oosltie is well aad favor ably knows In lioderieb, as be spent two Tears with Mr. Outland daring his appeastlosehip tam. He has been avaodatd in the Qom,' tate 'flea Use tart Drag Stores, Limited, of which company he was director *red Wase - mar The Signet joins la welenming Mr.OoekM to the business fraternity el Aod.risb. WN OF OODUR1CH __ a Ts os 1OR OOffOflT e1Dlt'MALI s do ef M.esssteeslts.sststs.iesiew sessege. 1�,M t p.�s6_ le 'wa eimslmt • »lat , ga 7fsini 171sib. Ort. 1tl+�i mcouirCRM Ierl'1'. -Peon- *T- ana.lair • Wm the lfambler bylaw carried on Battled/if' by a splendid majority. That the orpnisatit u for getting nut the tote must have been oompletw and each man maculiag to bis duties, was amply proved by the fact that over Iwo-wirde of the available voty was polled, and this la fare of the Lac! that quite • number of the taxpayers were out of town • hat day at Toronto sxbibition sad other places. Not a S egs spoiled ballot was placed 1n the boxes, showing that those who .voted had tally decided west they wanted. The voting hy sub-divbiow was as follows : No. 1 - 42 for, 11 against ; No. 2--92 for, 7 against ; No. 3 -Si for. 8 agalbat •, do. 4-106 for, 5 against : Na 6- 7Y for, 7 •gains : No. 11-91) for. 9 against ; No. 7 - 47 for, 11 against ; total for the bylaw, 567 ; against, 514: majority for the bylaw, 499A visit to tbe plant this week proved. that quite • bueinrss Is already being doss with abs present equipment. The sawmill has • capacity of 20.000 feet per day and there is approximate- lyhall • wen feet of lumber now in te yard with several cars cf logs arriving deity. The present staff of employees t.onei.t of 80 men. In • dditioa- to the sawmill equipment there i. AMO placed in position for active smsvies a Prestos four -side moulder sold a Preston circular rip saw and a large band saw with power teed. built by the Can- adian Machinery Co.. of Galt. There it also stored on the premises ready for installation, a swing saw, • trine/is. a single surface planer and Mibutes of previous meeting read and adopted. There being a delegation present. representing the t eoperaooe forces of the town, Mayor Reid suggested that • digression be made from the usual business and the delegation be beard. On motion of Deputy peeve Clark, seconded by Coun. La[tbwaite, this was agreed to and Mr. R. J. Me(iaw spoke for the delegation. Mr. McGee. expressed bi■ apprecia- tion of the courtesy of the council in listening to the deputation so early in their proceedings. He went on to may they were a deputation re Ong the temperance foreseer/ H *rich and to some extent the county of Huron. It was understood by all that while the Canada Temperance act, which bed been pawed by a substantial majority, did not Mme into force until next year. yet by the action of the provincial authorities this district had been placed under no license territory. The main object in the visit of the de- putation was to get the information who was responsible for the enforce- ment of the law, for it was • well known fact that liquor was being sold in town. It was understood that the local police force did not consider themselves responsible. while the tem perance people believe they are. We come to you as standing between us and the policy, ao that they may have their duty rnade known (o them. Mr. J. Elgin Toni endorsed what Mr. McGaw bad said and added that it was their desire to keep the name of (ioderich clean. Dr. H. 1. Strang said the temperance a baud regal, all built by tate Pre,ton I natty repel the assertion that They Macainery Co. The fact that tbere to i have any more responsibility in ton- ne roof on the bsildiog le causing i forcing the law than any other citizen. ✓ oute trouble with the belting. as cou- traction and expansion is felt vecy treuly with the blibbtest change in atmospheric euoditiona. it is expect - rd that building the furniture factory addition will commence about Octo- ber lot, or as soon as supplies motive, it being necesrary to send to British Columbia for the timber for the heavy joists. A strain cr usher and chopper is being opetateml in connection with the will and is slrersey open for business. A meeting of the directors of the l:oderich Furniture Co., Limited. is to be held Ibis week, when complete organization will take place. A law is a law and every law should be enforced. 1f the council are in doubt as to their duty they have a solicitor tp go to. Mayor Reid, in addressing the de- putation, said they must remember that the police force was small and could not be everywhere at the .eine late. He had received the assurance of one member of the force that he world enforce the law and he could taste the deputation that if they would co-operate with the council they would do all in their power to ser that /,he law was enforced to the letter. (Applause:. Were Elliott en- dorsed what the ruayot said. HURRAH POR GODERICH, FAIRi Iron Postletbwaite put in anap- pearence at this juncture mud Mayo Reid asked im Ir• f he was the Man who did not consider it his duty to enforce his law. The chief answered ; "No, air, the only man f have seen on 1 he +' rest the worse for 1 .juor 1 arrested him trod i will Bothe same again, to anyone big or little. i am trying to fled where the Fount is sold hot, it is pretty hard to :Tare it... The deputation th.•n left. fhe treasurer's repot` was read and referred to the Finance committee. The sexton's report was tead .tni1 re- ferred to t'emetery and Parts commit - Everything in Readiness for the Great . industrial Exhibition The greet Golericb indu.trial ex- hibition will be held on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of next week and promises, as in former years. to be the event of the year. .fhere will be frt. atttnctions, special dis- plays, exciting speed tests and music eves- day. Grater ich fair has always be, it noted for its many features cf interest, stud: as fir.t class live stock, unsurpassed exhibit of fruits, a gallery of pictures and ait., magnificent di.play of flowers, great variety of fancy work. productions of dairy and garden. etc.. rte. The out -door attraction. in ad- dition to the free acts before the grand stand, will he among the leading feat urea fnere will be a matched foot race between Ernie Pridham, champion of Huron county. and Richard Goodwin, champion o[ Hrnce county. The title will also be contested by Monet Mc- Dougall, of Porters Hill: This race will be tun on the afternoon of the wpcond and third days of the (air. The prize wiJ9 be a $25 silver cup and will no awarded to the winner of two beats. The speed tests this year are cer- tain to he the best tern in (loderich for year*. The track is as smooth es a billiard hall and was never in better shape. The steed tests will consist of • farmers' trot for a puree of $'O, a 2.4) trot or Noe tor is purse of $1511, 2.15 trot or pare for a puree of $150 and a green race for • puree of $50. The famou. Lunette sisters, known as the "Whirling Geisha Girls,' will be present and in front of the grand Wand will appear in their triple re- volve, making Awe complete changes with e spectacular climax. Messrs. Mee, Hyman & Harr will appear In new wire and acrobatic emeedy acts, creating ride -splitting emend (bat will make every ons wbo ass them laugh and grow fat. The space usually allotted for seer- ' chime& ida,ibcss :71Ot0etall MAW* ONt few small spa*w, showing the 1 nam sad intertest that oar business sass arse taking is this year's sobibi- tiss Btlsia.es moon (e manias places have asked for spars bet tbsy baser all boss refused. llse Arm is Cosies ..bi 1f they usigbt have half of the epa�m spa• 17 sllloottted for merchants aws•ye but were promptly refused. Arms w ear angst set ee. A eemnnrnication from Mr. Bert McDonald, with reference to construe - ion of a sewer on Elgin avenue Ives real and refer* ed to Puhl:c Works committee A letter. da!ed September :int. from Mr. Chet les Darrow with reference In extension of time limit cf the Ameti- can Road Marl I to Co., Limited, was 'rad and ordered filed. Moved by Coun. McClinton. second - el by ('oun. Wigle, that whereas by Hy14w No.22of 1913 cettain aid was granted to the American Road Ma- chine Co., Limited, upon certain con- ditions, one of which was : that their new plant was to be ready for and have commenced opetmtiona within ore year from the final passing of the said bylaw, and whereas the said year will expire ou the loth day of Decem- ber, 1914, and whereas owing to cer- tain unforeseen conditions and finan- cial stringency at present existing. the said company has been unable to arran,te for the disposal of its bonds upon terms which could lie considered set isfactoi y, and has requested tbe council to waive the condition herein before referred to. as to completion of factory within one year, which eOun- cal has agreed to do : therefore be it resolved : (bat the performance of the said coodition as to the completion of the plant and its being put into opers- ttm within ore year from the Ilhb day of December, 1913. be. and the armee ie hstrby waived. Aad the said company le hereby given a further period of twelve months within rehieb cal T 71710 >a -y 5*4 sit 4 yet N ••••••••••••••••••••••••••� GODERICH INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION SEPTEMBER 21st, 22nd and 23rd, 1914 Monday, 2 4 st, Fair opens at i o o'clock and Judging commences. Formal opening by Rev. J. B. Foth- eringham at i .4 5 evening All attractions in full swing. 33rd Battalion Band. Lunette Sisters, Whirling Geisha Girls, White La Mart, Lillian and other wire artists in new acts. Fruits, Flowers, Fine Arts and Ladies' Work Exhibits all placed and judged. Tuesday, 22nd -Open at 8 a.m. Judging of Live Stock commences. Speed Tests, Farmers' trot and 2.4o. First Heat of Running Race for Champion- ship of Huron and Bruce. Grandstand Attractions afternoon and evening. (lose at to p.m. 'Wednesday, 23rd -Open at 8 a.m. Judging of Horses Completed. Speed Tests. 2-15 Trot and Green Race. Concluding Heat of the Championship Run- ning Race. Attractions before Grand Stand in afternoon. Exhibition Closes at 4 30. Three Days of Enjoyment and instruc- tion. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• local improvement matter. were alto passed. es was also one providing fir' the striking of the rate. Finance committee reported esti- mators for 1914 as follows :- Kzpesditures--S.i•ries. Kohn : print- ing and advertising, $600: fire depart- ment, 111100; law come. 1 : public works, 113900 ; parks. a•O ; charity. $SX); grants. 11.01): bank interest, SI 700 eieotion.. $169: cemetery. 1176: public schools. $19,600.; separate school. Melte) ; collegiate institute, RUD) ; board or health. MO; ; icsur- aaek $46: market. $16: debeotsres, $311117 ; street lighting, $6450 ; On - t.rio West Shore redway, 17500; meaty rate. $>iP16; mteo.Ilansous. $1$t) ; overdraft. Jaasary lets 915, - MO ; ellememikeb ma. »g . 9641.77 floret. on.maTl• lbapilsl 11.Iurns Thsmks The followiag letter wee rewired by moot the doctors is tows : "1 do not know who 1. the treasurer Ili the tZeetal fund.. Please ad the d egto biro.-Atrolr." With this letter w0m maimed V. The hospital acknowledges this same MO thank.. ad would Fie pleased to realms ors of the scene ked of dossatima Sailor Wasted Ae1ero The body of the sada', whisk wog embed alp Am Port oa the obsess of lake Barren. •afew aye age was am Monday Ide.tUAsdi as that (pi Dutra°_ Martew, Ant ossa of tea =MI= m rlsa.r Ob... 1l Pries. MIM belesee rreez 1:010. T1s 111wtb. This motion was froward oa the HA - !awhile division : ti's.. t'ouns. Prone foot. Willie. Mdliotoe and Lab - woke and Deputy Reeve Clark ; nays -Reeve Elliott. ('t ase. Misete mid Fdllett. A number of aeeosnts were premise - and es.se- and referred to Finaaes s mmittaa. A report of the Masao twmmittee was read sad oa mistime tolf Mem. falthwalte, seeomini by Osom. Ms- OUatos. was Adopted. A report of the Special Ai/ RAM.( eommlttee, dated September lath was reed ad oa mottos of Omen. Menlo tom..seoodd by (oma. Wig,. 11110 Att report of the Public Works sat matte. wee red Aad on motion Reeve ark, ordal .1 dese Ossa. was adopted. Oa of Ow.. Wlgk second- ed by Ooaa. Morris. Bylaw No. a of 1914. • bylaw to gest several Institu- tions of We town d Ooderlcb certain ser of ii to sable them to more easilypwifeess their respective Vlstwtn stra.t, provided pdwabs foostiose was Iatswinoed and read A parties Iat.ts.td frond& the sats* tint and sassed Mme and finally vary feeds to the . ls�1{Iy at Roo passel- par east par maim wain 'repai. aid Several other bylaws dealing with ib' a emir'.1 amides bit bald 1ss Rsesigdo-9shMce dim on tax toil Jan - las. pi/,M11: sash balance from s,mreery. 0100 : llrrerlsss, • .Bebe. p1: tall tax. M0: Im.al kimprogamomm1mesamsat. 8169 ; Sem. 1111111 ; sewer rental,m/sran. pieI Daticgoatee ea Os.9Qeseeb poll/SIS; (tae t1wr $; iisatoa F'1sr.ltow Oo., 7 DomDomC. $tOO l (o rib : rail- way tax. $3 : mhaerarwr. OfI00 ; Water and Llgbt wmmimtaa, $M00 taxes : e rapetats lamit.4., two tmft : separate Ad y+abMe otsiosr. sit mfrs t gsms[e1, a mills. OPAL 77: total. Tem Pubhe Works salmaitteo re- ported as foMw: W. r•wanmasd that sidewalks be ses.Nrwdsi on Btttaasia ted town William r Mo. Donald shwas: : os tea Patriot serest from Waterloo to flal1wLe cheers; os Right anomie from Reath street t. Patrick street and Elgin avenue walks on Thursday, October let, at eight p.rn. The Special committee reported as follows : That the .nm of *400 he ap prnpriated and applied to the fund for the relief of those in deatit lite circum- stances. We further teeommend a plan along the following line. he adopted : A stock of provisions sod fuel he bought as they can most ad- vantageously be, according to the market, and some convenient store or other place be provided for the stor- ing and disposing of the game ; that a competent waa be secured, if such can be found ready to lend his Derek/we to take *barge of the store and distribute them at such times ae shall be found imitable: that the CO.D.E., board elearelkee and gush .oth•e hod a7 04Thetetaitert'be Asan to eo-operate la the abeam and that a joint committee be organized to carry out the scheme. Huron County Field lay fiervio.e trader the auspice, of 1' Dominiou aIliaaca will be M.'.41 is Ooderieb on Sunday next .ylembsr as 5)110,follow": -Rost Prmb Presbyterian Church, II • m., speaker. Rev. Ben. H. Ilp,boe. general secretary ; Nord street Methodist church. 11 am., speaker : Rev. Dr. *Waimea, ieeld y Victoria arm( Methodist 'P--,, apal8er: Rev. Bre. H. • • 19•ptietetrlreb. 7p.m., apes k- er : Rev. Dr. Abr.iame Mr. Rmtbven MaeDosald, the well- k.own tarttoss, will sing at gash of the above services sad Moo et • glare meeting to its bald in Temperance hal at four p.m., aps.ker : Rev. Ben. altesee- • eeordi•1 invitation is extended IS -The Women'. Pat/iota Lege t of Oxbridge, te bold a keg day at re4Y► dal ND for the read.